The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 26, 1899, Image 4

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    ftfte Star
Hubtnription tt.60 per vnr, or $1.00 if
pUl ttvirtlij In odmnrt.
V. A. ftTICI'IIIOVON, lltor and Pub.
Anlmli'tienrtent luenl pnper.piilillilinl every
Weilne-iliijr nt Keynnlitiivlllii, Jin'irim Co,
Pa., (levelled til tin" Inti-renm of llrynnlilu'lllo
and Jrrtrmni'iiiinty. Nun-riolltli-iil, will trrnt
all with fit lrnos, itml will lit'eNpciTltilly friend
ly toward tlw InlHirlntf eliin.
Pnbwrlptlnn prleefl.nitM'ryiiir,ln nilvsne.
Uommunli'nllimn liitctnlfif for piihlleiitlnn
muni b nrrnmpnnlrtl ly tint writer' niwnn,
nt for tmlillriilltin, but nn n ttimrniitei. of
fund fill III. IntereMliiK newnltenmiMilleltiMl.
AflvnrtHlnff rule nmiln known on iipiillrn
ttnnat, tha olllru In t nii'lilleli-llenry lllnrk.
Infflity rommnnlrutloim nnrf rluiniri' of
ail vert liemcnU should renrh thla ollli'e hy
Monday noon.
Aridremi all eommitntrst Ions tot!. A. Hleph
anann, KnynnldMvtlle, Pit.
Knlml at (tin pontoftli'r at ttcynntdnvlltii,
Pa., annoi'ond rlann mail mnltrr.
A checkered Miwr in made tip of
nmcrou moves ntnl Jumps.
If advice could ho mnilo nn active
principle, It. might accomplish mom
It you Intpiiro after some people's
health, they proceed to enlighten yon
at great length.
Very often when a new idea strikes a
man ho never recovers fnmi thn Wow
and land In tin nsvluni.
After th'iith wo are weighted down
with goodness. Eseelully If wo leavo
enough money for the pureha of a
tomb stone.
liooaiiHO a man wears a broad brim
hat and hna tho air of a oowhoy la no
reason why ho should ride and drive tip
and down Main street at a reckless
speed and not bo arrested for breaking
the fant driving ordinance.
Tho drat census (taken in 17110) cost
loss than .'iO.OOil. Tho Heoond census
cost Ult.OOO, and was Included In a vol
ume of seventy-eight pages. Tho een
sua of 1HH0 required 2'- volumes and coat
W,82,00l, whilo tho census or 1H1K re
quired 40 vol miles, of more than 12,(WM
pages in all, and coat 1 1,200,000.
Judge J. J. Henderson, of Meadvllle,
who was tn Koynoldsvlllo Thursday
with the Meadvllle Coaching club, Is a
very genial gentleman. Ho was favor
ably Impressed with thla auction of tho
country. lie said that a few miles west
of Koynoldsvlllo they had paused aomo
as fine farms as they had seen between
this point and Meadville. Judge Hen
derson Is a candidate for a seat on tho
supreme court bench.
A new potato iest, said to bo worse
than tho striped bug, Is reported from
some section of tho state. For want of
a better name It Is called the "potato
louse." The insect is very small, so
mall as to be hardly visible to tho
naked eye, and they cover the potato
leaves so that seai-cely any of the leaf
can be seen. They cat the leaf and In
a few days It will wither. Farmers havo
tried In various ways to get rid of them,
but without success. The insects cannot
bo shaken off, and Paris green docs not
appear to have any effect on them.
An exchange very truthfully remarks:
In the scales of public opinion there is
no amount of contempt heavy enough to
outweigh the feeling honest men have
for the anonymous lottor-wrltor. Tho
sublimest height to which such an as
sassin can rise fails immeasurably to
reach the lowest lovel of disgust to
which a clean mind can descend. Of all
moral outcasts, the writer of a commu
nication to which he Is afraid or asham
ed to sign his name, is the only one
with no saving attribute to arouse pity
or honest detestation. And If anything
can make still deeper the feeling ho In
spires, It is a prompt penetration of tho
writer's Identity and design.
In view of the fact that there have
been a few cases of small-pox reported
In Jefforson county within the past few
months. -It Is very likely that the bor
ough authorities will Insist that the
act of assembly, which was passed in
1805 and approved by Governor Has
tings June 18th of same year, be strict
ly enforced this year, and it would be
well for parents to see that the law is
complied with. Section 12 Is as follows:
"All principals or other persons in
charge of schools aa aforesaid, are re
quired to refuse the admission of any
child to the schools under their charge
or supervision, excopt upon a certificate
signed by physician, setting forth that
such child has been successfully vaccin
ated, or that it has previously had
The early closing movement among
the merchants haa been productive of
some good, socially at least. They have
become better acquainted with their
families, and have been able to visit
' parts of town some of them bad not seen
for years. There la nothing that cramps
a man more than the tread mill exist
ence of a country merchant, or a man
engaged in any other occupation, who
Uvea in his place of business all of the
day and part of the night. It dwarfs
his nobler qualities, dulls his sensibil
ities and makes him narrow-minded
machine. "All work and no play make
Jack a dull boy," and haa an even worse
effect on bis father. Hours of recrea
tion, rationally spent, qualifies a man
mil the better for work or business, and
he is wise who gets a fair share of them.
Freeport Journal. An effort is now
being made to get the merchants of this
place to close their stores at 8.00 p. m.
School Chilclien In Jefferson County
Herewith wn publish thn number of
children of whim) ago (0 to 21) In pitch
district In Jefferson county as returned
to thn county commissioner by tho as
sessors, for the year lHPli, enumeration
made In May and returned tn June:
lltili'l. Mule. I'rnmle. Tottil.
Harnett Tit flit 14
Heaver Ml 112 28.1
Hell iiio mi :i.t:i
HlgHun I. til 1 .1(1 2'fl
Kt-ockwnvvlllo 2i1 111 MINI
Hrookvlllo I 322 X ...
Hose tp. annex. .. ( (Ml Ml
Clnyvlilo .14.-1 .'I HI mil
(Mover Illl 1111 I.Vi
Corsica ! Ml l-U
KMred .'. .114 2u." fi7l
(iasklll 110 127 2:17
Heath nil 42 111
Henderson '. . . . 2H.1 2W1 filH
Knox 22 2:i.l l"7
MeCnlmont (Illl fi."i8 ,207
Oliver :rwi 2011 4im
Perry 2l 22H 402
Plnerrcok 221 10 401
Polk 7.-i 111 118
Porter 07 li- l!
PnnxsntBwney "ail 'iil.l l.ntll
Ueynolilsvllli) 4ltl ion 822
Ringgold Ii2 l-U .I8.-1
Hose 2.17 1118 4Ti
Snyder Hid .112 028
Hiimmcrvllln n Illl 220
Pnlon Ill 121 207
Warsaw 21.1 217 400
Washington II.MI ,1.1.1 1,1811
West Ueynolilsvllli.. 101 1 11 247
Wlnslow 1122 828 1,7.".0
Worlhvllle 11 12 tl.'i
Young Illl M'i 1,120
Total H,-i!i 8,100 10,700
Twenty-one from Heaver are attached
to Clover for school purHMea, quite a
largo number In Clover am In Hiimnmr
vlllo for school purMme, and a numlmr
In Vnlon am attached to Corsica for
school purposes. Hrookvlllo Ih-ntnmit,
Good Appointment.
Charles H. Price, who was suMiiin
tendent of the river division of tho A.
V. H'y about 17 years, and who hits been
noting general stterintenilcnt of the A.
V. H'y a fow months, was npMlntcd
tho litter part of lust week to tho po
sition of general superintendent, David
McCargo, late general sutcrlntendcnt,
having resigned on account of ill health.
Mr. Price Is a live and progressive rail
road man. Ho made some decided Im
provements on the A. V. H'y while act
ing general superintendent and now
that he has been apolntud to the )o
sitlon of general suiei'intendtint tho
traveling public can lie assured that the
A. V. H'y will lie kept up-to-dute along
all lilies. Mr. Price is not only a first
class railroad man but is also an accom
modating and genial gentleman, just
the kind of a man that should hold tho
position of general superintendent of a
railroad. Tho directors of the A. V.
am to be congratulated on having such
an able man to tako Mr. McC'argo'g
Glorious New
Comes Irani Dr. li. H. Carglle, of
Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bot
tles of F.lecttio Hlttors has cured Mrs.
Hrewer of scrofula, which bad caused
her great suffering for years. Terrlblo
sores would break out on nor head and
face, and the best doctors could give no
relief; but her cure Is completo and her
health oxcollont." This shows what
thousands have provod that Electrlo
Hitters Is the best bood puriflor
known. Its the supreme remedy
for eczema, totter, salt rheum, ulcors,
bolls and running sores. It stimu
lates liver, kidneys and bowels, ex
io1b poison, helps digestion, builds up
the strength. Only CO cents. Sold by
H. A. Stoke, Druggist. Guaranteed.
Captain John D. Croasman, of Punx
sutawney, who was Captain of Company
L, Sixteenth, and went to.Porto Rico
with Colonel Rickards last summer, has
secured one of the six captaincies allot
ted to the State of Pennsylvania. He
was appointed by President McKlnloy
last Friday upon the recommendation
of Senators Quay and Ponroso. He ha
beon assigned to the Twenty-eighth
Regiment, which is to bo recruited at
Camp.Moade, for service in tho Phillip
pine war. Punxsutawncy Spirit.
Excursion tickets on sale at A. V. R'y
ticket ollloe every Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday during July, August and Sep
tember to Chautauqua Lake and return
for5.00. Each Tuesday during July,
August and September tickets will be
on sale for Niagara Falls and return,
$7.00, and Toronto and return 18.00.
Tickets good 15 days.
United Christian Endeavor Conven
tion of tha societies of Jefferson and
Elk counties will be held in Punxsutaw
ney on Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug.
22nd and 23rd. President of the United
Societies of Christian Endoavor of the
State of Pennsylvania, Rev. Eberman,
has promised to be present and make
two addresses.
The low rates offered by the Pennsyl
vania Railroad for a sea shore excursion
Thursday, July 27th, are unparalleled.
Don't miss the opportunity.
When you want the latest in anything
go to Milliren.
A. A. Cutter' best grade driving shoe
15.60 at Robinson'.
Neckwear that 1 stylish and up-to-date
at Seeloy'a.
You will not be disappointed if you
drink black raspberry, with or without
ioe cream, 5o. Reynolds Drug Store,
The Penusylvanla Railroad Company
announce the first sea shore excursion
Thursday, July 27th.
Reduced Rate to the Seashore.
Tho Pennsylvania Hullroad Company
hna arranged for thruo low rato ten day
exeui-sliins for the present season from
Erie, Troy, Hnllefonte, Wllllnmspi.rt,
Moeanaqtia, Hunbury, Hhonumloah,
Dauphin, and principal Intermediate
stations (Including stations on branch
roads), to Atlantic City, Hub IhIo City,
Avalon, Anglesca, Wlldwood, or Holly
Heaeh, on Thursdays, .Inly 27, August
IObiiiI 24, I8IH1.
Excursion tickets, good to return by
regular trains within ten days, will bn
sold at vnry low rates. Tickets to At
lantic City will ho sold via the Delaware
River Hrldgti Route, tho only all-rail
line, or via Market Street Whitrf, Phil
adelphia. For Infoi'iiiution In regntd to apeelllc
rates ami time of trains consult hand
bills, or apply to agents, or E. H. Har
rar, Division Ticket Agent. Wllllams
port, Pn.
Stop over can Im hud at Philadelphia
either going or retirnlng, within limit
of ticket, provided ticket is deposited
with agent at Hroitd Street Station
Immediately mi arrival,
llnppy-Oo-I.ucky Tom Hanley.
"Tom'' Hanley used to work In the
bark woods from early morning till Into
at night. He was n good chopper and
his friends regarded lilm us a happy-go-lucky
ehitp who would harm nobody.
When he citino to town ho usiiully ru
in a I mil until all his hnrd-eitrned saving
hnd boon squandered In tippling. Then,
when ho went back to the tlmlsir he
was penitent, frugal and Industrious un
til ho had secured some moro money.
Ho ho passed his years. It was not a
pleasant or a sensible way of living, but
"Tom" was a erlodlcal drinker, and
those of his class am hound to fall by
tho wayside oneo In a while. "Tom"'
has ended all t his. Ho will fall no more.
Ills last spree killed him. His body Is
at the morgue and the chlcf-of-HiHi;e Is
trying to locate hi relatives If ho has
any. Is them a moral to this story?
Perhaps so. Hut morals drawn from
stories do not seem to carry much
weight in this busy age. Hradford AY.
People Who Pay the Printer.
Tho following jiersons have pitld their
sulmcrlptluns or added their names to
our list since last week:
I. . 1. Arnold. Knst lirady, July 14, lim
II. J. Ilowmmi, Kast llraily, lniw July 2.1,
II. F.. Cis'lirnn, lll (Miller. Intiw .Inly IN,
Jumna London, lllit Hun, nrwl July '21, 1 WW.
A. 8. I'lillllpiil, Kykeavllle, nw April IT,
K. II. Ileemer. Hiillna, Westmoreland I'D.,
Pa., I new Oetnlsir i lxuv.
A. K. London, Tnilll vllle,(nnw1 July 32, ll).
Kolmrt Keruilh, Hopkins, Mnreli 1(1, IMK).
Edward JennliiKs, Keyiinldxvllle, June :).
Letter List.
List of unclaimed lotters remaining
In the postofllco at Reynoldsvlllc, Pa.,
week ending July 22, 181111:
Mrs. Hannah Daugherty, Matthew
Hay advertised and glvo dato of list
whon calling for above.
A. M. Woodward, P. M.
Oood Cooking '
I one of tho chief blessings of every
home. To insure good bread, and have
your meats dono to perfection, buy the
Cinderella Stove and Ranges. None
better, few as good. Sold by Reynolds
ville Hardware Co.
For Salo House, barn, I acre of land
with fruit and shade trees on and a good
well. For location and particular In
quire at The Stah office.
A strictly high grade wheel tho
Ramblor with G. & J. tires, lamp, bell,
coasters and pant guards, $18.00 at
McCormick Leads.
We have nine mowers ready for so
many good farmers. Horse rake, har
rows, drills, sulky cultivators going
rapidly. Come quick.
J. C. Kino & Co.
A Married Man' Musings.
Evory woman has a difforent idea of
how everything a man doe should be
Most men can get along with a cross
mother-in-law if they have a rich
Some wive aim to get a good hold on
their husband' hearts, and other on
their hair.
Person talk about "the useless
ness of tears." A good crying spell will
often produce a seaUkin cape or a new
hat, and every wife knows It.
Despite the microbes, most girl are
willing to accept kisses at their face
value. Pittsburg JVetr.
The Village Improvement Associa
tion fad is spreading rapidly. Every
well-regulated town is supposed to have
one, and they generally prove quite
beneficial to the community. Punxsu
tawncy Spirit.
Great sacrifice on our auita of 15 per
cent, the next 30 day. Seeley'.
Three prize will bo given in the bi
cycle race August 11th.
Try Milllren8 for French balbriggan
Robinson's sell the best shoos for the
least money.
Time are better; so are our prices
An Important Question.
If your friends or neighbor am suf
fering from coughs, colds, sore throat,
or any throat or lung disease (Including
consumption), nsk them If they have
over used Otto's Cure, This famous
German remedy Is having a largo sale
hem and la M-rforiiiliig some wonderful
cure of thront and lung disease. No
matter what other medicine have
failed to do, try Otto' Cunt. Largo 2.'ic. and C0e. Sold by II. Alex.
Bid Wanted.
Illils will 1st received by tho school
board for Janitor anil furnishing coal.
Con I to be run of mine. Illds to ho In
by August 1st. For any Information
cull on secretary, Tim board reserves
tho right to reject nny or all bids.
W. H. Ht:u
See. Koynolilsvllto School Hoard.
('apt. Wlltlmti Aslor ('hunter, Con
gressman from New York, Is the presi
dent, of the New York Mfiir, which Is
giving away n forty dollar bicycle dally,
us offered by their advertisement In an
other column. Hon. Amos .1. Cum
mlngs, M. C, Col. Aia Hlrd Gardner,
District Attorney of New York, ex
Govornor Hogg, of Texas, and Col. Fred
Felgl, of New York, ure among thn well
known names In their Hoard of Di
rectors. A Until It? City Is the most popular sen
side resort In America and It Is this
point that Is reached via tho Pennsyl
vania Railroad sea shorn excursion
Thursday, July 27th, without transfer
through Philadelphia by purchasing
tickets via the Delaware River Hrldgo
Try an orunge and celery phosphate;
good drink when you are tired. 1 cents.
Reynolds Drug Store.
For Halo 2 acres of html in Wlnslow
twp,, with house, barn, orchard and
good spring of water. Impilm of E.
Neff, Esq., Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Collars, ull the latest styles and fads
at Heeley's.
Hue thn new full blocks In hats at
Allegheny College
Kounded In Isi.v
j "iid Traditions. Mrona Faculty
J I'liaurpaaard Location. Ki i
prnara Hraaoiiablr.
m t all Term os'iis Hi pti inlM-r llltli. J
J ( litiiloifiie Hi'iit free of elinixe to any j
X addrs on applleut Ion to w
Meadville, a.
An Interesting!
To a season of trustworthy
values will be the last days of
July. Extra value are hero
natural results, when every
effort Is being mado to clear
Kj? all linos in their proier season
f'jl when a clearance fueling
prevail in an portions of tne
store. We propose making
It unusually Interesting buying
for you giving you values
that will attest our earnestness
that will InHuonce you to
come to us for every summer
Not a need In the hosiery
and underwear but what it
moans best buying economy to
come here. The qualities of
the offerings In this stock are
well known, but the quick
moving prices the special
values for the summer buyer
will tempt liberal purchase.
A special hurry sale of these
lines. Priced In a way that
when the qualities of the of
fering are considered, you'll
fool them far under the real
worth you'll buy them with
pleasure, feeling that the pur
chasing power of your money
i being almost doubled.
Bing & Co.
8 8
Hum boon ComploU.'d.
Aftnr five inontliH of iiogolintloiiH the big
uiwli'rtftkliitf ,h Im'cm 1IiiIh)h(1. TIih capital of tho noiHwrii will he $40,000,000.
.1 1 moans I-TiirlHsr'PriccB
next yenr. If you nre delaying buying n
wheel until next year, better buy It now and
innke money on your InveHtinent. Hy a for
tunnto deal I can now offer you a magnificent
wheel nt
S 20.00.
A wheel thnt Ih up-to-date in every way.
Large tubing, flunhJolntH, detachable pprock
etn, pelf-oiling chain, ndjunlabe handle bar,
and tlrcH that are guaranteed an highly an
any lire made.
If you want a wheel for plcamire or busl
iit'HH, I can Hiipply at a mont reaHonable price.
' forfft t thr IttMiil Hnre ,l,p. nh.
Ik you kiiik a (.'kkhcknt
you are iMtrfeutly safo
on the road and don't
need to take a repair
shop with you,
cknts noMi than any
other whtxd In tho mar
ket. I I I
A Cni-WfKNT that Is not
"sky-high" Is the price.
It Is a moderate price
and a firm price.
cunt hidkh complain
of Crescent prices, and
you never hear us nol
tigizo for them.
1 Stop a Minute!
When looking for furniture all want the
best and want to go where they can buy the
Parlor Suits,
Bed-Room Suits,
Dining Tables,
Kitchen Furniture.
Please you for the least money. Call and
examine our goods and get prices before you
purchase elsewhere.
crj O
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