The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 26, 1899, Image 3

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    41 A Good Name
At Home
b a Yowtr of Strength Abroad." In
Lo-wttl, ffttss., wohert Hood's Sarsapa
rOU is nude, H still has a larger salt than
aU other blood purifiers, lis ftme and
Cures and sates have spreadabrcad, and H
Is universally recognized as the best blood
medicine money can buy. fmember
uMmMiai a i itrrar
Fit. finrM. No fit. nr nervntn
fcre flrr (lrM ilay'a nn of lr. Kllnn'n iiiki.
rve Keatorrr. 12 trial bntlleanfl lrivaie
Irto. l.t.l. Kit Arch aU'bllivl'a
Mm Wlnilmv?inr,tMnir"rnir forrlillilren
teethlnr, mifton the gum., riMhireti InflHiiinia
tlou, allaye r.nln,rurea wind culli'.iV a bottle.
Ronton batiks pntd out I'-'O.OOO.OOO In
dlvldi-ml on July 1. New York bnnks
are raid to have imlrl ton Units that.
Cdneate Your Rowels Wltn OimircKb
rni. , t . I- . .......
Wo, Mo. llC.g.0. tall. drugslals refund money.
nnntrlee Like 1'enple Cnonot Do
Wrong; with Impunity.
Franca has tried to comfort herself
flth the reflection that the life of one
ti unimportant, and that her Inter.
mar bent be served by an act of
elbje lawlessness, gays the Spocta-
But her hopes are doomed to dis-
polntment and all her casuistry Is
. no avail. Piece by piece the truth
been uncovered, and though
France has opposed discovery with
added 4ecelt she has today no chance
of going backward. She will be forced
to perform with an 111 grace a common
act of reparation, which some years
ago might most gracefully have been
performed. But she cannot for half a
century undo the evil wh ch her un
righteousness has caused. Discredited
throughout Europe, she atrmds sullied
among the nations, finding no confi
dence In her Institutions, and Inspiring
nothing else than distrust. And the
moral of It all Is that nations, no more
than Individuals, may stamp upon the
elementary rules of right and wrong.
The morality which governs peoples Is
not precisely the same as governs men
In the conduct of thnir lives; a coun
try has not the same high obligation of
truth and outspokenness as Is laid
upon separate citizens. But countries,
too, have their truth, and while they
may simulate before rivals, they must
'exact within therr "borders a love of
Justice. No defection may pass with
impunity; when once the sense of duty
Is obscured disaster Is certain; for
there always remains one taper of
light to Illumine the dim places. Had
M. Zola never pierced the darkness
then France might have had the satis
faction of keeping Torevor tin dor lock
and key a man who she knew had been
illegally condemned; she might still
have declared with infinite scorn that
tier action was im affaire do cuisine
.and that a Jew tnfl no rlpht to a gen
erous protection. And though she
would have sunYrcil In herself, when
the moment of loitClo ramo she might
for a while have t-seaped the notlco of
Europe. But M. 'Zola was not to be
'extinguished; he revnaled to the whole,
world his country's Injustice and made
an ultimate reparation necessary. The
national confidence In the army will
for awhile be shaken, but justice will
presently be re-established, and with It
b proper sense of patriotism.
Ten Wlea Maxima.
1. Never put off illl tomorrow what
jrou can "do today.
2. Never trouble .another for what
you can do yourself.
.8. Never spend your money before
you have it.
4. Never buy what you don't want
because It is cheap.
6. Pride costs more than hunger,
thirst, or cold.
6. TVe seldom repeat af having eaten
too little.
7. Nothing Is troublesome that we do
8. How much pain tie rtls have
cost us that have never happened.
it: 'xako things always by the smooth
10. When angry, count ten before
you speak; If very angry, a hundred.
ftsrris o nil. iikiuk era. 7.6$
I was a sufferer from female wealc
mss. Every month regularly as the
menses came, I suffered dreadful pains
in uterus, ovaries
were affected and
had leuoorrhfloo.
I had my children,
very f&at and it
loft me very weak.
A year ago I was
taken with flood
ing and almost
died. The doctor even gave me np and
wonders how I ever lived.
" I wrote for Mrs. Plnkham's advice
at Lynn, Mass., and took her mediolne
and began to get welL I took several
bottles of the Compound and used the
8anative Wash, and can truly say that
I am cured. You would hardly know
me, I am feeling and looking so well.
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Cora-
rund made me what I am." Mas.
F. Btritcii, 461 HsctfAHia Br
Cxudeh, K. J.
Bow Mr. Drown Was ITalped.
"I must tell you that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has dun
more for me than any doctor.
"I was troubled with irregular
menstruation. Lant summer I began
the use of your Vegetable Compound,
and after taking two bottles, I have
fcan regular every month aioee. I
recommend your mediolne to all"
I'm. XiAaoia A. Baowx, Win Pft
Wreillng Rye from Wheat.
The wliont-Rrowing farmer dislikes
much to rultivnte rye, boennse where
ever grown on the snme farm some of
the rye will Hud its way through straw
or innnitre to the fields whore tlin
wheat is grown. It is not a difficult
mattor to separate the two grains as
thoy grow in the fiolil together. The
rye heads out several dnyscnrlior than
wheat, and it spires tip n foot or moro
higher, milking it very conspicuous.
It is an easy matter to go through the
field with a pair of shears and clip oil
all the rye heads, cutting down low
enough to roach those that nro behind
in growth. Wlicnt that is free from
rye is worth several cents more per
Imnhel, and, of course, wheat free- from
rye should always he uhoiI for seed.
Xew-f.nl1 Kick for Sfttlnjr.
Everybody knows that in hot
weather the exposure of eggs for two
or three days to snimiier temperature
efforts their quality for eating. Hut
it is commonly supposed tliit for sot
ting in an incubator or under a hen
any egg that is from a week to ten
days old is as good as ono that is
freshly laid. This is a great mistnko.
Unless brooded so constantly that the
egg will never be chilled, the germ of
life started iuto growth by heat during
the day is pretty sure to be chillod nt
night. When the young life is started
it should never be allowed to get cold.
Hut even if cored for in the best way,
the egg a few days old is inferior. Its
shell is porous, and as the moisture
from the inside exhales through it the
air space boeomcs larger inside, and
the shell is bardor for tlio young chick
to peck throngh. The best results
are found from setting eggs the day
when thoy are luid, and, if possible,
while still warm from the hen which
laid thorn.
rntlivntlnn or Vegetable.
To secure a good crop of vegetables
three things, at loaHt, are necessary,
namely: a suitable soil, pure seed, and
clean culture, to which may be added.
as equally necessary, an abundant
supply of good barnyard manure, sup
plemented when this runs short by
artificial fertilizers. The exposure of
A vegetable garden should be perfect
ly south or eontliwest. The soil should
be naturally rich and friable, a sandy
loam being the best; if the soil be still'
it should be gradually mellowed bv
the free nse of barnyard manure or if
couveuicnt by tho addition of sand: if
wet or inclined to hold an excess of
moisture it should be niiderdriined,
preferably by tile, but if possible a
location should be selected naturally
dry and free from surface water. A
dark colored soil or one supplied with
a goodly portion of decayed vegetable
mattor will produce the earliest crops,
and to produce the bettt and most
uniform results the vegetable carrion
should have at least one foot of good,
rich soil. The roots of large trees
should not 'be allowed to eueioccu on
any part of the gurdon, though large
treoH, especial ly evergreens, an Hlciou tly
fur oil', nll'ord a valuable protection on
the north and west.
Ditlry Ktijrircatlnnn.
Aowwas fed 14 pounds of corn
meal .a day ami made 100 pounds of
butter 'in 90 days. If another eow of
the same liord was fed over eight
pounds she begun to take on fat A
cow will ent much more rich grain
feed, if she is fed succulent feed, thau
she will if she is not. The ratio of
nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous nu
trients in the cow's ration should be
about 1.0. Selection and good feed
ing are the road to oow development
Four pounds of corn meal, two pounls
of oil meal, four pounds of bran and
four ponuds of oats make an ideal
ration for the .cow. A cow that has
been compelled to do all that she can
do right aloug, .ought to be worn oat
at niue years old. If the ' milker is
strange, or if the cow does not like
him, the milk will contain less butter
fat, A cow that is four or five years
old will give more butter fat than a
two-year old heifer. The greater
the quantity at scilk, the larger the
quantity of butter fat. It is best to
got rid of a hard milker. The cow
ouu taiut her milk by breathing im
pure air. There is a great deal of
butter that is spoiled by too high col
oring, l'lout cora for eusilage this
year, if milk and healthy cows are de
sired next wiuter. If some cows that
are utterly profitless, were fed ns
duirymeu feed, and properly cared
for, they would prove to be excellent
eows. Feed beil'era, with their first
calves, quite liberally. Feed oats in
the bundle and save expeuse of thresh
ing. Turnips and cabbages may be
fed in limited quantities 10 hours be
fore milking. Tubercnlosis is a local
disease, and will attuck various parts
of the system, sometimes the ndder.
The more fat there is in milk the more
and richer cheese it will make. The
ooveiel barnyard is a fine thing for
the herd. Have shade in the pasture
eveu if you have to build an open
hod. Water that is exposed to the
air in a tauk, soou becomes foul and
unfit for the cow to drink. The Epi
touiist Poultry Car Town Home.
The selection of a breed of fowls to
keep in a limited space requires more
care and knowledge than when un
limited range may be given them.
When fowls are kept solely for pets
and ornament bantams are most pop
ular, requiring but little room aud
bearing coufiuemeut welL The best
breeds are the Golden Seabrigbt,
black-tail Japauese and the buff
Pokiu. Amoug the larger breeds,
wall formed, yet not heavy, are the
Lffhorns, white, buff and brown; the
white and the black Minorca and
Hambnrgs. If any of these breeds
are selected, especially tho Leghorns,
must be provided with considerable
outdoor space to do well, although if
tho egg product is not considered thoy
may be kept in narrow quarters if not
highly fed. The large breeds, how.
ever Ilrnhmas, Cochins, Plymouth
Hocks nud Wyandottcs are to bo pre
ferred to all othors as general -pnrpose
fowls on smnll lots. They bear con
finement well, are good producers of
rggs and for tnblo use nre unsurpassed.
Tho white Plymouth Hock and the
white Wyandotles nro very attractive,
and for coloring nothing is more at
tractive thau tho soft, fluffy buff
Of necessity the spnro to be devoted
to poultry of the average town lot is
small, and the flock should bo corre
spondingly small. For a house of 10
by 20 feet a dozen fowls of the largest
broods or fifteen of the smaller breeds
would bo cnouKh for comfort. If eggs
are not wanted for hatching purposes
then no male bird should be kept, for
tho bens nre moro content without
him and lay quito as ninny eggs. The
house for poultry may bo as attractive
in exterior finish as ono pleases, but
it should be warm, dry and arranged
so that it can bo thoroughly ventl
lutod during the daytime. To keep
the fowls in the best poxsiblo condi
tion they must have a varioty of foods.
Tho grain should be wheat, corn mid
millet, fed alternate days. Green
bone, meat scraps and plouty of green
food, grass or any vegetable they
like must be given in abundance.
I. unit I'lnatrr ami Clover.
The extraordinary effect which gyp
siim or land plastar has on the clover
growth has long been a puzzle to
scientists. It is not the lime which
the gypsum contains, for applications
of pure (carbonate of lime, though
helpful to clover where the soil is de
ficient in that mineral, do not produce
the marvelous effects which very
slight applications of the sulphate w ill
under favorable conditions develop.
It is doubtless the strong affinity of
sulphuric acid for w ater that is nt the
bottom of this mystery. Wherever
gypsum hns been sown on plants they
will'be covered so heavily with dew
that some of the dew will be shaken
off the leaves and fall upon the soil.
Where tho plaster has been sown early
aad is washed iuto the soil it con
denses moisture into water from air
that is already iu the soil, and as this
air contains a small amount of am
monia, it furnishes just the stimulus
that the clover roots roqnire to grow
the nodules which develop nitrogen
from the air in the soil by decompos
ing it. Probably there is in the air
at no time more than a small fraction
of ammonia, but by milting this with
water, so that tho roots can take it
np, they are enabled to grow the nod
ules that have the power to make full
eighty per cent, of the air, which is
the proportion of free nitrogou it con
tains, nvnilnble as plaut food.
The best results from gypsum are
secured by sow ing it early, so that
spring nud oven wiuter rains and
melting snows can carry some of it
into the soil, nnd then with clover
follow this up with occasional appli
cations during the early part of the
season. The longer the dew remains
on clover loaves iu tho morning the
better its growth will tie. It is differ
ent with corn, which loves warmth,
aud which is sometimes injured by
applying gypsum alone on it early in
the season; but a mixture of gypsum
and wood ashes or jxjtasli in other
forms is always helpful to corn. As
the gypsum condenses the moisture
the slight trace of ammonia nuites
with the potash and makes saltpetre,
which is one of the most stimulating
fertilizers known. Another time when
gypsum aud potash can be profitably
applied to all plants is during severe
drought, when it seems as though
there was no moisture in the air, aud
even in the morning there will be
very slight dew full. The gypsum
always innkes a heavier dew fall, and
this moderates the effect of dry
weather by preventing evaporation of
moisture from the leaves of plants.
Peas aud beans being leguminous
plants are also greatly helped in
growth by applications of gypsum
and potash, both of which they re
quire iu producing their seed. The
gypsum alone will make a large growth
of hnnlm, bnt it will not produce seed
iu proportion unless potash is aUo
supplied. This is also true in grow
ing clover seed. A liberal dressiug of
potash early in spring will cause the
pluiits to grow heads filled with seed,
while if only gypsum is sown it is
probable that most of the clover heads
trill be empty. Too much stable
manure which is rich in nitrogenous
fertility produces the same effect as
the gypsum. It is, in fact, because
the latter an pplies available ammonia
by condensing it from the air that it
makes an excessive leaf growth, which
is very rarely aooompanied by a large
seed crop. We have seen many fields
that in the second crop of clover would
cut a ton or more of haulm to the
acre that produced less than a bushel
of clover seed, while a growth of less
than half a ton of clover had its heads
so filled with seed that it yielded fonr
or five, and in one case we kuew six
bushels of cleaued seed per aore.
This is, we think, nearly always the
difference wi h a greater or less sup
ply of potash in the soil makes in all
crops that are grown for seed, while
the large growth of haulm with little
seed is the result of relying too ex
clusively on gypsum as a fertilizer.
Killed Rig Indiana Hnalte.
A very large snake was recently
killed near Dismal Hill, fire miles
northwest of Noblesville. Iud.. bv
Joseph Baker. The reptile was jet
black, measured seventeen feet six
inebes in leogtU and nine Inches iu
di Ulster.
Are There four Tastes.
Experiments recently performed glvt
reason for believing that most so
called sensations of taste are llttls
more than combination of reports to
the brain made by the nerves of sight,
mcll and touch, says Science Slftlngs.
Of a large number of persons tested,
few could distinguish, when their eyes
were covered and their noses closed,
between weak solutions of tea, coffee
and qulntno, nnd even those who wert
most successful made frequent and
ludicrous mistakes. Still great difficul
ty was found In discrimination by
mrans of tho unaided tonraie between
meats as unlike as pork and turkey,
especially when tho meat was first
finely divided. Tho experiments Indi
cated that there are at most only font
real taste sensations, namely, sour,
sweet, bitter and salt, and It Is doubt
ful If there are more than two sweet
and bitter. This may suggest to folks
of frugal mind thnt a lot of money
might be saved by going to table blind
fold nnd with nose put temporarily out
of commission. Ono could then enll
Viands and liquids whatever ono chose,
and tradesmen's bills could be mate
rially reduced by the employment of
a Judicious Imagination. In the course
of the said tests a woman of great re
pute as a rook said raw potatoes
chopped were acorns, roast pork she
called boiled beef, raw turnip chopped
Bhe called cabbage sweetened, rRW ap
ple was grape Juice, roast turkey was
called beef, and horse radish she said
was something she had never tasted.
The Sweet Ulrl Grarinate.
"My graduation essay will be Just
dreadful," said the sweet girl. "Why
do you think so, Ethel T" "Well, Aunt
Jane wanted to help me, so I am let
ting her write while ma and I worry
about my gown." Detroit Free Press.
Do Your Feet Ache and Iturn f
Rbske Into your shoes Allen's Foot-Eos",
a powuer for tlin fent It makes Tight or
sw unoes reel f,aay. euros corns, nun
Ions, Hwollon, Hot, Callous, Arhlng and
HwentinK Feet Hold by all liruicalsts.
flrorers and Khoe Stores. 2S1 Hnmpln sent
Fh:K. Address Alien ft. Ulmstud, l.eltoy,
N. V.
There nre over TO miles of tunnels
cut In the solid rock of tllliraltur.
After phyalrtnnn hod given ma up, I was
ssved by l'lao's Entity, WW
Uumaport, V Nov. &, 1WW.
The number of penniless men In the
Klondike Is plneed at 3,000.
Deantr la Itlood Dees).
Clean blood means a clesn skin. No
beauty without it. O'osrnrets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
itirring up the Iszy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Jlegin today to
banish pimples, boils, LloU-hes, blackheads,
and thnt sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c.
A Chicago street beggar who died n
few days ago left a fortune of 140,000.
To Caw Conatlpntlon Forever.
Take Caararets Cumlv Cuthsrtla lOoorSSc
If C U. C. fall to cure, druuuutt refund niuuuy.
Englishmen may now spend a fort
night tn l'arls or Hwltserlnnd for $35 or
enjoy a Norwegian tour for $."0.
see as:
we never did : but we have
seen the clothing at this time
of the year so covered with
dandruff that it looked ss if it
had been out in a regular snow
storm. No jiced of this snowstorm.
As the summer sun mould
melt tbe falling snow so will
melt these flakes of dandruff In
the scalp. It goes further than
this: it prevents their formation.
It has still other properties:
it will restore color to ersv hair
In )ust ten times out of every
ten cases.
And it does even more: it
feeds snd nourishes the roots
of the hair. Thin hair becomes
thick hair; snd short bsir be
comes long hair.
We have a book on the Hslr
snd Scalp. It is yours, for the
If to 4n not nbtetn alt the Hentflta
yea espaclod froaa the aa of the Vigor,
write the doctor about It. I'robably
mere M mm mtneuiir wnn rnn !'
era! Tttein which may be aaatly re
be aaatly re. 1
all, Mua. K
Dai. t. C. AVtB. Lowell, Maaa.
Poosn'l your bor writ well? Pcrhapa LL
More used than sny other. Dent coat IT
you any mora than poor ink. Aak for It. X
mm. Baok al taanaieaialtauS IO a)ae' uaataal
free. at. a. a. esau's MBS. gas D.
"You see, madam, Ivory Soap is really the most
economical. The cake is so large that it easily divides
into two cakes of the ordinary size. There is twice as
much soap as you get in the usual cake of toilet soap.
Then it is very economical in use, for although it lathers
quickly, it is always firm and hard, even in hot water..
As it floats, you can not lose it or leave it to waste in the
bowl. We sell it to all of our best trade for general use."
coevaioHT leoe av tNi eaocTia
la Mexico Months Are Named After the
Arrival of tllrda.
The moet primitive method In chro
nology Is that whleh enables man to
orient himself In the world of time by
associating particular luratlona with
vlckmltude of weather, with seasonal
aspects of vegetation, and with the
constantly changing sights and sounds
of the animal world, cays Popular Bcl
enro Monthly. In the calendar of the
Creea, for example, we find aiieh desig
nations as "duck-month," "frog
moon," "leaf-moon," "berrles-rlpe
month," "buffalo-rutting moon,"
"leaves entirely changed," "leaves In
th9 trees," "flsh-catching moon,"
"moon that strikes the earth coltf,"
"coldest moon," "Ico-thawlng moon,"
"eagles-seen moon." Bo In the calen
dars of Central America and Mexico
the months are named variously after
the arrival of birds, the blossoming of
flowers, the blowing of winds, the re
turn of mosquitoes and the appearance
of fishes. The Greeks constantly used
the movements of birds to mnrk tho
seasons; the arrival of the swallow and
kite were thus noted. Ileslod tells us
how the cry of the crane signaled tho
departure of winter, while the sitting
of the plclades gave notice to the plow
man when to begin his work. Tho In
cas called Venus "the hairy," on ac
count of the brightness of her rays,
Just as the Peruvians named her the
"eight-hour torch," or "tho twilight
tamo." from the time of her shining.
llonttfl to lie Married.
Gallant Man (aside): "At lost I hav
her all to myself. Now I can tell hoi
how much I love her and ask her to b
mine. How shall I do it, I wonderl
Gentle Maid: "It is surely coming. I
am so nervous and frightened! I knots
he Is going to bo terrible dramatic.
do hope I sha'n't have to help him ur
oft his knees. Goodness! why doesn'l
he say something? I must break thli
horrlblo silence." (Aloud, recklessly:
"Have you ever been abrpad?" Oal
lant Man (smilingly): "No, I'm sav
ing it for. a wedding trip." 'Gentle
Maid (demurely): "Why, how funny!
Bo am I." Gallant Man (Innocently):
"Then why shouldn't we take It to
gether!" Gentle Maid (Innocently):
"Possibly your wife and my husband
might object to going In such a crowd."
Gallant Man (brilliantly): "The crowd
would be objectionably large If your
husband and my wife were husband
and wife." (Further conversation dis
jointed and Indistinct,)
Regarding Hed Headed Tenple.
Red-headed people, as Is well known,
are less subject to baldness than oth
ers. A London doctor explains the
matter thus: The hair of the red
headed Is relatively thick, one red hair
being almost as thick as five fair or
three brown hairs. With 30,000 red
hairs the scalp Is well thatched, where
as with the same number of fair halts
one is comparatively bald. It taka
160,000 fair and 105,000 brown hairs to
cover adequately an ordinary head.
Dcmt Toesece Salt aaa saol Tear Ufa Iwa.
To quit tobacco easily snd forever, be msf
netlo. full of life, nerve and vigor, take Ko-To-Qao.
tbe wnnder-worker, that makes weak men
itrong. All druggiats, Moor (I. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet snd sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
A good Ironer In a London laundry
earns from ti to 2 SO dally.
Ho-To-Dm for fifty cants.
Guaranteed tobaooo habit ours, makes weak
BMo atroug, blood pure. Wo, IL All druggula,
A process has been Invented and pat
ented in Brazil for preparing coffee In
tabloids by a system of compression.
W. H. flrlffln, JsekHon, Michigan, writeat
"ftinVred with Catarrh fur fifteen Tears,
llnll'n Catarrh Cure cured lue." cultl by lrug
sieU. ISo.
"A Handfu! of Dirt Uay Be a Houseful ot Shams."
Keep Your House Clean With
a QAueif co. Cincinnati
Sour Stomach
"Aftr t wits) I ml need to try CACA
BP.TKi 1 will ner bo without thmn lo tbe home.
Mjr liver waa In vitrjr bail hat,). nd raj bead
whrd and I had Utmarh trouble. Now. alnoe tak
ing Cawurou. I foe I One. Mr wife ha alto nae4
ttittra with bmmflclal remit, fur wiur atumarb "
Jus- HXil CuDgreaa Ht-. 0t Lou la, MO.
Plesiant. Palatable. I'ntcnt. Tn.te flood, fte
9uoU, Nutor Hlckon, Wenaeu.or Utiim, 10c, Itte.UM.
(awtlae Iia4 !'..?. tl.. MMlrval. S. Vert, til
A Tft f?gfl Sold and gnnmntfwt hy all dreg.
HUMU'wAU gutato lVllt: Tobacco llablu
lbtteb to tins. rtxKiiAM no. 48,970)
"I had female com
plaints so bad that it
caused mc to have
hysterical fits; have had
as many as nine in one
"Five bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound
cured me and it has
been a year since I had
an attack. ,
rirs. Edna Jackson,
Pearl, t-a. :
If Mrs. rinkham'a Compound will cur
such Severe cases ns this surely it
must be a great medicine is there
any sufferer foolish enough not tat
give It ajrial?
The Utaity of Notre Dame
'lnlr, l.rtffrj, Krnnotnlr nnd lllaiorya,
.liiriiulUnt Art Hi'lciK'f. IMiHrmnry, Law,
Civil, .tli-liiinili-iil nud l.lrrtrlt'ul iiliirrr
liitf. Arclilifcliir
'j hornjli re pnrnlnrr nnd ('nmmcrrlnl
'ntirhf-e Kn-ltthUtotti al -tiMttntit t wit ratM.
K no in Frrr r or Kti)tr r, Jollg .at
Cuiii-fr. ICoiima tn Kent iiKxUraie i-liaia.
HI. Kilwnrd'a Hull l- r boya unitr U.
Tin AUttt rnr mill ei. Ki'iirmbr Alba
1N1MI. t atnloif net Frrr. Aitdrr
Itl V. A. .WOK.ilwM, V , . President.
Arthebete AakforUirm. Cmt nomorf
tltatn common rlitiitney. All tlmlwra.
FITTMIU KU (.Ukl CO., Ailrshaor. P.
mf Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Lnt PrtDcfDfcl ExAmlDr U S- Pamalon BureMva.
9 jf i 14 vU II ar . iS tuij udicalma vliaiiua. axt jr luo
W ANTED-' aaaof bad haallh that B-I-P-A-N-S
f will not hnvl.t. bait I eta. to Kipajia rhmkft
Co.. fcaw Vurk, for lu aaiuiriaa aud luut iaiuBHOsl
iuuu Haul Co., itfOneiiTica SL.
P. Jt U. 80 'W
vsaof mask atoisnato tr
i Beat Coutfa brrup.Te.ioe Ouu& TJel I I
I , In time Si.'d by rtniirglata I I