The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 19, 1899, Image 6

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Tht Men Cul Wires and Plies Huge Boulden
Upon the Tracks-Thousands of
Police on Duly.
A street rnr strike In nn nt Ttrnnlrlvn
Tt wns declared last Hiimlny morning,
un wie mine promptitude lint a 11
o'clock whistle Is obeyed was the urdd
to go mil heeded. Street cars nml pm
engcrs were loft nlnnding In tho mhl
die of blocks. Wire were then rut
Mils torn up nml progress of rnrs
opornted liy non-union men blinked by
I1UKV. UOUUiers.
The compnny endeavored to run
enrs with non-union men on all lime,
and ttlere wns much disorder.
Mnny nrrcsts worn made during the
dny. t)n some linen tho company main
tninrd a regular service, nml on other
they fulled altogether. Cms were un
able to run to the oeenn beaches. The
tli-u) hns not been nearly m com
plete as the labor leadcis snld it would
Police Cnptnln Allnlre Is nn the
B"round, nml the police ure being plneei!
at rilfieront points In very large
aqun.dK. The employes of both elevated
railroads have decided to go out.
For Rome weeks punt tho pmp'oyes
hnve been complitlnlntr that the man
agement did not live up to the 10-hour
law. The men demnnd a revision of
the time tables nt the dllTTcnt burns,
and nlo nsert thnt they shou d In
paid 20 cents nn hour for overtime
which Is ciiulvnlent to $2 a diy, the
price which they set for a working dny
or 10 nours.
Shortly niter mldnlcht nlxut l.opo t
llceinen from the precinct In
tnn anel tho I.ronx district were con
veypd to the different barn, and many
wero placed along the levoral routes
comprising- the territory covered by the
Brooklyn Trnetlon Company.
During the dny 3no nddltlonal police
were spnt over from New York, anil a
close watch wns kept ail along Hrook
lyn bridge to see that no person could
interere with the trolley wire.
At noon President Itosslter's private
car Amppre started from the city hall,
and made a round trip. On board wpre
Chief Engineer Breckinridge, W. W.
Wlckes, President Htwslter's prlvnte
aecretary, and Assistant Secretary Van
Lott. Accompanying these were Head
qunrters Detectives Reynolds, Honing
ton. Clray and Stoddard.
The Ampere, after running to the
f lushing extension, tnn to Coney is
land. Coming back from Coney Island.
the car traveled over the Fifth avenue
route, and as It neared Twenty-third
atret. those on bonrd foun 1 thlr further
progress Impeded by a stalled car.
Here a crowd of some 600 people,
many of whom were women and chil
dren, had congregated, and the motor-
man of the Ampere, Howard Jackson
wns attacked by several men, who wvre
strikers or In sympathy with them. Ha
received aome nanly bruises on the
neatt ami legs.
eeretary Wlckes wns one of the first
to run to the man's assistance, and ho
waa finally rescued from tho mob. Six
arrests were made, and tho track was
Commissioner of ro!le- Tfess Informed
Mr. Kossltpr thnt he thought the send
ing out of his private car wns Impolitic,
and to use his own words, It was like
"shaking a red rag In front of an en
raged bull
JAPAN'S new treaty.
The Interior ot the Mikado'i Realm Open to
A new treaty between tho United
States and Japan went Into effect a few
days ago, at which time also new
treaties between Jnpnn and nearly all
of the countries of Europe and some
of the South American republics be.
camo effective. These place Japan on
an entirely new footing with the
world at large, as stie Is recognized
for the first time as an equnl in every
respect. The treaty with this country
was made November 22, 1894, In Wash
ington, between Secretary Gresham
and Minister Burlno, Jutnro Komuro,
the present Jopnneso minister, said
"July 17 marks the turning point In
-lhe diplomatic history not only of
,Japan, but of the Oriental countries
In general. It will be the first Instance
Jn which Jhj) Vfalern powers have
recojr'pijeil the full sovereignty of an
Orlpr.tal state. The countries with
y.lch Japan has mode new treaties
are the United States, Great Britain,
Germany, France, Russia, Austria,
Italy, Spain, Sweden and Norway,
Swltxerland and Peru. Those with
France and Austria ore deferred until
August 4.
"Under tho old treaties foreign resi
dents In Japan enjoyed the privilege
of extra-terrltorlallty, that Is, they
were amendable to the laws and Juris
diction of the consul of their own
country, and not to Japanese Jurisdic
tion, and foreign resident were con
fined to certain open ports. The re
sult was In effect about IS or 1 sys
tems of courts In Japan, for the pur
pose of trying foreigners who commit
o (Tense In Japan. Most of the powers
held that Japanese laws were not
binding upon foreigners. The only ex
ception vj3 the United States, which
rocognlxed from the first the binding
force tf the Japanese law.
"One of the bad effects of this sys
tem was that foreign residents had
entire immunity from taxation. All
this has now disappeared, and foreign
er have the same privileges as well
as the same obligations as the Japan
ese citizens, no more and no less. The
second essential thing Is the opening of
the entire Interior of Japan to foreign
residents and trade. Until now, there
have been only five treaty port, Yoko
hama. Nagasaki, Kobe, Iiukodato and
Burled tor Thirty Hours.
While playing In a corn cob bin the
cobs gave way and 8-year-old Will
Stewart was burled out of sight. Thir
ty hours after his hat was noticed and
' a search among the cobs was begun.
The cobs had left a breathing place and
the lad was hauled out unhurt. The
accident happened Wednesday at
Brookston, Ind.
, Dust From the Klondike.
The steamer City of Seattle from
Alaska, brought down to Seattle about
200 passengers' and $000,000 . $70,00u
in drafts and dust. The richest man
aboard is J. Larien of Montreal, who
has been on Eldorado creek and In the
Klondike for a number of year. An
other passenger had 113,000, which he
made on Sulphur creek In two' year.
D. W. Hope of Tacoma, madg $ir,000 In
eighteen month beside acquiring
W'operty. W. Gaaford of Tacoma, has
Banker Killed by the Cars.
Thoma P. Day, Cashier of the
' People' Bank of Pittsburg, died last
Wednesday at the Cottage State hospi
tal at Connelivllle, Pa. Mr. Day wa
truck by a train at a railroad crossing
In Ualontown while driving to Join hU
wife and two children In the mountain
at the Wiggins hotel. This accident
occurred Saturday, and after that time
t a patient nsver regained cunclTU-
The rebellion In Peru Is spreading.
Up to date there are 148 yellow fever
cases at Santiago.
' Clnra Ilnrtnn has established 12 or
phnn homes In Cuba,
The town well at Flemlngsburg, Ky,
hns developed Into an oil producer.
At Detroit Thursdny eleven snllnrs
wno were with Dewey got their medals
Kneilsh capitalists are said to have
pnui sri,poo,pnt for oil lands In Ohio and
West Virginia.
A mule kicked Fred Miller's ear off
at Philadelphia Tuesday. The was
sewed on and mny henl.
Hnlf the business part of Frewsburg,
N. Y., was consumed by a fire started
vy a nnsn or lightning.
A copy of the first folio of Shakes
pearp wns sold nt auction In London
lor is.009, a record price.
Twenty thousand members of the
bpwnrlh T.enmie nre In convention nt
Indianapolis,, Ind., this week.
A Philadelphia mnn hns Invented a
process ny which lee cntt be produced
at one-imn of its present cost.
Onhrlcl t'hrl.tonlier who nttemntod
to solve Perpetual motion committed
suicide at Pittsburg last Sunday.
The hnttlcshln limn Is Itelnir detain
ed In dry dock at Seattle, Wash. There
are serious breaks In her furnaces,
Itussla Is plensed over the friendli
ness existing between President Loubot
or r rnnce und the Germnn emperor,
W. II. Sutton died In the Klondike
inst rcbrunry. He left considerable
wealth and his relatives are wanted
Wnshlnirtnn authorities hnve decided
that banks cannot plnce revenue
stamps upon checks for their patrons,
H. C. Lowrev. a government revenue
iniortner, whs killed by moonshiners in
ine uiue Kldge mountain ot Georgia,
White Cans near Little ltock. Ark-
rubbed lyo sonp all over James Irwin,
an innocent, and terribly burned him.
There Is reason to believe that the
President will recommend In his annual
message to congress an army of 100,000
The works of the niter-Conlev Manu
facturing Company nt Allenhenv. Pa.
suffered a fire loss of 1150,000 last Wed-
The Westlnu-hnnse Flecfrle Comnnnv
of Pittsburg will build a plant at Man
chester, England, and will employ 6,000
Brig. Gen. Bosser. who hns Inst
reached Washington from r-nhn
mc people Wno own property favor an
nexatlon to the United Stntes,
The Baltimore nn,i nhi. .aiimn.i t.,...
iMi-iructeu IIS detect ves to arrest nml
prosecute every trnmp found trespnss-
ii me rmiroau properly.
tine of the varrls of tho v.,... n-i.,.,.
vj press 'ompnny, containing nenrly
.wv.v..., ul ,-vpress wns burned
Loss, $120,000, with $76,000 Insurance.
BUSSCll Sage Is belnir rirnnnarl fmn
the directorate of several New York
companies, nml tho aged millionaire
"si losing influence in Wall street
CharleS MoebllS ft hfiv nf Pnlavann
N J., was shocked by lightning inst
rrlday. A match snf. nml tho nimli.
"i inn siiocs were melted. Tito boy will
i.i. . i. . ... .
viui er.
Seven deaths from lncktnw were re.
ported In and nenr Moiv vli Ti,n.
day, making thirteen il.Miiii. tmm ,
dlsense since July 4. Other victims are
sun nnve.
A mob at Onlnpuvllto
be Jail and shot to iienth i.'. hi ..n ui
Smith n farmer who hnd killed WIN
iiyu jien, a commercial traveler from
Nenr St. T.ouls a nnlnter named rtnv.
niond family Injured a woman by drfv-
" imnpin into ner bruin with a
inmmer. and his neiuhimrs ih...i ..
lynch him.
Following a family nnqrrel Mrs rinn.
Trelder shot and killed her mother,
Mrs. Christian Foss, wounded her hus
band and killed herself at Llbertyville
a few days ago.
All churches and Rllndnv sehmlo In
Frankfort, Ky.. and all publlo services
were ordered stopped for 10 dnvs. for
fear of a spread of smallpox, there be-
aireauy o patients.
The woolen trust, bv comhlnlnar M
mills, expects to effect a saving of 13 -
000,000 a year In the selling of Its pro-
ucl, ana ouu,uuu a year in the pur
hase of raw material.
During the Spanish war Helen Gould
contributed to the comfort of the Sixth
Ohio Volunteers. The boys are now
contributing for a medal to bo present-
eu 10 mis noDie woman.
X-rays have located a bullet In the
ody of CaDt. Charles D. f'lnv nt
1-oulsvllle, Ky. He was wounded In
Manila where he will return when the
bullet has been removed.
Three posses amounting to 120 men
started from points In Wyoming on the
ran or ewirt near, an Indian, who,
vith 100 Sioux bucks. Is making for the
South Dakota bad lands, plundering as
ne goes.
Twenty-seven business houses, the
pumping station of the water works,
the tire engine house and the city Jail
were destroyed by fire last Monday
at Balnbrldge. Ga, Loss, $60,000; In
surance, szu.uuu.
A five-year-old boy, Carl Boemer,
ho Is subject to fits was given whis
key by his mother upon the advice of
a doctor. Friday he was sent to a
New York hospital suffering from de
lirium tremens.
The Westlnghouse Company of Pitts
burg has secured a contract from Bus-
la to equip the railroads of that coun
try with airbrakes. The contract ex
tends over a period of four venri and
represents $13,000,000.
Fred. S. D. Deltrlck, a Harvard stud
ent, entered suit against Samuel Wat-
ion, of Allegheny, Pa., for $500, alleged
o be due him for Influencing Hubert
Watson, of Allegheny, while a student
t Harvard, to study and behave hint-
The Standard Underground Cable
Company, of Pittsburg, has purchased
three and a half acres of land on the
New coast, and will built there
a plant for the manufacture ot sub
marine cables.
Tom Brinnegor and Tom O'Hara.
two lads of Mlddleaboro, Ky., were in
duced to leave home three weeks ago
by an umbrella mender. After much
search they were located by their
parents and brought home. They had
been cruelly treated.
Re-unlted alter 25 Years.
F. Q. Getchell, an Insurance agent
living at Cleveland, who waa kidnaped
wnen an iniuni zu years ago, ana his
mother were united Wednesday night.
The mother, Mrs. Emma Smith, came
from Birmingham. Alabama, where
she waa located after a long search
ana wus met at ine train by her son,
who 1 now married and has two small
All ol the Passengers Saved.
The steamer Portia, from New York
for Halifax, wa wrecked during a
dense fog early Tuesday evening off
Fllnns In I ind, oft Ssmbro, a point about
fifteen miles to the eastward of Hall-
fax, lhe passengers and crew. IIS
all told, landed on the Island in the
hip's boats and are all comfortably
housed there. No lose of life is reported.
Funds ot the Middlesex County Bank to tht
amount or ies,000 Missing. Rela
tives May Make Shortage Good.
George. M. alentlne, anshler of the
Middlesex County bank of Perth Am
voy, N. J which was closed last Week,
tins surrendered himself and Is now In
Jail on nccount of a shortage In the
bank s funds, which has been variously
estimated all the way to $ltir.,ooo.
Hie nffnlr caused consternation and
dismay among the business men of
I erth Amboy, where tho Middlesex
County bnnk wns considered an strong
na the cternnl bills. So pnnlo stricken
did the residents of Perth Amboy be
come when It wns learned thnt the Mid
dlesex County bank had fnlled to open
Tor business thnt crowds surrounded
lhe Perth Amboy Snvlngs Institution,
vi hat mode the run on the savings b:ink
nppenr all the more serious was tho
fact thnt tho oflleers of the Middlesex
County bank nml the officers of the
Perth Amboy Savings Institution are
identical, the business of both banks
being transacted over the same coun
ters. Though It been me nnnoiHiv Ia nail
for tho nld of police for the purpose of
mnlntnlnlng order, U. B. Watson, tho
president of both banks, snvs thnt the
funds of the Perth Amboy Savings In
stitution were not touched, that the
f:i(K),0OO deposited to the account of the
Savings Institution Is absolutely sn fe
and that no nintter how badly the
niiuiiicm-x vouniy pang nns been
wrecked the Snvlngs bank will be able
to meet all demniuln ninde nnon It hv
the depositors. These words of assur
ance from the olllcers of the Savings
institution had the effect of checking
the run on this bank during tho after
noon. The notice posted on the iloor of tho
Middlesex County bank wan on follows:
"Bnnk closed. In the hands of bank
ing department."
The Middlesex County bank was
operated under a state charter and
hnd been In operntlon mnny yearn.
Cashier Valentine was for man-
years In the l'ark National bnnk of
New York. In ls3 he wns mmli
enshlcr of the Middlesex County bank.
Ills bond was fixed for $50,000. His
relatives ore wealthy and tt Is said they
will endeavor to make good tho short
age. The Tark National bnnk of New York
has obtained an attachment In the su
preme court for $:il,ri8 against tho
Middlesex Countv bank of l'prlh Am
boy, N. J.; $TO,205 on overdrafts and
$1,302 due on collections. Tho attach
ment was granted by Justice Stover of
the supreme court. Deputy Sheriff
aicnuire attached mining stocks and
bonds belonging to the bnnk nt tho of
fice of the l'nrk National bank.
George M. Valentine hns mndo n full
confession to his father, wife, uncle
mid counsel. Ho snld:
".My ruin dates back to when I was
Riven a Kllt-edged tip on gas stock by
a man who said ho wns In a position to
know, nnd who said thnt It was going
Up. I took $25.(100 from the bank funds.
I lost tt nil almost In a dny. From
thnt time until I inndn niv Inst gnmblo
nn Monday, when I lost $8,000. which I
took from the Perth Amboy savings In
stitution, I tried to cover up my los
ses. Of courao. I fnlled. I have six
cents now."
Not Only Put Out tho Flames but Resuscitate
the Unconscious.
Fire at New York Wednesday morn
ng In a five-story brick tenement
house caused the death of a little girl,
ltachel Silber, and Injured a dozen
other persons, none of whom will die.
Fifteen families lived In the house, and
the loss of life would have been large
but for the heroic efforts of the fire
men. The most seriously Injured are
Samuel Landon and Mm. Bessie Bos
slok. Ten others were overcome by
smoke, and are suffering from burns.
The people taken down by the fire
men were laid on the aldewalk and re
suscitated according to the "first aid to
the Injured rules which Dr. Janeway
helped to teach the firemen soma
montha ago. When the hospital am
bulance came the surgeons said that
some of the victims would have died
hnd not the firemen helped them Id
this way.
Daring Navigator Falls to Complete His
The British steamer Holbein, Cap
tain Sherlock, Now York, July 1, for
Manchester, which arrived at Liver
pool Monday, picked up Captain Wil
liam A. Andrews, known aa the "Lone
Navigator, who left Atlantic City
une 18. In a llttlo craft named "The
Doree," barely 12 feet In length, to at
tempt to cross the Atlantic.
Captain Andrews was round ex
austed July 12, about 700 miles from
the Irish coast. His boat waa left
Captain Andrews, when he left At
lantic City, took an easterly courio and
headed direct for the Azores islands,
where he expected to stay for A few
days to reprovlBlon his larder. He
hoped to make the voyage to England
In 00 days.
The British steamer Pamperdown
spoke him on June 20. Captain An
drews at that time was wen ana de
clined assistance.
Boating Party Drowned.
Frank Tlav. with his sweethenrt.
Catherine Wlmsey, and Clifford and
Jamea Shannon started on an excurs
ion up the Ohio river in a naphta
launch at Cincinnati a few daya ago.
Tho launch hud a small, flnt bottom
boat, known as a "Johnboat," In tow.
Frnnk Hay playfully Jumped Into this
boat, and all the omers, against ins
protest followed. The boat filled and
sank, and nay alone was rescued.
Hud vard Kipllng'e right thumb haa
been bitten by a dog, and Is considera
bly Inflamed. lie carnea nis arm in a
sling, but it Is not thought the Injury
will have serious consequences.
Chicken Saved the Family.
Chickens saved tho lives of the family
of It. H. Ludlow, near Richmond, Va.,
last Thursday at the cost of their own.
A negro who naa oeen aiscnargea put
poison In a pot of tea. The tea wa
accidentally spilled on soma bread.
which wa then thrown to the chickens.
The fowls died In a few minutes. The
negro was arrested.
Smoked 100 Clgarets Day.
Maro Sanche, 25 years old, became
violently Insane at New York, Thurs
dny morning a the result of exceaslve
cigaret cmoklng and attempted to Jump
from a third-story window. Ha wa
finally overpowered. He smoked from
75 to 100 clgaret a day.
Dissected Living Dog.
John B. Flsbee, a student at the med
ical school of the Unlverlty of Buffalo,
wa charged before Judge Woodward
at Jamestown, N. Y.. a few day ago
with dissecting a living dog before the
high school class at Ellington. He was
bald for the grand Jury.
Upon This Decision Depends tht Life tl
Upon the question whether his victim
was brute or human depends Archie If,
Brower'a guilt or Innocence of the
crime of murder.
Brower was one of the owners of a
small tent show which came to Hones
tool, H. v., for exhibition. Among thplr
attractions wns a creature or seeming'
ly a higher form of animal life than ai
monkey and lower thnn a mnn.
ltrower nnd Thorndyke called the
anlmel the 'Missing Link." and laid
great stress on the alleged fact that
no one wns able to say whether It be
longed to tho human or the brute crea
Hon. Brower now avers that the frenk
wns a monkey.
In a scuillo with It the shnwmnn be
enmo nngry, and seizing a heavy club
dealt his antagonist a hard blow over
the par, from the effects of which It
dlrd In a few hours.
Tho local authorities Immediately
placed Brower under arrest on a charge
of murder. At tho preliminary hear
ing his lawyers set up the defense that
their client did not take the life of a
human being, but the magistrate bound
mm over to the grand Jury. Ill
A Lonesome Miner Digs Up the the Dead Body
ol a Friend.
Dr. Leroy 8. Townsenil, who bravely
aided the scurvy-stricken Copper river
miners, tells a gruesome story of how
Charles Johnson, a prospector, trying
to escape the terror of his own feelings,
exhumed the snow-burled body of his
dead partner, Peter Benson, and talked
to It. Benson hnd froze to death while
trying to cross Valdes glncler from tho
Interior to the coast. In explaining his
action, Johnson sold:
"I did It for compnny. It gnve me
renl comfort. I should hnve died from
terror In thnt silent Arctic waste If It
had not been for the companionship of
poor dend Pete.
"Each time as I felt the horror
gathering In my brain, I would look at
Pete and talk to him, as though he
were alive.
"I must have snt there for an hour.
Then I felt thnt I was slowly freezing
and would soon be dend If 1 did not
move. So I Jumped up, burled Pete
ngnin in tne snow and started down
the creek.
Strenuous Effort Made to Have lll.n Visit
The United States crulspr Olympla
from Colombo, Ceylon, June 28, Is now
at Suez. Admiral Dewey on his arrival
said he was In very good health. He
appeared to be In excellent condition,
which was also the ense with hi ofll
eers nnd meiw Most of them have suf
fered from mnlnrlnl fever, but have
now quite recovered.
After passing through the rannl tho
Olymplu will call at Trieste. Thpre
nfler tho admiral's plnns are uncertain.
Possibly he will go to Gibraltar and
thence to New York.
The United States minister nt Con
stantinople, Oscnr 8. Strnus, has urg
ently Invited Admiral Dewey to visit
him. In the event of his aeceptnnce
the British special service steamer Im
mogene will proceed to the Medltprrnn
ean to escort the admiral to Constanti
Assassin Attempts to Take His Lite But Breaks
a Soldier's Arm.
An attempt was made at Stockholm
Wednesday to assassinate Gen. Wm.
Booth, commander-in-chief of the Sal
vation army. The salvation army has
been holding a revival for some time
In Sndernielate, a suburb of that city,
and Gen. Booth came from Knglund to
encourage the movement.
A Inrge crowd assembled to greet the
general and as he was entering a car
riage, a man dashed at him and at
tempted to strike him a heavy blow
with a piece of Iron pipe. The general
did not see the man, but an officer who
waa atandlng beside him threw his arm
In the way of the weapon as It des
cended with crushing force. The gen
eral escaped unharmed, but his aid's
arm was broken. The assassin es
caped in the confusion that followed.
A Mayor Regulates Prices.
Tho Influx of Cubans into Baramo,
province of Santiago do Cuba, In an
ticipation of payment for the surren
der of their arms, continues, and the
merchants of that place have at
tempted to profit. They raised prlcea
beyond reason, whereupon the mayor
argued with them, pointing out the In
justice of their attitude. The mer
chants, however, refused to modify
their prices, and the mayor, therefore,
issued an order regulating prices and
providing a heavy fine for violation of
for ordinance. Food Is now cheao
and the price of liquors la high.
Spaniards Held lor Ransom.
Gulterres Cells, a wealthy Spaniard,
of San Cristobal, Cuba, has been kid
naped by bandits, and la held await
ing a ransom of $8,000. Cell disap
peared over a week ago. His friends
heard from him on Saturday stating
that he was held by the bandits In the
mountains. Members of the rural
guard have started In search of him.
Several other rich Spaniards hava
been notified anonymously that ban
dits are plotting to kidnap them.
Senator's Son Dies ol Lockjaw.
Senator Edward T. Bracket!' 9-year-old
son, Edgar, died Tuesday
evening at Saratoga, N. Y..s the re.
suit of a Fourth of July accident. On
that day a email toy pistol, shooting
blank cartridges, slightly Injured the
palm of his left hand. The wound was
dressed but lockjaw set In, causing
During the past fiscal year 41,930 pat
ents wero applied for at Washington.
President McKlnley haa signified his
Intention of coming to Pittsburg to help
welcome home the Tenth Pennsylvania
The Chicago, with Admiral Howl.
son aboard, will sail from Cape Town
aDoui August i, going nrat to et.
Helena and thence to Bio.
The troop on the Philippine are to
be armed with the most advanced typo
of field gun In the world, firing a burst
ing cnuriie of a high explosive.
Admiral Dewey filed claim In the
court ot claim for the naval bounty
due the member of his command for
the destruction of the Spanish squad
ron in Manila bay,
The Washington monument at
Washington was hit by lUlunlng a few
days ago. A wire waa burned out.
There ara ISO lightning catchers at the
top of the monument.
A firm of ahlp brokers has asked tha
navy department to nam a figure for
tho Mercedes and other captured Span
ish vesaele, but they will sot .b sold.
Assures His Followers That an Element In tht
United Stales Has Arisen In Their
Favor Lauds Noble Spain.
A copy of the Independence has
renched Manila containing the speech
which Agulnaldo mndo during the
recent ceieoratlon at Tarlae of the nn
hlvcrsnry of the proclamation of Fili
pino Independence, lu substance It Is
as follows:
"Flllplnn, beloved daughter of the
ardent sun of tl.e tropics, commended
by Providence to the care of noble
Spnln, be not ungrntefut to her snluto
who wormed you with tho breath of
her own culture and civilization.
"It Is true she sought to crush thy
iinpiraiion ior independence, as a lov
ing mother opposes separation forever
from the dnughter of her bosom. This
but proves the excess of affection nnd
love Spnln feels for thee. Filipino, de.
llente flower of the enst, senrcely eight
months wenned from the breast of thv
mother, thou hns dared to brave a
great nnd powerful nation, such as Is
the United Slates, after barely organiz
ing nnu uiscipnnlng thy little army. Yet
we reply wo will be slaves to none, nor
allow ourselves to be deceived by soft
words. Let us continue to defend our
ratherlnnd until Independence Is as
sured, for this Is Justice.
"We shall see at Inst thnt the great
American nntlon will acknowledge the
right which Is on our sldo. Thnt doc
trine of the grcnt Monroe, thnt America
Is for Americans, Is not forgotten, Just
as we affirm thnt the Philippines are
for the Filipinos. Homo stntes of the
American Union have arisen In our
favor. Especially Is tho Democratic
party convinced thnt both vlctnrerr.ftd
Vnnuuished Will lose tireelons llvj.
Thus mnny of the people nnd many t
tl.a i , , A - . '
j Bim.-riiirii censure i rcsiueni mv
Klnley as Inhuman for hnvlng or docs' J
Ms military representatives nt Manila.
10 seca means to bring about hostilities
wiin ine rinpinos.
"These facts prove thnt they wished
' iry us to see ir we are able to live
up to the second color of our banner,
red, which signifies couraffe. tierolRtn
and martyrdom. Therefore wo should
not resent this struggle with the Amer
icans. In spite of their expressed de
sire to dominate all the Philippines,
well convinced are they that we fight
with Justice and right on our side, and
that autonomy la nil a show of deceit.
only serving to save certain accum
ulated: wealth.
We have never concealed cur nnnl ra
tions, that we aspire but to Independ
ence; thnt we will struggle on to obtain
ir. perhaps from those who ere now
our enemies nnd to-morrow will be our
allies, as they were for the overthrow
of the power of Spnln. We might well
nccept this autonomy America offers,
but whnt enn we do with it if our am
bition Is Independence nnd If we are to
accept It only to Inter overthrow by
force of arms the sovereignty of Amer
Icn? As I believe it is the intention of
the autonomists to mnke use of trench-
ery nnd deceit, wo can not accept such
a procedure.
"W e an not wish to be traitors after.
wnrd. AV'e wish to show our chnracter
nf frankness and sincerity and nothing
more. Let us avoid the example of
those nntlves who, hnvlng at one time
been colonists, accepted autonomy to
enable them to make their work surer
once everything wns proposed. History
nns given us an example of this In
recent events.
"Let us persist In our Iden. which Is
only tho legitimate nnd noble aspira
tions of a people which In desirous at
all cost to preserve Its nntlonnl honor
spotless and as pure as a crystal. Thus,
then, there will not be a single Filipino
autonomist. Those who nre so are In
the eye of the people bnt time servers,
fearful of losing their riches, threaten
ed by risks of war.
'Filipinos. let us be constant! Let
us strengthen the bonds of our union!"
Oregon Soldiers Given Patriotic Reception at
San Francisco.
The United States transports New
port and Ohio, bearing the Oregon Vol
unteers from Manila arrived at San
Francisco last Thursdny.
The vessels were sighted early In the
afternoon and soon the shrieking of
steam whistles. te clanglnrg of bells
and the firing of cannon announced
that the first batch of returning volun
teers from Manila were nearing the
shores of California. W Ithln a few
minutes the streets were thronged with
people wending their way to the docks
and to the heights overlooking the bay.
nient upon can ning a glimpse of the
transports as they steamed up the
harbor under the escort of a score of
vessels which bad been made ready for
the arrival ot the steamers.
The health officera boarded the ves
sels which changed their course toward
the quarantine stations, where the doc
tors will make a thorough examination
of the men.
Snake Milked His Cows.
Deacon Jones Thompson, of Geneva.
N. Y., has at last solved the mystery
as to the cause ot the decrease In the
milk supply and the general falling off
n neaitn or an tne cowa In the neigh
borhood. Going down Into a swamn
where some of his cattle were pastured
he found one of his heifers being milk
ed by a big blarksnake. The reptile
had wound Its body three times around
a fencepost nnd twice around one of
the cow's legs. He killed the snake,
but In the struggle It bit his leg and
he may lose It.
Cats lor the Klondike.
When the Rosalie goes north from
Senttle, Wash., she will carry a dou-ble-deqk
crate of black cats consigned
o it. J. Coleman, uawson City. Cole
man says that aa Dawson haa long
been rat Infested, he will have no
trouble In selling the oats for $50
each. LaBt year ho took up AO calves;
selling them as veal at the rate of $240
per head.
Nine British warships are gathering
off St. Johns, N. l', fur a demonstration
against the French.
The whole British empire Is apparent
ly solidly backing the government In
Its attitude In the Transvaal, where the
right ot franchise la demanded for Out-
It wis officially announced that the
death of the ciarowltch of Kuvsla oc
curred July 10 while he was taking a
ride In an automobile. lie was at
tacked by a hemorrhage.
China has contracted with the Vul
can work ot Qermany for 8 new war.
Five batteries ot field artillery have
alrendy been ordered to the Transvaal
by England. It la believed that Presi
dent Krueger will make concessions
rather than engage In an unequal war.
The Filipino Junta will move from
Hong Kong to Labuan, because they
have been watched ao closely by the
America agents that they have been
uab to. alilu any fcriu i &g uliuUdo.
ThoriU Pierce Armor Plata aad Is fires
From Ordinary Ouns Other lue.
ceuful Experiment
OfTlcera of the ordnance department
United States army, conducted three
separate tests Wednesday at tha
proving grounds at Sandy Hook. Tha
tests consisted of the throwing of high
explosives, the firing of a new high,
explosive and the testing of a steel
tower and range Under. All were count'
ed successful. The tests were the cul
mination of the experiments which have
been carried on for some time to de
termine whether or not high explosive
enn be thrown with snfety from ordl
nnry service guns. The experiments
of this nature were conducted by the
bonrd of ordnnnee nnd fortification, of
which General Miles Is president. In
addition to General Miles, the follow
ing members of the bonrd were pres.
ent: General ltnyal 'ft. Frnnk, Judge
OuthWHlte, Captain C. B. Wheeler, of
the ordnnnee department, and Lieu-
tennnt D. N. Lewis.
The testa to determine whether tha
Iwts rnnge finder Is affected by the
blasts of guns fired near by were con
ducted by a special bonrd appointed by
tbo wnr department at tho request of
the chief engineers. This board wa
mnde up of Colonel II. C. HasbrooK,
Colonel J. -P. Storey, Captain H. L.
Harris, of the artillery; Captain J. C.
Ayers, of the ordnnnee, and Captola
Judson, of the engineer corps.
The first trlnl was that of the Isham :
system of throwing 113 pounds of ex
plosive gelatin. The Iaham dlHphragni
steel shells were used. The gun was a
12-Inch of the service pattern. At flrsi
tho gun was fired out to sea. The shell
struck the water three times, proving
thnt In ense the shell struck the water
before striking the mark the charge
would not explode. Four charges ot
explosive gelatin were next fired from
a Slms-Dnlley powder pneumatic gun. I
These charges were fired In safety and
were a success.
The greatest Interest of the dr.y was
centered about the exnerlments eon.
ducted with Dr. Tuttle'a new explosive
morue. The officers were reticent
about the result of the test. Tha In
ventor was present and personally as
sisted In the firing of the charges. The
thorite was thrown both out to sea and
through plate, and It waa demonstrat
ed that, while the effects of the ex
plosive are terrible, It can be used from
ordinary guns and fired through steel
pinto without exploding. The thorite
wns plnced in service shell and fired
from an eight-Inch. The bursting
chnrge varied, but with the armor
when the armor piercing shells were
used the charge consisted of about 12
or 13 pounds of explosive. The shells
were fired through 4V4-lnch steel, and.
while the plate was shattered, tha -
chnrge did not go off.
The bonrd also conducted an experi
ment In firing off a Vlckers Sons and
Maxim Howitzer. It was fired four
times with service charges. The officers
nttnch considerable Importance to
these tests, nnd sny thnt never before
nnve such charges of high explosives
been fired from service guns.
it wns also determined thnt the
Lewis depression rnnge finder and
locnter Is not affected by the blast of
Four Occur in Allegheny Co., Pa.-Causd by
Shooting Accidents.
An epidemic of lock law. or tetanus.
hns struck the countrj.
Allegheny county hns had four of the
fatal cases. Two boya died Tuesday
one In Pittsburg and one In McKees-
port. The second death here was that
of Hugh Snvnge Monday. The flrat
wna that of Witmer LenUberg, of Alle
gheny. Saturday.
A striking coincidence of the cases
Is thnt nenrly all the victims are boys
of about 14 or 15 yeara of age, and all
were hurt In the same manner. It was) .
the deadly toy pistol In each Instance.
During the celebrntlnn on the Fourth
cither by a premature discharge or a
bursting of the pistol, a slight wound
on the hand would be Inflicted.
This was usually so slight that but
little attention was paid to It at first.
Then, within the last couple of days,
the victim would complain of pains In
the neck and head, with a stifling sen-
satlon. Great pain followed. When
physicians were called In they prompt
iy recognisea ine symptoms ox leianus,
but all their medical skill waa Insuffi
cient to save the unfortunate boya
Their suffering Increased until death
brought relief.
The number of oVnthn from Jocklaw
In and near New York since July 4
hns been thirty-two. Most of the vic
tims were boys who were wounded In
the hand by toy pistols. Three) boya
died In this city Sunday.
Deal Millionaire Sued.
Judge Hlrshberg hs decided to grant
Mrs. Mary L. Halght $125 a month ali
mony and MS counsel fees. Mrs. Halght
s suing Henry Halght for separation.
The Halght are both deaf mutes and
the defendant Is worth several millions
by Inheritance.
Mother and Child Loss Their Way and Art
Burned to Death.
Abrahnm Flnklesteln waa probably
fatally burned at New York Tuesday
through the explosion of turpentine In
his painter supplie and wall paper
shop, and hla wife and son were burn
ed to death. A can ot turpentine that
Flnklesteln waa using near a gas
stove exploded and bespattered Mm
1th flames. His wife seised him by
the arm and dragged him Intq the hall.
It la supposed they became confused
there with the smoke and darkness and
he happened to run in the right direc
tion while the woman went back and
fell at the foot of the atulrs, where ah
and the child, to which she clung, were
Advertised tor Skin.
Forty-two men answered an adver
tisement at Chicago asking for akin for
grafting 11 lnchea of cuticle over tha
back of Klchard Gray. 17 yeara old.
The wound In Gray' back, which la
now nearly well, waa caused by at
swiftly moving belt In the auspender
factory where he worked. The flesh
was torn from the back and th bone
were expoaed. If a new akin could not
have been grafted on Gray would have
President McKlnley has purchased
his old home at Canton. O.
Fell With a Burning Balloon.
Mine. Carmen, an aeronaut, had a
narrow escape from death in a burn
ing balloon at Streator, 111., the other
day. Gasoline waa used to hasten the
Inflation, and the tlame Ignited the bal
loon. Some excited ipectatora shouted
to let go, and the men dropped th guy
rope. Mine, carmon waa earned ud
with the burning balloon. She became
entangled In the rope and wa carried
up head downward. Thousand of
persons witnessed her perilous ascent,
powvrlesa to aid her. The fir burned
noie tnrougn tne Danon and allowed
the ga to caue. which caused a
speed; descent. -