The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 19, 1899, Image 4

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    IHtc Star.
Subscription $l.fiO fwr v'nr, r 1 1-00 f
Miid rtvielly in nilrnnct.
4 . A. Tl:i'HIaiOMt Kdllnrand Pnb.
Wednesday, JULY lit, lSim.
Antndp))rnr1iMii loenl paper, ull Mini every
Wcdniwliiy nl Hi y r t v 1 1 1 x. JnfTormm
Pa., devoted to tin' IntiTcMK of Keynol(lvllLt
ami .Icirersom'oimty. Non-iHtlllletil, will tretU
all with f.-ilrntv..-, miil will tM'eNporhilly frlnnfl
ly toward, the Inhering class.
Subscription pilfpl .imif yor, In nilvnneo.
Comrminl'ittlon IntemlfMi for iHihllrntlon
must lo at'rompnnled by tb writer's nnttie,
not for publication, but am a RiiHrimlra of
Rood fiiltn. liittii"tlna news Items sollrltiMl.
AdverlWInv rules nmile known on spplten
tlonntthe oflli'p In Kroehllch-llt'iiiy llloek,
Lenirbty romniniilenttnn find chnnicff of
'l vcrtlHi'tiiiMitn nhotild rviu-h tills iillii'i! by
Momliiv nooti.
AoiliT" nil I'limtnnnlrmtlonn toO. A. Steph
enson, Rrynolilsvlllt. I'tt.
Fntrrnl Ht tlio iostnmi,i at Ueynolclsvllle,
Pa., as sei'oml rln. mall nintter.
The man who holds a ivimhinIMo
position ncv.t whistles while at work.
When a man is worried to (loath, ho
is usually worried nlxmt everything but
death itself.
Mnny men never attain to Anything
breunso tholr nlm In life Is too high.
Energy must ui'compnny a bullet to tho
The aiipcrvinor who makes good roads
Is complimented and blessed hy tho
trawling public. Tho supervisor who
ha l:nl rend.-' Is abused, and oven
cursed by tho
Tho ancient custom t)f carrying jars
of wator on tho head, caused graceful
movements on tho part of women, but
tho modern effort to carry wator on both
shoulders for tho pnrposo of becoming
popular In society doe not have that
New York clothing manufacturers
are so busy that they will not duplicate
orders for summer goods. This cer
tainly is not tho summer of their dis
content, although a fow protests may
be found among thoso who purchased
tho cheap summer suits.
The preacher who can preach to
please every heurer; the editor who can
wrlto to please every reader; tho mer
chant who van sell to pleaso every cus
tomer; the lawyer who van speak to
please every listener; and the dress
makor who can pleaso every woman,
aro all dead and wearing wings In
heaven. Perfection is not found In hu
manity, so says some one.
A Western paper with Ideas of Its
own as to tho proper method of receiv
ing pay from thoso It Berves, printed
the following editorial: "Persons know
ing themselves to be Indebted to this
ofllco tre requested to call and settle.
All thoso Indebted to this ofllco and not
knowing It, aro requosted to call and
And out. All thoso knowing themselves
Indebted and not wishing to call, aro
requested to stay In one placo long
enough for us to catch them. All thoso
not indebted are requested to call and
get Indebted."
A town Is no placo to foster jealousy
and nourish contentions. All should
learn to know that whatever will con
duce to tho welfare of a town cannot
Injure her citizens. Tho dispositions
made manifest by her citizens point to
her downfall or rise. Harmony among
the people of a community Is as neces
sary to tholr success as Is air to sustain
life. There aro, however, In every town
a few people, who, by tholr careless re
marks, stir up strife, Injure their best
friends, and Ignorantly persist In so do
ing. "Be careful of what you say, and
when and whero and how."
It Is hard for poople to understand,
but It Is the absolute truth, that a man's
view of the world In general Is but a
a reflection of himself. An Ingrate
imaglnos that this Is an ungrateful
world; the corrupt man, that It Is a
morrally rotten world: the selfish man
persuades himself that humanity In
general Is mean, narrow-minded and un
charitable; the avaricious man looks
upon bis fellow beings as a mass of
struggling and grasping hands and
arms. We look upon the world and
two our own natures reflected as In a
mirror. Punxsutawney Spirit.
On account of. Insufficient appropria
tions by tho Legislature, tho trustees
of The Pennsylvania State College
have been compelled, along with other
measures of retrenchment, to discon
tinue for the present the twelve-weeks
Winter Lecture Course In Agriculture
and the Cheese-making Course. The
Creamery Course will be given as here
tofore, beginning January :ird, and tho
work of thn regular four-years' course
and of the special, one-year course, will
go on as usual. Special efforts will
also be made to Increase the efficiency
of the.Corrospondence Courses In Agri
culture. The business record of the half year
closing July 1st, as made up by "lirad
streets," fallows that the failures have
been fewer tban they have been for
seventeen years, and the liabilities
smaller than lu any year since 1801; and
that tho Industrial situation bus never
been bettor. The labor slluattou has
been particularly satisfactory. Volun
tary advances have raised the compen
sation for thousands of operatives; la
bor troubles were very few till toward
the clone of the period, and then owing
to failures to agree upon wages and
hours In certain Industries. Railroads
show u c:(iititaut!y Increasing truffio.
A $40.00 Bicycle Olven Away Dally.
Tho publishers of tho New York Star,
the handsomely Illustrated Sunday news
paper, are giving a high grade bicycle
each day for the largest list of words
made by using tho letters contained In
"T-H-E N-K-W YORK S-T-A-R" no
more times In any one word than It la
found In The Now York Star. Web
ster's Dictionary to bo considered as
authority. Two good watches, (first
class tlmo keepers) will bo given dally
for second and third best lists, and many
other valuable rewards, Including din
ner sets, tea sets, china, sterling silver
ware, etc., etc., In order of merit. This
educational contest is lwlng given to
advertise and Introduce this successful
weekly Into new homos, and nil prizes
will bo awarded promptly without par
tiality. Twelve 2-cent stamm must bo
enclosed for thirteen weeks trial sub
scription with full particulars and over
.'100 valuable rewards. Contest oMns
and uwards commeneo Monday, Juno
Until, and closes Monday, August 21st,
1WH. Your list can reach us any day
between these dates and will receive
tho award to which It may be entitled
for that day, and your name will bo
printed In tho following Issue of tho
Now York Slur. Only one list can be
entered by t he same person. Prizes ore
on exhibition at the Slor'x business of
fices. Persons securing bicycles may
have choice of ladles,' gentlemen's or
juveniles' lH'.HI model, color or bIzo do
sired. Call or address Dop't "K," Tub
New Yohk Star, 2.10 W. :wth Stroot,
New York City.
Spreads Like Wildfire.
You can't keep a good thing down.
News of It travels fast. When things
are "the best" they become "tho best
selling." Abraham Hare, a leading
druggist of Itellevlllu, O., writes:
"Klectrlo Hitters aro the best selling
bitters I have ever handled In my 20
years experience." You know why?
Most diseases begin In disorders of tho
stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood
and nerves. Klectrlo Hitters tones up
the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys
and bowels, purifies tho blood, strength
ens the nerves, hence euros multitudes
of maladies. It builds up the entire
system. Puts new life and vigor into
any run-down man or woman. Only
5(1 cents. Sold by II. A. Stoke, Druggist,
People Who Pay the Printer.
The following persons have paid their
subscriptions or added tholr names to
our list since last week:
John Waitu, Keyiioldsvllle, Hoplemlicr 1,
J. I. Mi'Dotmld, ItvynoMsvlllp, (newl July
12, lirno.
John llnsson, Heyuoldsvllle.
V. A. Smith, West HejtiiilclsvlUe, May 2,
tohn ItriHiks, Itoynoldsvllle, .Innunry 15,
E. O. HoiiMir. Roynoldsvllle.
Mrs. II. J. lVhti, Keynolilsvllle, Atiicust 2n,
I.. M. Wottr.el, Glen Campbell, I'a., June 10,
Mrs. J. M. Nyplirlt, Piili'm, Oreitou, now
January 17, ltmo.
OC ltumsey, MitlionlnRtowii, Pit., July III,
M. M. McAiloo, Keyiioldsvllle, new July
Bids Wanted.
The school directors of Winslow town
ship want bids for tho erection of a now
school building near Kathmul and an
addition to the Proscottvillo school
building. Specifications are at tho
THE Star ofllco, where they can be
soon by any porson wishing to bid. All
bids must be sent to the secretary, W.
A. London, Sykesvillo, Pa., or handed
to school board at Frank's Tavern,
Rcynoldsvllle, beforo 4.00 p. m., July
22nd, when contract will bo lot.
School Board.
Ladies Who Value
Good cooking, should examlno the
Cinderella Rungc: it is a good baker,
stands service well, and in style and
action Is unequalled. Sold by Roynolds
vllle Hardware Company.
If It's up-to-date, we have it at
Try our chocolate soda So. Just as
good as it was last year. Reynolds
drug store.
doing away this summer? Better
select your wearables now at Soeloy's.
Klttannlng, like Punxsutawney, has
a curfow law, and promptly at 9 o'clock
the bell Is rung. But the results are
far different in Klttannlng. Promptly
at the first tap of the bell every young
ster In Klttannlng scurries home and tho
joyful parents put them to bed, first, of
course, requiring their children to
wash their feet. The sight of so many
children suddenly leaving the streets
and parks and running homo Is quite
comical, and, indued, In some cases hag
become Infectious, for even men are
soon hurrying home after curfow rings.
If Klttannlng keeps this up she will
soon bo a model town, whore after 0
o'clock the cadunue of the katydid or
chirp of the cricket will be the only
sounds to break the stillness of the mid
night air. Punxsutawney jVevs.
The latest in Wilbur Double Wear
collars, 2 for 2To., at Seeley's.
, Come In and see our bargain counter.
We can save money for you. Robin
ton's. Foratfood refreshing drink try Cooa
Cola at our fountain 5c. Reynolds drug
"Leave it Out."
Editors are pestered by fellows dally
who beg that affairs In which they ap
peared discreditably may be "killed,"
says the Albany Telnjram.
These are usually tho chas who rush
to It nearly as quickly to request favor
able notice of some transaction which
may give them a bit of cheap notoriety.
When well away from the office they
are loudest In the expression of an opin
ion that the nowspapurs are not read
and have no Influence
Editors aro long-sufforing from neces
sity and usually very kind and obliging.
But oftentimes they find It most difficult
to comply with entreaties to "leave out"
this or that.
Their duty Is to supply tho news. If
they yelld overmuch to sentiment or
good nature, their paicrs will prove
dry reading.
Men who get Into wrap are wonder
fully considerate afterward -of rela
tions and dear friends whose feelings
would lie lacerated by publicity.
Usually such petitioners aro more
concerned for themselves than for those
In whose behalf they make appeal.
A scandal bus need to bo published
when tho guilty parlies, have Bet at de
fiance ordinary moral convictions, and
their prominence In social life Bhould
be added incentive to publication.
Rascals are bold 1 nough to pray for
clemency; but editors should be brave
enough to withhold it.
Reduced Rates to the Seashore.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for three low rate ten day
excursions for tho present season from
Erie, Troy, Hollefonte, Wllliamsport,
Mocanaqua, Sunbury, Shenandoah,
Dauphin, and principal Intermediate
stations (Including stations on branch
roads), to Atlantic City, Sea Islo City,
Avalon, Anglosea, Wlldwood, or Holly
Beach, on Thursdays, July 27, August
10 and 24, 181)0.
Excursion tickets, good to return by
regular trains within ton days, will bo
sold at very low rates. Tickets to At
lantic City will bo sold via tho Delaware
River Bridge Route, tho only all-rail
lino, or via Market Stroot Wharf, Phil
adelphia. For Information In regard to specifla
rate's and time of trains consult hand
bills, or apply to agents, or E. S. liar
rar, Division Ticket Agent. Williams
port, Pa.
Stop over can bo had at Philadelphia
cither going or returning, within limit
of ticket, provided ticket Is deposited
with agent at Broad Stroet Station
immediately on arrival.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed lotters remaining
in the postofllco ut Rcynoldsvllle, Pa.,
week ending July 15, 1801):
Robert Barrett, James O. Brown,
George Boyer, Chlst Charleson, Thos.
Reword, Mrs. Frank Jones, James Jos
por, Wm. Peterman, Esq., G. W. Sin
cox, Abe Whalllng.
Foreign Jan Kylyrlan.
Say advertised and glvo dato of list
when calling for above.
A. M. Woodward, P. M. .
For Sale House, barn, I aero of land
with fruit and shade trees on and a good
well. For location and particulars in
quire at The Star ofllce.
Two thousand pounds of pure manllla
binder twine that wag bought for cash
before tho advance In price. We can
save you money. Hall & Barton.
The only blcyclo shop in town equip
ped for doing all kinds of work is at C.
F. Hoffman's.
Call and see the fibro telescopes and
suit cases at Seeley's.
We are still in the plumbing business
and are prepared to do gas and water
plumbing on short notice. Hull Si Barton
Labor Is one of the great elements of
society the great substantial Interest
on which wo stand. No feudal service,
or prediul toll, or the Irksome drudgery
by one race of mankind subjected to an
other! By labor, intelligently, manly,
independent, thinking and acting for
Itself, earning Its own wages, accumu
lating those wages into capital, educat
ing children, maintaining worship,
claiming tho right of elective frunchlse,
and helping to uphold tho great fubrlo
of the state. This is American labor.
And all my sympathies are with it, and
my voice till I am dumb will be for it.
Duntel Webster.
Up goes tho mercury; down goes the
prices at Seeley's.
A strictly high grade wheel the
Rambler with G. & J. tires, lamp, bell,
coasters and pant guards, .'). 00 at
McCormick Leads.
We have nine mowers ready for so
many good farmers. Horse rakes, har
rows, drills, sulky cultivators going
rupldly. Come, quick.
J. C. Kino & Co,
A Young Girl's Experience.
My daughter's nerves wore terribly
out of older. She whs thin and weak;
the leust noise bturtlud her, and she
was wukeful at night. Before she had
taken one package of Celery King the
change in hur was so great that she
could hardly bo tuken for the same girl,
She is rapidly growing well and strong,
her complexion Is ourfect. and she
1 sleeps well every night. Mrs. Lucy
I MoNutt, Brush Valley, Pa. Celery
J King for the Nerves, Stomach, Liver
I and Kidneys Is sold in 25c, aud 50c.
packages by H. Alex, Bloke.
In Memorlam,
The following resolutions of respect
were unanimously adopted by Laxly
Winslow Lodge, No. 205:
WllF.HF.AH, It has pleased Almighty
God In Ills Infinite wisdom to tnke from
our midst our beloved brother and sis
ter. 8. V. Shlek and Ella F. Ferris,
Hrmlretl, That wo the members of
Lody Winslow Ue be kali Lodge No. 205
have lost two good, true and faithful
liimlml, That wo extend to tho be
reavnd families our heartfelt sympathy
In tholr affliction.
Hrmtlml, That a copy of these reso
lutions bo recorded on tho minutes, a
copy bo sent to the families of tho do
ceased, and that our charter bo draped
for a period of thirty davs.
Minnie Whitmorr. )
Maouie L. Mixihk, )
A Common Danger.
If you have ever had a cold which you
permitted to "wear away" it may In
terest you to know that It was a danger
ous proceeding. Every cold and cough
which Is neglected paves tho way for
consumption, bronchitis, asthma or
catarrh. Otto's Cure, tho famous
Gormnn throat and lung remedy, will
cure any cough or cold and save you
from consumption. Cull on II. Alex.
Stoke and got a sample bottle free.
Largo slzo 25c. and 50c.
Bids Wanted.
Bids will be received by tho school
board for janitor and furnishing coal.
Coal to bn run of mine. Bids to bo In
by August 1st. For any Information
call on secretary. Tho board reserves
the right to reject any or all bids.
W. H. Bell,
Sec. Rcynoldsvllle School Board.
Capt. Wllllum Astor Chanler. Con
gressman from Now York, Is the presi
dent of tho New York Star, which Is
giving away a forty dollar blcyclo daily,
as offered by their advertisement in an
other column. Hon. Amos J. Cum
mings, M. C, Col. Asa Bird Gardner,
District Attorney of New York, ex
Governor Hogg, of Texas, and Col. Fred
Felgl, of New York, are among the well
known names in their Board of Di
rectors. Try the Twentieth Century Eloctro
Magnetlo Scissors sharpener. Sharp
ens the dullest shears in thirty seconds.
Pays for Itself every time used. Edi
son's latest triumph. Only 15 conts.
Hall & Barton.
For Sale 20 acres of land In Winslow
twp., with house, barn, orchard and
good spring of wator. Inquire of E.
Neff, Esq.. Roynoldsvllle, Pa.
Just received, a new line of summer
neckwear at Seeley's.
Bargains In all kinds of shoes this
week Robinson's.
Galling for
When we foel it best to hur- ttjf
ry the sale of seasonable lines, JVT
..... t.i u ..n.ip..i ....11 1.. aJi
Wtm 1 uui nf-n 1 r 1 1, 11 v u, 11 11 ,1 munu
It profitable buying we glvo
........ . . ! 1 ...... u., . .. U..
K.X you values that lully
f you. There'll be clever bu
ula ft
X' In
a here throughout the July
davs, but the "righting" time
is here the season when we
push the selling when tho
thoughts of margins drop Into
the background, and all efforts
are made to promptly clear
the surplus. For every July
need, its to your iutorest to
come here.
lines that the close of
July must register tholr finish
and so we've pushed the prices
,1. ...... urn f.t niii k k.
gladly when you note the char
aotor of the offerings you'll
believe our statement that wo 0C1
prefer the little prices rathor
than carry over the goods.
They are the kind of values
mid-summer always brings to
our patrons, and are along most
economical buying lines.
A bunching together of tho
items that the seuson mukes of
importuueo, but there's music
in the prices thore's a special
roasonublonosB that marks
them eurnost values that will
cause quick buying. You'll
find the qualities up to our
usual high standard you'll be
pleased with the stylos, and
the particularly reasonable
Bing & Co. $
Columbia Bicycles for Women.
Ladies' Columbia Bevel-Gear
Chainless, Model 51.
1898 Price $125. Reduced to $60.
Ladies' Columbia Chain, Model 46.
1898 Price $75. Reduced to $42.50.
Thene machine are Colunibiaa of the highest
grade throughout and bear tho Columbia guarantee.
They are not phop-worn wheels carried over from laBt
year, but are of 18W manufacture. Compare them
part for part with other bicycles and you will find
good reasonn for the admitted superiority of Columbia
quality, me biock oi inese
I sell the best $25.00
run guarantee.
If you kiue a Ckkscent
you aro perfectly safo
on the road and don't
need to take a ropnlr
shop with you.
There are more Cres
cents bold than any
othor wheel In the mar
ket. I I I
The only thino ahout
a Crescent that Is not
"Bky-hlgh" Is the price.
It Is a modorate price
and a firm price.
CENT HIDElt compluin
of Crescent prices, and
you never hear us apol-
oglze for them.
Stop a Minute !
S When looking for furniture all want the 2
S best and want to go where they can buy the 3
S cheapest. rrj
H Parlor Suits,
H Bed-Room Suits,
H Dining Tables,
H Kitchen Furniture.
S Please you for the least money. Call and
j examine our goods and get prices before you
purchase elsewhere.
machines is limited.
Bicycle on the market.'
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