"Do Not Grasp at theShadow and Lose the Substance.' - ihny people are but shadows of theti former selves, due to neglect of health. Look out for the blood, the fountain of life, the actual substance keep that pure by regular use of Hood" s Sarsaparitla and robust health tultl be the result. Be sure to get only Hood's, because A Newfoundland rlon; mndo n di tor mlnod and MicrrnKful nttrmt nt sui cide the other day In the lake In front of Lincoln I'nrk, Chicago. Auk Vonr IieMrr for Allrn'tt Foot Kn.rs A powder to fhnko Into ymr fhoed; r'st the feet, t'uren Corns, lliuiionn, hwolb-n, Horn. Hot, Cnllouo, AcliluB, KwinllnK Fei-t and InirrowinK Nulls. Allen's Koot-i;no nmkfn ni'W or Unlit lioe ensy. At nil rlruir slt nnrl nhotii Horen, 28 et. Hnmplo mrillcl I'UEE. Adr's Allen H. Ulmoted, l.ulioy, N. V. rrnirren of the Tolephone. Mr. W. H. I'reece, president of th British Institution of Civil Engineers, In a recent address, said that speech Is ,now practically possible between any two postofflces In the United King dom. Theoretically It is possible to talk between London and every capital In Europe, and the Hrltleh poatofflee authorities are considering the sub mersion of special telephone cables to Belgium, Holland and Cermany. Ednrat Tour TtoweU With Cneearett. iCancly cathartic, cure rnnKtlnatInn forever, jloo.cso. K u o, o. fall, drugglau retuud money, THE TOWER OF LONDON. Locking I'p Quaint and Ancient Ceremony The main guardhouse at the Tower, which has Just been pulled down, was hard by the Bloody Tower. It Is at this spot, says the London Graphic, that the quaint and ancient ceremony of locking up the tower is nightly per formed, as it has been for centuries. A few minutes beforo 11 u clock the head .warder, or yeoman pkrter, as ho is properly styled, clothed in a red cloa, carrying a portentous bunch of keys, and accompanied by another warder carrying a lantern, appears in front of the main gnardhouse and roars out, "Escort, keys!" The rergeant turns out with some of the men, and follows the yeoman to the outer gate, the whole party being challenged by alt the sen tries with "Who goes there?" and the answer Is simply "Keys." The gates being locked the keys are brought back to the main guard. Here the sentry stamps and roars cut, "Who goes there?" "Keys," Is the reply. "Whoso keys?" "Queen Victoria's keys." "Advance, Queen Victoria's Treys. And all's well. "God bless Queen Victoria!" cries the yeoman porter. "Amen," responds the main ginrd. "Present arms!" cries the officer on duty, and amid the rattlo of the saluto he klRses the hilt of his sword. The yeoman porter marches off with tho keys and depoults them In tho lieuten ant's lodgings, and from that time throughout the livelong night you can only ciriulHte within tho tower pre cincts if you know the countersign. John Wnm Ready. In these days of proposed interna tional alliances it is Interesting to road of the littlo difficulty In which a Chi cago newsboy found himself involved, and how he extricated himself there from. Ho had wandored over into one of the "foreign qunrtcrs," on the west aide, where one can hoar almost every language except our rernacular, fnd he was set upon by two or three boys. He defended himself bravely and was holding his own fairly well, until the two or three wero Joined by as many more, and then the battlo began to go against him. "Say!" he yelled to a group of boys watching the light from the sidewalk, "is there an English boy In the crowd?" "Yes," shouted a etocklly built urchin of about his own size. "Come yore, then!" panted the young American, laying about him with all his might, "an' we'll clean out the bull gang!" And they did. Miss Lockheart's LETTER TO MRS. PINKHAM. (LSTTIK TO llli. PINKHAM MO. 07,104 " I cannot express my gratitude to you for the good that Lydia E. l'lnk ham'i Vegutublo Compound has done for me. I have tultun five bottles of the Compound and two boxes of Liver Pills and feel bettor in every respect. I had suffered for years with dropsy; the veins in my limbs burst, caused from the pressure of the water. I had the worst kind of kidney trouble, faint ing spells, and I could not stand long at a time. I also had female weukness and the doctor Bald there was a tumor in my left side. The pains I hod to stand were something dreadful. A friend handed me a littlo book of yours, so I got your modioine and it has saved my life. 1 felt better from the first bottle. The bloating and the tumors nave all gone and I do not sulfur any pain. I am still using the Vegetable Compound and hope others may find relief as I have done from its use." JUiss N. J. Lockiucabt, Box 10, Eliza beth, Pa. Only the women who have suffered with female troubles can fully appre ciate the gratitude of thoue who have been restored to health. Mrs. Ptnkham responds quickly and withoutoharge tosll letters f romsuffe itux women, tier address U Lynn, Mm AAAtVAAAAAAAAAA 3 FOR" FARM AND GARDEN. Keep the ftnrfAce In Khape. In order to get tho float rosnlts, the fmmor should always keep the surface covered with either a mulch of Vr-fro-tut ion or by keeping throo or four inches of tho surface thoroughly verizel and loonenod up, so that no water enn come up through it from below. This w ill tend to keep down the detrimental results of drought. Cnt Crlinnon t'lnvi-r Early. It U very important thnt crimson clover should bo cut for hay not later than the time of full bloom. Tho calyx is covered with rough, sharp pointed hairs, which liecomo still' and brittle when the clover is fully ripe. It. hns been found that theie hairs are liable to canso the formation of intes tinal concretions, phyto-bezoars, or linir balls, espceinlly wbon the ripe seed heads of the crimson clover are eaten by horses or catllo. Many losses are linblo to occur unloss care is taken in tho feeding. Cultivating Crop. Too frequently tho work of cultivat ing crops is neglected too long. Land will bo carefully proparcd fur planting and nfter the sood is planted nothing is done with tho crop until the weeds make a considerable start. By this time tho ground is hard in most in stances and doesn't work np nicely all through the seasons, besides it takes a good deal more labor to keep out tho weeds than it does to nip them in tho bud. If yon never allow a crnst to form on top of your ground yon will Lave no weeds to bother in cultivation or rob your crops of fertility. A weeder, or some light cultivotor.in an hour's time will do more work in the way of destroying weeds than a plow will do later on in a whole day. (hound that is properly prepared for any crop in the spring does not have to bo cultivated deep to keep it loose rnd pliablo. Keep the surface prop-'ii-ly worked and the rest will takecaro i if itself. The main thing in cultivat ing any crop is to begin in timo and work land often. Cultivators of the very latest and improved patterns can be bought very cheaply now, and it doesn't pay to try to "get along with joor tools. It is false economy to do uu. Farmer's Guide. 1nlry Hull'. The Iowa Agricultural College creamery has proinulgato l the follow ing rules, which conld bo profitably observed by all patrons of creameries oiid duiryuien in general: 1. Nothing but tin pails should be nsod in the milkyard, as it is impos sible to keep wooden pails sweet. 2. Tho cows' udders should be carefully washed before auy milk is drawn. 3. Milk shonld be aired immedi ately by pouring or dripping from pail to pail before cooling, and then be cooled as quickly as possible to at least (10 degrees. 4. Milk should be kept where the surrounding air is pure nnd free from Btable odors or taint of any kind. 5. Moruiug's milk should be cooled before mixing with the even ing's milk. (1. Cows should not be permitted to drink stagnant or impro water, but should Lave nbuudatice of good water. 7. Cows should bo driven quietly to and from pasture. 8. Cans and pails should be washed oarefnlly with warm water, but not hot, and care should be taken to clean the seams of the receptacles; then they should be sculded thoroughly with hot water and be aired. Treatment of the Pouch llnrrr. When borers once get into a peach treo there is nothing to do but to cut them out No application can be made to the outside of a tree to kill the borers inside of it. The proper way is to koop thorn out from the be ginning. No young trees should be set out until thoy have been examined for borers, and no tree injured by them should be put in. The trees should bo wrapped with a double thickness of newspaper when set out, so that at least 15 inches of the trunk is covered above ground, and this wrapping should remain until the middle of September. Whou the wrappings are takou off the trees should be closely examined, and if any borers have made their way in above the papers they should bo cut out. Thereafter the trees should be annu ally proteotod by paper wrappings, put on not luter thau the first week in June, ami proferably before the first of that mouth. This protection to coutinuo each year to the middle of Boptember. Hydraulic cement mixed with skiin milk is equally effective, and may be preferable on young trees. It is suf ficiently lasting and cheap, and any borers attempting to enter above it are at once soen, since there is noth ing to shelter them. In tyiug on papers do not use too strong or stiffs twine, reach trees grew rapidly and may beoome girdled, unless the twine is somewhat yielding and breaks under a moderate strain. A little retyiug may be required in August on young, rapidly growing trees. (Such are the results of elaborate inquiry and tests at the New Jersey experiment station as suraiilari.ed by Professor John 15. Smith in Bulletin 128. When Buying Cows. In bnyiug cows the age of the ani mal is of great importance, nud bow to approximate the age from an examina tion of the cows is necessary knowl edge. The old well-drilled expeit de fend more upon the general appear ance, pavtienlarly the head and eye, wh J the next best jndge, the average buyer, connts the l ings on the horns, allowing three years for the tip. These rings usually mean births of calves, for they seem to be ennsed more by the trouble of motherhood than the mere passing of years. In judging Jerseys that calve usually at two years of ago, the tip must be counted ns two instead of three, as with native nnd beef cattle, lint the horn signs are rapidly becoming elim inated by the custom of cutting off the horns, especially of old cows, some times for tho very purpose of taking down her sign of old ago. Tho most exact test of a cow's is tho condition of her teeth. The beginner will remember that she has front teeth only on the lower jaws, and after calf hood thoro should np to old age bo but eight of them. At two years of sue she has shed tho two centre milk teeth, and their substi tutes are much longer- than Ihe re maining milk teeth. At live years old she should have n perfect set of mature teeth, and at ton years old they should be about half worn down. As a cow's usefulness to a great extent depends upon the con dition of her tooth, we should make that the governing test. For instance., n cow that drops her calf before she is twenty months old, as many Jerseys do, nad then hns to pick a living from short pasture on a sandy soil, may carry a llve-yoar-old horn and ten-year-old tootli. Thus while slio is really only flvo years old, she is for yonr purpose practically ten years old. Unlike the horse, whose teeth grow long with age, making a fine field for the jockey to file them to look young, the cow's wear down nnd defy the work of tho cow jockey. Farm and Home. Frnit f; row ln on Wnrnnnt I.nnd. A man should plant his fruit and everything else on the very best soil he can, nsihg judgment and discrim ination of course. I write the follow ing merely to show what can be done when one is driven to nse very poor land. Homo years ago, wishing to consid erably extend my strawberry screago, and having no other land convenient, 1 was forced to make use of somo no torious for its povorty. Farming on it made the unhappy tenant such n butt for all the wags of the neighbor hood that it had come to pass that no one would cultivate it. It was jocose ly aftirmed that it was so poor nnd weak that tho effort to sprout a pea made it grunt. Home of the land I sowed in pens for a year beforo planting in strawberries. Some after plowing well and hiniinr ing as follows, I put in strawberries at oneo. There whs considerable di versity of soil ranging from etremo saudiness, through "crawlishy" pipe clay to a little still red clay in places. ' As the soil was depicted of every in gredient of plant food, especially of potash, I manure 1 it heavily, one ton kaiuit, 81)1) pounds cotton-seed meal and 800 pounds acid phosphato per aero. About three-fourths of this was sown broadcast and well harrowed in beforo planting, except !);)!) pounds of tho cottonseed meal, which was ap plied in the drill; half tho remainder was applied as a top dressingover the plants tho following November, and what was loft wan sow n likewise the following March. In using heavy quantities of fertilizers like this ns a top dressing, I scatter it over tho whole field, middles as well as beds. What falls on tho plants will do no harm, provided it is applied only in winter while the plants are in a dor mant state. Now for the result. My plants made n quick and magnificent growth. 1 never saw finer or more vigorous ones. Tho wags quit laughing before Juno was out. Although the summer was dry, they maintained a healthy condition and grew till cold weather set in. Tho next spring that field was tho earliest to bloom nnd the earliest to ripen of any field that I had. The berries wero largo and well colored and sold as well as any that grew that year. The yield, while not ns heavy as that on some of my richer plots, which had beon heavily manured for years, was a large one and paid well. Since then the field has kept up and even increased its yield. lint I have fed it liberally, especially with potash manures, kainit and muriate of potash. Where heavy yearly applications are made it is better to nse, say, 600 pounds kaiuit and 400 to (J00 pounds muriate of potash. The ammonia in cotton-seed meal or iu nitrato of soda gives a fine plant growth. Tho phosphorio ncid in acid phosphate or dissolved boue aids the plant growth and enters in a consid erable degree iu the formation of the fruit The potash iu kaiuit or muri ate of potash, while promoting plant growth, euters in a very large degree indeed in the making of the fruit or berry. Stable manure or any fresh rich land will make as flue a plant growth as one cau wish to see. And often very good crops of berries can be thus grown. lint heavy crops of the finest berries or frnit of any kind can be grown only when the desideratum potash is supplied in quantities com mensurate with the demand. And yearly heavy croppingcalls for a yearly heavy supply, if there is to be no fall ing off in yield. O. A. Blackuull in American Cultivator. Another Record llrufcrn. The past six mouths Lave seen an other record broken. More freight cars have beeu ordered than ever be fore in a like period; the number, 88,088. If these cars were placed end to end they would cover wore thau half the distauce from New York to Chicago; to be aocurate, 667 miles. An average car is thirty-four feet long. A legacy of 1'retenao. Just one hundred years ago the Man hattan Company of New York was In corporated by Aaron Burr. Its osten sible purpose was to supply tho city with water. Us real purpose was to open a bank. The reason for the con cealment was because there was a pop ular prejudice against banks. A tank was built, hollow logs laid for pipes, and water was distributed until 1840. In order to keep Its charter, this great banking company, which still exints, Is today obliged to pump water from Its ancient tank. A pltcherful Is al ways In evidence nt Its annual meet ings, and a committee solemnly re ports that no applications for water have been refused. The story has its humorous side, but It Illustrates tho legacy of pretense and useless effort which roundabout mcthoda always en tail. Aaron Burr's modo of seeking one object under cover of another has many followers, but In politics or so ciety or In Individual relations It can never bo commended and soldoin ex cused. i A Tnto nf the l'lint Knpnleon From the Weekly Telegraph: In the days of tho first empire the Fnrls stu dents formed a cabal against the dram atist Lemerclcr. Ono first night the disturbance was reported to Napoleon, who gavo orders for a second represen tation. The students still hissed. The emperor got excited. 'Tlay It again," he said, "and I will go and see It." This time all seemed well. In the third act It struck his majesty to look out of his bcx. and the quiet was explained. Every head In the audience was cov ered with an Immense nightcap drawn over the ears, and each head was nod ding. Napoleon burst out laughing. The piece was not played again. Two hundred men have refused to work nt cleaning Urooklyn streets be cause they did not wish to wear the "white wings" uniform. They were hired under the new system, and nil of them are Americans. They say they will not clean the streets until the Legislature changes the law that com pels them to wear the white wings. "We aro men," they say, "not mon keys." Drnotr Is Dlood Deep. rtenn blond mpAni a. elesn skin. No beauty without it. Casearets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by itirring up the lazy liver and driving all iin- E unties from the body. Begin today to .inisli pimples, boils, blotches, blackliends, tnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking Casearets, Denuty lor ten cents. AH drug' gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, S0c There can be no doubt that the mort obliging postmaster in the Stnte of Missouri lives nt Hethel. Ho recently put a telephone In his ouice and an nounced that for the benefit of those out-nf-town patrons who ore connected by wire and who may desire It he will open their letters nnd will rend the contents to them overthe 'phone. To Cure Constipation Forever. Tke Casearets Ciinilr Ciutmrtle. lOoorEte. It O. U. C. full to curu, UruKKUli refund niuuuy. , A mill-owner not ViTg ago Issued the order that the girls In IiIb employ should not wear laced shoes. The rea son lv. gave was that each om-'s bout became untied nt leapt flvo times a day, nud took nt least five seconds to retle. When these 25 secomis were multiplied hy 300 the number of Kills In his employ the loss of time was, be snld. too pcrlmu to submit to. How Is this? ft Fcrhap.i sleepless nights caused it, or grief, or sick ness, or perhaps it was care. No matter what the cause, you cannot wish to look old at thirty. Gray hair Is starved hair. The hair bulbs have been deprived of proper food or proper nerve force. increases the circulation In the scslp, gives more power to the nerves, supplies miss ing elements to the hair bulbs. Used according to direc tions, gray hair begins to show color in a few days. Soon It has all the softness and richness of youth and the color of esrly life returns. Would you like our book on the Hair? We will clily send it to you. Wrtto era If you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the Vigor, write the doctor about it. He may be sble to suggest something of vslue to you. Address, Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Msss. GOLDEN CROWN LAMP CHIMNEYS Ar thm best Aik for tltrm. Cost no inor tit KB eonitnoa rhluinejr. All lirn, riTTMUJUO GLAHX t O., Alltiffliur P. Mr To get the best results you must use the best materials. You need expect only poor laundering with poor ' soap, but you will find dainty articles that have been washed with Ivory Soap restored to their original freshness with unchanged colors. Nothing that will stand the application of plain water will be injured by Ivory Soap. IVORY SOAP IS 99 PER CENT. PURE. GOPYfltaHT INI BV THE mOOTIS OAMBLI GO OtNCINNATt Oitdltles In I'mbrotlns. Many curious umbrellas are made. One I have seen, says James Gilmer Dpeed In Woman's Home Companion, can be taken apart and put In one's pocket The stick Is of wood about an Inch In diameter. The cover can be turned Inside out and folded into a small bundle. 13 y touching a spring the ribs came off, straighten out, and may be placed In the hollow of the stick, which la then a presentable walking stick. It Is found very con venient by Its owner, who Is a drum mer. Another Is still more Ingenious. The handle Is curved, and when a spring Is pressed a pipe files out. The ribs are stowed away In the center and the owner has a walking stick, but In the center there is also a rapier, which may be drawn out. Another neat In vention la a hollow stick which con tains a camp chair. Three steel sup ports are pressed out of the top of the stick, a triangular piece of canvas put on, and a sent Is had which Is at least as comfortable as a bicycle saddle. All of these strange umbrellas come from tho old world. The umbrella makers say that Europeans tako much more prllo in their umbrellas than do peoplo In this country. Many little Jokes arc concealed In the umbrella haudls there. A handle may present the apptfa-nnce of tho head of a mon key or a cat 6,r some other animal, and a secret sprln will cause tho littlo creature to open .. mouth and spurt a drop of cologne on the beholder. Bunslilno In Kuicpn. According to a recent report Issued by the French bureau of agriculture, Spain, and not Italy, should hevo the adjective "sunny" placed before iu On tho average, It is said, Spain enjoys about 3,000 hours of sunshine a year, while Italy has 2,300. France has al most as much sunshine as Italy, her figures being 2,200. Germany has at ber disposal no more than 1,700 hours; while England, the land of fogs, has to get along with 1,400, lens than halt of Spain's amount. rrotinhtlltlps to Fit. Wlfo (at breakfast) I want to do some shopping today, dear, If the weather is favorable. What are the forecasts? Husband (consulting his paper) Rain, hail, thunder and light Ding. It's too much to expect an all-around politician to be exactly square. Aral Totmrco Spit and RmoVe Toor I Ife Inoy. To quit tobacco easily and forejrer. bo Bias actio, lull of life, nerve uml visor, talis No To Uac, the wonder-worlccr, that malies wealf men itrong. All druggists, We or II. Cureminrun teed. Dnoklet tnd s;implo frcss. Address Sterling Kcuiedy Co., Chicago or New York. The population of the South African Ili-public consists of ti.1,000 Ii-ers, 87,000 other white, called I'ltlunders, and C00, 000 Kufllrs and ZuIub. Ko-To-Dio far Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tnbaoeo aault euro, malios wens men uruug, UlooU pur. 60o, SI. All Uruggisls. All the 60 Incorporators of the Mis sissippi Cotton Manufacturing Com pany, just chartered and capitalized at $250,000, are negroes, and styled the best-known and most substantial men of their race In the State. II. H. Orkkk's Hons, of Atlanta, On., aro the only urrrviiful Dr-inuy Skk iallljt In .li world. eo their liberal offer In advertUo ment In auotbur column of this paper. The Emperor of China has never left his puluce except to pray at the Tem ple of Heaven. Conductor E. D. I.oomls, Dotmlt, Mich., layai "TheefTi-nt of Hull's Catarrh Cure Is wonderful." Wrlto him uuout It. Bold by DriiKgt.U. T8o. Mrs WInslow'sRorthlnsPynip forchlldren Uethlnv, Koftena theKunia. rvduciHfiinHiiimn tiou, allays imln.eureit wind coIIc.&hi ubuttlw. lose Plso's Cure for Consumption both In my family and iii-ai-tlce,-- Dr. It, W, i'AVlislt. son, lukuLor, Mich., Nov. t, Wi, SAPOLIO Is Like a Good Temper. "It Sheds a Brightness Everywhere." HMA "I hnvo been !lnj V, SCA It F.TS Tor Insomnia, with which 1 huve been nnllctcd for over twenty yeurs, mid I can say thitt CuscaretS have irlven mo more ru lief than any other reme dy I hnve ever tried. 1 shall ecrtulnly recom mend them to my friends ns being all they are represented." Tuoa Uillahd, Elgin, 111. PlMjnnt. Pntmahle. Potent. Tsute flood, no Cioutl, Ntyer Sicken. Wenhpn. or Gripe. Ilk-. 30c 6Ue, ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... '""! I.-.H.T, 1.lnt, Rmlrnl, S. Trfc. tl ND-TH-RAf! pVlrt llnd .WamntMXI by all drag-nV'lU-DHb iilui to t'lHG Tobacoo Habit" SPECULATORS. IUvp fori ln-t iiiotier hmeti)thriuffh lfW(Hmt IIHH-tilnMmi nr hnv ym Ihvii ItoMiMf Write U ftWmt tht fki Biul NwlmU-ri la W..U Hfrrmf, t'hl cntfit. li..fn, ('iin (niittti, PittHbnrjr, WnMhlnKtnn, ami nt hT citii'K. lit-it tif Hkhi Information Hn re :tt)M mill AtfHU'lCH. Hfiul Id rtmtn ivrruinr Intent (litlmi ON TIM Mil., Iti imu"-. which ulvra INC nf iil1Mri Htii-liHl Hltii fttnl all"K"l liatikfri mf lin ker )ir uinl nt Iter h-atiln cititM. Item! tlhut li -inter nf Hid HrokoniuM ritu-trii now United htittfM primmer and in I.ilM w Ht. Jnll, for frmiilu If nt tin-1. f nrtlN.otlif r MWiihll'Tft now uiioritrrt, H it kit Hh'ip Kerfruri tvctmtly convicted. Ued but talk un evil of BUCKET SHOPS. Hull hnniN nf tll Nntnrlmi lail OilliK ftiw! 97iMiMiii)t. 11"w f.uU uitil thir iiwnty wtMoop niuNvt hy a Willi Kt firm. M-w niemler ClilcaKti 1 Mnl of Tni.lH wot-ktM tlif ntl t F.ihI nilt who you nr" tl-nHii(X with. An Kj'-Iihiik intMitberHlitp, a (T"i"l ht i in n rn'tiiif. tint yr itii- nr elalKira'-e Itu-rnture I- im pr. taction. W'n knnw thn hone frmii (he illolioiH'Ht Itri'kHin. ltiort on Hrokorn jntic ropurt i. f. Aillttloiial r.'.oru, 1.00. (Jul li'i'fli.ii of aivuiititfl )Mt tltnMiuli Hrkra ft Hm clnl'y. A'Tninitt I'xiiiiltifil nii'l inveH'ttfittH. lUt fci'cm'i'N l.i I'.ichiniesi nmi mhi )e jit hunt Broken In IT.M. i'urrimil-n.- riiflnt:l Writ nr rail. A l.lretn ll. I IH.AKU & !'( ItO liroud Hlrct'l Now Viiik. "BIG FOUR" "THE SEA LEVEL ROUTE" TO NEW YORK. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. WACNER SLEEPINO CARS. DININO CARS. r. t. JKQALL8, l'rcfhlimt. WARREN I. LTK0H, Gen. Ticket Agt, $4 Permanently Curod W Inunlly PmanlW by 0Bi3 DR. KUKE'S AREA? v-J MERVE RESTORER I Dpum sindM. 'iaV "imm. hn lunhtrioUiMt tut t nt d- . 'inutile anrt $3 trial bottl fHd to Pit I'tUssBt. they fcjiuRfrpTMcbftitsonrr vii'n rwni. peni in it. imue, . fi . iriiTae Iiittitm.f f ii-rHHtn'.rt'U Arrb, Kt.. 1'Misyleltjhl, fsw run judges op 1 t CARTER'S INK ;; I aretheincrk. More nwn of It than y any other. Why? THE I1E5TI i A Costs YOU no more than the poorest I , , a ! i "Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Latu Hrtm-tutu Examiner U S- Jaualon BurMU, 3jiritlvd wur.Ji4MUuaiMtiuavllui,iul.vluoa "THE nCllirrVIheworM'ssreatastl'en.li LirtUfUt".! WAVriCII. Only B l rt). oltiit rum. uum u aiu.nu. L.kio. suj. uiiuuo DpnPQYi",DicTni i I 9 I quiukr.ira4 enroa worst tM. Bw.B ( tt-aiiRiAnift!at.nl I O ilitva' lrMtm.nl 1 ree. Or. a. S. " I iONt. Bui O, Al' la. Oa. WntUIYIAIIO'Vl trvatuianl, poaipabl, id Mill, "tumiMl RnaulCo.,4OrMUwfra 81., UK, P. X. U. 28 'W ' ANTED-' eranr bad hraMli that IM-P-A-N-B ' ' not bani'ltt . HkiiiI . to Hina i 'btmlcal , NwVurk, fur 1Uimuijm auil law tMlliuunlala, CUrikS MHfcKfc kLimi All! I ; vuutio Ojrrup. TaU Uoud. VM f 1 nuu ny unisTtrift. NlJr CATHARTIC fj'rJsj- TKADS MAMS KtSISTISIO 11 n A