VOLUMB . KKYNOliDSVILLE, I'ENN'A., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2H, 111!)!). MWiiEK B. fltfobby Suits To Order ! JOHNS & THOMPSON. (Successor to Hnmblot V Hwurtz) Merchant Tailors, Feel confident that we can give satisfaction in both cut and make up. W. A. Thompson, n cut - ter with Forty Years' Experience, will do tho cutting. We respectfully auk the people of Heynoldsvllle to give us a c?'l fVi' ordering elsewl er?. Johns & Thompson. I I L'IMANclAI. HTATKM ENT OK WINsl.oW Mi'liiml IMslilcl fur 1 lit- 111 1 Km. Unit I .Mil. IKim. It. A.vt wiil.o. 11. in.,,, ,,.i.Tiv,,Mii, t. 1 TimiiIi ti'r'il 011 hunk null1 !t .Rl from I'ohi'iMor stioiii 1,714 ii;i W. II. Hi'lin- . :in! 1 HtntiMililii-ontliitlon .1 ji.:l-i " uni'l fi-om t'ouitty iiviii ;:ni 1? " ihmIi from t'nl. miimii for 'in tux . 1:11 mi ' nnt nnil tuition imm " vnli" IIIk folillrr M'liool iiiiH'it) .. 11114.111 limiMl niotn-y :i.4 lMl 1ml. ilia tniiMiirir t-W i;t , ., I4,IM0 4; liy Mifil(ii.ri'iriii il, iwm.117 f i,!wt 4n 41 Ti'aolii'ri'BiiliiHi'K H,!m7ti Tri'iiH. 2 pr rt . on 11 Imvi or-(li'i- ptl., Ivmn riill.lili imli.n. fwl. for iMirrowvil nioni.y.. T4 411 ... ... 14.1110 4:1 In Ait t with AminSlioiisi. rolli'i-tor. lilt. To (liiptti-ntr wIiihiI a.Tin wt " . , ',' Imllilliiir Mm 70 To bill Uiie from lnt yciir I.CMI m ... W.:tK4 Hy cssh pulil trvns. liy Kcler.2.7n!i its hy St muse i.'iiki exonerations 31i 2:1 " return orders lol'o.tniis-- School 41 2h Hillllllllll Ill 14 " A pr rt. cnm.nii tux cel. in-H MS - llul riita .11... ..I... t ... ... fn,:t' N4 Audited thin 121 h (lay nf June, lWI. I.KVI !( Ill I KFHH, I -Al.l.lCN CATIIKHS, (Auditors, July 4th and 5tli. COMPARE The wondoi ful onU;rtalnmont wo offoryou with whatothorU)wn piH)Hcntand vou will snrvly want to BH'nd yoiip 4th In DuHoIm. Wo gve tho ciwtliost attractions on thu roHd. We gvo mom nrw foatu and we aro ninindlnir mot-o monoy to elvo you Knod time than any othui- atmodation In the State. Our AxHoclatlon it com ixwod or men who have made the bunlnowi a titiidy and who know what jroi d at tractloni are and who have tho couchjo to put up onoutrh money to irut them, we are ffninK to give you Two solid days of $ & yy Good, clean, lively Sport! We've (rot the (jround, Attraction and Ability to do It. Wo want to have ??S?S,axWy "I """"ed that you will come back to our SKPTRMBKH ME.fc.TI is G and brlns: your family with you. Other Towns Majr have Balloon Ascensions, but no othor town will have tho blood ourdllntf CANNON BALLOON ACT The Wonder of tho Balloon World. Other May have Horse Races, hut none to comnnrn with n,in,.u xt. . . iwShalr '? Vr ""Rninoont now ?rand sUnd, you can watch the fliors eo for iOOO worth of purses on the finest half mile track In America. And Dogsl Well, we've simply secured the Greatest Aeprecration of Kunninir, Trottlnff and 1 acinj- Dops in the World and you can see all kinds of races, Team, Tandom. Chariot and Sulky. We are irettlng about twice as many as we originally adver tised because we want to give you your monoy's worth. ' Hurrah for the Clowns I The show wouldn't be coroploto without them. A genuine old time pair A laugh every second. They'll surely make you fool young again. Thov have no equals anywbero. . That bright particular Star MyrtiePeek ll1!!.0 tralnod homes, including tho World's Champion High Jumpor. "QUi-EN BESS." Miss Peek is tho highest priced attraction on the American Circuit and appears in an entire now programme, excitingly interesting from start to finish and thrilling enough to satisfy everybody. All roads lead to DuBola and every one gives Excursion Rates and special trains. 2 Days Continuous Amusement XT -VX7- 4- . T)i -r- Something Going on all the Time DuBois Driving Association. COUNTY COMMISSIONED K. M. I l)V MAN. of Youtitf township, hIII he n fiindtdiitc for i entity i oiniiiiintier. .ii'n.cct to iiciiott 01 lii'inis'-nii Ic volet- of .li'tlvisou county, lit tin irilllliric., mi .liny in, 11.11. .1. a Nouuin. rson low ttulilii. will Ih it iMitiilliliitr 1 for I 'mint v Coniiiilloiicr. siiMecl tn the nc. linn in mi' tic iihm-i'iiiic voters or .iciicrsott rninity, lit till prlniiil'les, 1111 July 11. Ismi. itttacrlUitirou. I 11. mrcMiK.s. 1 t'NDF.UTAKING ani KMHALMING. A full llni' nf ii i,tl l eoiistiiutly on I111111I Olllre iiml wiitfiiMitti nciir M. v.. church I I fill Htll'l'l. HTAMKY. A T'I'l ) 1 1 N K Y A T- L A VV , OMce Hi lintel Mcl'olniHI, Kcyiinltlsvllh-, I'u. MITCHELL. ATTORN KY-AT-LAW. . Olllcc nil Wi'nl Main Mlcet. nplMMltli Hi I Coinnici-cliil lliiti'l. Kcynolilsvllle. Pn. I ft 'A. (iOUIH)N. i ATTOIl.NKY-ATLAW, ! llrtMik villi. .IflTorson I'n. fit I Mil. In room formerly occupied liy Ooidnti ,v , iniirn neni .uitiii mrt'CI. G. M- m-ihxaui. ATTOHNICY-AT-LAW, Nnliiry Piilillc, ivul ctule iiui'nt. Patent secured, collection tnuili promptly. OfhVe Ill .OIIII llllH'K, iccyuoitisviiic, 1 SMml M- t;KKKilIT, ATTOIINEY-.VI'-LAW, Notary I'ulillc mill Heal KiIiiip Ai-cnt. I'ul. Iccltous will ici-clvc piiimpt iitirnlliili. (illlrit In I'rin lillch A Henry lilm k, near iMMlnlllri', ur.v iioni. i n 1 11. J NKKK. JUSTICK OK TI1K l'KACK Anil Kvitl Khi Am-nt, Kxynoliliivlllti, I'u. JJU. U. K. 1IOOVKK, HKYNOLOSVILLK, PA. U.llint drill Int. In Hip ImbIiIIiIi .V linn ry liliK'k, m-iir tli ii-mliiflli-c. M11I11 ntri'rt. Ulllll ii-iiuhh 111 oiH-rul inc. I) !t. II. 1)hVKUEK1N;. DKNTIST, (Mlli'p oviT llvynoliNvlllp Kuril wiiiv Co. Ktoli' M11I11 slni't, Ki-yiiiililHvllln, I'u. II OTKL HKLNAP, UKYNOLDSVILLK, PA. MAS K IKTX, Proimrtw. Klrnt i-Ikhh Inrvrry purtliMiliir. Iocntedln ..... ... .......v. ... im. iiiiiiii.i.m piiri. 01 nmn. hroir Iiuh IohiiiI from trnliiK hiiiI .'omiriodlimi s..ii.fii-i.nfinn ntr uiiiuiiiun;iiti Lrnvuium. July 4th and 5th. Towns ROYAl. ARCANUrt ANNUAL PICNIC! Deautlful Day-Large Crowd -Visit. Itor Well Plcnnrd - Amudements (liven as Advertised. Aeeordlng to program thu lilenlc of the lllntrlct AniH'liilliin of t ln Hnynl Ari'Htitim was ushered In with mimic by the Keystone hand of IO'.vhoIiIhvIIIi'. I h tliiv whh all tho niiwt itnleiit, tile nlekers cmilil drHlt'o rli'iir, ht lght, untl a soft imiiny iwi'xn. Thi'ro worn over .L.KHI vUltiii-H In ihv imik untl on the Hlrci'ls during the dav. On the mil vii I of tin I mm full of visitor they were mot. liy the nuniniltlopa and bund nnil I'senfted to Kriiiik's piirk to he greeted by their friends and iiequultil anee nf other reunions. After a call to order and a few Introductory words from M. ,1. Kartell, president of the picnic nsNoelutlon, piiiver wits offered by lleV. W. K. Hein-rto the (Jrenl Sit preme It' gi ttl nf all "for t he manv nival favors Wtnwed on Ms 'iipln and tho Hnynl AreHiiuiti pHrtlculiirly. Tho next HOt-uknr was the Hv. I). W Ehberts, (irand C'hiiplitln of Iho order In Pennsylvania. Dr. Kbberts spoke In pitrt as folliiWH: Stilting In: emiie to present the gt iIiiom of lite Ormitl Olll eei-H of hojHltni'i Htttle, mnl exprens approbation of the xeul and fraternal spirit of this Central District AsMOela lion of tho Hnynl Ai num. In this state there ar.' nearly twenty-three thiniMitnd in. inU rs Tlie entire mem bership of the enh r Im Hourly two linn (Ireil tlinitHiind. lie ileHerlhed the two systems of Insurance, rrtilernal and legal reserve. Krnlerniils furnish sound insurance at less cost than legal reserve people do because thnlr expenses are at a minimum. The I loyal Arcanum has in force .iIO,(llO.llH of insurance and the total expense Is $7H0,(KHI. This maintains subordinate, grand and sn preme councils. Transfer tills to a legal reserve cmnpnny and the exponm wou'd amount to :).!ltlll,:i;i(l. Prov. L. and I.: toil.llis,(iiMI. Mutual Life N. Y. At oncn we see the Arcanum as sound at a much less cost to tho members pro rata than legal reserve. The Uovul Arcanum has paid to Its Is-netlclarles in !- years the sum of fc2.MM),O0ll. In Ilevii- oldsvllle alone (IH.IMK). With econom leal munagement continued with a rap idly Increasing emergency fund, tho future of tho Hoyal Arcanum is Insured. Of nearly 800 legal reserve companies chartered within tho last lift v vears. but iitl aro now doing busluiws. Tho balunee havo censed and their nollev- holders aro about, the streels deploring their loss, whllo not one order of tho fraternal union hus fulled. Kor nearlv olghtocnturles fraternal societies havo been in existence, and nover moro suc cessful than now. This foretokens an abiding through tho centuries yet to come. Iho ninirnilleent hlstorv of il Uoyal Arcanum, with its splendid mem- bershlp, bonded by tho mystic chain of true brotherhood, behooves us to work for tho spread of tho grand principles of Virtue. Merev and Chin-lt.u. th.t. thousands moro may enjoy the noble benefits of our most wonderful order. Music of tho Koystone band made the call for dinner, bringing tho guests with their children from tho chair swlncs and other amusements. The lollv. laughing crowds wore soon comfortably seated at thu tables. Tables were ar ranged for tho visiting councils of Cur- wonsvillo, Cloarfleld, Philllpsburg. RIdgway, Tyrone and Punxsutawnev and their guesU. Tho tables and stands wore ample for over 2,000 people and wore filled with all manner of gubstan tlals and delicacies for tho inner man. Every seat was taken up and the hotels of tho town crowded to tholr utmost capacity, whllo the supply stand of tho Ladies' Relief Corps had good attend ance, runnlnir short 111 Inn miim q..,1 othor luxuries before closing hour. Promptly at L."i" p. m. the visitors with thoir attendants moved to the silk mill. Wo rogret to learn that thoy were stopped by irresponsible nartlos and a tribute demanded of them, where our court novor declared a toll to bo levied. For this outrage the Royal Arcanum is In no manner connected or to be censured. At thu niib mill and all wero cnndnntorl thnnmrh tho works bv tho kindness of Nf r. r. PAnn. baum and his assistants. Dancing began on tho arrival of Prof. Roscoa'g orchestra at 1.40 p. ra. and continued throughout the afternoon until 7.00 o'clock. Tho blcyclo parudo moved out from park at 2.00 p. ra., up to Seventh street and down Mulu to A. V. stutlon, buck to Seventh street and thence to Dark. Tho judges wore at Frank's Tavern with tho vlslUng bands. Tho contestants car ried numbers. Tho first prize, tho Cycle Poco camera, was awarded to Roman E. Koehler, foremun of The Star olHeu, for most artistically deco rated wheel. Hia whool wus decorated to represent a sailing vessel, the hull being a light framo and covered with roses and laurel flowers. The throo ' nuisN and other rigging, together with mil In w ent pure white. A Hag r the Uoyal A reanum colors limited from the for : must, one hearing the fiumlwr, "4." from the main must, and the American flag from the rt ar. The r tier, dressed In it whllo still., sal. In lite center of the lloriil i-rnrt to propel It. The prize for most romleal appearance, tin acetylene gas '.miip. was awarded lo Wallace Mitchell. His hleyelu was a line piece of wot kmunshlp a doy.eti years ami. bo lug one of Iho first sureties sold In this sect Inn. A lantern, an alarm eliwk. Ac., tld to the frame gave It a striking appearance. A large mimhcr'tif other bicycles with their riders w-ro iroltcn up In a splendid nianner, showing tnxtd and art and really should have hud prl.es for their bounty and design. Huso hall began at 3.01) p. tn., visitors being escorted to grounds by Keystono bund of Ileytioldsvllle. Cnko walk took place at .1.15 p. m. 1 he winner was a visitor from Curwons villi-, nunto not at hand. The girls' whistling contest began at 4.00 p. in., eight girls narllclpatlnif. All were eoually good and tint decision was hy tetter test, guesHlng first loiter on first page of an unopened IsNik. Tho prlno, a lady's gold ehatuliilne watch. wits n w it I'd n I to Mhs NuIIIi) Coheen, a visitor from New llethlehetn. Pa. Hoys' double font moo begun at 4. 110 p. in. The first prize, a Isiys sliver watch, was won by Clenn Hums, a hoy ten years old. The second ritee. Isiys of eight years, prl.e was a pein l handle. four bluded pocket knife, won bv an Italian boy who was too much elated to stop and give his uui While tho liunilri wero pluylng tho delegates held a meeting to deeldo place and ollleers for next year's picnic, IIIIMI. 1 he place voted on wasCnrwens vllle! the president, W. H. Sweeney secretary, (ieorge Keltels-ruor. After Iho meeting came simper and refreshments, which continued in .:io p. m. Hi'fore tho leaving of intents it was proposed hy milliliters of il liferent councils. In cuNO tho Curwcnsvllln coun cil was satisfied, to pro rnto atnonir all councils to raise funds for next year's picnic and turn all over to Itevnolils vlllo council for picnic next year, at smne time, suir.o placo and same man agement. This was certalnlv a lik'li endorsement of tho fifth annual picnic, whirso success was largely due to kind ness of K. A. MeConnell and tho minor- nus well wishing peopleof Heynnldsvlllo whoso willingly entered Into the spirit of the occasion, and to whom the ollleers and members of Century m tender their most slnceru thunks. At H.00 p. in. all trains had ilonurted and our home council remained at tho park to clear up the grounds and chat over tho pleasures of the day, all anx ious Tor a return of Uoyal Arcunum picnics and their attendlnir hannltioHs. Our citizens concede thut Oils whs tho finest arrangod, best conducted and mnstenloyable picnic over held In Uevn- oldsvlllo, and that tho order should fuel proud of tho fact. Centuhy Council 7Wi. , Reduced Rates to Detroit. On account of the Convention of the loung People's Society of Christian Endeavor, to bo hold at Detroit, July 5 to 10, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will soil excursion tickets from points on Its lino, to Dotroit. Ht lAtA nf single faro for tho round trip. Tickets will bo sold on July a, 4 and 0, and will bo good to return until July IB. Indus! vn. except that by depositing ticket with tne Joint Agontat Detroit before Julv 12 end tho payment of fifty cents, tho return limit may be oxtonded to leave Dotroit not later than Autzuat 1". For apooiflo rates and conditions apply to Ticket Agents. A Narrow Escape, Thankful wordi written bv Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Grown, 8. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on mv lungs; cough set in and finally term inated In Consumption. Four doctors had glvon mo up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined If I could not stay with my friends on eurth, I would meet my absont ones above. My husband was advised to got Dr. Kinir's Now Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eltrht bottles. It has cured mo, and thank Ctod, I am now a well and healthy wo num." Trial bottles freo at II. A. Stoke's Drug Store. Regular size 60o. und $1.00. Guaranteed or prleo refund ed. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters romatnlnir In the postoffioo at Roynoldsvlllo, Pa., week ending Juno 24, 181)0: Charles S. Coleman. Rosa Cnlwell. Mrs. Patrick Connell. Goo. M. Gurry. Miss Edna Peters, G. E, Rlsholl, Miss Blanche Shakloy. ' Say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. A. M. Woodward, P. M. Parndise. Owing In the hot weather Inst week the Paradise correspondent failed to g' t up ii letter. Henry Smith, of Hlg Hun, visited friends In town lust week. A few nf the young fellows attended the put ty at .Inhu Smith's last Friday evening. The ruin hist Hatttrday miide the corn IttlUill. Paradise will celebrate tho 4th just thu same as usual. Mrs. John Klleklner, of Heynoldsvllle, visited In town lust Friday. ' Alfred Sheesley, who has Is-nn work ing nt.Thomas McCrclght's thlssum titer, returned home Inst Wednesday. Joseph Hyphrlt rode his wheel to Cliirlnii lust Friday. Rathmel. Hols-rt Howser Is on the sick list. Michael Di'IhcoII went tn Pittsburg lust Friday. nit-s. win lain Tucker. vMiod at Wlnslnw lust week. George Flenuer, of Hlles. Ph., visited relatives here last week. Wllllntn Id 'verltlge, of Gnzzuui, Pa., visited his parents here Inst week. Miss Kill Hi Thompson, of Diillnls, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Welling. Mrs. W. G. Harris and children vis Ited relatives and friends In Diilinls lust week. .1. L. Miirshull went tn F.rln lust Sat' unlay to see his son, Hurry, who is In the hospital there with typhoid fever John Northy, who lived here for about sevon years, died Saturday evening and was hurled Monday urtertnion ut Heyn' olilsvllle. McCormick Leads. , wo nave nine mowers reaiiy for so many good runners. Horse Hikes, har rows, drills, sulky cultivators going rapidly, ('oiiiu iiilck. J. C. Kino & Co. us for your furnitur of nil klndH. Wo IwiVM a lariH Hto;k of HitleboardH, chamber miitH, couclH'H, tnbh'B, diners, etc., etc., which were bought be fore the mine in furniture and will be Hold at the old priced, giving. you the advantage of the raitio. If you need a cook ntove or any kitchen hard ware it will pay you to come and nee uh before you buy. We will ilea8e you twice. once In quality and once In price. Qualities and urices cannot be (uriaHHed noun! hi v not. equaled anywhere. Brumbaugh & Hillis, Rcynoldovlllr, Pa. Opposite P. O. VINAM'IAI. STATEMENT OK THE WEST Keynolrtsyllli. I'lihli,. school District for i niir r.utiiiiK June i, imw. , '! nm r ,ii m-iiooiN 4 Numlwriif tPHchiirsiiiiiiiloyci 4 " of pupils unrolled ' jns A venule dully atlonclnnce 1411 Am't taxes levied, seh'l p'rn's tUXiltl lildK. IMZl A'l...l. ... ... , . 8 T. IIREWEU. t'ollm torof school lux. hi hi'" 1. . 1 . . "-. oi'viioiusviini ni'IKHll District for Jieur vndlnic Jiiuu 1, Istw. To am't dupllcntfi. puis $1,1)72 :w it .t ,:i:iii uiiiihii 1,11 -..rj 1 Kyi Ik uni t returned $1174 iLXonnratlons 2175 I) prct reliHtofttfi !!!.... 4ft SI 2 pr ct Col's prct li.r .11 Is 114 '. IS 14 70 5, 1 17 n 4.1 Trousurer receipts. .. J:ti7 7:1 1.41111 mil ,.W7. iis m ,. flTii :n liiilsiicu dun district. Ikiis... . " " on sli7 dupllruli) Itv lim't Dlllll Treiisiirer To hiiluuce duu district .. 711 IK 111 71 Total am't dui'dlstrlct filTsrt rIVeiinni',M Aci.'i Mi.i.i.v O....M Mill on I111111I from Iiihi yciir ... J s "it Ilec'd from Htiitu iiiiproiirliitlon ibki "'7 101, nixes Ull Kinds 1.41117 " l.oillis 24114 " County tri'iisiii-cr 17 2h " all oilier sources, tout) Trensiirer's Aiv't t,.i,i.v li,l i.., Kor tciiclicrs' wiiifes :i!i7M rein nun repuirs i'.r ,, fuel mid cunt niir.iicl,.M .i.t Kcesof Col &'i2 77: Tri'in. j.',lHl "' t?:? Hulury of Hcc, expenses, stutlonery. I"-m.mi, txi i";i mm i'.'n ';il ml f or piliitlim nnil mill Itors' fees, '()7-'lis loot) He lit and interest Imii! j 11 Kchool text Isioks ltd ml ScIiihiI supiilles si 47 All other piupuscs mid siiudry exp. .. 47 .Ml If 1 .... .....I 1 1.. 1. in. 1.... .... ( ash on liiinil... tit ,4 Ain't duu frotii Collector... .... 217 wl loCom 2s It! Am't iKiirowed and unpaid i'siu) uesourci's over lliililllilus 2 73 Me Tilos O McEntbrr, 1 O II Johnston, VAuilllors JOUM C'llAWLKY, I Spain'! Greatest Need. Mr. II. P. Olivia, orHsrcelotia, Spain, senils his winters at Aiken, 8. (;. Weak nerves hud caused severe pains In the hack of his head. On using F.lec trie Hitters, America's greatest Hlissl and Nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. Unsays this gand medicine In what his eon 11 try needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up tho stomach, strengthens tho nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life Into every nerve, muscle and organ of tho body. If weak, tired or ailing you need It. Every bott le guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by It. A. Stoke, Druggist. ... . . Reduced Rates to Oettysburg. On account or the dedication of the tnniiiiiuent tn General Hey nolds at Get tysburg, July I, the Pennsylvania Hall road Company has arranged to sell ex cursion tickets from points on Its lino In Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland ' and tho District of Colombia, to Gettys burg, at rato of single rare rnr tho round trip. Tickets will be sold on June .'10 and July I, gisid to return until July f. In clusive. An Important Question. I r your friends or neighbors aro suf fering from roughs, colds, sore throat, or any throat or lung disease (Including consumption), ask them If they havo ever used Otto's- Cure. This famous German remedy Is having u largo sale hero and Is performing some wonderful cun-s of thront and lung diseases. No matter what other medicines havo failed to do, try Otto's Curo. Largo sizes 2"ie. and fide. Sold by II. Alox. Stoko. Pennsylvania Chautauqua. For the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, to bo held at Mt. Gretna. Pa., July 4 to August. 10, H!ii, the Pennsylvania I tul I road Cunpany will sell shm:IbI ex cursion tickets to Mt. Gretna from New York, Washington, Haiti more, Fred erick, Mil., Canandulgtiu, and Inter mediate points, Including all stations on its Hue In tho State of Pennsylvania. Tickets will be sold June 2.'i to August 10, Inclusive, and will bo good to return until August 15, Inclusive. Special Trains. On July 4th tho HufTiilo, ItiHihestor A Pittsburg H'y will run In addtlon to regulur trains, a sHielal leaving Royn oldsvlllo at 7.00 a. m., connecting at Fulls Creek for all points, and a special leaving Duliois for Heynoldsvllle at 11.no p. m. CO i- O i- o CD JO ft (A o p 3 x o 13 CO 3 O crj CM CO o o o . CD a CD ? O o p CD . o Q d O h 525 O pq o