- X Star, Subivriptian ti.HO ;wr vnr, or $1.00 if jmi'il ftriflh in (ulvnnre. '. A. MTF.PIIKN.4tJ, Kdllnr mill Pub. WEDNESDAY. Jl'NK "J. IWIl. AntnHrpi'niliMil IiumiI iiiiiht, imlil Ih1i.iI iviry Vmlnipiliijr nt HiyniiliWvllli, .lITroii I'ii. Ia., dvniii1 tf (hi lnti'nti of iyiiollivttlf mil .triri'faiini'ininiy . Nmi-imlllliMil, will (ri-ul i II Willi fiilm."..., ti tul will lHt'iliilly ft li'iiil if townnU tln lulHirlnv pIiiah. ("iiWrlplliui prli-i'l.iiHT yi'ir,lii nilvniifp. (iiininuinli'nllittm IntiMtili'il for pulilli'iilloii mint Im iK'rtitnpiitili'il ly lliii wi-Iiit'h imini'. nut fur piihllciitimi, lull it rnnrmiti'i. of ffHxl fiilllt. lnlirHllnn ni'wo lli'iii" mtllrlliMl, AilveriMnv t-iiii1 miili known on iipnllrn llonnlllie iiHIcp In ! i-iH-lillrh-M.-iiry HIiH-k. liquidity roiutnuiilt'iillfiim nml I'litmKii of a(lvirili-mi'nl hIioiiIiI nmii'Ii lliln nlllc liy Wnmlnjr ihkiii. Aiiiln nil cimiinuntrntltmn to ('. A. Hlih nin, Ki'yniiliNvllli, l'i. Knliri-il nt llii' poiiotllrn t Iti-ynnlilm llli, !.. nifti't'onil cIiimm mull miilli'r. School Appropriation. 'Thorn nonius to bo n mlHiitiiloi'Htiiiiil Ing In tho nil ml of ninny porwinH H to tho Statu nppmpi-liitinn miiilo for tho imlillu koIiiiiiM fur tho ouiTont hoIiimiI yoar, which iiiIm on tin1 llrnt Monday In .Inim. IS'.Ml," itltl John I.. Htmvnrt, Dop nty Snpiirlntondeiil of Public Inntrue tlon. In view of tliln fact, It would In proper for tin; hcIhniI ilircflom ami others who nro Inteivxti'd In tho pnhllo hcIiooIh tn ho rightly Inforini'd on tho mitijoct. "Tho appropriation for tho Bohool jcitr ending in .luno, Iiiim Ihm-ii puld in full, ami that for tho year ending In .Inno, IN!)!), will lx pnld nftor .luno nf this year nt mirh times a tho Stnto Trrnaiiii'r will lio ablo to moot tho obli gation. Tho .',IXI0,00U which tho iIIh IrlotH will reoelvo for the yoar beginning Juno, IX'.m. will not pHyahlo until after tho first Monday in Juno, VMM). There can lo nil expose, therefore, for any reduction In tho wage tif tonohoni for thn next school yoar, beginning .luno, 1!M. "One other point whloh seem to Im misunderstood in In connection with tho fact that some districts have not levied any school taxes whatever during tho current school your. There aru bIho townships which have continued your nftor yoar to levy a very low tax rale. Many of thomi district havo provided only the minimum term of aix months, hut tho IOgUlatin'O at thn last session enacted a law extending tho minimum nehixil term to seven numtliH. TIiIh net goes Into effect at tho beginning of tho school yoar, lsti'l, o that a majority of the township will doubtless increase tho tax rato In ordor to moot tho de mands of tho, aot, which requires tho schools to be kept open at least novon months annually. 4,Thc Htatomont Iiiih Ix'un wldoly pub lished that many dlnti-let recelvo more from tho State than U rained In the dis trict by local taxation. This In truo In niituy InataneoH, but will) the nxtoiiMlon of tho school term thoHO districts will doubtless taiHO an Increased local fund for tho support of the school, if neces sary to do so." Tho Pittsburg 7(ii7; Ai'tr cllpH"d a -local Item from Thk Star last week and pavo tho DuHols ExfK credit. Tho only objection to bo raised at this timo will bo by Mr. Spoara for making it appear that ho is a citizen of the liamlot called DuRois. However, tho Sew has boon guilty of clipping local items from Tim Star before this and giving other papers c rod It. Consider ing tho number of exchanges that are hurriedly gluncod over in the dally offices it is not surprising that wrong credits are given occasionally. Resolutions. At the Sunday meeting of tho Post to participate at the funeral of our lata comrade, Daniel Bolford, Commander Neff appointed a conimlttoo to draft resolutions on his death. Comrades T. C Reynolds, Joseph Shaffer and Robert L. Miles were named and they hcrov. ith submit tho following: Whkreas, It has been ordained by the Great Commander of the Universe that our comrade, Daniel Uelford, bo suddenly and without a bugle note of warning summoned to appear in His presence, and Whereas, We, as members of John C. Conser Post, fuel deep and lasting grief at his trngio ending; therefore, be it liaKtwtd, That In tho death of our comrade the Post has lost one of its must uctivo members and fulthful otll cers, one who was ever ready to proffer tho hand of assistance to the needy and destitute In whatever walk they were to be found, and who was as loyal to his coinrados as ho was to tho flag when its honor was assailed. Kiwilved, That we sincerely con dole with those who were bound to out' comrade, by the nearest and dearest ties, ' and that we commend tbem to the ten- ' der mercv of Him who is at once the Orphans' Father and the Widow's God Jiemlivd, That these resolutions be copied as part of the Post records in tho minutes of its next meeting, pub lished in The Stab and I 'olunher and . a copy transmitted to the family of our departed comrade. T. C. HEYNOL1W, ) Joseph Shaffer, -Com. Robt. L. Milks, i Prople Who Pay the Pnntrr. (in your lnln'll rtstot 1'ny iH'fnrn It M too inte, lie IV ilolliu-, 1k It ilhni''.. We will tlinnk you ninny tltnrn. Thn following persons have paid their subscription or added their names to our list since last week: itKvaiii.iisrtM.il. Ilr. II. K. Hoover, Mny II, W. Irn I.. lliM-tie, April IS, IWKI. tliMMKr Tovey mewl June I, ll. Iloltlelli ItoliM'ii, Ainrtist U. Im. Mlti'hi'lt, Miiy II. I-W. .1. II. m. Jiiiiimryan, l. .1. H. AlHTiuilliy. Mny II. Iii. K. It. .Iriinliii(, June I, IKMI. John .liiiinertiiini, May II, ltNWi. Irvln Kunexiii'WI June A, P. Anity llireyrlwlt mewl June .1. IHHI. J. M. Ili'i'iner, I'liiile, Mny II. Il"i. Jiintes HiimiIi, Ittitliniel. Mnreli W Ihiiii, A. Hi'liilckel'M, llopkllm, Allitll-it II, lll. John lleeiiH'r mewl I'rewotlvlllo, June X vm. T. II. Murium mewl l.tniUey, I'll , l!KI. tl. V, Hci'liiNI, Kli'iinoru, April I'!. II"). V. It. Ilolinnn I new I, Hyki-ivllle, Ji ;l, IKH). t'nrninlt A HtroiiK, Hi-iMik Hie, Jiiiiintiy II, l'l. . II. Clin lie, HiiH'kvllle, ,lu Me A, limn. Jnnii'H Rolievlsoii, neul IthneiMliiiiit, I'll., June II, IKH. Paradise. Mr. and Mrs. Allen fathers visited friends at Clarion over Hundav. Miss r'dnn T Tul mini, of Sykns, visited or sister, Mrs. t . r.. Mronso. last nai- nrdav. David Keiter, who has lieen nlteiiillug hnol In Ohio, nt iirneil home last Thursday. The supervisor has boon muklng some needed linprovemnets In the condition of of our roads. J. W. Syphrlt iniulo a Hying trip to Ilrookvllle one day Inst week to attend to some business. Quito a number from this section at tended tho funeral of Daniel Uelford at Kcynoldsvlllu Inst Sunday afternoon. Misses Mllllo Shoesley and Mary Mo- 'hersrin, of Keynoldsville, ssnit Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shoesley, last Sunday. Some young men from Roynoldsvillo who come out here to fish and bring a lot of dogs with them, will return homo without their canines if our fanners catch them in their grain or grass. Headache for Forty Years. For forty years I suffered from sick headache.. About a year ago I began using Celery King. The result was gratifying and surprising, tny headuches leaving ut once. The headaches used to return fvery seventh day, but thanks to Celery King, I have had but ono headache in the lust eleven months know that what cured me will help others. Mrs. John D. VauKouren, Huugerties. N. Y. Celery King for the Kervns, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys la wild in wto. and li!. packages by H Alex. btoKe. Rural District. Goorgo Hurryhlll and wife, of Center county, visited John Syphrlt lust week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brumbaugh, of Cortex, visited D. L. Hrumbaugh and family over Sunday. A lucky find. Isaiah Fuller found a boo tree In tho woods and cut it down and got a hundred pound of honey out of tho treo and saved the boos. A dog canto to J. C. Hrumbnugh's nlmut two weeks ago and has been boarding there allien. Tho owner will please come, pay cost and get thn pup. J. M. Syphrlt, tho champion wood- chuck hunter, suys the hunting Is good but the ground pigs nro scarce. lie was out ono afternoon and saw six and caught three only. o Glorious News ComoK from Dr. 1). II. Carjflle. of Washita, I. T. Ho writeH: "Four M)t tloH of Kluctrlo Bitters has curud Mm. Ilroworof scrofulu, which hud caiiHotl hor groat BiilTerinjr for years. Torrihlo sores would break out on her head and funo. and tho best doctors could give no help; but hor cure is complete and her health Is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved that Klectrie Bittern is the best blood purifier known. It's tho supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers boiU and run n.ng sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, ficlps diges tion, builds up the strength. Only 50 conts. Sold by II. A. Stoke, Druggist. Guaranteed. Letter List. List of unelulmed letters remaining in the postofllce at Reynoldsville, Pa., week ending June 3, 1 8!!: Robert Baxter, Miss Mumio O'Neill, O. J. Stover. Say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. A. M. Woodward, P. M. Half Rates to Buffalo and Return. On June 12th, l.'lth and 14th agents of tho B., U. & P. R'y will sell excursion tickets to Buffalo and return ut rate of one fare for tho round trip, on account of Imperial Council, Nobles of tho Mys tic Shrine; good going on dates named and for return from BulTulo if used on or before June 17th, 1S01. UPANrt ( OtTiTr BALK. Kttittr nf JtHtrpk MrrrrifM, ihvetisi'il. lly vlrtei nt sn nnlcr nf tin (rihiiim' Court nf ,M'ffirnin cnu til y, l linif will ! ,nt,,a'd In IHililte bhIi. on On' Hril tny of July, Hi (wo nVlurk p. M., iH'il, ill AHier! ItcvttnhN' ohmi (mute, In tlin numnah nf ItivvtiuliUvMlf. miiUI miittly, lh fnllnwlittf liv of ii'iil m1iiIi: No. I. HUiimM' In WIikIiiw township, .li-.Trf-nn cnttnty, I'n.f Mt'ulnnlna nt h licinliM-ki thmtri liy lot Nn 2, vut 2l'i ihiN lo n IhwIii thfiii'O hy Inl No. 0, hoi Mh l'!4 lotU In h timjiliM tht'tirHhy irni'l No, 74 winl H mmU (o ti HMti llD'iirit north ly Alix. IMrliiv W mmU tit it mwI j lliciirt- ly mi in Innil wi"t ll mdi to m mI : thiMM'f hy tnirli No. n? north 1iJ t IH riHlx lo tin lioaltitilinr, rontHltilns nrr tnoti or li' r rt-illinl mill roMnrvtiiK h II th ml tittilrrlyltiK mild IiiimI iiihI lhi tlahlw litrlih'tit to niltilnit miiIiI coiil. im roiivt-yt'tt In Adtlnn mi-Hii, lv ili'i-ilof 1 hi '!Hh of Mny, (Mil. At hi t, Nn. 2. Mtiiiuli mh iitoifmilil; im(ii lihnr hI N liKi'i'h, ttii'iifi Ity tinrt No. IM wiit Ail :t i-imIn to it mm1 t 1 hi'tn!' hv IiiimI ttf .lolitt It, tiitttt. i:4 hmIh to n iHft; llirtti'c liy Intol of Nonlx, Miiith ;il.:i milfl to ii liu-winmIi tiictifi hy lot No. I Mont h M i-oili to 1 lit iM'tftiiiilnu. ronliilntiiii ft.' I iii'ii' tnoti' or It", mimiii hi'lna UiiiImti'iI whit hiMtiliN'k nml hiiniwooii. AImo, No. H. Hit iniltMi nftirrsnlfl, honmh'tl on lhi itortti hy .liwlilt Hiiiiiimh, i-MMt lv IiiimI of HyphrM iiimI Mt-uniiuiiiu'lii on llii Month hy t" urn irnrt : hcmi ny Miiry miyliiiiil, rnii tnlitltnt ftn iirii'H, tntiti'ViiU ii'Hi'i vet! niiti rlahlM Mt'lfh'ltl Ihl'll'IO. HI IliMI'loloi' ri'Ht'l VI'll AImi. No. 4. Hllimli' In the ImrouiTh of ltf nohl'.i llii1. tiihl coiinly. hoiiihh'il on llm iniillt hy Hill Mti-i'ijt : on lln wi h( hv lot No, :i7; on IIm- tioi th hv Mill nlh'Vi on Mm vti hv lot No i:i. roiiiiilnlttii 1 , w Wr muiii fprt, ii ilwi'tllna luni'in hi'lna thereon i-icrled roil. Illlllllltl 4 IIIMIllH, t WO tlOI ll'M lllull, III iii h m eon- illtlon. AKo, No, ft. Hit iiiiIp ns tifot-piMhl; lirLrlntilnu tit the roi net- of Worth Htieet iiimI rintnhiil h'Vi Ihi'iH'o nil Miihl tilli'V Ifril feel to n miI IhVnrehy Deltx nlley fti) feet lo lot No. Mi Ihenee liy niiI'I lot l.'rll feel to -nlil Worth Htreetj thetire hy "iihl Htreel rtn fe to the heixltiiiliitf, eotittniilna 7,'i(lt Mpiiiie feet, huv Intl I hereon it two Mtotleil ft nine iluelllna limine, I'ontiilnln N i-ihiimh, iime helntc In KinmI coniMlloti. AIho No. tl. Hit mile hn tifori'Miihl; heultinlnir til the eorner of Mtthle Ntreet iiimI Hwnini ill leyt thenei hy witlil tl reel moiiI Ii ICt1! tleuiee eiwt h feet: llieneehy MnrrK iitnl .fohnntoii "wiothl'i ileiireeH wett I. 'ill feel to Willow nl ley t thenre hymilil nlley north ;M( ihuree4 Mi"4l II! t. 2 feet lo Hntiliii nlley: thetiee hy niihl nlley north Wt ileateem'iiMt Iftli feet lo tliP tie ttlntilntt, rotiliiliihia :f!T. M4iniri feet: huv but I heieoti 'i I wo ( oi led f rutin fhvelllnu hoitseM, rout n I til nu four room r-ueh tn uooil eonilli Ion, AI"o, No. 7. Hltmtli til iifoiemitil: iHiiniileil nit the north hy Muhle ntreel : llienee hy mm hi nl reel K fret lo ,lefTernti Hlreeti llienee hv 4iihl Mtreel I Ml feet to Mill nlli-v; Ihemn I'V mihl nlley Kl feet to eorner of lot No. IIH llienee hy Hiihl lot I. VI feet to the lieylttnliiir. eoiitnliiltiu liMMl Monire feet, helnix lot No. IIU; hti Ina thereon ereeteil ii two n lot lei I frnttte ilwelllnif hotie, I'ontuliiliitf H rooiim. Ih-IiiK In KhhI (imhIII Ion. A I mi. No. h. HlliniieiiH nforemihl, lott Num. II. ','1 Mul ttl on I'leiiMiiit nveniii'. In K. ('. Hehiiltr.' nilillilotit helna fte feel In front hy I.MI feet In ileptll. AImi, No. Ii, Hllunte In the lMiroouh of West IteynohlHvUh. milil ronnly ntiil Mtule; lioiiml etl on the north hy ntiiillev; fin the ennt hy First Avenue: on the Month hy lot No. h: oil the went hy nn nlle , iH'liitf 'ilt feel fit front on until Avenue hy I.MI feet In ilept It, ronl iilnltitf T.iHMI h nitre feet, hih! lHlnir lot No. 7. Hiihl lot Imvltitf therott it two Htorieil friimeilwell Itni hoiiNti, eoiitnlnlnic 7 room, In knmI roti (III Ion. AImi, lot No. 10. Hltiitiloltt tho Itorouith of It roe k way vllhs Miihl eounl y nnd Mtittel lieicln nltnt lit n poHl on tlie eiiMlern line of Wet KtrMt Mtreel ; llienee hy Miihl nlreet nouth ilettreen went Til feet lo hm! i thenre moiiIIi 7iS ilefe-ree eutt 140 feet lo it MiMti llienee north lVt ilemei'M went 140 feet lo Hie hftflmilntf, rotiliilnlitB H.Hiti) rMiintti feet. AIho, No. II. Hltiiule In Hnyiler township, Hit hi eoiintv, heuliinlntt ill n imwI on Hie moiiiIi ein line of luml of the N. V. I. K. A W. It. It. t'o.: thenee Month 2lli HeirreeH iiim1, liy IhimIh of HI hly nml Kllaom, tll.NroiU ton pint ; thenre hy hinil of ('lover, minth 111 tlettieeH went, lA ttMlM to it iMHtt thetire hy IhihI of Hint Iter, north In' , ileareen went Ntt.:t roiN to n poMt; thenre hy Inml of the N. V. 1. K. A W. U. It. t'o. imrlh Hi, i)euiitrMOiit Cl.ft iimIm to tlie he Utnnlntt, rontiilnltia nlx nrnM, TerniM of Hiile tine thlril i'iinIi whnn liind Im MohhlliP hithiiirii hi t wo eiintl mtiiiiitl pity tnenlM, with Interest i lo he NeniriM hy hond mnl tnoiitiittfe, or jiiuaetnetii imhmi. Mnrnm.r,, Hampki. Kino, Attoiiiey. Himnllun of the minor v h I lit ren of Joseph HlrniiMM ileretiMiMl. Bing's bunch of bargains fa $ fa fa fa fa fa fa 2 fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa V u u e u i u u u v e Bing & Co. 1 MAKING IT INTKUKSTIMJ. VVn ii'iipoHii niiikliitf Juno nn liilclcHl liiu limnlli ii ninnlli of I'huliui liiivliiiiiippnl-lunltlcH. Wo'vn iniKln I'ciidy- tick I up liitrn nml llicrcHpccliil Idnits viilm-s Hint I Iki I'lid nf thn jniiiiiiitr ki'ikiiii inniii) poHxibii'. Vc pi(x llii'in on In vimi nt lii'lri'ri Unit will timkn ymi (ncl now 1'iiiiK'Ht Ih iii- wlnli til snrvii you wi-ll you'll inoi-o tlmn ovor Imllmo Unit Its nl wnyn Im'hI to rniim horn flrnt. .It 1ST A MTTLK HKTTKK Kor pilro hmiI (pnillty tlmn wi' siipptmoil wo woulil Imi imi itlilrd to olTnr you - but tho IfiMiilH Hrn hiiro It tlin klml of cvlilelKi! you i iiiinot alToril til llfiiiiro. Only a nut.iiral ri-Hiilt of inimt foi'tunutu Imylnu anil Hinalli-Bt iiiiiikIiih. .Inst ns Ioiir hs thoy IbmI Imi to si'Ctiro your hIiiu-o It's hint to miiko Hi'li'Pllutis l urly. GREAT BARGAINS. i Columbia Bicycles for Women. Ladies' Columbia Bevel-Gear Chainless, Model 51. 1898 Price $125. Reduced to $60. Ladies' Columbia Chain, Model 46. 1898 Price $75. Reduced to $42.50. TIiohu niaohhit'H nrn Columbian of tho highest grndti tlirougliout and boar the Columbia guarantee. They am not Kliop woni wlmiilw carried ovor from laBt yoar, but nro of IH'.ill ininufncturo. Compare tliom part for part with other bioyoloH and you will find good miHoiiH for tlio admitted Hiieiiority of Columbia (juality. Tlio ntoek of theHO mac.liinoH Ih limited. I noil the bent L.r.()() Iiieyelo on the markffH' Full guarantoo. STORE'S BICYCLE DEPOT; I Stop a Minute ! When looking for furniture all want the S: bent and want to gf where they ran buy Ww eheapont. I SEE OUR STOCK e Parlor Suits, H Bed-Room Suits, g Dining Tables, Kitchen Furniture. I WE CAN IMeaHo you for the leant money. C-'all and 5 examine our goodn and get pricon before yon S jnirchaHo elnewhero. REYNOLDSVILLE HARDWARE CO. .itiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif St St 1 tStStStStStStStStStStStStStStStStStStSid Saturday Sale. Fop one duy wa offer tipeciul Induce- monU on Hour. Wo huvo two grain drills, milky, cultivator, horso rakcn, binders, mowers, heavy team of hoi-itcs to offer buyers. We sell threshing machines. They will mako money for you. Come and see us. J. C. Kino & Co. 4? 4? 4' 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 43 43 43 3 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 W e Sell the Best Clothing inThisTown BI06 seroe Soils There in nn air of eoolneHH and jauntineHH about a Blue Serge Suit that makes it AN I DUAL SUMMER SUIT Hut what an unsightly thing it becomes if it has not the foundation of good cloth, proper making and good linings. We are selling Blue Serge Suits with the strictest guarantee of satisfac tion, single or double breasted styles, plain or satin faced. Prices 88,50, 89, 10 and 812 youno Men's flii-wool Dress suits In Black, Blue and Grey, lined with the best quality Serge. The high qualities that are in these suits are quite beyond the powers of description. The assortment is large in all the popular colors that are worn. The fabrice are from the looms of the most reliable mills in the world, and are tailored after the correct models. Sizes from 80 to 34. Prices from $3-75 to $10. Trunks and satchels Are you getting ready for your Bum mer trip? Kemember baggage handlers are no respectore of trunks. Our big contract with the manufac turers enables us to offer strictly high-class Trunks, Satchels, Suit Cases and Tele scopes for less than trashy goods are offered elsewhere. Also remember no Trunks will stand the bumps like those sold at MILLIIiEN'S. Many People. A (food many people In Roynoldsvillo and vicinity are using; the Cinderella Stoves and Ranges, which Is the best evidence of their merit. Sold by Reyn oldnville Hardware Co. Honest work Gooder't motto. and honest prices Everything up-to-date In styles Socloy's clothing store. Try our chocolate soda 5c. Just as good as It was last year. Reynolds drug store. The oldest and best bicycle repair fchop in Rrynoldsvlllo is Gooder'. 43 im 1 ft is " M 43 at 43 IS 11 Men's Summer Underwear Men's Egyptian combed yarn underwear A in hliifl nr ilfKM rnlnr. tnnnwitli nntin nr mlV fronts, pearl buttons, and sewed up perfect. Other dealers call them big bargains at 50c; our price is only 25c. Come and see. Genuine French Balbriggan Underwear, made in France, this make is famous through out Europe an America and needs no com ments. We only wish to say that they are fresh, new goods imported for this Spring. Instead of $1.00 the price is only 50c. PARENTS OF BOYS Will you take advantage of this offer. Over 50 different styles here in Children's Fancy Suits for you to select trom, ana every suit warrantea to Jioia its color. Every suit is made of all wool material, well made, neatly trimmed and fin ished. This matchless offer includes all the popular styles, Vestees, Sailors, Brownies and Reefers, Blue Serge and Light Colored Materials. MILLIRENS. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to s I to to to ( -UL K