The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 17, 1899, Image 5

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    Efe j Star
Subscription $1.50 per year, or $1.00 if
paid flrictly in advance.
A. KTF.PHKIVSOIV, Krtltor and Piib.
WEDNESDAY. MAY 17, 1809.
G. & J.,
Tikks In stock at rttrht
prices. Everything bicy
cle. Don't forget you CAN'T
Special . . .
Repair Department.
Traveler' Guide.
Pnssenjror trnlns arrive and leave Reyn
oldsville an follows:
li. R. d- P. Ui. (C. .V. Dir)
Arrive I Departs
Train No 71. 10 40 a m Train No 72, 12 4S p m
Trill n No IN, 4 .Hi p in I Train No 74, 4 42 p ni
Alktjheny Valley Uailiray.
Eastward. Westward.
Train. - - (MS a. m. Train 6,- -7.40 a.m.
Train I, - - 13.IW p. m. Train 2, - - p. m.
Train 5 - - 6.40 p. ni. Train 10, - tt.OA p. ni.
Mall arrive and leave the post-office a
Arrive. Depart.
1.20 p.m. - 7.05 p.m. 12.20 p.m. - H.lOp. m.
S.IAa. M. - 2.00 p.m. 7.1.1u.m. - 1.10 p.m.
ft Little of Everything.
"Whllo looking over other's fault,
And eelng what they've sown,
It's well enough to keep In mind
You've overlooked your own."
I See Scoley'a summer suits.
Game of ball this afternoon.
Serge gaiter. SOo. a pair at Robinson's.
Hard wearing suits for boys at Seoloy 's.
Bon ion ice cream, ah irui.t navors
In Bcason.
Two weeks from yesterday will be
Decoration Day.
Goodurcan save you 9$ at bis sale
of jewelry next week.
Tt docs not cost a cent to enter the
free scholarship contest.
Take a look at Sblck & Wagner's
$1.25, $1.35 and $1.50 shoes.
Come and see the only Columbia
chalnloes bicycle at Stoke's.
The largest assortment of new spring
hats and neckwear at Milllrans.
Late arrival of wall paper at Stoke's,
tt, A, 7, 8 and 10 cents per piece.
All the latest styles in footwear and
prices away down at Robinson's.
For Sale Meat market on Main
Htroot. Inquire of L. F. Hetrlck.
The Columbia chninless is the only
Wcyole having 1800 improvements.
'... . ...
Stop and look at Gooder's windows
May 22nd. It will save you money.
A heavy wind, rain and thunder storm
.visited this place yesterday afternoon.
Sneelul nriceson Ice cream for nartios.
a . . .
1 iplonies and festivals at the Bon Ton
I New designs, new colorings of wall
paper at Stoke's, 5, 0, 7, 8 and 10 cents
UHjr roll.
I . The pay car made Its monthly trip
ovdr the A. V. K'y Inst Thurday. The
employees were paid with gold.
Three fonts of Engravers' Roman,
latest style of type, was added to The
Star's job department last week.
Try a glass of black raspberry soda,
' with or without phoshhate, D conts;
' extra fine. Reynolds Drug Store.
An Improved Order of Hoptasophs
will soon be organized In Reynoldsville.
It is a beneficial and fraternal orguni.u
1 A strictly high grade wheel the
flumblur with G. & J. tires, lamp, bull,
coasters and pant guards, $.'18.00 at
Edwin Houyn;, register of the 1st pre
cinct, and Nmian Cooper, register of
2nd precinct, are milking the semi
annual registry. .
' The fifth annual convention of the
DuBoi Sub-district Epworth League
wllLfie held at Falls Creek, Monday and
esday, June 5 and 6.
on may never get another ohanoo to
jewelry as cheap as you can buy it
xt week at Gooder's, the up-to-duto
oler, Roynoldsvillo, Pa.
'About forty members of the Improved
j dor of Bed Men of this place attend-
services In the M. E. ohuroh Sunday
'orning with their regalias on.
f The Jefferson County Sunday School
invention will be held In the M. E.
hurch at this place next Tuesday and
Vednosduy, May 23rd and 24th.
W. G. Hartwlck was In Punxsutaw-
ney last Thursday and Friday assisting
John Pomroy to Introduce the automat
ic spring washing machine. They had
good success.
At a meeting of the directors of the
Summorville Telephone company held
in Brookville Inst week It wAs decided
to extend tho telephone line from Royn-
oldsville to Ruthmel.
Dr. J. H. Murray has had his recep
tion office room re-papered and nicely
fixed up. The Summervlllo Telephone
central offlco was in the same room, but
It has been partitioned off.
Harry, son of Frank Caldwell, of
West Roynoldsville, had one of the
bones of his left wrist broken Monday
evening by being pushed off tho side
walk while playing with other boys.
The commencement exercises of the
BriNikvIllu high school will bo held in
the opera house at that place on Friday
evening of next week, May 2ith. TllK
STAR received an Invitation to attend.
Tho Hon Ton bakery will be opvn on
Sunday for tho accommodation of those
wanting Ice eream for Sunday dinner or
supper, from 10.30 o'clock A. M. till 1.30
P. M., and from 4.30 P. M. till (1.00 P. M.
At the special meeting of town coun
cil Monday evening it was decided to
tako up the crossings on Main street.
A petition was presented to the council
requesting the removal of the crossings.
Charles Bitters pitched for the
Brookville ball club in the game with
the Clarion club at the latter place
Monday. To-day he pitches for the
Clarion club In a game at New Bethle
Tho following Republican candidates
were In town last Thursday: W. H.
Lucas, for prothonotary, John D.Evans,
for register and recorder, S. M. Shields,
for county commissioner, G. B. Carrier,
for county commissioner, and Linus M.
Lucas, for county treasuror.
Phillipe Chavent, superintendent of
the silk mill, Is suffering with pneu
monia again. Mr. Chavent has bad
three or four attacks of pneumonia
since he came to Reynoldsvillo. The
climate seems to be too severe for him
and ho will likely bo advised by hi doc
tors to locate in some other part of the
Loyal Legion convention will be held
In the Chapel at Pancoast on Monday
and Tuesday, May 22nd and 2.3rd, the
first session beginning at 2.30 p. M
Monday. Mrs. Alma Preston, state
superintendent of loyal Legion work,
will presido at the convention. A good
attendance is earnestly hoped for by
those who have charge of tho conven
Two young people named John Clone
and Jennie DcLong were burned to
death In an old camp near Glen Hazel,
Elk county, Thursday night. They had
been drinking and had gone Into the
shanty to spend tho night. Towards
morning the shanty burned down and
the couple were cremated' Charred
bones were all that could bo found of
the bodies.
J. Van Reed is having the building
that was formerly occupied by tho gas
office and Dr. J. B. Noalo's offlco on
Main street, moved to the corner of his
lot on Fifth street and Gordon alley.
J H. Hughes, the undertaker, will
occupy one of the rooms in the building
as soon as It Is ready for occupancy.
Mr. Reed has several requests for the
other room.
William Heller, a young man who
claimed to havo employment at Punx
sutawney, sat down on the C. & M. R'y
track at Curwensville Thursday night
to wait tor a freight train to get a ride
to Punxs'y. He is now in the Philips-
burg hospital minus his light leg.
While waiting for the. freight train
Heller fell asleep and did not waken up
until tho engine struck him,
Mrs. L. F. Baum stopped on a nail
while walking up Main street several
days ago and she now has a very sore
foot. Some person had opened a box
and carelessly loft the lid on the side
walk with the nails in it and Mrs. Baum
accidentally stepped on one of the nails.
Great care should be taken by mer
chants who open goods on tho sidewalks
In front of their stores not to leave lids
lying around with nails In them.
Some one started the report in Reyn
oldsvllle yesterday thnt a family was
moving from the Bmall-pox district of
Clearfield town to this place. The
board of hualth otllcials telephoned to
Clearfield to luurn If there was any
truth In the report and wore informed
that tho small-pox patients and sur
roundings ure strictly quarantined aud
that no one oould move away from there
tbut would be likely to curry the dis
ease. One night last week a young man
was driving down street with his "Sun
duy girl" in a buggy and in attempting
to pass another rig his horse became
oontrary and would not turn out quick
enough and the buggies collided, but
the collision was not sufficient to stop
the horse and it ooutlnued on until the
buggy waa upset in Topper's livery
stable. When the buggy upset the
young lady full into, the young man's
arms and was thus saved from serious
Injury, It was almost a miracle that
the young people were not badly in
jured. The buggies needed repairing.
Free Scholarship Contest.
This week we start the free scholar
ship contest in THE STAR. Seo full
particulars and eouon on first pago.
Fell On An Ax.
Harry McAnlnch, of Emetickvlllo,
who was working on P. McDonald's log
Job near. Rathmol, tripped and fell on
an ax Monday forenoon and cut an ugly
gash In his left arm. It required twelve
stitches to sew up the wound.
Celebration Preparations.
Don't forget that tho Fourth of July
will no celebrated in Itoynoiitsvnie.
The Knights of Golden Eagle, who will
have charge of tho celebration, are
making all necessary arrangement for
a big time In Reynoldsvillo that day.
Killed by Lightning.
William Muekev. aired 17 years, son
of James Mnekey of Brookville, was
killed with lightning at that pluce dur
ing the storm yesterday afternoon. The
young man was in a shanty near the
house and it was struck with lightning.
Finger Amputated.
Miss Jennie Lata, a quilier In the silk
mill, had tho second finger of her tight
hand amputated between the first and
second joints Monday forenoon. The
voung lady's finger was caught In the
machinery and so badly lacerated that
amputation was necessary.
My get a Steam Laundry.
G. C. Corwln. of Hornoilsvllle, N. Y
is visiting his brother, G. J. Corwln,
the photographer, in this place. Wo
understand that Mr. Corwln Is think
ing of starting a steam laundry here.
We bollovo this will bo a good location
for such an enterprise, and hope the
gentleman Hill be favorably Impressed
with tho tow n. v.
New Houses.
New houses are now being orectei', for
tho following persons: W. L. Marshall,
Hill street; E. C. Davis, Hill street; O.
H. Johnston, West Reynoldsville. J. V.
Young has the contract. A. P. King,
Grant street: Mrs. Kate Smeltzor, Jack
son street: L. M. Snyder, Jackson street;
Grant Roads, Grant street. Thomas E.
Evans has the contract. M. M. Davis,
Grant street: Dr. R. DeVore King,
Grant streot: Mrs. J. S. Morrow, Main
street. W. A. K. Martin has the con
contract. Mass Meeting To-Day.
The miners and mine laborers o(
Reynoldsville, Rathmel, Big Soldier
and Sykesvillo will hold a mass
meeting at tho Fuller watering
trough, near Prescottvllie, this fore'
noon. District President W. B. Wil
son and other speakers will be present
to talk to tho men. Tho object of tho
meeting is to discuss the present mining
situation. It Is likely that delegate
will bo elected to attend a joint conven
tion of miners and operators that will
soon be called in the district.
Passed the Examination.
Of the 312 persons examined by tho
State Pharmaceutical Board in Pitts
burg and Harrlsburg last month, 8(1 ap
plicants for certificates as registered
pharmacists, and 81 as qualified assist
ants, passed the examination, and
among those who passed for qualiflod
assistant pharmacist, was Clarence
Hyatt Reynolds, son of Dr. S. Reynolds
of this place. Claronco took the exam
ination at Pittsburg April 15th and the
Board did not report the result of ex
amination until the 15th of this month.
Mill in Operation.
Aftor over three weeks' idleness,
caused by a disabled engine, .the Hop'
kins mill began operations this morn'
Ing. A two hundred horse power
engine has been placed in the engine
bouse to take the place of the twin
engines of sixty horse power each that
formerly furnished power at 'the mill.
One of the twin engines has boon placed
in the engine room at planing mill and
as soon as a new boiler that has been
ordered arrives that engine will make
the machinery in the pluning mill hum
Going to Hot Springs.
P. McEnteer, who has lived in West
Reynoldsville a quurtor of a oontury,
has sold bis property to two of his sons,
M. J. ond T. C. McEnteer. He will go
to Hot Springs, Ark., this week where
he will remain a short time for the ben
efit of his health, and from there he will
return to Jacksonville, Ohio, and re
main indefinitely. Mr. McEnteer, who
is descending the western slope of life's
journey, has not boen in good heulth
for sometime. His numerous friends
will be sorry to see blra leave the town
Selling Ticket Again.
M. J. Farrell, ticket and freight
agent for A. V. H'y company at this
plaoe, bus been devoting all his time to
the freight business the punt four weekB,
while I. M. Hoch, Western Union tel
egraph operator, has been soiling tick
ets. Mr. Farrell is again looking after
the ticket business and Mr. Hoch Is de
voting all his time to the telegraph
business, which keeps hlin busy. The
freight business, including the selling
of tickets and checking of bugga'e for
all passenger trains, is too much work
for Messrs. Farrell and Joseph McKern
an, and another man bus boen employed
to help in the freight department. O.
H. Johnston, the new mau, be.gan work
Monday morning. Putting Mr. Hoch
In to sell tickets was an experiment to
try aim get aiong wituout an extra man.
Adjourned Meeting of Council.
An adjourned meeting of council was
held Monday evening. Members pres-
nt, H. C. Delhle, president pro tem, O.
F. Smith, 11. Smith, Ferris, Cochran
and Plerec.
On motion ordinance No. fifl, relative
to the protection of the garbage barrels,
passed first rending.
On motion ordinance No. 57, relative
to the proteeltrn of the public fountain
on Fifth and Main streets, passed first
A petition signed by 100 persons, 25
of which are property holders, some do
not reside in the borough and own no
property In the borough, was presented
to council, asking for tho removal of the
roaslngs on Main street. On motion
tho street commissioner was ordered to
take out tho crossings.
A petition signed by the citizens
abutting on Willow alley between
Eighth and Tenth street, asking the
lounell to open suid alley, was referred
to the ordlnaneo committee.
Burgess Stoke requested the council
to begin the opening of Fifth street,
which was referred to tho street com
mittee with Instructions to rejxirt at
next regular meeting.
Rules For Normal Contest.
Contestants must register their namos
at thlB office.
All coupons must bo sent to the Sec-
etary of theCommittoo each week.
All money collected for new subscrib
ers or on subscription due must be sent
to this office weekly.
Each contestant registering will be
furnished with a card certifying that
they are contestants.
The contest will close on August 28th,
at 12 noon.
Any young lady or gentleman Is elli-
gible either In Jefferson or adjoining
It will not be a hard matter to secure
a large vote if the candidate will glvo
a llttlo time to the canvass.
Send in your name and get started as
soon as possible. We will publish your
name every week so that your friends
will know that you are running and be
able to save vou their voteB.
Frank's Park.
Frank A. McConnell, proprietor of
Frank's Tavern and r rank's Park, who
Is a live up-to-date hotel man, is fixing
up the park so that It will be quite a
resort for picnics, Ac. Last summer a
large pavilion and grand stand vera
built in the park, gas light were put in
at various points and the city water was
piped into tho park. Mr. McConnell
has purchased six patent swings that
will soon be put up in tho park and a
kitchen 10x10 feet Is being erected next
to tho pavilion for cooking purposes.
A large cook stove will bo put in the
kitchen. A more convenient and pleas'
ant place for a picnte or social will not
be found In any of our surrounding
towns. Thcro Is no doubt but that
Frank's Park will become popular dur
ing tho Bummer months.
Died at Troutville,
John Robinson, who moved from this
plaoe to Troutvlllo a fow months ago
to look aftor tho interest of the Pruden
tial Insurance company at that place,
died last Thursday from catarrh of the
stomach. His body was buried in the
Syphrlt cemetery, Paradise, Saturday
forenoon. The deceased was a member
of the Sons of St. Goorgo and Knights
of Golden Eagle lodges at this place
and a delegation from each lodge went
to Troutville to attend the funeral.
John Robinson, .who until within two
years ago was a coal miner, resided in
Reynoldsvillo a number of years and was
well and favorably known in this place.
Ball Game To-day.
A game of ball will be played on the
Reynoldsville grounds this afternoon
between the Reynoldsville and Ptinxsu
tawnoy teams. This will, no doubt, be
a very interesting game. Following is
the line up:
J. Burge Pitcher McCalley
D. Riley Catcher McCartney
W. Williams F B Reading
J. Williams b U ('.Campbell
B.Williams . Lt F R. E. Campbell
Win, Williams Md F McHenry
Jos. Hanley Rt F Young
Thos. O'Hare ' T B Hoover
Jos. Williams S S Mumford
It was a Good Program.
The tenth anniversary of the organ
izutlon of the Epworth League was
observed In the M. E. church Sunday
evening with an appropriate and inter
esting program. R E. Koehler, presl
dent of the Reynoldsville League, had
charge of the exercises, which consist
ed of songs, recitations, responsive
reading, &o. The church was very
nicely decorated for the occasion with
beautiful potted plants and evergreen
A large congregation attended the ser
On account of the meeting of the
Grand State Comraandory, Knights
Templar, which Is to be held at Al
toona, Pa.. May 23-24, the B., R. & P,
R'y Co, will sell excursion tickets to
Puuxsutawney May 22 and 2,1, limited
for return passage to May 24, at rate of
fare one way for the round trip
The Village Improvement Associa
tion will meet In Stoke's hull Thursday
afternoon at 3.00 o'clock. Ladies, lay
aside your home dutlos for a fow hours
and attend meeting. Come ono and .all
for important business is to be trans-
I acted. , Secretary.
Experience of Six Young Men.
Six young men, togged nut in their
best Sunday clothes, their faces beam
ing with happiness and their souls filled
with pleasant expectancy of a day's
outing, loft this placH Sunday morn
ing with a nice turnout for a drive to
Brockwayvttle, but when thoy roturned
home at. 4.00 a. M. Monday they were
not so jovial as when they sallied forth
on the previous morning, and they were
not so particular about the proper ad
justment of their wearing apparel. On
tho return trip the young men drove
la DuBots and stopimd in that hamlet
a few hours to hear the frogs croak in
the surrounding swamiM. Growing weary
of that town they si lifted for home,
but were only two miles out of DuBols
when the horses, in their over-anxiety
to get home, broke; the double-tree of
tho hack. This left the party In a pre
dicament. Finally It was decided that
two of the party should mount the
horses and tide back to DuBols and get
new double-tree. The other four tried
to get comfortable positions In the hack
and sleep until the relief came with tho
new double-tree, but their slumbers
were more or less disturbed for various
reasons. The relief committee returned
without the double-tree hoped for and
another council was held. After search
ing through several barnyards, the
young men found wire used or baling
hay and with that they managed to
patch up tho old double-tree so that
they were able to get home without
walking. Don't mention it to any per
son and wo will tell you who the young
men were that had the mishap: Will
Horpol, Henry Prlestor, Harry McEn
tlre, Arthur Black, and Harry Herpel.
Sunday School Convention.
The annual convention of the Jeffer
son County Sunday School Association
will he held in the M. E. church at this
pluce on Tuesday and Wednesday of
next week, May 2.'lrd and 24th. The
program for convention Is as follows:
2.:n Devotional exercise. Rev. C.C.Riiniherffor
3.4.V Address of welcome.. Miss .Tcmlc Hmf hxer
ll.iio liHMinsft Iti'V. 1. A. I'latt
3.1A ApiKilntment of committees. Ac.
3.45 The duties and privileges of the
rnurcn memuer in me piinaiiy
i.... I rt tun.
4.00 The Hiimiay school as an edu
cator Rev. II. It. Teaitanlen
4.20 Primary depurtnient and Chil
li reu s nour air, j. w. iiarncs
Htate Primary Huperlnteiidcnt
7.M Pong service Rev. V. Frank Rels-r
7.4.1 Recitation Alms lined
S.II0 Address Rev. Charles Roads, 1). II.,
stale Secretary
Onnstlon lion, conducted hv. . ..
Rev. J. T. Adams
BOO nevotlonal and sona service
Rev. a. W.Btyer mow secure n more general at
tendance at summy scimhii
Rev. 11. It. Ilislds. I). I),
fl.4A Tim Hiinduv wliiMil and the
church of the future Wm. W. 1'prry
iccsrt of committees, r.iecuou or uni
cei-s. Ac.
tO 'M Tim Hiiii.Iii V a..iiyil m n ttmml
nirce ....itev. i. i-iugic
11.00 The piiHr preparation for
Treasurer s ItciMtrt.
leacninu in mo runiiiiv scnooi
Rev. R. M. Coulter
t.Ofl Hnnu service ReK.T. C. Booth
2.IA Tc iniH'ratice work In the Sa mft! 11
school Mm. C A. Plcke)'
3.00 Intermediate L'luss Drill
....Btnte Mela worser
7.30 Nonir Service Rev. M. C Frlck
7.4A Recitation MIhs Madalvn VYhltcllill
8.U0 Address Key. 8. M. Uordon, I'll. U.
upun rurllamnnt.
Duly Installed.
Last night the Presbyterian church
was crowded to its utmost capacity, the
occasion being the Installing as pastor
of the church, Rev. Harry T. Chisholm
The services were ocned by the
choir singing a hymn, following which
Rev. Rebor, of Reynoldsville, offered
up the opening prayer.
The following ministers were in at
tendance to assist in conducting tho
services: Rev. G. H. Hill, of Rockdale
Mills, Rov. J. Vernon Boll, of DuBols,
and Rev. W. F. Reber, of Reynoldsville,
Rev. Hill presided over tho services.
After singing by tho choir, Rev. Bell
delivered ono of his excellent sermons,
taking as his text Daniel 2,1:0, after
which Rev. Ruber administered the
charge to Rev. Chisholm in a very able
manner. Rev. Hill then came before
the people with a charge to the congre
gatlon, which he proclaimed In a pleas
ing way. The services were brought to
a close by Rev. Chisholm pronouncing
the benediction. Falls Creek Sun.
S. B. J. Saxton will go to Washing'
ton, Washington county, this week
to begin the work of introducing the
automatic spring washer, as he and J
C. Lyons have secured the tight of that
county. Tho machine is a success, to
say the least, and if the people of Wash
ington appreciate a good thing, Mr.
Saxton will no doubt meet with great
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
From the premises of the undersigned
near Big Soldier, May 1st, a Ught-ool
ored, short-horn, Jersey cow. A suit
able reward will be paid for information
leading to the reoovery of the same.
Edward McKek,
Reynoldsvillo, Pa,
Good Housekeepers.
Sonio of tho best housekeepers in
Reynoldsville aud vicinity use tho Cln
dorolltt Stoves and Ranges and pro
nounce them perfect bakers. Sold by
Reynoldsville Hurdwaro Co.
Having secured W. A. ttpinks, an ex
porlunced sanitary pi'imber from New
York City, we are prepared to do any
and all kluds of plumbing or gas aud
steam fitting. II all & Barton.
An up-to-date line of shirts at Soeley'g
Qlimpset of the People who are Passing
To and Fro.
Mrs. M. E. Weed visited in Corsica
last week.
Dr. J. B. Nealu was in Philadelphia
over Sunday.
A. W. Adams, of Brook way villa, was
in town Snt u rd ay.
Rev. A. E. Hooper and wife visited in
Brookville Monday.
Miss Grace Cluwson Is visiting rela
tives at Fall-mount Pa.
Mrs. Clinton Hartman is visiting her
parents at Cool Spring.
Misses Lillian and Etta Sykes visited
in BriHikvillo last week.
Mrs. W. C. Reed, of Troutville, visit
ed in this place last week.
Mrs. Jumes Marsh, of Sligo, visited
In this place the past week.
J. M. Chesnutt and wife, of Brook- ,
Illu, were in town Sunday.
Mrs. C. F. Hoffman Is visiting her
parents nt Wilkesbarro, Pa.
Mrs. J. A. Myers visited at Corsica
and Patton Station last week.
Glenn A. Milliren, tho clothing mer
chant, was In Pittsburg this week. '
Miss Margaret Williams is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Small, In Wllliamsport.
Lawrence Doemer, of Brookville, was
a guest at Ward Eason's over Sunday.
David Wheeler started for St. Louis,
Mo., Saturday to buy a car loud of mules.
Joseph Macro left hero yesterday on
a trip to Klttanning, Butler and Pitts
Joseph Morrison Is in Now Kensing
ton this week visiting a son who resides
Mrs. John I). Lowther and son, John
r., spent Sunday with relatives In this
C. T. Haiick, of Clayville, Republican
candidate for sheriff, was In town yes
Miss Edith Herel is enjoying a two
weeks' visit In Allegheny City and Mc
Keesport. Mrs. Aaron Stiver, of Cortz, Is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. B. E. Hoover, on
Grant street.
Mrs. E. C. Davis, who visited her
parents at Knox, Pa., a few weeks, re
turned homo Friday.
William Rlioads, formerly of this
placo, now a farmer near Penfleld. vis
ited in this place last week.
Mrs. D. A. Beck, of Johnsonburg,
spent Sunday with hor sister, Mrs. L.
M. Snyder, on Jackson street.
Mrs. William Folks returned Monday
evening from a visit with her parents
at Leatherwood, Clarion county.
Mrs. Weir and daughter, Miss Emily
Weir, of DuBols, nro visitors at 8. E.
Brewer's, in West Reynoldsville.
Miss Mary Bell left here yesterday for
Thurmond, W. Va., whore she expects
to remain six weeks visiting friends.
James Carney, who recently roturned
from a trip In Europe, was the guest of
Alexander Watson several days lost
William T. Cox was in Brookville
Friday attending a meeting of the direc
tors of Suminet'ville Telephone Com
pany. A. T. McCluro, a member ot the
Reynoldsvillo Hurdwaro Co., started
for Carthage, Mo., yesterday morning
on a business trip.
Mrs. Charles Kclm, of Watson town,
and Mis Merta Boyles of DuBols, were
the guests of Miss Eleanor Reed sevoral
days the past week.
James Moore Is In Allentown this
week attending the I. O. O. F. Grand
Lodge as a delegate from the I. O. O.
F. lodge at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Montgomery,
of Sllgo, were in town lost week attend
ing the funorul of Mrs. C. C. Gibson,
sister of Mrs. Montgomery. ,
Mrs. Elizabeth Stephenson and
daughter, Mrs. L. M. Woltzel, of Glen
Campbell, Pa., visited the former's sou,
ye editor, in this pluce last week.
Dr. C. C. Rumberger. Dr. J. B. Neale,
G. M. McDonald, Esq., of this place,
ana win uampbeii, 01 ttea uanK, went
to Hammersley Fork, Potter county,
Monday to fish for trout.
James S. Abernathy returned yester
day from Morris Run, Tioga county.
Pa., where be had been called to attend
tho funeral of his brother, Rulph'Aber
nuthy, who died last Thursday. ' -
Crowded with Work.
The Reyco'dsvlllo woolen mill has
received a number of large orders re
cently and If any more orders are re
ceived the mill will be run extra time
to turn out the work. A well equipped
mill, good work and .good management
Is whut gives the mill at this place bo
much work to do.
R. J. Thomas Disabled.
Robert J. Thomas, the tonsorlul ar
tist, hud his left shoulder blade broken
a few duys ago by being upset out f a
buck. Ho und three or four others
were going out trout fishing when the i
mishap occurred.
Will be Sold Cheap.
fhonn nmiuii'tv t.n nnlclr Vinvo fn
qulro at TllK STAR ofllco.
The best $2.50 shoe made, all kinds of
leather Robinson's.
Special sale noxt week at Goudor's
jewelry store.
Speclul prices on Icecream for parties,
pieiilcs aud festivals at the Bon Ton
We suit you or return the funds at
A now stock of wall paper at Stoke's,
5, II, 7, 8 and 10 uunU per piece.
Notice our prices on rings next week.
Gooder, the jeweler.
Have you seen those blue serge suits
at Soeloy's.