" To Err is Human." But to err alt the time Is criminat or idiotic Don't continue the mistake of, neglecting your blood. Take Hood9 s SarsaparilU now. ifl will make pure, live blood, and put yoa in good health. AH Cone-" Had no appetite or atrctiRtli could nut sloop or get rested, Iran coral pletcljr ran down. Two buttles Hood's Bar Saparllla cured the tlrril frellnr; nml t dj tuj own work." M tin. A. Dick, M lllvllle, N.J 1 I'M'JJJJll l.l u ill nmiii I i'jiim Hrwid't pftla inr Mirar Ilia : h nnn Irritating And Only cathatUo to Uke wtlh Himl , MapartMt f. J. rhnnfT Co., Tnlailn, O., Props, nf IUII'ii Catarrh C'uw. nffi-r i rrmanl fur any le of ratjrrll thateannnt hticmvO tir tnkltiK Hall's Catarrh Cur.-. Heml fur toaUuioulala m. Hold by DruvvItU, 7 Go. i riU rermanpntly rnrril. Nnflta nr n'rrrmk riMnnfti-r Itrnt.lny-d n.n of lr. kllnna irna Jswe HrM.'irr. ii trial hottla anil trnatlaa lice. Ur.lt.U Kl.INr. Ltd. Kit An-lt 8U'lillaa Mr WInalrm'afinrtlitnRflrrnp fnrchlMrWn tevtlilnir. anltana thaanma. rwiiiipalnllain'"'" Hon, allays pain, cures iud culit'.Ste a buttle. I ran rwommrnd Plan's fire for Onnaiint . llna to auffcivra from Asthma.-k. I). ioWH saau. B. Howard. Wla.. May 4. M- During 1898 Rwltsarlanil's Imponta exceeded its axporta by ISt.OOO.OUO. ilt teema queer that a great share of the Imports consists of watches. Ta Oar Oawitlimtlwn ToravaVi ' fake Caacareta Cuaily Cathartic loo nrfKe. If ft v. v. fall tocan,araaiHU raiuuu niunvy. GUTTA-PERCHA SCARCE. Yarrow's (torpedo-boat rleatrnyer In adaiima, built for the Japaneae Onv ernment made an average of J 1.037 knot on her trial trip. Bdnrata Ton Hawaii Wltn ?aaeret. Cattily Cnttiartlr, eura conmlpallon foratar. 100, Wo. 1IUO.O. fall, druailata rel uod aionef. John Tlurrouaha, the critic, la quite a hermit, and Uvea by hlmaelf In a lit tle cabin on the Hudson half way be tween New York and Albany. Aak Your Dealer for Allen'a Koiit-Faar, A powder to shake Into your shoaet reata the fenl. ('urea Corn, ltiititnna, Hwollen, Hore, Hot, Callous. Auhlnif. Kwimtlna Feet and laRfowliiK Nails. Allen'a l oot K.aaa make new or Unlit rhnea eaxy. At all aline stores and ilrtlKKli"ti, Hfirits. Rample mailed FIltE. Adr's Alien 8. Olmsted, Lalloy, N. Y. Maloalt to Qa Kwnalt for a Facino CaMe. I la connection with the Pacific cable a very interesting question arises, saiys the Engineering Magazine. From where Is the gutta-percha for this Ki gantic cable to comet Every whisper t the construction of a transpacific! line sends the gutta-percha market 1 at Singapore bj by leaps and bounds. The ruling price of the gum Is the highest that has ever obtained. It Is stated, on -what authority It Is hard to aay, that the visible supply of gutta-percha Is Insufficient for the task, and that If Uils cable Is laid It will be the last the last -with gutta-percha Insulation at least While this pessimism on the part of the gutta-percha producers savors somewhat 'of a desire to stiffen the market, there Is yet a sufficiently rea sonable foundation for It In the wanton destruction .of the gutta-percha forests. It win be interesting to see the out come of the situation. If the United States acquires an island in the Caro lines the building of the cable line seems possible, though expensive. It they do not find a landing place the operation of the cable seems to require a prohibitively costly plant And meanwhile there is the question of the disappearing gutta-percha tree. tloldtna Hlmaelf High, The Chicago Post tells of a doctor who hurried Into a drug store. "I've been called to attend the Croesus baby," he said, "and I've given a pre scription that calls for nothing but paregoric. When they send It over here yoa must tell them It will take at least an hour to put It up, and the cost will to $3.60. That's the only way to make them think I'm any good, the medicine's any good and you're any good, and I want to keep their bulsensa. A Denver man iuat returned from Men li o, reports Hint Knatlah la taught In the public school of moat of the lnraror title. In (lundnlnjnrn the children "were provided with both Spanish and KnxIMi text hooka and rather disconcerted member of our party, when they addressed ua In pure KfRllah. while we could nut return the compliment by paying a, alnnle word to the little ones In their language." Vast Taker Spit aaS Rbh. Toar 1.1ft away. To quit tobacoo eaally and forarer. bo naff netto, full of Ufa, Bnrre and vigor, take No To Baa, the wnader worker, tbnt make weak men strong. All drunalata, too or II. Cure aiinrun taed. Booklet and aample free. Adr1res Starling Keawdy Co., Chicago or New York, Gen. A. P. Kimball, Depot Quarter Maater of the V. H. Army In New York t'lty, hna aent to I.ytnnn Mot'arty, A alatnnt ileneral Pnaaeimer Agent of the Baltimore & Ohio linllrond In New York, a letter of thanka for the prompt movement of troop thnt were ticket ed over the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad durlnir the pnat year. Ho aaya thnt many ef theae movement were made on ahort notice and hi department had too frequently to rely upon Insufficient and sometime Inaccurate data. He realbwd thnt under auch clrcumatnnces the company was placed In nn emhar raaatnir position nnd the extraordinary rfforta made by the line to Rive satis faction In every reaped merited arnl received his fuTleat appreciation. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE3. Kst-ltth Workman Have Many Objection! to Their Introilnctloa. English workmen do not view with complacency tho Introduction of the American locomotives on the Midland railway. They are not only an af front to their national pride, but they ee In them a positive menace to the engineers' trades union, which has been one. of the most powerful In all Europe. The American locomotive Is placed on tho rails In Great Britain at a coat of from 20 to 30 per cent lesi than the Uritlah makers con produce the same sort of machine. So the working of the American locomotives Is watched with much more than ordi nary interest by men on both sides of the ocean. It the machines can ba made thoroughly adapted to British requirements at such a saving of cost to the British railway companies, it means that the British maker must produce them at a like cost or else be thrown out of the market That means lower wages to the British workman, and aguinst that he will fight with all his characteristic ob stinacy, as he has to the Introduction of labor saving machinery. Even the long drawn out and disastrous strike which made possible the Introduction' of the American locomotive, has not taught them the whole of their lesson. There Is even now a proposition on foot that the union of locomotive drivers shall adopt a rule prohibiting members from handling an American made locomotive, when the engineers' union shall reach the conclusion It It does, that the Introduction of the American machine threatens seriously the wages of their trade. HEALTHFUL OLD AGE A CHARMING grandmother! What a pleasant influence in the house is a delight ful old lady in good health ! Mrs. Mollie Bariikr, St. James. Mo., writes: "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound during change of lite, ana have passed through that critical period safely. I suffered for years with falling of the womb and female weakness. At times could hardly stand on my feej, also had leucorrhoea. I tried several jrood doctor, but instead of getting better, grew worse all the time. A. friend advised me to try Mrs. Pinkham's Compound. I did so and after takiAg six bottles, was cured of both leucorrhoea and falling tf womb. I am now enjoying good ' . I ttAnltU A t 1 t - ,iiunu miiu icci vury grmciui lor i good your medicine has le me, I would recommend o all women suffering as I was." Mrs. N. E. Lacey, Pearl, La., writes: 'Ihave had leucorrhoea for about twenty years, falling of womb by spells for ten years, and my bladder was affected, had backache a great deal. I tried a number of doctors. They would re lieve me for a little .while, then I would be worse than ever. I then thoucht I would ifl try Lydia E. Pinkhnm'a y-v .A'T-H H M' Vegetable Compound. V )lf 7er Eleven bottles of Com. It' - pound and ono box of I . Liver Pills cured me . and I am now sound nd well. It helped mi through the change of life period. X am fifty-five years 6ld.' ine women 01 advanced years who are healthy and happy re invariably those when they needed it free of charge who wrtes about ber health, Lynn, Macs. ho have known how to secure help frtf taa m jars, nnicnam win advise anv woman Her address la "Tt:-:;!::. Fclii live tha (.trdttt Work, But Quick Wit hi Pe:p!j lit s O-LIO mm SI THE REALM OF FASHION. New York City (Special). Clns lets of fine ttioks are an important feature of the new shirt waists, wheth er made of silk, wool or cotton fab rics. White Persinn lawn, with frills woman's tttcked shirt waist. of fine white embroidery edging the box pleat in ceutre-frout, forms the fdeal warm weather waist here Illus trated. Bix tucks are represented in each cluster on back and fronts. The novel adjustment of the baek brings the straight lines of tucking to meet at the waist line. The fronts and baok join in shoulder and nndor-arm seams, and are smartly adjusted with out linings. The frouts are hold eas ily between the groups of tucking at the top, and gathers give a slight blouse effect at the waist line, the back being drawn snngly by gnthers at the waist. A narrow band finishes the neck and holds the studs with which the slsnding collar of white linen is adjusted. The stylish one-seam ileeves have the slight fulness now approved by fashion, gathered at the top and wrists, the straight link end's being shaped with rounded corners. Laps lluiah the cuff openings to the sleeves The wrists are completed with pretty, flaring end's, and the nook has a collar that flares to match. The skirt is especially desigued for thin or wash fabrics, having smooth front and side gores that flare stylishly, while the straight hack breadth is gathered closely at the top and falls in graceful folds to the foot. Narrower frills or only thoso of ribbon may be used, bands of insertion or rnohings of the organ die forming effective decoration. .Soft India sud wash silks, foulard, grena dine, ohailie and veiling, Madras per calo, lawn, sateen, gingham and other wash fabrics may be tlaintly trimmed with lace, edging, bands of insertion, braid or ribbon, frizzed or applied plain in lattice or vandyked style. Ttia noiinit Walat In Vngve. The round waist is still very much in evideuce, not only on fancy day and evening toilettes, but also on cos tumes of vicuna, drap d'ete and fab rics of similar character designed for general wear. Iinpartlne a Irer Elteet. These fashionable accessories im part a dressy effect to otherwise plain waists, and lend just that charm of variety that is essential ,to style and necessary where the wardrobe is lim ited. No. 1 shows a plastron vest with pointed revers that reach to the waist line. The fancy stock collar is shaped in one piece and rises to points in the back, where the closing is made in centre. The plastron, vest and collar are made of white satin, over laid with all-over cream point de Venise lace. Theeollar has a narrow edging of lace and is lined with satin. The revers are of finely tucked satin, the tncks be ing made in the material before the pat tern is laid ou, and the edges are finished with insertion and laceedging to match. Canvas or stiff crinoline is used to interline each portion, the vest and revers having a lining of white China silk. No. 2 shows a chemire'.te extending to the hnst with ahort revers nud pointed tie ends. White corded taffeta is the material chosen, lace and inser tion furnishing the decoration. To the stock collar are joined two rounded sections of velvet in some becoming oolor that flare stylishly at the sides and buck. Pointed tie ends are gnth- 7 J BOLERO WA13T AND SKIRT FOR A WOMAtf. in back, and a white leather belt with silver buckle isworu around the waist. White or colored taffota made in this style is exceptionally stylish, with narrow knife pleating edging the box pleat in front. Cords may be i user tod in the tujks it that effeot is desired. Zephyr, madras, wash oheviot, per cale, dimity, nainsook or wash silks in plain, striped or checked effect make up smartly by the mode. To make this shirt waiat for a woman of medium sixe will require three and one-quarter yards of ma terial thirty inohes wide. A Vtanab Orajandla Ooataina. In the accompanying large illustra tion French organdie that shows yellow carnations with their natural green foliage, on a ground of pale blue, is effectively made up over pale yellow nearsilk. The foot ruffles, bolero and sleeve caps are of plain blue organdie trimmed with narrow frilled blue satin ribbon. A stook of blue satin rib bon is daintily bowed at the left of throat, and a crush belt of the same euoiroles the waist. Fitted body lin ings that olose in oeutrs-front support the full fronts and baok portions of waist, the nnder-arm gores giving a smooth adjustment The bolero frouts are inoluded with the shoulder and uuder-arut seams, and, with the round ed sleeve caps, may be omitted it not desired. Fitted liuings are also pro vided for the sleeves, bnt both waist and slseves may be made up without linings if so preferred, This method is advisable when the gown may be worn over different .colored slips. erod o'losoly nnder a knot of the silk and joined to the end of chemisette where the lapels incot. Pique, duok, liuen, all-over embroidery, tucked lawn, lace, insertion or plain ribbon make attractive accessories. To make No. 1 will require five eighths of a yard of twenty-two inch material for plastron and collar, five eighths of a yard of tuokingfor revers, one and one-half yards insertion, one snd one-quarter yards of lace and one yard of lace to edge collar. To make No. 2 will reqni.-e one-half yard of tuck ing for piastrou, eollarand revers; one and one-quarter yards insertion for revers and tie, and two. : and three- WOMAN'S WAIST DB0ORATIO!. quarters yards of laoe, three-quarters of a yard of narrow laoe to edge flare collar, and out -quarter yard of material twenty-two tnouea wide for strings. C hi rrrrnrTU a at 5 a its t a a 8 a oafBoaa88o5o55 8 I V 1 I .1 V II 1 II 11 1 --r HOW TO WASH FLANNELS. Dissolve fine shavings of Ivory Soap In boiling water, and when cool enough to bear your hand in it, immerse one piece of flannel. Don't rub it with soap, but knead It with the hands. Don't rinse In plain water or in cold water, but make a second solution, warm and well blued, for this purpose. Use a clothes-wringer ; hand-wringing Is Insufficient. Dry quickly In a warm place. If left to stand wet, flannel shrinks. Cut out these directions and tell the laundress to follow them with Ivory Soap. It keeps the flannels very soft. r Ml IM. W fW M. t O-aM, . Mat Fpeckled or brook trout may be caught In Pennaylvanlo from April 15 to July 15, but none must be kept less than five Inches long. Baaatr Is Bloat Deast. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Caacareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all iav puritiea from the body. Ilegin to-day to banish pimplea, boils, blotchei, blackheads, and thai sickly bilious complexion by taking Caacareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satiafaction guaranteed, 10c, 20c, 50c To his Intimates Senator A. O. Foa ter, of Washington, la known aa "the man who laughs." He la a capital narrator of anecdotea. In appearance he la vigorous, ahort of stuture r.nd weighs about 200 pounds. To Care A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Hromn quinine Tablets. All DruKKiaU refund money if it faila to uure. Uo Paderewskl's home la a veritable museum of musical relics, nelonginga of the great composers hove been col lected from all ends of the earth by the pianist. Wa-Ta-Baa for Fifty Canto, Guaranteed tobaooo babtt cure, malcaa weak saaoauuuv, blood pure, too, II. AU oxufvista. A Kaw togal fnvantloa. " Some Missouri lawyer has Invented a brand-new basis for a claim for dam ages against a railway compny. He has a client who was a member ot the non-commissioned staff of one ot the volunteer regiments enlisted for the war with Spain. While the army was being concentrated In Florida the sol dier, by reason of alleged negligence ot the Fort Scott and Memphis Rail way, fell from a car at Jacksonville, sustaining Injuries that necessitated bis discharge from the army. Through his attorney he has now brought salt against the railway company (or S25. 000 damages. The peculiarity ot the case lies In the fact that plaintiff sets forth In his complaint, as one ot the principal damages for which he seeks recompense, "that by reason ot defend ent's negligence, plaintiff was deprived of bis opportunity to win glory and honor as a soldier In the war with Spain, to his loss and damage." Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. mi THYSELF or Know Thyself Manual. A gt-paia pamphlet by a Uumanlturlaaauil ml Bent m.lU'M auUior. . 'r,'!f.!;. Hn'l"" VartB Meenm of Medlral Seleaee rop HkN OM.V Thi ther niarrtril, uilluurrlitl. or atmut to innrry , , mnic, ml.l.ll,. awl or uiil. f rlra Sxwnti i l.y mall al,.,, .t fr,.0 rurSUdnra. A.l. drvtt rhe Vitulxxtjr ilmllral limiitute. No. 4 (lulfWa Bt.. Bii-tun, Mm Chirr Couullln rhylclaiu trailuute uC Harvard M.-. Ileal Collrre, eluaa IW4. out aiinein 5th liaaa. Hrir. Vni.. u,a nn mil. rr.vrj'."."' always cuius Where Olhera Fall. 'nuliutlinlaMrauaorbv U-tlrr, from tot Hurolav 10 to t. . ThJ'j""t!,e Meillt-al Iimltule honat- In hied hiw auhliK-tnl It to a tm vrhl. Ii ..ill, a uiirlt. BrliHiiliMtltiltlon could liiiil. iv".-Coatoij Journal The HmtlHalf Mrdli'al Iimlltutu lat uianr uuUft. Ion, but uo txiua!a,-Uoatou Humid. as BIG FOUR "THE SEA LEVEL ROUTE " NEW YORK. DOUBLK DAILY SERVICE. WACNER SLEEPING CARS. DINING CARS. ST. I. 1K8AILI, B. a MtOOIXICI, President, Tans. Traffic Msr. rilUK J. LTM0H, Awt Gen'l Pus. & Tlckat Aat MALI HSLP-H.IIOO prise, to Introduce our Kuill- Clialn. Heuil u foraautulu. MtfUiber'a ci-rtlHcati and particular. I'.V, Mrr i KK. Traaa., Alma, Culontdo, IRFNTC Hrvft fifteen twnta for an m pie HULlllO t)flari( MOTIt i'll ' HAH. tlreat atirlns tellar. HI" urotlta. I'IKltlMiNT, klVITKH CO., HlMtlou A, I'ltUbur. r. WANTCD-' anofhadbMllh thai R-I-P-A-K S will u,. ltnai. Saud i via. to Hipanai bamlml Ca. tiaw ufk. fut laaaumlaa aud Iwm tHuauUaU Sour Slomacii After I wni lnJsi?eMl to try CASTA RETA, I will nrerb without tbcm in th homo. Mjr liver was in verr tmd hnii n1 mf be4 chHl and I had stomach tremble. Now. tine vbx ln 4'nce,reu. I tool Una. M wife bii)ie.lo 'horo with benuflolal rosulti for tour Rtomacb." Job. KHEHUNa. lioi Coogreu St., Bt. tvul, Mo CANDY CATHARTIC RIOlftTtMO 3 ' PlABtmnt. Pa.ntah(w. Pntttnt. Tnara nrvwisT nn 9uod, ISuver Hlckeu, Wcakoo, or Gripe, 10c, VJo20a. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. tsrftaff Rewel tvmfnj, miMr, Mewtrvst, l.w Tf, I lit Mn-TAD1I Bold entl oiiirnntoort h all v ssvrvw llllf W t; y HI, lUOBOCO Ult THE Spalding OFFICIAL League Ball I. tli gnutne T,tniAl HBll, nnd Is nmciftllrl onifrfMi v ine NKttotial Lbwiib trt be na hi lu all guinea. I accept no HrnMTiTirTiVM. If a df.r d'xw not carry MtMldlng's arhletlrl ("- j ii sum, stii(i your iiani rnun anrm tui iir i and his, too) for a copy of our baudMouatyl A. O. SPALDING A BROS.. New Tit. lleaTrr. thlml Columbia S m a a mm m naiiiuru aim ibdb Bicycle NEW MODELS FOR I Columbia Bavsl-Baar Ch Columbia Chain Wllaalsl Hartfords, . , ' vedettes, ..... lit Ask any Columbia dealer for C'uiulosue, liooklels, folders, etc., or write to u, eucloslng sl-ccnt stump. POPE MFG. CO., HARTFORD, CONN. GOLDEN CROWN LAMP CHIMNEYS Arc th. boat. Aak for thana. Cost aa mors tiiao pouimon fhluinaya. All tlfwlara. I'lTTHHI'KU ULatS CO., AII.Kh.DT.Pa. You will never know what Good Ink is unless you use Carter's. It costs no more than poor ink. Fuany bookUt 14 How to Malta Ink Plcturu " fraa. CARTER'S INK CO., Boston, Mass. IIMSI O NwuhiaaK' 8ucoesfully Prosfoutes Claims. tAtnHacDai xAmtnar U M. Penaloa BursMU, 9iaktvivU war, laVsvliudi4!avuuuLluiu,att aiuca, U fX J O I ouiokraiul aail him aaaaa. Book l toalinaaiaia au4 IO oaa' traataaaaa Sraa. Da. a. a. aasaa s was. Bsi P. atuaia. aa. P. K. U. U 'V. s n etStliSrruaaul LuuSl Bat I ( In tuna Bold br dmawlata. ) I , , J