The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 03, 1899, Image 1

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Chicago - Optical - Co.'s
Eye Specialist
ftIll IT rtltfl
lllUMIilJ dim
This week wo mention a few of the many new thing that you will
need in the near future. Of course you want the nicest, tho most diirnhlo
goods that you can j;et for your money.
WASH GOODS Everything that is now and up-to-dato from '5c.
Lawns and Lapiieta to 30c. Silk Ginghams. We now huvo the linen t lino
of Summer Goods that was ever brought to town. Don't fail to see them.
SHIRT WAISTS Your choioe from 40c. to 1.!i0. Klght styles of
50c. waiHts in the new stripes.
DRESS GOODS A fine Una in Sorgo, Cashmeres, Poplins, Covert
Cloths, Black Crepons, ranging In price from 124c. to $2.00.
' LACE CURTAINS 21 styles In Iaeo Curtains from 2-k!. to 5.00
that we wish to call your attention to. Don't forget that wo are head
quarters for Curtains of all kinds.
SHOES We have just received a large line of Shoes in tans and
blacks for men, women and children.
DOMESTICS Unbleached Muslin from 4 to 7o.
Bleached " " 5 to Sc.
Fine Half Bleached Muslin 8c.
II and 10-4 Shooting from 121 to 2.1c.
Calicos " 4 to (to.
Outing " 5 to 10c.
Lancaster Gingham tic.
Shirting " 5 to 8c.
A few words to the men and boys Don't forgot that we carry a full
line of Men's and Boys' Suits, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Neckwear, &c. We
are tip-to-date In this line and can give you prices that will surprise you.
Call and be convincod. Entrance through main store and on Fifth street.
Don't forget the place.
1 Successors to A. D. Doenier & Co. Next door to Postofllce.
The Jefferson Supply Go.
. , . . Three Big Stores at Reynoldsville, Rath-
mel and Big Soldier, are offering bargains
in clearing up stocks in
Shoes, Rubbers, Hats and Caps,
Jackets, Capes and Collarettes,
At PRICES CUT IN TWO, and if you
can use anything in this line we surely
can make the price suit you.
We are convinced by the INCREASED
" TRADE that we are getting every day
, that
Our Goods and Prices are Right.
Almost anything needf'jn your list of
family wants you w jM ft1 iTV)ur 3 stores.
We can fit vou oit& an3V lino, and
And hav cured iKouJnoi! oi
lUtUlblhty, luiineai.
pesa and Varicocele, 9
7'tivy clear trie bruin, irmtltuu
the circulation, make chtreMirn
a prtifl, ftnu impart ft ncoitnv
LVwffii vigor loliio whole betHR. Ail
1 "a '"NJy drain! nd loke liro checked
Ctrftntr Afffllll fmammlv, Unlt. ji.Ufnn
.wUUIIgaM&aiiU Br0 property curd, their couui
lion often iCorricH them into luaaniiv, Coomp-li-r
or Death. Mailed leulcri. Price It per boxj
n tie$, with Iron-clad guarantee to cure or
M -iud the money. Ss-oo. Bend bve tree book.
S t or-8uln by H. Alox fifoke.
' ubacribe for
The :: Star,
If you want h riw.
y, May 2nd ami 3d.
nearly all lines habg Paprhi8 in them.
Supply C
o Riff Stores i
Bia Soldier.
t Nati
C. Mitchell, President!
Mcott !M Midland, Vice I'ren.l
Julin II. Kuuf her, 4 avlilvr.
0. Mitchell, Scott MeClulUnd, J. O. Kiug,
J oil n H. Corlmtt, ' li. E. Brown,
O. W. Fuller, J. H.Kuucher.
Does a Ktuitiralbtinklnirbiilu0iuiid iiollclta
the accounts of merchants! prufeuMlonal num.
farmers, murhiiiilert, iiiluorti, lumbermen und
others, pnimlsliiR the moqL careful ul toutluu
to the UualueHM uf all pertfns. .
Bale Deposit Boxes forwent.
First National Bank building, Nolan block
Fir ProJf Vault. '.,
Pastor Ordained.
Uov. A. E. Hooper, Rev. .1. E. Dean
and R. L. Miles, of this place, were at
Curwettsvlllo on Monday if fast week
assisting in ordaining Rev. E. T. Had
dock as pastor of the Curwensvllle Bap
tist church. Tho ordination council
was organized by choosing Rev. .1. H.
Palmer, of Sykesvllle, moderator, and
R. L. Miles, of Rrynoldsville.clerk. Tho
moderator appointed Ruv. 3. E. Dean,
Rev. A. E. Hooper, of this place, A.
W. Scott, of Sykesvllle, and Rev. Had
dock to prepare a program for the ordi
nation ceremonies, and the following
program was prepared ind carried out:
Anthem by Curweiisvillu choir: serlp
tttro rending and prayer. Rev. J. E.
Dean; crdinutloti sermon. Dr. .T. H. Har
ris; singing by choir: ordination prayer
and laying pn of hands, Dr. Harris:
charge to pastor, Rev. .1. E. Dean;
charge to ehui-eh, Rev. J. II. Palmer;
band of fellowship, Rev. W. W. Syblo?
benediction, Rev. Haddock.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express tho rapture of An
nie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard street,
Philadelphia, Pa., when sbo found that
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consump
tion had completely cured her of a hack
ing cough t hat had for many years made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "it soon re
moved tho pain In my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I foci
like sounding Its praises throughout tho
Universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery for any
trouble of the Throat, Chest, or Lungs-
Price 50o. and 1.00. Trial bottles free
at II. A. Ktoke's Dr.ig Store: every bot
tle guaranteed.
Why Isn't paregoric a baby's crying
Why isn't tho life of tho miller ono
continual grind 'i
Why am not woman's rights and wed
ding rites synonymous?
Why wouldn't crying women mako
successful auctioneers ?
Why is it that a reformer seldom bo
gins his work at home ?
Why Is a man of tho smallest caliber
always the blggost bore ?
Why is the average man always want
ing to do something he can't ?
Why doesn't the man who rides a
chalnless wheel t ravel ln-cogy
Why floes arbitration prove that both
tho contending parties are wrong?
Deafness and Discharge from the Ears.
Don't put off the treatment of a dis
charge from the ears; it does not wear
out it wears out tho delicate inside or
gans of the ear, thus depriving you for
ever of the chance to get your hearing
Dr. O. W. Sadler, the woll known
specialist of Pittsburg, has cured thous
ands of simlliar cases. All those afflict
ed with diseases of the Eyes, Ears, Nose
or Throat can consult him at tho Bolnap
Hotel, Reynoldsville, Friday and Sat
urday, May 5th and 6th.
Dr. Sadler will visit Brookville Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 8,
1) and 10; Punxsutawncy Thursday, Frl
dry and Saturday, May 11, 12 and 13.
Prof. Qlll's Lecture.
A special Invitation la extended to
the citizens of Reynoldsvllle to attend
Prof. GUI's, State College, lecture In As
sembly hall on Thursday evening, May
4th. Prof. Gill is a man of wide ex
perience and is brilliant ora
tor and a leader in educational thought.
He is brought here at someBfponse,
but it costs nothing to hear wki. Hitt
lecture will be a treat and he slioutd be
greeted by one of the largest audiences
that has ever been In the Asifembly
Testing; the Coal Lands.
The first of a number of diamond
drills that will be used in testing the
coal lands south of Brookville Is being
located to-day on what is known as the
Shilling farm, In Knox township.
Those Interested In the sale have no
doubt of the tests proving oven richer
doposits of coal than has been repre
sented to the prospective buyers, con
sequently they await the result with
but little anxiety. Brookville JftpuWi'
Cun. ' .
Good draft horses ura buooinlng source
in soiuo section of tho country and are
in great demand. Horse buyers are
paying 9150 for the same clusc of horses
that only brought $75 two years ago,
The reason for this sharp advance is
due to the fact that few horses have
been raised in the past fi ve yours. Elec
tricity supplanted the horso to a great
extent, and farmers found that there
was no market for horses. Present
prices will stimulate the ralvlng of
heavy horses.
n. ti. Marshall went to Erie Monday
to learn locomotive engineering.
(i. L. Henry and Dan Mnrnlngstar
were In Warren lust, week attending
the Odd Fellows reunion.
Mr. Sneaden lias moved his family
from I'hlllpiburg to this place.
Mrs. Susan Smith, of Noblestown,
visited in this placo last week.
There wore a few Knights of Pythias
of Heynoldsrille up to visit the Knights
of tills place in their lodge room last
Monday evening.
The Hungarians observed last Sunday
as a holiday in a very rough and disor
derly way. We think It Is about time
for the citizens to raise up and put a
stop to such work.
The Henry mine, observed Dewey Day
by not working. They are all patriotic
Mr. Bruce, of Helvetia, and Miss Bar
bara Clark will bo married at tho home
of the brldo's grandmother, in this
place next Friday.
Rural District.
A number of our neighbors were down
at Brookvillo last week attending a law
W. It. Brumbaugh, of Klctinura, who
bus been in the hospital at Punxsutnw
ney for tho last six or seven weeks is at
homo again.
Mrs. Samuel Dickey was at Falls
Creek last week visiting her (laughters.
Aaron Douthit and family wero down
at Brookvillo visiting friends.
Some of our farmers will sell and buy
John Syphrit has whitewashed bis
D. L. Brumbaugh says his team
matches, if they don't look alike.
Dun Snyder has moved toO'Dnnnell.
Al Brumbuugh, a woodsman from the
Clarion river, was In our neighborhood
a few days last woek.
A Rar Opportunity Dr. Sadler at tl) Bl
nap Httl.
Dr. Sadler, tho well known oculist
and aurlst of Pittsburg, has now a part
ner, which fact will enable him to visit
tho places distunt from the homo ollicu
(r!4 Ponn Aye., Pittsburg), und thus
greatly ducrease the expense to the
many who need their skill. Through
tholr vast exerlence and thorough
knowledge of the latest discoveries re
lating to tho eye, car, noso and throat,
they are enabled to give to all tho most
skilful and successful treatment, and
within reach of everybody. Dr. Sadler
will bo at the Bolnap Hotel, Rcynolds
vlllo, Friday and Saturday, May 5th
and nth.
Dr. Sadler wll visit Brookvillo Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 8,
0 and 10; Punxsutawncy Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday, May 11, 12 and IX
Annual Conclave.
The forty-sixth annual conclave of the
grand commandery of Knights Templar
of Pennsylvania, whloh Is to be hold In
Altoona, May 23rd and 24th, will be
largely attended. It Is estimated that
2,000 visitors will be in attendance.
The' Tribune says that elaborate prepar
ations are being made. for suitable dee
orations. None of the business bouses
or hotels have boon asked to contribute
anything for the entertainment of the
visiting Knights Templar and therefore
will expend a greater sum In making
the streets attractive than has been
customary on such occasions heretofore.
Unveiling Hartranft Monument.
On account of, tho unveiling of the
Hartraft Monument at Harrisburcr. Pa..
Vfay 12, tho Pennsylvania Railroad
'Vnu.rv has arranged to sell excursion
nil Bt.nt.lnna nn tta Una 1n
o State of Pennsylvania, to Harrls-
bjurg and return, at rate of single fare
for the round trip, minimum rate
twenty-five cents. Tickets will be sold
on May 10, 11 and 12, and will be good
to return until May 13, inclusive, but
will not be valid for passage on the
Pennsylvania Limited.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In the postofllce at Roynoldsvlllu, Pa.,
wook ending April 2I, 1890:
Arthur Carney, Frank Donback, Geo.
A. Soulo. Forolgn, Stevon JConsUey.
Say advertised and glvo date of list
whon calling for above.
A. M. Woodward, P. M
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve.
The best salve lu the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, suit rhoum, fever
soreB, totter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns and all skin eruptions, and posl
tlvely cures piles, or no pay required
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis'
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by II. Alex,
A Great Pnie Offer.
Wo have a great prlo offer to iiihUd
tho farmers of Jefferson county! Byu
poclul arrangement with tho publishers
of tho Fnvm Journal, n most excellent
farm paper that costs 50 cents a year,
wo are able to offer onn year's subscrip
tion to The Staii and FIVE years' sub
scription to tho r'tirm Journalthe two
worth M.Sil all for tho small sum of
1.2ii. Of course this only upplics to
advance paying subscribers. We can
furnish a few papers at this rate, and If
you want them on thoso terms, you
must act quick Mr! Sample copies of
tho Farm Journal will bo sent free on
application. Address,
C. A. Stephenson,
Heynoldsvlllo, Pa.
Reduced Rates to Lancaster.
On account of tho paradu of the
Knights of tho Golden Kaglo at Lancas-
er. Pa., May !l, tho Pennsylvania Hail-
road Company lias arranged to sell ex
cursion tickets from all stations on its
lino in the statu of Pennsylvania, to
Lancaster and return, at rate of slnglu
faro for tho round trip, minimum rate
twenty-dvo Gents.
Ticket will be sold on May 8 and II,
good to re tm iintll May 10, Inclusive,
but will not, bo valid for passage on the
Pennsylvania Limited.
An Important Question.
If your friends or neighbors are suf
fering from coughs, colds, sore hrout,
or any throat or lung disease (Including
consumption), ask tbem if they havo
ever used Otto's Cure. This famous
German remedy Is having a large sale
here and Is performing some wonderful
euros of throat and lung diseases. No
matter what other medicines havo
failed to do, try Otto's Cure. Large
sizes 2ic. and f0e. Sold by H. Alex.
Crossed Eyes.
Dr. O. W. Sadler, tho Pittsburg eye
and ear specialist will bo at tho Bolnap
Hotel, Ueynoldsvillo, Friday und Sat
urday, May Tith and (Ith. Ho has
straightened several hundred cases of
cross eyes why not yours ?
Dr. Sudlor will visit Brookville Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 8,
Hand 10; Punxsutawimy Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday, May II, 12 and 1.1.
Of Hnuikvlllo bnmiiidi, will be n catiillilnte
for KcirlMter tuiti ltecuriUr, Htib.leet to action
of t lie Kepubllenn voters nf .iHfurMin eounty
at the primaries Juno 17, lKtW.
Of KeynolilHVllle biiriMiuh. will be a cnmlldiitu
for ItcirlHtcr and Heem-dor. Hiibleet to action
of the lli'piihllcaii voters of .Ich'urHou county
ut ine primaries .nine 11, iniih.
Of Hronkvltle Imiiiiii;Ii. will he a riuidldiite
ror itcKiHter huh Keuoriler, sun.leet to action
of lliu HupiibllcHii vote of Jell ci win county
at the primaries June 17, Inihi.
f WIiihIow lownshln. will tie a candldiitn for
HberllT, subject to action of tho Itepiibllrim
voters of JctTunuin rolinlv at tliA iirlntiirlca
Juno 17, 1MI0.
Of Brookvillo bnroiiKh, will bo a candidate
lor rroinonotary, aunject to action ol the
Hepubllran voters of JolTcrmm county at the
primaries June 17, lsVU.
Of Corsica boroiiich, will lie a candidate for
l'rothonotary, niilijeclto action of the KopulH
llcniiHot .IcITcrwin county at the prlmarios
June 17, IMA).
Of Roae township, will be a candidate for
County TruiMtirer, subject to action of the
Uepuhllcan voteraof Jell'ui'hon county at the
primaries June ii, imiu.
Of Knox township, will be a candidate for
county t reasurer, huii.icci to action of tho
Kepiiiitican voiersor .letlurKon county aMho
primaries . une u, imiu.
Of F.ldred township, will bo a candidate for
County Treasurer, subject to action of the
kcihiikiciui voters or Jencrson county at the
pi iniaricH j into ii , is-.w.
Of Ymiiisr township, will Ik) a candldutc for
County Treasurer, subject to action of the
1(-i i til U'u ii voters or Jollcrsuu county at the
Of I'umxkuIhwiiov hm-otiL'h. will Im m uiwll.
(Into for ('tunny 4'oiMiiiUsluiirr, Hiilmt to
notion of Ihtt Ui'publlcuii vutui-K of JullurMUt
couiiiy tiio pi inmrutr Juno 17, IHlr.t,
O. B. CAHRlKtt,
Of DroitkvllUt btruzh, will Iw R
for County t'ominUilnnvr, mihloot 10 action
oftliu Kt'puhlU-mi votii!if JulVoi'MOfi county
Of Waaliluiiton township, will be a eandldato
for County Commlsntouur, suhjoc.t to action
of the Itepiiblli'an viiters of JuflerHon county
Bing's bunch
of bargains
a .
o .
Tho critical buyers those who
wish every detail in stylo and
quality to bo just as fashion
decrees, are cordially request
ed to examine our showing of
Laces and Parasols. Just a
look will satisfy you that tho are right. You'll feel
that tho styles are tho newest
those that are most In re
quest. CORSETS
The Corsets that arn rlght for
comfort and for price. With
the season now here of tail
ored gowns of new spring
dresses makes the right se
lectluu of tho right .corset
most important. We show
Uih foremont makes, but wo
prion them in such u way that
makes our corset stock an
economical ono for you.
You'll find dainty fabrics horo
in all tho styles, colorings
und weaves that tho summer
season makes needful. Keep
ing In view your requirements,
wo'vo gathered together a
stock that merits your approv
al that Investigation will lead
to prompt purchasing. .
9 Bing&Co.
When Spring comes, the
balmy breezes and the
prospects for good and
dry roada will make you think
If you want a wheel
get one that is worth
riding. Don't tAke
"any old thing" you
see, for you'll be,sorry
when you see it in a
little while. Consider
three things: the mech
anism of the wheel, the
reliability of the mak
er and the economy for
bicycles are as good
and as cheap as good
wheels can be made.
You lurnlsn Me wire
Their spring sale is the talk
of the town. In their larcre
store everything can be found '
needed in tho homo. Every-"
thing best value and lowest
price beyond all comparison. -
Carpets, Furniture,
oaou Garrlafles.
HARD-) a isni (SOFT
Redding, Mattress, Com
forts, Pillows, Feathers, &o.t
all of the best and cheapest.
Our business is not of
mushroom growth. Wo did
not spring up in spring to fall
again in fall, it is of ever
green character. .
Priester Bros.
b inv iriiuariu June 4., inuif, j .