A 80N0. Ah, what M better thaa till, tap dear, That In better Ihnn tblsl Th thnnaht of night which linn lost lofway Between tomorrow and yestrrrtny : The full of the tll- ami the nm of the nea, And a null thnt elrrleth endlessly i The brent h from a wind which bloweth wallj A nnll thnt haMcth new portata tell; If sunlit l better Ihnn thi, my ili'iir, 1 find It not here, 1 find It nut here. -Blanche Trnsk In "The Land of Bunnhlna." JUST A CURTAIN FIRE. It TVnn In a Cllrln' Tlonrflnar School nil Did nmpllciileil Ilnmnitr. A firo In n nkywraiii umv lie thrill In, lint fur lr:mmlic fiiiwirtca mid nn exprrlccl romplii-iitii ih 11 tire in a jtli'K boiiidiiijfncliiMilHuri'-n'i-" it. Tim liiwinl inif M'hoiit Urn In riMtiiHy wlmt In known Himinsf innnranre mi ll tin n cnrtuiii fir, bnt n cnrtiiin tire In it firW whiml in move exciting mill ctiiiw i.mre cusuiil tim tUiin nn ordinary Uazo anywhere tilnt). One evening lnft week two k"'1h, who occupy n tiiiTnwiiiic hall beilrutmi In n well np town wliool, took the kIoIicn oft the Kan fixiuro for haircmiln tmr posca and left them off, becaune it wan eanier to do that than to pnt them on again. Then the girls raised the window a trille in order to cool the room and dutifully sat down to write home let ters. Tho inevitable happened, and when iflrl nnmlier one poised her pen in tho air and glanced around tho room In search of inspiration she saw the enrtains In a blaze. She screamed. Uirl number two looked nronnd and echoed the scream. Then, with promptitnde and discretion, Imth girls fainted. Tho screams had attracted .lm attention of tho other girls, who rushed to the scone and then did variona and sundry stunts, nccording to their several dispositions. One fainted, several wept, a few ran ont of the house, and tho rest shouted for the one man on the premises. When he nrrivod, things lm ked rather hopeh-ss. Curtains and woodwork weie blazing finely. The Moor was littered with pr6strate forms, ami when three gills have fainted on the Usir of a ball bedroom there isn't much space in the room for promenading. The mun picked his way across tho prostrate forms and ordered all the girls who were not in a dead faint to leave the room, but they didn't go nntil ho lost his temper and spoke with a force which isn't common in boarding school circles. Then they fled ; but, nnlnckily, there was an i .10 tny in the rear. A vigorous and practi cal womnn from Texas bad been inspir ed to go after aoine water. Returning in mad hasto with a large pitcherfnl of water borne triumphantly aloft, she collided with the retreating force" at the door. Tho pitcher strnck tho leader of the retreat squarely In the lace and knocked ont two of her front teeth, whereupon the injured girl made the fainting trio a qnartet and the water carrier dropped her pitcher and went into violent hysterica. Hysteria, as boarding school teachers know to their sorrow, is contagions, and the one case touched off tho crowd. By the time teachers nrrived npon the scene the firo was ont, but the survivors were in a bad way. It was necessary to pnt nine-tenths of the school to bed and order wholesale doses of bromide. Even now the girls insist that they haven't recovered from the shock sufficiently to do bard studying, and the victims of the water pitcher are both nnder the care of trained nurses. As for the man, he gave np bis place the next day and confided to the cook that he was going to look for a job in a lnnatic asylum, where his boarding school experience wonld be of value to him. New York Bnn. EHKltnh Pcnnr Kovels. Penny novelettes differ from one an other in externals rather than in in ternals. The get up of the better sort is neat and attractive. The type is clear, and the covers might even be called "artistic." in the catholio sonse of the term. The inferior kinds are indiffer ently printed "on gray paper with blnnt type," and there are many degrees of excellence .between tho two extremes. All except one have illustrations rang ing from the rudest of woodcuts to the smudgiest of "process" plates. Of course the artist selects the most sensa tional incidents for his pencil to adorn. The stabbing of the heroine's father by the villain disguised as the hero, the kidnaping of the heroine by Black Tom and his gang of gypsies at the in stigation of her jealous rival, the horse whipping of the villain by the hero in "faultless" evening dress these and their like naturally present themselves as thoronghly suitable and congenial subjects. Blackwood's Magazine. MaJIclowa Interference. "I'll get even with that printer," said the editor of the Plnnkville Bugle, "if it takes me the rest of my life. " "Whut printer?" asked his friend. "That tramp I took on while my wife was visiting her mother. I got a $10 write np out of old Hiker, who is lay ing his pipes for the senatorship, and I said that some day his little son wonld make as big a mark as his father, and that villain fixed it that the yonug 'nn would 'be' as big a mark, etc. " In dianapolis Journal. A Uaeleaa Wlah. "Oh," sighed tho poetic lady, ."had I the wings of a bird I" "Don't I" protested her husband. "Don't wish for the wings of a bird. If yon had them, some other woman would probably be wearing them on her hat before the season is over. "Wash ington Btar. A well known professor says ' that over a large area of central Russia the maguetio needle does not point north or south. It is in one part deflected to the west, and at another part to the east, and at one place it points due east and west The eggs of blnebottlo fly, if placed tu the. son, will hatch in two. or three lumrs. . TVashlnarton'e Tomb. Washington wn buried in what is How known as tho old vnu't. which Is perhaps S00 feet awny from bis present rest.ng plnce. Before his death he had requested that a new family vnnlt be onnstrnoted after bis decease, and the reason given for this Is that the enrth npon the side of the bill wher.t the old vault was placed was likely to slip away In the springtime. No attention wan apparently pnld to this .request, however, until about 18H0, when all employee who had been discharged from the estate broke Into the old tomb as an act of revenge and Ktolu a skull which lut snppos "d to bo that of George Washington. This ho took to Alexandria, and, as nsur.l In such cases, "got drnnk," and so bis s-crct was discovered, and the skull, which proved to In1 that of Laurence Wmiiiipston Instead, was returned. This incident led to tho final carrying ont of tho wish of General Washington. The tomb which is his present resting place was promptly built, and In 1 Mil I his remains were removed to it. The old vault whs allowed to fall Into a statu of decay, and only a few year.i ago it was restored by the aid of drawings found In the convreNional library. A'l iron fence has been built around it, and it now receives tho samo earn as the new tomb. Exchange. A flrrelc Colony In Cornier. At Cargi-se we have the remakablo spectacle of n Greek population with its own church settled down on the const of Corsica. Our inn Is kept by a Greek from Corfu, as his name, Cor flotti, tells nn and ns tho loquacity of his wife would lead ns to infer 1 for at Cargese tho Corsican taciturnity has given place to tho Hellenic love of talk. Rather more than two centuries ago a Greek settlement was founded In Cor sica nnder the auspices of the Genoese republic, to which tho island at that time belonged, and when tho French came into possession of the country they established the Hellenic exiles, who had meanwhile founded flio Chapelle den Green just outside Ajaccio at Cargese and built them the chnrch which they have ever since cherished. Intermarriages lictwe: n the colonints and the natives, at first rare, havo now become frcqnent, and it is to be feared that the Greok language will soon be come as extinct there as tho fustanella. But with that wonderful tenacity which it shows in modern Greece, in spite of centuries of barbarian inroads and Turkish oppression, tho Greek type is sure to remain at Cargeso to remind the traveler of its eternal youth and its nufauing characteristics. Westmius- : ter Review. 1 I Jnllna Creaar. Of all great conquerors, writes Marion Crawford in "Studies From the Chron-. icles of Rome," he was tho least cruel, for he never sacTificed human life with- ont the direct intention of benefiting ! mankind by nn incrensed social stabili ty. Of all great lawgivers, he whs the ( most wise and just, and tho truths be , set down in the Julian codo are the j foundation of modern jiiHtico. Of nil great men who have leaped upon the world as npon an unbroken horse, who have guided it with relentless hands and ridden it breathless to the goal of ; glory, O'sar is the only ono who tr.rned the race into the track of civilization and, dying, left mankind a future in the memory of his past. He is the one great man of all without whom it is ! impossible to imagine history. We can not take him away and yet leavo any thing of what we have. Tho world could have been as it is without Alex- , ander, without Charlomugne, without Napoleon. It conld not lmvo bocn the world we know without Cains Julius Ciiwyr It is an old saying that those who ' were born in the lust six mouths of the ' year will ha ?e a great change of expe rience every seventh year, and tbeir dreams will have significance during the fall of the moon. Raw They Wed In Spain. Marriage in Spain takes plaoo by day 1 or at night, according to the fortune of the young people or their station in life. If well tea do, the oeromony comes off In the early part of the morning. BIGGLE r v. amrrna navrng over a million and a -nail regular reader. Any ONE of the BIGGLB BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL fou?.?dM?rDoVib,gsLi?o, ,9a "d 'm wiu bwu sample of FARM JOUKNaL and circular describing BIQOLB BOOKS fret. WILMla ATKIHI cuaa. . JknaUM. On ml Toole" Jokeel One of Toole's greatest practical jokes was as follows: He once gave a supper to 80 of his friends and wrote a note to each of them privately beforehand, ask ing him whether he would be so good as to say grace, as no clergyman wonld be present. It is said that the faces of thoso HO men as they rose in a body when Toole tapped on the table as a signal for grace was sight which will never be forgotten. Ilni-Knln Decks. Yo., it was the first time she had ever been on board n warship. "And thin," the lieutenant Went on to say, "is the quarterdeck." "And that dick over yonder," she exclaimed, indicating the forecastle with a pretty gesture, "is that the ft cent deck or tho 10 cent deck?" Detroit Journal. In Russia when coffins are covered with cloth the color of tho covering is to n certain extent distinctive, pink be ing used when the deceased in a child or a young person, crimson for women Mi I In-own fur widows, bnt black is in tu case cut ployed. TESTIMONIALS. To Whom It May Concern: This Is lo certify thnt wo have used Dr. J I. It. Uothi ock's Vcgelablo Condi tion 1'owriVr for domestic animals and poultry and find It our duty in recom mcniltng the same to the general pub lic. 11 Ins Kivauiei' (dairyman), of Wltillelil. Pa.; Leonard Hoy nr. .(acob rVnek. William Seelsild. Isaac Hilger (Vt-ti l iniiry Surgeon). Chas. Sowers and Sionuel Knaus, of New Merlin, Pa.; M. M. Davis (Attorney). J. C. King. M. I).. Geo. Melliner. Iavld Wheeler (Slock Deaier), Levi Schuckcrs (far mer). John Ooiijrlieity (fanner) and G. Vv . Pah n (Superintendent of Elk Tan ning Company), of lteynohlsville, Pa., and L. W. Uobinson (General Manager 1 f the lloeiieslcr and Pittsburg Coal end Iniil Company), of Punxstitaivnuy, Pit., say: "It has no equal on earth for domestic animals and poultry. In fact it jn-l does what, it Is recommended for." 1 Sold by Dealers. MATH MOllNEY, (it'neral Agent, Reynoldaville, Pa. QUAUTKIl NOTICE. Notice I licrcliy ill veil Hint nn iiiilli'iillon will lie matte to thelloveriiorof I'ommy I vniiltt .... I.-..I.I.... A.. ..II .Ju lutMl 1... It I ' Vunn, II. M.h.iV. W. P. Mttrtlmlt n nVl' l 11. Ht'i'k. iiimIci' I he net of Axm-nibl v. rtililloH "An At In I'mvirif fortlm I ncoipnmt Ion und li'ttnlnitmi of (Vrliiln Corporal Ii.mm," itpprov-t- April 2ith, 174. itml llm Hiippli'incntH thfriHo, for t lie chiirttM- nf mi liHt'inled ror iKiriillon to he ciilltMl "ItpvnnhlHvllle Ken I KhIiiIi Compiiny,,' tho rhimu'tcr ntul ohjtft ot which in lor the purport or piltvhHHlntf. Iiolthtii?. InrjmivltiK, IpuhIiiv hikI wllltitc rt'til I'M tin and for thtve mirpoMM to hnvc, imwschm ttndph.tty nil tho rljrht mid prlvlW'jrt'H of ald Ac 1 01 AhM'niuiy 11 no iinpiiini'iiiH tuorno. (i. M. Mi Donai.ii, Hullcltor. A D M I N 1ST R ATO U'S NOTICE. 1 In Hit' nm'tnrnf tho PHlnto of Wllllnm noti fy. Into of IMniN'tvok township, doeotiHod. Iot-tci-M of iMlinliiHtmtlon nn tho Hhovo entitle I pi vlna hoen tfiiintod to tho undorKhned, nil ritti'tloM IndolMod lo tho imld ostulo hih ro itnMiod to nuiko pnymont, Hiid tlnwo having t-miniH to pioHoni i no Hanio wm noui uoniy to I'. V. Okkmkii, A dm In Lnti at or. Get an Education ' Th beatoiitflt Id life. Bvat niHbod ntl ftt CENTRAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MM k. IIAVKIV (C'lliUi C'.), 1A. StiHinir favoaltr varied ooareea. coud library, moilitro ftppirntui in Ubortiry end nrnina .iuin, hemtiMime lmildin?, eitontiive wrounUf, tihortent tim. lenst eipeni(. Ntnte Aid to nta uente. In eitilltion to rfRiilitr anurnt'i, lo tlreworktaoffttrfiil in MtiBlc,Hh"rtUHiui,Tpe Writlns. Heml for HltMtrntfxl t'tlof ite. JlMU BLIION, l-b.D., frl..l-l, Uh llaf. P. BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BldQLB No. 1-BIQOLE HORSE BOOK All about Horaea a Common-HrnK Treatlu, with om 74 illiutratioua ; a atandard work. Price, so Cents, NO. 3 BIQOLE BERRY BOOK All about arowinr Small Fruit read and learn how j contain! 43 colored life-like reproductionaol all lending varietiee and 100 other illustrations. Price, 30 Cent. No. 3-BlOO.LE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the beat Poultry nook In existence ; tclla everything;; wllhaa colored life-likerenroducliona or all the principal breed; with iu) oilier illiutralioua. Price, 50 Centa. No. 4 BIQOLB COW BOOK All about Cowa and the Dairy Buainea ; having a great aule; contain 8 colored life-like reproduction oreach breed, with 133 other illustration. Price, 50 Cent No. 6 BIQOLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hoe: Breeding, Feeding, Butch ery, Uiseaje, etc. Contains over 80 beautiful hall tune and other engravings. Price, jo Cents. The BIOOLB BOOKS are unique ,original,uaeful-you never aaw auything like them so practlcul, soseniifile. They are having an enormou sale Kant. Went, North ud ekiuth. livery one who keep a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grow biuall I'rult, oiight to (end right way for the BIUULB BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL 1 your W. de for yon and not a ml.flt. It I si yer old; It Ulna great boiled-down, blt-the-nall-on-lhe-head, quit-after-you-have-aaid-it, Parm and Household paper in the world the biggest paper of it ic in the United Bttea Addres., FARM JODKNAL PuiLAuaLraiA AUDITORS' REPORT Of the linrnuyh of IIV.f Uninnldfi'ille for the yrnr cmhny ainrth 1.1, lxw. O. O. IllOtm AMtJOM.a IKiHOESOX, In nc- rount with Imp roor IMMlrlrt of tho Hor mmll of Weal Ituymildnvlllu. ' II, (. To Bm't ililf Inat mttlrnitnt $ (12 rw-i'lved from iwirchir no in " " Iti'yniililHv'ln Mo 7 l lit. Hy nm't Mutt HiihIi, piiiiHr I 20 Ml .nr. r.ii'iniri'i', puiipiT. .. n 1.1 " Altdnii'V's fro ft W) " JililtccM' fee il .HI " ,1. W. 1 -t 1 1 (- . oviiiMi'ur 1 1 ftl M K01 rlnpl If-fil i iiH M " HtiitttiiiiMy ty' II. O. Klpus, lliliiya I l " J. llmiK'Hou, I diiy 2 mi " iiiKhttntt iirciiunrH 4 nt 1 M iliiv iHll'Ollltll All ,11 8. E. llltF.WF.II. l ollcctor l-imr Tax. lilt. Toiiin'l (liiv ill hist -..-1 1 l.-fii.-iit ;! 411 (IlipllcnU' mN :l 27 " ft pi'tci. niiili'il mi :n.4i I it j IS. Ily nm't f niiciiitliin $ IHft IH'lltfll l',-t l.l Itl'll Ml ' ft Mr rt. it'll. in 1111 !.. H:l 4 H II pri'l.t'iil. pvi'l.oii :.'.H;i tl 411 ft " V 37.17 1 :ni " ft ft.:il -i7 " ml. (I.O. lllgKH.ovi'rm-or !MI " tine frtim t'iitlt'i'tor UTn H7 I7II m H7II IW Anidiint nillirlcd In t'olU'cftir'a liuiicl 2H.1 44 iini'iilliM'li'ti Vim 8. K. IIHKWFII, CiiMi'i'tnr lloiii,ii:li Tux. UK. To iim't dm liiMt Hfltli'tiiiiiil.... 217 2H tliiilli'iiti IMiw 2IM a ft pvi' ft. iidtifti mi no.) iwi fit. Hy nm't i-xiihcriilloiix I 3 :m " M'tili'd ri'liirni'd. . . 1 H4 " ft pi'i-cl. ri'liiilniiii l'.'4..m H ! " H ir ct Col i rt on Il'I ai 3 7:i S JIK.7.1 1 H4 ft y.Ki in " Tii'ii-mri-i-'M riMM-lpiH .... l.w tu " hit frimi t'ollfi'ior &l i I27 ltd 427 IHI Amiiiinl ciilli'i'tod In t'olltii'lor'a lunula lili lift tiiii'ollt'i'ti'il 72 2(1 B. K. HUl'.WKIt, folli'Ctorof II011U Tut. UK. To nm't diii lust m-l t l.-motit 2M) (H llllllc'tlU.' IHtH 4KI (II " ft pur el. tiililt'd on txl.47 4 H7 I'M. Ily nm't I'xmici'iilloiiH 6 :) " Hciiti'd i-cltii'iicd 2 (rt " ft per el ii'liiitc on 24S IW 'i 4:1 " 3 pn t I'ol iii i'I on 24H IW 7 411 " ft 77 41 3 7 ' ft ' III 112 (w " lli'iisnril-'s rri'i'lpls III7 hk " ilut' from t'olk'i'lor iil'.i (i'i 7ul lii 7ll 112 Amount rolli'ctiMl In t'olloi'tor'a IiiiikIh 214 24 " lllll'lllll'l'll'll I.H HI S. F.. IIUF.WKK, foll.M liir Work ltond Tux. IiH. To nm't (liic lust s,.imiii'IiI 12 lU diiplU'iili' Ihin 1:1 12 I'll. Hy nm't t'XonorullonM il ;is ' Hi'iitcd ret iii-ni'il I 77 " due f roii) t'olli'i'loi' 2t) IHI 2.1 7ft 2ft 7ft II. H. WIM.IAMH, Hliet't ('iimmlsHlolifl'. Hit. To nm't iliipllmlv ISIN 277 IH " liorollitli ol-ilefs K"i 10 (II. Hy urn t worked out by i ltlzi'iis. 24:1 Ki " riiHlieol.tind p d for w'rk 2d IH " retiii-n'd loroun'l Hep. 1 13 12 " p'd pr t'ouu'l, lillls reu'd Hi it! " 311 1-10 dllJH 61 l.t.l IW 42 3112 23 3. C. McKNTIKK. lliitvesM. I IK. To nm't tine Inst aell lenient " linen received " received from litind I'll. Hy nm't treaHurer'n recelplH ft no pnld O. f. V. . Co 4 m " due from II 11 r nets 4 07 14 III WM. M. HIlKOK.TreBsiiiei'. UK. To nm't due ImnI net I lenient ' t-ee'd from t.'ol. hoi-o. and bond " " " H. Huller, hull rent. " Hiirice-.H ". " treiin llimld of II . .. " " t.'o. treiiH., license.. I'll. Hy nm't of nidera n-deemed . . . .' 4(17 (111 M 2 Mr ct.. treus piT ct ... H 1.1 " I111I ill Ii'chh Iniiids 2ilU7:i 4 41 mi a Aii 14 01 77 2ft 4711 H2 II) IK) ft l 2 .Ml 114 00 OHft A7 6M.1 H7 Zncatpltialattlex-i. ItKHHITKCKa. To nm't due from overseers IW TO H.K.BrHwer.poortax il7 07 " iMiru. " it"il ftft " iHind " 31(1 ( " w. rimd 20 (HI lt.D.llefi-.w. mutl.'in 13 Kl ' " " .l.(;.McKntlie, Itiii'g, 4 (17 ' W.M.lliirKo.treiiH... 2(11)73 I.IAIIII.ITIKH. (1,3411 HO Am't (1 110 mi niilHiiuiilliig Ixmils Hm 00 " liit.ont4U0.luii. 1. Ml, luMur 13, 1)0. 4 Wl I 4(14 Nil lteRoiirocsovcr lliiullllti'S 041 74 The fot-ratolng nccounla iiudlted Mureli 13, lHtffl, und found to lie correct. Tiios.c. Mi Kntkeh, I tl. II. Johnston, vAudltorH. John t'KAWi.nr, I m I Never i Mind i What I otner Shoes I you ! see ! I see I ours. We have Just received our new SPRING STOCK In which uou will find all the latest stules In Spring and Summer Footwear. Quality and prices to suit everubodu- J.K.Johnston's Shoe Store, j $ Nolan Block, Z Main St. Rcynoldavillc. S ACTIVE SOLK ITOKH WANTFD F.VERY where for "The Hlury of the Philippines" hy Mut-ut Huisleud, comnitssloned by the (lovei ninunt a Ofllrliil lllstorian to the Wur Depurtiiient, The book wu written In army camp ut Kan Francisco, on the 1'iii'ltli) Willi Uenerul Merrlt, lu the liosplluhi at Honolulu, In Hong Kong, In the American treuclie ut Muiitlu, In the Insurgent cuiuim with Agulu alcln. on Hie deck of theUlymplu with liow ey, und In the rour uf battle ut the full of <tiitjit. Honuniit for iigunta. llrlmftil of or igluul plctun' tuken by government plintoK rupheiaou the iol. Liugti Ixsik. Low prli'iw. Illg prollt. Freight puld. Credit given. Drop all trushy uiiofhVlu) wur books. Out lit free. Address, F. T. Hurbur, Hup'y., Hlur luaurunce lildg., Chicago: ' ACTIVK KOMClTORfl WANTF.D KVBRY ''ehrm for "The Btory of the Hlillluplnea" by Murat Hnlstend, commissioned by the tlovernment as tittirlul lllstoitiin lo Hie War lii'pnriinenl. Tlui biMik wits a-rlMeii In mniy camps at Hun Frnnclsco, on the I'iicIHc with lieitenil ftlerrrr, in the liostitiitl nl Honolulu, In Hong Koine, In the li-enchea nt Kliinllti, In the lusiii-uent nimim whh Ai tilnmlilo, on Hie deck of the lilymplit wlihliewey, and In the ronrol Imttleni the full of Munlln. Ilonuintn for luteins. Hilmfiil of ot-liiliml pictures tuken ny government. pnoioKriiiiiiers nn the ssit. I.iirue honk. Iiw prices. Illg til nil I si. Kieluht i.iirue ikmik. iiw i mill, t'ledll given iihiii. icini aiven crop an 11-iisny 111101- nciui wui' ixmiks. (iiiiiii riee. ntioress, r . 1 . It111-I1.1t', Hec y.. Slur Iiiniii-uiicc llltlg., Ililcngo, Ullaccllnitrritta. yy n. stamky, ATTOUNKV-AT-LAVV. (Iltlce ill Hotel McCnnnell. Ileynnldsvllle, Tit. fl M1TCIIKLL. ATTOKN K Y - AT-LAW. (itllce 011 West Muln stieet, opposite the Uomiiieiclul Hotel, lit yiioldsvlllu, Pa. (pi . UOUDON, , ATTOKN KY-AT-LAW, HrtMikvllle, JelTuison Co. I'll. Ofllcn In room formerly occiipled hy Oordon h Cortielt West Muln Hireut. G. m. Mcdonald, ATTOKN KY-AT-LAW, Nolitry Fulille, real estate ngeut, liilnnla seciiied, collections made promptly. Ofllce hi Noluti block, lteynoldsville, l'n. gMITII M. McCKKlGHT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Notiiry I'liliMf unci Hetil Fstntn A cent. Col Id'tlcins will receive prompt intention. OIHce In Froehllch A Henry block, neur postotllce, lteynoldsville I'll, JL N EFF. JUSTICE OF Tift: PEACE Anil Iteul F.slute Agent, Keynoldsvlllu, I'll. D U. 13. E. HOOVKU, - RKYNOLUSVILLE. PA. liosltk'ht (U'litlst. In 1hi KriH'hllrh & Hen ry Murk, unit tin hiMtotlirt, Main Htrt'ft. OuiM li'iit'MH In (tprnit Inc. JJU. U. UkVEUE king, DENTIST. O'llrn nvi'P Ke iH.Wl villi1 IIiikIhuic Co. store, Malti t it't t, UrynolitsvOic. U. L.. L. MEANS. DEN'l'IST, . Ofll.'o In the ,1. Vim Heed biillillng, neur t'ornei- of Mum null I' HI h streets. II OTEL. McOUNNELU HEYNOLDSVILLE. VA. FHASKJ. HLACK, VrnmeUfi Thu leiidlnic liuti'l uf the town. llouiiuuiir tirt for (MHiiiiiert'liil men. Hiphiti hunt, free bun, luttli rooiiift und c'ItNftj un every (lMtr, niitnpK' riMiniM, uiiimru rMm. loiepnone ron nm'iloiiN &c. II OTEL BELNA1', REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Fit ASK JJJE'1, l'roprietirr. Flratclnsa In every purtlculur. Lociu.ed In the verv centre of too business tiart of town. Free 'btia U und from trulim and commodious inn pin room forcommercliil triivelera. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Philadelphia & F.rlo Rullrond Division, In ulTect Niv. 20, 1HII8. Trains leavo DrKtwooil uk follows: EASTWARD B:(i:i a m Train 8, weekdays, for Hiinhury, itKesnnrre, iimietoii, I'otisviue.ricranKin, HiirrlHbiirg and the Intermedlule la- llons. iirrlvlng at I'hlliidelpliln t: p.m., New York. 11:110 11. ni. 1 Baltimore. 6:(l0 n.m.t Washington, 7: III p. ni Pullman Purlor car from Wllllamsport to Philadelphia and pas senger conches from Kane to Philadelphia and Wllllamsport to lliiltlnioro and Wash ington. 4:WI p. m. Train . weekdays, for Ilur rlsburg mid Intermedlute Htiitlona, ar riving ut Philadelphia :.) A. H. New York, 7: la a. M. I'll I linn 11 Hleeplug cars from HiirrlHtitirg to Philadelphia und New York Philadelphia passengers can rernnln In Hleeuur undisturbed mil II 7:H0 a. m. 10:12 n.m. Train 4.dullv for riiinbiirv. Harris- lung und liiterniedlntu stations, urrlvlng nt Phtladelphln, H.Xi A. M.; New York, A. 11. on week duva and 10.:ih a m. on Hun- duyi llalltmoro. il::d a. 11.1 Wushlngton, 7:4,1 A.u. Pullman sleepers from Erie mid Wll llumsiiort 10 Phtliiilelphlii und Willlumsport to Washington. Piisseugera In sleeper for lliillimore and Wushlngton will lie transferred Into Washington sleeper ut Wil llumsMirt. Passenger couches from Erie to Philadelphia and Wllllaiimport to llaltl- Ilium. wkbtwakh 4::in a. m. Train 9. weekdays, for Erie. Hlilu way, Hiillois, Clermont und principal luter niedliiiestutious. 9:44 a. m.Trnlii 11, dully for Erie and Inter mediate points. S:47 p. in. Train 1.1, weekdays for Kane and lu termed lute slut lona. THKOroil THAINH Ff)I DRIFTWOOD FHU.M THE EAST AND SOUTH. THAIN 9 leaves New York S:M p. m.,Philndol nlitiL H:.10 ti. ni.t WiiHliliiirtou 7:20 11. ni.. Hal timore H.40 p. in., arriving at Driftwood i:M a. 111., weekdays, with Pullman sleeper and passenger couches from Philadelphia to Erie und Wusliingtou and Uultlmore to viinamsKirt. THAIN l.'i leavea Philadelphia 8:i A. tn.t Wusliingtou, 7.50 A. H. Hultlmore, a:ftu A. M. WUkesburro, lll:l!V A. t. weekdays, arriving nt Driftwood at A:47 P. H. with Pullman Purlor cur from Philadelphia to Wllllamsport and puiwenger couch to Kline, THAIN a leaves New York at 7:40 n. m.; Phlla. dehiliia. 11:'20 11. m.l WuslilliKtoil. 10.40 u.m.l Haltlmoro, 11:.KI p. 111. 1 dally arriving ut Driftwood ut 0:44 11. m. Pullman sleeping curs from Phlla. 10 Willliimsp't, und through Imssengcr coaches from Philadelphia to lu unci Itiiltlmore to Wllllamsport. On Mondays only Pullman sleeper 1'liiludulpliiu to r.riu. JOHNSONBUI5G RAILROAD. (WEEKDAYS) Conneotions via Johneonbiirrr R. 1 Ridtfway & Cleartield U. R, R. aud u. ni. WKKKIIAVH. p. III. 10 mi uki 11 Ni 9 411 9 4(1 9:m 9 2H 9 m 9 10 KM Ar Clermont Woodvule Oiilnwood Hmllh's linn lnsianler HtralL'lit Uleil Hiuel llelldlgo Joliiisouhiirg ltlilgwuy 10 40 10 40 10 AO ID XI 11 Oil 1104 11 IS II 30 11 411 11, V) I.T Ar .. p. 111. N 0,1 7 53 7 49 740 7:ki 7 83 72 71H 7W "t'w 700 40 U IW 40 0 04 A 10 2.1 140 p. in. u. m. 8 Ml Ar a 411 HIM . 11. m. Hldgwuy Islund Hun Carmuii Transfer Croyland Bhorts Mills illue Hock Currier ' llrockwiiy vllle l.anes Mills McMlnn iS 0 ni 111 14. tv20 l)7 HJ2 K2II Mill S2J 8 17 80 8 Ul 7.W 754 7 50 I.v 7 40 hr Hurveys Hun Vulls ('reek llilHols Pulls ('reek lteynoldsville HrcNvlllu New HcMileheiu Hed H.-tnk I'ltlsbufg 7 00 Ar 114.1 6 0U 1120 J, 11. HUTCHINSON, tieu Manager, p. 111. 13 10 12 17 12 22 6 41 12 31 8 4.1 12: apt 12 30 1 6M 12 43 702 13 U 7 011 12 57 7 11 714 107 Ar 7 20 1 1.1 ArT35 140 Xv 725 120 7 40 1 a.1 8Ki mi 9 HI U 05 9 55 U 50 Arl2 40 DUO p. 111. p. Ill, LLEOHENY VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY, In eHoct Wedneada. Fob. 1. 18IH1. Low Grade Dlvlsltin. KAHTWAHD. Ko.T.ilsojv. Tiovs. n.:?. A. U. A. M. 40 10 Vi 11 (15 A 20 It 85 A 87 II 42 5 3.1 II 40 8 52 12 IN A OH 12 25 46 15 12 Hi t6 27 12 43 A 4 .1 I 00 A 53 41 OH 7 no 1 15 j ( i.ai 7 25 7 35 ' 7 41 7 AO 8 17 48 V 8 to A. M. p. H NTTIoNTrT r. m. r. m. A 50 10 II' s:i - A V. 7 w 1 1.. 7 2C 7 4 .' 4 00 7 o 4 10 17 5(1 14 15 8 (il 4 25 48 4 41 tH U4 tl M 8 41 A (Kl 8 57 A IB 19 17 A 85 1 9 !' A 43 1 9 3.1 A 50 A 20 A 30 9 25 r. m. r. m. aTATioga. m. r. m It Ishurg d Hunk 8 40 1 401 Hed 1U 55 11 OS 4 25' l.a waoniinm .... 4 s t 10 5 Is 5 2D 6 If, 01 Ni IteHilehem Mlflu 11 'i Oh II 4: Mnynvllle. !.,.,', ir 4s immervitie ... iiokvlllo Pi 05 12 21 U 27 Id 10 iller ymiidsvllle . lU'OIISi 12 mi 12 5ll a 22 n 401 tl 0:t 1 so til 4H 7 00 7 10 i? 7 51 8 20 llll s Creek In 1 Hols 1 HI Hal ula iterbiirn ... nHeld 1 41 1 M Win Pen 1 511 Tvl 1 OS MenueKntto (Irani. 2 7 ta 4' Iit-lll wood.. r. "No.S'l No.H t. M. 5 :i 5 57 a or sTiTioss. A. H Drlftaood 10 10 main 10 ;is Hennexette 10 4" 11 l; II 2i. II Xi 11 4: 12 .V, I'v cr a at I'eiinlleld Wtnterhiirn .... n 4n ! 7 12 Hitlntlu Ill Hols : Fill Is Creek Puncoasl lteynoldsville. . Fuller Hell Hrookvllln I 20 7 25 -tl 2li 1 Hi I 51 t7 31 2 Id 3 II J 27 X 47 i fliimmervlllo.... nlnvsv lie OnkKldse Mew iietnienem n 0.1 I.iiwsoiihuin. V BBI II 50 a 15 41 9 55 Red Hank.... Pltlshurg r rt-ullis 7 aud H Hundiiv onlv. All other tt-i.lt,. dully except Hiin'liiv. 1 imw. 11. 1'nii K. act tl. org't,. bppt. .lAl. p. ANDEHHON Oan l. Pass. Aot. BUFFALO, ROCHESTER A PITTS lUTIlfJH RAILWAY TIME TABLE. On and after fnniuirv I. 1M1I. nssssn. iter trains will arrive und depart, from Fnlla ('reek si at Ion, dally, except Sunday, as fol lows; 1IFPABT. For Tin Mills, Hlg Hun and Punxsutawney, lli.:ri 11 m, l.:m, :i.r5, n.oo p m. For liiillnis. Ciiraensvlllo and ('lenrfleld. 7.25 II III, 1.4(1. 5.111 p 111. For Hldgwuy, llnidford nntl RiH'liestvr, 10.11 u m. For Hldgwuy, Hrudford and RulTulo, 1.1.1 p. m. r or ite iioiusviiie, n m, 4.W p III. . AKItlVK. From Piinxsuiawney, Illg Run nnd Dullols, 7.(10. 10.11 11 m. 1.15. 4.12 p m. From Cleurlleld, Curwensvillo and DuRols, 10.31 a 111, 12.41, 4.17, 7.53 p m Fnim llutralo. lus'hcstor, Hrudford and Rltlg- wny, 3.55 p. in. From Hrudford ami Kldgway, 10.32 a m, 8.55 p in. From Heynoldsvllle, 1.0.1, A.02 p. m. Piissengers lire reiiuested to utirchnsa tick- eta before entering tho cars. An excesa charge of Ten Cents will be collected by con ductors when fares are pnld on Ira Inn, from an si ai it ins wiieren urKeiomce is maintained. Thousiiiid mile tickets good for iiuasairo over any portion of the H.. R. A P. und Beech Creek railroads ure on sule nl two (21 cent per nine. For tickets, time tables und full Informa tion apply to r. u. ('Avis, Agent, iteynoiusviiie, pa. K. V. Lapkt, Uen. Pas. Agent, Rochester N. Y. JJEECH CREEK RAILROAD. New York Central 4 Hudaoit River H. R. Co., ln OONDEN8ED TIME TAIII.B. HEAD rp E.p Mall No 37 No ;I3 BRAD DOWN Exp Mull No 30 No3 November 20, 1898. Sm p in 00 1 25 Arr....l'ATTON. H Mil I 02 Westover am p m .I.re IH0 44 00 A 52 IW 8 15 12 3H, MAIIAFTEY 7T5 7 50 12 ISLve.... Kermoor....Arr 740 440 5 05 -ATX 7 40 12 03 . .oaZTXm.... 750 7: H55Arr. 7 25 II 50 7 IH II 44 .... 70S II 38 .... . ..KermiHir ... New Mllport . ....Olanta..... ...Mitchells... 7 57 61 8 03 At! 80S AM 8 15 A 39 6 37 II 11 CLEARFIELD. . 6 1.1 10 51 Woodland A OH 1044 Hlgler 603 1038 Wullaceton A53 I02H .. Morrlsdale Mines.... A 45 1020 Lve Munson Arr Too 07 9 13 923 9 30 TST 9 10 9 33 937 9 56 10 14 1020 1107 11 17 1123 11 30 II 40 Too 7 07 6 59 7 22 7 30 .120 A(kl 9. VI JM0 10 iii 10 10 U47 9 211 9 23 8 37 8 23 8 17 809 PHIL'PeB'GlT Arr Munaon..'...Lve Wlnhtirne PEALE Olllintown HNOW HIIOE ....BEECH CREEK Mill Hull LOCK HAVEN Youngdale JERSEY SHORE JUNO. 7 10 TS 7 3A 7 54 813 8 18 904 917 924 9 33 945 0 w 5 43 A 40 A 22 A05 4 58 407 3 5.1 48 8 43 8 31) 8 25 t2.Hl 7.18 7.15 7 21 IEKSKY SHORE.... Lve W ILLI ASISP'T Arr II 4.1 12 20 10 25 E a m am p m p m a 111 rnli.A. ,v kkaiiinii K. K. am pm 2 m 0 55 Arr WILLI AMSP'T Lve tl2 34 tt ; t83illl :w Lve..... I'll ILA Arr 8 29 709 4 00 I.v N.Y.vlaTiimHiiiia Ar 9 40 t4 30 9 00 Lv..N. Y. via Phlla.. Ar b 10 40 S30 umpm .pm am Dully 4 Week-days A00pm Sunday ; iu:ohdi sunaay b" Through passengers traveling via Phil adelphia on 12.34 p m train from Wlllinmn port, will change car at Huntingdon nt., Philadelphia. '4NNI::TI(INN. At Wllllamsport with Phlladelphlu&'KeadingH.R. At Jersey Shore with Fall llrnok Hallway. At Mill Hall with Central Railroad of Pennsylvania. At Phlliisburg with Pennsylvania Rallrotid and Altoona & Plilllpsburg Connecting U.K. At Cleurlleld with Uuffnlo, Rochester Pittsburgh Hallway. At Mahaffey and Pal ton with Cumbria & Cleartield Division nf Pennsylvania Railroad. At MuhafTiiy with Pennsylvunla At North-Westem Railniad. A. O. Pai.hkh, F. E. HaiiHiHAN, Superintendent. Gen'l Pus. Agt. Philadelphia, Ta. L. M. SNYDER, Practical ttorse-slioer And General Blacksmith. ' I'ic-'jV'''- ' :k. -, . ' '.V ' - .-.-. 1, -VAVUA.-a,v,.r-,-- ..- Ilorse-Hhoclng done in the neatest manner and by the latest Unproved methods. Re pairing of ull kinds carefully and promptly done. BATiar action Uuarantkkd. HORSE CLIPPING Have 3 nst received a complete set of ma chine horse clippers of latest style 'UH pattern and am prepared to do clipping In tu bett possible tuuutier at reasonable rates. Jackson St. neur Fifth, Heynoldsf llle, Pa." EVERY WOf.'JAINI Bometliuea neeii Oj rellabk tuuuUily reiiiilttilns tiUKikiiM. DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL piLLS, Are prompt, safe and certain la rerut Th geoas jjwUr. IW'sJ ueverdisupuiiiut. beutauywlauM For sale by your druggist. Is. c X J. H. WOOD, Uun. Past, Ag't. v - A