The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 29, 1899, Image 7

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Vfhen the frost Is whits on the (odder
The haws In tlio thornbush withered and
When the nenr fields flash In a dlnmond
And tbe fur hills RHmmer, opaline pule,
Ub, merrily alilues tbn morning sun
In the tarn-yards southerly corner,
When the ruts In the eart-road ring Ilka
And tbn birds to the kltohen doc come (or
their meal,
And tbespow at the Rate Is HpMly drifted
And ever the irooilpllu thinly sllteil.
Oil, merrily shines tbemornliiK sun
in the burn-yards (otithcrly corner,
When-the brimming bucket steams at tbe
And the axe-on tbe beech-knot sines like a
When the pond Is loud with the skitters'
And tbe horses stnmp In the llttnred stulls,
' 'v OD, merrily shines I he morning sun
In the bsm-jHrd s southerly coiner.
When the hey lie loose on tbe wide barn
And a shnrp small jinlTs from tbe atnhle
When the pitchfork handle slliifrs In tho
And the stnticbloned coirs for tbe milking
Ob, merrily shines the morning sun
In the btirn-ynrd'e southerly corner.
The steers, let out for n drink nnd a run,
Beek the warm corner one bv one.
And the huddling Mieep, In their dusty
white. '
Nose at the straw In the pleasant light,
Wbitn merrily shines the miniilng sun
In the hnrn-ynid's southerly corner.
-Charles i. 1). ltoberta, In Youth' Companion.
"I feej all rnn down," sniil the
iooular citizen as tbo cyclist rude over
Jenkins "How do yon like Mis
Doneap?" Hawkins "Ob, elio'e uot
M bad aa aho ia painted. " Judge.
Penelope "Has your fiance a snn
enine temperament?" lVnlitn "Yea
he even thinks I am going to innrty
"It's a good town, and it'ii like your
bald head, Weary," said Dusty liboden
to hie partner; "there's uu lock-up
List!" she Kld, "oh, list to mo:"
He listed to her.
And when ho hnd listed low enough
lie kissed her,
"Every genius geta is debt," "Of
course, it tnkea a plain, ordinary,
humdrum, commouplnce luau to keep
out." Detroit Free Trees.
Pigg "Say! Why lo yon cnll that
.. follow 'AsphyxinteV That is a peculiar
nickname." Pent) "Decnuse his Inst
name ia Gnskill." Priuuetuti Tiger.
"Aa Boon aa Jihson was appointed
to office he had his picture taken.''
J'Cabiuet?" "Xo; ordinary clerk.
hip." Philadelphia North American,
If you cnll n man a lion
He will nlwitys oe your friend,
But JuBt hint timt he's n bunr, and
Ho will bute you to the end.
Cleveland Lender.
An orator said to liie audience: "I
am apenking for the benefit of pos
terity," when aome one shout oil: "i'os,
Jl and it yon don't get Juno soon, they'll
be core!
Mra. Trnooy "Do you reali.o, my
clear, that you have uever done any
thing to aave your follow meu, any
enfYeringJ" Tracy "Didn't I marry
you." Spare Momenta.
Doctor "Well, Mr. Smith,' if con
venient to you and tn your hushaud,
we'll aay Thursday. " Mrs. Smith-
'It'll auit me, nud so it'll auit him
he'a wery tamol" Judge.
Orator's Friend "Dense ithrong,
wasn't it?" Orator "Dense? I
bould lay so! I tried very atory I
had on 'em, and didn't get single
laugh." Chicago Tribute.
''Did yon hear why the Smiths
Ouarreied?" "I understand Smith
insisted that the coat of their sitting
ia huroh should come ot of Mrs.
Smith's allowance for clothes.
Dorothy (notioing with great dis
tress rip in her doll, whence the
sawdust was spilling out) "Oh,
mamma, please do something qnick!
'Dolly just sawdusting herself to
death. "Judge.
Blobbs "What nonsonse it is for
newspapers in their accounts of wod-
,m ytn describe the brides being led
Ja .altar." Slobbs "How so?"
.7iobba "Why. moat of the girls
could find their way iu the dark."
Tit -Bits.
Covet Proceedings by Telephone.
A litigation waa up in a magis
trate's conrt at Caataliao Springs,
eight miles from Gallatin. It was
during the cold weather, and J. Tom
Durham, of Oallatin, waa counsel for
one of the litigants. The trial waa
held in a country store in which there
was telephone. Eight miles' ride
through the cold was too much for
the constitution of tbe lawyer. A
bappy thought suggested itself to the
attorney he would use the telephone,
eonduot the suit and remain in his
offloe by the fireside.
The case was, called, all the wit
nesses were present and the suit be
gan. Attorney Durham arranged for
an assistant, who waa to stand at the
telephone and act as iuterlooutor,
while he did the rest. The attorney
carried on a careful and rigid ex
amination of the witnesses, even cross
examining the opposing sides. At
the conclusion of the evidence Lawyer
Durham made a strong and efi'eotive
argument, which was repeated to the
court by the man at the telephone at
that end of the line. Nashville Ban
ner..1 ' A Causa Wot Commotion.
A pew-opener in England greatly
astonished a group of women who
were constructing evergreen mottoes
and wreaths for Christmas by an
nouncing that she had found " stray
lien a-laying in the pulpit." Thoir
xoiteiufiii was calmed when she pro
duoed large green "N" which had
strayed" from sums tsxt or legend.
(train, Hour and Feed.
WtTKAT No, S red n7!J .
WHEAT No. 1 new tin 10
COHN No S yellow, ear. 41 4S
No. a yellow, shelled I
Mixed ear B7 81
OATH No. a white M M
No. 8 white 8i M
IlYfi No. 1 T.I1 r.7
T.Oi;it Winter patents 8 HO 8 IK)
Fanev straight winter 8 4' 3 BO
live flour 8 40 8 50
HAY-No. 1 timothy in 75 II 10
Hover. No. 1 10 no )0 2
FEKD No. 1 white mid., ton..' 17 "0 17 60
llrown middlings 1) 0!) 1.1 25
llrnn. bulk 14 21 11 10
BTIIAW Wheat 75
Out 6 71 11 OH
BKKDH tllover. CO lbs 3 M 8 01
Timothy, prime 1 80 60
Dairy Froilueta
ItPTTErt-F.lgln creamery.. WP 23
Ohio creamery. 2l 81
Fancy country roll 111 17
CHFF.HE Ohio, new 1 H
New Vork. new 13 14
Frull anil Veaetnhtes,
UFAN!1 Oreen V bn 8 nns 8 TO
l'Oi ATOI H 1' iuiev White. V bu 70 71
CAHHAOE l'er 25 0't 80 0(1
ONIONS Choice yellow, V bu. 75 8,1
I'otiltry, Ktc,
CTtH'KFNR l'er pair, smniL . .8 "i 75
TI HKEYS l'er It 15 in
FOUHI'a. and Ohio, freih.... U 13
n.orn t 8 is 8 si
WHEAT No. a red 72
in E-No. 2 Ml
t'OIIX -Mixed 7
OATH 28 211
FdOH. 11
DU'l 'iXH Ohio creamery 20
FT.orn s Roai 3 7i
WHEAT - No, 2 red 74 ' 75
COHN -No. 2 mixed Hi 811
O.MS No. a white 83 80
llt 'll Ell Creamery, extra 22
EOOH rennsylviiniit firsts 13
Fl.orn Tntents t K(S 8 70
IM'.AT- No. 2 red K2
COHN-No. s 42
OATH- White Western. .'. 3
JtrTTF.n-Crenmerv. 17 22
tOOti Btttte of l'erin 12 13
Centrel Rtot k Vnrils, Knat Liberty, Pa.
Prime, 1800 to 1400 lbs 9 8 80 5 M
Oood, 1200 to 1300 Wis 6 01 5 21
Tlilv, lO(M) to 1180 lbs 4 70 S 00
Fair lluht steers, 900 to 1000 lbs 4 00 4 ff
Common, 700 to DUO lta 8 75 4 00
Medium 4 01 4 05
!levy 4 tW 4 US
Uouu'hs and staira U 4U 8 CO
Trlme, P3 to 101 tte 4 .l 5 00
(lood, K1 to !K) Itis 4 75 4 HJ
Fair, 70 to M) Urn 4 00 4 5)
Common 0 00 8 75
Veal Calves U UJ 7 5J
Pprlnper, extra 5 81 5 40
birliier, koihI to choice 6 2 i 6 8.1
Common to fnlr 4 M 6 21
F.xtrn yenrllhKn, llht 4 D 4 i-0
Oood to choke yourllnRs. .".... 4 45 4 (ID
Medium 4 In 4 4.1
I oiniuon 8 21 4 10
No Cessation In the Demand lor Iron Combina
tions Have Not A fleeted business.
K. G. Dun ft Co.'b weekly review of
trade reports as follows for luat wvpJc:
IliiHlncss la not frightened, cither ly
the Krcnt cnpltulizutlon of new coui
ivinlea or by the wild lltii'tunttons In
Wnll street. No mutter how much the
stock iipciutlons In New York may
count, IiiihImckb clsewhoro la lui'Ke
cnnuKh to warrant a womlorful ex
panslon of Industries, nml that ia the
thing- mont Intpoitant to observe. In
no considerable branch baa production
diminished, but in prat tlcully all It
has been InoreuBlns during the past
In iron and steel a little lower price
for Hessemor pig appears at I'lttshuiR,
but with (tray forge 75 cents higher
there, and southern Iron at Chlcngo
SO cents to $1 higher. There is no mar
ket for billetii, aa no works east or
west can furnish them at present, but
quotations range in price from 125 at
Plttaburg to $27 at Philadelphia. In
finished producta there Is the same
trouble. Rulls ran be bought at f:!3 at
Pittsburg and $24 at Chicago, if 120 at
New York. Chicago is taking many
contracts for building In Hoston, New
York and Washington, amounting lo
4,000 tons, but makers elsewhere are
overcrowded with work. No market
can deliver plates within any reason
able time nnd Plttaburg works are
aold to July on sheets, though Instead
of 12 40 there, $2 65 at Chicago and $3 at
Philadelphia la paid. Plate mills are
all full and there Is heavy demand at
Chicago for bars, with one car maker's
contract for 5.000 tons, prices steadily
growing stronger.
The minor metals are all weaker,
with the reaction of London specula
tion, though cupper has declined to 17
rents and is yet so much above Lon
don that exports have been stopped
for the week. The February output,
both here and In other countries was
greater than lust year's monthly aver
uge, although Febnvry la a short
Wool Is at the doubting point, with
large sales ordered from the Interior
by tired holders nnd soma concessions
made to secure transactions at Phila
delphia and Boston, though quotations
show only moderate decline and sales
at the three chief markets are almost
ss large as In 1892.
Manufacturers make many Inquiries,
but the prospect of combinations Is po
tent to hinder transactions. The goods
are In rather better demand than a
year ago, but no large class of mills
can claim to be fully employed.
The wheat market Is Just now some
what stronger, for although western
receipts for the week are 8.359000
buahcla, agalnat 2,567,668 buBhels last
year, and for three weeks 2.900,000
bushels larger, the exports, flour In
cluded, have been for the week from
Atlantic ports 2,920,467 bushels, agalnat
1.824,569 bushels last year, and from
Par I lie porta 824,183 buahels. agalnat
1,871.826 bushels laat year, other Al
ports being 850,920 bushels.' It Is snot'
possible to Ignore the Importance of
ao great a demand, extending beyond1
the middle of March, and aober traders
realise that It means a heavier outgo
Lhqn has yet been expected. Western
crop estimates are large and such re
ports as appear of the condition of
wheat for the coming year are on the
whole favorable, but prices are 814
cents higher .than last week, while
corn Is 2Vt cents higher.
The market for cotton has been de
cidedly weak, owing to somewhat bet
ter receipts at the Bouth and also to
conviction that stocks on hand are
large enough to meet all demands.
Failures for the week havs been SCO
In the United States, agalnat 251 laat
year, and U In Canada, ag&lnst 21 lust
Hut a postal to find
out you ore rnyina
story Woods, Iled
d '.p. C rookery,
Clothltnr. Silver
ware, Clocks, Few
intr Mnrbinis, Pic
tures. Mirrors, Hnhy
Carriages, ltofrlircr
ators, Htoves, Tin
ware. Lamp, lllcy
Cls, riHiioH,Ol-enTiS.
Shoes, Hats, dents'
Furnlihlpptf. etc.
We pay FrolKbton
Carpets and Dinner
les, and rxpressairo
cm miido- to-order
cioMiinit imrso to
lyrtrffsst Pita
Utetl llmher.
Price f 1.10.
tii.pio, guaranteed y
to UU
A Why aro wo doing
biiilnes In every
V atnto nnd territory
fin this country?
? Why has our busl
X ness doubled Itself
X durlnthepastyearr
A Our Free Cptslofruea
tolltho story. Which
S do you want t Write
A 1 . .1.
4 w.,,,J, nuuito, tun
2 way.
Fffoh t7rn
cVirli't; JforMiirs.
A ttjiuurdoia fs.M).
gJULIUS II1NE8 80N, Baltimore, Ml Dept. 305 V
New York bnnks pay out In Interest
end dividends every quarter not far
To Cars Constipation Forever
"Tiko Cuscarots Ciiiulv Ciithnrtlo. lOoerCSo,
II 0. 0. 0. full to cure, lirutndata refund tuuuey
FaTorlte Pastime of Children.
The fish may be represented by ob
long pieces of cardboard (If mnmmn
has time, pictures of fish mny be past
ed on these), the under aide of each
having a number to tell the child th
weight of the Hah he has caught. Od
the upper aide place small double
pointed tucks, Into which the hook li
caught. The fishing hook may bi
made of a bent pin, and for the pol
a long pencil will answer. On a rainy
or snowy day the little ones will en
joy thla sport hugely, and there will b
no tatchlnK cold.
The meetings of Wsti
"This here last war," remarked the
old lady, "has been a blessln' to my
fam'ly; John's drawln' a big pension
for one ear an' three fingers; the ole
man's wrltln a war history; Moll's en
gaged to a sergeant, an' Jennie's gwlne
to marry a feller that come within an
see of beln' a gln'rttl!"
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method anil beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Svtttri1 of Flos, manufactured by the
Cai.ipoiinia Fio rivitui Co., illtiKtrate
tho value of obtaining the liquid lnxii
tivo principles of plants known to bo
medicinally lnxutivo and pi-cHentlng
them in tho form moet refreshing to tlio
taste and acceptable to tho system. It
Is tho one porfect stren(ftheninPr laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
pently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual ronstipatlon per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without wenkeninc
or irritating them, roako it tho Ideal
In the process of manufacturing' fi(?s
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember tho full name of theC'ompany
printed on the front of every package.
romsvn.Lta. kt. mw york. n. t.
For sale by all Druggists. J'rice 60c. per bottle.
lalitr'l Bccdi art Hut-rented U frodtic. 1
filth ton Lather. K. Trof . fa... ailn-nt-hed lh wnrldA
f I'T f rAwlus- I.jO but tit-at Dig Pnur Uat ; J. Itreitler,
r U sillQolt. Mi.. 171 bush, hstrlav. stiiil II. I.otvluv.
Ksd H Iuj, lliun.. br irt-wlna 1.0 tiush. Kalittr'a Corn 1
' jver svns. If ynu dots hi, wi lit Ihiim. Vt vIshMo gaVlst '
"iw" waMHliersj, nrr ctf will niiim utsM
I tOpWof rr r-m cdt.Halt Hh, Hap tor HhMp, i
uKtuu i orn. uif rnur iis, iifriirM ntrirj,
. uianniiiuiiniis-t iriaiac i tons nj rrrav.-nnari .
WW., vrw. n urat, ia' inn I ii our majiiuioi n i
swo vmuioru, leiiini an titom ur rrw .
r-is, rte.. rnn mien ou upnn rroaiptorbul .
iwo. (mh i iMisHtrri warm (ii. io mi .
l BMrLiuviUUV nni.aitfoa 'WIk a
l 1. It It apftbbL,
lftpksrii,. tiU-j
Uriwck' H w4 la LioarilUttU
tTUsarsniafKl, to
ftlO Ubopworo ft atxv
aiui band wkwaWft, frood
m new. S3 to. 10,
Grmi AmUtj tltarlM
hla U ara M sprSal
'k triftJ t(tMM SMIl I B4rs
btMbIm um slarlaa ..i Mn..h II... t
Waal B BlW Assail la auk k aTBaTa IDs
al.asll WiMw Mk M liM III W
K. Jf AImpI t'ytu UaiwiftUjre Cult uhv, in.
! permanently Curta
ipwaiiy rreiiaaiia sy
L PMlUn MM sW n JTaVSJMM JHlMMI. f iU. JtoUssMM.
7"w wU. ViftM' lutnct. rhtorfttn(aa)a
ftar flnidij'iBM. TrtBtiMand$9trtlboUlf
IrMto rtl piUMtu. (bjr pjLuriitMCrMW)lif
bii rwl.t. Hal U Mr. Kllus, l id. H-Htvu
IwUUM uf sl4ilu, Ul Atk HU. Plillwllus)U r
r. H. D. 13 '09
- i
UHts.WlltHt All ELSE f AILS.
I 1 Ban t:
Cuiuita byruo. Taiom. IT.
In tiiii Bi'iii I't inmin.
slip 1P
M sasaa.
19 iris?
thm Mmqnlto Bad Srd tha Snaka
liltten Man Aa Aina Cnra.
New York Preaa: "Tslkln" ahout
rattloBnakes," said an Erie railroad
hrakeman, "did you ever hear how the
mosquitoes saved a man's life up near
Clulf Summit last summerT Well, while
getting out railroad ties In a sluahln'
over hack of the Bummlt, Abe More
house was bitten In the leg by a rat
tlesnake. A fiupquchnnna doctor was
at once sent for and the leg wag bnnil
ftged tightly above the wound. It
was expected thnt Morchoune would
die before the doctor could come up
the pike on his bike. Jnnt as Boon as
the leg was bared to put on the band
Bgo It was attacked by a swarm of
mosquitoes, and when the doctor ar
rived he found the man ns lively ss a
cricket and In no need of a doctor, but
the ground was covered with dead and
dying moaqultoes. They had sucked
the polaon from the wound and sared
Morehouse's life. Tho mosquitoes pre
sented their hills and died. The doc
tor presented his bill nnd got his
money. This was hard on the mos
quitoes, but I presume Morchouae's
life was worth savin'. There was Sol
Tlmson. another hrnkemnn. Sol used
to' brake on the Delaware division,
from Susquehanna to Port Jervls. He
hnd the ague awfully. Had It so bad
Hint some of his teeth shook out, and
he shook the buttons oft his coat A
lot of his friends had sure cures fur
the ague, and each gave him the pre
scription. At last when he hud 13
prescriptions, he took them all to a
Port Jervls drug store nnd hnd them
put up. He took them home and put
them all Into one Jug. Then ho shook
the jug, mixed the 13 prescriptions
thoroughly, and took three doses. He
never shook again until the hearse
struck a stone."
An Opera for the Uoean,
With reference to the bequest mads
to the .corporation eighteen years ago
by a certain Big. Favnle, says the Lon
don City Press, it seems that. In addU
Hon to the money left to form mar
riage portions for city maidens, th
slgnor bequeathed to her majesty hit
unpublished tragic opera In three acts.
entitled "Elzlra," His last request wa
thnt her maJcBty should command lt
representation, and that the proceedi
should be devoted to the poor of Lon
don. That opera Is still preserved In
the archives, but up to the present no
step has been taken to insure Its pro
ductlon. Perhnps one day we slmll set
it given in the theater the Guildhall
School of Music now possesses.
Trillins- thnt Coat.
There la n way of trilling that costs a
heap of money. Neglaot rheumatism anil
It may put one on eratahea, with loss ol
time and moany. Ht. Jueotw Oil will cure
It surely, right uwny.
Only about one In 1,000 cnttle rhippod
abroad from this country dlca or U
lnht at sen.
Itoal Tofcarro Spit d gaioks Tsr l ift Amy.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mas'
netlo. full of life, nerve uml vigor, take NoTo
llAO, tuewniuicr-worltcr, tliat mak weak men
strong. All druck-lsla, COc or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and aainplo free. Address
Btorllng Uemedy Co., Chicago or Now York.
Fumigation of fruit trees infected
with the tun Jfle aculo by the use of
the pna of pruHHlc acid la a remedy
which la now aald to be certainly ef
Deaaty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood meana a elenn akin. No
beauty without it. C'aacarcta. Candy Cathar
tio clean your blood and keep it clean, by
atirring up the lazy liver and driving all ira-
unties from the body, llegin to-day to
snish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
uiscarets, ueauty tor ten cents. All drug,
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 26c, COo.
Admiral Rchley Is said to be a de
scendant of tho family of which
Nathan Hale was a member;
A bill to compel drinkers of liquors
to register and obtain a license Is be
fore the Michigan Leglalnture.
Ism entirely ensed of hemorrtmire of limits
by l'iwi's Cnro for Consumption. I.ouiha
LlMUAMAH, juetuany, Mo., Jauuury 8, 1801.
Mrs.Wlnslnw'a Kmithlnu Rynip farchlldren
tectliinu, softans the kuiiim, reduce liiflninina.
tiou, allays puin. cures wind collu. $k) a boltlo.
The management of the largest and
newest hotel In Boston hns just de
cided to exclude "drumtneri" or trav
eling aulcamen from the house on the
ground that he does not wish the lobby
turned into a business oince.
To t are a Cold in One Pay.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TabUta. Alt
Iruftl,ii refund money If It falls to cure. S9o.
Hurlow N. Hlgglnbotham, former
Frealdent of the World's Columbian
Exposition, has greenhouaea In which
are 60,000 c-rnut!ons, his favorite
II. H. Oiikkn's Hons, of Atlnnto, fin., are
the only miccchkIuI Dr-msy r-tieclallHtH In the
world. 8ee their liberal olTer In advcrtlae
muut In another column of this paper.
The passion flower, which grows In
the Houth American forests, can only
be. enjoyed where it grows, as it fades
almost us soon as It is picked.
Write It Down.
Write It down in a book, so yon ean see
It every day, that Ht. Jnoobs Oil is as sum
to cure Lame Baolt or Lumbago as you
write It down. It does ita best with it and
loaves behind a oure thut stays.
M. Koloman Szell, the new Hun
garian Premier, la a man of 66, who
has been in politics since early youth.
At 32 he was Minister of Flnunce.
Raarnoss Cannot Its Cured
by lonal applications, as they cannot roach tilt
disunited portion of tho ear. 'I'hore. Is ouly nnt
way to cure deafness, nnd that Is by constitu
tional remedies. 1). nfiies Is cauKcd by nu n
tlunied condition of tho murium llnlnxof the
Kusbuihian Tube. When this tube nets In
flimed you have a rumblliiK aouud or Impor.
fool hearing, and when It is entirely closed
Deafness i- tbn result, and unless the lallani
lantinu on a be taken out and this tit lie re.
stored to iu normal condition, henrliuc will b
destroy, d for. ver. Nino oases out of tea are
caused by catarrh, which in nothing butnn in
flamed lomlltlon of the mucous surfocea.
We will nlve Ono IIumld Dollars for any
caso of linnfnesi (caused byoatnrrh) that ami.
not bo cured by Hall's LaUrrlt Lurs. bond
for circulars, free.
F. J. ()nafcT CO.. Toledo. Ol
Bold by Druso-lsts, 7o' ' lamn
UaU'i Vamlly i'UU are lbs boat,
MOTHERHOOD is woman' natural destiny.
Many women are denied the happiness of children
through some derangement of the generative organs.
Actual barrenness is rare.
Among the many triumphs of Lydin E. Pinkham's Vegetable
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham Before taking Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound I had one child which lived only six
hours. The doctor said it did not have the proper nourishment
while I was carrying it. I did not feel at all well during preg
nancy. In time I conceived agnin, and
thought I would write to you for advice.
Words cannot express the gratitude. I feel
towards you for the help thnt your medi
cine was to me during this time. I -
felt like a new person; did my work
up to the last, nnd was sick on!
short time. My bnby weighed
pounds. ,He is a fine boy, the
joy of our home. He is now six
weeks old and weighs sixteen
pounds. Your medicine is cer
tainly a boon in pregnancy."
Mrs. Flora Cooper, of
Doyle, S. Dnk., writes:
'Dear Mrs. Pinkham
Ever since my last child I
suffered with inflammation of
the womb, pains in back, left
side, abdomen and groins. My
head ached all the time. I (
could not walk across the floor
without suffering Intense pnin.
I kept trettintr worse, until
two years ago I wrote to you
for advice, and began taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
I had not finished the first bottle before I felt better. I took
four bottles, and have been strong and perfectly healthy ever
since, and now have two of the nicest little girls."
Valuable Swords of rionor.
A carved sword of honor, owned by
the Gackwar of Haroda, India, Is by
far the most valuable in the world,
Its hilt and scabbard being encrusted
with diamonds, rubles and emeralds
of the rarest kind, the whole being
valued at 220,000. Several of the na
tive Indian princes have swords of
honor of more than halt the value of
that belonging to the ruler of Baroda,
the golden hilts being studded with the
most valuable precious stones. The
Shah of Persia hnd a sword valued at
upwards of 10,000 which he wore on
bis visit to Great Britain. The czar
of Russia and the sultan of Turkey
possess swords, set with diamonds and
other precious stones worth thousands
of pounds. The sword of honor pre
sented to Lord Wolselcy by the Egyp
tians Is set with diamonds and valued
at 2.000.
There to Star
The laying of the foundation stone
of tbe Oordon College in the Soudan is
an Indication of the practical character
of British colonization, which unite?
piety for Gordon's memory and anxiety
for necessary and useful work with the
thorough assurance of the conquerora
of territory. The Soudan has been de
livered from the dominion of the cruel
Baggaras, a fact which will be of im
mense importance for the growth of
the new province. Tho laying of the
foundation stone also signifies that tht
English established themselves In tht
Soudan with the Intention of remain
ing there. Berlin National Zeltung.
Heady to Itslent.
The Kev. M. Ooodlcy And do you
love your neighbor as yourself? Mrs.
Scroggs Well, I can't say that I ia,
but I'd be willing to try If she'd return
that last pound of coffee she borrowed
from us.
3 Kk&'X&k f
Frank D. Trout, of 103 Orlswold As., Detroit, Mlch .ssysi "At the
age of fourteen we bad to take our daughter from school on acrouut of ill
health." She weighed only 90 pounds, wss pale and sallow and the doctors
aald she had anosmia. Finally w gave her Or. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale people. When she hsd taken two boxes she was strong enough to
, leave her bed, and ia less than sis mouths waa something like herself.
To-day she is entirely cured, and is a big, strong, healthy girl, weighing
130 pounds, and boa never had a sick day since." Dttrtil Evening A'nw.
The genuine Dt. Williams'
501Q only in p&tKagt. inr wrapper iwayv bearing
ths tull name. At all otmimi, m direct from the
Dt Williams Meduine Co. 5ihen.ttady.Kt, 50ptr box.
it Was Bsfora iha Day of
Thsy Uisd b Say "tYcsin't Work Is Kavtr Dsns."
Compound ia the overcoming of cases
of supposed barrenness. This great
medicine is o well calculated to regu
late every function of the generative or
gans that its efficiency is vouched for
by multitudes of women.
Mrs. Ed. Wolford, of Lone Tree,
Iowa, writes:
ten Kv"'if
MJmi .I
A tape worm cl?htcn fort long at
tont onnic on tho ceo no After ny tukititr two
CAHCAKKTS. Thtjlommiro lifts caused my
butl health for tho d-jbi t!itco yours. I orn tilt
tultinif OtiscurrU. tho only ciulmrtlo worthy of
noilcu by ftoaaiuto pnnpie."
Pleainr.t. I'n; Tn-to Orod. Do
QouU. Ni.'or Klclicii. Vc...iPii. or i,rl'0 lie. &.C.UM.
Bl.rlinv BwSj trapta?. I kHliirA, w.iMral. Bw Vorfc. SIS
BU I W'BItU tlsts to t I ' K I. ToJacso Haulu
Trade-Mark jYt&f&iH
Means pH(J
of Quality''lv4
on Athletic Goods
Insistupon Spalding's
liaodsoma CataloKns l"rn.
A. U. bJ-ALUINU a 11UOS,
Nss7 Vork. Chicago. Dagnr,
I I v3 I qnlrB r.ii.f .n.l tnrm worn
.MUL Booh of tMlimnniitl.snd IO iIhvIi1 lratm.DS
VtM. Dr. B. B. OStIB S SOSI. Bos D, AUssts. as.
DMFIIMATKM CrrRRO-Samrls hottls. 4 aays
KnCUiTIA I loifl trMlinont, soiitpsld, IO cants,
"iuumii HssiaoiUo..M4uruwlcli &U.M.X.
Any Girl Can Tell
A physician who m&kes the
test &nd is honest about it can
tell you that, in many cases.the i
numbeT of red corpuscles in the
blood is doubled after a course .
of treatment with Dr. William
Pink Pills for Pale People
That this means good blood 1
not De entueiy cieaT rTom
doctor's statement, but any
vtho has tried the Dills can tell 1
that it means red lips, bright i
eyes, good appetite, aosence or
headache, and that it trans
forms the pale and sallow girl
Into a maiden who clows with
beauty which perfect health 1
aione can give.
Mothers whose daughters
fiTow debilitated as they pass
rom oiTlhood into womanhood
should not neglect the pill best4
ao.o.pxea tot mis particular in.
Pink Pill, tot Pal Peoplt arc