! Stat xP ft VOLUME 7. IlEYNOLlWVILLK, PKNN'A., WEDNESDAY. MAHCH 2. Um NTMBEK 45 Shick & Wagner's Big General Store, Where new goods are arriving daily, is where you can get the latest styles in Dress Goods, Clothing, &c, at Low Prices. We alHo handle Groceries, in fact everything kept in a first-class gen eral store. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Shick & Wagner. A A A A A A A A A A A A The Jefferson Supply Co. Three lYa Stores at Revnoldsville. Rath- . C.T y mel and Big in clearing up stocks in Shoes, Rubbers, Hats and Caps, Jackets, Capes and Collarettes, At PRICES CUT IN TWO, and if you can use anything in this line we surely can make the price suit you. We are convinced by the INCREASED TRADE that we are getting every day that Our Goods and Prices are Right. Almost anything needed in your list of family wants you will find in our 3 stores. We can fit you out in any line, and nearly all lines have big bargains in them. Jefferson Supply Co. I Reynoldsvillk, 3 Big Stores -! Rathmel, and ( Bio Soldier. Avalon Terrace Tom Reynolds' Addition to Reynoldsville, Pa. The best town plot now offered for sale, right in the town, and with every convenience. As a future home it is the best; as a growing invest . . . ment, it is without an equal. LOTS HAVE BEEN SOLD AND ARE SELLING NOW. DON'T WAIT. GET" THE BEST. I have for sale 100 lots, 50x150 ft., s ... on Grant St., 12 near S. B. Elliott's. These lots will make beautiful build ing spots and sold on easy payments. Remember no taxes for 1899. Remember the Title to every lot guaranteed. Lota at $150, sold $10 down and 50c. per week thereafter. Lots at $175, sold $15 down and $1. 00 per week thereafter. ; Also for salo, Lots on Pleasant Avenue and Worth J Street, farm of 40 acres with house, baro and more ' kinds of fruit trees than any farm in the country. Reynoldsville, with its Silk Mill, employing 200 hands, which will be doubled in the Spring; Coal Mines, employing about l.r)00 men; the largest Woolen Mills in the Stute; Machine Shops; a Tannery, em ploying 150 men, and other industries that will be here before the year closes, will make these lots an investment that will more than' double themselves before you get them paid for. SMITH M. McCREIGHT, Agent WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY iTrfr2: ,-jSf They hav Lioodtheteitoi vcim. find hav cured thousand of canri of Nervous lue:i5ei, iuch, at Debility, Duitneaa, islcupless ficfS and Varicocele, Atrophy ,&c Thuy clear the bruin, kUrt-nthe: the circulation, make ditttM.on B Derfact. and imnurt a he .kit In i vior to tlie whole beyit(. All drain and kikci are checked Vtt'rtlNr Affaln ",wrtwi,1 Unlet jiuiicnit 0ilUllo HyQIlli ,,r0 properly cured, thetreonuU tiort rU-n worrici trcm into W.tniiy, Conmmp ti.n or jDcotli. Mail -d boulcd. Price $t per box, C (oxes, with iran-clnd loyal guarantee to euro or wim.jilw iuonoyt(i oo. Soiid fmr ircc book, " "For wile by II. Alex Bioko. OK CALL AND CONSULT DR. LITTLE ABOUT YOUR tVEl . 'i'remtuAiit, Oftitttlouit , oiuhVMi ud ArtiDulitl .y Mt MlTBrlllllJT. WTKtCRO. A AAA A A AAA Soldier, are offering bargains irst till Villi! Vi OF ItEYNOLDS t'lLLIC. Capital, Surplus, 50,000. $0,500. Mltoli.ll, Fre.ldoull Kcott M-i-llund, Vic Ire.. Julin II. Kuiit'lipr, 'a.lilcri Director: O, Mid-hell, Hc-ntt MeUlullund, J. C. King, iiuuii ii. t;onieu, . . Li. r;. lii-uwu, U. W. fuller, J. II. Kuucliur. Il(i8 a Ki'iioiul bioikliiKtJUHlniwHuncl solicits tlie aecounls of merchants, profeNAlonul men, furintti'H, inuchunli'H, tnlnui-u, luinbernien Hnd otlium, proinUlntf tlie moHt euruful utLuntioii tO tllO UUtilUUb. Or all PUDMJI1M. Bufu DoiKMlt lloxe. for rtnt. Flint National Hank bulldliiK, olun bluek Fire Proof Vault. Nolinnol Hon, 11 V Rathmel. Miss Mary Connell visited friends In Helvetia lust week. Miss Roxli Urlson wus In DtiBols last Thursday. Misses Lizzie nnd Bertha Samlet-, of nrnckwnyvlllo, were In town last Tues day. Misses Munch Stewart and Jonnlo Mcl'hersnn are visiting nt Crenshaw. The. school Institute held here last Saturday was not very well attended. At a regular meeting of Washington Camp No. (102, P. O. S. of A., n vote, of thanks was given to L. O. Lldlo, man ager of the homo tulent dramatical company and to all the members of the snnio fur the entertainment given by them for the above mimed order, also C. W. White, lender or the Rathmel bnnd and all members of tho same for music given by them, and to the citizens for their patronage. Kliler F. B. Huwk is holding meetings n the Church of God this week. The M. K. quarterly meeting will be held next Sunday. Services on Frldny evening with preaching by the Presid ing Kliler. Arbor D'avs. In his proclHtiintlnn for Aibur Days, April 7th and 2uih, Governor William A. Stone snvs: "Arbor Day bus long i-ince become more than a name. Since the Idea was II; yt inaugurated of setting apart a day upon which to systematically plant trees and shrubs and thus in part, at least, reclaim tho plains nnd wasto lands of our great country, it hnd steadily grown from aentiment to a duty and a pleasure. "State after statu has joined In the great work until to-day millions of trees and shrubs silently commend tho wis dom of this course, adding leiuity and comfort to our homes and cities and greatly Increasing tho wealth of our State. In otircommonwenlth highways have been Improved, public parks and school grounds beautified and great strides have been madu toward ierma- nently repairing tho Injury caused by a too rapid destruction of our forests. "Two days are sot apart for tho ob servation of arbor day. Inasmuch as tho climatic conditions may render one of these days moro favorable for tho purpose Intended than tho othor, the soluctlon is left with the citizens of the various sections of the commonwealth." People Who Pay the Printer. On your label Is a date: Pay U'foie It Is ton lute, lie tl dollars, tie II dimes. We will thank you many tlmos. We hav hills wlileh now are duo, We must pay tliem Just like you. The following persons have paid their subscriptions or added their names to our list since last week: N. I.cwls, Royimldsvllln. Marrh 22, IW0. J. H. Kualo, Flora, Indlanaeounty, l'a.,Lnowl March IS, 1000. Thomiw McKernan, Duquvsne, l'a., March 21, WOO. John D. Lowthor, Walston, May 11, '99. Oeoriie G. Williams, West Kuynoldnvlllu, January 1, WOO. II. H. Lcacli, Alton, Kansas, February Y.I, ltwo. W. C. Pcclirlst, Ttuliols, Novemlwr 4, 1H1I9. Mm. MaKffle tilhoemakor, Sandy Valley, now Mar. li 22, 1IW0. Mlsa lra Kline, OreensliurR, Pa., lew June 22, '99. William Conner, Aliens Mills, Feb. 4, WOO. Miss Maud BliHim, West Roynoidsvtllo, nuwl MurcJi 21, Ihiiw. U.I. ltudnlpli, Desire, Pa., new March 21. lWIO. T. C. MeEnUwr, West Reynoldsville, Mari'h 12, 1900. J. W. DcmoHoy, West Reyiioldsvlllu, March s, ltmo. A. II. Iluon, Iteynoldsrllle, Felirtutry 11,1900. David Ilotriek, Reynoldsville, February 8, 1900. Charles R, Hi muse, Reynoldsville, January !. 1900. Thomas lllack, Reynoldsville, January 1 19UD. Kd. Johnston, Jefferson Line, Pa., February 14, 1900. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plaiuliold, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungB; she was troated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. IIo told hurshowasa hopeless victim of con sumption and thut no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr King's New Discovory for Consumption; sho bought a bottle and to her dullght found herself benefitted from first doso. She continued its uso and uftor taking six buttles found herself sound and well; now does her own housework, und Is as well as she ever wus. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at II. A. S toko's Drug Store. Largo bottles AO eeuts mid $1.00. TSSOLUTION NOTICE, Notice Is hereby given that A. D. Deenier nnd H. V. hhli'k, irausaellnK and dolntt hul nehB under the llrni name of A. D. Deeiner & tJo.. have litis dav. lv lilllluat consent, dis solved piii'tuiiKhlii. A. D. lleemer retiring from the It mi. H. V. Milclf Is In pay till HiH linn's iniicMcdm'Ktt, All peihous liavlntf any claims tiinilusl t lie aforesaid iinn will nleiiKU present the biiine for payment, and all per sons knowing tlieniM'lves linlcbicd to sulil lirm win piuusu seme promptly. A. 1). Dkkmbii. tl. V. Hiiiuk. Reynoldsville, Mareli 7, Istiu. Local Institute. Teachers' Institute for tho district of Winslow township was held In M. B. church at Rathmel March 2Tth, 18IH). Tho following officers wore elected: R. C. Wilson, president; Mr. Iondon, vice-president; Ethel McCreight, sec retary. The program for the day was opened with devotional exercises and followed by an address of welcome by L. G. Lldlo, to which Miss Mlley Stiles responded. This was followed by a "Welcome Song" by the choir. Institute, adjourned to meet at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon session. The afternoon session was 0ienpd by a selection by the Institute choir. Tho first topic for discussion "How Teach Pupils to Speak Fluently?'' was opened by Ethel Mc Creight, and wus further discussed by Wm. Wynnt, Myrtle Shields, J. M. Holbcn nnd J. W. Syphrlt. An interesting discussion of tho top ic, "Remedies for Tardiness," was given by Mary Mulr, J. W. Syphrlt, and Prof. Wilson, which was followed by rausio from the choir. Tho topic, "Character and Advan tages of Husy Work." was next taken up and ably discussed by Prof. Syphrlt, Miss Stiles and Miss Myrta Dean. A very Interesting discission of tho topic. "Parent's Duly Towards his School," was given by Directors Dough erty and London, Mr. Lldlo. Dr. R. Kyle, Geo. Henry, Mr. Sneddon and Prof. Wilson. Prof. R C. Wilson pave a very In teresting and instructive address on 'How Create a Deslro for Knowledge?" A motion was carried to extend to the people of Rathmel a vote of thanks for their hospitality to teachers nnd visit ors. KTIIKt.1 MCCKKIOHT, Sec. They Do Say. That he hunu upon the mite with her And now lies In the mold; Rut her father didn't knoek htm out He eauiiht his death of cold. That Its sometimes difficult to get even with a man who credits you. That leading a woman to the altar Is sometimes a man's last act of leadership. That an Ohio man recently died of overwork trying to perfect a labor-sav ing machine. That some men savo money no matter how little they make, while othors don't save any, no odds how much they make. That a kiss is tho meeting of two souls, says a poet; but a third sole on tho foot of the girl's father makes It seem more like a collision. That an old bachelor says there Is but one thing sweeter than love's young dreum, and that Is to wako up and And yourself still single. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease Is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mioh., tolls how such a slave was mado free. Ho says: "My wlfo has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Elec- trio Bitters she is wonderfully impoved and able to do hor own work." This supreme remedy for femalo diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, houdache, backache, faint ing and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down (leople, Every bottle guaranteed. Only liO cents. Sold by H. A. Stoko, Druggist. A Young Girl's Experience. My daughter's nerves were terribly out of order. Sho was thin and weak; tho least noise startled her, and sho was wakeful at night. Before she had taken one package of Celory King the change In her was so groat thut she could hardly be taken for the same girl. Sho is rapidly growing well and Btrong, her comploxlon la perfect, and she sleeps well every night. Mrs. Lucy McNutt, Brush Valley, Pa. Colery King for the Nerves, Stomach, Llvor and Kidneys is sold In 25c. and 50c. packages by II. Alex. Stoke. Bucklen' Arnica Salve. The bost salvo in tho world for outs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, totter, chuppod hands, chilblulns, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no puy required, It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or monoy refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For buIo by II. Alex. Stoko. Do you koop chickuns? Then you ought to huvo tho Jr'tmu Jminiul. Wo glvo it ill clubbing with TheStaH both for $1.25 only. Pay up ull ui'ivurugcs and a'ycur ulioad und tho Fuvm Journal will come llvo yeurs, und gut to you If you uro on this plunut. Foil Salk A lot with twogood houses and a frame barn, on Juckson sheet, will bo sold cheap. Rental value I'lUU per your, good water and lit good ropuir Inquire of G. M. McDonuld, Reynolds' vllle, or W. R, Morrison, Coal Glen, Pu i Never Mind i What We have Just received our new SPRING STOCK In which uou will rind all the latest styles In Spring and Summer Footwear. Quality and prices to suit everybody. oilier Slioes you seel See I ours. J. K. Johnston's ' f Shoe Store, J Nolan Blopk. I Main St. Reynoldsville. rrnrrt : i rrr n rn 1 1 : 1 1 i n i : 1 "Hi an i lie New 1899 Stearns is now ready. It enptnres you nt first glance. More graceful linea-lighter -narrower j tread - and (stronger and j better in every way than ever before. i You appreciate a beau- t tiful and Boienti finally coriBtructed wheel. Then come and see this. It's TIIK ' bicycle. There won't be any question about it. Model E, $50. Special, $60. Priester Bros. bxmxtrtrn: xx ttx ix rrrnl TESTIMONIALS To Whom It May Concern: This Id to certify that wo have used Dr. D. U. nothrock'8 Vegetable Condi tion Powder for domctitlo anlmalu and poultry and And it our duty in recom mending tho uumo to the genurul pub lic. Ellas Creamer (dairyman), of Winlleld, Pu.; Leonard Royer, Jacob Frock, Willlum Seobold. Iuuo Bilgor (Veterinary Surgeon), Chas. Sowers und Samuel Knuus, of New Berlin, Pa.; M. M. Davis (Attorney), J. C. King, M. D., Goo. Mellingor, David Wheolor (Stock Dealer), Levi SchuckeiH (far mer), John Dougherty (farmer) and G. W. Palon (Superintendent of Elk Tan ning Company), of Reynoldsville, Pa., and L. W. Itoblnson (General Manager of the Rochester and Pittsburg Coal and Iron Company), of Punxsutawnoy, Pa., say: "It bus no equal on earth for domestic animals und poultry. In fuct it just does what It Is rocomraondud for." Sold by Dealers. MATH MOIINKY, General Agent. Ueynoklsville, Pa. DMINISTKATOIVS NOTICK. In the limit cr of tin tst 11 1 1) of William Poli cy, Inln of W IiihIow lmvii!lii. ilpreiisfU. ,p tern of mlminst tul Inn on tin ithovo t'stult lmvtntc hi'i ii triiiiitt'tl (it tlit nmlti.iu'Nml, all imi'tli'M liult'hit'ii In tins Kiihl f-titiM Hut ft. iijrHt tniiutku :iiymiiit, ami i Inwo tmviiitf L'luiiiiH 10 jmtMMii i nr mi im yvm nnwi iiouiy nt F. W. liKKUKit, Administrator. J NSO r, V KN T NOT IC K. Tti lliu iniilti'i'of llio 'ltllon of John Itoli iu(M)ii, fti (iiM-lniiKi) under lliu liiMlvint laws, To till I't't'illUim of (Ik mi III put h it hut: Nolle) In limvhy ulvi-ii thut John Kolit-n-Min, a inlnt'i- of t hi homuuh of Kivvnoldvilh1, JtdlcixHi I'ntiiity, I'l'iiiivivunia, Iihk HU'd In lliu l oiiri or iniiinoii I'Icuh of I hn mh in conn ly of JrtTi'i .011, u n-lllio'i praying for tin lu-m ttt of tho IliMilvont liiws of IIiIm Common wealth uinl for a tlUt'hinuu I hcuuimjor. uinl that a hiMiiiiiif mum lint mild pniilnii will tuku Illat'tMLt t hit I 'oill'l HniiMi hi Hi mU vlllt l'a., on Monday. Die toih day of April, Ih'.iu, at t o niH'h v. u. oi tinni uuy, uemu uuuinio nxi-u y unn ouru ililhN H'UlKliTUN. M. M. ( 1 i. Atluruoy f. jr tltiouur, Murch 13, IhUU. Bing's bunch of bargains JUST BEFORE EASTER The purchase you mnko for that occasion tho items you elect mean nn expenditure. Good Judgment suggests that you direct your buying tow ards the storo whero best Is offered you at smallest prices wbero your money brings you tho fullest measure of sat isfaction. Finding it that way here In tho items required for Easter wear In all tho various needs for tho Spring season with freshest Spring of 'lilt morchiindlsn for your choosing, makes It the store you prefer to patronj.o. Ii EFOR EEASTER SPECIALS Submitted you as hints quid suggestions thut will ulVuid you a slight idea of the many nnndsomo specials we show the many values that moke this store of keenest interest to yon. NEW SILKS Taffeta Silks in plain Colors and changeable. In all desira ble shades. Handsnmo plaid Silks in latest color combina tions, fancy striped Taffeta Ribbons, Gloves and Neckties. HERE for any Item means a saving to you. Our facilities for buying in markets where cash brings best results, and our low margins, makes low prices for yon prices that mean something. It's u business mntter to alwuys come here first. Bing & Co. Nobby Suits To Order ! JOHNS & THOMPSON, (Successors to Hamblet Si Swartz) Merchant Tailors, Feel confident that we can give satisfaction in both cut and mako up. VV. A. Thompson, a cut- ter with Forty Years Experience, will do the cutting. We respectfully ask the people of Reynoldsville to give ua a call before ordering elsewhere. Johns & Thompson. I HAVE ft A complete stock of lace- cur tains, embroidery, laces, trimmings, white skirts, umbrellas, window shades, oil cloth, ladies' shirt waists, children's caps, ta ble cloths, towels and napkins. All these goods are tho finest on the market and at as low a price ns ever, sold in this place. Call and examine our stock. Costs You Nothing to 800 our line. Our motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits. People's Bargain Store, A. Katzen, Propr. 0 r-7 x.