The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 22, 1899, Image 7

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    The Hiivamt ticwnpaper La ,ucha
la, How printed partly In English, and
it Ik having a struggle to set It up.
There appears to he no "w" In It
cases, and the expedient la adopted of
putting two "v'a" In Its plnre. The
effect of thla la rnther picturesque, aa,
for Instance, when we And the nnme
of the Fnther of hla Country applied
Washington. Ir Lucha advises the
American anldlpra not to pay the
, newalioya more than five centa for the
paper, that being the regular price.
Joseph JelTpraon la a firm believer
that a man must be sick once In tPt
years. Since 1809 he has been III every
tenth yean
flow' Thla T
We offer One Hand red Dollar Ttewsrd fnf
ftny rttne of t'utarrh that cannot In etired by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. .1. CUKKar !n Toledo, O.
We, the nnlerltiiied, hnvp known F. .1. Che
ney for the lt 1.1 year, and believe him per
fectly honorable In all business trrtnsnrtl'tn
and nnnnrlally nhle to narrr out aujr oblts-a-'
X tlon made hy their tlrni.
Vr.T Tkuax, Wholesale Dni(t(tltsToledo,
Wai.oiko, KiaaA! MAavia, Wholesale
l)niicilt, Toledo, Ohio.
Hair I atari
ntnrrli run In tnken Intcrnnllv. act.
Ina dlrwtljr upon Mte IiIihwI and murnii mir.
5cia of the nylcm. Te.tim'mlnl wnt five,
rice, per bottle. Holt! by nil llrutftfiBtfc
Hall's Family I'llN are the hi-t.
Ex-Pcnator Gorman, nf Maryland,
Waa 42 whan he drat entered the Hen
ate, and the youngest man In that
Wo-To-Fne for Fifty Cent.
Guaranteed tobacco habit enro, mnl:e wens,
snen aironn, blood pure. 60c. 1. All uruKKiMa.
On rainy daya Uovcrnnr Hnosevelt
atlll dona the old aombrero which lie
wore at Santiago and Hnn Juan.
M. L. Hnywurd. the newly elected
T'nlted Ptatea Senator from Nebraska,
hoa had little experience In olilce
hnldlng. one yenr on the district bench
being hla only service.
Fumigation of fruit trees infected
with the Han Joae aculo by the use of
the ga of pruaalc acid la a remedy
which Is now said to be certainly ef
fective. "Spring Unlocks
The Flowers
To Tjtirtt the Laughing Soil."
And not even Nature would
" ' allow the flowers to grout
and blossom to perfection
'without good soil. Now
Nature and people ire much
alike t the former must have
sunshine, latter must have
pure blood in order to have
perfect health.
Hood'a Sarsnparilln rtircs blood trou
bles of all aorta. It ia to tlie human
system what sunshine ia to Nature
the destroyer of disease germs. It
Merer dtinppoint.
POOT BlOOd -"The doctmrr said there
were not seven drops (f good blood In my
body. Hood'a Karsariarllla built nte up and
made me strong and well." ttusis E. Hkown,
18 Astor Hill, Igrnn, Mass.
Dyspepsia, CtC.-" A implication of
troubles, dyspepsia, ctironlc catarrh and
Inflammation of the stomach, rheumatism,
etc., made me miserable. Hadino apietite
Until I took Hood's Harsnparilla, which
acted like magic. I am tltoriMurhly cured."
N. B. Heki.ey, 1074 W. 14th Ay, Denver, Col.
. Rheumatism "My husband was
oblixed tu nive up work on account of rheu
matism. No remedy helped until be used
Hood's ftarsaparllla, which permanently
cured bltn. It cured my daughter of ca
tarrh. I Rive It to the children with good
results." U as. J. B. Mi'M ath, Stamford, IX
3fccrf& SaUabmiL
Hood'Ptlla etire HreMIU, th non-lrrttatlnir n4
the only cathartic to uke with Hood Mw parlllaV
' uIeanrwd (lie tortures of the daiunesl
with protruding- piles brought oa by oonstipa
tlon with which I waa afflicted for twenty
years. I ran aorots your C'ASCAHKTS In the
loan of Newell. Ia,, and never found anything
to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from
' piles and feel Ilka a new man."
Q H. Kiitx, 1411 Jones St., Stoux City, Ia.
twaoi mask acoisTiafo
Pleasant, Palatable, potent. Taste Good. TV)
Sood, tiever Mloken. Weaken, or Grlie. tuo. 260. Soo.
UfUaf awty CMfMBf, CblMf. Iwtml, ht V.rfe. til
MT ft II 1ft Rolrt and suaranteed by slldrng
lU'BAW aiauto tlKE Tobacco HubiU
Wwth tniriin thti yMrlUMioo
mmw euattttunr. otl Uiuutm aflar
I Pks. IS iUy liatliah, io
FkM. tVarlT klD (. HhtlHSft. 14N1
m hong Lite ti to i;ot'ombra
ISltDr' Bwrt lrttDca, bo
Ckli(irnivl"'it TunitlOf IU0
fCKrly UiDDar Omon. Jua
Briliiau. iownr ttmida. l.c
Wirtii 1.00, far 14aia, fTuu
AbnTalOpktra. vurib fl.on, will
mail yon f rwt( tofBttmr with our
(raat Plant and bttd Cataloaua
Bpoa rJoiipt of this nutlre fc Mn
utas. V sovtia yiur tradaand
know whao jio imita try rlBrr'a
erflajruuwillur sat alnnriwitb'
... nrstrliont HU.iki.MJilU. . .. .
Splup lb. l'onttaca ait
JUIH 4. liUKH HKKU I ll LA t UtHiMI. M lb.
Spalding's V1'
Trade-Mark T f
Means todMJfflt V
"Standard' "
of Quality" Vra,
on Athletic Goods
Inslstupon Spalding's
UaadaouW Ostalunus rra.
A. aU-ALUlsiU
ti.w lurk. CklosRo. lannr.
rHFI!MATHM rtTH B -laBiPla bottle, 4 4syV
I ILbioAIIO treatuiaul, ixutuald, 10 ueuti.
) I
3000OO0OOOO00000O00O0 c
Ooverninent Hog Cholera Itemedy
Pulverize and tntx tborougbly:
One part wood cunveoat.
One part sulphur.
Two parts sodium chloride (salt).
Two parts sodium bicarbouute
Two parts sodinra liyposnlpbite. '
One part sodium sulphate.
One part antimony sulphldo.
Dose, one tnlilespoonful (or each
200 pounds weight of hog ouce a day.
The Hlte nf a Hog.
There is great danger of blood
poisoning if a hog bites the flesh.
There is no poisou in the hog's teeth
as there is in the fangs of a poisonous
snake. It is rather the poison which
comes from the saliva, as the hog is a
very indiscriminate feeler and not at
all cleauly. When a hog is made
angry the amount of this saliva ia
greatly increased, nud the danger is
greater. Even a alight contusion
from a hog's tooth should be prompt
ly washed out with some antiseptic.
Dilute carbolic, acid, one part of the
acid to 2000 of water, is good and al
ways a reliable antiseptic. Home
should always be kept where it can be
handily procured, to put oa cuts or
outside injuries received on any part
of the body. It will greatly hasten
their healing.
Cost ot KIrIi Ilred roultry.
Convinoed that he should follow the
advice of those who know bow to im
prove the flock of fowls, the farmer is
naturally anxious to know what the
cost of new blood will be. If the
flock is the ordinary farm stock,
mainly mongrels, and the grade is to
be raised chiefly from egg production,
new blood of a dollar a head will be
good enough. If the stock already
on hand is of one breed and of fairly
good quality, and the new blood ia
desired to add to the size of eggs or
to increase egg production or size of
coming chicks, then stock at four or
even Bve dollars a head is none too
good. If fancy fowls are wanted, bred
to the standard, then he must expect
to pay anywhere from ten dollars up
per bird. But where you can get
stock which will add to the value of
that you already have. If increased
egg production is wanted, buy front
breeders who are willing to guarantee
that their stock is all tbey claim for it
iu the matter of egg production. If
weigut and markings are desired, buy
from those making a specialty of these
points. Last, but by no means least,
not be fouled by the claim that north
ern bred stock is necessary to add
value to southorn flocks, or vice versa.
It is ugreed that certain seods north
ern grown are best for southern plant
ing, but the claim will not hold good
water with poultry. Buy whore you
can get the best value for your money
and the nearer home the better, other
things being equal. Atlauta Journal.
Lima as at Fertiliser.
Those who believe that Ume is
necessary as a fertilizer, and their
opinions are'not based upon actual
tests of the soil, they would do well to
test it. Htir np four or five touspoon
fuls of the soil with enough water to
make a thick paste. Allow it to stand
fifteen minutes. Then part the soil
with a knife blade and insert one end
ot a strip of distinctly blue litmus
paper (to be had at any apothecary
store), pressing the soil about the pa
per. After five minutes romove the
paper carefully in order not to tear it
and rinse quiokly with water. If the
bine eolor has disappeared and a red
one taken its plaoe, the need of lime
is probable. The fingers should never
be to ached to the end of the paper to
be inserted in tho soil, for they alone
will redden it intensely. "
It would also jt well to test as fol
lows: Take two glasses, place three
teaspoonfuls of soiUa oaoh and add
water till half full; to one glass add
two teaspoonfuls of ammonia waler,
to be obtained of any druggist,
stir both thoroughly and again five
minutes later. Allow thera to settle
and it the one to which ammonia was
added gives a black inky looking
liquid, and the other Bottles out nearly
clear, farther evidence of the need of
time is given.
The first test should be relied npon
if but one is nsed, bat if the seooud
agrees withHho first, the case is so
muoh the more certain. Where lime
is lacking, beet leaves often turn red
and many of the young plants die;
lettuce plants also often do the same.
On light, sandy soil from 1000 to
2000 pounds of air-slaked lime may be
applied on tho furrows and harrowed
in, preferably in the autumn. Ou
heavier soil from one to two tons per
sore may be nsed in this manner. On
heavy and moist soils, there is less
danger from spring applications than
on light ones. If air-slaked lime is
not to be had, ordipary builders' lime
will answer, only the quantity may be
reduced in that case to about two
thirds the amount ' Plaoe the lumps
in piles of forty to fifty pounds each
and oover with moist soil. Id a few
days it will be sufficiently slaked so
that it can be spread with a shovel.
Harrow or odltivate in the lime atonoe.
Ii there are any lumps, repeat the har
rowing or cultivating after two or three
days, when they will .have slaked so
that the lime can be mixed with the
soil. If the land is very dry, sprinkle
eaeh pile with about half a pail of
water before covering it with soil.
Twice as muoh of wood ashes as of air
slaked lime, will also answer.
Potatoes planted on limed land
should be treated with corrosive sub
limate solution or formalin to prevent
"soab." Watermelons should, if pos
sible, be planted on unlimed laud, or
where the lima has been applied two
or three years .previously. American
Agriculturist. , j
Old Iron Anvil with Bladga Mammas
on Top
One ot the queerest tombstones ever
designed to mark the grave ot a man
Is now on exhibition at the ship hard
ware store ot William H. Whiting A
Co., on the northwest corner of Pratt
and South streets, says the Baltimore
News. It Is an old Iron anvil, with a
sledge hammer laid oa top of It, and
wilt mark the last resting place of
John O. Angelo, nn 84-year-old ship
smith of Pocomoke City, Md. Angelo
was born at Woodbury, N. J., on Aug.
2, 181 5, and began bis apprenticeship
as a blacksmith on June 28, 1828. When
he had served out his apprenticeship
and reached the age of 21 yoara his
employer presented him with the an
vil and hammer on which he bad done
hla first work. He has used It contin
ually ever since. A few weeks ago he
conceived the Idea of using It aa his
tombstone, so he made an Iron handle
for the old hammer and fastened It
with a metal peg to tho top ot the
anvil. He also attached three links
to the handle of the hammer, which
Is supposed to Indicate that he Is an
Odd Fellow. He then sent tho anvil
and Its attachment to the Whiting firm
to galvanize, In order that It inlRht
not be rusted away by exposure to the
weather over his grave. It was a dim
cult task, and It had to be dipped In
a mass of seventy tons of molten sine
before It was successfully accomplish
ed. He wrote to the firm not to spare
any expense to make a good Job of It,
but they will make no charge for their
work. Angela Is still working every
day for two shipyards at Pocomoke
City and Is as hale as the youngest of
the men about the yards. He Is a skil
ful workman, and although bent with
age, he wields a heavy sledge with
power and dexterity.
Ill llobaonlsed tho Maids.
There Is a story told of a former
British ambassador to America which
goes to prove that the lately-developed
proclivities of Lieut. Hobson may have
been Inherited from English ancestry.
The minister wns leaving Washington
and was attended to the door em
bassy by a large portion of the house
hold. His excellency made his adieu
In a fashion decidedly absent-minded,
and on entering his carriage was still
In a brown study when Interrupted by
his ever watchful and solicitous con
sort, who bad been there awaiting him.
"My dear," said thla lady, "do you
know what you have Just done?"
"No," replied the embassador, dream
ily, "do you?" "Why," cried his wife,
"you kissed the mold servants all
round." "Did I?" said the diplomat,
wearily. "Well, I hope there were some
good-looking ones among them!"
The earliest church on Ptaten Island
waa formed before 1WI0 by the Wal
Ucnsea ut Stony Itronk.
Kvery cent of the tax assessed last
year In OrrlnRton, Me., was collected.
"Supcoarrfully Prosecutes Claims.
LatPrluqlual uxamlnar U.B. Fecslou Bureau.
J 3 Htm iu uivil war, IftatUuuleatlug claims, atly aiiMia,
P. N. U. 13 '99
HDnDnV"w discovert; itm
J f J f J I qaliili rallaf and auras lom
. Hook at teatiMsoeisfsaae 10 eava
VrsMS. . g. a. eassa I loss. Bus o, aslaaia. a
iiiira1111 3CS3W Ban Franc,,,co' cai
iiiOirSU t0l,,'v,n'' K
Mow Codim tha Banana Trnat,
A banana trust Is said to be the lat
est thing In combinations. The Arms
that will consolidate their Interests In
an effort to control the banana busi
ness of the country now control about
three-fourths of the business. The new
organization, It la stated, will be
known as the Fruit Dispatch company,
with headquarters at 18 Broadway,
Now York. Bernard F. Sullivan will
be the local representative of the trust,
Cleveland being the distributing point
for a large territory.' Further than
to say that prices will bo lowered rath
er than advanced Mr. Sullivan refuses
to discuss the subject
Queen Victoria la rather super
stltlnua and her family never travel
a day's Journey without hnvltiar In
their luggage proper habiliments for
wear In case of her sudden demise.
The Thing to Do.
Whan tha Bclntlo nervs gives Its worst
torment In the shape of Bolntlca, the one
thing to do Is to use St. Jaooba Oil
promptly and feel sure of a eure.
Bishop Potter, of New Tork, has a
dislike of elevators, nnd generally
walks upstairs In buildings where
they are used.
Doa't Tnbarro Spll sad Rntok Toar I.lf awT.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netlo, lull of lite, nerve and Tlpor, take Ko Tff
lino, the wonder worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druRRlsts, DOcorSl. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Itemed fa, Chicago or Now York.
The nest of the boya bird of India
la Ingeniously Illuminated. This little
bird fntdena fireflies to It with moist
tiny, and in the night It glows with
changeful sparks.
To Care Cold In One nay.
Take l aistlre Brcmo Qnlntns Tablets. All
Druggists refund money if It falls to cars. SSe.
A new-born baby In Dover. Me., re
ceived aa his first the following timely
outfit from a friend of his parents, a
bunch nf tooth-picks, a tooth brush
and a shaving mug.
Pr. Peth Arnold'sfonah Killer the beat ever
ned In mr fmiilly. ThomasM., ('nr.
Vnh and Looust Bts., I'UUa.,l'a., Nov. Si, laW.
Claus Pprccklos, the Son Francisco
susnr king, uses a iutll pen for all his
writing and carries one with him
wherever he goes.
To Cora Constipation Torevar
Take Cuscnrets Cunilv Cathartic, loo or We.
tf C. C. C. full to cure, Oruuulsta refund money
The Queen'a favorite flowers are
lilies of the valley and violets,
Knclosa Ten Cents
And pethv mail trial bottles ltuxsle's I'mnp
ureund flnxMle's llk for irnup. CoiirIi,
Cold, Druuclilt.s.A. I'. Ilnxsle, lluiralo, N. Y.
Plao's Care for Consumption has saved me
many a doctor's bill. -H. ('. IIaiiiiv, Hopkins
I'iace. UalUinore. Md., Dec. , HAM.
Mm-WltHow's foothlna Hyrtip fnrrhlldren
tcethlnir, softens tlieKiuns.reiliices inflamma
tion, aliuj-s (win, cures wind colic. 2&o a bottle.
Fits permanently cured. No fits ornenrons
peie after first day's nie nf !)r. Kline's Great
Nerve lteMorer. trial bottle and treatise
Irce. Ltd. Kll Arch bU'litla.r'a
Australian . newapapers report . the
complete disappearance of Metis la
land. Which aa late as 1890 prelected
150 feet abo'e the ocean.
WITH a better underatandlng of the transient nature of the many physical Ills which vanish before proper
efforts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There Is comfort In the knowledge that so many
forms of Illness are not due to any aetual disease, but simply to a constipated condition of the system, which
the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, promptly removes. That Is why It Is the only semedy with millions
of families, and Is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to
the fact that It Is the only remedy which promises Internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which
It acts. It la, therefore, all-Important, In order to get Its beneficial effects, to note when you purchase that you
have the genuine article, which Is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only.
Of the art of advertising Is to correctly Inform the public of the merits of any article, and truthful statements
aiwaya prove most crrective in time. The valuable reputation acquired by
the California Fig Syrup Co. by reason of the excellence of the pleasant
laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs, which It manufactures, confirms the state
ment, which the company freely makes, that the best of remedies only
should be used when needed by the human system. The more one takea
of salts and pills the more conatlpated the syatem becomes, while on the
other hand one enjoys both the method and the results when Syrup of
Figs Is taken; It la pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently
yet promptly on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleanses the system effec
tually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and overcomea habitual consti
pation permanently; also biliousness and the many Ills resulting therefrom.
Tha great trouble with all other purgatives and aperients la not that they
fail to act when a single dose Is taken, but that they act too violently and
Invariably tend to produce a habit of body requiring constantly augmented
doses. Children enjoy the pleasant taste and gentle action of Syrup of
Figs, the ladies And It delightful and beneficial whenever a laxative remedy
la needed, and bualneas men pronounce it Invaluable, aa it may be taken
without Interfering with business and does not gripe nor nauseate.
Te due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it Is manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and therefore we wish to Im
press on all the Importance of purchasing the true and original remedy.
When buying note the name, California Fig Syrup Co., printed on the front of
every puckage.
WANTF.n-' aannf lied Health that ll-I-P-A V R
will not lienrHt. Hcuil acts. to chemical
Co Kw Vurk, fur lusaUiplwaaudliaiutssiiiiuuniulN
Cuuvb byrup. Ttvut GouL tTw I I
lima, pjoitj or aruinfwsv r 1
V . V I''' ' S VI WWW A
The rummer day It over,
. And weary with honest toil
Home, through the fields of clover .
, That springs from the fertile toil,
Plods now the sturdy farmer
With grimy hands, and though
Soiled too, indeed, is his suit of t weed.
But little cam he, I trow.
A WORD OF WARNING. There an many white soaps, each represented to tx " Jul t
as good as the ' Ivory ':" thay ARE NOT, but Ilk all counterfeits, lack Hit peculiar anil
rsnsrkablt qualities of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and Insist upon getting lb
oritM. ist, r n. rww omti. e, rmtnMi.
Light flfTeot.
Prof. Zlckler recently found that a
ray of ultra violet light transmitted as
many aa 200 meters (over 200 yards)
will work a telegraph Instrument at
that distance. Rays ot this kind have
the property of causing an electrlo
spark to pass between two highly
charged conductors, which but for the
light would not spark. This effect la
made to work the telegraph instru
ment. Clerar Mtroke. .
Throughout Germany Emperor Wil
liam's trip to the holy land Is con
sidered the cleverest stroke of his
reign, as it has made him powerful
friends among the most powerful party
In the relchntag, the centrums, or cath
olics. ' '
Sailed MajMtleatly.
"For a stout woman, that Mrs. Hav
erdepaw moves well, doesn't she?"
"Very; she sailed Into the room quite
majestically. What's her tonnage?"
New Tork, N. T,
"A Fair Face May Prove a Foul Bar
gain." Marry a Plain Girl if She Uses
In the housewife's hand awaiting
b a cake of Ivory Soap,
. And we hear her say t " Hie dirt away,
Thi this that gives to hope."
So he takes the shining treasure,
And laughing with delight,
Cilesl "See it float, the magic boat
That makes my home to bright.1
Jeweled Eyeglasses.
.Delicate eyes are now considered an
opportunity for using jeweled eye
glasses. A fashionable jeweler has
contrived - fnncy spectacles heavily
mounted in elaborately chased Roman
gold. To them Is attached a long,
equally elaborate gold handle. They
are then held to the eyes precisely'
after the fashion of a lorgnette. Sin
gle eyeglasses are daintily set In all
manner of pretty styles, the rims
studded with jewels, the glasses them
selves being oval, square or round,
according to the preference of the
owner. Lorgnettes are massive with
gold and brllllnnt with gems. This
fad is taking Immensely with elderly
women who wish to avoid the appear
ance ot age. There are to be no more
slender gold bows resting upon old la
dles' ears. These will be only for tie
God's telepiiuKu needs no central to
make connections. v