a & Star. SHbaeripliim ft. nil ; r , ifi r, or $1.00 if pnitl fih'it'tlif in "tl i'ii tiff. r. a. h i di'iii.niox, i: ill i or nml l'ul. wrct n khi7ay7 m"ai ( 1 1 ir, imm. An lnihH'inli'tit IihmiI imp'T. inililWlirili-viTjr Wpiln'ulny nl Ki'ynnlilHvHU', .iHTt'i-'Mm Co, I'll., ilvoMfl In I In lntiM-iM "f Itryiinlchvllli' ml .li-nvrnuhrmiiit v. Ncin-mlliii'iil, Ml Iri'iit ill wllli fnlriii'-w. nml will In' iwM'i liilly frli'tiil ly towtiriNlhn InlMiriiut rlns. Hiiliwrliilliiil prlri'l llM'l yi'nr.ln nilrnnrp. I'limmiitilrnl luni lnlrniliMl fur iiulillriiiliui must lin iiiMiiiiiiinliMl liy thn wrflrr'n niiini, mil fur niilillriitlun, lint m i niinriiitti-n of (ihiiI fnllli. InH'iiwiliiit iit'WK lliin millrlti'il. AilvprtNlnir into tiinile known on iippllrii llcm hi llin nfllre In I' riii'hlli li-lli'iii'v MliK'k. fiPnirlily rnminunlrul Inn nml cIimmkm of AilvprtUiMMPiilH hIiimiIiI riMtrh llilfl olllrn by Mnmjiiy mum. Acldrt'w nil riitniimnlrat Imm to U. A. Rlppli niiiu, Ui-ynoliNvllli'. I'n. KnlcriMl lit tin- Hilolllr) Rt l()-ynolilnvlll, ln.. nnMproiiil i-liiH niitll nmitrr. A Qreat Vtite OITer. Wo Iiiivp n trri-itt prl.n otTir tn nmUo tlio farmi't-i nf .frnVrenn county! Hya Hlll'llll HI'I'lllHfl'IIH'tlt Willi tllO inllllxlll'IS nf Mm Form . I'm rimh 11 most excnllnnt fiinn pnpi-i' t lint coxta fill wills it .vi'iir, wo ni'u iililn to olTor on yi'iir'n milwi'Hi tlon to Tin: Staii nml rivr. yniirV miI m'i'lil(iM to tin Furm Jnnrmil thn two worth $:i."ill all for thn Biimtl mini (if !.-(". Of ooiirxn iIiIh only iipplh1 to ndvanuo piiylni' milwrllii'tn. Wo ran funiluli ii fow papiTH tit till lull', mill If you wunt thimi on tin-no ti'i-mn, you must. nrt. (JT'K'ICI.y! Kimiptn (Miplcn of thn Form Jmirniil will bo ni'iit fron on application. Aildn'm, C. A. NTK.PIIK.NHON, Ki-yiiolilMvilln, I'll. Tim rnT'oil Ktati'H bun In iho Hvn thiH H n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y ti'li'pboni'H u any otln'r nation. Thin looka in though thn Yunki'i'H propimo to '"lii'llo" wliotlier thoy'ro out of thn wooiIm or not. Thn Hi'iHon Nat hand when evnrylwxly hIioiiIiI uli'iin up llin rubbish that ban aiTimiiibiti'il ahfiiit tho pr-om Ihi'h d u rl nn thn winter. A fow hours work will Itrnntly help thn npprnrancn of thn plncn unci may nave yon u hljf duotor bill when warmer weather coiiioh. 'Squire John T. Coax hh.vm: "Wlioro evur tboio l a claim for daiuujrcx, tho claimant hIioiiIiI always bu careful to guard aualnnt tho potwlhlo fact of thotr bolntf provuii iicainwt him contributory negllge'ico. TIiIh thought hIioiiIiI al ways enter Into tho general condition In human life." Elk county will have a murder trial at tho April term of court. William Black, a negro, Ih charged with mur dering Albert Heed, colored, and Georifo Tyler, white, at Glen Hazel, Kile county, on tho night of February lilith, and iifterwardH burning tho Iiihiho to novor up bin horrible deed. There is a statu luw which grants a tax robato of $1 for every four trees planted along n towmdilp road. For tnntance, tho farmer who nets out one hundred trees along tho road running through his farm U entitled to a rebate of $25 in his taxes. Tho net holds out liberal Inducements of which tho farm ers In Pennsylvania seem to be slow In tuklng advantage. County Commissioner W. C. Murray was In Iieynoldsvillo Thursday. Ho is a candidate for re-election. The Punx sutawney JSVim in 8eaklng of his can' dlditcy says: "It Is to bo hoped that the Republican party will see to It that he is one of tho two nominated at tho June primaries. Mr. Murray has mada an efficient, careful, painstaking Com missioner, thu kind that Is best suited for the office" The sassafras season has arrived and no one has been peddling tho blood' purifying root In Reynoldsvlllo. Dan- lul Sharp, who sold sassafras roots here every spring for fifty years, more or less, passed tho octogenarian milestono In life's meandering some fivo or six years ago and since that time rheiirau' tisra has been giving him considerable trouble, consequently he don't feel as young as ho did fifty years ago, and it is likely be will glvo up tho sassafras business entirely. Six prisoners in tho Elk county jail had thoir plans well laid to escape jail last Wednesday night, but Deputy Sheriff May made the discovery in time to prevent tho jail doll very. Tho Rldg' way Vemnrmt says: "Fully two foot of solid brick wall had been taken out and the loose brick enclosed in bags made nf the blankets from the jail beds. Two such bags filled with brick and mortar were found In tho hole through which the men hod planned to make a hasty exit and another purtiully completed bag was found under a nearby lavatory." The season of rope jumping Is ap proachlng, and It is timely to throw out warnings to tho girls who are disposed to indulge to a dangerous extent in that pastime. A fatal case of excessive jump iug has already been reported from Reading, in which city Leah Helen, the 8 year - old daughter of Councilman Joseph Witman, died Monday. Last Thursday the child with soveral com' panione, while jumping rope indulged in what is known as "popper." The next morning she went to school as usual, but in the afternoon she was taken ill, and lapsed Into unconscious ness. Death was found to be duo to 6ILK MUX STOCK. It la An Old Story-It la Resurrected Every Year. For sometime rumors have hern cur rent that n huge trust Is to be formed with a capital of HiiO.imio.CHHI for the purpose of controlling all the silk mills of the country and freezing out nil the small con ns. Much exeltoment has been felt, and also wild talk and quick jumping nt conclusion have been going on at a lively step. The question Is not a new one. It has arisen periodically every now and then since 1XHM, hut evivy time a close tud.y of the question has revealed such complication and sued a numlsn' of lm- ledimclilK tbal I'lieh timn It has iM-en given up lis Impossible to solve. Now this last. year trmts of every dierlpt Ion have bcenmnquito fashionable, and trust and combine lovers have deemed the I line for Its resurrect Ion and started the ball rolling again. It will be like all Impossible thinu: It will fall, to re appear again, like the .Nortti polo Xieilltlnns. People at. large are stopping at noth ing and seem to think thai, what Is possible In a branch of trade Is possible in all branches, but this Is a very great mistake and bore Is the reason why. Snme combines can be made to con trol the staple products and also tho oinmon necessaries of life, as wheat, oatmeal, crackers, poultry, eggs, spir its, bread, sugar, tobacco, etc., etc., which prcduets are almost always tho same, iinu not suoject to tlio vliaugo that styles and fashion bring every season. sometimes meat, sausage, milk, butter and ice can ulso bu con trolled, although never for a very long while. The other product of in dustry which can most easily be con trolled are, as everybody knows, coal, Iron in every form, tin plate, rolled bars, rails, nails, i tc, also manufac tured products such a cotton yarns, cotton cloths, ns long ns they are not fancy, dye stuffs, matches, needles, pins, lumber, window glass, hotllo gluss, crockeries, brick, cemcpt, plaster, tiles, etc. A trust In Industrial business Is, with a few exceptions, and especially would bo In I lie case of a silk manufacturing trust, a combine of a number of mfll owners who huvo started In thn early beginning of thn Industry In this coun try; have made largo fortunes, but, finding that they cannot any longer hold their own with their old machin ery, which has become utterly oosnlolo in face of tho progress of new and high sH)od machinery, and especially of the brainy and go-uheud ways of tho now generation of younger manufacturers, are trying to get rid of thoir weaving material good enough for tho junk shop uud scrap iron and palm it olf to good nat.ured lambs, who as ever are ready to swallow tho pill, which, by tho way, they will find a bitter one, when the Insiders think thu time rlpo for squeezing them and in Wall street run thn prion of tho shares down to sovorul degrees below tho freezing point. Let tho lambs ojH'n thoir eyes and rcmonr ber that many trusts have boforo molt ed away like snow under a July sun, and their securities had not evon tho value of clean paper to wrap up limbur ger choeso at tho grocery. Tho corduge trust failure, which occurred not so very long ago, ought to remind thom of what thoy cau expect in Investing their cash in a business they do not know tho first word about. But when it is a question of a com bine in tho silk business, which entails the Interest of so many side concerns such as mill supplies, throwing plant. dyeing and finishing plants, all of which depend upon each other to run smooth ly and thrive, I cannot hulp thinking it is a huge joke, destined sooner or later to full flat. In the first place, the silk industry is according to the decreo of fashion, subject to many changss. One might say that every season brings along a new class of goods, a new kind of weave, many now designs, which, as soon us Damu Fashion has spoken In Paris or London, must be made here and quick, as the retailor who does not have thom on his shelves Is eager to got thom as quick as possible, and at almost any cost at the beginning of tho season, which Is tho time when he can reap the largest harvest of profits. Let me tell you that at this mo ment if a small silk manufacturer of genius has been smart enough to pro- nu..'..i it.. nr .i....t has had the right information from tho other side of tho ocean, thu retailer will 4 go to him evory timo and try and have the control of his whole production, especially if he does not belong to a trust. Trusts are not possible whoro high novelties and fancy goods are concerned. For the present the stylo seomB to be for a while to wear plain goods in silk fabrics, but how long will this state of things last? Ladlos will soon get tired of this and as soon as, novelties are in demand again then tho life of the silk trust will be ended. Nobody can con trol artistic works, and most of silk fabrics, whon novelty is in stylo, are works of art, creation of brain. Just imagine a trust trying to control tho work of your painters and soulptora, which adorn your museums. It would be simply ridiculous. The very ldoa .. . in i. 1 1 1 i , i a trust iHJiibruiuun huo bus, UUSIQ6SS IB 1 grotesque in the extreme, and la not I T 1' A skunk got Into thn ventilating flue of the Methodist church At' Hlicrtnan, N. Y., a few days ago und gave tho aud ience no little annoyance din ing a series of revival meetings. After severol ef fort to get him nut ho wan dually chlo roformed In the flue and then removed without Increasing thn offensive imit ation of his presence. Tho opening of thu flun will now bo covered with net ting, and such an unusual nenldent will not occur again. It must bn admitted that thn emergency was dealt with In a very diplomatic and circumspect tn&' nor. Ijiineaster Kxnminrr. It Is very likely that Rev. 1'. J. Hlattory, pastor of the church, suggested thn chloroform means of removing thn skunk. If It is tender, iulcy meat that von want, go to Ij. F. I letrlck's meat, market. A line nll-wiMiI suit for hoys from 4 vearsold to ill years old for $l..r0 nt Nceley. The only place In town to get shred ded wheat fresh Is at W. T. Cox's. Valuable property, Improved and un improved, for sale. Inquire of M. M. Davis, f.sq. Lots of men's shoes on the counter at, I. I',. Welsh V ( 'o.'s shoe store that you can get for a bargain. Letter List. List nf unclaimed letters remaining in the postoflleo at Reynoldsvlllo, Pa., week ending March II, 1X!: Miss Mary Lee, .1. F. Ross. Say advertised and glvo dale of list when culling for above. A. M. WooiWAltn, P. M. Oood Bread. If you want good old-fashioned bread like mother used to bake, buy the Cin derella Range. Its largo, high oven in sures good baking and roasting. Sold by Keynoldsvlllo Hardware Company. Look! Lookl Kvery Saturday wo offer special sulo iriees. You can savo money by sM-nd-ng It hern. J. C. KlNU It Co. Foil Halk A lot with two good houses and a frame barn, on Jackson street, will bn sold cheap. Rental value .'100 or year, good water and in gmid repair, wniiroof (J. M. McDonald, Reynolds- villo, or W. R. Morrison, Coul (Hen, Pa. Thn only Union Railroad genuine Overalls and Jackets are at Seelcy's. Call and seo tho bargains at J. E. Welsh tV Co.'s shoo storo. Wo sell white lead, oil and a full line of ready mixed paints; a complete stock of painters' brushes at prices that defy competition. IlAU, & IlAUTON. Railroad men, wo have tho Union- made Railroad Overalls and Jackets. L. 1. Secley. Your Spring Buying . . Wo nr nlwituHl to on nomicH tli nrrival of mnny nw idt'nn In Spring of V. iii(!filinliH). Hav ing niiule tlit'Ho Hfloctions J nut nt t lio t imo when tho mont oouhl lm bought for tho Ic.'iHt niotioy, given iih tlio opportunity to name priceH that wo feel nro of uiiUKiinl intercut in fact, much lower than their present worth. Thin, coupled with tho clever ntyleH nliown, will increaHo your intoreHt in the HolootioiiH, will givo to your money n greater pur chaning power, and will be an assurance to you that your Hpring buying will be rnont profitable here. We invite early inspection. Bing &Go. Dry Goods, etc. 1 SAVE MONEY ! NOW IS THK TIMK ON ANY GOODS IN TO SAVK TUB MONEY All Hardware or Builders' lines. I manufacturers of Hardware, BraBH, Connor. ; Iron and Steel Goods have advanced their g Helling prices from 10 to 25 per cent, owing j. to the increased cost of raw material. We a 5 have a good supply, bought before the ad- 3 vanco and can make interesting prices on the same, so now is the time to save money. 3 H CINDKIIKLLA ItANGK! 3 5 . Housekeepers should bo wise and call at our 3 store and examine tho Cinderella Range. It has 3 j more points that excel than any other range on the 3 market, and is sold guaranteed to bake and roast. 3 REYNOLDSVILLE HARDWARE CO. iiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiuauiiiiiiiuiUiiaiiiiiiiiuuiiiuuuiiiK O. 0. 0. 9 Mantis, GolumDlas. Grawiords. My line of HUU BICYCLES is now ' on exhibition. Columbias, Clevelands, Crawfords. Come in and see the late improvements and get a Catalogue. 0 Cx. 0 STOKE, the druggist. 4? Hi 4? Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi 43 Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Bastep Neckties New Spring Neckwear. New patterns arriving daily. An enormous showing of the new Puffs, Tecks and Imperials, 4-in-hands. All the novelties in colorings and patterns in Silks and Satins. Prices 25 and 50c. Hi Hi Hi 4i Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Easter Shirts Men's and Boys' Fancy Dress Shirts. A wonder ful array of all that's New and Bett in Madras Cloth, New Checks and Stripes in the neatest colorings and combinations; all with a pair of link cuffs. No values like them shown in the town. Prices 39c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Call and see them. BfSTBR HfTS. Stiff Hats. .id 4? of 43 The new Spring Styles from the leading makers, not a new shape but what you'll find here in our Btore. All the leading colors included, Black, Tan, Covert and Brown Shades. Values were never better. Our prices will save you from 50o. to $1.00. See our window display and come in and get prices. Fedora Hats. Fedoras are very fashionable this Spring. Our line includes all the new things; all fancy colors and Blacks, at money saving-prices. Prices Range 1.00, $1.25, fl.50, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50. . ( MILLIRENS EASTER ANNOUNCEMENT T " I I I I I i I I I i I I 1 wmt.Vi m. fhmicrhfc Tiifv IT xrrwr Vt rW peritonitis. I t ' ' . " An Old Pateraon 611k Worn. tw 9