The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 15, 1899, Image 1

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    VOLUME 7.
How can we sell 1899
Ramblers at $io?
Because 1(140 is the regular list price
of lOoo Ramblers, and c rive our assur
ance, bached liy llie mailers' guarantee,
tlmt they are
"The Best Ramblers Ever Built"
and Ramblers have always held the con
fidence of well-informed cyclists.
"and th whfl buytr rasp tht btnetlt."
Wi Invite Inspection. Catalooui Fbic
IDEALS $28.00,
Ladies' and Gents,' with G.
& J. Clincher tire. Also
Agent for the
2SS?W and Apollo
Bicycles, Sundries, Etc.
full line of A. G. Spaulding's
BASE BALL goods, Boxing
Gloves, Striking Bags and
all kinds of Sporting Goods.
Alex Riston.
f Shick &
r '
Dry Goods, &c,
o ft
JJ Look for their advertise- A
ment next week.
" They hm
htrioA the test ol years.
'Xu $1 &nd flav cured thoutnn'dt of
cwi ot Nervoul lnce, itirtt
V ?' rots and Varicocele, Atrophy, &c
Arji' 'i'liey clear the brain, streiitftliea
Vrfty circulation, make digestion
7.- perfect, and imnart a health
jrwJH vigor to the whole being. Alt
5 ' drains and losi arc checked
CtrnniT AffSlTll ffmatUMty, Unless patients
dUUligingalUi cre properly cured, their Codqi
(ion often worries them tntoltuanity, Coniump
liop or Death. Mailed sealed. Price it per box
6 hexes, with Iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or
refund the money, f s-oo. Seud for tree book.
For Hale by H. A lux Stoko.
Vhftre fur "The Htoiy of Hi riillippLiitV
j, by Moral UitlKifMtd, t'dunnihHloiied by the
tiovermnunt its Oflicltil Hlntitrlun to thu War
lkouurtimmt. The book wum written in tinny
!Hinpe ut Him FruiMtttM.u, on thu J'ikMIIo wltii
(ioneiiil Mtni-tt, tu the liOMpttalu ut Honolulu,
In Hotig Koiik, In the Anmi irun tiuuclitts ut
MhiiIIu. In the tiiwiii utuit rmupy with Auulh
uUio. on tlio deck of the Olyuipttt with jktw
t'y.iitiUlii tlio four of I mi lie it ( thn fall of
Muitllu. lUiituiiKu fur ntmtH. Hriiiil'til uf ur
liitul phtttnH tiiken ly KoyernutiMit photoK
rupheron thu Npot. Ltirye bMk. Low prlouM.
iig pro tit a. J-'roiht puld. ('todlt 1 ven. linp
all ti-Hwhy luiottlt'liil war lKiok. OtiUlt frto.
AdUrtHH, K. T. lim ber, Hoc'y., Htur luKurunofc)
iidtf., t'hli'ULjo.
Wagner, 1
irst Nati
C. Mitchell, Pre.ldcult
Scott Itlcfiollaiid, Vice Prc.t
Joliu H. Kauckcr, .llr.
0. MlU-lit-U, Brott McCleUuiiU, J. O. King,
John II. Ciii lii'lt, U.V.. llrowii,
G. W. Kullur, J. II. Kuuuhur.
Dim1 a (('."(jciilbttrikliiirbUHtijp '-'Unit,
thu fcwouri ...:Vf uifii-cliiiutH, prtK f nul iuun.
fumim-H, iitut'lianli'H, minuiti, luiiiltttrmuu una
ol)urH. proinUhit; ItiH luutit careful uttuutliui
Bute DupoHlt IinxeH lur runt.
Klrnt Natlonul Hunk bullillnx, Nolan block
Fire Proof Vault.
niflh School Bulletin.
Bdlter-I.-Chitf. Jto.i 8. Pentl, '. .
Ail t Idlttr, Ltli RjUmsn, '00.
html Editor, Ston.,'00.
I Is fur All who nllrnil lliolllirli flrliiml
j And cnnic i-vi'iy liny im n m ni'iul miU-.
nl fur lliniiHil, nn mlti'i'lhp Hnr.
Wi'll Hlllntt lh(Muili'nti uf rlKH 'W.
h for CliiM-)ln. nn nrtli'ln lHmulit,
Wlili li tlii'.luiiliii'H all Inn i'. bul I ln Hciiliiin
fot in it.
1 N fur DiiylluM. tin' tlmi' Unit i' spi'iiil
1 'in trylnir mi html our tni'niiirh'A to nii'tnl.
1' l Knlovinrtit. n fi'i'llnir poiwwd
jlty nil of the Hifnhim, Klnrii wi- nir tln bi'xt.
V1 Is for rorwunl, a woril imiill hut (treat,
r W'hli'h I'vi'Moni' learns whi'n to whool he
I'onii'H Into.
(1 U for (IihhIiii'hs, a itinllty fri'i',
ll'osra" by thu Hriilur noys, one, tno ntirt
tin ci.
Hl for lliintlnit. us nil ihf hoyi know.
Ittit tin st'iisoii h piist H-hiintlnit to no.
IN for Iniioi'iMHM', n quality bh'M,
Which one Junior hoy hn, hut none of the
T o for .Ionium, a cIiimk full of life.
Ami never iiidouk them cxNtn nny strife.
Kli for Kliiilncst, n iiuiillty vhown
llynll of thu teiichein that he e we have
Its for I. ntlii nnit Literature.
iA knowledue of etii'h we wish tONeeuro.
MN for miiivhliitf. nt noon null at nttfhi.
Anil thesli'iithut wo keeplsfnr out of shrht.
V l for Mcknnnieji. of which then" tun few,
iiOne In thu "Pai-Hon," niiolher the "Jew."
ON for Onwtinl, hut not to turn hark.
I.iit your teet no ititniy anil you lose the
IlKlit truck.
I, I for Pronunciation of winds by the score.
Tor nil Informal Inn ask Cenlor four.
Is for tOuii'Tcl. which never wns known
Fo exist iitiioni: Senloi-s. null rSi'iiiorH nloiie.
Ik Is for Itttrlit. the direction to mi.
J VI f the luitliwny In ilreaiy ami journey Is
Sis for Subs, n wonderful class.
It Is hoped. Mint they nil to the Junior will
T Is Thermometer, tliat ri'ulsteis low
When ever the wild iindanitiy winds blow.
IT ts for Cnlon, so notde ami trrand,
I hree classes united In cir.n l we silllul.
r ts for Visions of days yet to come.
When we'll hear orations delivered by
Y for W'altlmr, yet anxious to see
M If all the Juniors nromolcd will be.
Xls for Xebec, and V Is for Yeast,
While '. ts for Xcnlth.ourcMmax and feast.
MIhh Kfllo Clover, of DiiDoIh, Is the
guest of Miss (iortrmlo Delblo.
The members of the Shakespearean
Literary Club In their regular mooting
lust Frliliiy chouutlio fullowlnif olllcors
for the ensuing month: IVcg.. Miss El
sie Rosk; VIcePivH., Pearl Hai'to: Sue.,
Miss Etta ShalTor; Ptntrram Com.,
Misses Elizabuth Irving, Clara Geisler;
Critics. Misses Molllo MoDonald, Efllo
Milliren and Harry Herpol.
Wallace Oray. of room K, in nn affray
with Ed. Smith, n follow snhool mate,
otto day last week had a kntfo thrust
Into the bleep of his right arm. We
were Informed that the deed was done
intentionally by Smith, who seemed
rather careless of the mannor In which
he flourished his weapon. It would be
advisable for tho pupils to bo very care
ful what instruments, and how they use
them, for defence on such occasions, as
they ofttlmes create serious results.
Orfe of tho teachers from our rural
sections while on his way to Reynolds-
vlllo last Saturday to attend institute,
accosted a Dutch lady, who happened
to be passing at thn time, with this
question, "Madam, how far Is It to
Reynoldsvllle?" "Shoost a leotle ways,"
was tho reply. "Ves, but how far?"
again qtieriod the pedagogue, whom
the lady now though t rather inquisitive,
"Shoost a loettlo 'ays," more emphat
ically. "Madam, Is It one, two, three,
lour or five miles?" The old lady In
geniously replied, "I dinks It, Is." The
fellow arrived.
Tho literary program rendered last
Friday proved an entire success and all
those who participated in It deserve
groat pralBe for tho manner they per
formed their duty. Tho appearanco
they made on the stage is evidence that
their literary talent has been greatly
developed during the last term of school,
and we can safely say that It Is the re
sult of continual practice In such work
Our Utorary workers will hold a mock
trial next Friday afternoon. Very care
ful preparation Is being taken to make
the trial as Interesting as possible for
those who attend.
Miss Amolla Morrow has ceased to be
a member of the High School.
Tho educational meeting hold In As
sembly hall last Saturday will prove a
memorable affair In the annals of our
school The mortiingexerclscs, though
of short duration, wore very interesting
and well conducted. There was a largo
attendance In the afternoon, both of
teachers and patrons. Many Important
facts to aid the teacher were disclosed
during the day', and if they are remem
bered and practiced, we are sure fruit
ful results will be reajied. Wo offor
but one criticism, which is that a num
ber of the teachers present did not pay
tho attention required of them. Their
minds may have been dwelling on more
important subjects, but wo doubt It.
Wo are aware of tho numerous critics
who are constantly searching our col
limn, and the conspicuous signs of their
Borious remarks make it quite evident
that no other opinions are current.
Though the conlents of our article on
the sUireoptluan affair coincided with
the original report of the bout, yet we
gladly received the "triniiigcorrectlons'
.which appeared on tho local pago of
tins paper last wouu.
Local Institute.
RKYNOI.liSVII.t.K, PA.. Mar. 11, 'IIO.
Teachers' Institute for district of
Reynoldsvllle. West Roynnldsvlllc and
Wlnslow township organized at 10:30
A. M. In Assembly hall. Odleets elect
ed as follows: President, Prof. (. W.
Leiik-rd: Vice Presidents. Prof. L. E.
Rarllett mid Prof. IX. C. Wilson; Secre
tary. tJt-pliii Moer.
Prog rn in of the day opened by devo
tional exercises, led by Rev. Kcber.
Ringing by the Institute quartette.
The first topic for discussion, "Evi
dences uf a Teacher's Success," was
opened by Prof. Russell Rudolph. Then
followed n vory nblo discussion of the
subject by Miss Netla Coax. Prof. A.
I. Pustlewult, Prof. L. E. Hartlett and
Rev. Ruber.
Prof. C. E. Rugh. tencher of Peda
gogy at Clarion Slate Normal School,
was then Introduced. He occupied tho
remainder of tho forenoon with instruc
tions Id teachers.
Institute adjourned lo meet again at
1.30 P. M.
Afternoon session was opened with
singing by the institute quartette.
An interesting discussion of tho first
topic, "How Should a Teacher's Tinm
be Spent Out of School," as given by
Prof. Ri-eed. Prof. .1. G. Rullentlne
Prof. (. W. Lenkerd and Henry C.
Smith. Following which Prof. Rugh
gave a very Interesting and Instructive
nddreif? on tho ''Situation in Pennsylva
Tho next htmiber on tlie program was
a vocal solo by Miss Elvlo Coleman.
Then followed the report from Iho
Directors' Stale Convention at Harrls
burg by W. A. London, of Sykosvlllo.
Dr. J. W. Foust read a highly In
structive paper on Hygiene.
Next followed a short address by
County Superintendent It. H. Teltrlck.
As usual his talk was full of Inspiration
and encouragement for teachers. This
wns followed by a vocal boIo by Miss
Myrtle Shobort.
Prof. C. E. Rugh gave a few parting
words of cheer and institute adjourned.
Ohpha Ukkk, Seo.
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. "Disease fastened Ita clutches
upon her and fotrseven yearx she with
stood its severest tests, but her vital
organs were undermined and death
seemed imminent. For three months
she coughed Incessantly and could not
sloop. Sho finally discovered a way to
recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption and was so much relieved on
taking first dose, that she Blept all
alght; and with two bottles has been
absolutely cured. Her name Is Mrs.
Luther LnlJ!." Thus writes W. C.
Hamnlck & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial
bottles free at II. A. Stoko'a Drug
Store. Regular size fiOo and 91.00.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Examinations for Common School Di
plomas. Pupils who have completed the course
of study arranged for tho schools of
Jefferson county, and who have boon
recommended by their teachers, may
meet an examining committee at any of
the following planes:
Brockwayvllle Saturday.March Itith.
Brookvlllo Saturday, March 25th.
PunxButawney Saturday, April 1st.
Reynoldsvllle Saturday, April 1st.
Tho examinations will begin at 0
o'clock, A. M. Applicants will provide
themselves with pen, Ink and foolscap
paper. The examination shall consult
of ten practical questions on each
branch. f
' A committee of examiners, composed
of disinterested teachers, will be ap
pointed for each class.
All friends of education, especially
teachers and directors, aro Invited to
attend theso examinations.
R. D. Teitiuck,
County Superintendent.
Brookvlllo, March U, 18011.
An Important Question.
If your friends or neighbors are suf
fering from coughs, colds, sore throat,
or any throat or lung disease (Including
consumption), ask thorn If they have
over used Otto's Cure. This famous
Gorman remedy is having a large sale
hero and Ib performing somo wonderful
oures of throat and lung diseases. No
matter what other medicines have
failed to do, try Otto's Cure, Largo
sizes 2Tio. and 50a. Sold by II. Alex.
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo In tho world for outs,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price,. 25
emits pur box. For sale by II. Alex
Silk Mill Notes.
Only six ni.tTow looms ri'ttiiiin to lo
prnvid it with warps on tho Inst section
uf looms situated right, tinder I he
wrecked llisir tit the silk mill. All
truce nl tho ( has disappointed
and activity and cheerfulness reigns In
this portion of the building as In all the
other parts.
Pay ilny Saturday.
Emll Sehultz, of Wllllnmspot't, a
twister, has ennui lo the mill lo llll up
a vacancy.
Over Kill young girls from hcIiih1 have
made application to tho mill. Every
one Is anxious to get work thero before
every place is filled and every loom pro
vided with weavers. As lo the warp
ing department tinder Miss May Mun
shelmer all tho warping frames hnvo
long ago been supplied with a select
set of girls, who, under the skillful
teaching of that lady, have commenced
to become quite expert in I heir lines.
Manas Roil!! and Frank Foley have
for the last two weeks commenced learn
ing twisting and the prospects are that
they will hecoin:; expert twisters when
by practice they have acquired more
speed. Voting Sadlo Thompson nlso Is
learning t wisting. The mill may now
Increase lla capacity. Steady twisters
are now at the mill ready lo meet nny
big orders coining from New York.
Winding and quilling departments fol
low (lilt ami lire r'vulllny, the other
dejinrrr;' Tits In increasing her pro
Let spring little I'o n'lii and when the
first rays of tho April sun will compel
tho silk worms In tho huge beo hive
to open tho windows thn western breeze
will bring to the strolling people on
Main street the buzz and clunk of pul
leys and shuttles. Reynoldsville's citi
zens have not taxed themselves in vain,
they may bo proud of their new Indus
try. Lot them Increase It and get somo
more besides.
RiyAOK John, Ex-I-oom Fixer.
People Who Pay the Printer.
(In your Inls'l Is a dntet
I'nv iH'fotv It Is list late,
Hi- It dollars, he It dimes,
We will lliiink you ninny times.
We have bills which now nre due.
We must pay them Just like you,
The following persons have paid their
subscriptions or added their names to
our list since Inst week:
Ma It hew Phillips, Iteyiioldsvllle, January
Kolwrt F. Morrison, Aliens Mills, March
ai. IWX.
Jacob 1'rlesier, Pi-sire, I'a., Inewl March
4. llitt
W. Harry Thompson, Kcyiinldsvllh', newl
March 7, mm.
Kills Mowery, Emerlckvllle, new Septem
ber 7, WI.
W. U. Murray, Krookvllle, newl March K'W.
J. It. McC'onnell, Keynoldsvllle, June f.t, 'W.
Cli-nrge A. W'ikmIs, Hmokvllle, new March
9, F.HJ6.
N. U, I'ltmey. Itrookvlllc, December 20, IIKK).
Miss Amies HIhIoii, Keyiioldsvllle, October
, W.
Harry W.Trultt.riilhidctphla.nciohcr IH.'tm.
W. K. Miirslnill, Iteyiioldsvllle, March Is,
W. II. Meredith, Morrill! h. Pa., newl March
II, moo.
It. M. Malsoa Hon ft Co., Kails Creek, new
March II, !!.
Wni. Northey, Keynoldsvllle, new March
I. E. Htnnford, Sandy Valley, March 13, KKK).
A. O'liotniell, Jr., Camp Hun.
Glorious News
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Wlshlta, I. T. He writes: "Four bot
tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs.
Brewer of scrofula, which had caused
her great suffering for years. Tcrrlblo
sores would break out on her head and
face, and tho best doctors could give no
help; but her cure is complete and hor
health Is excellent." This shows what
thousands have proved that Electric
Bitters is the best blood purifier known.
It's the supreme remedy for eczema,
tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and run
ning sores. It stimulate liver, kidneys
and bowels, expols poisons, helps diges
tion, builds up the strength. Only f0
cents. Sold by H. A. Stoke, Druggist.
Don't wait till the taffy ts all sold and
then say you wish you had bought somo
while it was so cheap le. per lb. ut
non Ton bakery.
"The Drummer Boy of tho Rappahan
nock" at tho opera house Friday even
ing, March 17th.
Don't miss tho original "Drummer
Boy of the Ruppnhunnock" at the opera
house Frlduy evening.
Before moving to new brick, will of
fer smfio rare barguius to save moving
them. Robinson & Mundot ff.
Carpets! Carpets! Cut'iHits! Ovor
one hundred different styles to select
from at Brumbaugh & Hillis.' Special
salo for ilO days.
Broken lots and broken prices at
Robinson's shoe store,
Hats for Easter, In all shapes and col
ors, at Soeley's.
You will find a bargain oountor ut
J. E. Welsh & Co.' bhoo store.
Miss Annie Hi)llenhnnp.h is visiting
friends in Armstrong county this week.
Miss Millie Sheesley is working at
Miirlln Syphrlt's during the absence of
Annie Hollenbaiigh.
Martin Syphrlt Is selling fertilizer.
Call and see him.
C. E. Strouse is busily engaged In
making maple molasses. Ho has been
working day and night to save tho sap
that flows forth from tho sugar trees.
Miss Inez St rouse visited Miss Ruth
Cathors a few days last week.
Will Strauss returned to his work at
McDonald after a few days' visit with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Strauss.
J. J. Sutter and son, Albert, wore
seen in town last week driving saw logs
down Trout Run.
Braden Speneer lost a valuable horse
last Saturday night.
C. E. Keller purchased a cow from
Tim O'Brien last Saturday for tho small
sum of $40. Sho Is a dandy.
It seemed funny not to eo Homer
Foil. In town last Saturday evening.
Ed. Syphrlt was elected vlco-prosl-dent
of the Scotch Hill society last
Thursday evening.
Some of the girls are talking of hav
ing a birthday party on the 301 h of thin
month. We hope It will be a success,
Msrfngc Licences.
The following rtiiirrlngu licenses were
Issued the past week by John S. Barr,
Clerk of Courts of Jefferson county:
Arcouglo Palermo and Maria Morco,
both of Big Soldier.
Harmon L. Morgan, of Sykesvllle,
and Clara London, of Big Run.
Robert Runyan and Blancho Swnrtz,
both of Young township.
John Hammond and Janet T. Wallaoo,
both of DeLancey.
Samuel W. Timblin, of Flora, Indiana
county, and Mary G. Hoffman, of Cool
Estimates furnished and prices glvon
on gas fitting, iron or lead plumbing,
tin roofing or spouting, sheathing or
roofing paper, doors, sash, nails, sewer
pipe, cement, builders' supplies of all
kinds ut Hall & Barton's.
We have
Just receive!
our new
In which
uou will find
all the
latest styles
In Spring
and Summer
Qualltu and
prices to suit
Shoe Store,
Nolan Block,
Main St. Reynoldsvllle. jjj
Nobby Suits
To Order !
(Successors to Hamblet & Swartz)
Merchant Tailors,
Feel confident that we
can give satisfaction in
both cut and make up.
V. A. Thompson, a cut-
ter with
Forty Years' Experience,
-will do the cutting.
' We respectfully ask the
-people of Reynoldsville
-to give us a call before
-ordering elsewhere.
Johns & Thompson.
I Never k 1
I Mind Hf I
1 otner
i Shoes
I see i
! See
I ours.