The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 01, 1899, Image 4

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    ft fie Stan
Sitlincriplinn tl.M) pvr imr, or f.OO 1
jxu'd nlricllji in mli'ituce.
V, A. D'rKPMKNMIN, HilHor nntl I'llb.
' "w FArS KHUAYMAiiwTT, wx
Anlnilcpi'tiili'iil litrnl pnprr, mlillhrilivnry
WtMlnoHtiy in HryMiiWNvllli .li'tlVrnitn Co.
P., dovolt'tl In 11m lnli'"Mt of ItryimliNvlll
Mll .It'iri'lKOMlMIIIIlt v. Noii-iMilll Irtil. will tflMli
nil wltli fulriii-w. mul will )'i-iti'liilljr friend
ly InniiriN I lie hibnrlnix Hii.
fiilMiTlpilnn iirlr-c! M pit ynr. In mlvnnrn.
Omiimilillriitlotn ImIi-ikIi'iI for irilMlrullon
tnuitt b ri'oMipnnlMl lijrlhn wrllii' iiiini',
tint for tiiililli'itllnn. lull h n Riiiirnnli-p of
(imiO fnltli. Inli'ii'-tllnii ni'WK lli-nn milli'lli'il.
AdrerlUlnir rnto nmili knnwn nn appllcii
tlnnntllie iiHli' In I rovhllc-h-llcm y lllock.
I.fnfrhlr rnmmunli'utlmifi nml rlmnirp of
d vorll"i''mcil hIhiiiIiI rpiii'h llil ufllre by
Munclny niton.
Ail(lri' nil ivimmunlonllnnii to C. A. Htcph
ennn, Kitnnldvtllt I'r.
Entrpf nt tln ptMlnfflrn nt Iteynolilsvllle,
Pa., un nofnnd rhi mall mnt ter.
, A Ortat Prize Offer.
We Iirvo 11 great, prl.n offor to make
thr- fitrnn'i' n' .tclTiM-unn eminly! Hya
spppliil niTiiiiooinent with tho publisher
of the 'm ill Jmirnnl, 11 most excellent
farm paper tlmt coxta "() writs a year,
we arc nll to offer oni year's subscrip
tion to The Stab ami five ynirn' sub
scription to tho form Jnurnul tho two
worth all for tho small sum of
tl.,15. Of enurx.) till only applies to
advance paying nulMeribeiH. We can
furnich a few papers at this rate, and if
you wont them on these terms, you
must act tjt'li'KI.v! S.impln copies of
the form Journal will ha sent free oil
application. Address,
l A. Stephenson,
Ueynoldsvllle, Pa.
A woman Ionics into one glass to paint
her face, hut a man looks Into several
to paint his nose.
It bus been said that "money is the
great trouble In America." If this bo
true wo an- all looking for "trouble."'
The fool-klller must feel discouraged
when he looks around and sees how far
he Is behind with his work In Iteynolds
ville. Tho Pout was the only Pittsburg
morning paper that reached this plnce
At noon Thursday. The f nst usually
"gets there" In more ways than one.
It makes no difference who you are,
bow much sulphur you carry in your
shoes, nor how well you take care of
yourself, when tho grip concludes to
grab yon thero Is no escapo.
A French doctor has invented an
eloctrlo helmet, Inside of which Is a
mall motor that vlbratesstripsof steel,
the motor making (1(10 turns per minute.
This whizzing is supposed to cure ner
vous headache and put the sufferer to
The young mon who foolishly carry
revolvers around In their pockots aro
in imminent danger and should remem
ber Bill Nye's advice: "Young men,
don't walk around with a gun In your
hip pocket; It may go off and blow your
brains out."
Few peaceable Amoricans realize to
what extent the world Is under arms.
A French statistician states that the
total number of men permanently under
arms is 4,250,000. If universal war
broke out there would bo 44,2."iO,OO0 men
ready to take up arms at onco.
By referlng to tho tabulated vote for
poor farm, which will be found In this
issue, It will bo seen that out of the forty-four
voting precincts in the county
sixteen gave a majority against poor
farm and twenty-eight for. Brookvllle
was the only town In the county where
there was a larger vote against the poor
farm than there was for it. The largest
vote against the poor farm, outside of
Brookvlllo, was in the well-to-do farm
ing districts.
It Is announced that tho postoffice de
partment will shortly Issue a now series
of stamps to bo used In Cuba, Porto
Rico and. the Philippines. Tho one
cent Cuban stamp will boar a represen
tation of tho statue of Columbus at
Havana; the two cent stamp a map of
Cuba; the three cent stamp a picture of
the statue "La Cubana," an erablematlo
marble figure which stands in a Havana
park; the five cent stamp a picture of a
, New York and Cuba mail company
steamer, and the ten cent stamp an ag
ricultural scene In which a Cuban is
plowing with oxen. The Porto Rico
and Philippine Btamps have similar' de
The Baltimore yltiierican in speaking
of Pennsylvania says: "It is one of
the Imperial commonwealths of the
world, first of all the American states
In mineral production, seoond in popula
tion and manufacturing, with industries
worth over a billion dollars, with wealth
exoeedlng five billions, larger and rich
er than some of the kingdoms of the
earth. f In many respects the best form
ed of all the states, she is a true repre
sentatlve in prosperity, progress and
, success to the uutlon tor which she be
longs. While the struwberrles are
blossoming on her Maryland border she
can out ice along her New York bound
arv and her corameroe goes in one dl
reetlon over the oceans of the world
and in ' the other through the great
lakes across almost half of the American
Call and see the bargains at J. E,
veisn aL uo. suoo svuru.
Will Hove Poor Farm.
The rpieHlInn or 11 poor farm for Jeffer
son comity was submitted to the voters
of tho county last Tuesday and from
tho figures below it will bo seen that
the majority vote was In favor of a poor
Harnett, f4
Heaver 4
H-ll. , :ti
llig Hun H!l
Hiockwttvvllle 1K
Hrookvllio 10
Clavvillo .20H
Clover 42
Corsica 27
Kldred-Kirst 121
" Second A2
Falls Creek 7
(Jiisklll i:i
HhbiIi 27
Henderson fit I
Knox J:m
MeCnlmont First 40
" Second (!
' Third m
Oliver M
Porrv 17
Pine Creek Fast K4
" West m
Polk 14
Porter HI
Pnnxsutiiwney 4.'I2
Heynoldsvillo HVi
Hinggold 2.1
Hose 84
Snyder ti
Hiimmi.'l'ville .'HI
Union 14
Warsaw Fust 12
" West 12
Washington Upper IM'I
" -Lower "II
West Hevnoldsville M
Wlnslmv-Kiist 212
" West, I.IH
Worthvillo 4
Young First !II
" Second "
" South tltj
Totals 3.82H
Majority for Poor Farm. . . . HUH
Educational Meeting.
Saturday, March 11, 1WW. the teach
ers, directors and citizens of Heynolds
villo, West Heynoldsvillo and Wlnslow
township will meet in Assembly ball of
tho Heynoldsvillo school building for
the purpose of discussing and hearing
the following educational subjects:
Devotional Exercise: music; "Metric
SyBtem," Prof. Mumford, Punxsutaw
ney; Instruction, Supt. Teltriek: insti
tute quartette. Prof. C. E. Hugh, Dr.
Harry King, I'rof. Kobt. Wilson, Prof.
Bartlett; Discussion, "Evidences of the
Teuchor's Success," Mr. O. II. Johnston,
Miss Nottlo Coax, Messrs. W. J. Weav
er and Russell Itudolph: instruction,
Prof. C. E. Hugh, ol Clarion Normal
School. Noon recess from from 12 M.
to 1..10 p. M. Institute qnnrtotte; dis
cussion, "How Should the Teacher's
Time be Spont out of School?" Prof.
Breed, Prof. Wilson, of Ruthmol, Miss
Orpha Beer and Prof. J. O. Ballentlne;
nstructlon, Prof. Rugh; solo, Miss El-
ie Coleman: address to directors, Supt.
Teltriek; Report from Directors' Stato
Convention, Mr. W. A. London; "School
Hygiene," Dr. J. W. Foust; solo, Miss
Myrtle Shobort; "Our State Normal
Schools, Hon. S. U. Elliott; instruction,
rof. Rugh; Institute quartette.
A general invitation is extended to
the citizens of the district.
!G. W. Lknkerd,
L. E. Hartlett,
A. J. Postleth w AIT.
W. G. TIartwIck, owner of the auto
matic spring washer, wants tho readors
THE Stab to Investigate the ma
chine, also tho business of soiling It.
The Automatic is perfect in every re
spect and is a great seller, and any livo
salesmen could not embark in a more
lucrative business than handling this
machine.. Mr. Hartwick is always will
ing1 to give exhibitions, public or pri
vate, and explain to anyone his manner
of transacting business. He Is a citizen
of the town and Is deserving of great
pralso for his straightforward mothods
of dealing with tho public A lengthy
notice In this week's issue of The Star
shows tho success be has mot with
whllo hero, which illustrates forcibly
that tho machine must possess all .the
merits claimed tor It.
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J, E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful doath. In
telling of it he says: "I wus taken with
Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneu
monia. My lungs became hardened. I
was so weak I could hardly sit up In
bed. Nothing hulped me. I expected
to. soon die of Consumption, when I
heard of Dr. King's New Discovery.
One bottle gave great relief. I contin
ued to use it and am now well and
strong. I can't say too much in its
praise." This marvelous medicine is
the surest and quickest cure in the
world for all Throut and Lung Trouble.
Regular size 50 cenU and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at H. A. Stoke' Drug
Store; every bottle guaranteed.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In the postoffice at Reynoldsville, Pa.,
.week ending Feb. 25, 1801):
Miss Annie Ednlo, McKee Foster,
Miss Sadlo McDivltt, Wtrl. Rodewell.
Say advertised and give date, of list
when calling for above.
A. M. Woodward, P. M.
Go to Robinson's shoe store for bar
gains to-day and every other day.
See the small ton of popborn crisp at
the Bon Ton bakery.
V-Old Hlck'ry Farm," the funniest
play ever produced by amateur talent,
at opera house March 0 and 7.
Bridge Swept Away by Ice.
The A. V. H'y bridge at the Alle
gheny Junction over the K ink I in I net ns,
river was swept, away by 11 huge Ice
gorge Wednesday afternoon about one
o'clock. The leu in Unit river gorged
at Bagdad Monday and by Tuesday
morning the river was bank full, the
water bucking up so much that the
lower part of Leech burg was Inundated,
although no serious damage wus done
It was about noon Wednesday when
the gorge broke, and like a race horse
it swept down tho river, currying trees
and everything with It. Down It went
against tho railroad bridge, where it
lodged for a short time only. Higher
and higher the ice crowded up against
the center pier until at lust, with n loud
crush, tho center of the bridge guve
uwuv, two spans going ilnwn. One went
to the bottom of the river and the other
Is lying a short distance away on the
river bed almost whole. Tho center
pier was nl most entirely deiiiolishi d.
On Wednenlay afternoon traffic was
suspended below Ford City, but by
Thursday morning n small ferry had
been established and passengers were
transferred to the Valley road. Freight
trulllc on the railroad will bo delayed
for sometime to come, but n large and
ubstttiitial ferry will shortly be estab
lish to transfer expre-sage. It is
thought as soon as the water fulls work
will at oncu lin commenced on a now
bridge. Kit tunning Tribune.
Dictionary for O tis.
A disagreeable girl Annie Mosity.
A fighting girl Hittie Magin.
A sweet girl Currlo Mel.
A pleasant girl Jennie Roslty.
A sick girl Amelia Ration.
A clear case of girl E. Lucy Dato.
A geometrical girl Polly Gon.
Not a Christian Hettle Ilodoxy.
A llower girl Rhodo Dendron.
A musical girl Sura Nade.
A profund girl Mottle Physiea.
A clinging girl Jessie MJne.
A muscular girl Calllo Sthenics.
A lively girl Annie Matlon.
An uncertain girl Eva Nescent.
An Important Question.
If your friends or neighbors are suf
fering from coughs, colds, sore throat,
or any throat or lung disease (Including
consumption), as" them if they have
ever used Otto's Curo. This famous
German remedy is having a largo sale
hero and is performing some wonderful
cures of throut and lung diseases. No
matter what other medicines have
failed to do, try Otto's Cure. Large
sizes 25c. and 50c. Sold by II. Alex.
What's tho matter of this plan for
getting rid of tho tramp nuisance? An
Ohio town has adopted it and it is said
to work like a noodle: 'Residents of the
town are supplied with tickets by tho
officials and when a tramp calls at the
back door for a "hand out" he is given
a ticket good for a meal at any restau
rant, when countersigned by the mayor.
When a tramp presents the tickot for
signature he will bo asked to pound
stone until be has earned the meal.
The tramps soon catch on and give the
town a wide berth. ,
Look! Lookl
Every Saturday we offer special sale
prices. You can save money by spend
ing it here. J. C K1NQ & CO.
FOR Sale A lot with twogoodhouseB
and a frame barn, on Jackson street,
will be sold cheap. Rental value $:I00
per year, good wator and In good repair,
Inquire of G. M. McDonald, Reynolds'
vlllo, or W. R. Morrison, Coal Glen, Pa
Hear Brown's Holler Quartette in
latest songs. "Old nick'ry Farm," the
beautiful pastoral drama, by home tal
ent at opera bouse March It and 7, for
banofit Daughters of Robekab.
Lots of men's shoes on the counter
at J. E. Welsh & Co.'s shoo store that
you can get for a bargain.
As usual this Is the month that Mil
llrens give big bargains.
You will find a bargain counter at
J. E. Welsh & Co.'s shoe store.
For Sale Centrally located residonce,
H rooms and oath room, good Btahle,
Cheap to quiek buyer. Inquire of THK
Big reduction in clothing and shoes
at Mlllirens.
Nntlep Is lierebv iflven Unit A.T. Hlnir and
J. j.Huttur, trHiisuctline and doing business
under the firm iiutiie or Hlnif & I o., Iiiivu this
any, ny mulyiil consent, dissolved partner'
shin. J. J. Hutter rniirliiir from the Arm. A
T. Ilinir Is to duv all the firm's Indebtedness.
All persons liuvlng' any claims against the
it foresaid firm will please present the same
for payment, and all persons knowing them
selves indebted to suld firm will please settle
promptly. a. l- iiinu,
Ueynoldsvllle, Feb. 18, 1800.
Get an Education
Tha bmat ootQt In Ufa. Hunt nintuodt iiimmI St
l,IH K II A V KM U'llnum t'u.). JV. '
trnni Uoultf, varied ouurrifi, uuitd lilrt,",
niuilurn aipratu iu lalmratury im! iryiuu.v
ttuin, handset uia uuildjuffw, t)itmiva ut-mt. .
tfhurtuat .Lion. lal ipaiiHr'. rttala anl tu fu.
danta. la aitilUloti Ut rtf ular fnirwmi, .t
tivawork laoffered in M'iK Vi tOi . CyA-
Hand lr illllBirtilu I crflnlujut.
1'B.u.t ri-iNpi, twi niihi rs
Spring Washer
It Sells at Siilit.
.Below we give the nameB
of purcliaweiH in the past few
weekH, mostly ot Keynolda
ville, l'a., who have bought
machines of W. 0. Hartwick:
Ed. Gooder
T. C. lievnold8
F. S. Hoirinan
Mrs. JamcH Orr
Frank Drilz
Priester Brothers
John Butson
Mrs. (. W. Dempsey
J. A. Myers
F. W. Burns
I). S. Adams
Mrs. Carrie Byrne
II. P. Strickland
Jennie (runsalus
F. A. McConnell
L. P. Lorentz
John Miller
Matthew Phillips
Benj. Kline
Kzra I), llartman
.1. M. King
Dr. II. P. Thompson
Mra. Elizabeth Donahue
Thomas McCreight
S. K J. Saxton
(Jottleib Hohren
Mrs. Paul Seuce
" A. C. Huntington.
H. Silmour, St. Marys
Robert Smith
A. P. King
F. W. Weber
J. L. Ilinderliter
George Pettigrew
II. W. llerpel
J. H. Hughes
John C. Lyons
F. K. Alexander
Wiley & Sweitzer
Gustavo Harrold
ThoH. Shields
Mrs. Mary lialford
Noah Strouse
Mrs. James Ross
J. C. Dillman
W. G. Campbell
C. F. Hoffman
James Mitchell
J. J. Sutter
Richard Hughes
Dr. B. E. Hoover
E. C. Burns, Brookville
Buffington & Brady
Ed. A. Carmalt
Father T. Brady
Mrs. Elvira A. Zeitler
' ' James A. Tyson
Moses Thomas
Mrs. Jennie E. Welch
Peter Steighner
Mrs. Leona C. Mills
Wilson B. Hoffman
F. II. Gallagher
Mrs. David Stall
Francis DeLorme
Charles Sprague
George Henry
L. L. Henry
Mrs. M. S. Rombaugh
" Lizzie Charlton
James F. Henry
O. H. Broadhead
W. L. Strouse
Mrs. E. E. Armagost
Anyone wishing to engage
in a pleasant and profitable
business should see the Auto
matio Spring Washer operate
and learn confidential con
tract price to agents.
Call on or address
W. G. Hartwick,
Reynoldsville, Pa.
' A A fc
HK interest
in the firm
has been
Alex. Stoke. The new firm will
continue business in the Nolan
block, and respectfully ask a share
of the public patronage. '
It will be one of the principles
of our businefs to render satisfac
tory services to our patrons.
The Jefferson Supply Co.
Three Big Stores at Reynoldsville, Rath
mel and Big Soldier, are offering bargains
in clearing up stocks in
Shoes, Rubbers, Hats and Caps, 1
Jackets, Capes and Collarettes,
At PRICES CUT IN TWO, and if you
can use anything in this line we surely
can make the price Biiit you.
We are convinced by the INCREASED
TRADE that we are getting every day
Our Goods and Prices are Right.
Almost anything needed in your list of
family wants you will find in our 3 stores.
We can fit you out in any line, and
nearly all lines have big bargains in them.
Jefferson Supply Co.
Rathmel, and
Bio Soldier.
1 Hardware or
1 Builders' lines. 1
S All manufacturers of Hardware, Brass, Copper, 3
S Iron and Steel Goods have . advanced their 3
S selling prices from 10 to 25 per cent, owing 3
S to the increased cost of raw material. We
S have a good supply, bought before the ad- 3
S vance and can make interesting prices on the 3
S same, so now is the time to save money. 3
t Housekeepers should be wise and call at our 3
E store and examine the Cinderella Range. It has 3
C more points that excel than any other range on the
5f market, and is sold guaranteed to bake and roast.
Avalon Terrace
Tom Reynolds' Addition to Reynoldsville, Pa.
I have for sale 100 lots, 50x150 , ft,
on Grant St., 12 near S. B. Elliott's.
These lots will make beautiful build
ing spots and sold on easy payments.
Remember no taxes for 181)9.
Remember the Title to every lot guaranteed.'
Lots at $150, sold $10 down and 50c. per week thereafter.
Lots at $175, sold $15 down and $1.00 per week thereafter.
Also (or stile, Lots on f leanunt Avenue and Worth -Stroet,
furm of 40 tiureu with house, burn and mora
kinds ot fruit trees than any farm in the country.
Roynoldsvlllo, with its Silk Mill, employing 2U0 huuJs, which will be
doubled In the Spring; Coal Mines, employ lui; about l."(H) men; the
largest Woolen Mills in the Stato; Muohluo Shops; a Tannery, em
ploying 150 men, aud other industries that will be here before the
year closes, will make these lots an investment that will more than
double themselves before you Ret them paid for. ,
of Mr. J. J. Sutter
of BING & CO.
purchased by II.
Bing & Co.
The best town plot now offered for
sale, right in the town, and with
every convenience. As a future home
it is the best; as a growing invest
ment, it is without an equal.