That Pimple On Your Face la There to Warn You of Impure Stood. Tnlnful consequences mny follow neg lect ol this warning. Tnks Hood's Haroa porills and It will purify your blond, cure all humors and eruptions, and make you feel better in' every way. It will wnrm, nnu rtxh, strengthen and Invl.nrnte your Whole body and prevent serloia illness. Hood's Sarsaparilla la America's Oreslet Medlolne. Price, $1. Hood's Pills euro all l.tvrr UN. HI cent. Ilnltlmnrn nnit llhlo. From time to time articles nppcnr In Various papers iilmiit the so-cnlled "Hill rhnlrol" nf Itnltlmon- oiilo. to gether with exhaustive detail of vn Hons striiKl-s which ore supposed to bo In prKi'oss bctvuen Mr. Mill nnd other pVnple, In the Miilllmmo A- Ohio bonnl. Tho pluin facts of tho mnttpr arc, llrst llvil Mr. Hill does not con trol liiillliiiuro Ohio, nor hit lit- at any tlmo expressed nny il.oro or token any t--n In that dlri-cilon: nnd second, that there has at no I'm" born any dilVcrcnocs ,if opinion b lwi- n Mr. Hill anil the Ihilllmore to Ohio people with regard to a selection "f general mnnnpir, tho selection of Mr. Viutcr Wood being trill.ifaetor)' to everlniily. wood being sntisfiictory to everybody. Hill was Inviicd to InlcrcHt hii'ii-elf In Haltlmoro ei Ohio, on the theory tlnv bo couul bo of Kt'ont service to tho property as nn aMvlycr, and to this end h, with sumo of his friends, purchased a substantial interest In the preferred stock of the company. Thin it'ton st i nowhere nenr a controlling Interest, but In allll very largo. It niny he, said without fear of contradiction, that there Is entire h'trniony in Hiiltlmore Ac Ohio circles from top to bottom. Bt. Petersburg hns the largest bronzo statue in existence that of I'elcr the Orcat. which weighs 1.0011 tona. Scanty In Illood rteep. CTesn blood rncins a clem akin. Ho beauty without, it. l iiKcarets, Cundv Lathar tie elcun your blood mid keep il. clean, by atirrinK '!) the l.ucy liver ami driving ull im purities from the bodv. lie-in to-day to tmiiifh piniplei, hoiM, I, let' lies. liliu khcmla, and that sickly liilioiia complexion by tnhinH Cascaretx, licnuly for ten cents. All drug gilts, suUslactlon imuruutccd, 10c, Sue, fide All the Pope'a private fortune is In vented In Hrillsh securities. How's lhl WennVrOnn Hand red Dollf Reward for any 0.1 m of I'ul nrrh that oaunot b cured b Hail' Catarrh I'tre. F. .1. t'llHMIV Co.. P, op.. Toled". O. We, the tiiiilerxluio'd, have known K. .1. t'he fiey lot the In t I'i yearn iin.l lirlit-vu hin im.i fe tly tionnr hle In till lmtinrm t nn-Mcli-ni and nnrifieiallv ahle to carry out tiuy utilisa tion in de liv their firm. Wkst A 'int Ax,Whol,i.a:t DitiRKla:, Toledo, Oh . Wai.ihno, KtvyAt Maiivin, Wiole-ialo Itniirfcriit. Toledo, Ohio. Ilnll ( 'Htnrrh t iceii. nken In'ernally, ret Intc dir. ctly utx'ii the liliuMi ami iiiui-ouh pur Ibcck ot th ntem. i'i le 7f,e. po ttutlli.'. hold by all !. uuicift. 'rentiiuiiiiliilH fmo. UhU'i Family Pillmire tho he-t. Itoxnte'a Croup t'ure Acta dlrni'tly on tha dellcntn tiiwuea of tho throat and prevonU tho formntion if tho white membrane aa In diphthorlu. 0 cinta. In Orent 15rltnln 13 people in every 1,0(10 keep a cnrrlnKe; in 1S:'.0 the pro portion wna only fi. Twenty-six thousand men are em ployed at the Krupp tsun wot ka. Educate Tonr Howela TVIth Taaeareta. Canfly rnlhnrtlp. corn rnnHtlpatlon forever. I0o.Uki. II U 0. C. fall, driiKUlKihroIuad mount. Raved Ilia Time. , "I've come to pec your htiRhnnd In tho Interest of the Knighta of Inbor, Mrs. ReaKnn," Fnid a bland, elderly man, as the mistress of the IteitRnn household answered his ring. "Ha ain't to homo," sold Mrs. Reagan, with arms akimbo; "but I can promise you one thing, sorr, and that Is, youH Bet river a night o' labor out av Tim Reagan, and It's notiEo tryln"! Sure and he'd knock off work In the day time, if It wasn't for me keepln' at him till I'm that wore out there's no stren'th lift In me!" r A Talpuble Urfert. Uncle Silas "I tell you, we've got the grandost and most glorious govern ment on the face of the earth. You can rail against It purty easy, but l defy you to produro a single defect In the hull system." Uncle Hiram "Look here, 61, we've got twenty ofllce. hunters for evory office, an' the popu lation growln' at a fearful rate!" New York Sun. BELIEF FROM PAIN. Women Everywhere Express thol Gratitude to Mrs. Plnkham. Mr. T. A. WALOCN, Olbon, Oa., writes: ' Mils. 1'inkiiam: Before tak ing your medicine, lifo was a burden to me. I never saw a well day. At my monthly period I suffered untold misery, and a great deal of the time J was troubled with a severe puin in my sido, lieforo finishing' the first bottle of your Vegctublo Compound I could tell it was doing me ftood. I continued its use, also used tho Liver Tills and Sanative Wash, and have been greatly helped. I would like to have you use my letter for the benefit of others." nra. FLORENCE A. WOLFE, gig rtutberry St., Lancjulcr, Ohio, writes I "Dkah Nub. Pinkham: Fcr two years I was troubled with what the local physicians told mo was in Cumula tion of the womb. Every month I suf fered terribly, I liud talcun enough medicino from the doctors to euro any one, but obtained relief for a short time only. At last I concluded to write to yon In repurd to my cusc, and can say that by following your advice I am now pefectly wen." firs. W. R. BATES, rtanalleld, U., writes t "Before writing to you I suffered dreadfully from painful menstrua tion, leuuorrhmn, aud sore feeling' in the lower part of tho bowels. Now my friends wunt to know what mukes niu look so well, I do not hesitate one min ute in telling tlioin what lias brought about this great change. I cannot praise Lydia E. Plnkhaiu's Vegetable Compouud enough. It is the greatest remedy of the age." HINTS FOR HOU3EWIVE3. To Prrnerve the Itnohfl. Artitlcinl lieiit of nil kinds in dntn Aging to liook liimlinpr. It Hot only crack llifi lentlier but tlia (uiRta. A lingo linwl if water iliieptl in n room containing books will moisten thn sir suflicientl.v to prevent the drying uf the leather. The I'lllitv Hot. Tlie utility box ia tlie rhiM of nec essity and invention, nnd ia the evolu tion from tlto pasteboard box lilled with trifles of luce and ribbon stowed away in an obscure corner. Tho util ity boxes eonie in different shapes and sizes round, mpiaie, obloni? aud are covered villi pretlv cretonnes, tapentiies, Icallier of brocatelle, ae ciir.!in; to taste or purse. (Some of t It" in are trimmed with ornamental woods and bras and nickel tilting. Tlie prices vary from about two or I lu ce ilollni s to ten or fifteen, and even hi :lter, ncen1 ding lo Ilie value of (lie cover and tl iliiiiillir. Hume of tho u aic made to (it int i the window to take tlie place of window MMils.nnd form a del i';ld till pro'.v, helped with I he iuevil.iiilo mid over-present sofa cn tliioas. One can keep no end of tilings in tli"o utility iiovcs -shoot oi' lints, or I iink, "I' what the New Kngluu 1 housekeeper grnpliii ally de scribes as ", arpct i iii which, gem-lie term seems to be included eve-rv thing, from tin pans to eider down ipiilts. 1 he Dlil-I'iislthoieil ItiiK, Iii m;(i' llm ilil-tushioticl livanloil tugs of fifty years ago, prepare three large balls made up of strips of list ing, broadclot li, t'annel or i;nv other heavy woolen stuff sewed togetlief with stout linen thread like carpet lags. ! These si rips should bo about a half inch ill width. Tlie three various strand are then tig'ollv braided to l getiier, making one long strip. Whe i 1 yards ami aid of this plait are in j re.i'linoss, the win k ol sening togeth- or is l)o;un. The end of tlie plait is either doubled bacl! on itself lor two I or three inches, uinkiiig tho fouiidu-' tiou for an oval mat, or it may bo sewed round and round with long line I Htitclips from tlie under side. Hitcli mat is excellent work for rainy days, oien tlie boys and girls being invited to take n hand . in its evolution. A 'lo-ettv inhil' ill li out trli iu li n two of tho balls a dark gray or black, and tlie third of blue or red flannel. Needless ro say, tlie wearing qualities of tlieso braided l ugs are of the best, qiute repaying one for the time spent in tiie making. 1li;lette of tlie lied. The bed tlie place where we upend about one third of our lives. A woman who lias reached sixty bus spent twenty in bed. .Many but hab its and bud positions are formed dur ing sloop. Some persons assume an attitude winch crumps tho 'chest so that respiration is not full and com plete. The shoulders should not be drawn forward or tlie arms folded tightly over the chest. A narrow bed is preferable for growing girls, so they will not have loom to sprawl over a large space. nor to assume a dozen gro tesque shapes. The pillow should bo mini 1 1 and hard. A large, soft pillow should not be tolerated by nny girl who desires to have her head well net on her shoulders. The bed clothing should bo light but warm, of such a nature as to nl low the air to puss through it freely. If the air in a bed, which soon be comes saturated with the perspiration from our bodies, doos not iish ol!', it makes ns uneasy ami restless, nnd sound sleep is impossible. Home women say they ran sleep only on one sido. If so, then there must be something w rong with tlieiu. One sido is probably not evenly de veloped with the other. A healthy woman or girl can sleep, and should sleep on one side nnd the i on tlie other, even changing unconsciously in tlie night. Some women twist and contort their faces during sleep, and thus form wrinkles win h (ouiinuo during their waking hours. The rea sons for tiiis me various. Indigestible food in the stouun'li ia one cause, doing to bed iii u depressed state of mind causes tlie corners of tlie mouth to be draw n nnd gives it sad c.x prossiou. Journal of Hygiene. lt'ClPH. Hickory Xut Mucin isms -. One pound of puherized sugar, one-half enp flour, one pint of powdered lints, have them as flue us possible; whites of six eggs; mix dry ingredients, last ly tiio egg; greuse tins mid iluur them; let cool before removing them. , Browned Turnijis I'tue the turnips and cut them into dice, cover, with boiliug water nnd boil thirty minutes. Draist in a colander. Put two table spoonfuls of butter in a fryingpaii; when hot add the turnips aud one tu blespoonful of granulated sugar; stir and tui'U until the turnips are nicely browned. Dust with suit uud pepper aud serve. Fruit Biscuits As those are for siippe', set the sponge in the morning with do pint of wurui milk, one-half yeast cake, dissolved, and one pint of Hour. When light add one cup pre pared curiuntH, one cup sugar, a little suit and flour for dough. When light moid into biscui s and when light ngaiu glace with swuut oremu or melt ed butter aud sugar; bake aud serve wamn. , Plum Porridge Old-fashioned plum porridge may be made either of wheat flour or ludiau meal. When it is made of the meal it will take a longer time to prepare, as it requires ut least two boni s to rook it thoroughly. When tlie porridge is done add the stewed plums. Prunes or raisins can also be used. Stir the fruit iu slowly to pre vent it breaking, aud serve with sugar ind cream, , e SPRAIWS BAD WORSE WORST Can W prompt Iv cared without delay or tllfluig by the GOOD BETTER BEST remfdv for pain, ST, JACOBS OIL. II. If. linrrs'a Sons, of Atlanta. c:.. urn !tic only ma s-tul lir iesy hpeclitllsts In tiie wnrhl. See their lihi nil otter In mlvrrU-u-Dient in iinni.hcr column of this paper. Mr. Wltitew Si.othinrSypip for.-hlhi-en tee iii inc. snl I ei is Ihi'imins risinec Inftumm-i-tien. alhi) t iiiti. t a res w mil colic. LTkmi bottle t brlleve ripn Cure i'erCnntinintlen avril Itiv liov life hit nnini-r. - M rr. A UoL'u Labs, L Hoy, Mich., Oct , IM'l. Trelanil pnvsi sses the mnut equable ijlmntc of any Muro can country, No-To-nae for rifty Cents. rtnamnioei! totmt'ro llltliit core nialirs wralt men atioiiii, hiuou pure. CUv. tl. All faninufl Drft Actor. Of b!1 the llluFtrinun dops wlilcli tver trod the honnbi, the moil famous ia Ilrngnn. the property of Mont ilidier in the French urniy. This gen tleman v nsi murdered In the I'orrKt i f Plundy by hi friend, Maealro, of tho fiirar regiment. After the crlmo Dragnn sliow?d ptuh a strange aver sion to Macnlro that snsiilcion was nrouscil agalrst him. In th" end ho ronfesfed his crime, and his nccom pllcp, I.nndry, In trying to Cfcani, wis poized by the faithful animal nnd bit ten to death. Thi.i story has held tho rngltsh ptage, on and off, since tho year of Waterloo, and It la only three! ilfcndes since two "rt.'irs" mimrd I.nmh and Ernmett, playrd In It with their trained dog Carlo nt the Marylelioni Theater, London. This nnlmnl wan also the principal prrformer In a ca nine drama tunned "Poor Dog Tray.-' Kighty yours nqo thcro was a theater nt Pf ckhnm. where a youth named John Raldwin Uiickstono made hin debut ai the Injured rnptaln. There Is a vener tiblo thratrlcal legend vhich deals with A plpfe cnllrd "Tho Cnravan llrlver and Ills 11r:g." Ono evening tho leadlns tragedian was taken III, nnd th-3 prompter rushed off lo tho mnnngrr to Inform him that the play must In rhnnired. "How you alarmed me," said that worthy man, ordering a glass of strong brandy r.nd water to steady his nerves; "the tragedian unwell! I was nfrald It was the cio." New York Times. What does it do? It causes the oil elands in the skin to become more active, making the hair soft and clossy, precisely es nature intended. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of the great ccuses of baldness. It makes a better circu lation in the scalp end stops the hair from coming out. II PPCieRfS 331 It tecs Baldness Ayer's Hair Vigor will surely mske hair grew on bald heads, provided onlv there is any life remain ing in the hr bulbs. It restores color to gray er white hair. It does not do this in a moment, cs will a hair dye; but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy of our book on the Hair and Scalp? It is free. I ii yiiu mi i'n nmifin nn tii ofnrnTt 1 ynu tupM'twi frnin in uf-u ol tlm Viuor I wrtto the Iiortm- Mliit it. AUUriH, Ult. .J. l All'.R. X-(AHli, Mail, BmiI Itwtal for cx-m nm X.tst to tl a Dr. beth Aruuld Uwlkul C'.,r,kiiiit n, IViAinauekLi, II. X, DROPC5YKEW UISCOVEBT; J qiilaknlMlaud CU'. Hunt o..m, B.-iif1 'or tu4,k of l0tiiuiuil. i.1 lOMuya' Vrrr. Bt H U limm i 0l, All.nn . f78upco8 fully Prosecutes Claims. Latol'rliiuliiul BxAtnlner t I'onuluu liurMuu. f Jjonlutlvilwar, l6iuUualuttlirtluluiltttt.y uc Owners: of old -tr;uttrd,wiirtlili nllretil Mtdl'llk Mil, I l, ...... H...I L . " " -.. U.....1B wu NIIU H IUI S ' f(ir UUI. II. Bll .MM II, LI A kL' Ik t... ttTllt M V. Huuil iliwcrlutiou oi wlit Vou'tuivt mm mmim HOWE AGAIN, At Inst it nomi'K 1 hi i hrnse we longed to hour I hrnvn nnd (find In th triumphant cheer, Put tentleret when n wenry one may re.4t Al hiKt with thove ivlio know and love tilra hest. The fleetliiK years Md memory offiicn I lin n I'rielu Htui cruel llne.i. In snftnnod Ittneo Tho pliiitiro, lit bv Imiio In-ton I of pnln, Chines. an our hoyi repent It, "llomu again." And we, who eoiilil Imt wnt -h tho empty ehulr And pray for one who.-i place wan waiting ttiere, Found In the ohltioie po nnd n eunmro That ilaeeH wont familiar rev iiiottniiiKi. We, who were Unguium from tho buttle eene. With mep (frown lighter and with pulses keen. I.Ik" wanderers hear ttii weleomlmj refrnln l or wo, with ynu, at nru "H iiiie nitalu.' Wio liicKOili Slur. HUM0P0U3. "Is your Hal ciowded?" "Crowd ed? We can't yawn u it limit opening n window, " "Ate yon Mill l;cepi;ip; it p wiili na tiomil ii'liiim. Mi s, Mini tfad?" "No, I unit l..'i; 1115.1; hi)' :ir 11 -l iiplioiil; is full." Newpop t li no untie,?.! that lmbics iilvvavn lii'VO open coil i.t ili'ilices. v aoout mid- Oi.i o 11 i; lit. A shoomnUer ,.vt a curd iu his win dow readiiitj. "Any iipect;tlile mu;i, viiimin or child can have a lit in this Hturu." ('lo:U A vo l (Tiling lo Imy a new diicclorv? 'J'lin Ito-s - ell, I .michi not! W'liv, the one wo h .vo isn't liaif worn out vet. Ho I'lile-s you 1111 r; y mo 1 uliall go lo tin) l-,li(j -Tlierci l'n 11 said you net',; a l.ieio forturie biintor, and now pvowd il. "Sorry I huvo no ou'l clian ro," H;iid it (unt lciuan to 11 le;,ritr. "All lil.hl, ,ycv liniioi-," v.,n tlie 1 flily "I II give yu 1 redit, V!i"i i!n vu liveV" liicLs - .lii'.t "-aw !;o.j1 -y. Iladliroti to 1 111.1 doc'o;-'.' . I .'1 i"l' tei!:; him lie is looking liiin-i'.i c'.'.nii. WieUa Is lie reiilly us I it-i na luat'.' 1 Cor icilow! "I'.vci in ( hiim v...hinn in rapidly nuppiitiitin:; mini." "liov do jint make Unit out?'' "!l icu't yon no ticed that tho man la la. id tiio II110110 is a woman? ' Hoitor (eoinr; rounds) Finn pi;;, Mr, Cildiies; un . onimonly lino. , I'o'.il ' no Vill.iKor All, yes, sir; if we win only nil of us u lit to die as him, i-ir ! "l'ho tcaliettle e 11 s li .1 rjllito a i.inni'," h:ii. I thn c:ium; niaior. "It beats 1110, hit voico i so toiih." "Me, ion," replied the lolling pin; "I can't got beyond ilonli." Mrs. Ilirani Injr.r, I wish you'd briiiH homo 11 dozen Hal veyi.ed Bteol pb.tes. Mr. Hiram What do you ineun? Mrs. Iliia:n I'm just curious to nee what Undent I do with llii'in. dowclor (oi usiu;; heavy clmi'i;o) That watch was in an awful condition. Vhy, Kir, two bauds bavo been clantly on it over si. ice yon left it. C'llstoincr (drylyj Taut' uppareiit 011 the iacu of it. "Of conive," raid tiio lady with tiio RtO'd-bound glasst , "1 O ipocted to bo cullol 'HtroiiK-iuiiidod' niter making rt HiKiiich tin cm boiii H I - n :j in favor of our nex, but to imvo it misprinted into 'tjtvong-wiiided' was too much." Fondnrson Vo you know, I half believe 1iih mount to insuit 1110 yeH terd'iy. t'Kt What did bo My to you? Foiideison ilo adviod mo not to visit tho Vegetarian club, and it ban just coino to mo that bo meant to iusiuuuio that 1 am a l Chin italilo peruou to iugod and shivering tramp on a cold day; "Well, my liuiu, I object to iviui; nionoy.but if yon como homo wiiU nn I will p;ivo you an overcoat that v.iil bint you ihrotin'.i t'.io win'er." "(Jvercont ! I Huppone you w ant to ruin my busi ness, " I'llllV ItelovU. "Oh, don't Lav noil delight fully!" ovclaimod tb suuimor bo.iiiler Bomewlut una auiuiutic illy, us tho New Ha'iipsbii e f.iiuis.' d. ove lior near a Held of iiiowu g.:iH.. "Humph!" retoi tod tho farmer, "it ainollH of bai l work." The answer illustiatas the grim biimor of tho Xew i u ;l.iud funuer of the olden time, whou lno e litary Ben te itiuusu. us le'trictad hi.n to brief but strong oipresiou'. Another il lustration of this grii, pithy humor is givou in the lit t;i.'y ot' tUo ".tfussacliu bettt towu of relliaui. Jobu Har'ino in, a fat'inor of that town, while plowing a gruvelly knoll, otij uuttlinu day, had hiked tho oen to i'o-.t just uh 11 gculljaun, driving a pair of lioi'."os,pim 0 1 up flu high hill roil near by. Tho gi'iitlnmiiii, stop ping bis turnout, lmdotbe farmer good morning and aided: "May 1 uhI; you 0:10 question?" is il?" answered tho fatinei'. "'iVbat will snob laud us yon uro plowing beur?" "It will boar ma iuie,sir,"unawered tbo farmer; nu 1 laving li .Id of the plow handles, be st il ted up his cuttle, Youth's Companion. A lit-lii of tVi-rnl-. A sort of reign of terror prevails in the neighborhood of Caudle wood bill, iu lirotou, Conn,, because of the gathering in the dense wood 11 1 tho foot ot the hill, iu oouscijiienue of tha wintry wont her, of three lynxes. People living iu the iuiip,hborhood bavo become so frightened at the sight and sound of those animals thut .tlicy d.uo not venture fur into the woods, Boveial per sons buve seeu the lynxes, which are very large uud ugly. Due uiau Willi a gun in bis baud was so fright ened by coming upou them unexpect edly thut be rati like mad. nan for bulf a mile to a neighbor's bouse with,, out nhijiuiug, How Yoik Huu. IVORY SOAP PASTE. In fifteen minutes' time, with only a cake of Ivory Soap and water, you can make in your own kitchen, a tetter cleansing paste than you can buy. I ivory ioap raste will and will clean carpets, rttp;s, kid gloves, slippers, patent, enamel, russet leather and canvas shoes, leather belts, painted wocd-woik and furniture. The special value of Ivory Soap in this form arises from the fact that it can be used with a damp sponge or cloth to cleanse many articles that cannot be washed because they will not stand the free application of water. rURnCTIOVS pnr. MAKINC!. Tonc pint of hoitin-wntrrn.M one and onc-hnlf ounces of Ivory S'mp cut inti nJifivlnirs. hnii live motnirsnftrr the ntis thormtKlily ili.-Mnlvrrl. R-in.iv" from the five, nml civ.t In con venient di.ilws (not tin.) It will kccji well In an nir-linht yl.ijn j ir.' 01 J:!.!, lT, t, Tfc. Twirt THE GLORY OF NllNl Strength, Vitality, Manhood. TIIE SCIENCE OF LIFE ; QR, SELF-PRESERVATION. THE 'SCIENCE- 111......: ,i.n . ...II 1 'llii' , lilU I: :111st ci 1 nam OF 7 LIFE, u cimi lo, nlsmiii iVJiAKN ESSI'.S Ob JIAN tna tr,(i(. KKQW THYSELF.- 1 K'.'lt HIL'llU Bnivin-s. It ( nntnin invRlnniiln rrrs-rlptl..ns for ncnto nn.I chrnrtc dlni. rmi-oml, full irllt, mil'K ONI.V I1Y .V.Mt.lm-uluii. ( N-iv ..l!j,.n. w i: Il Int.-t ..Iwi 1 miimi.s if II,.. nutlmr.) ll. n.i tliis ( i Itl". T W'i tt.K n.'w liti-1 KMJW 1 l I I.I', lor llimu Irilco Is power. A.l'hvss 'I ,..' I1 )l.-.!i,-.'il Institiil,, N.i. 4 llillllii.-ll St , !,,.!i.n. l,....l,li-li,,i I., 1Fr riili-f rnnsiillln l"i .li'l.ui niirl ,illl..r, lini.hi ilonl llfiri nnl l,-li.-il I'. .!!.-. t'i..lil. hiirL-mn 1 mil Mnssiivaii :,.iis Uh .inwnt Vol. Tin. Must Kmliifiit K..rhilM In Aiin-lrn. who uro iters Ulii'T'i lull. ( ..ns, ill. Hi mi in poi- in or hv,-r. II i,; I h.m.lji' i .p i,, c..i,li,l. nii il 'I lirt.Niitlr.ivil .It . A... i n,.,n n ir..., l I..I I Mi- Lit f,.r II, m llnn l I'i-:,.., 'I'ruatlM, which bf'ilvA lllHlk lull K I'.ltY M tl, Y"imir. Mi,t,ll,..(iL-,l. ..r"H I. M,irri-. fr Slnuln. I lie,.,in, rr Know Thl 'i'lf Jlniiu il. n 'M-i.hl'" mnii.h.-t ii .lh t'Sl lnl..i,ii,ts nnl pnilors". r.,?.n'.s,'.'.' r"""'. I'rl"".'i0i'"nls. hut ni ulisl ntl'K forirLl ii s. m -i l now. Il is n ix-rrcrt VAUK J I. I't Mnn. I of cr-nt f..r WK.IK unit J:tlt.lil ,t;.v l.r A Ihcniiiiitiii inn nml vlil,r,itnl Plfilicril Aitllmr. iljtinuiii.liisl lhr.MiM'linut tlifs fount rv iiinl Kurop.,. A'!.lr'ss nsutiove. Tiio pruu every wli.Ti liiulily miir. llm 1' .Mislii-nl Insiiluic. Iti'int Hin fohowic. I'Iih IViiIhsIv Mchrnl lii.l UUI,. h,is !-.. i, , Iil,-l,...l In nl..n .17 vein s. nn.I Hip fmnnwhWi it hs I'i"'! 11 '"n ''"" w,,(,'h "nlvn ini-rilori ins hist lliitl. n s .ni l iniil. i i;,, Juiimal. Ilie iVadmiy Uiiiiail J.uimfc lias many iiiiiiuiiira, hut uo vnuald. "-iniu i imii Well Bircd, Goon Wed." Girls Who Use SAP Arc Quickly l.lf In llm I.Tsnt. The Oriental ofllclul chuckled Rlce fully. Tho Iron hoot hud henn placed on the foot of tlin victim, nnd tho royal mlnlona wore prrpwlns It tighter and tlfihtor to force a ronfesslnn from hlB lips. "Aha!" merrily luushcd the official. "Dost thee not fool almost pcmuailod to confess that thou wcrt In a conspiracy to poison tho waters of the Golden Hum, with the contents of the vlnl which my faithful ofnccr.i found In thy pocket? riy the beard ot the prophet! Screw tlshtcr, men, for he seems to bo cnjoylnjr tho whole af fair!" "Why, you doddering old fos sil!" cheerfully replied the victim, "that vial had corn cure In It; and aa tor your old fn ihloned Iron boot here, why. let mo tell you that I lived in America, when the styles of shoes changed from broad toes to pointful. Screw away! You bring to roy mem ory a hundred society dances In New York." New York Journal. Dnft Tobuco Spit Hi gmok Voir Uh Aw.j, To quit tohacoo euitljr and forever, be mac eetlo. lull of lllo, nerve unit vigor, take No-Ta Bw, tbe wnniler-wiirlcor. that make woal uieo strong. All druKKlau, sua or SI. Cure iiuiirun teed Booklet una eiunple free. A.UIreu Starling Itemed Co., Chicago or New York. Aeoordlng to a correHpondent of a London paper there In u much whip ping in the girls' schools as In the hoys' schools, hut the Klrln make no fuHs about It. Bays tho correspondent: "They know they deserve their pun ishment, so they take it with a good grace, dry their eye and smooth their curls and don't let anyone know, nut even their parents, thut they have hud a taste of the rod." To Curo A Cold In One Ouy. Take I.sifttlve Uniino (iiinliiu Tiihlnla. AH Drugtf ita refuud uiouuy it it (mlii tu cuiu. 'Juu. O the 38 Bultans who have ruled the Ottoman empire slncu tho nimiueHt of Constantinople by tho Turks 34 huve died violent deaths. . Pr. Petli ArniiM'n Ciniuh Killer knock! Culils.-JiuiN l).niiANKi.i., 441 ruraii Ave., Bullulo, M. Y., Aui. 17, I'M. Wu. a bulllft. It Is not generally known that clip pings from masculine heads of hair are used for making drainers through which syrups me ilarlllid. To Cnr Conatlpntion Vorevef. Take rumniots Cm.ilv Cullinrllo. lllo ortBe U 0L 0. C. full to cure, druKsmu refund mouey Frogs and toads nra gifted with a remarkably acute sciice uf hearing. TVffc.Vl'Y-I'OlH 11(11)11)4 To New Orlimtu or to .lftnksonvlllo vin tho Queen Si ('iTwieat l.linit. il tiulns Irniu t'ln niiinntl, M hours ihitaiiili tu iliiviuin. 'iu Klnriila-tJiU'eii & iire.i-ciit 'i'lvo Fust VestU hiilwl tmtiiKilHlly Ciiiclniiiitl to.lin ki-ou lllo. Oueen A (IriiHi.ent Ilimlo uiiil it'y. llm mllos ebnrtoHt lino fco Khuiilaniul tho Wost ii'li.'H. A.hovllle- Only 1 luounh Cnr l.lno ia via Queen Ae I risi'i nt H".;U oud hoiiilicrn h'y fl-iin I'iiiniuunU. Vuto mil olwervation sni'a. Ilxodilons nervice uh uH'itjb tlii'oui,'h trnliia. guwiu Uresuuut ituuld Irmu Clu oiuuuU Huuta, l If, take spots from clothing:, III'.!, C., ClHfiMt jrJi ti t 1 'j m i K fi ,....,( -st...ii..oi t..i:. ti.. ...... 1 ..1- l v 4V .H . .... .VT .'; V.l.iniJ llll'l , II11T 1,1 J.A- n U.r. v, .M'l voils nml rnvsical t,- . 1 Ih liililv, Atroi.liy (wiistiimi, imi.I ari- V J. AM. IHM'.AM'.S AX1 feJM' rrrr rioirrt oris'"'. Trim I'i im -iplcs of .iihA UlU pp. with Kll-JJ.rM LIO EVJarried." 'Ilinve l orn nshi c. kcaii HTfl for Insomnia. Willi v.iic h 1 have hi en iiUiieicd for over twemy vcurj. nnd 1 1 tin uy thut CuHcuret-a imvo irlvon mo ro Ittf th:in miv other reme dy 1 It.ivu ever tricl. 1 i-tintl certuinlv rccom nicn.l ilcm to ray f. icncis lis belny ull thoy aro rc'iircftcntcil 'l'uoj. Cill.uo, KikIo, Hi. PtMfant. ralatntiin. I'oient. Tnnt OoM. Do Good, fit-ver K.i-kea. U eakn. or ClrlM'. Ilie, jc, UlO. ... CURE COM3TIPATION. ... Sl.rlinv R.M.ilr l'.siciir, 1'iil.nns, In V.rt. 3K1 HUMU-UMtf sutno l l'Kk' Tuliaooo llublv" FOR 14 CENTS W wih to cin th il 7Af 900,000 ?iw cutttttniwrtt. uil bwuMunur Puif IA Iin Uatlinh. lita Pkti. harif Kip l ' h bag. im k.riiust Kfd Bt, loo l,on i.ttr inn s utiramow ia tiir'ii ltitXttoc, Iba ( nliluniitt Kig TumaUk, uo 'itrlj Diuuvr Oninn, ltia iriliiaut 1- luwtr Ujda. l 'O Wartli 1.O0, for 14 JUti Ah. its in pttpa. worth $100, w will mm I yu fr, tuethttr witn our gtrAt Ptnt 41 tut hMctt Ctnloiia npon roi'.'t ff thin no I let) 4 4n Iwtitr. l i iiiviIm yuur trdend iiuv vhii roti (iiii-m trr riHlxrr'i tfiliritviilt.fvi-r irvt .ih wiih nil lis. PmalA... Jt BB TJBNTrmHi'-' n Ubl.t tuU.u alone ho. No. 1C Jtim A. tt;i U hUM III.. 1.4 4UUHMK, Mlh. I jtfxSTCPr'ED FREE Wi Pnrmanently Cunt W Inunity Prvnttd by REaVE RESTORER I ht4llH fM.N " - ' - - - ' -- wusw asiiM. tittM' 1'uuc. fuiiiiorNtrvoiMitMa lire urii lr us, i rtfjl )W na tj rml DtTl r.-ll riot lru, luiumu i u. Now, Hoy, for Mime k'kx1, hni WOUK. I WHia n fi'W rr liwds of rhott, Urtfu Walnut ItiL,'-, itf).v.'r(.-l tm II no of U. It If you ur in jt ffil to Inni bU tbom, hI(1iuhh mt t tiuriitmvlllu, Ohiik J. H. WATT. KiUL IKH I fO'll tn-iitnirtiit, imi,1((1. 40 tents. ""ALKXAMUKU ItlLMKUY Uu.. 4tiUlUJUwk'tl H(,.N. V. yANTFDrCt of td hMlth thl B I P-4 M will inti haiit.Hi HemlAuliito Cb.iuioU Co.. AwVur4 Id MsuiultM) ml luou iMiUuuuUia. CATHARTIC jt Hf??lf- TSAOf MAXN SIOISTSSO m X i IT. L J Bsst t iush bjruii. Tomi Uuou, TJ9C 1 I F 1 In tuna. Hold hv ilrntitK'n. I I