The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 07, 1898, Image 5

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    gEfrt Star
Subscription $1.60 per year, or $1.00 if
paid lrictli in advance.
O. A. HTKPHKNNON, Kdltur and Pnb.
Wednesday, December 7, isos.
C. F. Hoffman
Requests the presence of
yourself and friend9 at
his store, where he will
show you the nicest
selection of
Christmas Goods
there is to be seen. All
new goods. Fine China,
Silverware and Jewelry.
Quality the highest, price
the lowest.
The Jeweler.
fl Little ot EvemtMng.
Guns at Riston'tV
Court next week.
8ee Moore's chinaware.
Gas bills are on the raise.
Congress convened Monday.
Briar pipes at Alex. Rlston's.
Town council meets this evening.
Christmas two weeks from Sunday.
'Attend the DuBols Business College.
Our merchants are displaying holiday
Gas stoves for tl.50 and up at Ball &
Men's pants from SOc. to $4.75 at
See report of First National bank in
this issue.
"Who Wins" Friday evening at Cen
tennial hall.
Thursday, December 15th, is Public
School Day.
- Gooder watch work Is guaranteed to
give satisfaction.
Hats of all descriptions and dimen
sions at Milllrens.
.,The jingle of the sleigh bell now
roaketh merry music.
Fine quadruple plate tea sets from
$8.00 up at Hoffman's.
For practical education attend the
DuBols Business College.
You must have shoes, so now is your
time to buy at Robinson's.
Hopkins big saw mill shut down last
Wednesday for the winter.
Milllrens have Dr. Wright's Medica
ted Fleece-lined underwear.
rn t t.
Wjjgh.& Co.'s bargain counter.
Two hundred genuine Welebach lamps
just reoelved at Hall & Barton's.
Candidates for nomination for county
offices will be numerous next spring.
All the latest things in trunks, tele
scopes and traveling bags at Seeley's.
TTarrv Svkes has hnnn HufTerinir the
past week with catarrh In his left hand.
Hear the McDowell Recital Company
In Assembly hall Tuesday evening next.
Judge John W. Reed, of this county,
beld court at Indiana last week for
Judge White.
Rev. Bunco, of Kano, will lecture In
Centennial hall on Friday evening,
December 9th.
We lead In fit, price and quality.
Froehllch & Henry, clothiers, tailors
and furnishers.
Pedestrians, horses and dogs can now
slake their thirst at the public fountain
on Main street.
A number of young people gave
Thomas Grtx birthday surprise party
Monday evening.
A large new line of men's, youths'
and boys' clothing cheaper than ever at
jDeamer & Co.'s. '
Our oysters at 25c. per qt. are as fine
any sold elsewhere at 30 and 35c. per
at., at the Bon Ton bakery.
Nothing would be nicer for an Xmas
gift for your best fellow than one of
those nice puffs at MUHrens.
Philippe Chavent, superintendent of
the silk mill, is confined to his bod at
Hotel MoConnell with pneumonia.
.tMrs. William Copping installed the
' -.11 I ,L. T"l. . Mr.U.n. Q,
w uiuuvra HI bug fauu w i m wi
George lodge last Friday evening.
Fred. Barto la traveling aa advance
gent for the Crane show company that
was in this place week before last.
Don't miss the lecture at Centennial
ball Friday evening by William H,
runoe, Ph. D. Admission 20 oenta. Leo-
t irt at 8.00 P. M. .
Win. Hawley Smith's lecture on "We,
the People" wilt be the star attraction
in the Public School lecture course this
A social dance was held In the Star
building last evening by Fire Co. No.
1. The proceeds are to pay off an in
debtedness. The school children have been very
thirsty since the fountain was put In
working order at corner of Main and
Fifth streets.
One might judge from a loud conver
sation heard on Main street Friday
evening that there had been a "tongue
scrap" in a tomato lodge which met that
The fourteenth annual convention of
the Jefferson County Directors' Associa
tion will be hold in the grand jury room
in the court house at Brook villa Decem
ber 2(tth, 18!8.
Froohllch & Henry have taken the
agency for tho DuBols Steam Laundry.
First class work guaranteed; try their
new domestio finish; collars and cuffs
made like new.
Lost Lady's silver watch, open fneo.
gold hands, small pen knifo on ring, In
itials M. T. on buck of "watch. Finder
will bo rewarded by leaving watch at
The Stab oftico.
"Who Wins" at Centennial hall Fri
day evening by Rev. William H. Bunce.
Doors open at 7.30, lecture begins at
8.0) P. M. Admission 20 cents. This
will he a good lecture.
C. B. Price, superintendent of tho
River Division of the A. V. R'y, has
been appointed general superintendent
to succeed David McCargo, who has had
poor health for sometime.
The A. R. VanTassels hose company's
building at DuBols was destroyed by
fire on Saturday night. In spenking of
tho fire tho Erpitm says, "It is hard to
believe it was accidental."
The teachers' local Institute held In
the Prescottville school house Saturday
was a very interesting institute. Those
who took part on the program acquitted
themselves very creditably.
Postmaster Woodward considered the
Eleanora mall carrier too boozy yester
day to entrust him with the mall and
refused to give it to him. Mr. Wood
ward took the mall to Eleanora himself.
M. E. Peck, who has been in Reyn
oldsvllle a week trying to organ zlo a
council of the Royal Templars of Tem
perance, is meeting with success. He
expects to organize the council Inside
of two weeks.
Three-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Roberts, of Ruthmel, died Sunday
forenoon and was burled in tho Pros
pect cemetery yesterday afternoon.
Funeral services were held in theRath
mel M. E. church.
Fred Stauffer was the only member
of Co. L, 16th regiment, of this place
that attended the banquet and recep
tion at Sykesville last Friday. The
boys are working and could not conven
iently go to Sykesville.
A musical and literary entertainment
will be given In tho opera house on
Thursday evening, December 15th, un
der the ausploes of the West Reynolds
vllle publio schools. Proceeds to buy
an organ for the schools.
Express Agent Joseph Shaffer sprain
ed bis right anklo Friday and has been
hobbling around on crutches. Leese
Johnston and J. W. Dempsey have been
handling the express and mall during
Mr. Shaffer's forced vacation.
On Saturday night of this week the
West Revnoldsville Cornet Band will
give a "White Cap" oyster supper in
the town hall. They request thut the
ladies who attend will each make and
bring two white caps. Everybody in
vited. The following Elks of th is place attend
ed the memorial services at the Fuller
opera bouse in DuBols Sunday after
noon: John A. Welsh, James C. Scott,
W. W. Wiley, Patrick Bolger, Patrick
McDonald, Walter D. Williams, Dr. J.
B. Nealo, Fred A. Alexander and Alex
The first snow storm of any conse
quenoe visited this section Sunday night
and Monday. Monday was a very bluS'
tery day, although not extremely cold.
The public roads some places In the
country are badly drifted. There is
quite a large drift in the road on the
bill west of Reynoldsvllle.
Wm. Hawley Smith captivated our
Institute. Directors, teaohers and pa'
trons have nothing but words of com'
mendation. His talk to the directors
found a lodging place In every heart,
In this county he is considered one of
the finest talkers and best educators
that ever appeared before our people.
Frank R. Hall, County Superintendent,
Washington, Pa. At Assembly Hall
December 10th.
Copies of last Sunday's Pittsburg Pout
were distributed into almost every
home In ReynoldBvllle yesterday free,
The object of this free distribution was
to give those who have not been read'
era of the Pott an opportunity to see the
paper. The Post la on sale dally at
Clark s restaurant, near the postoffloe,
By leaving ap order the paper will be
delivered to your homa dally. The Post
is one of the best papers published in
President's Message.
President McKinley's message to Con
gress last Monday will be found In this
Issue of The Star.
Shot the Horse.
David Reynolds found It necessary to
shoot one of his valuable horses Mon
day. The animal got Its leg broken in
the stono quarry near West Reynolds
vllle and It was put out of its misery as
above stated.
Injured by Fall of Coal.
Andy Henry, of Beech street, was
badly Injured In the Sherwood mine a
couple of days ago by a fall of top coal.
He had to have help to get from under
the coal. The only thing that saved
his life was that the coal broke into
small lumps.
Hand Poisoned.
Fred Burns has been unable to work
for over a week on account of a very
sore hand. He ran a large sliver Into
his hand and after pulling tho silver
out he put on a pair of yellow dog skin
gloves and went about his work. The
glove poisoned his hand.
Don't Miss It.
Rev. W. H. Bunce, of the M. E.
church, will deliver n lecture on "Who
Wins" In the Centennial hall, Reynolds
vilto, on Friday evening, December 0th.
The citizens of that place enn rest as
sured that they have a rare treat in
store, as Rev. Bunoe is a very fine
speaker. Kane Republican. A small
admission of 20 cents will be charged.
Creamery Report.
Following is the report for the Reyn
oldsvllle Creamery for month of Novem
ber, handed to us by John Metzgur, the
buttcrmaker: Milk received 11,000
pounds; but ter made and sold H20 pounds;
average test of milk 4.88; $113.82 In cash
will be distributed among the patrons
for month of November. Statements
will bo ready the 15th of this month for
persons who supplied the creamery with
Small Strike.
The brick tenders on the Reynolds
vllle Hardware Company's now building
struck Friday morning for higher wages
or less work. More brick-layers bad
been put on the job than they had been
tending before and that is why they
struck. Now tenders were hired Im
mediately but the strikers soon persuad
ed the new tenders to quit the job. Tho
brick-layers were idlu a half day on ac
count of the strike. Saturday morning
there were more men on hand wanting to
work as brick tenders than could be
given work.
Murder Near DuBols.
Another murder has been committed
In Clearfield county and the murderer
is at liberty. James Moro, an Italian,
stabbed Dennis Cam polo, an Italian, In
the neck with a case knifo Sunday even
ing in a shanty near tho C. & M. R'y
Junction. Campolo died In one hour
after ho was stabbed. Gambling and
whiskey were the cause of the murder.
The murdered man leaves a wife and
two children in Italy. It is not likely
that Moro will be apprehended as the
Clearfield county officials never go to
much troublo or expense to have mur-
dorers run down.
Dangers Practice.
It will be our sad duty some of these
days to chronicle a horrible railroad
accident if the boys insist on keeping
up the practice of jumping on moving
trains. This practice is Indulged in
more at this place on the R. St F. C. R'y
than It Is on the A. V. R'y. A boy liv
ing1 near the R. St F. C. R'y Main street
crossing, who is more daring than other
boys that participate In this dangerous
practice, will jump on a fast moving
train for tho last time some of these
days. Besides being a dangerous prac
tice, a boy Is liable to be arrested, as
the law forbids such practice.
Change of Proprietors.
John C. Dlllman, who has been pro
prietor of Hotel Belnap four years, has
sold out to Frank Deltz, of Punxsutaw-
ney. Mr. Deltz expects to take charge
of the Bulnup house about the 15th ot
this month. Mr. Deltz is an expert-
enced hotel roun, having been proprie
tor of the National Hotel at Punxsu
tawnoy, which was burned down a few
weeks ago. It Is claimed that he Is a
very pleasant gentleman. Mr. Dlllman,
who has been In the hotel business in
this place for many years, is compelled
to retire from Hotel Belnap on account
of falling health. Mr. Dlllman, who 1b
an accommodating gentleman, has many
warm friends In this section who
hope that he will soou regain his health,
Two of the Many.
In our mail yesterday morning we re
ceived two magnanimous offers, such as
are usually made by patent medicine
companies and monthly magazines.
The medicine company actually offered
to pay the Immense sum of $1.00 for an
inch and a half advertisement for one
year, or for seventy-five inch space
The monthly muguzine, prloe $1.00 per
year, offered to send us the magazine
one year as payment for a three inch
advertlsemontstx months or one year,
Great guns ! think of it ! If we had an
internal maohine we would like to turn
it loose on some of the people who make
us propositions like the above. These
are only two of the many that we re
ceive. (Of course we accept them not,
High Cluss Entertainment.
The McDowell Recital Company, tin-
dor the auspices of the Village Improve
ment Association, will give an enter
tainment In Assembly hall on Tuesday
evening of next week, December 13th.
From the press notices the members of
this company have reoelved, we do. not
hesitate to say that the people of Reyn
oldsvllle will have the opportunity next
Tuesday evening to hear something ex
ceptionally fine. Below we give ono
press notice for each member of com
pany. Robert J. McDowell has a magnifi
cent voice, and was obliged to sing to a
hearty encore. The gentleman Is all
that has been claimed for him. Mo
Kecsport JVnrn,
Charles Boyd's rendition brought
forth well deserved applause and recalls.
Steubenvllle Gazelle.
The masterful playing of Win. B.
Morris was one of the best features of
the evening. Pittsburg Pre.
The High School orchestra wilt play
a few up-to-date selections during the
The price of admission for this excel
lent entertainment has been put at 35
cents for reserved seats and 25 cents for
general admission. Tickets ou sale at
Stoke's drug store.
Water Fountain.
Tho water fountuin at the cornor of
Main and Fifth streets Is now quenching
the thirst of those who want a drink of
sparkling spring water. The water was
turned Into the fountain last Thursday.
It will not be appreciated as much dur
ing the winter weather as It will be In
the summer. It was expected that the
fountain and the expense of getting the
spring walled and water piped to foun
tain would amount to about $350.00, but
there were difficulties in the way that
were not counted on and, henco, the
entire expense will run over $400.00.
There ts considerable that was sub
scribed which has not been paid yet,
and still there is a shortage of almost
$100.00. It Is hoped that those who
have not given anything yet will con
tribute to pay for the fountain, which
will not only be a great blessing to the
public, but will also be a credit to Reyn
oldsvllle. There Is a large street lamp
on top of the fountain.
Police Call Bell.
On account of drunken and disorderly
individuals occasionally making them
selves obnoxious in and around the A.
V. R'y ticket office at this place, Gov
ernor Hastings, at the request of the
R'y Co., gave Joseph McKernan, A. V.
R'y baggage master, special police au
thority over a year ago, and Joseph has
Bince been looking after the obstreper
ous chaps. It generally happens when
there Is somebody around who needs
the police's attention it is when Mr.
Farrell Is busy selling tickets and can
not well leave his office to call the
police, therefore, the company has had
an electrlo bell put in from tho ticket
office to the baggage room and the
ticket agent can touch the button and
call the policeman without leaving the
ticket office.
His Scheme Worked.
Recently a Reynoldsvllle man en
tered his home and found his wife
gottlng ready to go some place.
To tho Interrogation, "Where are you
going?" she answered, "To the Aid
Society." "Have you fixed ray cloth
ing?" was the next question the hus
band asked. The answer was, "No, I
have not had time." The husband went
up stairs and soon returned with the
clothing over his arm that he hnd been
trying to got his wife to fix. Now it
was the wife's turn to ask questions and
she said, "Where are you going with
those old clothes?" The answer was,
"To the Aid Society to have them
fixed." It is hardly necessary to add
that the man got his clothing fixed
promptly without taking them to the
Aid Society.
Former Citizen Dead.
W. W. Crlssman died at his home In
DuBois Wednesday afternoon from
heart trouble. He was fifty-four taars
old. He moved from Reynoldsvllle to
Llndsey a number of years ago and last
spring moved from Llndsey to DuBols.
He was candidate for county treasurer
in 1890. Mr. Crlssman was a. Grand
Army man, a member of the Knights
of Pythias and Ancient Order United
Workmen. He carried $2,000 insurance
in the latter order. He had been a
faithful member of the Methodist Epis
copal church for years. He was a quiet
and unassuming gentleman who bad a
host of friends.
The largest selection of watches la
seen at C. F. Hoffman's.
It you want a good pipe cheap" go to
Alex. Rlston's for it.
See Deomer St Co.'s $5.00 and $0.00
Bouclay jackets for ladles.
Have you Been the new line ot neck
wear at 25o. and 50c. at Seeley's?
The largest line ot watch chains to
seleot from at Gooder 's, warranted to
give entire satisfaction.
When you want to buy a good gun,
revolver, ammunition, or anything in
that line, go to Alox. Rlston's.
Buy your boy a watch for Christmas
Gooder baa them irom Ki.ou up.
See Veemer St Co.'s $7.00 plush capes,
30 Inclfes long.
Silk Mill Notes.
Tho early winter we have this year
Is a certain sign of prosperity for all
silk manufacturers of the country, tor
an early winter causes a great deal of
business in winter goods, whereas a late
winter hardly empties the shelves of
the dry goods retailer. Everybody by
putting off buying winter goods helps to
make business poor, nnd somo winters
heavy frosts come so late that It is not
worth the trouble for the lady to buy
her silk lined cloak. So, brother weav
ers, an early winter, es an early spring,
are sure signs of prosperity for us. Af
ter having run full time this fall the
looms will be heard humming this com
ing spring, and the merry click cluck of
the shuttle will animate the wilderness
around the silk temple erected recently
In our town.
Few people know that It requires the
work of over 500 silk worms to supply
tho material for tho poorest class of
The pean lie mir. or silk skin now
woven at tho mill Is a heavy contexture
of cloth with a soft gloss, well adapted
for the manufacturing of capes. A
black cape with a lining of light color,
like lilac, is highly stylish.
The annure rwd(e Is another weave
whose surface appears covered up with
tiny dots of sparkling effect, and of a
very elegant aspect when worn either
as a waist or skirt. But the triumph of
the manufacturing this year will be the
long lift of numberless shades, brighter
tlnin for years.
Some girls will be pretty well satis-
fled with their pay this coming pay day.
True, they have worked hard, but now
the reward is at hand.
Teachers' Institute.
While In town Saturday County Su
perintendent Teltrlck handed ye editor
a copy of the catalogue and program of
the forty-third annual session of Jeffer
son county teachers' Institute to be held
In the court house atBrookvllle Decem
ber 20th to 30th, and by a perusal of the
program wo find that Prof. Teltrlck
has secured a fine array of talent for
the day Instructions and evening enter
tainments. Tho Professor has spared
no effort or expense to make this, if
possible, the best institute ever held in
the county.
The day Instructors are: Dr. Arnold
Thompklns, of Chicago, principal of the
Department of Pedagogy, University of
Illinois; Dr. G. M. Philips, West Ches
ter, Pa., principal of West Chester
State Normal School; Hon. J. Q. Stew
art, of Harrlsburg, Deputy State Super
intendent of Publio Instructions; Prof.
J. R. Flickinger, of Ed in bo ro, Pa., prin
cipal Edinboro State' Normal School;
Miss Anna Buckbee, of California, Pa.,
principal Model School of California
8tate Normal; Prof. C. E. Rugh, of
Clarion, Department of Pedagogy of
Clarion State Normal; Prof. Thomas L.
Gibson, music, Ebansburg, Pa.; Miss
Jennie Jenks, pianist, Brookville.
Night entertainers: Anna Buckbee,
of California, Pa.; Gen. John B. Gordon,
of Georgia; C. M. Parker Concert Com
pany, of New York: Thomas Dixon, of
New York.
New Commercial Hotel.
The people of this place who want
to stop at a first-class hotel, at reason'
able rates, while In Brookville as a jur
or or witness during the next term of
court, should stop at the New Commer
cial Hotel, the leading hotel of the coun
ty seat. J. M. Chesnutt, the genial
proprietor, understands his business
and will see that you are well fed and
taken care of while his guest. Try the
New Commercial.
Attention, Farmers.
If you are In town at . noon stop into
Clark's restaurant, next door to post-
office, and get a dish of oysters or sand
Our people all appreciated Wm. Haw
ley Smith's work very much. In my
judgment he is one of the very best on
the platform. He Is a man of original
thought and of very great power with
an audience. W. A. Boer, Couuty
Sup't., Clarion county, Pa. At Assent
bly Hall December 10th.
If you wish to be careful and econony
leal in your purchases and select from a
well chosen line wait for Stoke's opening
of holiday goods.
When in town stop at Clark's restau
rant and get a good cup of coffee or a
bowl of soup, or a sandwich. - Country
produoo bought and sold.
Don't forgot that Robinson's will sell
you the best shoe for the least money,
The line ot candies at the Boa Ton
bakery is find and Is sold cheap.
If careful selections of the newest and
best novelties In Christmas gifts and a
uniform scale of low prices will be an
inducement to holiday shoppers, then
one and all should wait for Stoke's open'
ing of Christmas goods.
Buy your Christmas prosonts from
Gooder, the jeweler, and have them en
graved free of charge.
Now la. the time to seleot your Christ
mas presents. Go and see Gooder's
swell line of holiday goods.
You will find a bargain counter at
J. E. Welsh St Co.'s shoe store.
No. 1 gas fitter and plumber at Hall
& Barton's. ,
Stop guessing, but go to Seeley'a for
doming ana lui-nuning gooas. .
Glimpses of the People who are Psssing
To and Fro.
Dr. Harry King was in DuBois over
Fred 8tauffer visited In Punxsutaw-
lust week.
Miss Mary Johnston visited In Brook
ville the past week.
It. H. Richards, of Brookville, spent
Sunday In this place.
Dr. S. A. Fugato, of DuBols, spent
Monday afternoon In this place.
Mrs. John Yenewlne visited In St.
Marys and Centervllle last week.
L. R. Huth, proprietor of the Bon Ton
Bukery, was In Pittsburg this week.
1. C. and Oscur North, of Panic, are
in Klttannlng this week attending
George E. Brown and Scott McClel
land, of Brookville, were In town yes
Mrs. J. H. Marshall, of Butler, Pa., Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Corbett,
in this place.
J. II. Boyd, of Allegheny City, was
the guest of Misses Belle and Lib Rob
inson last week.
H. W. Alnsworth, u representative of
the Pittsburg Pont, called at The STAR
office yesterday.
Ninian Cooper was in Beechwoods
Thursday attending the funeral of Mrs.
Georglunu Wray.
A. P. Weitzel and family, who spent
the summer at Hopkins, returned to
Williamsport this week.
John L. Graham, who has been at
Tawas City, Mich., a few months, re
turned to this place Saturday.
Miss Jessie Barkley, who has been In
town several months, will go to visit
her parents ut Shawmut to-day.
W. H. Hollls, of Philadelphia, presi
dent of the Central Land and Mining
Co., was here lust week In the Interest
of the company.
George W. Seohrlst, of Eleanora,
went to Philadelphia yesterday to enter
the Medico-Chirurgloal Hospital to be
treated for appendicitis.
Mrs. Burris and son, Thomas, Glenn
A. Milllren and Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Weed attended the funeral of Mrs.
Dr. H. W. Slack at Corsica last Wed
nesday. Mrs. C. C. Lynn, of Pittsburg, State
collector for the Anti-Saloon League,
was in town this week looking after the
subscriptions that were given at this
place a few months ago.
Errold Sutter, who has been in Wash
ington state a year, returned to his
home in this place last week. Errold
spent most of the time at Tacoma. He
likes the Pacific slope country and ex
pects to go back again.
Boyd Grier, one of our butchers, and
wife were at Cool Spring Saturday,
evening attending a wedding. They
drove to Cool Spring and on account of
the storm Monday did not get home as
soon aa they had intended.
Miss Bertha Copping goes to Hll
Hards, Butler county, Pa., to-day to
attend the wedding of Miss Emma Low
trier, who will be married on the 21st to
a conductor on the P. S. St L. E. R. R.
Miss Lowthor Is well known in this
place, having lived here a few years ago.
She Is the oldest daughter of David
Red Men Dance.
The Improved Order of Red Men will
give a dance and supper in the Star
building Christmas eve, December 24th.
Candy, Candy, Candy.
We have It. All kinds' and prices,
from lOo. to 25o. per lb., all fresh from'
the factory. Don't forgot the place,
at Clark's, next door to postoffice.
When you want a cup of the best cof
fee in the world, call for Chase & San
born's. For sale only by Moore, the
One of those self-raising umbrellas at
Milllrens would make a beaut of an
Xmas present.
C. F. Hoffman has an entirely new
stock of goods. Call and see. s
Bargains In men's shoes this week.
Great reduction in prices. Robinson's.
Pigs tor sale at the Bon Ton Bakery.
On account of a rush of job work in
the Falls Creek Sun office, that paper
was not published lost week.
Go to Moore's when you want fresh
and up-to-date groceries and a nlco dish
to serve them In.
Just received at Clark's, next door to
postoffice, parsnips, carrots, cabbage,
celery, sweet potatoes, pop corn.
Call on Moore, the grocer, when you
want something good to eat.
See Froehllch and Henry's ad. It will
Interest you.
Buy your Christmas candy and nuts
at Clark's, next to postoffloe.
No old stock at Gooder's, everything
new and up-to-date, i
Men's overcoats from $5.00 to $15.00
at Seeley's.
Heating stoves for $5.00 and up at
Hall St Barton's.
Lota of men's shoes on the counter
at J. E. Welsh St Co. 'a shoe store that
you can get for a bargain.
v -