The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 02, 1898, Image 3

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Whep Commodore Dewey last winter
ruiuutea from the rank of caputs
he had to visit the tailor for clothe
ultable to hit new rank and wm
obliged to buy a full-drras coat and
a cap. The latter cost f 15.
- During the terrible storm at Samoa
some years ago, when the naval offl
cers lost their belongings, a bill wal
Introduced to reimburse them, and It
was figured a lieutenant's wearing ap
parel was worth an ensign's
$1,060, and a rear admiral's $2,000. An
admiral's full-dress outflt.tncludlng the
- hat. Is worth $765. The epaulets alone
. cost $165.
During the engagement at Manila
Commodoro Dewey, as he stood on the
bridge directing his forces, wore what
Is called the service coat, of dark blue
serge, shaped to the figure, with a slit
on each hip extending on the right side
as high as the sword belt. Plain gutta
percha buttons and a .high collar fin
ished the coat. His trousers had a atrip
of gold lace down their outer seams
one Inch wide. The visor of his cap
was trimmed with oak leaves.
It takes most of a young naval on
cer's salary to keep his wardrobe In
condition to suit his superiors. The
Drat thing a naval cadet Is taught la
how to keep his uniforms In condition,
He has a number of them for different
occasions, but the regulations are most
exact. Naval officers are much more
particular than army officers In regard
to the making of their uniforms, for
they are continually cruising about
the world, entering foreign porta, and
must uphold the honor of their coun
try, Photography Carter Water.
A wonderful Invention has recentl)
been devised by which photograph
may be taken under water. The light
for this purpose Is furnished by an ln
candescent lamp placed In a steel case
In the diver's hsadplece.the luminous
rays being profcted by a reflector
placed In the ,t:r of the steel case,
and the floe:' rl'.j provided by means
of a small d. .. xio carried In the boat
above. The j.1 olographic apparatui
Itself consists of a common camera
placed within an India rubber envel
ope, the front of which Is glass, and
the machine is regulated and picture!
taken by pressing buttons through th
India rubber covering. The result li
such as to be pronounced an achieve
ment, for it has been demonstrated
that pictures can be taken under watet
of objects at a distance of ten or
Iwelve feet as easily as they can b
obtained above In the full light ol
V , ' Machine for Harvesting Grata.
On large wheat farm In California
the grain Is cut from the stalks, the
chaff thraahed out, and the kernels
placed in sacks, which are sewed and
piled ready for the mill all by one
hug machine, which is drawn by and
geta Its motive power from ft team of
thirty-eight mules.
It Can Be Made to do.
"The melanoholy days have come;" has
rheumatism come with them? It can be
made to go right off by the use of 8t. Jaoobs
Oil, whloh euros and leaves no truce ba.
Our cotron crop amounts to 11,199,994
Educate Toar Bowels With Cascarete.
Cnn1y Cntlmrtlc, cure constipation forever
ftOo, S&o. IIC. O C tall, druggists rotund money.
Joachim Murat's remains, which
have been renting since 1815 In the cas
tle church of Plzzo dl Calabria, where
he was shot, are to be transferred to
Naples and burled ic the Church of
Banta Maria among former Bour
bon kings.
Take Laxative Rromo (kilnlne Tablets. All
Druggists refund money It it fails to cure. 30o.
The Japanese government has con
cluded to establish at Toklo a univers
ity library after the model of the Con
gressional Library at Washington. It
la to have room for 600,000 volumes and
600 places for readers.
Pr. Both Arnold's Cough Killer knocks
rlil.-JHN Dahoankm 444 Panto Ave.,
Bullulo, N. Y., Au. 17, 18UM. 36o. a bottle.
The shovel fish Is so called because
It uses Its nose ta turn over the mud
at the bottom of the sea in quest of the
worms and small shellfish on which it
? Care Constipation Voraveiv
fake Cos is rata Caodr Cathartic lOo or Ho
II 0 O. C. tall to euro, druggists rotund mooey
Liverpool has started the Idea of
giving concerts in the courtyards of
Uie worst quarters of the city.
Bow's This
We offer One Hundred Dorian Reward for
any on of Catarrh that oannot b cured by
UaU'a Catarrh Outs.
F. J. Chsniv Co., P. nps Toledo, O.
We, the underslsrued, have known 1 J. Che
ney or the la-t 16 years, and believe hm per.
fei tly honorable in ail business tran actions
and Ananolally able to oarry out any obliga
tion nt de by their Arm.
Was A Tau ax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Oh a
Wai.diwo. KmwAW A Mabvist, Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo, Ohio.
- nail a Catena dure te taken Internally, rot.
Inf ditvotly upon the blood and muooua Sur
taoes of the system. Pi to-, 76c. p- bottle. Mold,
brail Druggists. Testimonials free.
. Ball's Family Plus ate the asst.
After physicians bad given me op, I was
saved by Plea's Ourc-HALFS) Kaiao, WU
luunaport. Pa.. Nov. tt WW.
If kept continuously running
watch wUl tlok 160,144,000 tlmea In
From the War
Bring the arms of malaria, fevers and
other diseases, which may prova aootagloua
UJfcotr own iHmlllee. Hood's Baraaparilla
eradicate all disease germs, builds up the
debilitated system and brings baok health,
Krory returned soldier ftnd every friend
suid relative of soldiers should take
Amarloa's Qraatoat Medicine, 'ftljala for.
V rilla ours atok headaelvs. aaa.
Products or Wild Land. ( '
Aside from its crop of trees with
which nnoultivuted land is mostly
covered, it also prodnoes nuts, berries
and other fruits which are always in
their season to be found in city mar
kets. The whortleberry and its near
relative, the huckleberry, are always
grown wild, as tbey need Jnst the
dampness and shade that they find
in forest and low, wild land. But the
wild blackberries and raspberries still
constitute ft considerable portion of
the frnit sold iu city markets. In.
most cases this eclf-grown frnit is re
garded as the property of whoever
wishes to gather it. The huckleberry
patches are, however, often reserved
by owners of the land, nud those wish
ing the frnit must pay for it, or, as is
usually done, dividing it after it is
A Few Points to Know.
Charcoal is excellent for poultry; so
is corn burned or charred on the ear.
One way to get a yellow yolk is to
take beets or carrots, cook them for
the fowls, feed them, and in two days
there will be a change; the yolks will
be as yellow as desired. One of the
most important things in feeding
poultry, yet too often neglected, is a
supply of good, pure drinking
water, and a fowl tlriuUs every ten or
fifteen minutes iu warm weather. Im
pure witter is one of the most fruitful
sourcos of disease. Oiiolera, for in
stance, is in all probability, due often
to the Klrinkiug of water that is
not pure. Snow water will reduce
flesh as rapidly as a sharp attack of
diarrhoea. The best thing is to have
ft stream of running water. A few
rusty nails in the water are good, or a
few drops of tincture of iron every
other day. The vessels must be kept
olean, and water should be warmed in
winter for fowls, or it will chill them,
but in sumnrer it should be cool.
Apples For Cooking
There are many sour apples that
contain mora saccharine matter than
those that are called "sweet" only be
cause they lack acidity. And there is
some raolio aoid in the varieties that
are called sweet. It is the combina
tion of aweet with acidity that makes
the richest and best flavored apples
either for eating raw or for cooking.
Commonly, only those that are very
distinctly acid have a good flavor when
cooked, and they should be acid
enough to require considerable sugar
in cooking. Yet, when the country
was new, sugar was much dearer than
it is now, and to. save sugar the sweet
and sour apples were sometimes made
into pies together. This was, how
ever, a poor substitute for sugar, as
the sweet apples would not cook
through so quickly as the sour, and
remained hard and nearly tasteless
lumps in the pie. There were some
kinds of native fruit apples that never
were propagated iu nurseries that
were neither whollV aweet nor wholly
sour, but such a combination of both
that they would make very good pies
without sweetening of any kind.
Uonev Selling With Profit.
The apiariBt who has but little
honey for sale will find it much more
profitable to arrange with some live
grocer in a neighboring town to han
dle his produot on commission than to
ship to commission men in large cities.
It is preferable, however, to work up
retail trade of yonr own, whioh may
be readily dono by the use of small
sample boxes. In the spring get some
seotions holding a quarter of pound
of honey and set them on the hives;
when they are filled label them and
distribute them among tbo best fam
ilies of your nearest town. Follow
this up woek later by taking orders,
and if yonr samples were up to the
mark you will have no tronbla in get
ting advanoe orders for all tho honey
you will have for sale. It will be
comparatively easy matter to add to
the trade another year, and you will
soon find yon have built up a pleasant
and profitable business. The farmer
who can successfully produoe enough
boney for the use of bis own house
hold is well fitted to go into the busi
ness on much larger scale.
Why la Poultry Valuable to the Farmer
Professor Gilbert, of Ottawa, an
swers this question in the following
manner and his conolusions cannot
be questioned:
1. Ueoause he ought by their means
to oonvert a good deal of the waste eI
his farm into money in the shape of
egga and ohickety. for the market. '
I. .Because with intelligent manage
ment, they ought to be all year revenne
producers, with the exception of per
haps two months, during the moulting
8. Beoftnse poultry will yield him
quicker return for his capital invested
than any of the other departments of
4. Becsuse the manure from the
poultry bonse will make ft valuable
oompost for nso in either-vegetable
garden or orchard. The birds them
selves, if allowed to rnn in plant or
pple orohards, will destroy all injuri
ous inseot Ufa.
5. Because while cereals and fruits
can only be successfully grown in cer
tain seotions, poultry can be raised for
table use or layers of eggs in all parts
of the country.
O. iJeoause poultry raUipg is n em
ployment in whioh the farmer'a wife
and daughters can engage and leave
mm free to attend to other depart
ments. 7. Beoause it will bring the beat re
turns in the shape of new laid eggs
during the winter season when the
farmer has most time on his hands.
8. Because to start poultry raisin n
on the farm requires little or no capi
tal. Under ny circumstances, with
proper management poultry ean be
made, with little cost, valuable ad
's not to the farm.'-Farmar aad
A rTatloa of Dyspeptic.
from the Mountaineer, Walnalla. JV. Dakota.
The remorse of a guilty stomsoh Is what
large majority of the peoDle are suffering
with to-day. Dyspepslals a ehnrantnrlstlo
American disease and It Is frequently stated
that "we are a niitlnn of dyspeptics,"
Improper food, hurried natlng, mental
worry, exhaustion imy of these produce a
lack of vltnllt v In thn srstotn. bv causlaa?
j the blood to Iohh Its llfo-sustninlng eln
' mnnts. The bloo 1 Is t lie vital eleinnnt In
our lives and should bn enrnfully nurtured.
RnAtoro It to Its proper condition, dys
pepsia will vanish nml iinod health follow.
For exitmoln. In the iintv of Pnmlilnn.
North l)nkotn, a few miles from Wnlhnlln,
resldo Hr. Earnest Hnllnr; a man of stert
Intt Integrity, whose veracity oaacot be
doubted, lie sayst
The I)ortor Ditagrtrd.
"I became seriously III throe yean erro,
The doctor gsvo me medicine for indiges
tion, but I continued to become worse. I
bad several physicians nt Intervals who
guvs me some rellaf, but the dlsmise would
uturn with all Its accustomed severity,
"I read In the nowspaper articles re
garding the wonderful curative powers of
Dr. Wllllums' Pink Pills for Pale People,
and Anally concluded to try the pills. Five
months ago I bought six boxes. The first
box gave me much relief, and after using
four boxes I vm cured."
Thee pills are recognised everywhere as
a speoino for diseases of the blood and
nerves. For parnlysls, locomotor ataxia,
and other diseases long supposed Incur
able, they have proved their eflloaay la
thousands of cases.
It will take a snail 14 days and S
hours to travel a mile.
Jnst the Time.
This Is Just the time of the year we feel
Ibe muscles all sore and stiff, and thou Is
last the time to use St. Jaoobs Oil to ra
lax them and to cure at once.
Dawson City has two newspapers,
weeklies; B0 rents a copy.
Reatsty la Blood Oeep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. Ho
beauty without it. CascareU, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the laxy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly. bilious complexion by taking
Csscsrets, beliuty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 100,250,500.
The Baltimore & Ohio South Western
Hallroad has Just received from the
Buldviln Locomotive Works 10 new
freight locomotives for use on the
Ohio division from Cincinnati to Park
ersburg. This portion of the road hus
some rather heavy gradea and these
are the first heavy englnea to be used
on th-3 line. It Is expected they will
Increase the train haul about 40 per
The simple locomotives have 21x28
Inch cylinders and the compound loVs
and 26x28 Inch cylinders. The locomo
tives wero built from designs furnish
ed by Superintendent of Motive Power
Neurl'er. Eight are simple and two are
Hawaii, Samoa and Now Zealand En
tirely Free from Kcptllas.
For the most part the Pacific Islands
are destitute of snakee. That Is abso
lutely the case In Hawaii. In New
Zealand, equally free of these reptiles,
the only knowledge which the Maoris
had of anakes may be found In a le
gend of ft monster called the taniwha,
concerning which the authorities differ
as to whether It is the ancestral and
dim recollection of a snake or of an al
ligator. All the eastern islands of
Polynesia between these two outposts
re snakeless. Westward from Hawaii,
down among the Gilberts and the
Marshalls and the Carolines, the
square-bodied water anake begins to
make Its appearance In the lagoons and
harbors. By the time the Phllllplnea
are reached the water snake becomes
both common and deadly and the
jungle of those Islands are abundant
ly supplied with snakes. From the
Phllllplnea as one follows down the
chains of Islands snakes are found
both abundant and venomous. In the
wild landa of the western Pacific the
reptiles are frequently objects of wor
ship, and in aome legends are credited
with the creation of the world. Samoa
seems to lie just on the boundary line
of anakea in the Pacific. In the east
ern Islands of , the archipelago no
anakea are to be found; ' In Upolu ft
few are seen at rare Interval!. In 8a
vall only a few mllea to the westward
they are common and attain great size,
In the caaa of some kind at least. None'
of them la venomous and the islanders
neither fear them nor exhibit any of
that repugnance to their presence
which Is commonly called Instinctive.
This Indifference to the reptllea la
made moat markedly manifest at the
hamlet Of Ira on the northeast coast
of Savall. Here are to be found small
snakee of the most brilliant red color.
Thty are so common that ft basketful
may be easily picked up In any banana
patch. The dancing girls of this
town are In the habit of employing
these gaudy anakes for personal
adornment lit their dances. They tie
them about their necks, their ftnkles,
and their wrlata, festoon them In their
headdreaaes, and tuck few extra one
In their belt In readiness to replace
such as escape In' the dance. At their
best these alvas danced by the 8a
moana are either dull or revolting
shows of savagery. It can he easily
imagined that tbey are made no more
attractive when the taupou or village
maid and bar crew of attendant girls
go careering about with an assortment
of writhing red snakes. Still the 8a
moana, who have no stock ef anake
prejudices, look upon this as one of the
most successful and artistic dances in
their iJloaalaV
Ok 0
The Bskloao's Moat.
There la no craft so difficult to han
die as the Eskimo kayak. The only
boat familiar to us which In any way
resembles It Is the racing shell, but
if a crack oarsmen of one of our col
leges were tied Into a kayak and told
to shift for himself he would have a
hard time of It. It Is entirely covered
except for ft round hole. Into which the
owner oltps, pushing his feet under
neath the skin dec In front, the hole
being fitted to the person for whom
the boat la designed, so that his
thighs fill it completely. When he Is
seated In It, with his waterproof jacket
tied securely around the edge, he Is
able to defy waves or rain. The moat
expert are apt to be sometimes over
turned, either by a careless movement
or an unexpectedly large wave, and.
If he does not right himself at once. It
Inevitably drociicd. .
A Prediction P.lahty Tears Old.
The poet Keats wrote to his brothef
George In Kentucky In 1818 as fol
lows: "Russia may spread her con
quest even to China; I think It a very
likely thing that China Itself may fall.
Turkey ccrtnlnly will. Meanwhile Eu
ropean north Russia will hold Its
horns against the rest of Europe, In
triguing constantly with Franco."
Forty per cent of the heat of an or
dinary Are goes up the chimney.
While Vou Bleep.
Do not have too much air blowing
through your room at night, or neuralgia
may creep upon you white you sleep. But
If It comes, use fit. Jacobs Oil; It warms,
oothes and cares promptly.
New York hop pickers get from 75
cents to 11.25 a day.
Deal Tokens gelt gowks Tear Mrs sway.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve and vlcor, take No-To-Dae.
the wonder-worker, that makes weak mrn
strong. All druggists, SOo or fl. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Kemsdy Co., Chicago or New York
Kiissln, with her population of 129.
000.000. has only "43 newspapers but
little more than half the number pub
lished In the State of Pennsylvania,
which has 1,430,
Five Cents.
Everybody knows that Dobbins Kleotrlo
cap It the best In the world, and for a years
M has sold at the highest price. Its price li
now I cents, same at oommoa brown soap.
Bars full else and qiiallty.Order of grocer. Ait
ville, Mass.. has passed a resolution In
favor of the municipal ownership of
the electric light plant.
Wo-To-ftee to Fifty Coats.
Ooaranteed tohaeoo habit cure, makes weak
atsa strong, blood pure. tOc, 11. AU druggist
Germany has 5,783 associations of
turners, with 678,102 members.
Mrs. Wlnalow's Soothing Pyrnp fnrehlldren
teething, softens tlieauiiiN. reduce inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2V- a bottle
From Mrs. Rank to Mrs. Plukham.
The following letter to Mrs. Pink
ham from Mrs. M. Rank, No. 2,3!i4
Kast Kusquoiiunna Ave., Philadelphia,
Pa., is a remarkable statement of re
lief from utter discouragement. She
" I never can And words with which
to thank you for what Lydia 10. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has done
for me.
" Some years ago I had womb trouble
and doctored for a long time, not see
ing any improvement. At times I
would feel well enough, and other
times wus miserable. Ho it went on
until last October, I felt something
terrible creeping over me, I knew not
what, but kept getting worse. I can
hardly explain my feelings at that
time. I was so depressed In spirits
that I did not wish to live, although I
had everything to live for. Had hya
terla, was very nervous; could not
Bleep and was not safe to be left
"Indeed, I thought I would lose my
mind. No one knows what I endured.
" 1 continued this way until the last
of February, when I eaw Iu a paper a
testimonial of a lady whose caso was
similar to mine; and who had been
cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vcgota
ble Compound. 1 determined to try it,
and felt better after the Brat dose. I
continued taking it, and to-day am a
well woman, and can aay from my
heart, ' Thank tiod for auch a medi
cine."' Mrs. Tinkham invites all Buffering
women to write to her at Lynn, Masa.,
for advice. All auch letters are seen
and answered by women only.
"Ifcav ban nelng CABCARKTa for
Insomnia, with which I have been affilcted for
over twenty years, and I can aay that Cuacarau
have given me more relief than any other reme
dy I have ever tried. 1 shall certainly recom
mend them to my friends aa being all tbey are
represented." Taoa Oilibd, Elgin, 111.
.Pleasant. Palatable, Potent, Taste Oood. Do
Olood. Never sicken. Weaken, or Or"riUo!S. m.
... Clim CONSTIPATION. ...
aer itown rms. awtwi. , sit
MTA.Rlfi ri!l snd guaranteed or all drug
tlBU u nCns5Touaooo Habit"
P. K U. 44 '91
ijrrelauMt ar, isaujuttluatliigslaluis, u luwa.
sk I W t t T sales relief eat ira nm
hm. Brad 'or beck ef leulaeateii sad to dara
s.etta at free, a II tans t tees, auaate. ta
; tt ir
There are frauds In soaps as well as other things.
Sometimes a grocer will offer you a substitute for Ivory
Soap, because his profits are larger on the substitute. He
and the purchaser are losers In this transaction. The
dealer ultimately loses the customer, and the customer
suffers from the mischief of the substitute. A person
accustomed to Ivory Soap will not be satisfied with any
other. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon getting it.
A WORD OF WARNING -Thtrt art many whltt soaps, tsch rtpretsnttd to he Just
St rood st the ' Ivory )" they ARE NOT. but like all counterfeits, tack the peculiar and
reaisrkable qualities of Bit f tnulns. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and Insist upon getting It
a in wm.i. . . 1
Fifty Cents a Year !
The Ledger Monthly
Is a richly Illustrated and beautiful periodical,
covering the whole field of popular reading.
ATTRACTIVE The cover of th ledger monthly re
elegantly printed or lithographed in colors, making
COVERS thfim worthy of preservation aa works of art, and
THE ORANGE GIRL, by Sir Walter Brunt,
Is now runninsr. The short atri-l in an.l
number will be by the most entertaining and CrinDT tTHDIFC
distinguished writers of the day. 1UKI ,UIV,I:J
FASHION Up-to-dafc fashions are a strong feature of the
LEDGER MONTHLY. This department, with
DEPARTMENT "lustrations from original drawings by the best
designers of fashions, is a true guide for every
woman. SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS are devoted to Embroidery,
DtcorAtivt Art, Home Employments for Women, lie. .
pictorial illustrations appertaining not only rlVIVKIAL
to the reading matter, but with illustrations ILLUSTRATIONS
of special beauty and interest, appealing to the
artistic taste and the desire for the beautiful, such aa "Tht Prayer,"
by Jean Paul Selingcr, recently purchased for $800.
address on receipt of S cents.
Thii Maguint It Too Expensive to Stnd Samplt Copies FREE.
A Stmplt Copy can be Seen at the Office of this Paper.
Ledger Buildino 104 William Street New York Citv
PAifJT ;;v;alls CEiLirjGG
paint d'Sleranddo 5ourowndeporatln. TbU material l a HARD PINIHII to te applies
with a lirnah and bs-nmreas uard as Cement. UUled in twentr-fbur ilnlsand works equally ee
well with cold or hot wstrr. '
tst-HKM FOK HAM PI. K COLOR CAROIS end If yon cannot pnmhaeo sals BaMerlal
from your local dealers lei us know and we will put yon In toe wey of obtaining It.
"EastWest, Home is Best," if Kept
Clean With
rerajaiasTtly Careg
M. BUM'S ftftUT
M Mi raw bm. hlUliniMl
Uwbh rayeiTevi, mama tm Mr. aViisia, 1.1a, neiiavw)
Uttteliju mt Uw4il,.ai Ank Si. ntlUsUiUiU ret,
IB? YOUR Income is email, and you want to
I make a large amount of money, send Ten
Cents for "Uold Tips," No work. No can
vassing. LFgltiinaUi. profltahlo and -.
Jil'UH Baubklbir. Box UI4, Ueuver.Uuloradu,
mint BOOIjiiV WlRseaSTCteS!
aously II laureled' price t i i. free te anybody asudlni
two annual subscriptions at SI each lo the overland
Btoaiulf. BAM ruiXClauo. Bsmele Orerlauu. 4
WAWTED-Oaee of bad health thai I P-AH B
wul not beneSI Baud t eta lo Blpans Chemical
Qo.. MswYotk. let IS samples au4 luui lesllsaonlsls.
I I htr e. Jlavdr. M j
eS - aJ
Top Snap Ol rIO Plf M
utsu't ew
- - J
eacn cover is aione worm t rie price of the magazine.
The LEDGER MONTHLY la the Great
Family Magazine. For sale by all news
dealers, price 5 cents; yearly subscrlp
. tlons 50 cents. Knmnln rnnine unt in an v
to fain eceoawtSi aaauen u I iiai W ITi 'Mwir .
Dlu all aiy woA ay to day baby was boreu had a
vary Maaybinht baby welshed I lbs. at S was -old.
The Dr. seld be never sew anyone ess ateaa
so wall and be so airoag after blrtu. AdTtee free.
Hit. J. H. UVE Btfcl. INHT aeTolw, w. T.
Ullrin. Wbae.MMa.o4au.); w.wm mU .; an,
eaja tall H from saaalM diamond, raaula: anal lesae keek.
Oaltrni.Dol'MCO, 0.1. ti, Haedvllle, Fa.
Farms for Sale!
I Send stamp, gat fall description and price
of tu ohrapst fai-ma In Ashtabula Co O.
nest statu la tho union: host oonntyln the
tat. H. I. HANt'KUFT.
Jefferson. Ashtabula Co.. Ohio.
Procured on ctab, or eeay lNMelaena.VOWLkA
IIUUkB, I'aleul Altwi-ueya. UH Itruadwsr. M. t.
evaryono aeaila thaaa.. ISk.u. vA v7:
aUzoa a 6v.
aba aauarV. Hew wk oft.