The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 14, 1898, Image 4

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    fcfte Star.
Subucription Sl.fiO per year, or tl.00 if
jxitVf ulrlnhi in mnoirc.
!. A. NTICPIIKMMrN. lUlllor mid Piibi
An Independent lorn I i!iii'r.pilillied every
Wednesday nt Ueynoldsvllle, .letler-uin ',
Pa., devoted to lln Intei-eMn nf Iteynold'tvlllo
nnd.IenVi-Honrounty. Non-Klltlriil, will treat
nil with rnlrni-M. nnil will lie eperliilly friend
ly towards the Itiliorlnir.fhiK.
9iilnorl)illiii iM'rypnr.ln ndviinoe.
OomrmiiilrMloim Intended fur pnlillmtlon
must bo n Hnpiinlt'd liylhe writer's name,
nnt fur tmlilli'iitlon. lint n a aninrnntee of
good f nit h. Iniet-i'MlnK new Item ollrlted.
AdvertNIn rnlv mde known on iipiilli'ii
tlon nt tlm omVn In I'roehllrh-llenry llloek.
Ienithly (otiinintilrnlloni nnd trlimiKe of
advert lnrnientN should rem'h thin ofllce by
Mondny noon.
Addrr nil I'ommiiiilratlonii to C. A. "teph
atiHon, HcvnoliNvlHc. I'n.
Enlored nt the poxtnfllrn nt Heynoldnvllln,
Pa.. aeeond rln mull ninttor.
Tho RidRwny Atlrneatr, ono of tlio
nowslost, county papers tliut roiiolu-s
our exehantfo titbli', ontoretl Its 2Hth
year lust wrck. Will II. linker, tlm
enterprising; editor of tho Ailrnrnlr, ns
reerntly Hipointi.'(1 postninster nt Ilidir
way, but lu; Id such n hustlor thitt ho run
hold tlif poKtnuiHtership and also edit
his pnpor.
It takus tt Kood di'itl of "pull" now inlays
to (rot anything. Ono I'lin't oven jrot n
tooth cxtriii!ti'd without a "pull:" tho
school trni'hi'i'M have a pull; tho
ofllee sockets must have a pull; you
can't (rot a bout on without a pull; and
you must havo n pull hvfnm you ran (jet
a contract; to pot a pass ovur the rail
road It takes pull; In almost every vo
cation in life there is a pull hidden
somewhere, and tho reason why many
aspirants do not Hiiceeed Is because; In
aiming for tho object sought they over
look tho neeessury "pull;" even In the
war with Spain the Spanish government
tried to have a pull with foreign coun
tries; it is a pull hero and a pull there,
sometimes a pull altogether and some
times a pull tn opposlto directions; and
then tt Is a pull Dick and pull Devil.
Tho best pull is the one that lifts hu
manity up, instead of the pull that drags
men down. The trouble with many Is
thoy depend too much upon pull" and
not enough upon self-reliant "push;"
while on the other hand too many make
uso of their pulling powers and care
very little for merit and worth. Punx
sutawnoy Anr.
Tho American people are bitterly In
dignant at the Bufferings that have been
inflicted, as they believe needlessly,
upon our brave soldiers. It Is not the
fact that our men have suffered that bo
rouses our indignation, but the fact
that their Bufferings havo been needless,
and might have been avoided. Had the
fortune of battle left 20,000 of our sol
diers dead upon tho field, we would
have mourned our loss, but would have
looked upon their death as a necessary
sacrifice, and, building monuments to
their memory, would have hold thera
dear for all time. Had our transports
brought back to us 50,000 heroes,
maimed and shattered, we would have
opened the nation's treasury and cared
for thorn as they needed, and deserved,
and would havo demonstrated our grat
itude by building for them homes of
comfort and plenty. Had Spain taken
thousands of our men prisoners, and
carried them away to castle dungeons
over the seas, we would have beaten
down her walls, burst open her doors,
and brought our boys out, at any cost of
blood or treasure, and made them for
get tholr captivity in a proud wolcome
home. We would have done and suf
fered all these things without a mur
mur, for these things are the natural
and nceessary sacrifices and sufferings
of war. But our men have been starved
within an arm's-length of plenty, and
.have rotted with disease when only red
. tape stood between them and health,
and wo indignantly cry out, 'Oh, tho
bitter uselessness of it all! New York
Some people never have a good word
to say of anyone who is prospering.
They are always ready to circulate all
sorts of scandul, and never doubt the
truth of an injurious report about their
neighbors, but hasten to circulate it
among tholr friends who enjoy scandal
more than they do a good meal. If a
man is prosperous and attending to his
business, they make it their business to
inform the public that the prosperous
man Is imposing on some one and de
serves no credit. They are always
ready to stand la the way of progress,
and when a new industry comes to town
they lose no time In telling how well
they would do if they could have their
way. They are constantly finding fault
with the man who has some money, and
can see nothing but hypocrisy in the
churches. If a minister happens to own
a bioyule or occasionally spends a day
fishing or in taking other harmless
rooreation they hasten to condemn blm
In fact, they are always ready to Injure
the reputation of others, but never will
ing to find what opinion the public has
of them. In fact, these people have but
little regard for the truth, and down in
their hearts nyion less regard for mof-
ality and decency. They are gems In
their own eyes, but filth In the eyes of
others. Tbey seldom subscribe a dollar
to the support of the church, but can
always tell just bow much others should
give. Tbey seldom subscribe a penny
to the support of any charitable lost!
. tutlons or the support of any uofortun
ate person. Tbey are always ready to
read your kUtory. but never willing to
' " t(lrV " - writ.5B.L.ulr-
Silk Mill Notes.
Supt. Pliillippc Chnvent, of the
American Silk Co., Is a very busy man.
1"0 applicants tire being instructed un
der Miss M. Manshlnnor, who Is patient
and has gained the respect and confi
dence of all composing the classes tinder
her rare. Slit- arrived from New York
City on Saturday of lust week and has
been busy ever since.
Mrs. Charles Cooper, Is teaching
classes In tho weaving department and
stated to a STAR reporter that her pu
pils aro Intelligent, apt and attentive.
She Is very much pleased with the sufc-
'css of applicants.
K. (ireenbaiim, private secretary of
the president, Is a liwyer by profession
and a trusty gcntlemnn. He Is busy
overseeing work tn the mill and handles
his department with skill and dispatch.
Peter Durant, foreman of the loom
department Is a gentleman of largo ex
perience In this country nnd Franco In
tho silk business.
Charles Cooper has hurnessed all the
looms during the past week.
Tho Klectric Light Co. of DuBols
havo nlxint finished wiring the building.
DuBols Iron Works have their em
ployees hero pushing steam heating U-
parutus to a finish and will be ei mi pie ted
by Saturday.
Tho olllco outfit has arrived, desks,
chairs, tables and standing desks. It Is
nearly fitted up In all departments.
Capt. F. K. Mullen Is iilghtwatuhman
at tho mill and trusted employee.
Georgo Kline Is pushing tho water
main to tho building and 1t will lie com
pleted tn a few days.
Subscribers for stock will pay sub
scription nt tho banking house of Soelcy,
Alexander & Co. or tho First National
Dank at once.
The gas company, in charge of L. M.
Simmons, will extend their lines to the
mill. ,
Classes in weaving and warping will
be given Instruction until the day of
opening, after which timo the mill
will run In full.
Sales rooms will bo opened shortly in
New York City Bnd an able staff of
salesmen are already engaged. No
goods will bo sold through commission
houses, but dlreot.
Largo orders from substantial firms
are being received daily.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were
Issued the past week by John S. Darr,
Clerk of Courts of Jefferson county:
Paul Burknar and Marl Slovensky,
both of Winslow township.
D. H. Kstes, of Sykoevlllo, and LUUe
Shadle, of PInecreek township.
J. C. Evans, of Ollveburg, and Kyttle
Shafer, of Markton, Pa.
Held J. Craft and Fiorina Grlfilus,
both of Punxsutawncy.
Fred W. Keth, of Summervlllo, and
Jennlo Florence May, of Clarlngton, Pa.
T. C. Thompson, of Brook villa, and
Lizzie Hopkins, of Punxsutawnoy.
Joseph Franceska and Josephine
Seraflnl, both of Crenshaw.
John Jnrcak, of Anita, and Mary Gro-
bon, of Ohio.
One Year for Bicycle Thieves.
Two blcyclo thieves wore sentenced at
court Friday, each gottlng a year's
Imprisonment, and Sheriff Gingery and
Deputy Howies will start for the pont
tetlary with them thiB morning.
One of the convicted thieves Is Man-
jam in H. Rice, who stole a blcyclo some
timo ago from John Osborn, tho South
Brady street, DuBols, bicycle livery
man, and the other is W. J. Lanning,
of Penfield. Rice was caught In John
sonfurg, but it is not certainly known
whore his home is. The other commit
ted his offense some time ago and his
trial at this session was a continuation
from a forraor term of criminal court.
DuBols Courier.
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks like it, but there Is
really no trick about It. Anybody can
try it who has Lame Back and Weak
Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles.
We mean he can cure hirasolf right
away by taking Electric Bitters. This
medicine tones up the whole system,
acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kid
neys, Is a blood purifier and nerve tonic.
It cures Constipation, Headache, Faint
ing Spells, Slocplossnoss and Melan
choly. It is purely vegetable, a mild
laxativo, and restores the system to its
natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters
and be convinced that thoy are a mira
cle worker. Every bottle guaranteed.
Only 50c. a bottle atH. A. Stake's Drug
Letter List.
List of unclaimed lotters remaining
in the postoffioe at Reynoldsville, Pa.,
week ending Sept. 10, 1898:
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Dickey, M. C.
Ferrler, Don C. Morrill, Miss Blanoha
Parsons, Emma Shugar.
Foreign Andro Nelopa.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
A. M. Woodward, P. M
For Sale One horse, four years old.
and two. good cows. Inquire of Henry
Dveveusun, near eanay valley.
Come and hear the graphophone talk
aim sing ana near it piay music of all
sinas at uooaer s jewelry store.
If you are not buying your groceries
atKoDinson Mundorff's you are not
ovwuk vua ivwesi prices.
Eiioes (or p(
boys i
boys and children,
Death of Mrs. Lewis Brenholts.
Thursday, September 8th, at 2.00
A. M., Mary O. Brenholtz died at her
home near Aliens Mills, aged (to years.
Sho was born at Htockxirt, Eng., Sept.
7, 183.1. The Sunday previous to her
death she attended the funeral of her
little grandson, at the Wilson homo,
and while there she was taken 111 with
tho dysentery, which continued to grow
rapidly worse until physician and
friends were obliged to submit to the
Grim Messenger. The deceased had
been a patient sufferer for many years,
her death, however, was sudden and
unexpected. She was a faithful mem
ber of the Gcthsemano Baptist church.
Through ill health sho was not permit
ted to always enjoy the worship of the
ancillary, yet, trim to her church and
God, sho always gave a helping hand
when she could. Her kind and amiable
disposition won tho love and esteem of
all her neighbors and friends. She
leaves a husband nnd four children,
James. William G., Mrs. Emma Mart.
and Mrs. Sadie Wilson. Funeral ser
vices were conducted by Hev. J. E.
Dean, the minister who baptized her.
The remains were laid to rest, beneath
beautiful wreaths of Dowers, In the
Beechwoods cemetery, there to await
tho resurrection morn.
Excursion to Bradford and the City of
Tho Buffalo, Hochestar & Pittsburg
R'y will run a popular low rate excur
sion to above points Sunday, September
18th, leaving Falls Creek at 8.40 A. M.
and tho fare for tho round trip is "only
1.23 to Bradford and 1. 50 to Hock City.
This excursion occurs but once a year
and tho opportunity for a cheap outing
trip at the exceedingly low rates offered
should be taken advantage of. Secial
train will arrive at Bradford at noon.
Returning, will leave Bradford at 9 P.
M. Tickets will be good going and re
turning between Bradford and Rock
City on uny of tho frequent cars of the
Olcan, Rock City and Bradford Electric
Railway during the afternoon and even
ing and will also be good from Bradford
on regular trains Monday, September
HUh, leaving Bradford at 7 A. M. and
12.30 P. M. Rock City Is the name giv
en to a marvelous freak of nature found
on a summit of a spur of the Allegheny
Mountains about ton miles from Brad
ford. This ridge Is 2,000 foot above
tide water and extends a distance of two
miles in a line northeast and southwest
and is covered with a vast quantity of
conglomerate of pure white pebbles
brokon Into huge rectangular masses,
and separated so as to form avenues,
walls, parairats, parks and streets, cav
erns and retreats. The Bon Air Hotel
will furnish you with the various prost
ure comforts, and refreshments may be
obtained at reasonable rates. If you
have never been to the city of rocks, do
not fail to go on the 18th.
Orange Lectures.
W. F. Hill, lecturer of Pennsylvania
State Grange, will spend the wook com
mencing September ltlth, in Jefferson
county, and make addresses at the fol
lowing points; Monday evonlng, Sep
tember 10th, at Ollveburg; Tuesday
evening, September 20th, at Roseville;
Wednesday evening. September 21st,
at Emorlckvllle; Thursday evening,
September 22nd, at Union Grange Hall,
In Warsaw township, and Friday fore
noon and afternoon, September 23rd, at
Hunter's Grove, In Knox township.
Brookvllle Republican.
People Who Pay the Printer.
The following persons have paid their
subscriptions or added tholr namos to
our list since last week:
O. B. Groves, Roynnldsvllle, Boptemlier 6,'W.
Mrs. K. K. Arnold, Reynoldsville, Septem
ber 11, '99.
Abraham Fye, Kykesvllle, Auxust 17, '99.
J. M. McClelland, Hockdale Mills, (newl
March 12, '99.
Dun lei Nolan, ItoynnldsvUlo, July 23, '99.
William Llewellyn, Elisabeth. N. J., tnewl
September 12, '99.
Wm. 11. Robor, Bykeavllle, inewl.
Dr. L. L. Means, Kcynoldavlllu, new Sep
tember 13, '99.
We are taking orders for spring deliv
ery on phosphate and McCormick
mowers and binders. We are selling
sleighs, hay, salt, flour, feed, dry goods,
groceries and drugs. Come in and Bee
J. C. Kino & Co.
Cull and see; the bargains at J. E.
Wolsb & Co.'s shoe store.
James K. Johnston will sell shoes at
closing out prices during tho month of
For Sale House and three lots on
Pike street, West Reynoldsville. In
quire of Jas. M. Moore, Reynoldsville,
fa., or THE STAR
Watches, rings and jewelry of all
sunas at uoouer s jewelry store.
You will find a bargain counter at
J. U. Welsh dc Do. s shoe store.
Take your watches to Goodor's and
have thera repaired. All work guaran-
teea to give satisiaction.
During the month of September
James K. Johnston will sell shoes at
closing out prices. Don't miss the bar
gains be Is offering.
Nice fresh California hams only 7 ots.
per lb. at Robinson & Mundorff's.
Graphophones and records for sale at
Gooder's jewelry store. Come and see
thera and get prices.
Soda water, ooollnir. refreshing, de
llgbtful. a P3em of ioed sweetuess. all
fruit flavors, at the Reynolds Drug
An Important Question.
If your friends or neighbors ure suf
fering from coughs, colds, sore throat,
or uny throat or lung disease (Including
consumption), ask them If they have
over used Otto's Cure. This famous
German remedy Is hating a largo sale
here and Is performing some wonderful
euros of th 1MB t and lung diseases. No
mutter what other medicines have
failed to do, try Otto's Cure. Large
sizes 2."c. and 50c. Sold by II. Alex.
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve In the world for cuts,
bruise, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, clmpped bunds, chllblalni,
corns it nil nil skin eruptions, and posi
tively euros plies, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give iierfeot satis
faction or tni;ney refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by H. Alex.
Tod rink or no' in otink. That is
the iUisli(in tliut Is soon unswered after
trying a glass of the rich sotlu served at
the Reynolds drug store.
Hav.e you seen the Graphophone at
Goodor's jewelry store.
In the mutter of tlm pstntn of Hllns V.
Iti-isilis, hue of Winslow lownshli,, dct'i'iised.
I.t'ttet-s of ndmlnlNtnti Ion on the ntsm. estate
invlnit lieen UMinli'd to the iinilerslKiii'il, mi
turtle Indebted lo the said estate lire le-
iicstcd to make payment and those having
laitns io present tne samp wonoui ucuiy to
Mahv IIiiooks, I ,,.
I). 1. llt tiiTR i A d m rs.
(1. M. McDonald, Attorney for Adm'rs.
. Treatment, Ofwrattmia , Oluiee
ana Artierui ejtm
mnmnmiT. iimmt,
Uncle Sam's
was made for business. So Is that we
sell. Ours Is made for peaceful pur
poses, however, and we guarantee that
it will do Its duty under all circum
stances. Everything In the shooting
line and supplies we offer is as well
made as though Intended for govern
ment use.
No back-number goods here. Of
course, you know wo are not high
Office at Hotel McConnoll, Reynoldsville, I'a.
Office on Wost Main street, opposite the
Commercial Hotel, Reynoldsvlile, Pa.
Brookvllle, Jefferson Co. Pa.
Office In room formerly occuuled bv Gordon
& (Jorbett West Main Street..
q m. Mcdonald,
Notarv Public, real estate Blent. Pateata
secured, collections made promptly. Oltlce
in porno uiock, ueynuiusviiie, ra.
OffiVea In Muhouev building. Main Street.
ReynoliUvlllo, Pa,
Notary Public and Real Estate Aseat. Col
lections will receive prompt attention. Ofllce
in I'roeblkii & Henry block, near uuatotttce,
Keynuldsvllle, Pa.
And Real Estate Agent, ReynoldarlUe, Pa.
Resident dentist. In the Froetillrh ft Hon-
ry block, neur the postoltive, Main street.
uenuuness in operating.
jya. r. dbvere king,
Office over Reynoldsville Hardware Co. store,
Muln street, Kuyuoldsvllle, Pa.
FRANK J. BLACK-, Proprietor.
The loading lintel of the town. Headquar
ters fur commercial men. Steam heal, free
bus, butu rooms and closets ou every floor,
ample rooms, billiard room, telephone cod-
necuona c.
.' C. DILLMAN, Proprietor.
Klrstelais In every particular. Located In
the very ceutre of tne business part of town,
'ree 'bus to and from trains and commodious
sample rooms fur oummervtat travelers.
& Aft A A ftftftft ftftft ftftftft ftft -
Belong to the window, juat ns doom belong
to doorway. The effect of the room is large
ly a matter of shades. We outshade all
competitors in our line. The Pize, extent,
elegance, novelty and variety of our Btock
open such a wide range of opportunities
for first choices that no one can fail to find
everything they desire in our superb presen
tation of window decorations. VVe can show
you the very idea for any and all windows,
nothing old, but everything as fresh and bright as
the season between winter and summer.
Some oilil Iota, I, 'i, and 4 of a h tml, tit uperltit tow prlre
to rlone them out. Any nlze or wMth fiu-nlxheit on abort notice.
STOKE, The Druggist.
'ftftft ftftftftft ftftftft ftftftft ftftftft ftftfti
i a. i :
in mis apciutJ . u. j-feemer
& Co. will have something
to say concerning their
stock of Fall and Winter
The place you find a
Wash Goods, and all.
Summer Dress Goods,
Including Lace Curtains, you can now buy vtj
It J 4WI SBBk a m O a SBBSV
a i-N r
Good Assortment of
Dress Goods