Scrofula Taints the blood of millions, and soonet or lator may break out la hip disease, running nori or some more complicated form. To mire scrofula or prevent It, thoroughly purify your blood with Hood's Hnrsaparllla, which has a contlna ally growing renord of wonderful cures. MJ' Sarsa- U iVSUU 9 parilla Is Aram ca's ilreatest Medicine, fl: six for A. Heofl'a Pllla ourelmllieestiim, biliousness. I believe Pirn's Cnre fnrConsumntlnn saved my boy 's life last summer.- Mrs. Allis Dovo un, urn toj. Alien., ucf. yo, imiv. i Tile wholesale grocery trade la ruts Sinn In Montreal Into the hands of ths , r rencn-t nnnillnn houses. No-To-Bm for fifty Cents. ftoeranteed tobacco habit cure, makes wesa aa strong, otooa pure. ouo, II. All drus-giaUs. Teak Trees ,noo Tears Old. The teak wood of Hlndoostan li al most Indestructible. The tree rearhei a girth ot from 10 to IS feet and has clenr trunk of 70 to 80 feet to the first limb. The timber retains Its fragrnnr to a great age. It Is a wonderfully hard wood, durable and strong, and once seasoned does not split, crack, warp shrink, or alter in shape. In certain portions of Burmah there la teak 2,000 yeara old. It weighs 40 pounds per cubic foot. Teak la used In India for construction, bridge-making, sleepers and furniture. It la exported to Europe chiefly for building railway carriages, shipbuilding or making decks and lower mosts and for the backing of armor-plates on Ironclads. It Is pe culiarly useful for the latter purpose, owing to the resinous matter which It contains and which acta aa a preven tire of rust, the wood neither affecting the Iron nor ielng affected by It. Untangling t.lltln on Patents, A measure of vast Importance to the manufacturing and commercial Inter ests of the United States Is the act of congress authorizing the president to appoint a commission to revise and amend the taws concerning patenta, trade marks, and trade and commer cial names. The laws, aa they exist, are Inadequate to the conditions of the day. They are too complex, contra dictory, and susceptible of great fraud. The United States courts. In deciding causes on the laws concerning patents, have unintentionally done much to ren der "confusion worse confounded." It la to be hoped that the commission will stamp with Its strongest disapproval the use of "Old Glory" and the Gen eva Cross for purely business advan tages. These symbols are almost sa cred. Ravel Way to Clean Machinery. The practice of cleaning machinery by means of blotting paper has been established In German workshops. The German workman formerly received on n average 250 grams of cotton waste, one new sponge cloth and one or two renovated ones per week; now he Is supplied with 150 grama of cotton waste and eight to ten sheets of blot ting paper, at a cost of 2 cents, In stead of as formerly, 6Vi cents. The paper la not only cheaper, hut It can not soil the machine with fibers and dust, like aponge cloth and woolen ref use, and It Is far preferable to cotton waste. Beyond this, It Is not so com bustible as other cleaning materials. KlMtrlrlty Killing Off Files. Entomologists report that of late years the annual crop of files Is de creasing rapidly and steadily. The al most universal adoption of electrle traction la credited with bringing about this desirable result. It has been stated tbat stables are the chief breed ing placea for. flies, and aa the street car horse has been emancipated, the number of stables Is growing less, hence the failure of the fly to b , born In multitudes ns In the past. Feminine Charity. Holen What did you think of Kate's new tea gown? Mattlo It was made rather stylish, but didn't you think the colors rather weak? Helen Yes; but they matched her tea very nicely. i - BBS. PDfKT.AM'S ADVICE What lira. HeU Hurst ho to Ssvj boat It. Ssab Mns. PrsKn am: When I wrote to yon I had not been wall for five years; had doctored all tho time but got no x tier, i naa womt trouble very bad. My womb pressed backward, causing- puea. l was in seen misery I oauld aoaroely walk acro-i the floor. Wen' tarnation waa irregular ! too pro fuse, also troubled with lcucorrhcea. I , bad given up all ' bone t of getting weVtj everybody thought 1 bad consumption. After taking IW' ? ' A 1 I 1 -. M I felt very much bettei- ' and waa able to do nearly all my own work. I oontinued the use of your macM cine, and feel that I owe my recovery to yon. Icannot thank you enoaghforyoar advice and your wonderful medicine. .Any ono doubting my statement may write to me and I 'will gladly answer all inquiries. Mrs. Nux IIuust, Deep water, Mo. " f Letters like the foregoing, eon ' stantly being received, contribute not ft little to the satlsf&cUon felt by Mrs, Pinkham that her medialne and counsel are assisting women to bear their Ueavy burdens. airs. Pinkham's add: ess is Lyn n , Maes. All Buffering women are invited to writ to her frr advioe, which will be fives without ehrrge. Jt la an I ImA woman's tdvlca to womsn, ; r THE MAN WHO COOKS THE CRUB We have read In song and story Of "the innn behind the gun," I!t Is given all tlin glory Of the buttles that are wont They are tilling up the papers With his apotheosis, And they tali about his diners While thu shell nbovo him hiss, Hut behind the grimy gunner. Steadfast through the wild hubbub, Htnnds a grnntit; god of battles "lis the man who cooks the grub. When the sky Is rent with thunder And the shell scronms through the air, When pome fort Is rent asundur And Instruction revels there, When the men In line go rushing On to glory or to woe W'lth the nuiitilened charge crushing Heroes who nre lying low, There Is one hut for whose labors There could be no wild hubbub, And the greatest god of bullies Is the mnn who conks tho grub. W hat of ships with armor plating? What of castles on the heights' What of anxious captains wnlting While the enreful gunner sights? What of nil the long-rauge rub's? Whnt of men with valiant hearts? These were but Impotent trifles. Hut Inconsequential parts Of the whole, without the fellow W ho must scour, snrnpe and scrub For the greatest god of battles Is the mun who cooks the grub. Cleveland Leader. HUMOROUS. 'I've got plenty of lime before we," laiil the bnck of the uatt'lii-ase. "Does she dress. itli taste?" "Yes, indeed! MUe tilwiivs look uoutl enough to eat." "How can yon tell whether a man has wheels in his head?" "By tbi pokes that come from his mouth, mj boy," "Von are my life," he murmured passionately. "Then don't take me,' she answered. "it would be sui .ide." Teacher Mary, make a setilenot with "dogma," as subject, Mary (af ter careful thought) The dogma ha three puppies. l'hysicinu -You have only a fen minutes to live. Have yon any last wish? Patient I- wish 1 had engaged another doctor. Mnml Did I ever tell you how tleorge came to lose his heart to me' Kthel So; 1 understood it was be ?nnxe he lost his bead. 'Mr. .Tohnsin, does yon know what .le sailors got dat nnme of 'tnrs' np plied to tlein?" "Sine; in sotu pitched battle of course, sub." "Who was that fellow that wanted (o trade his kingdom for a horse?" "That's u w heel 1 never heard of." "WhHtiH?" "The Kingdom." "Hey, there!" cried the policeman, 'your light's out!" "I know it!' yelled the fleeting bicyclist. "Oil'f all gone, ami I'm trying to light out, too." "Tell your mistress thut I've torn the cnrtaiii," said a lodger to a female aoniestic. " ery well, sir; mistress will put it dowu in the bill as extrs rent." He Thut fellow called me a lob ster, said I wan no good, and that I never thought of paying my debts' She Why, I didn't' know that he knew you ut all ! ltobbie's description of a bniniioe. Four-year-old ltoohie ran breuthlesslv into the house. "Oh, mamma." he laid, "there's a tuau out here with v lead pig thut siugs; coiue quick. Teacher Now can any of you giv uy proors of your own that tht solid is not lint? Little Tummy Please, ir, if it was yon could set !he North Pole with u telephone. Mr. .Toyner (member of six aecrel locieties, who bus just been received into the church) I'm a full nieiiibei now, am l The Minister You are. aiy brother. Mr. .Toyner Do 1 gel my button? Mike How old are von. Pat? Pal Thirty-sivin next mouth. Mike Yea must be older than that. When were fez born? Pat InlNlil. Mike-Ihav ye, now. Mure, yez told me the sams late tin years ago! Little Nellie, the tlve-vear-nlil .laughter of a clergyman, had been listening attentively to a Hilda atory. "Now, Nellie," asked her mamma, "can yon tell me what we mnst do lie. ore we can expect them to bo for. ?iven?" "Course I cau." she replied; 'we ve got to sin first. " A Japanese Iiliinvr, All the strangest products of eartu, egardless of precedence, hustle each Dther on the small square table uefor the guest, aud little by little overflow us Donnas.nua are pluted ou the floor .round him a growing nebula of tiny piuies, many oi which jie will uol loncu if he be wise, writes Mra. M.O, Frazer in the Pall Mall Mainzii.. What atrikes him first, perhaps, is the nncanny familiarity of some of them. If this is really hia first visit to little Tapau, where could be possibly have leen three pink shells lyiug on golden traw in a scarlet plate? Or a larg " " w"u ueaeecuiug counte aanoe, comfortably put to bed among jprouting rnahea, nil apparently grow ing out of the meshes of thut fairy Basket work? Where, in the name of tauity, bus be bad sugar peonies and jhrysttu them urns done to the life louble their natural size, or octopj and red crabs artistically chasing each Jther on plates of corrugated glass! Are these the stnff that dreams are wade of? Then be remembers; of course, they have all come out of the em broideries and off the luoquered tables if hia childhood. The dinner is au jbject lessou iu exquisite arrange aienta1 of 'form and color, and should be rogarded as such. Viewed aa food it is dixtiuctly unsatisfactory, and far, far too aatisfyingl - The impression 3u rising, atitf and diziy, from the Joor, ia that of haviuu watched a kaleidoscope, and swallowed Mont plane. or Innnit ratlence. Borne men are great In alienee, some re grand in talk. The Pennsylvania Railroad company has a man In charge of Its bureau of Information In Jersey City who answers on an average 10,000 questions a day, and the person does not live who has eecn his .cathers rumpled. Remarkable man I The traveling public ran ask more fool questions than any other public on earth; but to interrogate stupidly foolishly. Idiotically or otherwise Mr, R. B. Caldwell la to discover a reversal of the Biblical Injunction to answer a thick wit according to his aslnlnlty, Over 300 trains go and come dally at the Pennsylvania station, and all these Caldwell must have at his tongue's end, aa well as a complete map of the universe. Caldwell Is every one's main depend ence. I have heard people Inquire after lost parcels. I have heard others ask: "Have you seen a man around here looking as If he expected to meet some one?" "Did a long, thin chap with eye-glasses leave a message here for me? "Did a young woman with child tell you she expected her bus band to arrive on the Chicago limited Im the man." Caldwell knows at sight every politician that travels, every prominent man In public life, every regular ana nearly every irregular pa iron or bis road. Being a man of var led knowledge he Is In demand among nis renows when arguments wax hot In political forecasts he has an unbeat en record. New York Tress. following ta Chicago's Leait. The street cars In Belfast, Ireland, contain a notice to this effect: "The habit of spitting In a public convey ance Is a filthy one, and renders the person so offending a subject for the loathing of his fellow-passenger. " New at. I.nuts flrailqunrtrrs. The ftnltlmors A Ohio and Baltimore A Ohio Hiiuth Western Kntlronits have seeured a long lease on ths ninunitteeut room at rtroAilway ond t,oeust street in Ht. I.iuis for the purpose of consolidating under one roof the freight and passenger onlees, now bicnted 111 that r.H.v. 1 be new lneut nil Is tbe ffrolini floor of the American Central Building with M feet on Broadway and H3 feet on Locust ritreet The ticket office will be In the centre fronting ou Broadway, the freight depart ment on one side and the passenger depart ment on the other, with Ueueral Agent Orr's onicsm me rear. it Is quite probable that the? e offices will be even handsomer than the B. & O. New York headquarters, which are the finest In that oity. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous aess alter first day's use of Dr. Kline's Ureat aerve rtcniorer. S3 trial oome ana treatise free. Dr K.H Kl.lNK, I.U1..BU1 An hHUFhlla.l'a THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combiniition, but also to the care and skill w ith which it ia manufactured by acicntlflo processes known to the California Fio frivitfp Co. only, and wo wish to I m prosit upon all the Importance of purchasing the truo and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of thut foot will assist one In avoiding tho worthless imitations manufactured by other par tics. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Svhup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Comuanv a iruarantv of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatlvea, aa it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it doea not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of tbe Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAR) rBANOUOA, CM. LOUISVILLE. Ky. KW TORE, .T. 'lhave nwd yoar valuable CAa)CA Bi l'd and Uiid tlioiu pm'tect. Couldn't do without them. I have until them forwomo time forllldllfOHMon and biliousness undnm now mm. pletoly cured. Kcconimend tbein. to every one. Once tried, you will never be without them In the family." - Euw. A. Mahx, Albany, N. Y. CANOV vaaoi mmr at any Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste OooS. Do Uimu, tetr Siokau. Weaken, or Gripe. Wo. Ko, tOo. ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... atwaf a tt ei cm uut, s twt rt MT0-BiB ndIC'r""ea by sll dru. -CHILDBIRTH- Wltb Urn racking pttin tad turtar can t idjmU m1s In, Mfa, ura ml Nwy by usiuif MITCMCLLA COMPOUND. ThrmxaMKUuf mothvra wmniiutuid i'l turtornxl by n)iy-MvUiii. Knt nrvpAid on rMf tnl f priie, 41 ,uo, 4Ji TllltHHH Itt irlitf bi-rsv" aunt fr. si 1 JPr,IJm rtM'Hpl or prtctj, l .uu. vVr1'fur It. LADY It. LADY Ai.Kla' I'M U AN'll'.I) IK VVUIltf autin, Atiursnw; DK.J. U. UH HUU1CAI, INHTITVTE, ' Hull alo. N. V. --PATENTS-- Prorurad un lash, i,r lMaliaieuia.VllWI.KS fe bUllha. faiimt Atturu, H7 Un adway. M. If. J 'W Jfi I qiiloknlhlaea suras arum CMS. Sroe or tw.Ui of UaHis,)!. and lU 4mpm tiHiauat Vfm. r eklia's sess. Ailaaw. Sa. WAIITKD-tisw 1 bad hasltk thst a I r- ff S vt aol bau.SI Sand seta, to lllulMi;heiil,a tiieia. im i saiaiaai aas mm n Biliousness tVamin'l Heroism. Ffomth rafil(T.(J(ilte, Rwifort. Til. Darin the elvll war nearly as much hero lam was shown by the women of our nation aa by the brave soldiers. Many a womun, weeping for her dead son, bound up the wounds of hlssulTerl'Ieomrndea,reJ"lonR' in tnelr renewnd f -tron ut h, even while j .cirrowlnir ortheoue no wus B) one. At that time was laid the foun dation for ... . tlin world- On tht BnllbMt. famed or- Ranlsatlon known as the Woman's llellef Corps, whose aid to the soldier of to-day, llnhllnir aifiilnst the world for a living;, Is no lea notable than tbe heroism of the early 60s. One of the most earnest members of the corps at Myron, III., Is Mrs, James House wesrt, but Illness once put a stop to her aetlvework. A year or so ao, when she was nenrliin fifty yetrs of aire, the time when women must be most enreful of their strength, Mrs. Housewenrt was taken Seriously ill. The family physlelan told her that she had reaehed a critical period of her life, and must be very enreful. His prescriptions and treatment did not benefit her, and other treatment proved un availing, At last Dr. Williams' Pink rills for Pale People wore brought to her notice, with Indisputable evidence that they were help ful In cases such aa hers, and wltb renewed hope she tried the remedy. Last Mareh she took the first box of the pills, which gave much relief, 8he was determined to be cured, and kept on with the medicine, until now eight boxes have been consumed, and she feels like a new woman. Mrs. Housewenrt said: "I have taken only olght boxes, but I have been Improv ing since I took the first dose, I do not believe I could have lived without the pills. They certainly hare done me more good than any physician ornuy medicine I are ever tried." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nre sold In boxes (never in loose hulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 3 50, and may be had of all druggists, or dlreot by mall fnm Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Schenectady. N. Y. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local application, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one w ay to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inllanird condltlonrf themueousllnlng of the Kustai'bian Tube. When this tube gets Inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or im- ...... i. ..... .. .. .1 i . , . ,nT,,,7,,, MT.IIMIU mm mini i, in euureijr closed Deafness Is the result, and unless the lnnnmninTion can tie taken out and this tube restored tu Its normal iinilltl,iii. hesrlov will lie destroyed forever. Nine rases out of ten are paused by i ntnrrh, which la nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give tine Hundred Dollars for any oaaeof deafnesa caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure, fend for circulars, lr.e. . r. ,i. ihrnky it Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. T5c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Julius HInes A Hon. the well-known ilnt,.M In furniture, carpets, etc, of Baltimore, Mil., have Issued their new catalogues, w hich are now ready fordellvery, and will lie sent free for the asklnir. The furniture catilotnie cmi. tains lis) pages, and is replete with evt-rvthliig noceasary to make home comfortable and neautmii. everything Is raltbrully Illus trated, ml that IMirchases nan tie made as easily as though the gixsls w ere before yon. Prices are such as have made this house fa mous throughout the length and breadth of this country. The carpet catalogue la really a work of art, being lithographed from haiid naliitrd itlates. from whirl, rnrottts ran Im. easily and satisfactorily telecteil. Designs ami colors are rimnrully shown, the w hole thinu makilllt a Valuable work of art. In liolh catalogues are testimonials from sutlalled puii'hasers from every part of the country, together with referenre as to rcllnbllltv and honesty, of which miy house might well be priwid, and which wives absolute assurance of ratlsfactory dealings at all times. The Polar currents are snld to con tain less salt than those from the equutor. To Car Constipation Forever. Take Cascnrete Candy Cathartic loo or Bla If U. U. C. fall to cure, druggists ref uad money The lightest tublns: ever madn la nt nickel aluminium. II. If. flHKrx's Son, of Atlanta. only successful Drmitty HMHdallts in the world. See their liberal olfcr In advurtieeinent lu an other eoluinn of this picr. I mill T Rj HT. H. N. Partial List of . Location of Ashtabula County. ASHTABULA COUNTV. In which most of the placea ou thla Hat are lo cated, la the northeustern corner county In Ohio. Our landa are all rolling;, gravelly loam hoII; with clay subsoil. There are five railroads tun ning; through the county, two east and west and three north and south, giv ing; ease and quirk communication and markets to Buffaio and the east, and to Clevelund and the west and the north and south roads put ua In direct communication with Pittsburg; und Oil City, We have at Ashtabula, this county, the best harbor between Cleve land and Buffalo on Lake Krie, where la handled the most coal and oro of any port In the world. Thla county for agricultural products, statistics Bhow we average per acre with the best, I will be pleased to furnish any Information that muy be desired, and would solicit correspondence. No. 1. A premium farm of 3oi acres. one mile from jerrerson county seal. on the most traveled road In the coun ty; t good houses, it good barns, one new last year, will hold ISO tons of hay. the other 45x50. Thia farm ia a beauty all under high state of cultivation well fenced all over, well watered with aprlnga and creek, adapted to all kinds ot crops grown in Ohio, (5 acres of wheat on the ground, over 170 acres of meadow that will produce 150 tons of hay, and all can be put Into meadow If desired, and can work machinery ou every acre of It and will produce hay enough In three years to pay for the whole farm at the price asked. $00 per acre. ta.OOO down, . The farm can be divided with two aeta of buildings for each farm. Will give time to auit the purchaser. The farm la actually worth lit per aero. No, 2 A splendid farm or lu acres ocated on main road from Jefferson to Ashtabula, aa nlca aituatton aa there on the road; first class land with wo good houses, all In good condition; one house with 10 rooms, the other T rooms; the land first class and under high state of cultivation, well watered with small creek and springs, A second growth sugar orchard of Duo trees In open neiu. A barn, new Inst year, 30x74. This farm can be divided desired, will aell the whole rurm for $55 per acre, or villi aell SO acres for that price. No. 3 a farm or no acres or fine land for gardening, being the aelvane of a marsh that Is well drained, very rich, half auKable for gardening; new barn 30x60; four miles from city Aalitu bula market town. Will aell ths whole tract for 14,000 with a down payment of 11.000. the balance Ion tlmt to suit Smnggler foiled. Even Saxon courtesy may be car ried a little too far. When about to return from a Bohemian village to a frontier town In Baxony, the occupants of a sledge had their foot-warmers carefully rinsed out and replenlnhed with full-bodied Hungarlun wine. Thus they passed the guard post without let or hindrance to the merry jingling of the slelghbells. Laughing and joking at the success of their little dodge, they called at a wayside inn for refresh ments. On resuming their seats one of the party exclaimed: "Why, the foot-warmers are quite hot!" Then the boots of the Inn stepped forward and said, with a ftlendly grin: "The foot warmers were quite cold, gentlemen, so just to oblige you, I emptied and filled them again with hot water." Weekly Telegraph. New Novelty In Tfomnn's Dress. The new woman's latest novelty In jewelry Is a set of gold shirt waist studs, three In number, In one of which Is a watch that keeps excellent time, the dial being about three-eighths of an Inch In diameter. Beat Toast re Salt sal Ranks tosr t.lh away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60o or tl. Curs guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Hsmedy Co., Chicago or Kaw York The mignonette flower of Kpaln. Is the national Ever Have a Dog Mother Von When riding a wheel, making yon wonder for a few minutes whether or net you are to gets fall and a broken neck Wouldn't von have given a small farm Just then for some means ofdrlvlng off the besstr A few drops of am monia shot from a Liquid Pistol would do it effectually and rtlll not permanently Inlure the animal. Pitch plslola sent postpaid ror fifty centa In stamps by New York I'nlon Fupply Co, lilO Leonard Kt, New York City. Kl cry blcyclsstat times wishes he had uiio Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup for children teething, sol tern the gums, reduces Inthimiiuw lion, allays pain, curaa wind colic, Uic.a bottle. Amsterdum'a celebration of Queen Wilhrlmlna's coronutlon Is threatened by a strike of the carpenters ciiKiig;d to build the grand stands. Deauty la Blood Dec IS Clean blood means a clean skin. We beauty without it. t'ascareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, bv stirring op the lazy liver aud driving all im purities from the body, begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 35c, 50c. It ta anlfl thnl alwmt fjl MIA RlrlH go from the Uermun provinces to o.-iiiii eiei jr jear. Edneate Toor Dowels Wltb Caaear ta. Candy Cntlinrtic, cure constipation forever Wo, !o. U C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. The Cherokee form of marriage la perhaps the simplest and most ex pressive of any. The man and woman merely Join hands over a running Mieain, emblematic of the wish that their future lives, hopes and aspira tions should How on In the same t hanncl. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take l.aiatlve llrnmo Uulnine Tablets. All Druggists refund inouey If It falls to cure. o. Throughout the entlro world there are ubout 20.000,000 souure miles of un explored territory. In Africa there arc square miles; Arctic regions, America, Auetralln. 3.6110.000: Antartic regions, 6,:iou,000; Asia, 200.000, and various Islands. 900.- 000. Brevity io tho Soul of Wit." Good Wife, You Need SAPOLIO BANCROFT'S Ohio Farms for Sale or Exchange. . tU ... - n it i m . . s me purcnaser. uuy it ir you want a gurueii farm near market. No. 4 A little 25 acre garden farm 4 miles rrom the city of Ashtabula, wnero there is a good market for all garden truck; new house 18x28, 2 stories, good cellar, splendid good home, all under cultivation. Oieurlv half black muck extending Into marsh mat is wen drained, good onion land, ui win raise unyming. 'inis rurm can be bought for l:000. down payment ,vuv, i,lw uuiuiii-e on lime 10 buie me purchaaer. No. 5 A farm of 77 acres located within 40 rods of the Incorporation of cny limits or Jefferson. In sluht of the court house, good house, two-eUry up right 18x26, wing 18x24, wood house and kitchen 18x24, one barn 26x:iti horse burn, 20x50, sheep barn, 18x34, the best kind of soil, fruited, sugar orchard or z&o trees, everything In good shape will sell for $4,000. with a down pay ment of $l,Me, the balance will wait 1G years, with security on the farm, at u per cent. No. 6 A farm of 113 acres, 3 miles from county seat and In plain sight, one mile from Ausflnburg, where there Ih a high grade school, land first best In cultivation and producing largely; good house and barn EOxGO, plenty fruit of various kinds, well watered; price $50 per acre. Might exchange for good city property. No. 7 A farm of 150 acres, five miles from County seat, one mile from rail road depot and village store, post of fice, saw and grist mill, cheese factory, church, shops, etc. Uuod land and all under cultivation except 40 acres of good wood, ftmall orchard, large double house, 13 rooms, designed for two families, well watered with three (rood wells and aprlnga; owned by an old man that Is not able to work It, will soil It for two-thirds what It la worth on ten yeara time. It la worth fv.OOO and M.000 will buy It, one-third down, buy It, It will pay for Itself, No. I A very fine furm of 53 acres located three-rourtha of a mile from the depot ot the Lake Bhore railroad, 4 mllea from the fine rlty of Ashtabula, and 4 miles from Jefferson, county scat of ABhtabula county. Mile from, church, store. V, O, This farm Is lit high state of cultivation and nroduc. Ing heavily, house has 9 rooms besides pantry, clothes presses, etc.; barn 30x90 with wing 30x70, 8 alalia for horses. 12 for cattle, all In complete order: granary 16x24, corn house 12x20, good orchard of the best fruit, apples, pears, peachfa. cherries, and grapes; as large as the barn la It waa filled with hay and grain In thla year, The farm will produce as much aa an ordinary l'Vi acre farm. Ths lmiirvmeo build Year alleullea, dans I Yon set hsrt a Conrh ftnd a OnmMaatlea ftoftkcaM. Th.y are Ipsrlnisas lak.n fnnm our nsw ISO.p" Furniture CsUlosns, which rnntslat the must enniprrhtnalvecollectlen of KhmIs to mske horns renifnrtatile and bume sutltjl tvtr otta logsthtr by niortslmsn. i hlr tvnirh, MKM r1mif or conlnroy, and flMt fop it v If rnu run huy 'irh a rout h for ItNlhsn fiv, wt oon i mow our du si nest. And Ihlt rnmMniiflOR Ixtok ri)nnd wilt In dMk I irmdtof tt.trttr mwffl okr binh. fn UUiA Mahntftny. with Im-tMH pinto mirror, li Im-titt i ft In-t-Umt, M InrltM htvh nd 37 tt rhf wlrtt?. nollihiMl Mho pi mm; and tho orlco, 74. A nml IS rllrle. You mrmt rmtnbr otir lmd ottrndo round tlio world. Kola Btutt or Trt(iot In Ihlt countrr but whnt hn ter1vtd cor Imnlsjof ourftoml ot thro prim uhlrh nono can sxaiMi, if ynxt Inquire niitoitf your bfliih bort toii will mor thnn If krl v Hud onmfnno who hM Wen dllRlitM with flirlr rirttiinM with m. Wo rtrr lo Nntlonnl tiankn oMovrr tttt country m to onr r-lltbllliy nml fhlrdrnl In. Wt wnnl you to hare otir Furniture Cut. nlojrno, boemtw It li m IIIji1 oduralor In hoiiNohnld nriiltlfa. and we want 7011 ta haveonr 10rolorrd Llthrraphd Carrot Cat alftfftte, which ihnwii drutansi and cnlnri at prfocuvn thntiRb you hud the carpet nn tbe floor of your name. Itoih thete en tit torn are your lor the inblnff. end you wltlwnnw more about uch tblugi after readlut It care fully. Ad drew (exactly ai below) Jt LIVS BINES ROM, U9 Daltltnore, Md. Dept. M Pirficf Trpt of tht Hightit Ordiref Cnctllinc In Manufaclyr." WalteiBalter&Cois Breakfast coa Absolutely Pure, Delicious,. Nutritious. ..Costs less Han que CEKTiCop., Be turt lhat you get the Ctwttaa Article, md. at UOHCME5TER, MASS. by WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. EsTaBLISHSn 1780. leSSasia Codascold ?rrr,r J- Vsbialila rnrmuls,: golden orportunltvj meet Valusbl eorets knuwn for oflVa, uousef armi TheBflstBOOl 7 WHSKHSSS ainisly llln.tratedi price rratiaaybuilyseullii two anniisl siilisrrliitlnn at l ex-h tu th klunibiv, HAN FHANCISCO. Sauiul OvarUnd. ha, P. N. U. 87 '9S If afiii. teiiwitii iThnmnenn'e Cua UMar ore eyes use inuuiiauii q t-je iiuibi Cuu-h Uvruo. TutM (IoimI. IB in nme. mi a ny antniete. ings cost not less than $2,500, and the whole form can be bought for $3,300 with a down payment ot $1,300, balance In ten equal amount payments, which can be made eaay on the farm, splen did place to live, good society and very pleasant. No. 9 A farm of ISO acres of fine level land, can work machinery oneveryucre of It, located within 200 rods of the city of Jefferson, county seat of Ashtabula county, on the most traveled rouds In the county. In plain sight of the pass ing tralna of the Lake Shore railroad: the very best Improvements In the way ot buildings of all kinds, some of which nre entirely new, large commodious house with slate roof, plate glass, large verandas, stone walks, house heated with hot water throughout, bath room, finally, all the conveniences necessary to make home comfortable and con venient; barn 40x80, with wing 36x70 new horse barn 40x50, with several box stalls, large granary and corn house. Ice house, all buildings lately painted and In perfect order; plenty fruit and water, 12 acres wheat on the ground- title perfect, not a dollar against it The owner will sell this farm for $10 -000. nut over two-thirds what it is actually worth, and with the sale will go the plows, harrows, cultivators mowing machine, horse forks, etc' One-third down, the balance In' iuit equal annual payments. Good reason for selling, wil. send photograph If de sired. No. 10 Here la a farm of k ....... JJi mllea from city of Ashtabula, city io.uw, on a good road one. mile from railroad depot on the Lake, nhr. lallroud, where there are churchea, atore, P. O. Good house with I rooms. bay window, good cellar: bars nwia with wing 16x30. also a shed Is. in ' granary for 2000 bushels. Sugar orchard of 100 trees in open Held; apple or chard, pear orchard of 100 bearina- tiees, grapes and lots of all klnH. . e other fruit. Nice farm aa vn wish to see and can he hiii,t ... ,2.8r.!i?i0 yea ,lwe 6f,er payment of $1,200- down. OUR TERMS! I charge 5 per cent on all ai.. which the seller not siurchaser hua t.l pay. When we get partiea tmrether who exohanrre pronertv. we charv two and one-half per cent to .each party. Commission always due and payable as soon aa contracts are klarned. isr-site ttli list. Ai, mt, i.t ptr For full particulars .address. II. N. BANCROFT, Krai EMfato Agent. ' JEFFERSON, g. aai &---. - , ft s in-lift firu in im ft 5 i