The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 27, 1898, Image 8

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What Hppm When Rlngta PrrJiwtlU
ftailrtcnij Rnrntii Into Two Hundred Kp
rnto nrmniiin of In-i..1-. -;.!llii nd
Hoi til Shot.
The Iniprnromrnt In mnrtntti riiiis
hnviu-nilinu-eil nil rnlUit'i-n, from thnt of
tho mniill nrm firing a projectilu only
one-third of nn inrli in dinmetrr to tbn
nionotiT which Willi n miHil piece of
(rtpel 18 Inchon tlirntiKh anil WplRliinK
over linlf n ton. Not only hnve tho ftnim
improved, bnt nlso nil their acceiworli's,
eupci-inlly powder mid projcetiH-i. Tho
mnoki'lcs powder of tho preietit lui)
clumped tbo conditions of wnr nlinost
an much ns ninilern (imminent.
Keeping rtvp with them nilvnuccs
hnvo liceo tlioso nmdo in the vnrltin
claws of projectiles. Even tho Pinnlli'st
of thrco, with its ense hnrdened hnllet,
Is fur ahead of the old fiiHhioncd lend
bullet nurd in tho rannll arms of !)()
yours, rifto.
Ono of tho most effective of modern
projectiles is tho plirnpni'l. It Is ono of
tbo forms of enso shot. The others wero
tho old fashioned Rrnpo and cunistur. A
enso Khot may be snid to bo p. collection
of tniHfiiles in a case, which breaks up
either in tho Rim or at some point iu
flight, thus setting free its death deal
ing particles.
As soon as the enso is broken nch of
these particles, goes on a separate path,
and it's a sorry day for tbo nina struck
by one of them. All of these falling
upon a piece of level ground would
mark out an irregular oval, whoso area
Varies with differing conditions. It has
been found that tho ty'st point to tmrst
the shrapnel is aboue six yards above
and 60 iu front of tho enemy.
Colonel Shrapnel of tbo Rrittnh serv
iow first invented shrapnel in 180:1. This
early form consisted dimply of a spher
ical shell filled with bullets and a burst
ing churgo of powder in tho spaces be
tween. This was a crude invention,
which scattered the fragments too much
and was liable to go off wbon not ex
pected and not do so when desired.
This form wuh improved upon during
our civil wnr, and tho modern shrapnel
can be considered the most dangerous
of all lifo destroying projectiles. It con
sists of thrpo parts the tnbo, thol.ise
and tho head. The powder charge is in
tho base, which is firmly attached to
tho body cither by eli-ctrio welding or
by screwing. Lending from tho bnse
through tho center of the body is a tube
which is also filled with powder, which
is ignited by tbo fuse at tho point of tbe
shrapnel nnd enrries tho fire tothomnin
charge. Between 200 and 1)00 bullots
rest upon a dinphrngm just over tho
powdor charga These are hold in place
by a matrix of rosin which is melted
and poured upon tho bullet when in
place. A skeleton case of cast iron con
taining receptacles for encli Imllet is
sometimes used instead of tho rosin.
The bend is put on in tho same man
ner as tho base, and when tho fuse is
inserted tho prnjectilo is ready for use.
Somo shrapnels have tho bursting chargo
in tho head instead of tlio" base. The
fuso used is rather complicated, but tho
United States lias as good a ono as
thero is. It is a timo two and lu actual
test has shown its reliability.
; It can readily be seen that ono great
objection to tho shrapnel is its high
cost. Tho fuso alono costs about 2.50.
Tho same gun is usually supplied with
threo styles of ammunition tho solid
shot, tho rdiell and tho shrapnel. Somo
batteries (trn also supplied with canister
for us.0 ut close (jniU'tera Tho bullots
in the cmiister havo a wider dispersion,
becauso tho enso breaks up in tho gun.
Canister was used to repel tho famous
chargo led by the Confederate general
Piokett nt Gettysburg. A perfect hail
of missiles swept tho slopo leading up
to Comotery Hill, against whoso de
structive effects human valor was of uo
Thoshtll is used to destroy inanimate,
objects us well as animate, ones. It con-
sluts of a hollow cast iron shell, with a
fuso and bursting clinrgo of powder.
The famous shot fired during tho cut
ting of tho cables at Cieufucgos is a
Rood exnmplo of its uso. The Spaniards
having tuken refuge in and behind a
lighthouse, a shell was fired by one of
our ships, which, striking it fairly,
burst and utterly destroyed the struc
ture, killing many of tho soldiers.
Bnt against men iu battlo formation
the shrapnel is tho more effective It
sends a porfuct shower of missiles which,
falling in the midst of a company,
would almost annihilate it. Many tests
have been made to show this.
Shrapuols fired from a gun a mile
. away in one instance and a mile and
. two-thirds in tho other wore made to
strike a board targot one inoh thick.
The fuses were set off by the contact
and burst tho projectilo into 800 or 800
ports, each of which was capable of
dealing death to any living thing in its
path. Screens were placed at indicated
distances behind the target These may
be considered as representing a battalion
of infantry in column of companies.
From the number of hits upon all of
them the efficiency of shrapnel fire
nguinst close order formation may be
In one shot 153 hits were made by a
aiugle shrapnel. In another 215 hits are
vecordod, but those are not so well scat
tered. Imagine, thon, the effect of a
. well placed shrapnel upon a group of
men such as is bore represented.
The reader can readily understand
why wars are now wagod at greater
distances and why baud to band con
flicts are almost unheard of. New
York Herald.
BU MlnUte.
"That politician is a 'has been, ' isn't
he?" remarked the observer.
"No," replied the captions friend,
"he isn't even that He's merely a
used to think he was. ' " Washington
t!ar., . ' .
It Rvqnlrrrt nln In tn It, bnt Ha Wm
Rqtmt to the OcciMlnii.
"Talking about cows," said Andy
Henderson, "I really think that 1 hail
ono of tlxs most peculiar experiences
with tho animals in question that ever
befell a citizen of west Texas. It Was
soon after I went to El l'nso, sane ton
years ago, nd before I had got familiar
with the vagaries of tho El Paso cli
mate. "I bad settled on a very pretty ranch
some miles out of the progressive fron
tier city nnd was doing nicely until I
decided to go Into tho butter business.
I sent cast tor n dozen lino Jersey cows
and began operations. Well, tho cows
came on, inxi I bustled tho butter busi
ness from the jump. Things progressed
nicely for n month, when the weather
grew very warm and tho atmosphere
very dry The Kio Crnndo dwindled
until n roach could havo waded across.
Every bit of moisturo disappeared, but
this did not affect me, becauso I had a
fine, artesian well on the ranch and
plenty of water. I observed, however,
that my cows wero losing mlllc day by
day, until at last they were perfectly
dry. 1 was astounded, for they had
plenty of feed nnd lots of water from
tho well. I couldn't understand it and
determined to investigate.
"I Rot up an hour before daylight and
exnmined the cows, und, to my aston
ishment, 1 found the adders of the cows
heavy with milk. I did not milk the
tho animals, bnt simply watched and
waited developments. Day dawned and
tho cows lo'tily meandered into the pas
ture, and I followed. The sun came up,
and with tho sun came tbe terrible dry
ness, hut it didn't fcazo ma in the least
What knocked me out was tho sight of
my cows' udders. They wore growing
smaller and smaller us I looked until
they wero as flaccid as a punctured tiro.
Then I tumbled. The dryness of the at
mosphere simply evaporated the milk
through tho walls of tho udder.
"What did I do? Why, I varnished
the milking apparatus of tho beasts nnd
the milk couldn't ooze through tbo
flesh. That stopped it "Now Orleans
Times Democrat.
It Is a Prclo ttlft anil Helps to Light
en Llfes Wiljr.
I regard a sen so of humor as ono oi
tho most precious gifts that can bo
vouchsafed to a human being. He is not
necessarily a bettor man for having it,
but ho is a happier ono. It renders him
indifferent to good or bad fortune. It
enables him to enjoy his own discomfi
ture. Blessed with this sense ho is never
unduly elated or cast down. No ono
can rufllo his temper. No abuse disturbs
his equanimity. Bores do uot bore him
Humbugs do not humbug him. Solemn
airs do uot imposo ou him. Sentimeutul
gush does uot influence him. The fullipn
of the moment have no hold ou him.
Titles and decorations are hut childish
baubles iu his eyes. Prejudice does uot
warp bis judgment. He is never in con
coit or out of conceit with himself. lie
abhors all dogmatism. The world is n
stage ou which actors strut aud fret tor
his edification and amusement, and lie
pursues tho eveu curruut of his way, in
vulnerable doing what is right iil1
prnpor according to his lights, but ut
terly indifferent whether what ho dues
finds approval or disapproval from oth
It Hamlet bad bad any sense of bu
mor, ho would uot have liceu a nuisance,
to himself and to all surrouudiug him
London Truth.
Spending; Money.
It is an excellent thing to give chil
dren as soon as they nrrivo at about I'i
years, or even before, a littlo allowance
for spending money nnd an account
book. Show them how to keep mi re
count of small expenditures and multii
it a condition that they do so if 1 1 1 : y
wisli to receive their allowance. Tl: .: .
is no instruct iou moro necessary to cbti
drcu than instruction in tho wiso man
agoment of money. Children should ho
taught early what truo economy is m-d
to oxorcise their judgment uot their
fancy iu making purchases, A h: -.V
instruction now, and exporicnoo if ucu!
bo, of tho genuine discomforts of extra v
agunco may save thorn from much s..i
fering in after years. Now Vol.
He Had Chanced,
A widow onoo . called upon an artist
aud asked him to paint a portrait of her
husband. "When can ho sit?" inquired
the artist "Ho can't sit at all, " suid
the widow, "ho's dead." "Then yon
will have to furnish mo with his photo
graph," said tho artist "Ho never hud
his picturo taken," said the widow
Nevertheless tho artist undertook the
job, and when ho had finished the work
ho asked the widow to come and soe. it
"It's a fine picturo," said she, "aud
you'll please seud it to my home but
how the old man has changed. " -Boston
Horald. -
He Saw the Flay.
They wero giviug "She Stoops to
Conquer" in a small provincial towu
A penniless individual, anxious to see
the play, stalked pust tho ticket ollicu
in a careless, independent sort of way
When stopped and asked by what right
,ho went iu without payiug, he replied -
"By what right! I am Olivor Gold
smith, tho author of tho pioco they nr.
going to perform I" ,
"Ah, beg pardon, sir, " suid the chock
taker, making a bow.
Aud Goldsmith, wulked iu to see kin
play. Loudon Answers.
Why Is It Ever Thus
The wholo crowd of mon raved of her
She was divine, they suid, iucompur
tbly divine, nud gloriously beautiful
So she was, just as they bad suid.
Bat one iuiui did uot think so.
Her brother. Vim.
Llvl la Manila.
lilVlng in Manila, says Joseph Knrle
ftvvens ia McCluro's Magazine, is dirt
cheap If yon are not fond of tinned
pens and asparagus, that come from
Frnnce and Uermaiiy.
"Our cook pot 40 cents per diem to
supply rnir table with an entire dinner
for four people, nnd for B cents exfrn hn
would decorate tho cloth with orchids
nnd put penn in the soup. As a i. 'rviiiit,
the native is satisfactory If yov. havo
enough of him. Iln takes bossing well,
and yon ran punch his head if things go
wrong. In fact, ho rather expects It
than otherwise., and does not put his
arms akimbo and inarch out of thehousu
when you mildly suggest thnt the qual
ity of ants iu the cuke was not up to
standard. For ants nro everywhere, and
nnlcHH the legs of your dining tablo and
cook stove stand in cups of kerosene, tho
nuts will be npt to eat the dinner be
fore yon do.
"For wages, theso boys and they art
called boys till they dii get somo ii a
mouth, aud on this salary my own serv
ant paid 10 per cent to thn government,
supported a wifo and two children,
bought all his own food nnd run u fight
ing cock. I don't know how much he
stole, but he used sometimes to .Mil on
mo for nn advance, saying thnt he need
rd funds to bury some relative. At first
I was touched nt bis loss, but later ou,
when he tried to bury his mot her twice
over, I found it necessary to keep a rec
ord of tho family treo iu order not to be
led into paying nn ndvnnco on tho cost
of two funerals for tho same person."
Inside of a Molecule,
The New South Wales government
analyst, William M. Hamlet, delivered
the presidential address in tho sect iou
of chemistry at tho -recent meeting of
tbe Australian Association For tho Ad
vancement of Science, tho subject being
"Tlio Molecular Mechanism of uu Elec
trolyte." Ho defined an electrolyte ns a body iu
solution or state of fusion, capable of
being lustanteously decomposed by a
current of electricity, and ho claimed
that if tho explanation he offered was
adequate for tho clcctrolyto it must
hold good for the constitution of tho
matter in tho universe, so that the
treatiso on tho electrolyte has a most
important scientific beuriug. Tho meth
od of investigating the actlou of one
body upon any other, he reminded his
audience, was brought to a high degree
of accuracy by tho immortal work of
Sir Isaao Newton. He alluded to somo
observations of the Into Professor Clif
ford, nmdo over 20 years ago, this au
thority remarking, almost prophetical
ly, "Wo can look forward to the timo
when tbo structure nnd motions in tho
insido of a molecule will bo so well
known that some future Kant or Lnpluco
will he nblo to make an hypothesis
about the history aud formation of mat
tor. "Nature,
The Cavalry Ileclment.
The Rubers cluuk'd, tho men look'd
young and healthy nnd strong; tho dec
trio tramping of so many horses ou the
hard road, nnd tho gallant bearing, fine
seat and bright faced nppenranco of a
thousand aud moro haudsomo young
American men, were so good to sea An
hour later another troop went by,
smaller iu numbers, perhaps !W0 men.
They, too, look'd liko serviceable men,
campaigners used to field nnd fight.
July a This forenoon, for moro than
an hour, ngain long strings of cavalry,
several regiments, very Hno men and
horses, four or five n breast I saw them
in Fourteenth street, coming in town
from north. Several hundred extra
horses, somo of tbo mares with -colts,
trotting along. (Appcar'd to bo a num
ber o"f prisoners too). How inspiring al
ways tlio cavalry regiments. Our men
nro generally well mounted, feel good,
nro young, guy on tho saddle, their
blankets iu a roll behind tlyjin, their ru
bers clanking nt their sides. This uoisu
nnd movemeut nnd tho trump of many
horses' hoofs has n curious effect upon
ono. "Tho Wound Dresser," by Wult
She Married nim Anyhow
A convict ut a French penal settle
ment who was undergoing a life sen
tence desired to marry a female convict,
such marriiiges boiug of common occur
rence Tho governor of tho colony offer
ed no objection, but tho priest proceed
ed to cross examine tho prisoner. "Did
you not niurry in Franco':"' Ho said,
"Yes." "And your wife is dead?"
"Sho is." "Havo you any documents
to show that sho is dead?" "No."
"Then I must decline to marry yon.
Yon must produce somo proof thut your
Wifo is doad. " There was a puuso, uud
tho brida prospective looked anxiously
at tho would bo groom. Finally Jio suid,
"I can prove thut my former wifo is
doad." "How?" "I was sent hero for
killing bor. " And the brido accepted
him notwithstanding. Denver Times.
The DIlTvrenoe
Dr. Pellet All yon need ia 25 cents'
worth of soda bicurbouato, dissolved in
wator. You'll get It at tho drug store
at the drug store, remember, uot at the
Putiunfr Cut what differuueo docs it
make, doctor?
Dr. Pellet It will make a heap oX
difference to yon. If yon go to tho gro
cery, they'll give you so much that the
ilose'll kill you. Boston Truuscript
Peculiar to the State.
"So far as I know, " said the doctor
in answer to a question, "tlio shortest
word of four syllables is 'Ohioau.' "
"Well," observed tho professor, re
moving his cigur from his mouth a mo
mont, "it's the same way us regards tbo
offices. Tho Ohioun always gots there
with fewer letters than anybody else. "
Chicago Tribune. '
Hard Kequlreineut,.
Ho I'm about to gut a good position
under the city ; nothing to do practi
cally but sit still and look wise.
Sho Oh, I do hope you'll be able to
All the place 1Clnciuuuti Enquirer.
Ml Own Composition.
A rncont article in Le Figaro of Paris
la devoted to tbe American colony iu
that city. It says thnt the colony lias
always played the important and bril
liant rolo in society chiefly because
most of tho Americans wero "Ameri
calnoA " "It is certain, " continues Le
Figaro, ""flint out of ten 'Americiilnes'
residing iu Paris there is but one Amer
ican. Affairs 'business,' ns they suy
over there absorbs tho sterner sex in
'the fnittil Mates, lu that country the
men hnvo neither tbo inclination nor
the opportunity for much leisure, nnd
only pity us very short visits.
"While their wives install themselves
hero tho "good' lmshimd only makes fly
ing visits and is very seldom referred
to in the elegant sulutisof tho wives."
Tho writer continues: "I wns at nil
official bull !ot long ngo, where ono of
them was the hero of n curious 'his
toive. ' Ho wore ou the lapel of his coat
a brilliant star, which struck mo us
original und somewhat curious in form.
Although very artistic, the order wos
unknown to me. Homo indiscreet per
son interrogated the Ynnkeo ns to what
order It was. The Yankee replied in a
phlegmatic tune, 'It is my own compo
sition. V
Rnnemtltloaii Bonaparte.
Tho Bonnpiirtes always were super
stitious, especially the mother of Napo
leon. Sho always bnd a presentiment
thnt the rise nnd fall of her family
would occnr in tho sauio century, thnt
tho plory which wan prophesied for
them would bo followed by disaster.
And tho prediction wns verified. She
died in her eighty-seventh year, having
lived long euongh to see the downfall
of nil her children.
Napoleon I always fearod Deo. 9 as
an unlucky day, and it is related of him
that before every important buttle he
would throw dice to ascertain if bo
were to lose or win. The "red men"
whom he nlwnys snw going to battlo
with him was a delusion that caused
him much suffering. Toronto Saturday
Hot Worried About Thnt.
Her Father Well, if yon nro deter
mined to iimn-y my daughter, 1 shall
offer no objections, but beforo you take
this irrevocable step 1 think it is only
right to let you know thnt I buvo de
cided to leave all my money to educa
tional nnd charitable institutions
Glib Suitor Oh. that's all right
I've got proof that you bet on a bicycle
road raco once. It'll l-o easy enough to
show that yon'ro of unsound mind.
Chicago News.
An Indication
"He," said tho fond but firm father,
"is, I fear, a young man of extravagant
tastes. "
"Yes, "the daughter admitted, "ho
wants me for a wife. '-' Cincinnati En
quirer The largest coffee plantation in Bra
zil nnd perhaps in the world is the Du
mont plantation, established by a
Frenchman in the state of Minus Go
mes. Tho number of coffee plants iu
18DU was 4,?1S.UU0
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ts jiajci iu bio I'ttn.A An- sai run
IjV .Si V.l in Tuiiuniu;. Ar ii in
4 'HI Slum I.V..N. V. via I'lilla.. Ai bliMii JIKIO
ii m p in p m urn
Unity 4 Weck-ilii)i ihh p in Siimliiy.-i
in ;V. a in Hiiinliiy
"b" Tliroindi piiHHriivfiTN liavellnir via Plill-
niielpliiii on l!.4:i in It'iiln ti'iiin Wllliiiins-
pint, will I'lmiij-n em's at lliiiilliiitiliin 11.,
O-NMX TIOMS. At WIIMltmspiirl Willi
riiilluli.:ililiiKi'iiilliiKlt.)(. Al Jersey Hlinre
wild lull lliisik l'uihvH.v. At Mill
Hull wlih I cnl i al iiullioiid of IVnnsvl vnnhi.
Al I'lilllplnii'U wlih I'einisylviiiila Kalli'tiitd
lint! Alioona & I'liillpstnii ir Connect Intr U.K.
At. Cleai Ill-ill Willi llllll'lllo, Kni'lieslur &
ritlsliiiivli Itailivny. At Miiliulley mill
1'iillon wlih I aiiilo In & I'l. iirlliilil liivlslon
of IVniiK.vlvniilii Kallronil. Al MnlitilTey with
Pennsylvania & ISm Ili-Wesierti llnilt-oail.
A. Ii. I'AI.UKll, I''. K. IlKllltlUAN,
Sinierllileiulelit. (Jcn'l I'll-. Aut.
I'lllllKll.llllllll, I'll.
A delightful tonic and lax-
ativo. Can to taken by young
andcld. Is o dieting necessary.
Eat anything you liko and
plenty of ' it. litulua up "run
down pcoplo making thorn
well and vigorous. Try it.
At Druggist. Only 9Sepr buitle.
Henry, Johmon & lord, Ptopi., Burlington. Vt,
lit He.vinilils Hie. In Hip Ktntp of lc'.iiii-y t vn
nlii, in Hie rlii-u! ut Inn liifwi July J4, lstis.
Iannis mul illx'iiiiiits . .lnn,2il0
OviM-iitan.. m'i-iih'iI atiil iitiMMMit-ed.
I. H. Ilon.l-i to sei-tiri I'lr-riiliilliiil.... -n.lmll
I'lriiihim-. mi I'.t. Il.itids a.:l
Hindis, cr'llill les, etc.. MM
I Minium-nnil Mhiim- 3,mri
Hue fiimi Niiilniiiil Hunks (not Ui-
M-i-ve Ai'i-niH. :i.i!i:i
line tinni niipimeil it-si't-vo aitelllH. jV.VH
I'liei-li tlli'l oilier i-nwli Items 1,444
No1e. of nlliiM' Niilloiiai lilillks 7.;.1
I-ni llonnl papel- i-ili-rvney, niekels,
nnd i-i-iiis 17:1 7:1
Lawful money n-.i'rve In I, vlr:
fpi-ele if ,ll ;io
l.'-.ral-u iiilein..e I J. (mi no Jn,. no
Heileliipl Iou filllll Willi I . H. Treii
ii in .'. lierri-lii. of i-l-cjiliiMoiii.. J,i r.7.1 00
line hum r. s. Ti. nr. f It iIiiiii
H-r i-eni. n-ileii' pi ion fiim :nu oi
Total -R.1t.sni 711
rnpliiil miy-k piilil lu fvumo on
'iiii'iiirs fun. I i.-mo (in
TinlU iilcd iiroflls, loss f...-iif and
tiii" inild j-ii .17
National flank noiesoiitliitidiii-;... ;tl..Tv 1.1
I'm-toollier Niillontil Uunki... . .... 4.'Jn:l IW
lilvlileml-4 unpaid 411,1 (m
Individual deposiii -inlilcct to.-lici-k l:i:i.iHi7 in
Time eetlill.-ali'-t of deposit -.'4,1111 KM
C. Milled i-lieeks 411-J 411
CiiMlilei-'s clieekM iitiiatiiiidtiiK :i:i 2:1
Total 3..1.ill 711
Sttte f Pmniylraoil., County t rm, ti:
I. .I..I111 II. Kiiui lier. I a-dilei-of Uu-nlsive-iinmed
lunik, do solemnly swear that the
lilsive stati'ineiit Is tine to the lient of tny
kiiowludue and liellcf.
Joim II. KArciiril. ( a -.liter.
Hul.sci ll.eil nnd sworn to hef.uc mr llili Slrd
day of .lulv. I-N,
A'i.iikiit ItKVNol.lis. Notary I'lilillr.
Coiiiikct A I lost:
(.'. Mm-iir.i.i., I
.1. II. Ciiiiiiktt, 1
.1. ('. Kimi, I
Practical Horse-stioer
And General Blacksmith.
Horsp-slioelnir done In 1 lie upiitrst Iniinrtor
nnd liy Hie lalest Improved met hod. Ile
liiilrluir of all kinds i-ui.-fi.lly nod piomplly
duiio. Hat is faction UI'aiiantki:p.
lliivejust iceelvi'd 11 ciirnplele set of mit
rlillie iun se i-llppei-H of latest slyle 'IIS piillei n
and nin prcpan d lo do I'lippluit In the liest
poHsllde manlier lit rt'iisoiiiiliU. riilps.
.Iiii liwin HI. near I'lflli, lievnoldsvlllp, I'a.
bscrlbe for
The -X Star,
If you want the Newm.
I Great Reduction 1
- "-
S In All-wool Summer Clothing, Scotch Plaids 3
ami Check Suits you can save from 10 to 20 3
rr per cent. Men's 5.00 Suits, now 83.50. 3
H Men's All-wool 7.00 and SS.OO Suits, now 3
- r..r)(). Men's All-wool 0. 00 to 12.00 Suits,
j 87.00 to s.l.()(). In Youths' Suits you can 3.
save the same reduction. -
I Straw fiats Price. 1
hr Nice Over Shirts, with white band, 23c. 3
g Organdy, was 15 to
" 10c.
Challies, " 5c.
Ditv Goods
Mld-Suimiiiiier Sale
In order to fully appreciate the bargains we are
j offer ing in all lines of staple
I necesaary to call at our store,"
vinced that we are " -
"Rock Bottom"
in prices on high grade goods. You will find an immense,
carefully selected stock from the best markets in the world
and we guarantee
with every purchase It will be to your advantage and we
will be pleased to have you call.
State - Normal
Lock Haven, Clinton Counlu, Pa,.
ExiieuseH low. The net
coft per week to those who
receive State aid h only.
This pays for light, heat,
washing, furnished room,
board and tuition.
Extra State aid to gradu
ates who agree to teach tw
Accommodations first-cl
Electric light in every ro
I'an system steam
Abundance of pure mounta
water. Hot and cold water
on every floor. Gymnasium.
Athletic grounds. Pleasant
location, easy of access. Pro
gressive city of 8,000 inhabi
tants. Strong faculty. Su
perior instruction. Graduates
secure good positions. Over
700 students present last
year. Graduating class num
bered 122. Students may
enter at any time. Send for
Illustrated Catalogue and
secure room for next term.
Central State Normal School,
Lock Haven, Pa.
18c, to-day ' 10c. 3
" 6.J, 71c. 3
" 4c. 3
Hats, Caps, 1
and Shoes
and fancy wares, it is only
where you will boou be con
and House '
For ulo by II. A. Stoke,