The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 20, 1898, Image 8

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    A Cardinal's Marie.
"I'm nfrnid I enn't nil you," an-
wercd Cnrdinnl Wiseman on some one
asking the names of several choice
plants on the table. "I nm mften nn
much puzzled by botanical nomencla
ture nn tho old lndy who said she
couldn't remember all the old LnMn
names. Tho only two she had been able
to tctnln were aurora borenlii iwl de
lirium tremens."
Tho cardinal thoroughly onjfKrfl hn
morons stories nud often told them nt
his tnbla "I have win Father Fabor, "
writes tho nnthor of "Social Hours
With Celebrities," "at tho cardinal's
table. IiiukIi till tho tears rolled flown
his f urn,"
A story which tho cardinal enjoyed
much was that of nn Irishman, who,
while takiiif? a lmr?e up the Miannon,
was nski-d what goods ho had on board,
and nnowered, "Timber and fruit."
"What kind oi timber mid what tort
cf fmit?"
" Wi ll, nn if to must know, tho tim
tier Is just birch brooms, and tho fruit,
well, it's prctaties."
An Irishman averred that the habit
of Irish landlords of living outside of
Ireland was the great grievance ,'relund
had to complain of.
"f)li, yes," answered nn Englishman,
"that's tho old stalking hnrse. 1 don't
believe in your absentees. "
. "Not belave in 'em I Uomo to Dublin
with me, mid I'll show yo Vin by tlio
hundred. Wlir, the country just swarms
with 'om." " ,
Why EtrpliRnt Free Mice.
It pecms inoreilil !o tlftSt no small mid
hnrmless an animal ns a mouse is able
to frighten nn elephant almost out of
his senses. One little mouso in the hay i
on which they nro feeding will rt::;:-
pi-do an entire herd. In their ,".itio (
land there are little animals, known as
chnennas, wHch f'-ed on a small, sour I
bery of whii h el- ybenti are very f j
Tlit v live In p ttli ii:c: ts, pitifthiutt I
after the maimer of prairie dogs, under I
the retry l.ii.-iit.i.
When" feeiliiijr. tb.o elephants tninn le
tho l'ttle t' vvs, ami the hnmnas, in
their fright, n n tip the tubes of tho elephant.-'
trail':. Tin ir long, sharp daws
catch iu the flesh, and they cannot bo
pjii-tcd The more violently the mon
ster blows through its coiled trunk tho
morn firmly the hooked claws of tho lit
tle animal become imbedded iu the Hesh.
Inflammation nnd death nro tho n . -.'.t.
In captivity the elephants think they
are iu dauger of the deadly vuaei-.niis
when they see a- mouso. Now York
Way of Artore.
In tho country ouo has few opportuni
ties of meeting these children of nature.
Occasionally ouo sees an individual or
a company at tho railway citations, nnd
then it is curious to note how instinc
tively they treat the platform ns a stags
and tako up tho important positions on
It I wonder if acting now 1 1 i.s lucra
tive a profession ns it was ti.-.'.c-r Eliza
beth. Shukespcure, we nro told, got
' nothing to speak of for bis plays, but
made bis fortune as nn actor, nnd Al
loyue, another actor, after providing for
his family, founded Dulwich school.
' Another curious point about actors is
that they should not bo content with
their owu names, liko painter and
writers, but tako names, tho ladies es
pecially, 'that belong to other people. Is
there no property in names? N. told mo
of a model of his who wished to go upon
the mnsio ball stage nud whom' he ask
ed, "What should you cull yourself?"
"Oh, Alice Bunic-Joucs, certainly."
Corohill JJaguziuo.
Th Traveling- frenchman.
Tlio Petit Journal of Paris snys that
nothing is bo curious and instructive ns
to observe tho Englishman when travel
ing as compared with tho Fronchuitiu.
The former is calm, punctual, prcciso
and with only the necessary quantity of
baggage. Ho will, journey through
Chiua with merely a valise, i Ho is not
impatient. Ho loves travel. It is to him
an inclination and a felt want. On the
other baud, tho Frenchman when jour
neying is restless, nervous, impatient,
bored ; the entire time he spends looking
furtively at his watch or consulting tho
railway timo table. Ho is always crowd
ed np with parcels in addition to his
portmanteau. He is, as a rule, in
cumbered with tnany useless articles.
In fact, he dislikes travel, which he
finds on ennui and a fatigue.
Thm Popa and Romt
The Osscrvatore Romano thus ex
plains why the pope does not appear on
the streets of Borne: "If the pope went
about in Rome, he would inevitably bo
made the object of demonstrations of re
spectful enthusiasm on the part of the
faithful, and by a natural reaction these
demonstrations would be followed by
others of a hostile character. The pope
would be simultaneously applaudod and
hissed and surrounded by tumults and
faction fights. The government would
render military honors to him, but it
could not long tolerate in the streets of
Borne demonstrations in favor of the
pope, who, after all, is a dispossessed
sovereign. "
Abojit Telccrapb Poles.
- The number of poles used for tele
graph wires per mile varies from 30 to
23 on minor lines to 20 to 80 on main
lines. These poles are of regulation
- height, 'in order that the lowest wire
hall not be less than li feet from the
ground, and as the poles are sot into the
ground from 4 to 0 feet they measure
from 80 to 23 feet iulength. Tho sag, or
dip, varies of course with the number
vt poles per mile and tho condition of
the atmosphere, but the average is about
I feet
Fonnad by Fata,
"MoGuffln thinks he has mare bad
luck than any man living. " x .
"Any special instance?"
"Yes, if he happens to have a conn-
nrfelt half dollar it is always the one
LU wife picks out to leave in his pock-
ti. Detroit Free Press. -
Hunger n lOHnee.
Borne smells are dnngoron. A single
sniff of highly concentrated prnssio acid
will kill a man as qnickly as a chut
through the heart. Tho odr.r i f a 1 ad
egg Is due to the presence, of Mitphurct
ed hydrogen, and the nhjct-tii mil In
perfumes of sowers and bono factories
aro attributable chiefly to tho rr.iv.c (:'
Chemical laboratories nro fat-M.ri: for
bad smells. Bcrzollns, who discivcnd
the clement called "selenium," ri'ee
tried tho experiment erf pcriiilttln;? u
bnbblo of pure hydro -si'lcnido pas to
enter his nostril. For ibrys afterward ho
was not able to smell strong nmmonia,
'tho olfactory nerves bcing-tomporarily
paralyzed. Selenium pus has tho odor
of putrid horso radish. Tellurium is
even worse. There is a story mf n pliysi
clan whoso patient, a lady, refused to
take nn absolutely ncoinnary reft be
cause sho was so fond of l-inp nlways
on tho go iu society. HiJ pavo her a pill
containing n small quantity of telliu-1-nm.
and her breath was nnVirted by it
to such nu extent that she was not aide
to appear in publio for a month. Sho
' never pnessed what the trouble was.
I The volatized essential oil of rosea is
i supposed to cause "rose cold." This
I peculiar complaint Is so far iicnous in
its character that paper roses sometimes
'Xetto it. Boston Transcript.
John Milton' 1'ortrnlt.
John Stilton's barmonicall and in
geninso soul did lodge iu n beautifull
nnd well proportioned bndy. Ho was n
spurn nian. lie bad abvoun (auburn)
hnyro. His complexion exceeding.fairo
lie was so faire that they called him
"tho Lidy of Christ's College." Ovall
face. His eio adarkn piny. Ho had a
delicate tuneablo voice, and
had pood
skill. His father instructed him. He
bad an organ iu bis bowse; ho played
on that most. Of a very cheerful hu
mour. He would bo cliearful even iu
his powtciitts. and siiijg. He was very
lienlthv and free filing a 11 diseases: sel-
dome tooke nny
plivsiiiue, (only soinc-
times be tooko Minima:) only toward his
latter end he was visited with the
gowte, spring and fall. 1 In bad n very
cood memorie, but I Is-leeve that his
pxciflh-nt method of thinking and dis
posing did much to helne his tut..orio.
Ho pronounced tho letter K (littera
canina) verv hard a ccrtaino sine of
a satyrieall wilt. Temperate man, rare-
lv drank lictwccn monies. Extreme
pleasant in bis conversation, nndnt din
ner, supper, etc., but satyricull. Au
brey's "Brief Lives."
Told on Kentucky Lejglftlntnni.
A member of the Into legislature from
sontheru Kentucky was invited one
evening to participate iu a Welsh rab
bit lunch nt tho Capitol hoteL Diking
himself out, ho awaited tho hour. With
that prince of pood fellows, Tutt Bur-
man, bo walked into the dining room,
where coffee nnd rabbits wero served
standing. After partaking of ono or two
nnd a enp of coffee, ho remarked to
Tutt: "This is no rabbit. It's nothing
but fried cheeso nnd light bread. " It
is useless to say that member never at
tended nny more lunches.
On unother occasion tho ussembly
bnlls or permans, whb'h wero given ev
ery Tuesday night, attracted the atten
tion of a mountain member, nnd be
BHked, "Whar aro all them pcoplu poiu
that nro poiu up stairs?" Homo ono re
marked up to tho gcrmnn. "Tho
you say. Do they let the Dutch dance
here?" Owouton (Ky. ) News.
A Glorloui Sight.
A very amusing mistake was that
discovered by a proofreader iu a work
written by Deau Stanley. 'The latter
wrote, to use a colloquialism familiar
iu printing establishments, tho "vilest
hand" that ever puzzled the composi
tor. Iu cue chapter tho ienu was de
scribing a journey to Jerusalem, tho
frenucnt recurrence of tho naiiio of tho
Holy City eausiug him to use the con
traction "Jers. " Narrating tho approach
of his pnrty to Jerusalem, Dean titiinlcf
described their ascent up tho lulls over
looking tho city. He pictured in glow
ing lunguago and striking phrases the
effect of the Betting sun as it gilded the
hilltops in a golden haze, concluding,
as tho compositor put it, iu these words,
"And as we slowly turned our faces to
the east our eyes met with the glorious
sight of Jones, "
Beanareetul Sehoalina'am.
An editor in Nebraska visited tho
schoolma'um and found her "hot stuff."
Here's what he swears to:
"She is tho prido of the town, the
star of invention and a jewel of bril
liancy. She drew a picture of an iceberg
on the blackboard. It was so uuturul
that tho thermometer froze np solid.
With rare presence of mind she seized
crayon and drew a fireplace on the op
posite walk The prompt action saved
the school, but nearly all the pupils
caught a severe cold from the sudden
changes. " Crookston (Neb.) Times.
Attar Him.
. Here is an extract from one of
latest novels: ,
"Gerald Harbison panted heavily.
The close atmosphere of the little apart
ment constrained his splendid lungs.
He went to the window, opened it and
threw out bis massive chest.
All of which would go to show that
the landlady was hot on bis track.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Patient I'm feeling wretched, doo-
tor. I take no interest iu anything, have
no appetite, can't sleep
Doctor Why don't you marry the
girl? Loudon Punch.
In France when the use of yeast was
first introduced it. was deemed by the
medical faculty to bo ho injurious to
health that its use was prohibited under
the severest penalties.
! The only two civilized countries in
i the world in which a white man la not
I permitted to acquire civil rights or own
i property are JjImtia arnvtuuu.
A .tenia fwim iBold tJp.
A. M. McCoy of Ilorsecave, Ky., M
f.imoni throughout tho Blue Grass Stat.
For aliont twoscore years ho owned the
stagecoach lines lietween Horsecavo
nnd Mammoth cave and (llnsgow and
MammotJi-envo. Heopernted these line
all through the troublous times of the
civil war. Of course he met with mnny
hnrrowlng experiences during the time.
and which he likes to tell.
Prolmbly no incident ronneetfc.1 witli
his career Is more thrilling than the
hold up of ono of his stages by Jesse
James and three of his "pals" some
timo buck in tho seventies. This inci
dent Is described in ono of the storicM of
that tiotorions highwayman. It occurred
early one morning. When the stage was
nlmnt half way between Horsecavo nnd
Mammoth cave, fonr men sprang out
from the side of ' tho road nnd ordered
the driver to halt. Ono of the men
canglit the horses and the other three
drew pis'tols nnd held them nt the licadfc
of the driver nnd passengers. Thedrlver
of entirso did ns ordered, nnd the i"i n
proceedisl to search the v:eseiigers. l.v-
erythiug of value was taken.
Ono of the men robbed was a man
named Itoutidtrce, who was welj known
nt that time. Ho had a vain- li e gold
watch, which James confiscated fur hi.'
own use. Tho timepiece was' held very
dear by Rouiidtrce, as it bad been pre
sented him by ex-Oovernor Knolt, who
was at that timo a young man. The no
torious Jesso carried this watch ditviti'j
tho rest of his life Louiiiville Dispatch.
She Was Well INmtrri.
In tho Sunday school room of nn Epis
copal church iu Bnxilclyn tho other day
a lecture was given for tho benefit or
seme worthy object. It, was on iv week
day, but on the hymn board in the front
of the room were what tho regular mem
bers of file congregation Hiijd were the
numbers of the hymns that bail be.-n
sung on the Sunday before. Hut an out
sider was struck with something i-n-ul-iar
aliont them. There were four num
bers arranged in line one under the
other, as is customary on t!.-i hymn
boards, and they were, as they cppeni-ed
to the audience gathered fur il lecture.
'4, 11, 44," nnd "7-11."
"Why, it was the funniest thing,"
said a woman who was present. "I no
ticed it the minute I went in, rial ir
must have been done on purpose, for
there is no seven hundred nud eleventh
hymn in tho hymnal ; six hundred and
something is tho last. Tho first three
were policy numbers and the lust craps.
Wasn't it funy?"
"Funny?" said tho friend, who was
listening to tho joke. "I should say so.
But not so much tho numbem being
thero ns that ynu should know what
they meant. Now, confess, how in ever
did yon?" New York Times.
When You Meet In Japan.
Nothing is more amusing than to
wntch two acquaintances saluting in tho
streets of a Japanese town. As they
come in sight of each other they slack
en their pace and approach with down
cast eyps and averted faces, as if neither
was worthy of beholding the othpr.
Then they bow low, so ns to bring tho
fuce on a level with tho knees, nu which
tho palms of tho hands nre pressed.
A succession of hissing sounds is next
niado by drawing in tho breath between
tho closed teeth, interspersed with a se
ries of complimentary phrases uttered
with great volubility iu a sort of under-
toned falsetto, each trying to outdo his
friend iu rapidity and extravagance of
language, while, tho palms are diligent
ly rubbed against each other.
At last tlio chmnx is reached, and
each endeavors to givo tho precedence I
to tho other. For somo moments, per
haps for a full minute, tho polite con
test continues. Then tho ceremony ab
ruptly ends, ns if tho difficulty were ca-
puble of none but a brusque solution,
and tho two pass on hurriedly, with a
look of extreme relief.
Arttole Milo or Kelikld.
An eelBkin leather factory is Ritnated
in a quiet street in the neighborhood of
London l)rido. Here nre prepared nnd
manufactured various articles from the
skin of tho common eel. . Tho sliiiiH nro
manipulated liy numerous complicated
proeoMHOS until they renemblo and would
ousily bo taken for leather, although of
a more glutinous nnd pliable uaturo.
This stmiigo commodity is cut into
long, thin strips nud plaited very close
ly together for whiplashes nud to eovor
portions of tho handles of moro expen
sive whips. Certain kinds of laxlios nnd
harness laces are also made of eelskln.
This leather is almost indispensahlo in
articles of this description, where flexi
bility allied with an uncommon tough
ness is desired. Invention.
Daffy and Bla Foams. -
Sir Charles Gavau Duffy relates that
he once - had put into his hands by a
hostess a volume containing some of his
own poems and was asked for his opin
ion of them.
' Dreadful drivol, ' ' replied tho modest
Sir Charles.
His hostess flushed. "I don't mind
your laughing at me," sho said, "but
pray don't laugh ut verses which came
to me from the vory heart of my hus
band when we first know euch other
and which I will treasure to my dying
Rejected With Thanks.
Strong Miud6d Woman (pointing to
artiolo in paper) Sir, did yon write
Terror Stricken Editor Y-y-yes,
madam. I I wrote it.
Strong Minded Woman It meets my
approval exactly. It is seldom one meets
a person of your sex capable of such just
discrimination. Will you marry me,
sir? Chicago Tribune.
r ,
A Dlfferanoa.
Efflo Undo John, are you on author
ity upon the language of flowers?
uncle John WUat ao you menu tno
language employed by the woman who
receive- them or by the poor dovil who
has to pay the bill? Boston Transcript
Only On ttont to Clrsn.
'The French soldier is ns posy to lead
s a child. His cheerfulness and pay
philosophy enable him to ruduro tho
greatest hardships without a mnrniur.
All ho wants Is Justice. Win n be has
received his provisions, he stra;;tAv;-.y
goes to weigh his Hunt, his 1 re;.d. bis
coffee, his sugar, iwen b's salt. .!1 ho
wants is bis due, and if lie, find., t'.at ho
has not received short weight hi ii? ic.t
isfled nnd ehecfml. A kind wi rd firm
an olllci r will ii'a!.e bint Slippy, v. ciga
rette offered to him If he is short of to
bacco will make a hereof him.
I remember one day passing a young
noblier who was being taken to tho hos
pital. His rlnht bend had been shot off
clean. "Cheer np, my boy," I said to
him, "no more lighting for yon. They
will nurse yon nnd take cure of yon."
"Ah. lieutenant," ho replied with a
look pitiful to contemplate, "how am I
to roll my cigarettes now?"
I put n small box of cigarettes in his
breast pocket. I shall never forget tho
expression of gratitude on his face.
In another instance a devoted orderly
wns pitying his captain whoso b'R had
just been nmpntated. "Don't cry, old
fool," said the captain to him. "lam
going to keep you, mid in thefuttro yon I
will have euiy one hoot to clean every 7
morning. " S'ax
O'Hell in North
American Heview.
Tho Nenetmlnnt Cntitnn Morrhnnt.
Freqii-i:!y on entering a Canton
shop yon will find ils owner with n
bonk in nno hand and pipe or fan in tho
other and wholly absorbed ill his studies.
You will he doomi d to disappointment
if yon expect the smoker to start up nt
once, nil smiles nnd blandness, rubbing
bis hands t M'-ther nshemakesii shrewd
guess as to what he is likely to take out
of you nnd t reiving you with obse
quiousness i r with rudeness according
ly. (Juite tlio reverse.
Your presence is apparently unnoticed
unless yon htipi'i-n to lift anything.
Then you hear that tlio fan has been ar
rested and fool that a keen eye is bent
on your movements nil the while. Hut
it is not until you inquire for some ur
tlcle that tho geiilleniiin, now certain
that yon mean to trade, will riso with
out bustle from bis sent, show you his
goods or state the price ho menus to
sell nt, with a polite yet careless air
which plainly says, "If it suits you, wo
make nn exchange. " "Throiiyh China
With a Camera."
Ift-r Idea of It.
"Journalism For Women," a book
recently published in Kiigland, relates
a story of a woman journalist in the
north of England who wrote to iv Lou
don paper for permission to net ns its
special correspondent during tho visit of
somo roy;l personages to her town. Tho
pditor of tbo pnpTr, knowing her for a
good descriptive writer, pave tho neces
sary uuthority, with explicit informa
tion ns to tho last moment for receiving
copy. The moment came, but not the
copy, nnd the editor had to go to press
without it. Tho next day, no explana
tion haying arrived, ho dispatched to
his special correspondent a particularly
scathing and scornful letter. Then came
tho exenso. It was long, but tho root of
it amounted to exactly this:
"I was so knocked up nnd bad such
n headache niter the ceremonies wero
over that 1 really did not feel equal to
tho exertion of writing. I thought it
would uot matter. "
Iu ft Unit W ay Anyhow.
Cieorgo Obcr eneo overheurd fiomo ac
quaintances in tbo hotel lobby, ut Ilas-tings-oii-the-Hr.dsui
discussing tho do
mino of ouo Dill Jones, a well known
character in that lively country village.
Ober immediately joined tho group,
whereupon tho following conversation
" 'Did I understand you to say Bill
Jones was dead?'
" 'Yep. Pied Inst Thursday.'
" 'Is that possible?'
" 'Yes, that's right.
" 'So Hill Jones is dead. Well, well!"
" 'Yes, he's dcud.' -
" 'Do you know, I can scarcely bo
liove it, poor chap! Poor Bill I I knew
him welt Bo he's really dcud, is he?'
" 'Well, if he ain't dead, he's iu a
darned bad predicament. I saw him
buried,' " Cleveland Plain Deulcr.
Where They Marry to Kill Time.
One strange fcaturo of Australia so
cial life is the perfectly casual way in
which men marry for no ostensible pur
pose except the purpose of vanishing
wearily around tho corner immediately
after the ceremony. In a Sydney cane
now on hand tho husband, it is alleged,
married in 1894 nnd shortly afterward
mude his tired, indifferent exit around
the corner and never came buck. In
1806 ho married again nnd immediately
faded away np the street Ho novor liv
ed with his second wife. Wheu ho was
arrested on a charge of aggravated hnr-
Anv Iia nfTnrfvl nn AYnlnlmtimi whntevej1.
Annarentlv he onlv did it because a ful
low must do something. Sydney Bui
A French Way to Cure BaldneM.
A French surgeon nnnounces a novel
cure for baldness, which, however, is
ouly within the reach of tho wealthy.
The first thing -is to find some poor,
starving wretch with a fine head of
hair of the color which the patient do
sires. The former having consented to
part with bis hair for a stipulated sum,
the doctor scalps the pair delicately and
applies tho hairy scalp of the subject to
the bald client, and vice versa. With
luck the graft is said to be a success.
New York Sun.
Theatrical Villain.
Mr. Crlmsoubeak Was there any vil
lain in that play you saw lust night?
Mrs. Criniaonbeak Not on tho stage.
He sat a few scats from me, though,
and insisted upon climbing over my lap
to go out between the acts. Y outers
In Frauce it is illegal to capture frogs
at night
Financial Statement
Of Mr I'ubtir. Srhniih uf Winntmr IMrirt,
Jijlcvsttii tVitoifi. I'inn'o. for. the i-Vscit
lciir KnOing June lul, lints.
Whole nuiiitier ot school , ......
Ntimt'er of li-tirhei s employed . . .....
No. iMiplls i-Mmllcil In nil the hi-IiiniIs
Avt-rnxi) diilljr nliiiiiiltiiiee
sui m
sim iw
Am't tux It-vlcd fur m-IiihiI purposes.
Ain't lailUIInu
Krnin ril siiihii. l. till Ml
lli-i- il rinni soile Appmprliitlnu. H.llrJ ss
l-'i-om 'ol. Metier, HK-hidtiiK tuxes of
nil kliiil MM
Knmi I.. It. I. Idle 3.-!! 7
l-'mni C'ounl v Tri'tis., iinciiti-d lands,
tin., c M II
Trotti nil oilier sotnees 17 57
Tolul lll-fclpta..
:n7 21
j in- tsrttFiii s ait't Mnsi-.r ijiio oi-t.
KorTmllilliitr Iioiim-, V2" Kt
l-'or Icih-Im-m' w-M-res A,l:s 7:
l-or rent mill rpiitis su M4
I'or fuel nnd eonl in-.-eiK-lf-t Wl Jl
uf i'u!im-ior. fill: Tit-it., -H7 17
f-iiIiiit of lrlllrv. F.xm-ii-ps, sia-
l li.neiy. Po-ome, Ac ."0 (Hi
Tor pilntlnir nnd Amltlnrw' fees Hi (M
.'o dfins and liitort-Hl paid IH 111
t or neft DdiiUs lilt IN
I'm- Mipplli-o m
I'ot-all otlu-r piiris)-.esiind sundry cxp. Irj 77
Total money paid out .
...fs.MU lev
line Tr-ea-nier
t !l 71
l.iVm mi
I. Ml 41
a art iiniini-l
V.''.V,,1!!; ni'V.i;..
We lierehv ei-l-llfy lltrtl vi havi'
the nlinve and llnd il eorreet.
.1. II. Svkiik, 1
. T. 1'atiikhs. Ai:dltors.
I.kvi Srio-CKiaei. I
M'Iiih-- totii-1 Is tliiHtiili clay of J une, l-'.N,
.lull.- llAI'OMr.ifl V, Prel(lelit.
W. A. I.omhin. Scc-ielnrv.
Practical florsc-slioer
And General Blacksmitn.
f torso slu triii? ft uric itt thf iictilcm iiiutinor
uiifl hy tho Intt'-! itiiMrnvtMt mcthofiH. Kc
piilrlnir of nil Mti'N .:u'fi.liy iinrl toniptly
llnvo jn-t iciM'lvfd il foiiipli'io net ftf inn
rliine home rllppcrs of Intcni wfy le 'IW initlfin
iiihI it tii picnn'f( to do rllpodiit in llm liost
possible milliner lit reiisoi initio ihIoh.
.Titi'kHoii fit. near Fifth, IleynoUNvlllo, Pa.
ubcrlb for
The Star,
If you want trip New.
1 Great Reduction
In All-wool Summer Clothing, Scotch Plaids
nnd Check Suits you can save from 10 to 20
per cent. Men's 5.00 Suits, now 3.50. 3
Men's All-wool
5. 50
n r 1 a 11
Mens iMi
7.00 to 9.00. In Youths' Suits
save the same reduction.
1 Straw Hats Price.
t Nice Ovo Shirts, with white band, 23c.
g: Organdy, was 15 to 18c, to-day .
5 c.
Dry Goods
Mld-Summmer Sale
- Jn nrder to fllllv aDDreciate the bargains W6 are
- 0fferjnf, in all lines of staple
i ... i
; necessary to call at our store,
vinced that we are
In prices on high grade goods. You will find an immense,
carefully selected Btock from the best markets in the world
and we guarantee
with every purchase. It will be to your advantage and we
will be pleased to have you call.
State - Normal
Lock Haven, Clinton County, Pa.
Expenses low. Tlie net
cost per week to tlione who
receive State nid Is only
This pays for light, heat,
wishing, furnished room,
board nnd tuition.
Extra State aid to gradu
ates who agree to teach two
AfTominodationp first-clans.
IMectrio ligltt in every room
Fan system steam heat
Abundance of pure mountain
water. Hot and cold water
on every iloor. Gymnasium.
Athletic grounds. Pleasant
location, easy of access. Pro
gressive city of 8,000 inhabi
tants. Strong faculty. Su
perior instruction. Graduates
secure good positions. Over,
700 students present last
year. Graduating class num
bered 122. Srtudents may
enter at any time. Send for
Illustrated Catalogue and
secure room for next term.
JAMES ELD0N, A. 31., Ph. D.,
. Principal,
Central State Normal School,
Lock Haven, Pa.
and 8.00 Suits, now
l Ad r f i. t ct ir J..!4-r.
- wooi ?t.uu iu iz.wu omis,
you can -
' 10c.
6J, 74c.
Hats, Caps,
and Shoes
and fancy wares, it ia only
i,i r.
where you will soon be con
and hoitsk
. Furnishings.