The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 22, 1898, Image 7

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    Vnltert Btates legation In Merlin.
' The United States government lias
boon Inquiring through the proper
- channel an to the rout of purchasing or
erecting Its own buildings for the em
bassies and legations and several of tht
large consulates-general In Europe. It
may astonish mnny to learn that Ber
lin was found the most expensive cap
Ital In the world, so far ns the cost of
real estate and of buildings was con
cerned. The only really suitable build
ing found there for the purposo would
roKt $800,000. The Russian embassy
building In Rerltn, which Is located
t'nter den Linden, and which Is, In
deed, a veritable palace, so spacious
and stately Is It, would cost about $4,
000,000 to bnlld to-day, ground and all.
But It Is, too, roomy and elegant enough
to have served repeatedly for traveling
quarters for Russian Ctarg passing
through Berlin. What a miserable con
trast forms the excuse for nn office
which the United States embassy occu
pies In Berlin, In Kronen strasse, a
street of small shops. In the basement
of the building Is a barber shop, on the
ground floor a wine and schnapps shop,
and above the embassjr offices reside a
core of private persons.
Tosslbly no man Is as anxious to go
to war as he pretends to the reporters.!
Hip Disease
Had Five Running Sores Could
Not Walk Without Crutches.
"I suffered from hip disease and had five
running sores on one of my hips. I could
not walk without crutches. I waa eon
fined to my bed for weeks nt S time. 1
began taking Hood's Karsaparllla and It
has accomplished a perfect cure. I Bin
now weil and have no troublit from Impure
Wood." Annie Robert, 4!) Fourth Htrect,
' Fall River, Mass. Komembei
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's U rent est Medicine. M; six fnr SS
Hood'a Pill eure biliousness. Indigestion,
g-"- - - - . .1 ...
Try Allen loot-llnse,
A powder to slinkx In the shoo. If yon
bayesmartlng feet or tight shoes, try Al
len s Foot-Enso. It cools the feet anil makes
walking easy. Cure swollen and sweating
feet, and callous spots. ltel loves
corns and Imnlnna of naln and vires rest and
comfort. Try It ln.tiiti. Hold liy nil druggists
shoe stores for lito. Trial package l'HEK.
Irons, Allen H. Olmsted, Lo ltuy, N. X,
Mrs. Wlnslnw's Soothing Syrup forchlldron
teething, softens thn gum, reducing in
flammation, allays pain, cures wind uullo. -w.
a bottle.
Fits permanentlyetired. No fltsor nervous.
Bess alter first day's use if lr. Kline's (ireat
rerva rientorer. j-ltlol Dottle and treatl
free Dr.R.H.Kl.lMt Ltd..tlil Areb fPbila.,lJa
After physicians had (riven me up, I was
saved by l'lso's Cure. Kau'U Kititxi, Wil
Uamsport, Pa., Nov. Iti,
A Michigan pastor recently surprised
his congregation with this announce
ment: "Uemember our iiuarterly
meeting next Sunday. The Lord will
be with us during the morning service
and the presiding elder In the even
ing." No-To-Hac for Fifty Cents.
Gnaranteed tohaoro habit cure, makes weak
aeu strong, blood pure. Mo, $1. All druggists.
Vacant Land in the L'nltoi, States,
The report of the Secretary of tne In
terior shows that only a little more
than one-half of the public domain of
tho United States Is either reserved or
appropriated. The area still remaining
vacant amounts to 601,84:1,053 acres,
without lucludlug Alaska, which Is
supposed to embrace nearly 400,000,000
teres moro. The entire area of the
United States Is placed at 1,8.'!.-,01 7,002
acres. Of this, 741.702,805 acres is now
owned by Individuals or by corpora
it Ions or by states, or hits pasxed out of
:he control of the general government.
'he amonnt reserved for schools, In-
llans, military and naval purposes,,
ttllroad grants, parks, forest reerva-
ins, etc., Including all territory re-
frvpd from sale for any purpose what
ever, amounts to 132,441,744 acres, sa
int. taking the reserve land and the
facant land together, only about one-"
ialf of the area o tho Uulted States
ms actually pan -ut of control of
ibe government, a. .f Alaska Is In-
iludud, the unoccupied area Is larger
by 300,000,000 acres than that which la
occupied. Ban Francisco Argonaut.
Dautrhters Should be Carefully
Guided In Early Womanhood.
Yhat Buffering; frequently results
from 41 mother a ignorance; or more
frequently from a mother's neglect to
properly iustruct her daughter I
. Tradition says "woman must suffer,"
and young womoa are ao taught.
There is a little truth and a great deal
of exaggeration in this. If a young
woman suffers severely she needs
treatment and her mother should ace
that ahe gets it,
Matty mothers hesitate to take their
daughters to a physician for examina
tion! but no mother need hesitate to
write freely about her daughter or
herself to Mrs. Pinkham and secure
)the most efficient advice without
'chare. Mrs. Pinkham's address la
hynn, Mas.
(The following letterf rom Miss Marie
T. JomsoK, Centralis, Pa., shows what
jnegleot will do, and tells how Mrs.
(Pinkham helped her l
I "My health becume ao poor that I
.had to leave school. I was tired all the
'time, and had dreadful pains in my
side and hack. I was also troubled
(with irregularity of menses. I was
vary weak, and lost ao much flesh that
my friends became alarmed. My
mother, who is a firm believer In 'your
remedies from experience, thought per
. haps they might benefit me, and wrote
' you for advice. I followed the advice
yon gave, and used Lydia E. Pinkham's
( Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills as
you directed, and am now as well as I
ever was. I have gained flesh and have
rood oolor. I am completely cured of
2 fa Xmbttvif to tomm,
a For the asking we
p )
mull you our i.itho-
a Kraphed I'srpet I'ata-
S ii
okuc, showing goods
. In lithographed colors.
Knrsamules.spnd eight
A cents. AI.I.CAKI't-.T.S
i tK&iUMT rAii ru
$3.05 )
Puts this (exact)
folld Oak Rcfrlger
ator. Our 112-pane
Catalogue of Furni
ture, ii rs perl e s.
Crockery. Baby I'ar
r I as e , H t nvea.
Lamp, ttcdiling,
Mirrors. Pictures.
4rc, Is mailed to all
woo asa ior iti
All-W 'ol Cheviot Pult. F.X
STATION. Catalogue and
camples Free. Address
(eiactly as below.)
Dept. 305. BALTIMORE, MD.
Philadelphia Man Who Went Broke
Because lie Did Not Pay.
A Philadelphia man has lived ten
years In a house for which ho paid no
rent and no taxes. It belonged to the
gas company, and lie had paid rent reg
ularly until the property of tho compa
ny was transferred to the city. He says
himself: "I don't remember how long
It Is since I stopped paying rent. It
was when tho gns olllce was on 7th
troet. 1 went there one dny with my
rent and offered It to Mr. White, who
lind charge of the gas company's real
estate, but he refused to take It, and
told mo that It was to Imj paid at the
city treasurer's otllce In the future. I
took It up there a ml a young man there
said he could not take it, as he couldn't
find record of nny such a house. Ho
told mo that they would notify mo
when they were ready to take my
money. 1 went back to Mr. White and
ho advised me to go home and wait un
til I heard from them. Well, I waited.'
Knhedy came to collect money until re-
Jently, when the city discovered Its
title and sent a nun to collect. The ten
ant got a day to consider and promptly
iklpped. Hut his experience with a
free rent does not seem to be satisfac
tory ,lf wo may trust to his wife. "Yes'
ays she, resentfully, "ho thought It
was a sunp, and look where he Is now
-no money, no business, looking for a
ob, and a family to support. lie,
wouldn't take my advice and move to
where business was good, but ho
htiKged his snap and stuck here In that
stagnant neighborhood and spent
money on repairs for the house and
flldn't mako any money." Philadelphia
Misinformation in Australia.
The following account of the proper
way of reaching the Klondike Is takeq
from an Austral In u newspaper: "The
real starttug point for the Klondike Is
Spokane. There tho traveler takes a
canoe, by which he voyages to Van
couver, R C. At tho latter point ho
takes a sailing vessel direct to Dawson
Warning Notes Calling the Wicked So
FEAR and lovenre
Envy bites Its
O p p o r t unity
may trip a giant.
Ii u n g e r and
ambition are hard
to rock to sleep.
U nbollef 's
morning star
never rises.
A good name Is
made, not bo-
Public opinion U never tongue-tied.
The abuse of health is veiled suicide.'
Every heart bus a thorn and a throne.
The man who tlilnks leads the crowd.
Carnicl faith leads to Carmel victory.
The grumbler blows out his own
Small boats must keep near the
If you can't be a sun, don't be a
Heart wisdom Is nhead of book learn
ing. Man never makes truth; be only dis
covers It.
The man above suspicion lives above
the stars.
Ignorance and witchcraft are fast
It Is hard for bad motives to drive
good bargains.
The farm and the garden are the best
gold diggings.
Compared to eternity, this life Is as
the last gasp of the dying.
Discretion is not cowardice, neither
Is blatant volubility courngo.
Exuberant patriotism is often used
is a cloak by knavish politicians.
A prayer for guidance on election day
Is quite as appropriate as on Sunday.
Weeds thrive best in richest soil.
Fbls applies to churches as well as to
Selds aud gardens.
Lot not only "pitched bis tent toward
Sodom," but be was found living right
down town when destruction cume.
"Consistency, thou art a Jewel." Im
agine a soloou keeper horrified at tho
desolation wrought by Spain In Cuba.
Through the cloud of Imminent war,
''a prudent man forseetb the evil," but
that does not binder him from dulua
his dutv.
Cm t"?u
For nearly two hours Monday tne
Sennte hsrt under discussion tho reso
lution of Mr. UidR-e (Mass.), directing
the claims committee to make an in
quiry ns to the disposition of tho
money appropriated by congress to pay
the claim of the book concern of the
Methodist Rplscopnl Church Holith. A
heated colloquy between Mr. Chandler
(New Hampshire) and Mr. Pnsco was
the feature of the discussion. Mr.
Chandler snid that Mr. Pasco was tin
wittingly and unwillingly the agent
through which a deception had been
practiced upon the senate. Mr. Pasco
demanded the withdrawal of the state
ment, but Mr. Chandler Insisted that It
was correct, and refused to withdraw
It, although he disclaimed any Inten
tion to reflect upon Mr. Pasco's honor.
The resolution probably will be called
up again.
At Tuesdny'a session of the senate
the resolution of Mr. Iidge (Mass.)
directing that nn Inquiry be made Into
the disposition made of the Methodist
bonk concern claim, which was paid
recently by congress, was adopted
v ltbout division. In the course of the
debnte upon It. Mr. Morgan (Ala.)
charged that the resolution was Insin
cere and had been drawn for political
effect. This statement, Mr. Ixidwa
denied vigorously, saying his only pur
pose in offering the resolution was that
all the farts concerning the matter
should be laid before the people to the
end that more en re should be exercised
In the future. He regnrded the claim
paid as a Just one. and had no Idea of
endenvorlng to secure Its repnyrnent.
He pointed out the fact that had his
amendment to the claim bill been
adopted It would have cut off a profes
sional lobbyist and prevented a scan
dal. He hoped that as n result or the
proposed investigation a general law
would be passed to ellmlnnte the pro
fessional lobbyist from the legislative
After the passage of a large number
or private pension hills and listening
to n carefully prepared speech on the
ni. vantages of Itepnblloan tnrlfr 1. gln
lntlon by Mr. Prltchnrd. of North Car
olina, the Penate Wednesday resumed
consideration or the international
American bnnk bill. An amendment
was accepted by the committee nml
adopted extending the privileges of the
measure to all citizens of the United
Plates. Instead of restricting them to
U'ope mentioned In the bill. When the
Pennte ndjouined consideration or thrt
bill hint-not been concluded.
Five minutes after the opening of
the Sennte's Session Thursday the
message clerk of the House or Hepie-
sentatlves delivered to the Senate the
Hawaiian annexation resolution pass
ed by the House Wednesday evening.
At tne suggestion of Chnlrmnn I'avls,
the resolution was laid before the Sen
ate and was then referred to the Com
mittee on Foreign Itelntlons.
The foreign relations committee,
throush Mr. Pnvis. the chairman. Fri
day reported favorably to the senate
the Newlands resolution tor the annex
ation or the Hawaiian Islands. Mr.
Davis announced his purpose or cnlllng
up the resolutions for consideration.
but ns the sennte decided Inter to ad
journ until Mondny the debate upon
the resolutions will not begin until thnt
The bill to Incorporate the Interna
tional American bank In accordance
with the congress, which has occupied
a greater part or the sennte's time this
week, was passed Friday afternoon by
a vote or 2 to 23. The design of the
measure Is to furnish such bnnklng and
exchange facilities as will promote
trade hetween the United Stntes and
the countries of Central and South
The session of the House Saturday
was devoted to debate upon the
Hawaiian resolutions.
Mr. Clark (Uem.. Mo.), snoke In on-
position, and Messrs. Walker tltep.,
Mass.), Alexander (Hep.. N. Y.i. unci
Ulllett (Hep., Mass.), In advocacy of
tne proposition.
in the House the ennexatlon of the
Hawaiian lsluiids was debated last
A house Joint resolution nnnronrlnt-
Ing $ to pay the Holuinu aea
award was adopted Inst Tuesiluy. The
appropriation Is carried in the sundry
civil appropriation bill, but thnt meas
ure is still in conference and the
award has to be paid on the 15th Inst.
A bill was passed authorizing the
president to nominate L.!culcnniit
Commander R. M. O. Hrown, now on
the retired list, to be a commander on
the retired list. I.ieutennnt-Com-mandtr
Brown wus one of the heroes
of the Snmoan disaster.
A few private bills were dlsnnaed of
and the Hawaiian debate proceeded.
mr. wrosvenor tuep., u.) was recog
nized, first, and, introducing his re
marks, suld the pending question was
not one for party politics, and he
would not appeal to anv of hla Henuh.
llean colleagues who might oppose an
nexation to go contrary to their con
victions and support annexation as a
party project. Mr. Granvennr then
voted himself to answering the various
objections to annexation.
Ihe afternoon and nlirht sessions r.f
the house vere devoted to set speeches
for and against annexation.
v itn itenresentat ve John nnWn
presiding us speaker pro tern. In the
absence of Speaker Iteed, the House
Wednesday afternoon by the over
whelming majority of 201 yeas to 91
nays passed the Newlands resolution
for the annexation or the Hawaiian Is
lands to the United States.
The general deficiency bill was con
sidered Thursday by the house, but
was not disposed or. It probably will
be taken up to-morrow and passed
unless the private calendar is urged.
Mr. Dlngley (Hep.. Me.) called ut
the bill supplemental to the war
revenue measure designed to supply
some omissions and to strengthen the
meuns of administering the revenue
act. It exempts from taxation mutual,
casualty, fidelity and guarantee com
panies conducted not for profit. After
explanation by Mr. Dlngley the bill
was passed.
The general oellciency Din ana con
ference report upon the District or Col
umbia nuproprlHtlun bill occupied the
attention of the house Friday.
Om by Ex. Sontaor Puk.
Ex-Governor Peck tells a story about
his visit to Green Hay, Wis. He had
been asked to speak at a Good Temn-
lurs' affair there.
When I stood," Mr. Peck tells. "I
looked about for soma water. A mug
hd been placed beside me, and how it
ould have hanpened at a temperance
convention I do not know, but it was s
beer mug filled with water. Well, It
was a warm day, and where there Is
onvention food spread out on a warm
day there are likely to be ilies. There
were flies, and one had lighted trust-
ngly on the surface of the water in
that mug. I saw htm as I lifted It, and
did the most natural and humane
thing that 1 could think of blew him
off the water. Well, they cheered for
five minutes. And to this day I sup
pose you can't persuade a Green Hay
man that anybody from Mllwauks
can drink a glass of water, even at a
temperance convention, without first
blowing oft the foam."
drain, wu nJ S'sed
WHEAT No. ltd
No S red
COHN No. . yellow, ear
No, 1 yellow, shelled
Mixed ear ,,, ,.,,,,
OA IB No. II while
No. 8 white
rtVE No. 1
I LOt II Winter patent B
Kaney straight wiulur 6
Jive nour 8
HAV No. 1 timothy 10
Llover, No. 1 A
Hay, from wagons 10
FKEo No. 1 White M.I., tun.. 17
Drown mlddlluga 14
Draii, bulk U
6 40
8 10
4 tO
10 60
6 00
10 B0
17 80
18 U
18 80
8 00
A 80
BTHAW Wueat 4
Oat 6
BEKUH Cover, 6J lbs 8
60. 8 74
liinotny, prime 1
41 1 tiO
Dairy Produota.
Dl'TTEB. Elglu Creamery. ...(I 18 ID
Uuio creamery 1ft
taney vutiutty rob 11 ll
ClIEKBK Oulo, new 7 8
lors, unit 7 H
Fruits and Vegatabisi
BEANS (ireen, V ou. 1 JJ 1 63
1'OlAlOth )klte. tierim.... 4 10
CAUbAUfc Per crate 1 DO 1 40
ONIONS New Houtuern, bbl. 8 7S 4 00
Poultry, E:
CHICKENS, V pair amiiil i B05q
Itllhtia. t lb 14
klKin 1-a. and Ublo, fresh.... 10
FLOUH 4 40 8 80
WHEAT No. J red K4
hit No. s u
COltN Mixed IIS 31
OAfd H
bU'l lEK Ohio creamery 11 16
H-OUn a 6 23(3 5 CO
HEAT No. Sired 1)1
COIlN No. y mixed 83 M
OA1M No. 2 white 83 81
ill 1 i trl Creamery, extra., .. .. 1
l.UUH-l'n. II rain iy
Fr.OUlt Patents t 0 TbiS) 7 25
V. ii EAT No. 8 red an
COltN No. 1 ,17
OATH White Western ail
lit 1 Ifcll Creamery n 17
LUtiM suite of I'unu 10 11
I'rlme, 1,300 to 1,400 lbs 8 4 !(
Uood, 1, 'AMI to 1,800 lbs 4 sj
Xldy, 1,1AM) to 1,100 lbs 4 7ft
lair limit steers, WI0 to ltUO Ida. 4 ;)
Common, 700 to U00 lbs 8 00
5 00
4 U0
4 Vi)
4 70
4 10
Medium 4 05
Heavy 4 pu
Itougbs andstugs 8 00
4 10
4 05
8 85
Prime, (15 to 105 lt, wetuera. ..t 4 31
Good, 85 to 90 lbs. 4 u
I'alr. 70 to 80 lbs 7ft
Common 8 M
V""" I 60
1 air to good lambs 4 30
4 eO
4 23
4 00
3 60
3 67
4 83
Cipcrti Iienl Imports Oariag May SiTlag tbi
vdiui Biatei a Lirgi rotiiga Saltan.
H. J. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Heview ot
Trade reports us follows ror last week;
The passing or the war tax bill, tho
offering of bonds and the collapse of
l.elter and cash wheat, have made the
week somewhat exciting. In spite of
some feature which cannot be Justi
fied the tux bill was approved as prob
ably the best that could be obtained
from congress this year, and gave as
surance of needed revenue for the
emergency. Its bond provision has al
ready called out oilers for more than
three times the umount desired, und It
probably will prove the most success
ful loun ever invited by the i'nlted
States. A greut victory in the lieldcould
hurdly lie more Important, especially
In Its Inllueni e on foreign opinion. Not
less signincunt was the excess of ex
ports uer imports in May by flr,.9Srt,
S.MI. making a merchandise balance in
favor of the I'nlted Stales,
in eleven months of the fiscal year,
while net Imports of gold were 8102,026,
PMI, though in no previous llscul year
have the net Imports of gold exceeded
IS7.4I16.127 In 1882.
Not less Important Is the olllelal
showing thnt this nation has siitmlied
to others 100.058.2e8 bushels wheat and
204.OrtO.0O0 corn In eleven and a half
months without checking receipts from
farms, and sees w heat fall 20' cents
In a week because a crop Is promised
greater than the last by 100,000,000
bushels. The decline would have come
sooner had not Mr. Lelter looked for
larger gains, but the benefit to this
country by tho average advance of
neurit cents ior tne crop year on
wheat exported has been about 148.-
000,000, and to producers much greater.
in corn, on tne other hand, the cash
price has declined only 1 cent, and the
demand continues extraordinary, west
ern receipts amounting to 4.879,242
bushels against 3.81U.1H4 bushels last
year, and exports amounting to 3.662,-
uuu Dusnois, uguliiBt 1,321,448 bushels
last year.
The cotton movement continues
large for the season, althntiirh tho
price has advanced a sixteenth in spite
or ravoruble crop prospects. The ma
nufacturing demand abroad Is good
and controls Liverpool, and at this late
season America lets Liverpool make
lirices. Here tne manufacturing de
mand Ib a little better, though with de
cline or prices or bleached shirtings,
but the mills have large stocks of mat
erials. There la also a stronger mar
ket for wool abroad, which with west
ern excitement makes quotations of
100 qualities by Coates Bros, of 1 cent
higher than June 1, but there Is scarce
ly any buying by manufacturers, who
are in doubt about the coming season
and have few new orders, except In
army lines. The break in the price of
slxteen-ounce clay worsted to 81.20 has
somewhat discouraged what promised
to be a healthy market. Sules of wool
were made extremely narrow by the
wide differences between excited west
ern holders and manufacturers who
have an uncertain coming season to
Pig Iron is exremely dull, though
bessemer holds last week's advance
and other grades are not iiuotably low
er. No decline in consumption appears,
and, while bars are weak, with short
time the rule in eastern mills, they ad
vance 214 cents at Pittsburg, while Chi
cago reports heavy season contracts
still coming from wagon, car and other
manufacturers. Heavy sheets are bel
ter at the East, but thin are not bet
ter anywhere, structural works ure
full for the summer, and have had two
remarkably good weeks at Chicago
with buildings and bridge orders, Plate
mills are well employed, and at Chi
cago the demand for pipe Is better,
especially from the Puclfic coast. Ship
ments from there of rulls In May In
cluded some to Sweden, ilelglum, South
Africa, Siberia and three other coun
tries, while orders from Calcutta hava
Just been taken. The anthracite coal
output In. May exceeded the allotment
by 18.8 per cent.
A Fatality Avoided.
om lit Democrat, OosAen, fa-t
When neuralgia la accompanied by a dull,
heavy pain near the heart, frequently be
coming Intense, It generally terminates
fatally. Mrs. Nnnoy Klyna, who lives neal
Ooslien, Indiana, survived such an attack
and her advice Is worth heeding,
. "In the fall ot '02," she said, "I began
to have trouble with my heart. There was
a sharp pain la my breast which became
rapidly worse. The doctor was puzzled
and put mo under the Influence of opiates.
These sharp attacks followed ono another
nt Intervals and I heenma weak and had a
lingitard look. I was eoustantly la pain,
seldom slept and had Do appetite,
"At the end of two years I was confined
to my couch most of tba time aud the doc
tor agreed that my death was only a mat
tsr of a short time.
lerjU "One dai
I noticed In
a newspapei
an item
about n
woman bar
I n g been
e u r e d o I
neuralgln ol
the heart by
Dr. Will
lams' rink
Pills for
Pale People
and 1 con
cluded t 0
try them.
Srrloni Time.
"When I had Dulshed one box I noticed
Sn Improvement (amy condition, and when
I had taken twelve boxes I was completely
cured. 'Those pills hare done for you
what we onuld not do,' said one of my
physicians, 'they have tared your life.'
"That was two years ago and my heart
has not troubled me since. I believe I owe
my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People, and I take pleasure In telling oth
ers about them."
Among tlio mnny forms of neuralgia are
headache, nervousness, parnlysis, apoplexy
and locomotor ataxia. Home of these were
considered incurable until Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale Penplo wero formu
lated. To-day thousands testify to having
been cured of such dlsenses by these pills.
Doctors frcipiDiitly pscscrlba thera and
all druggists sell tbom.
Uow Commanders Communicate by1
Wire from Ship to Ship.
Telephones mny supersede the old
fysleiu of flag signals as a menus of
communication between ships nt sea.
Successful exiK-rlments have been
made by Commander It. (I. O. Tupper
of tho Hrltlsh navy which seem to
prove that the system Is adapted for
tho purpose. Commander Tupper used
n kite In his experiments, and this
ficcma to be tho only feasible moans.
The kite used was nn ordinary one flint
differed but slightly from those used by
American boys lu the spring and full,
except tbut It hud no tall. The kite wai
six feet long and three wldo at Its
broadest part. Two lines were at
tached to the kite where the tull would
ordinarily have leen. One of those
lines was retained ou board of the Dar
ing, the torpedo boat destroyer Ulidee
IJomninndcr Tuppcr's command, from
whir. 1 the experiments were conducted.
It was found that with the wind be
tween the two lines It was easy to drop
letters or oven a hawser on another
llilp, nnd In this way to establish com
munication. When this experiment bad
proved successful Commander Tupper
mndc use of a wire. The end of the
wlro which tho kite bore away from the
Ihlp was dropped upou tho (leek of II.
II. S. Dauntless, where Jt was secured
by tho electrician of tho ship and at
tached to n telephone apparatus In
rvnltlug. Tho other end, which had re-
mu I ned aboard the During, was also
attached to a telephone, and as soon as
the task had been completed tho com
munication between the two ships was
lierfect. Secured by tho two lines, the
kite renin hied suspended for four hours,
during which time omniuutcatlon be
tween the two ships was uninterrupted.
Commander Tupper bag mudo a report
of his experiments with the kite tele
phone and declares that It means that
the present method of signaling with
flags will become obsoleto. If telephone
wires can bo employed, ho sees 110 rea
son why .telegraphic communication
should not be made In a similar man
ner, and the ships of a fleet be placed la
communication with each other.
Among contracts recently placed by
the Government were several amount
ing to 250,000 hesslan bags, to be used
for fortification purposes.
Den't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be tnit;
nutlu, full of life, nerve ana vigor, take No-To-Hau,
tho wonder-worker, that make weak
men stronv. All dniKsiHta. Hlo or SI. Cure
nuarantecd. booklet and sample free. Addnwa
Sterling Keniedy Co., Chicago or New York.
The number of asteroids known to
astronomers is 423. Some of them have
not been observed since their discovery
and are practically lost.
To Cur Constipation Fnrerer.
Take CascareU Candy Cathartic, lllc orSV.
ir C'.C'.C.fall tooure, druggUU rofuud money.
Hair dye Is considered so detrimental
to long life that a Continental assur
ance company refuses to Insure the
lives of persons using It.
R K. Cohiirn. Mgr. Clarle Heott writes! "I
tnd Hull's Catarrh Curs a valuable rumedy."
iruiulnW sell It, 76u,
"A Fiir Fact Hay Provi
Plain Girl
' TKi.EPnoNixo rnou snip to ship.
Matter weighing one pound on the
moon's surface If transferred to the
earth would weigh six pounds.
tleanty Is llloml prop.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No hsantf
without Ik Cascm-nts, Candy Cathartic class
your blood and keep It clean, by stirring up
tho lary liver and driving all impurities
from the body. Pciln to day to hanlsh
pimples, holla, blotches, black beads, and that
sickly billons complexion by ttkliiit Ca-csrets,-
beautv for 10 rents. All drugglsta,
satisfaction guarantied. lOo, Hue, 23c, Wo.
The managers of the telephone com
pany operating the system at Ver
xatlles, France, hold that the, expres
sion, "Hello!" used In response to a
call is Impolite. The operators have
been Instructed to ask the subscriber
who rings up the central office: "What
do you want?"
To Cars a Cold la One Day.
Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. ATI
Dragglsts refund money If It falls to cur, tta.
A cabinetmaker at Frankenberg, In
Paxony, now 84 years of age, boasts
that he helped build Goethe's colltn In
1832, and saw the poet's body laid away
In It.
Kdnrata Your liowela With Casearets.
Candy Cathartic, nurernnstlpntlon forever
10c, 2.V.lf (J. C'.C. fall, dniKKists refund money
Fifty years ago the population of
Europe was about 2GO.000.000; it Is to
day considerably over 360,000,000.
Is due not only to tho originality and
simplicity of tho combination, but also
to tho care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to tho California Flo Svrup
Co. only, and wo wish to impress upon
all tho importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Fljjs is manufactured
by the Cai.ifoiinia Flo Svrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist 0110 in avoiding; the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. Tho high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio Svnt'P Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which tho genuine Syrup of Fis has
given to millions of fumilles, makes
the name of the Company a guuranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
fur la advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weakening-
them, and it docs not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial
effects, please remember tho name of
the Company
Lot ISVILI.E. Kt. HEW YOWt, !. T.
"I have used your valuable CAftCA'
tETM and lind thorn perfect. Couldn't do
without them. 1 have used them for some time
for Indigestion and biliousness und urn now com-
filctcly cured. Kvconimend them, to every one.
lace tried, you will never be without them in
lbs family." Luw. A. Mahx, Albuuy, N. Y.
Pleasant. Palatable. I'ntont. Taste Ooixl. Do
Quod, Never Hlckuu. Weaken, or (Jrl. 10o. Uo.tOo.
Blrll. frir. fl.lm. ..lrl. t.rt. 81
NQ.TO-RAft Hold and siiaranfeeil by all drag
nWMU'DHb iil.uu CHlHTobaooo Ilablu
P N rj S3 '&
I A III RSI oaa earn UMnlUr weekly at hoinat
Jlwrttmi-e uuuweMMtryi reiily eiiYloj fur miiiu!
ami iianUuUra. Nixon u:, ii Thud Ava., M.X . Utty.
If SltotM wltk
I Thompson'. EyiW.t.r
or ajraa.
a Foul Bargain." Marry a
if Sha Uses
raaoi mash ssaurnrsfo
. Beval-Gesr
Columbia .
Chain Wheels, $75 M CI Vh
Hartfords, . . 80 ftgsWla.U.
Vedettes, $40 & 35 iJF y
POPE MFC. CO., i4sr
Harllord, i'mmt"
Conn- Wl f
li cijBIslrviitKt AiL Us iailS. i F
1 1 Btal I ouwtt bjrup. Ta.ii UihhL Ck I
Cl la tlnia. Sola tr tlmmriMta. I I