Stat. no w.r year, or $1.00 if rictlji in advance. (MMON KdUor and Pub. )AV. JUNE 15, 1M)8. I locM pnprr, pnhll)rcl every iernnldnvllle. Ji-fftirunn t'o. Ihe lfitnfltniif ItrvnoMfivlIln unty. Non-pIIMi'nl, wllltrent i. nnrt will betmpeclnlljr f riend filntrltiff rlunn. wire II. 00 iw venr.ln mlvnnce. Ion Intenilpn for Diitilk'nlln impnnled hjrlh writer' nnme, cation, hut kh n Kimrnntrfl of nterwtln Hewn Itemfl Millrlted. -jum mnrin known on iipnllra fe In Kroelilli'h-llenry llliN'k. munlrallnnn nnu rlinnKe nf f .,1,1. .a l.w mmunlrntlont to C. A. Pteph- Vvimw, i-ii. v pnatnftVn fit Ttcynoldiivllle, n man mntTer. 0UNCEMENT3. RY I. WILSON, lid It ri Honni'iiii, i of the Reniilillcmnnf TelTer- rlmtiry elii't Ion J unu JH, 'ItH. IT II. WIUTKHILL, OOKTI1.1.M llOHOt dll, Irtton of the Demoi'rntle vo lt Co. itt tliu I'rlmnry election, describing the domestic ife at Tampa will be found of Thk Star. Ibllcaa primaries will be ounty noxt Suttmluy. Tlio n at 3.00 P. M. and closo at Dft .1. V. Fount In tho honin I' nomination for Assembly. I'cn woikOiff hard to sociire ion and feels Mirn of beltif aiitawney $iirit, the best r published In Fennsylva- rter of a contury old. It wenty-sixth year last week. was established by V. 1 In' 1892 Hon. W. O. Smith lor and one of tho propria- pirit. lenry Clay, America's Kreat laid: "We will only tolerate V as her (acts warrant her '""Vid that point has I" And yot the lid tho strain for lor Clay gave his vfp chickens and per mut large will do well to decision of the supreme rwmch gays that "fowls of any -nd, when beyond the limits of the wner's property, can be treated as lid game, and shot or killed in any Nwlthout being subject to penalty r." re in this issue of The Star the announcement of Vshtll, of Brookvillo, as tfTCundiuate for the nomlna Ykss. Mr. Wh itch ill is lading attorneys , of Joffor Jwlth a (food practice. Ho kty to fill the offloo for which s the nomination, and the Toters will not mls it by Jlr. Whitohlll at tl com &, June 2Tith. Jin receipt of an invitation lard of trustees and faculty .It Haven Normal school to commencement exercises of ion of learning, whjr will last week of June. Rev. rrls, Ph. D., LL. D., of 'a., who proaehed tb bao- rtnon for the graduating lgh school this year, will cal aureate sermon at the ormal June 2Kth. Jroes of the United States loo vast fur realization. We of tho greatest of the conti- ! are the possessors of a per- of government. On our d we are more than a match irope still, barring England k. We have to go abroad for Within ourselves we are ab Jelf sustaining. In all roe arts and martial appliances we world. Our food products are W United as a nation no earth could successfully come us'.' This Is not bluster. It is pie truth, and the Statesmen, 1 and financiers of Europe know veil.- The American who dls . either does not know his own "or greatly over-estimates the orld. Ex. ew Bethlehem Vindicator said ?k, "fieynoldsvllle has their but- In operation. They havo no xyet.: -This little chuuk of I flung at Royuoldsvllle be- a factory that we had rea ve was likely to bo located 0 located at New Bethle- looks as If the, tile people J , Reynolds vllle as a "bluff" ! New Bethlehem people to J bonus asked as an induoe te the tile works at that e the gentlemen did not ask t a an Inducement to come " re was oo offer made to "vor, with the1 better rail i and other, advantages. i wou! jhave given the tile ' ;i thai aon?By would THREE PULL DAYS. Large Crowd Expected Good Program for Kacn Day. The convention of the Baptist Young People's Union and the fifty-second an niversary of the Clearfield Baptist Association to be held in tho. Baptist church Thuroduy, Friday and Saturday of this week, promise to be interesting meetings. Below we publish tho pro grams for the three days: B. Y. P. U. THURSDAY. Morning Session, 10.00 o'clock Dovo- tlonul, Ed. Bilker; enrollment of dele gates; reMrt of committee on program; election of officers; opening address, Miss Myrla Dean: topic, "How to Res urrect Dead Members,'' W. L. Jenkins; adjournment. Afternoon, 2.00 o'clock Devotional, Wm. Becmor; reports of socio! lea; topic, Winning Souls for Christ," Mrs. A. Z. Myers: discussion: topic, "B. Y. P. U. and Biblo Study." N. O. Pnttorson; dis cussion; "How About Junior Work," a conference; miscellaneous business; adjournment. Evening, 7,.10 o'clock Song sorvlce; topic, "Buffalo, '1)8," LeRoy Stephens: "Tho Life of John G. Pntton," F..S. Dobbins; conference; adjournment. C. It. A. FRIDAY. Morning session, 10.00 o'clock Prayer for tho Convention, Pastor A. I. Alex ander: owning sermon, Pastor A. Z. Myers: onrollment'of delegates; appoint ment of committees, viz: place and preacher, auditing, digest of letters, obituary; adjournment. Afternoon, 2.00 o'clock Half hour prayor Bcrvico for missions, Pastor Wm. Holt; rending of church statistics: re port on Stato missions, Pastor N. O. Patterson; address on Stuto missions, W. II. Connrd: report on Publication Society, Pastor F. L. Burdens: address on Publication Society, O. F. Fllppo; miscellaneous business: adjournment. Evening, 7..'I0 o'clock Devotional, W. S. Stone; report on Foreign Missions, Pastor A. Z. Myers; Missionary sormon (illustrated) F. S. Dobbins. SATURDAY. Morning Session, 8.30 o'clock Prayer for the churches of the Association, J. E. Dean; report on education, Pastor J. II. Palmer; address on education. Leroy Stephens; "Woman's Work," Mrs. II. N. Jones; "The Common wealth;" miscellaneous; adjournment. Afternoon, 2.00 o'clock Half hour of Thanksgiving, Mrs. A. Z. Myers; re port on systematic beneficence, A. J. Trultt: open conference on systematic beneflcenco; report on homo missions, Pastor C. H. Hodges; address on home missions, E. B. Palmer; miscellaneous business; adjournment. Evening, 7.30 o'clock Song sorvlce; sermon, R. L. Williams; miscellaneous business: conference; adjournment at Association's pleasure. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but thore is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electrlo Bitters. This medicine tones up tho wholo system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kid neys, is a blood purlflorand nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Fttint ing. Spoils and Sleeplcssnes and Melan choly. It Is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electrlo Bitters and be convinced that they are a mira cle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c. a bottle at H. A. Stoke's Drug Store. People Who Pay the Printer. Tho following persons have paid their subscriptions or addod tholr names to our list since last week: II. E. Vundervort, Roper City, North Caro lina, Inuw June , 'Ml. C. E. Jones, KeynoldHvllle, May 11, '9ti. R. E. Clawson, New KonliKtoii,June2t), 'vs. Ulchard Taafe, Keynoldsvillo, June 23, 'VS. David L. BrutnliauKli, Reynoldsvllle. Frank R. Rest, Ituynoldsvllle, June 21, 'IN. John Williams, Reynoldsvllle. F. O. Corbett, Preneottvllle, March !, '99. J. M. Dunn, Reynoldsvllle, April 1, '99. W.J. Hutchison, Now KenslnKton, June 3,'9. A. J. HpniKiie, Eleunora. May 20, '99. We have the nicest and best line of ladles' shoes in town. . Come where your feet will be fitted perfectly. Robluson's. It is advisable for every person who is interested in their own welfare to buy at Milllrens. We are takiug orders forsprlng deliv ery on phosphate and MoCormick mowers and binders. We are soiling sleighs, hay, salt, flour, food, dry goods, groceries and drugs. Come In and see J. C. Kino & Co. If you want something nice for supper try some of the hot ooffeo cakes or cln namon rolls baked every afternoon at the Bon Ton Bakery. Try a pair of J. E. Welsh & Co.' heavy bauk shoes for mining. Something rare, a stock of hats and neckties like that displayed at Mllllren's. Snyder & Johns, fashionable tailors, Handsome derbies and Alpines just received at Milllrens. Over 100 pair of shoes at J, E. Welsh & Co.' way down In price. Els houses for sale, ranging in prloe See our spring stock Our store is crowded with new goods of the latest styles. Dress Patterns and Dress Goods of all kinds. LadieB' Skirts and Shirt Waists, Silks, Laces and Embroideries. Stacks of Wash Goods. LACE CURTAINS We have a handsome line. See them before buying elsewhere. We also have a few cur tain stretchers left. Call soon if you want to get a pair. BING 6c GO. sinmfflmmttimtiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmira Our Banner 3 bears the motto, "Coolness for All." It's . 3 our Soda Balute, fired not with guns, but 3 with foam. There's bound to be a hot 3 time before the September equinox, and 3 our fountain of delicious drinks will bring 3 relief to Old Sol's victim's. Keep cool and 3 heli to keep others cool in this summery 3 encounter between nickels and perspira- 3 tion. It's having a summer resort at home 3 to meet at our fountain. 3 STOKE. Reliahlp Pharmnricf 3 Honest ty. Methods. M THE WAR 4? 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 Not with Spain, but with the Clothing Merchants of Reynoldsville. Our hot shot of low prices and honest 43 values has annihilated all false pretense, some of our competitors have Bunk out of sight. Dishonest advertising 43 has proven to be folly. ,We claim, and justly claim, that what we advertise is the TRUTH. WILL SOON BE OVER! If LOW l PRICES. t S to to to 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 4 4 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 1 i JVf 2 or This summer we are selling a line of Mens' Dress and Business Suits that captures the interest of every good judge of Clothing, a matchless choice of surprising and reliable quality. No fabric or style is missing from this display. Fancy Cheviots and Cassimeres, Plain or Fancy WorBtedB, Scotch Mixtures, Blue and Black Serges, also Blue Clay Diagon als in all the prevailing styles; prices $5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00. and, $10.00. These suits cannot be matched elsewhere at less than $15.00. We ask a comparison. Our summer showing of Fine Quality Suits makes it easy to be perfectly fitted and suited here at a saving of from ? $3.00 to $5.00 on every suit. Boy's Double Breasted Suits Spring Colorings in Plaids, New Stripes and Checks, drab, grey, brown and blue effects; ageB 4 to 15 years. Prices run from 75c. to $5.00. These include about 800 of very natty styleB. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Over 400 suits represented in this lot, giving you the richest of all the popular materials and leading colors in three and four button sacks, prices range from $3.0Q to $10.00. These suits are the very Acme, of Clothing Perfection. SHOES THAT FIT AND WEAR During this summer we are going to make special sales on Men's and Boys' Shoes. Men's good work shoes 89c. , men's lace shoes, fine calf, coin toe $1.25. Men's hand -sewed tan shoes, all sizes, $2.00, $2.75 and $3.25. These Bhoes were not made to sell at this price, by any meanB, but we are going to make big concessions in the shoe department during the next three months. Hosiery Men's fine, fancy printed cotton sox, all the fad now, perfectly seamless, price 10c. or 3 pair for 25c. Men's imported fancy striped hose, latest colorings. Plain black and tans, price 15c. or two pair 25c. Men's Underwear We are still selling that 40c. Balbriggan Underwear at 25c. Men's plain color balbriggan underwear, also blue and grey, 75c. values, at our store 50c. Men's and Boys' Hats j Consistingof 1,200 men's new 1 n 11M Ld III IL1I IjllllII n. .Bk nliiHinrr lilnlr rtrrtnrn tan a nutria, maple. Nobby sum- 1 rf n jm Staple shapes for middle aged ft' men. Quality guaranteed, ft O LI dW I I CI Lo to to to h. to VST 1 All - we are snowing a iuu ana w new in men's, boys' and chil complete line 01 everytning y flrfin's Straw Tints W hnrA PI all the novelties. Our quali ties are the highest and our prices, others. as usual, lower than Umbrellas Over 200 Men's English Twilled Gloria Umbrellas with fancy handles, prices ranging from 75c. to $2.50 un tne umbrellas we save you at least 25 per cent. Men's Shirts A large assortment made of fancy percale in the populaii white neck band styles; can be bought elsewhere under 50c., our price 39c. - Men's laundered Outina Shirts withtwo detached coif lars and a pair of cuff detached, and in white nec band styles, detached ciffi at 75c. and $1.00. We have a clean record many years of honest deali and our guarantee of reliab ity, which goes with evef sale, is the assurance of saf ty and satisfaction we hof out to every customer. MILLIRENS, r ".f-'fl - ' r.7. H. Ptamey, Esq. ' 7.