The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 15, 1898, Image 3

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    Scrofula Swellings
Health Was Very Poor But Hood'fl
Sarsaparllla Ha Cured Her.
"My daugutor hat scrofula swelllnirg oa
tint atok sad her haalth wit vsrjr poor.
Shs did tot obtnla luting bone (It from
mtxllolnsa until shs began taking Hood's
flarsapsrllla. Tkros bottlo of this medl
elus satlrnlr ourstl her and ihit has Darnr
besn troubled with scrofula nines I liars
Ersal flth In Hood's Barsaparllls." Mrs.
. D. EfTuur, Ruth, N. Y.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is Amsrloa's Ureatest Medicine. $ l tlx for 3.
Hood'a Pill curs all llrer Ills. UcenU,
Try A Urn's foot-Trta,
A powder to be shaken Into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and hot, and gt tired easily. If you
liars smarting feet or tight shoes, try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools (lie feet and
makes walklug ensy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters snd enllous spots.
llelinTss corns and bunions of all pain and
fires rest and comfort. 10,000 testimonials,
ry It to-dViy. Hold by all driiKRlsts and
shoe stores forSJc. Trial package Fltl'.E.
Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le ltoy, N. I.
Fits permsnentlj-cured. No fltsor nrrroti.
pens after nrtt day's line of lr. Kline's Great
Nerve Kestnrer. 2trlnl bottle snd treatise
(res Dr.lUl.Kl.INt I,M.,KII Arch Ht.I'hlln.,1'
Mrs. Window's HnnthlnRHympforchlldren
teething, softens ths gums, reducing In
flaiiinuulon, allart ialn, cures wind uollo. tie,
Government's uirt Uold nnslnes.
Uanl tluirs can be protty well est!
imvteil by tbo amount of gold Jewplry,
old plate ami trinkets, soys Dlnjetor of
tbo Mint Preston, presented to tbo gov
ernment mint. During the period of
xtrome dppresslon tbe amount of tuot
els purchased by the government reach
ed blgh flgures, but In tbo past year M
lias dwindled considerably. At the ap
proach of tbe holiday swisnn tbe Jew
elry sent to tho mints to be sold In
creases In largo proportion compared to
tbo quantity sold in tbo dull sensoa
Boon after Now Year there Is usunlly a
heavy Installment at tho assay olllccl
end mints.
. Within tho past week a pair of gold
bracelots, which cost $50, were sent to
tbe mint bureau bore to be sold for tbe
gold In them. Their owner said be
could not keep them, as he required tho
money, and asked Director Preston to
dispose of them at whatever value they
might bring. The bracelets, on being
j melted down, wore shown to contain
i (17 worth of pure metal.
' I ' From 18T3 down to last year the
amount of money p&M out by the gov
ernment for old gold, plate and Jewelry
has steadily increased. Tbo high -water
mark was reached In 1801, when tbe
government paid out for plato and
Jewelry 94.033,710. The Philadelphia
mint melts nine-tenths of tbe plato and
Jewelry presented to tbe government.
Payment Is generally made In gold
when tbe Jewelry is of that metals
Chicago Inter Ocean.
-Boarding House Keeper nw sorry
I feel for those poor Klondike miners
bills cold wea.tb.orl Boarder Madam,
there is no need of going so far to place
your sympathy. You seem to forget
that I occupy eao of your boll rooms.
So Says Mrs. Mary Eochlotte of
Linden, New Jersey, In this
Letter to Mrs. Plnkham.
" I was bothered with a flow which
Would bo quite annoying at times, and
at others would almost stop.
"I used prescriptions given me by my
physloiun, but the
same state
of affairs
"After a
time I was
taken with
a flooding,
that I was
obliged to
keep my bed.
Finally, in
I despair, I
gave up my doo- .lr
tor, and began 'ft I
taking your medi
cine, and have certainly been greatly
benefited by its use,
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
una has indeed been a friend to me.
" I am now able to do my own work,
thanks to your wonderful medicine. I
Pis aa near aeami oeueve as J. cuuiu
, so weak that my pulse scarcely beat
and my heart had almost glvon out. I
(ould not have stood it one week more,
am sure. I never thought I would
be so grateful to any medicine.
" I shall use my influence with any
ne suffering as I did, to have them
Ise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Every woman that Is puzzled about
er condition should secure the sympa-
etlo advice of a woman who under-
'nd. Write to Mrs. Plnkham at
ynn. Mass.. and tell her your ills.
qzu ILiuor
l have ksea troubled a great
th a torpid llrer, wblcb produces com
. I found CASC4KETS to be all you elals)
Mum, and seoured such relief tbe Bret trial,
1 1 purobassd another supply and was oom
tely cured. I shall only be too glad to reo
nead Oasesrew wbsoerer tbe opportunity
reseated." J. AKmitu.
u SusgnsBSnna Ars., Pauadeipbla, PS.
. P-"w j t -rot. Tuts Ootid. T
. k o Grl. Hit. )uelU
f" Tl C?XTtPATIC5i. ...
. tm r.r. as
sv. tmm hum sisiti ate
A bill providing for the taking of the
twelfth census wns passed by the Hen
ate Wednesday. Under It a director of
the census, an assistant director and
five expert statisticians will be ap
pointed Immediately to mnke the pre
liminary arrangement for the taking
of the census of 100. A determined ef
fort to provide thnt the employes of
the census bureau should be examined,
At Thursday's session of the Bonnie,
Mr. Carter, (Mont.), In conneetlon with
the rejection by the Oovernment nf the
stennishlp t'entennlnl as a transport,
said ship owners on the Pacific const
had been endeavoring to compel the
Oovernment to pay Inordinate and ex
tortionate charges for ships to be used
to transport troops to the Philippines.
Mr. Perkins. (Cal.) declared that the
vessel owners of Pan Francisco had
named a rate fully B0 per cent less than
they usually received for them. Mr.
Lodge, (Mass.) precipitated a lively
dlscusslqn by offering a resolution di
recting the committee on clnltns to In
vestigate as to whom the money was
paid under the claim of the Methodist
book concern south. Mr. Lodge ex
plained therf a contract had been dis
covered for the payment of 85 per cent
of the proceeds nf the claim to lobbyists
end that one mnn has received the Im
mense sum of 1100, WK).
Last Friday the conference report on
the war revenue bill was agreed to by
the Bennta after a discussion lasting
four hours,
Tho debate Indicated generally thnt
the bill, aa agreed upon by the con
ferees, was reasonably satisfactory to
everybody, except as to the bond pro
vision. The votes cast against the
adoption of the report reflected the
opinions of those Senators who are op
posed to any Increase In the Interest
bearing debt of the country.
The report was agreed to by the de
cisive vote of 43 to 22. Kvery Republi
can oted for the measure and their
votes Were supplemented by those of
eight Democrats, one Silver Republi
can and one Independent.
After disposing of the urgent war
deficiency bill, as passed with amend
ments by the Senate, the House Tues
day adopted the conference report
upon the sundry civil bill, so far as It
embodied agreements. The House
then began voting severally upon the
45 Senate amendments, upon which no
agreement had been reached In con
ference, acting favorably upon three
and re.'cctlng the five.
The House passed a bill directing
the secretary of war to return to Ohio
the flags carried In the civil war by
the Twenty-first, Fifty-eighth and
Sixtieth regiments of Ohio infantry,
and to New York the flag of the One
Hundred end Third Infantry and the
Seventh heavy artillery.
Mr. Oaines (Dem., Tenn.) presented
a newspaper criticism upon the agents
of the Oovernment who had pur
chased the Merrlmac at an alleged
cost of $150,000 In excess of the boat's
cost of construction.
The bill providing for the participa
tion of volunteer soldiers In congres
sional elections during the war was
taken up. Mr. Bailey (Dem., Tex.)
and Mr. Williams (Dem., Miss.) raised
the question of the constitutionality
of the provision declaring "the re
quirements of the State laws as to
registration shall not apply to the
The session of the House Wednes
day, began and ended with Hawaiian
Incidents, Mr. Qrosvenor (tiep., O.). a
leader of the annexationists, figuring.
They grew out of the anxiety of those
who want early consideration lest the
opposition win a victory and effect un
due delay. If not the defeat of the reso
lutions, at this session. Mr. Qrosve
nor asked unanimous consent to read
and have referred to the committee on
rules a resolution providing for giving
the Hawaiian resolutions precedence
over all other business, except confer
ence reports, until disposed of. ' Many
objections squelched him.
The House Thursday agreed to tho
conference report on the war revenue
bill. The vote was 154 to 107. The re
port was presented by Mr. Dlngley. It
includes the acceptance by the House
of many Senate amendments. Includ
ing those putting taxes on beer, special
taxes on proprietary medicines, :or
poratlons producing petroleum and
sugar, and on tea. The Senate recedes,
among other things, from its coinage
of the silver selgnorage, a substitute
providing for the coinage of not less
than $1,600,000 a month.
Mr. Dlngley said the great ends
which the House had set out to accom
plish were the raising of approximate
ly 1175,000,000 from taxation, and from
$400,000,000 to 1600,000.000 from other
sources. He said the House conferees
mado no effort to eliminate the tax on
tea, owing to the decisive vote by
which the Senate had Incorporated It,
and because the new crop was lust
about to arrive, stocks on hand were
very low, and the consumption In the
country amounted to 100.000,000 pounds
annually. Relative to the coinage of
silver bullion, Mr. Dlngley explained
that the provision would result ulti
mately in an increase of circulation
outstanding by the amount of the pres.
ent seigniorage, or about 142.000,000.
The provision was not materially dif
ferent from the law of 180.
The feature of Friday's session of the
House was the securing of an agree
ment to consider and vote upon the
Newlands resolution to annex Hawaii.
The debate will continue until next
Wednesday afternon, when a vote will
be taken.
Yellow fever has been reported at
Mt Henry, Miss.
Nine breweries at Cleveland have
formed a combination.
President McKlnley will take no va
cation this summer.
Three children of Charles Watts
were burned to death at Allegheny,
Pa., last Tuesday by an exploding oil
Tea prices have advanced ltt cents
a pound as a result of the senate
amendment to the war revenue bill,
Imposing an Import tax.
An Indian at Fort Scott, Kas., has
confessed to the murder of Mrs. Laird,
for which crime two Indians were
burned to death last January.
A German ship arrived at Philadel
phia a few days ago from Kingston
without her clearance papers. The of
fense Is punishable by a fine of $5,000.
Oen. Douglass, a millionaire, who
fought against the north during the
civil war, will soon marry Mrs. Nellie
Grant Sartorls, daughter of the great
The Alabama Republican state con
vention passed a resolution asking the
president to make Lieut. Hobson cap
tain of the battleship Alabama, now
being built.
The entire plant, rolling mill and
Steel plant, of the Burgess Steel and
Iron .Company at Portsmouth was to
tally destroyed by fire Tuesday night.
The loss will amount to 1400,000 and the
Insurance la about $390,000. Eight hun
6.ed eroployaes are thrown out of
Work. .
. ., , . ..'
Oraln, Jriour and feed
WHEAT No. lred fi&9 ST
Mo 1 red 90 92
COltN No. yellow, esr 40 41
No. 3 yellow, shelled 87 9i
ill led ear 80 87
OA 18-No. 2 white 8a 83
No. t 81 8a
ME No. 1 67 6
VLOt'R Winter pstents 6 0) 00
Fancy straight winter 6 75 5 86
lire hour 8 75 4 8)
HA i No. I timothy 10 (0 10 50
Ulorer, No. 1 6 60 8 00
liar, from wagons 11 00 11 CO
FEKD-No. 1 White Aid., ton.. 17 00 17 6)
lirown middling It 60 1 6 09
Mran, bulk U W 14 00
BTHAW-Whent 4 60 6 00
Oat 6 as 6 64
Bl'tim-Ciorer, 60 lbs I 609 3 75
Timothy, prims 1 85 I 65
Dairy Froduott.
BUTTETl-ElKln Creamery.... 17 18
Ohio oreamery. 14 10
Faney country roll 10 11
C11EEME Ohio, new 7 H
New York, new 7 8
Fruits and Tsgstablsa
IlEANS-dreen, V bu. 1 15 131
POIATUEH White, per DU..M Ml 60
8AUBAOE Per crate 75 1 00
N10NH New Huuthsrn, bid, 4 a5 4 60
Poultry, Eta
CniCKENR, V pair small G0-j 03
TUHHEY8. V 1 14 15
EOOH 1'a.aud Ohio, Ir.-eli 10 U
FLOUR 4 00 5 CO
WUKAT-No. S ted 1 U0
KVK Ma a 4.1
COUN Mixed 83 81
OAlr) 37 2
(r H V
llU'llElUbVilo 'oreamery! ! '. ia ' 15
FLOUR 6 76f$ 8 00
WHEAT No. ared 1 00 1 10
COltN No. a mixed 88 87
OAT8 No. 3 Willie 83 87
UU'l TEH Oreamery, extra 17
EOOH Fa. firsts 13
FLOUR Patents ( 0 ;0 7 23
WHEAT No. ared 1 10
COIIN No. a 83 m
OATH White Western 80
UU'lTEH Creamery ,13 10
EOUH Htate of l'enu 11 l'i
rrlme, 1,800 to 1,400 lbs a 4 00$ 5 00
Oood, l.UOOto 1,800 Ids 4 W5 4 90
Tidy, 1,000 to 1,160 lbs 4 75 4 91)
Fair llrlit steers, 900 to 1000 Iba 4 30 4 40
Common, 700 to 900 lbs 8 00 4 10
Medium 4 25 4 80
Hearr 4 16 4 20
Houghs and stags 8 60 8 85
Prime, 95 to 105 lbs, wetuers...t 4 80A 4 M
Good, 86 to 90 lbs. 4 15r 4 35
Fair. 70 to 80 lbs 8 75 4 00
Common 8 01 '8 60
Cull 1 60 a 67
Fair to good lambs 4 80 4 85
BtlUiiDitl if Ul 8)tsiik Rtry Bttttm CsiMibm
Is tkt Biaistn WtrM.
R. O. Dun A Co.'s Weekly Review of
Trnde reports as follows for last week:
The certainty that the Spanish At
lantic fleet Is Imprisoned and powerless
to do harm has helped to make the
tono of markets more confident. Every
step of progress during the week,
which has looked toward un early ter
mination of the struggle, has been re
flected In the market and In lower
rates for money. All Industries have
felt the uplifting Influences. In finances
the growing anxiety to lend on even
long exchange at low rates In place of
shipments of gold to this country, be
gins to accumulate a standing credit
in favor of the United States. A
stronger situation It would be difficult
to describe. Men have been buying and
selling stocks with some blindness,
though the course of events has all the
time warranted a higher market.
Other countries have yet to pay In
some way an enormous balance to the
United States on jnerchandlse trans
actions, and It will save speculators
much trouble and loss to keep the fact
in mind.
Men talk as If wheat had gone
down out of sight, but the collapse of
May speculation has only made It
more evident that the outside world
requires nearly. If not quite, all the
wheat this country can spare. Last
week Atlantic exports, flour included,
were 4,206,293 bushels, against 1,634.602
bushels last year, and Pacific exports
were 253,213 bushels, against 125,212
bushels lust year, and It Is close to the
end of the season. Over 210,000,000
bushels of wheat have already been
exported, and almost 200,000,000 bushels
corn, 4.134.800 bushels during the past
week, afeainst 1,787.035 bushels last
year, and the market Is Justified in
feeling that those who have gone so
far beyond all precedent in defying
current reports are entitled to pay for
Iron and steel production has declin
ed because several establishments
have stopped for repairs. Yet the
weekly output June 1, 225,397 tons,
against 234,163 May 1, with the unsold
slocks which decreased 18,142 tons dur
ing tbe month, Indicate a consumption
.weekly of 233,876 tons, against 228,258
In April, so that the ablest Iron Jour
nals are in error In saying that the ap
parent consumption docs not keep pace
with the production of 1,000,000 tons
monthly. Eastern markets are much
mbee embarrassed, as before, while the
western are crowded beyond all prece
dent But prices are not changing in
either section, a'nd the prospect for the
manufacture is unsatisfactory, as it
would be expected, with the prospects.
The woolen manufacturers are buy
ing no wool, and the sales at the three
chief markets during the past week
were only 2.549,300 pounds, against 4,
878,750 In 1892. But the demands for
goods proves somewhat better In many
directions than was expected, and the
government requirements have com
pelled some manufacturers to buy
somewhat largely grades of wool
which they have not expected to re
quire. The auction sale of carpets, re
sulting In prices said to average 60 per
cent below the list quotations, does not
encourage buying, and In carpet wools
the market Is decidedly tame. In cot
ton goods there is a stronger tone
throughout, with print cloths sustain
ed at the recent advance, but the com
ing crop Is watched with anxiety. It Is
still somewhat doubtful whether the
demand for goods during the past two
months has been materially checked
by the egpoctation that the price of
cotton grid consequently the price of
goods would decline, and If so, a mark
ed advance In prices and Increase In
demand muy be expected.
Failures for the week have been 103
In the United States, against 262 last
year, and 17 In Canada, against 30 last
sssts ss AairiMS PntMttrtto.
Agulnaldo. the leader of the Philip
pine rebels, now publicly proposes na
tive administration of the Philippines,
under an American protectorate.
Development of the Transvaal.
Ia 1903 the main trrrak line from
hpe Town w pushed forward from
ts then northern terminus to Johannes
barf. The distance from Capo Town
to Johannesburg by rail Is 1,013 tullesj
In 1804 the road was completed from
Dolagoa Bar, a port In Portuguese terl
rltorv on tbe sontheast coast of Africa,
to jonanuemnirg a distance of 877
miles, Tbe third road reached Johant
nesburg year later, from Durban, 8
port In the British colony of Natal, dis
tant 483 nillqs.
From 23,000 ounces of gold In 1887,
the annual output has risen to 8,000,000
ounces In 18U7, giving the Transvaal
tbe second place In the world's gold
production. There Is no doubt that the
premrrtt output of tbe country will rap
idly Increase; and probably within a
few years, notwithstanding the Increas
ed output of other countries, the
Transvaal will rank first as a gold pro
The town of Johannesburg may be
taken as a good Index of tbe wonder
ful expansion of tbe gold-mining Indus
try of tbo district. From a few hats In
1880, M has developed Into a town un
excelled. If Indeed equaled, la the Im
posing character of Its buildings by
any of tbe enterprising ruining towns In
Western America, indeed, Johannes
burg bas but little of the aspect of ao
American mining camp. In Its general
apliearance it reminds an American
more of Spokane or Salt Lake City.
John Hays uammond, in tbe Engineer
kia Magazine. ,
Tea at $148 per Pound.
One hundred and forty-three dollars
a pouna is what oeyion tea of a cer
j tain kind brought at auction In London
I some time ago. This Is stated, says
I the Buffalo Courier, on the authority
of J. II. Qralro, of tbo Ceylon Import
ing Company, who says planters of
Ceylon were as much surprised as you
or I or tbo noxt person at such fabu
lous price. Owing to certain peculiari
ties a pound of that tea probably repre
sents, approximately, ono hundred and
forty-three dollars' worth of labor; but
tbo figure It fetched Is so extraordinary
as to give the tea or the snlo absolutely
no commercial value whatever. This
Is particularly so because this tea bas
no appreciably finer flavor. It Is named
"the golden tips." Tho leaves, when
only twenty-four hours old, are picked
from the top only of ten bushes. Tbey
are very small, not half as big as your
finger nalL and extra expert picker
are required to gather them. It can ba
I Imagined that three hundred or four
hundred people on the plantation must
pick over several acres of bushes to get
enough green one-day-old tea leaves to
make a pound of tea when dried. Or
dinary tea Is from leaves which are
ten days old, and consequently very
much larger.
Women la Baslnesa,
From the Free prtt$, Detroit, MtcX
A prominent business man recently ex
pressed the opinion that there Is one thing
that will prevent women from completely
filling man's plaoe In tbe buslaess world
they oan't be depended upon because they
are alok too often. This Is refuted by Mrs.
O. W. Mansfield, a buslaess woman of 68
Farrar St., Detroit, Mloh., who says:
"A oomplloatlon of female ailments kept
me awake nights and wore me out. I oould
get no relief from medlelnn and hops was
slipping away from me. A young lady In
my employ gnve me a box of Dr. Williams'
Pink l'llls for Pale People. I took them
and was able to rest at night for tbe first
time In months. I bought more and took
them and tbey oured me as they also oured
several other people to my knowledge. I
think that If you should ask any of the drug
gists of Detroit, who are tbe best buyers of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tbey would say the
young women. These pills certainly build
up the nervous systom and many a young
woman owes her life to them.
"Asa business woman I am nlefuuut to
them as
they did
more for
me than any
and I can
.give Dr.
Flak Pills
for Pale
feopl e
0 red It for
my general
good health
to-day." Buddmlv Prottrated.
No discovery of modern times has done
so muoh to enable women to take their
proper plaoe in life by safe-guarding their
health as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Pale
People. Acting directly on the blood and
nerves, Inrljjorutlog the body, regulating
the funotlous, tbey restore the strength
and health to the exhausted woman when
every effort of the physician proves una
vailing. For tbe growing girl they are of tbe
greatest beueflt. for tuamotber Indispensa
ble, for every Woman Invaluable.
For paralysis, looomotor ataxia, and
other diseases long supposed incurable,
these pills have proved their efnoaey In
thousands of oases.
American buyers of Mexican woods
go to London to make their purchases
instead of Mexico. The woods are
shipped .to London and then back to
the United States, for the reason that
London is the exchange market of the
Don't Tobseeo (pit and Imoks Tour Life Away.
To quit tobaeco easily ana forever, be mntf
Dctta, full of life, nerve and vluor.tako No-To-Uno,
the wonder-worker, that maket weak
men strong. All drutwUts, fiOo or II. Cure
guaranteed. Booklet anil sample free. Address
tor Hug Kemwly Co Cblcauo or New York.
Scientists say that butter Is the most
nutritious of all articles of diet, with
bacon a good second.
Educate Your Bowels With Casearats.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever
10c, 60. If C C. C. fall, drugitlto rsfuud niuney.
In Japan nearly every house has two
to four carpet looms run by children.
They work 12 hours a day, and their
wages are about two cents.
The New York Ledger Is now suc
cessfully sold by bright boys and girls,
who thua earn many valuable prem
iums. Two cents profit on each copy
sold. No money required In advance.
Bend name and address for complete
outfit. Including Premium List, to
Robert Bonner's Sons, Ledger Build
ing. 160 William Bt N. Y. City.
ST. VITUS' DANCE. 8PAHMS snd all nerr .
rut diseases permanently oured by the iimoI
I)r. Kline's Oreat riervs Hestoiwr. Head fur
FKF.K 81.00 trial bottle and treatise to Da
H U. tLU as. Ltd. 4 Arch Html I'tdU, Pa,
r--jiJT t l
makes a profuse ricn lather, wntcn sottens the be
be removed and leaves the skin unharmed. 11
It costs about one-fifth as much as the so
shaving soaps and many who, have used it for thi:
pose for years, will not have any other.
for many special uses for which other soaps are uns
"tuit s good at ths 'Ivory';" thty ARE NOT, tut like til couattrftltt. I,
peculiar and reaurkatil qualities tf the genulns. Aik for "Ivory" Sosptn
upon g etilni It.
OMfiM.lm. to Ik Sn hWi
Mayor Qulncy, of Boston, objects to
the ringing nf bells at sunrise on the
morning of holidays, and vetoed an or
dinance providing for the public dis
turbance at sunrise, noon and sunset
of such days. The veto was over
ridden. To Cnre Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tables. All
Druggists refund money If Itfailstoeon. SSo.
The Itusslan production of pig Iron
in 1897 amounted to 1111.(00.000 poods,
or a little less than 2,000.000 tons. The
existence of the Houth Russian Iron
ore Industry Is threatened. Experts
state that after 15 or 20 years the de
posits now known will be exhausted.
No-To-Bse for Fifty Cents.
Dnaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. fiOo, 1. Alldrulu.
Signals used by ships at sea date
from 1665. They were Invented by the
Duke of York, afterward James II.
J. H. Parker. Fredonla. N. Y.. sari- "Shall
not call on you for the $l reward, for I be
lieve Hall's Catarrh Cure will cure any case
of catarrh. Was very bad." Write him for
particulars, noiu ny liruKKInts, 75c.
Cincinnati and Chicago, St. Louis, Toledo(Jj
i m
vnivnsM,,,,,. ,
(uw uIr- A ..,, rmoun VT'iZ " " I
s r XyL'v,
, loAMO - L0UI8VTLU M47j ' PrCKMC
' fwfor
paint daslar snd do your own dernrstins. This malarial U a IIAKO PI NIMH n
wit n a urusn ana dcoium aa nara u tamtm. uuietf in twenty-four tlnta sad worl
wni wmi nim or ii'.s wier.
IS-HKNO FOR N AMPLE COLOR CAROM and If you cannot pnrrhai
from your lucal dealers lut un kuow and ws will pus rou la ta way of obtalnlug
To Save Time is to Lengthen Life. Do Yo
Vf I Tia GOB.mao tipsn-
n I inet of II flirt.
Ghainlsss Bicvcles,
OtlosiUa GhilBWi!lt75
Bartlord Blerolta, . 60
VdtuBlcToIe, 140 4 35
, Kacbiaw sad rrlaus
The " Ivory " Is a favorite shaving soap becar
The vegetable oils of which Ivory Soap Is made
A WORD OF WARNING. Thert srt sissy whits soaps, sscn rtpresmM
The presentation of the
city or borough in Engli
mere compliment, which
fer any substantial oi
Ileanty Is Htood l
Clean blood means a clean si1
without It. Casoarets, Candy (1
your blood and keep It clean
the lnsy liver and driving
from the body. Begin to !
pimples, boils, blotches, black
sickly bilious complexion b
carets, beauty for 10 cent,
satisfaction guaranteed. lOo.
' Professor Ohoost says
reckon the average depth
at three miles t
of salt 200 feet
should the wate
To Core Coi
Take Cascarets C
In Italy there ar
proportion to Its p
any other country.
Plso's Care eared me of a Throat
trouble of three rears' standing. B. (
Huntington. lnd..iov. UL 1804,
I. 0. McOohmick, Warrcn J. Lvnom. f
FuMsitr TrtOa Mutfltr. Am't Gm'1 lm, Tkt. AgtA
m tl
Life 7 Then Use
Farm and
rsiws Staiatstaadaid, All Silas aadl
Motsiadabrs trust or oootrolUd t a d
.urns Book aad Pries Liat, as.
Virginia Land f
W. K. HKOAllDtaV
at yuiaasii,..ii,.fo7H
aa. M sagaa. rw Mu.lo Bright 1
Woman a Dspartmanl. Great Clul
Vasrlr. Maaaplv rmpy aaal
kaUfOO-UlMANT. 44 W.kakx.
3j4luUul Wtfcf, lttMaJlliUsUHHWfc
F N C 24 'in
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ru; . j
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