AppotitoStrongth Without the first You Cannot Nave tho Loot. Hood's Barsnnarllla give both. It gently loses and strengthens the stomach and Rives digestive power, creates an ap petite and Invigorate the whole system. By making the blood rloh and pare It strengthens the nerves and gives refreshing leap. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla IsAmerles's Greatest Mwllclne. fl; sli for t Hood's PUIS) core alt liver Ills. 83 cents. Try Allen' FeotEnao, A powder to be shaken Into the suoek. At this season your (eat (eel swollen, ner vous and hot, and got tired easily. It you nave smarting feet or tight shoes, try Al len's Foot-Ease, ft cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollnn and sweating feot, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pnln and fives rest and comfort. Try It fo-rfoy. Hold y all druggists and shoe stores for WSo, Trial package FREE. Address, Alloa 0. Olmsted, L Itoy, N. X. A set of the works of Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, printed on vellum and of the date 14R3. brought 800 pounds at the Ashburnham sale. Beauty Is Blood Depp, dean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without It Csscsrets, Candy Oathartlo clean your blood and keep It clean, by stirring up the lasy liver and driving all Impurities from the body. Begin to day to banish pimples, bolls, blotche, blnrkliesrl. and that sickly billons complexion by tiiklnu Can earots, beauty for 10 cents. All (IrugKlsts, satisfaction guaranteed. lOo, Sin, 26c, Wo. Shipment was recently made by a Chicago firm of a telephone equipment for 100 numbers to be Installed In Daw on City, In the Klondike region. . Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vliior.tnka No-To- H. 11 lh fnni(.iLik..b.. . t. - . I . 1 uii.n i-nui nui , uin. innHini xrai men strong. All druifKlKts, H) or $1. Cure guaranteed. Rookletanii snmpff free. Adilrcns Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Russian merchants and buyers at re tall are said to favor American hard ware, especially locks, builders' ma terial, supplies for carriage-making, mechanics' tools, cutlery, bicycles, sewing machines and typewriters. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money if ltfallstoeure. 86c. Panama Canal has cost so far $250, 000,000. ST. VITUS' DANCE. SPASMS and all nerv. one diseases permanently cured by the use of Dr. Kline's Oreat Nerve Hestnrer. Bend for FREE 11.00 trial bottle and treatise to Dr. R. H. Kline, Ltd, ail Arch Street, Phils, Pa. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a liquid and Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Write for testimonials, free. Manufactured by , F. J. Chemkt & Co, Toledo, O. Mrs. Wlnslow's SoothlngSyrnpforchlldren teething, softens the gums, reducing In flammation, allays pain, cure wind colic 26o. a bottle. i The Use of the Oreat Toe. The negroes of the West Indies os4 the treat toe constantly In climbing. Several years ago, While spending some time at one of the famous resorts hi Jamaica, I hnd an opportunity to ob serve the skill with which the block women, who do a grout part of the menial labor, carried stone, mortar and other building materials on their beads to the top of the five-story tower In a part of the hotel not' then finished. Much of the unerring accuracy with which they (women and girls) chased each othef up and down the long lad ders, with heavy loads skillfully poised on -their woolly pates, was due to the firmness with which they grasped each rung of the ladders with the great toe, tPbev did not place the ball or the hol low ot the toot on we rung, out the) groove at tbe Juncture of the great toe rMh the body of the foot, and they keM fast by making the back of tbe other toes afford tbe other gripping surface. la much tho same way the Abyssinian native cavalry grasp the stirrup. And I have seen a one-armed Santo Domingan black, astride the near fix In a wheol mts milritno 1M mule with A rein held between bis great and second toes, while bis only arm was devoted to cracking bis teamster's whip. Overland Monthly.. - STRONG STATEMENTS. Three Women Believed of Female Troubles by Mrs. Pink-ham. From Mrs. A. W. Smith, 69 Summer St., Biddeford, Me.: For seveial years I suffered with various diseases peculiar to my sex. Was troubled with a burning sensation across the small of my back, that all- gone feeling, was despondent, fretful and discouraged! the least exertion tired me. I tried several doctors but received little benefit. At last I de elded to give your Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. The ef fect of the first bottle was magical. Those symptoms of weakness that I was aflicted with, vanished like vapor before the sun, I eannot speak too highly of your valuable remedy. It la truly a boon to woman." From Mrs. Mbussa Phtixips, Vex tegtoa, Ind., to Mrs. Pinkham: "Before I began taking your ytdlclne I had suffered for two years with that tired feeling, headache, backache, no ap petite, and a run-down condition ot the system. I eould not walk across the room. I have taken four bottles of the Vegetable Compound, ono bos of Liver nsaad used one package of Sanative I'ld. and now f Ml Ilka a new nnuii. . 03 as able to do my work. " From Mrs. Motxra K. Hkrrcl, Pow ell Elation, Tana.: "For three years I suffered with such a 'ere-Vnaa of the back, I eould not --irljcos my household duties, I also 1 f zZZag of tho womb, terrible bear - ywu pains and headache; I have i wo bottles of Lydla E. Pink i ?iUs Compound and feet rt ra I reoneumend vour : -y vtrra I know." . B1KKRUPT6T HIS mi RUN ON THE BANK, PhsIi an rtirlng Tkst RtUt Will lets le iijiit4 te t Ditweat, sal an iiihaat isf Than fir Slim -War Iiftnm liT.000,000 a Hntk. The attention of the public at Madrid is absorbed In the condition of the Dank of Fpnln, which la considered more serious than nny reverse of the war, Inasmuch as the Impossibility of the bank to help the government means the Impossibility to continue the war, the expenses for conducting which amount to $27,000,000 a month. . There was a long procession at the bank last Wednesday, All classes ftf people were represented, nnd many women were In line awaiting their turn to change notes Into silver, fear ing the notes would soon be subjected to a discount. If the run continues there la danger of the bank's stock of silver becoming exhausted, which would compel the government to resort to a forced cur rency, Issuing notes of small demlnn tlon. The banks have only $20,000,000 In silver to meet a note circulation of L'fiOiOOO.OOO. The financial outlook of Spain Is rather dark. Tho government has en trusted the Bank of Hpaln with the ne gotiations for a loan of 1.000,000,000 pesetas at 4 per cent, which sum In to be raised as and when required. The bank will endeavor to raise the loan at home nnd abroad. The statement from Madrid In whnt seemed to be almost seml-ollli lnl form of the ncuteness of the financial stringency there and the plain Intima tion that the Hank of Hpain, and con sequently Spain, were nenring the end of their financial resources was re garded at the state department at Washington as of more real signifi cance than many of the stories of bat tles on Jand nnd son that have been coming over the cables for the pant few weeks. The effect of this notice may be to hasten the operations against Porto Rico, lest the prize slip from our grasp through a sudden nnd unexpected termination of the war. CONGRESS. BIrUTI. Marked progress was mnde by the Senate Wednesday towards the final disposal of the war revenue measure. The Interest of the session centered In the action taken upon the amendment of Mr. Oorman (Dem., Md.) levying a tax of one-fourth of 1 per cent, upon the gross receipts of all corporations doing business exceeding $250,000 a year. By a direct vote upon It the amendment was rejected, 27 to 34. For the paragraph placing a tax upon dealers In leaf tobacco the committee offered this substitute: "Dealers In leaf tobacco, whose annual sales shall not exceed 60.000 pounds, shall each pay $A; where the annual sales ex ceed 60,000 pounds and do not exceed 100,000 pounds, $12; over 100,000 pounds, $24." The substitute was adopted. In the remaining paragraphs relating to the tobacco tax the tax was levied up on the number of pounds handled, In stead of upon the aggregate price of the tobacco; and upon the number of cigar manufactured Instead of on the cost of the cigars. When consideration of the commit tee amendments to the bill was resum ed, the proviso allowing a discount of 7' per cent, on sates of beer stamps was modified by Inserting the words "By collectors to brewers." The spe cial taxes were made to the effect "on and after July 1, 1898." While the war revenue measure was not passed by the entire senate Friday, two very Important votes were taken, one on a proixisltlon to coin the sliver bullion In the treasury and to Issue sil ver certificate against the coin, and the other on the bond proposition pre sented by the Republican minority of the committee on finance. In lieu of the seigniorage amendment offered by the majority of the finance committee, Mr. Wolcott (Tlep., Col.) proposed an amendment directing the secretary of. the treasury to coin the silver bullion In the treasury and to Is sue sliver certificate againat it. After some discussion a vote , was reached and the amendment was agreed to, 46 to 81, several Republicans voting for It. Mr. A Id rich (Rep., R. I.) then pressed the amendment of the minority of the finance committee, providing for the Issue of $100,000,000 of certificates of in debtedness and $300.00,000 of bonds, to be used exclusively for the payment of the expenses of war. After an extend ed debate, the question was brought to an Issue and by the decisive vote of 45 to 81 the bond amendment was Incor porated In the bill, as a substitute for the amendment to issue legal tender notes. I0DBI. Wednesday's session of the House was given to the consideration and passage of a bill called up by Mr. Jen kins (Hep., Wis.) to remove all politi cal disabilities Incurred by the third section of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution. The debate gave rise to notable speeches from Mr. Grosvenor (Rep., O.) and Mr. Settle (Dem., Ky.) upon the obliteration of all sectional feeling and the reality at last of a reunited country. Incidental to the debate several members re viewed the conclusion that a member of Congress could not hold simultane ously a military and a civil office. The Secretary of War Thursday sent to Congress a request for appropria tions amounting to $5X879,358. These appropriations will be used for the equipment and maintenance until Jan uary 1, 189, of the 75,000 volunteers recently called for by the President. The several Items are given as follows: Pay of volunteers, $14,099,881; sub sistence of the army, $5,147,477; regular supplies of the quartermaster's depart ment, $1,600,000; horses for cavalry and artillery. $1,90,000; barracks and quar ters, $1,600,000; army transportation, $14,000,000; clothing for the army, $13, 000.000; contingencies of the army, $60,. 000; equipment of engineer troop. $25, 000; signal service of the army, $37,000; civilian assistants to engineer officers, $20,000. The House practically without de bate passed Thursday the urgency de ficiency bill, providing for emergency expenses of the army and navy de partments. Incident to the war. It was based upon estimates received recently from the departments, and carries Items contemplated In the Philippine expedition and the early movement upon Cuba. In -committee of the whole Mr. Can non, chairman of the appropriation already mads on account of the war and likely to develop as essential, in cluding the drat six months of thecom ing fiscal year, at $850,000,000. In re sponse to a question from Mr. Dlngley. Mr. Cannon said the war would cost approximately $800,000,000, provided it Should continue one year. It Is estimated that there are (00, 000,00$ mummies la Egypt. MARKETS PrTTSBDRO. Grain. Flour and Jsed WHEAT Mo. lred 1 08 1 OS no i reu COliN No. f yellow, ear No. 9 yellow, shelled Mixed ear OA 1 8 No. S white No. 8 white ME So. 1 ILUt'll Winter patents 6 fancy straight winter 0 Mye Hour 1 HAY No. 1 timothy Clover, No. 1 7 Hay, from wsgons 11 rfcEU No. 1 White Md., ton.. 17 Brown middlings 14 Bran, bulk 14 81 HAW Wheat t Oat A BfcfcDrt Cover, BO lt ' II Timothy, prlrae 1 64 01 68 6 IIS 6 SI6 4 85 6'J 7 60 11 60 1 760 16 1X1 14 60 6 60 6 60 60($ 8 70 86 1 64 Dairy Produots. DUTTEIl Elgin Creamery.. ,.t 18 10 Onto ureauiery. 16 16 Knni-y country roll 10 11 Clll.KttE Ohio, new 7 8 New Vork, new 8 U Fruits and Vegetables. DEANS (Ireen.V uu. S 1 75 9 00 l O'l AlOEH White, per tiu.... do s.t LAHBAOK Per crate 76 1 00 OMONH New Houthern, bill. 4 25 4 00 Poultry, Eta CHICKENS, V pair small 60$ 65 iTKhElM, 1 14 ill tUUn-l't. ana unio, iru.-n . . . . 10 11 CINCINNATI. pr.ntrn 6 10 S 60 ... . 1 13 I 06 4$ 83 86 27 28 W UK AT No. !l'r,V MYE No. 2 COItN Mixed OATS LUUH DUX! EH Ohio uresuiery. 12 15 PHILADELPHIA. J'LOUTI 6 50(i 6 75 WHEAT No, 2 red 1 10 COltN No. 2 mixed 87 88 OATH No. 2 Wlitte 83 87 Bb'XTEK Creamery, extra 17 t(iJH-Ta. Units 12 NEW TOBK. FLOUR Patents S 0 7b 7 85 WHEAT No. 31 red 89 COhN No. a u OATH White Westera a. 84 BUTTEK Creamery 13 18 fcUUtt State of I'euo. n 13 LIVE STUCK. CBXTBAL STOCK TABUS, CUT LIBBBTT, Si. CATTLE. Trlme, 1,800 to 1,400 lbs S S 00 S 10 Good, 1,200 to 1,800 lbs 4 90 6 00 lldy, 1,000 to 1,160 lbs 4 76 4 90 Fair llirtit steers, 000 to 1000 Ilia 4 16 4 35 Common, 700 to 900 lbs 8 90 4 10 noos. Medium Heavy Houghs and -tags 4 25 4 8) 4 15 (211 8 60 8 8J SHEEP. Prime, 95 to 105 lbs, wethers... S 4 10 4 30 Good, 85 to 90 lbs. 415 430 Fair. 70 to 80 lbs 875 4 uo Common 8 09 8 65 1 60, 9 67 air to good lambs 4 80 4 83 TRADE REVIEW. CmilulBg tin War, Thin Wirt 1st hw rtlliris Daring If ty -Onet Whnt Crept la PmsMt. K. Q. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade reports as follows for laBt week: May, having been the first full month of actual war, the fact that failures In that month were smaller, eve though but little, than In the cor responding month last year, and nearly 10 per cent smaller than In May, 1806, la somewhat encouraging, the more because a year ego the re markable decreaae In May gave proof of the heavy Improvement In business which made the year so gratifying In general results. Large failures were eight In manufacturing, for $2,385,000, this year, aguinst thirteen for $2.U15,O0V lust year, and In trading, five for $tl!M). 000. against ten for $1,672,077 in 1W7. Hesitation In extending UHunlecredlts soon after war began nutuially affect ed weak more than strong concerns, but It soon gave place to steady and increasing confidence. Wheat dropped 74 cents from the highest point after the May deal cul minated and has since been weaker for July because of accounts promis ing an enormous yield. Those who were nearest the truth last year now predict about 700,000,000 bushels for 1S98, and all accounts make acreage much larger and conditions much bet ter than a year ago. But with $1 15 still paid for No. 2 red In elevator, and u foreign demand taking 4,294,498 bushels, flour Included, from Atlantic ports for the week, againat 2,105,787 last year, and 885,439 from Paclfia ports, againat 74,929 laat year, the de cline evidently hastens the market ing of surplus and gives the new crop a better chance. It Is not less surpris ing that western receipts for the week were 4.263,520 bushels, against 2,099,796 last year, although the crop has been by some supposed almost exhausted, and corn receipts were also 7,078,491 bushels against 6,118,623 last year. Ex ports of corn for this week have been 4,881,820 bushels, agalnBt 1,926,664 laat year and, for the first time in history, exports of each grain have about reached 200,000,000 bushels in the same year. Ot all the great Induatries the cotton manufacture only gives some sign ot shrinkage, cotton having dropped a sixteenth dirlng the week, after a rise In goods averaging for the month about 1 per cent, thus rendering the marketing of accumulated atocka somewhat more difficult. Uut print clotha have advanced, and in most staple goods the demand is Improving. Woolen mills are encouraged by a somewhat larger demand for goods, In part from government orders, and are averaging about 1 per cent better prices for goods than a month ago. There is not much demand for wool, which is still held In the main above the views of manufacturers and prices have declined an average of half a cent for the month. Tho iron and steel manufacture leads ail others In gain over previous years, its consumption of pig being apparently more than a million tons per month, or 228,000 tons each week, against 170,780 tons per week In May, 1892, an increase of 83.8 per cent. Works beyond the Alleghenles are crowded with business, and while some eastern concerns are running part time, mostly bar mills, the gov ernment demand Is felt most In this section. Above all others In signifi cance Is the wholly unprecedented de mand from agricultural Implement works, which throw In the shade all their past orders, while the plate and rail manufacturers are beating all rec ords, partly with foreign orders, one for Canada having been placed at Chi-' cago for 12,000 tons. Structural work Is very heavy, the West furnishing a large share of it, and in sheet bars and rods for fencing, the orders are large, Prices of pig have been some what strengthened by enormous buy ing orders for bessemer and basic at Pittsburg and of charcoal at Chicago. Eight thousand carrier pigeons are kept for us in the Oermaa army. ktsIe stite mi nra FLAG INSULTED. fill tUn n atrlpi'itsl Tnsrli4 la thi Hal si Ptritt Llil Wnk. The village of Pardoe Is all wrought op over the work of Spanish sympath izers. A. fine flag was mounted on a BO-feet pole the other day with Impos ing ceremonies. Friday morning It was found trampled in the mud. Sus picions were directed to certain indiv iduals who were known to be dlsloynl. Hitter words ensued, which finally led to blows and the use of revolvers. A number were wounded and two of the supposed perpetrators of the deed, it 19 feared, fatally. Further trouble is feared. Deputies have been appointed to help restore order nnd enforce tho law. Several arrests were made. The following pensions were Issue 1 Inst week: N. C. McCann, West Frank lin, $0; Ferdinand Hommel, Pittsburg, $1; John Drutngoole, Goodell, McKean, $8; Harvey T. Hoberts, l'nlon City, $; John W. Simpson, Kwarts, Hreene, $M; Jacob Hagerty, Altoonn, $8; Oeorge W. Hroadbent, New Castle, $; William II. Tucker, Warren, $10; Joseph M. Tripp, Athens, $10 to $21; Perry C. Olancy, tllyndon, Crawford, $4 t $8: George W. Harvey, Indiana, $10 to $12: John W. Martin, Hlxford, McKean, $6 to $12; Simon H. Deal, Wittenberg. Somerset, $6 to $10; John A. Owens, Johnstown, $6 to $8; Nathan F. Rills, Jamestown, $12 to $L'4; William Wheeler, Tioga, 8 to $12; Henry (lay lord, Sheshenttln. Bradford, $8 to $12; minors of William A. Curtis, Pittsburg, $12; Jacob Heck, Pittsburg, $8; Fletcher F. Chalfant, Brownsville, $8; Jerome Luts. 'Alle gheny, $; Wllllnm A. Chick, ITnlon town, $; John H. Pilgrim, I.etterken ny, Franklin, $8; Samuel Herr, Altoonn, $6: Wllllnm Moore. Tldloute, $8; Al fred K. Wilcox, Freehold, Warren, $8; Samuel B. Carman (dead), Vnllonla, Crawford, $12; Andrew W. Hunslnger. Brookvllle, $10 to $12: Aqtiilla Smith, Purcell, Bedford, $14 to $17: W. P. John son, Chnneysvllle, Bedford, $fl to $10; Green W. Hockehberry. Snnwshoe, Center, $8 to $10; Aaron ICnkmnn, Kx port, $0 to $8; Charles Thomas, Empor ium, $8; Lmils J. Hnrner. Mechanics burg, Cumberland. $8; Luclnda Car man, Vallonla, Crawford, $8. Governor Hastings received the fol lowing telegram from H. C. Corbln. ad lutant general of the United States army: "Secretary of war bids me say It Is now the wish of tho President to PPly. In accordance with the law, so much of second call, 75,000, as may be necessary to fill organizations already In service from your State to the max imum Just stated. The secretary of ivar bids me say that recruiting officers will be detailed to make and superin tend, under army regulations, enlist ments for this purpose of the number of men wired you May 27. Please name one or more competent field otllcers of respective regiments already In ser vice from your State to be detailed un der orders from war department for this duty." Coroner J. B. Owens, of Oreenshurg, a few days ago Impaneled a Jury on James Eckman, who was drowned with Speelman at Vandergrlft on the 10th of May. The coroner's Jury order ed an autopsy, which waa performed by Dr. Hogers. but no shot was found In the body. The jury rendered a ver dict that James Kckman came to his death by drowning, being driven Into the river by a shotgun held In the hands of James Lukis, assisted by his brothers John nnd Daniel Lukls, on the same day. The three Lukls brothers are In Jail at Greensburg. Samuel Henderson, of Philadelphia, the 15-year-old boy who, on April 2 last, was convicted of murder In the second degree, In having caused the death of Percy Lockyer, aged 6, won entenced to twenty years' Imprison ment by Judge Audenreld. Henderson brutally stabbed young Lockyer to death and threw his body In a creek und weighted it down wltti stimes. While at the State convention In Hnrrlsburg last week Ccmgressman J. D. Hicks Instituted a civil suit for J.V), 000 damages against Itev. B. O. Swal low, alleging thnt he was libeled In the latter's newspaper last January, when charges were made against him In connection with the Pennsylvania Building Assoclatin and the Bally es tate. Dr. George Mlll'cr, 70 years of age, was found hanging to the rafters In the garret of his home at Lancaster last week. The suicide Is ascribed to des pondency on account of III health. He was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and up to the time his health failed enjoyed a good practice. The Brock mining plant at Brock wayvllle has been sold by the Shawmut Mining Company to Hlley Brothers, of Philadelphia. The plant la equipped with electrlo haulage and mine housea. and has between 200 and 300 acres of coal territory. It employs from 76 to 160 men. Charged with sending defamatory postal cards through the mall, Farmer Isaac H. Baker, of East Allen town ship, Northampton county, has been neid under $1,000 ball for trial by the United States District court. Mrs, Mary Rowland, wife of Assist ant Superintendent Itowland of Brlce Brothers, died at Mt. Pleasant from laudanum taken by mistake for cam phor. Bhe leaves seven children, the youngest an Infant. Engineer August Voest, of the Jersey Central railroad, was killed near White Haven, Luserne county, by his bend striking a bridge pier as he leaned over the side of his locomotive. John, the 14-year-old son of John Sleesman, a prominent farmer of Laurel Kldge, committed suicide by hanging himself from the rafters ot his rather s barn. No cause Is known. Strangers giving their names as Bellas and Stapleton, who opened small stores In Haileton a few days ago, were arrested for passing large sums of counterfeit money. James Taylor, eighteen years of age. shot and killed himself at Shenandoah, a few days ago. Taylor had been an invalid about s year, and recently suf fered from melancholia. John Kollar, an Austrian, was killed on the railroad at Unlontown, where ne naa gone to Duy tickets to bring his family from Vienna. Angelo Carbey. of Hasleton. aluheil Jacob Yacowlts terribly with a rasor, because he scolded Mrs. Carbey. Moses Jackson, aged 68. a farm hanrl employed by Miss N. Lyon of Middle sex township, Butler county, died from Injuries caused by being gored by a bull. Controller Leader, of Readlnsr. da. Clares that the city cannot legally ap propriate the $5,000 contemnlated tnr Its sesqul-centennial celebration. A receiver has been annolnted for the John H. Taggart Publishing Com pany, publishing Tasgart'a Sundav Times, Philadelphia. A stranger was strlmied of mon and clothes and beaten Insensible by tramps at Greenville. He was sent to tb almshouse. A Batnarkahle Case. The following ease was printed originally la I7i Monitor, a newspaper published at Meaford, Ontario. Doubts were raised as to Its truthfulness, oonsequently a elose watch was kept on the ease for two years and the original statement has now been completely refilled. Mr. Patch had been a hopeless paralytla for five years. His ease has had wide at tention. Ha was oonflned to his bed, was bloated almost beyond recognition, and eould not take solid food, Doctors called the disease splnil salerosts, and all said he eould not live. The Canadian Mutual Life Association after a thorough examination, paid him his total disability claim of fl,650, regarding him ns forever Incurable. For three years be lingered In this eon- nition. Artei taking some ot Br. Will, lams' Pink Pills for Pale People ther was a slight 0 bangs, s tendency to Sweat freely. Next came a little feeling In his 1 1 cnlis This extend ed, followed Paid ..,. ZtfXiZZ until at last tbe blood began to course freely and vigorously through his body. Boon he was restored to his old time health. A reporter for Thr Moniltr rooently enlled on Mr. Petch agnln and was told: "You may say there Is no doubt as to my cure being permanent, I am in better health thnn when I gnve you the first in terview Sad oertalnlv attribute my cure te Dr. Williams' I'iiik rills for Pale People. "To those pills I owe my release from the living death, an a I shall always bless the day I was Induoed to take them." Huch Is the history of one of the most re mnrkahlo cases In modern times. In the face of such testimony, can anyone say that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not en titled to the enreful consideration of every sufferer man, woman or child? Is not the case, in truth, a miracle of modern medl elnnr These pills are sold by all druggists and are eonsldored by them to be one of the most valuable remedial agents known to science. Dramatist Gilbert's Joke. , Tbe following mnart example of repartee Is attributed to W. 8. Glllx-rt. Tho dramatist was at an evening party, ml chanced to be standing bare-boad-ed In the ball, when a gutvtt, departing In a hurry, mistook blm for a waiter. "Call me a four-wheeler, will you," said be. "Sir," replied the ready author ot "The Mikado" awl a round dozen other operas, "yon are a four-wheeler." The guest was startled by this reply. ' "Why," ho exclaimed, "what the " ' But Mr. Gilbert interrupted blm with an elaborate pretense at apology. "I couldn't call you hansom, you know, could I ?" Rights of Newsboy. The Judgment comes from the Dis trict court at the national capital that the sale of newspapers on the streets is a legitimate business, and that news boys have a rigbt to enter street can and sell newspapers to passengers pro vided they bebave themselves and leave the car when their business Is finished. One newsboy was forcibly ejected from a car In Washington some time ago and had a leg crushed by a car running on the other track. lie tmi Junt alrtalned on award of $5,000 dam ages from a Jury under Instructions to the aliove effect by the Judge. "Well," sold the great Importer, "you want a position as tea-taster, do youl Have you ever luid nny experience Id this business?" "No," the applicant re plied, "but I've boarded around and eaten nt restaurants so long thnt I know I'd be a good one at it. I could tell the genuine tea fight off, because U would be so different, you know." Cbicaao News. It requires as much time to get away from a persistent agent ss It does to say good-byto an affectionate woman. No-To-Hae for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit curs, makes weak men stroug, blood pure. 60c, $1. All druggists. Tho only soap which the Hindoos of the orthodox type employ Is made en tirely ot vegetable products. But soap Is little used In India, being almost an unknown luxury with the natives. Educate Your Bowels With Casearets. ('sndy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 10c, 25c. If C. -'. J. fall, druggists refund money. Bicycles utilise 1,000,000 pounds of rubber 'annually. Sent free, Klondike Map From Oolil Commission's official survey, AaV draaa (jsrUasr & Co Colorado Springs, Cols, I nse Plso's.Cure for Consumption both In my family and practice. Dr. (i. W. Paxibb son, Inkster, Mich., Nov. s. ISM. No need to loso a day of M ft' '&- lortfordUcdotto Bicyclos " kPiaBwy O" TOUi Call at one of our stores and try the Columbia Bevel-Gcar Oialtvtess. You will be convinced of its superiority. POPE MFG. CCV 1 Den'. Eli Yc::r Lljfcl C:i:r i E::h:l." Thit'i J::t lYfcy Hi Tt'i ViiA 8APOUO SI The New Tork Ledger Is now sun ressfully sold by bright boys and glrlaV who thus earn many valuable prem-1 lums. Two cents profit on each copyf sold. No money required In advance. Send name and address for complets outfit, Including Premium List, to Robert Bonner's Sons, Ledger Build Ing, 160 Wllllnm St.. N. T. City. Of the cotton Imported Into Spnlit during the five years ending with 1895, 76.21 per cent, measured In value cams from the United States. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascnrets Csnriy Cathartic Htr oriVi; If 0. 0.C.fall toouro, druggist refund money. Markneuklrchen, Saxony, has 16,0011 violin makers. Fits permsnently cured. Kofltsnr nervous. ness alter II rut day's use of Iir. Kline's Oreat Nerve Kcntorcr. 2 trlril bottle and treatise free llr. H.H.Ki.iwg I.M..WI ArchHt. Phlla..Pa. . t AW THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP OF FIGS Is due not only to tho originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the enre and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Camfobnia Fio Svrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs Is manufactured by the California Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist ono in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by otiier par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Stuup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SA!t FRANCISCO, Cll LOCI VI LLC Kr. RKW TORK, K. T. BAD (BLOOD "CAftCAHETS do all clnlfjiW for tfcon nd are a truly wopderful medicine. I hare often wit hod far a medicine pU'Mant to take and at Ian. bare found It tn Cancarett. Since tnklnc them, my blood bas been purified and my com p lex Ion bat Im proved wonderfully and I feel much better In orerf war." Mas. Salub M. Skllaus. LattraU, Tcna. , Pleaant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Oeod. DO Good, Never Ripken. Wesken. or Gripe. Wo, Dje. tOo. ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... rtl.t RraMr raaar, China, Snlr.ll, In Trk. it Hft.TA.Rlf! go"1 nd jrnsrsntee bj slldrnf HUMU-DAW guts to ClfSE Tobseoo HMu Virginia Land Cheap Cnau T a rm a 5? " a" iopret. . . . ... unuvmw lIDlig,Wet Point, Vs. P N U 33 'Ml mDOIIRlITu" nrr,!rn4 M"leI sToatkls Womsu DopsrtoMnl. Ortst ;lnbtn Offsr.Tl M mrlv. Ha tapir rnpy Bad prralaa Mat. IflkZ PATENTS WiTftA Vt. fAirailf, Pater lmwjmt, voi rmrett, wtsii a to AI1CMM i irsmictsdwiia tl ...i. r-. w.1.. r,s 1 inwniusun a tjs naisr T T'sirfcH"kri,,7iO& Wii"" r I I Bast Couch Sirup. Good. Cm I I 1 "P delightful spring riding. . Hartford, Conn. j4lrtX CANDY ILst CATHARTIC VSADS MANN MlMmVtiTf