r , gTUc Star- Hubtcription $1.60 per year, or $1.00 if fxrfd flrirlhi in advnnct. C. A. Kdllor unit Pnb. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 8, 1808. the VIVE In the best f.VOO camera on tho market. Make pictures 4x4 plates or films, one or fifty expos ures at one loading, (..'all and see samples of work by local talent. HOFFMAN, Jeweler and Optician. A Little ot Everything. Corked In the harbor with his fleet, - With waive enough of food to eat, Cervera nt with sullen brow And wonder why ami wonder how, "Why did 1 take thlciirMd routeV And now In Kin will I got otitV Oh, me! i h, my! It make mo High To think how great a chump was I, To get Into thin rruel plight, Where I ran neither run nor fight. Hchley, with hlMNhliw. 1 tut offtthore. And Hampnon, with a dozen more, Allttle fiirt her out to ea I watting longingly for me. The I'adlx wiuadron? What of It? That cannot help me not ft bit For Hhould It. dure to show ItH head, 'Twill decorate the ocean bed. No matter how 1 cant about, The problem will not figure out. Tnke from my Hp thin bitter cup! I'm bottled up! I'm bottled up! Punxftutawney Hplrlt. Additional local news on first pace. Soda fountains are busy these days. The Fourth of July Cometh on apace. Saturday was pay day at the mines. All new 1898 patterns in shirts at Milllrene. Cabbage and tomato plants for sale by R. D. Muir. A number of new houses are being erected in town. Our business men are not worked to death these days. Best shoes for the least money at J. E. Welsh & Co.s' A large refrigerator for sale. Inquire at Bon Ton Bakery. New top buggies for sale at bottom prioea at L. M. Snyder's. G. J. Corwln, tho photographer, was in Philipsburg this week. For neat fitting suit go to Snyder & Johns, fashionable tailors Best shoes and lowest prices are found in J. E. Welsh & Co.s' shoe sore. Make your calculation to spend the Fourth of July in Reynoldsvllle. There will be a number of special at tractions in this place July 4th. Work was bqgun yesterday on the grand stand at the ball ground. The Home Camp M. E. church, near Sabula, will be dedicated Sunday. Men who want to be well shod should wear the Keith shoe, sold at Robinson's. H. R. Thompson, of Brook vlllo, 1b employed at Snyder & Johns' tailor shop. The old stereotyped Interrogation, "Is-H-bot-enough-for-you?" is now heard in the land. Men's dress shoes, all stylus a new lot just came in only $1.00 a pair at Robinson's. It is not nooessary now to send out of town to buy good creamery butter. It is made here. ' A young ludy of this pluoe went to a hardware store Monday and asked for a half gallon of vinegar. M. Mohney in putting down a cement sidewalk in front of 'Squire John M. Hays' residence on Main Btreet. . Two bicyoloB and a horse and buggy were tangled at oorner of Main and Fifth streets Saturday evening. , Prof. E. O. Excoll, the noted solo singer, will oonduot a song service In the M. E. church next Sunday evening. A number of Sons of Veterans of this place will attend the S. of V. encamp ment at Philipsburg next week, June 14, 15 and 1H. The Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co. Is putting down a cement sidewalk In (root of the Froehlich-Henry Bro. block on Main street. Reynoldsvllle creamery butter, which is on excellent article, is on sale at T'oore & Dickinson's grocery store. Try it and be convinced that the butter C'has. Wardca, ot Hopkins, gave the Keystone band a march entitled, "Hap py Days in Dixie' Rev. John M. Dean, of this place, will preiiuh in the Baptist church at Rich ardsville this eventng. Rev. E. Haeeker, who Is preaching for the Lutheran congregation In this place, is in Pittsburg this week. Cull at J. C. it a C. Honry's grocery store and see Knoll's Wonderful Double Action Rubbing and Suction Washor. James (I. Pent, AgAt. James Look's left foot was so badly bruised by a lump of coal falling on it in Spraguo mine Saturday that ho did not work Monday. A number of gypsies have been camp ing In the prove on Pleasant Avenue tho pust week. Tho men trnde horses and Iho women sell luee and tefl for tunes. ' There, will be communion services In the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. Preparatory services will be hold in the church on Thursday und Friday evenings. Tho annual convention of the Jefferson County Sunday School Association will bo held In tho Hrockwayvilla Presby terian church on Thursday and Friday, Juno lHth and 17th. Geo. F. Fleming, of Tittisvillo, who was an assistant in the OH City Fuel Supply Co. ofllco nt this place nlmnt soven years ago, made a short visit In this placo last week. Alex. McClelland, of Rockdale Mills, passed through this place Monday on his way homo from Armstrong county where he had been to see a sis ter who Is dangerously HI. Ex-Solicitor General George A. Jenks, of Brookvllle, who is being boomed by some of tho Democratic newspaper as a Democrat candidate for Governor, was in Reynoldsvllle Friday. Two or three crates of fine straw berries were sold at auction last week by Joseph Shaffer, Adams Express Co. agont. Tho borrles had been shipped to parties who had not ordered them. Dr. C. R. Stevenson, son of Robert Stevenson ot Beech woods, is now a registered physician of this county. Ho was at Brookville Friday to be regis tered. Dr. Stevenson is an assistant in the Adrian Hospital. It costs publishers considerable more to purchase paper now than it did a few months ago. The price has under gone a material increase and is still advancing. Subscribers will, therefore, see the necessity of prompt paymont. The fire boll tower is to be moved on to the town lot, beside the hose tow er. Tho bell tower was anything but an ornament on Main street and our citizens generally will be pleased to know that it will be removed. C. F. Hoffman, the Jeweler, is putting in a first-class blcyclo repair shop In the rear of his store, which will be equipped with all of the modern ma chines for doing first-class bicycle re pairing of all kinds on short notice. Thomas S. Mitchell, who died at Perrysvllle May 30th, whose death was noted in THE STAR last week, was tho father of Prof. Lex N. and T. Books Mitchell, who are well known in this place. Mr. Mitchell died suddenly from hoart trouble whilo at work in bis har ness shop. Mr. Cox, who moved from Reynolds vllle to this place about two months ago, has returned to engage in business in his native town. Mr. and Mrs; Cox made many friends here, during their short stay, who wish them well wher ever they go. New Bethlehem' Tinifi cnlnr. A Reynoldsvllle man who had sipped enough from tho cup that intoxicates to give him a pugilistic disposition, was arrested by Burgess McEntire and con fined in the West Heynoldsville cooler Monday evening. Yesterday morning the fellow paid his fine and was given his liborty. Rov. Dean, pastor of tho Baptist church, and a number of his members hold religious meetings near Major Ep ler's residence on Muin st. Saturday even ings, and last Saturday evening as they marched down Main street a lady was hoard to remark, "Oh, here comes the church." Tho following officers were Installed in tho Sons of St. George lodge at this place lust Friday evening by Albert Neal, who was deputized to do the In stalling by the District Deputy: Worthy Presidont, John Broad; vice president, Thomus Justham; secretary, Wm. Copping; treasurer, G. W. Sykes; Messenger, James Tovey ; representative to Grand Lodge, G. W. Sykes; alternate, James Justham. Mrs. Thomas Gricks, of Railroad street, and her daughter, Mrs. Curt Mclntyre, of Main street, were given a birthday surprise party at the home of Mrs. Gricks on Monday by the Daugh ters of St. George and their friends. The ladles report having bad a jolly time. The Daughters carried well filled baskets with them to the home of Mrs. pricks and at the noon hour the whole company bad an abundance of good things to appease their hunger. The guests presented Mrs. Grloks and Mr. .Mclntyre with an easy rocking choir apleoe. 8ummer Appointment. M. W. Womor, an erstwhllo Reyn oldsvllle boy, recently finished, very successfully, the junior year in Drew Thoologlcel Seminary, Madison, N. J.-, and has been appointed, for tho summer vacation, as pastor of a Methodist Episcopal church at Rossvllle, N. Y., part of Greater New York. Children's Day. Thore will be Children's Day exercises In the Baptist and Methodist Episcopal churches next Sunday at eleven o'clock, by scholars of tho Sunday schools. Good programs have been prepared for both churches. Tho Children s Day exorcises in the Rrcsbyterian church have been postponed until tho last Snn (ln.V(ln June. McConnell's Park. This week carpenters are at work erecting a pavilion nnd grand stand In F. A. McConnell's park, near Frank's Tavern. Tho pavilion will be 40 x 42 feet with good roof on and scuts around the sides. The pavilion will bo at the lower side of the orchnrd nnd about feet from tho pavilion a band stand will bo built for evening concerts. Went Into Unbailed Traps. Tho Reynoldsvllle Hnrdwaro Co. ordered a number of wire rnt trais and they were shipped in over the A. V. R'y, arriving here In the evening and wore thrown Into tho freight station. Tho next morning there were seven rats in the traps. Tho (He-tailed ro dents had been reeonnoltorlng nnd stepped Into the unbalted traps. At a Wedding To-day. Dr. C. C. Humberger went to Cralgs ville, Pa., Monday to visit his father. Ho will return via East Brady and at tend a big wedding there to-day, that of Alonza Excoll, of Chicago, and Miss Anna Longwell, of East Brady. Alonza is a son of E. O. Excell, the noted singer and composer of the "Windy City," and the young lady is a daughter of Dr. Longwell. Are You in Arrears. This Is an Important question1 to yon and us. Wo have repeatedly asked our subscribers to examine tho label ot) their paper and If In arrears to remit the amount because we need It. Some have responded while others pay no attention to these repeated calls. Wo have Immediate use for the money due ub and hope that each ono in arrears will pay up at once. Attending Convention. The following persons went to Brook vllle yesterday afternoon to attend the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbytery of Clarion: Mrs. J. B. Arnold, who was the delegate from the W. F. M. Society of this placo, Mrs. Alex. Rlston, Mrs. J. Van Reed, Mrs. W. L. Johnson, Mrs. J. B. Ayres, Rov. W. F. Reber, Rov. Carlo A. Musi, G. Macro. Large Delegation Expected. The convention of the Baptist Young People's Union to be held In the Bap tist church in this place June lft, and tho fifty-second anniversary of the Clearfield Baptist Association to be held In the same church June 17th and 18th, promises to be Interesting, profit able and spiritual meetings. Good pro grams have been prepared for each session. Programs will bo published next week. It Is expected that one hundred and fifty delegates will be present. E. O. Excell Here Sunday. Prof. E. O. Excoll, the famous musi cal composer and singer of Chicago, 111., will visit Dr. C. C. Rumberger In this place tho latter part of this week. Prof. Excoll will remain hero over Sunday. He will sing at the Children's Day services in the M. E. church Sunday morning and will conduct a song service, In the same church Sunday evening. This will bo a rare opportunity for the people of Reynoldsvllle to hear tho greatest chorus leader and solo singer of the age. Let the Good Work Continue. Thore has been more Improvements, such as tearing down old fences, making pretty lawns, painting houses, &o., in Reynoldsvllle this season thun has over been known in tho town before in one season. When one man makes such an Improvement his neighbor sees how un sightly his property appears, and down comes his fence and the luwn is fixed up, and the property beautified. If this spirit of improvement contiuuos, and wo bollevo it will, in a few years Reynoldsvllle will bo ono of the pret tiest towns in this section of the stute. Farmers' Parade. On Wednesday next, June 15th, a car load of farming machines, that have been sold by King & Co., will be unload ed at this place in the, forenoon and the farmers will be present with their teams to haul tho machines homo, but bofora starting for homo they will all form in line and parade to King & Co.' store, where dinner will be served and after dinner speeches will bo delivered on machinery, fertilizers and practical farming. The speakers will be men who understand what they will talk on. It Is expected that large number of farmers will be in town that day, some to get the machines they have or dered and others to bear the speeches on fertilizers and praotlcal farming. Small Blaia at Hopkins. The citizens of Hopkins had a Ore ex citement Saturday evening. A number of the employees of the mill, and some of the gentler sex of the hamlet, were dressed ill their best "blb-and-tuckor" and were at the station waiting for the 0.30 train for Reynoldsvllle. Just as the engine whistled for the station the mill whlstlo screamed out tho Are alarm and Reynoldsvllle was Instantly forgotten. Smoke was seen to Issue from the shav ings tower at the planing mill and It was only a few minutes until two streams of water wore playing on tho shavings tower and tho fire was extin guished before a great amount of dam age was- done. The supposition is that the fire started from a spark from tho smoke stack. Had Watchman Iseman not discovered the fire until after the train had pulled nut It Is likely that thousands of dollars worth of property would have been destroyed before tho fire could have been controlled. Tho shavings from the planing mill are fanned into tho tower through pipes and am packed from the tower Into bales and shipped away.- The tower, which holds one car load of shavings, was full nt tho time of the fire. When tho excitement was over a number of Sun day suits wore found to bo badly soiled. The men rushed to the work without stopping to doll their Sunday apparel. Hopkins has u line lot of men working for htm who never shirk their duty. The A. V. R'y Co. sent nn engine to Hopkins, but tho fire was extinguished and the enigno was not needed. Narrow Escapes. Last- Friday evening as a Rathmel gentleman was driving along Main street, near tho Burns House, tho shafts dropped from tho buggy on to tho horses heels nnd the animal becamo unmanageable and ran towards Hath mel at a reckless speed with the shafts hanging to It. M. II. Stiles, the Fres cottvllle groceryman, was driving towards Reynoldsvllle and mot the run away horse In Presoottville. Before Mr. Stiles could get out of the way the wild steed ran into his cart and upset hlm. Ho was slightly Injured, the cart was wrecked and the harness broken. The horse continued Its mad run to wards Rathmel. Above Prescottvllle a boy was run down by the horse and slightly Injured, and at Rathmel the shafts caught the seat of a bicycle and tossed rider and bicycle both to one side of the road, without damage to elthor rider or bicycle. The two men and boy all escaped mlracuously. At Punxsy To-Morrow. Tho sixth annual reunion of tho First Rounlon District of Pennsylvania, Knights of Pythias, wilt be hold In Punxsutawncy, Thursday. A large crowd will go from Rathmel and this placo. An excursion train will bo run, leaving Rathmel at 0.00 A. M. and Reynoldsvlllo 0.30. Returning train will leave Punxsy at 10.00 p. M. Fore for round trip $1.00. Tho following Supremo and Grand Lodge officers will be present: P. S. Chnnoollor, Wilbur F. Myers, of Philadelphia; S. V. Chan cellor, Tlios. G. Sample, of Allegheny; Supreme Representatives, H. O. KUno and R. S. Jackson, of Pittsburg; Grand Chancellor, Chas. F. Llnde, of Philadel phia; Grand Vico Chancellor, John S. Graham, of Lancaster; Grand Prolate, Scott Dlbert, of Pittsburg, and Grand Inner Guurd, Dr. Chas. G. Ernst. School Board Re-Organized Profs. Lenk erd and Madden Re-elected. Tho old school board of this borough met Monday evoning and transacted what business there was before that body, settling accounts, ordering a few bills to bo paid, &c.,and then adjourned nine die. The new board was then organized. C. Mitchell was olected presidont, W. H. Boll, jr., secretary, utid Dr. W. B. Aloxander treasurer. Prof. G. W. Lenkerd was re-elected principal of the schools and Prof. N. B. Madden assist ant principal. At the noxt mooting of tho board tho mtlluge will bo laid. Mag" Bash in Jail. A young follow of this place, who Is serving a short torm In the county jull, made information against "Mag" Bash, of "Poverty Flat," for keeping a bad house and on Thursday of last woek Constable Frank Rood came to this place to escort "Mag" to tho county seat. The following day a few witnesses went to Brookvllle and "Mag" was given a hearing. The evidence was such that "Mag" was bound ovor to court, and falling to secure bail sho will huve to languish In jail until the Sep tember torm of court. She has a little baby with her. Will Get Hearing Saturday. A heavy-weight foreign feminine who domiciliates at the London mines, threatened to shoot a lad of that place and she was forced to appear before 'Squire W. L. Johnston In West Reyn oldsvllle Monday evening for making the threat. The woman gave bail for ber appearance before 'Squire Johns ton's tribunal next Saturday for a bear ing on the charge preferred against her. For Sale Good horse and surrey at low prioe. The horse weighs I, SIM lbs., Is gentle and quiet, suitable for lady to drive. Inquire of Mrs. J. S. Morrow. You can get a better shoe here for your monoy than elsewhere Robinson's. Reynoldsvllle Lady Married In Clearfleld. Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock a pretty wedding ceremony was celebrat ed at the residence of James T. Lcavy, on Second street, by Rev. D. T. Byer, of the Woodland M. E. church. The principals In the event were Waring T. McDowell, of DuBoIs, and Miss Enlatta Z. Pent, of Reynoldsvllle. James Pcntx, a brother of the brldo, and Miss Blanche McDowell, sister of the bridegroom, occupied tho places of honor. The cwremony wna witnessed by a few ot the imincdlntu relatives of the brldo and groom and several of their friends from a distance, also by tho members of Mr. Lcavy'a household and the editor of the lit)ibticiin. Promptly ut. 11 o'clock the bridal par ty entered the parlor and weru met In the centre of the room by He v. Byer, who soon pronounced tho words that joined Waring McDowell and Kulalia Pent "until death does them part." When Rev. Byer hud concluded his congratulations at the end of tho cere mony tho other guests followed in wish ing the newly married couple all the good things of life. Tho groom Is the fifth sun of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah McDowell, of Bradford. Ho Is a carpenter and follows his trade In DuBols. As ure all the McDowell boys, Waring Is a lino young man and will prove a good husband to the charm ing young woman who has placed her life in his keeping. Tho bride Is a daughter of Joseph Pelitz, of Reynolds vllle, und Is highly regarded by a large circle of friends In her native town where her many virtues and accomplish ments are so well known. They will go to housekeeping In Du Bols and their Mends will send tlioii saniki of good wishes after them. Clearfield frpiiWiVvni. Butter Factory in Operation. Lust week we devoted considerable space to a write-up of the butter and cheese factory at this place, nnd will not enter Into details again this week. On Thursday the stockholders of the plant met at the factory to see It tested on butter and cheeso making. Every thing worked satisfactorily. Six hun dred pounds of milk was tested and worked Into butter that day. It was sweet croam butter as It was worked the same forenoon it was brought in. The stockholders were pleased with the working of the plant and, as stated In The STAR last week, the success of the plant depends now ontiroly on tho sup ply of milk carried to It each morning. A butter and cheese factory cannot run without cream no more than a saw mill can bo run without logs. . At a mooting hold lu Centennial hall Thursday afternoon the stockholders decided to start tho factory Monday of this woek, and butter Is now being made at tho Reynoldsvlllo creamery. The directors met at the creamery Saturday and elected the following offi cers: W. J. Boner, of Sandy Valloy, presidont; H. Alex. Stoke, of Reynolds vllle, secretary. C. Mitchell was elect ed treasurer at a former meeting. Winslow Township School Board. The Winslow township school board met at Frank's Now Tavern Monday with the township auditors. The ac counts for tho year wero settled with out difficulty, as everything had been kept in good shape. After transacting all tho business before It, tho old school board adjourned and the new board was organized, with tho following officers: Presidont, John Dougherty; sec rotary, W. A. London; treasurer, O. H. Broadhead. A new shool building Is to bo built at Big Soldier and a committee was ap pointed to look up a location for the new building. Tho millago was laid as follows: school 41 mills; building 2 mills. Tho board decided to increuso the school term ono month, making the terra seven month hereafter. Under tho new appropriation law the board felt that It was their duty to increase the school torm. Elsewhere in this issue will be found on artlolo on school appropriation from the pen of County Superintendent Teitrick. School Directors to Meet. Tho 13th annual convention of tho school directors of Jefferson county will be held ut Punxsutawncy June 14, 1808. Tho convention will oonatft.30 A. M., and the following questions will be dis cussed, viz: 1st. What should a director seo in a visit to the schools of his district? 2ud. How docs a good school benefit a community, now and In tho future? ' 3rd. Resolved that the elcotion of Illiterate school directors Is largely re sponsible for the luck of advancement of our schools. 4th. Are school boards justified in employing Inexperlenood home talent rather than teachers of much experience and thorough qualifications? Keystone Goes to Punxsy. Tho Keystone band will drive to Punxsutawncy to-morrow, Thursday, where they have an engagement to play for the K. of P. Lodge at that placo. Liveryman Burns will transport this organization ovor land. Go to Robinson's and have your feet fitted perfectly. We have the best footwear and our prices are reasonable. Something rare, a stock of bats and neckties like that displayed at Mllllren's. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Olimpses of the People who are Passing To and Fro. ' Dr. Harry King was in Pittsburg last week. Mrs. W. C. Elliott Is visiting In Brookvllle. Miss Caroline Robinson Is visiting In Brookvllle. Mrs. H. W. Horpel visiter' In Bnook vllle lust week. Mrs. Andy Denny, of Driftwood, was in town Saturday. Bert V. Gulbrulth, of Bookvllle, was In town last Frlduy. Postmaster A. M. Woodward was at Summcrvllle Sunday. Miss Myrtle Shields, of Baxter, Is visiting In this placo. Newell Meeker, of Homestead, spaht Sunday In this place. Mrs. J. N. Small Is visiting her par ents In Clarion county. Elijah Trudgeon, of Brockwayvllle, was in town this week. Mrs. Chas. Harding, of Suinmervlllo, is visiting in this placo. Clement and Eugene Flynn visited in Ridgway the past week. Miss Anna Graham, of Clarion. Is a visitor at M. M. Fisher's. Mrs. James Mursh, of Sligo, visited In this place the past week. Mrs. Frank Mitchell, of Driftwood, visited in this place this week. Mrs. A. A. Kleluhans wont to Parker, Pa., yesterday on it short visit. Mrs. F. A. McConnel is visiting her parents near Punxsutawncy this week. David Wheeler and wife returned Monday evening from a trip In Illinois. Mrs. James King, of Lock Huvon, is visiting her son, A. P. King, at Hop kins. Miss Maggie Butler left this place Friday to visit ut Mosgrovo and East Brady. James Smith, of Beaver Falls, is vis iting his brother, F. G. Smith, at tho Imperial. George Muller, of Chicago, is visiting his nephew, Rev. John M. Dean, in this place. Mrs. Joseph Butler returned last week from a visit at East Brady and Mosgrove. Mrs. T. F. Rltohey, of Tlonesta, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. E. McKee, in this place. , Mrs. Thomas M. Holt, of Stanton, visited her brothor, Wesley Motter, in this place last week. C. J. Rhea, of Oil City, visited his daughter, Mrs. L. M. Simmons, In this place a day lost woek. Ernest Stono, of Oakmont, Pa., Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stone, In this place. Mrs. Lydla Owens, of Brookvllle, is visiting her niece, Mrs.O. H. Johnston, In West Reynoldsvllle. W. S. Bell and lady and Harry Nick eson and lady, of Punxsutawncy, were Imperial guests Sunday. Miss Rose Kline, of Brookville, was the guest of Mrs. L. J. Arnold in West Reynoldsvllle last week. Burt Cox, who was in business In New Bethlehem a short timo, moved back to Reynoldsvllle last week. Miss Orrio McKee, of Corsica has been visiting her brothor, R. E. McKee, In this place the past week. Father McGIvnoy, of DuBols, con ducted tho services in the Catholic church In this place Sunday. Mrs. G. M. McDonald left here Fri day to visit relatives In Now Bethlehem and Porter township, this county. Mrs. L. C. McGaw, of Punxsutawnev. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rls ton, on Grant street the post week, Frank J. Black. Thomas C. McEntoer, J. C. Dunsmore and Gurney Smith were over on Dents Run trout fishing last week. B. G. Woodward, of Now Bethlehem, a former teacher in our schools, is visit ing his brothor, Postmaster Woodward, in this place. Mrs. M. A. Calvin, ofTlonostu, Pa., arrived In this place Thursday evening to spend tho summer with her daughter, Mrs. U. E. McKee. Father Brady, who was In the Mercy Hospitul in Pittsburg ten days, returned homo B'riduy evening fooling somewhat improved in health, Fred. Butler moved to Tyler, Pa., lust week where ho bus a good position as book-keeper for tho coal company at that place. Dr. J. B. Noale. Charles Foicht, James C. Scott and George M. McDon ald are over in the "wilds" of Potter county this week trout fishing. Miss Elsie Ross is attending the fourth annual convention ot tho DuBols Sub-District Epworth League this week at Horatio as a delegate from the Kuyn oldsvflle chapter. Miss Orel McCrelgbt, of Marion Cen ter, has been the guest of Miss Angus Waroick the past week. Misses War nick and McCrelgbt went to Brookvllle yesterday to visit friends. c . Mrs. Albert Reynolds and Mrs. Mar garet Gorsllne went to OH City yester day afternoon to attend the W. R. C. oonventlon being held there this week. From OH City Mrs. Reynolds will go to Andover, Ohio, to visit bor sister. I