feENIUS OF THE ROADSIDE. Ilow it fttntrsman's Hunt In Promts Wu Helped nn Way to Fsme. "Tlin oft liima linn lost n shoo from V" right foroloot, " mill thnciiiiuliiiiiiti, as U draw tip opposite n vcnTsldn lilnck mltli pimp. "Mnill I stop mid Im re It roplnotnl?" "Ilynll menus, " rr-pllml th. nwnnr of thn cnrrloli', Hotmtor Annul Unrr nf Now Ynrk, "It in nlwnys tho proper tliiiiH tn keep fimr Inirstis well slmil, nml, besides, I inn only tun f:lid of n chrnrn to stretch my 1ik ttftnr su limit a drive. VVlillo tlin smith in Intsy 1 will Rtntll tu ttm tup nf nun nf thnio boimti ful Ulster comity hills." When lin ri'tiirnnil Inilf nn hour litter, ha lmp:Riitil to gliittre nt tlin side of n bnru liuiir the shop anil raw will) sur prise nn nrriirnte tluiiinh. hurriedly tlrnwn clinruonl picture of onrrlolo and horsus. "Who drew thnt?" ho Inquired. "Thnt littln lrou.y liend yomlar," rtpllcd the blncksmlfh, pointing to n boy in homiwpnii who was chopping wood In the dnorynrd opposite an if his wholo miiiil wnn occupied with hts task. "Halloo, my litd," culled Hurt, mid when the little fellow looked np with the nir of one who bm been omiKht in mine misdemeanor he added pleasantly, "If ever yon wnnt to chniiRe your occn pRtioti and see life, just put a clonu shirt in your bundle nml ro tn tuls ad dress in Mew York, "nml be crossed tbo rond to hnnd the boy a Blip of paper. The tenm wur soon on it hoiuaward wny, and in a short time the incident pnssed from the rrowded miud of Aaron Burr. Months afterward, nn he nut nt breakfast, a servant brought him a pne': aye containing n lioniemaile clemi Hhirt and rnid thnt a boy nt the i.nor hud asked her to deliver it hm nn nil sttltl oient introdnetion. Hut ffc senator could not nuilerHtnml itrt hiui.il .-uico, ho be Kent for thn boy, whom he. nt unco recognized as the youthful genius of the ,.. toiidhidu. With all hin faults, Burr wnn n kpu eroun tnnu nt henrt, and bo spared neither pains unr expense to give the youth the best of instruction in hin chosen profession. From au artistio point of view the student became very successful nn the grout painter Vender lyn, altboiiKh be lived a life of poverty. Ho painted the portrait of Aaron Burr and bin daughter, Tbeodonin, from which were taken the flue eugravi.ign by which we know them. He died near the ipot where he drew the picture of the waiting team. Hin career in a noble monument to the bettor nide of the na ture of hin benefactor, a nature not Wholly devoid of aweetnena and light, although darkened by frequcut clouda through bin mature life and Anally eclipsed in the murky gloom of a purely elfish ambition. Atlanta Constitution. GOLFING PHILOLOGY. Derivation of Curiam Terms Which Un iting to the Otmi, To the enthusiastic golfer the game in nover out of iGBBon. Fitted with "arc ' tic" goloshes nnd a warm knitted waistcoat, he in neon upon the links on many a day which appeara inclemeut to the uninitiated. Perhaps this disregard of nnow an 1 ice is natural whou one comes to look up the derivation of golf ing terms, Jinny of the words come di rectly from the Icelaudio languages, jotliornj bave synonyms iu Oaolio or Swedish. The tee, or little nodule of gravel or earth from whioh tbo golfer striken oft bin ball, at the bogiuniug of each link, la derived from "tia, " lu Icelaudio verb signifying "to point out." Again, "golf" itself evidently ootnes from the Scandinavian "kolf, " a olnb, the Gaelic form being "colb" and the Icelandio form being "kolfr" ( olapper of a bell or bulb). The "liukn" come straight from the Swedish "lyuka," meauing a "twist" or "crook;" hence its application to the windings of the coast, the aandy, barren . ground called "links" in Scotland. To "put" (pronounced "putt") cornea from the Gaelio"pnt," aignifying to push or throw, aa when the useful "pot ter" propels the golf ball from the "putting green" into the hole. , The "lofter" ia derived from the Ice laudio "loft" that ia, aby or air Danish form being "loft" for oeiling or loft. Philadelphia Inquirer.' Ona Veteran Without a Pension. I aat on a hill with a sergeant who knew history and horses. He remem bered Pansy, which had aorved 16 years in the troop and a first rate old horse ' t "" than hnt A A tutm .1,1, soul came browsing around one day and condemned that old borne. Government got a measly $10 or something like that. This ran along for a time, when one day tbey were trooping up some lonely valley, and, behold, there stood Pansy, aa thin aa a snake, tied by Wickionp. He greeted the troop with joyful neighs. The soldiers asked the captain to be allowed to shoot him, but of oourse he said no. I oould not learn if be winked when be said it The col umn wound over the hill, a carbine rang from ita rear, and Panny lay down in the dnst without a kick. Death la . better than Indian for a horse. The thing waa not notioed at the time, but made a world of fnts afterward, though how it all came ont the sergeant did not develop, nor was it necessary. Frederic Eemington in Harper's Maga zine, i DeUento Iutramenta. Borne of the delicate ioatrumenta in the Toronto maguetio observatory in tended to measure fluctuations in the earth's magnetism have been greatly disturbed by the eleatrio currents flow- - lag through the earth from the ad jaoent trolley lines. Accordingly these instru ments are to be removed to a point nine miles from the city and two milea from ay possible trolley route. The records ' v cl Toronto observatory date back nor than half a oeutury and are the r - lnabU of their kind ever obtain (Int ' eonttnvut- , Jtew fork fcngllah. ' We have been told by a keen and In telligent observer who has returned to thin city after a aojonrn of two years abroad thnt the average New Yorker ia becoming very careless with his Eng lish ; not (inly does he jumble hin Words together in every conceivable sequence but he makes a gesture to supply a no-M. or verb and rattles otT slang the analogy of which In often intelligible only to himself, Without recalling for the mo ment nny speeiflo examples, we believe our friend to bo correct. He dons not go fur enough, however; there in nuother side. If tho New Yorker at times tries to get an idea out in tho fewest possible Words, on other occasions he is tediously tautologienl nnd prolix. One has only tu keep nn open ear in a car ride up town to find oonllrmution for this. Hern, as though relaxing the exigency of economy of speech that has been prac ticed while discussing affairs all dny, needless nnd endless repetitions take plnoe nnd the obnoxious "I nny" intro duces half the phrases that are uttered. We haven't nny explanation to make, however, or remedy to offer. Now York Times. The IMflVrenee, "Why are some statues made life sir.e and some beroio size?" "A life sire statue represents man an big na he was, and a beroio size statue represents him as big as he thought ho was." Chicago Kecord. On the Wrong Track. 81lms recently received private Infor mation thnt hia son was not confining himself strictly to the straight and nar row pnth. There were ugly rumors thnt the young limn played enrdn and bet on the horses. fSliins dutermiued to double liin pnreitfal vigilance. The other even ing he turned to the young man who wan deep in a newspaper and inquired sharply, "Whnt are you rending, sou?" "A column under tho head of 'What the Book Makers Are Doing?' " "I'll tall you whnt tbey are doing, sir," said the uld man severely. "They are living luxuriously this wiuter and laying their plnns to fleece such lambs an you next season. They keep up the race tracks and get rich by fooling noodle pates like you. I've beard all about yon, air, and your wild ways. Order that paper stopped. Whnt are you laughing at, you youug rascal?" "At your surprising knowledge of bnrse race methods. I was reading the literary reviews." Detroit Free Press. various rolloles. Accident insurance policies bave tak en many onrious shapes, ranging from the penny in the slot to the coupon in the weekly newspaper, but the limit has been reached in London, whore the purchaser of book of oigarotte paper is insured for (CO for period of 70 days. The annual cost of this amount of insurance ia about 78 centa a year, provided the holder of the novel policy is not a cigarette fiend. The amount of insurance is specifically set aside for the defraying of funeral expenses in the event of accidental death. New York Journal. Vulgar Shirt Sleeves. In an articlo describing the women's billiard room of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel the Loudon Globe says: "If a man should be so bold as to remove his coat, au attoudunt instantly hands him a lounge jacket. All present shut their eyes and do not open thorn again until the ringing of a bull announces that the shirt sleeves bave been covered." Many of the fruits and vegetables now eaten iu England were almost un known to our forefathers. Not until Henry VIH's time were there either rasp berries or strawberries or cherries grown in England, and wo do not read of the turnip, cauliflower and qninoe being cultivated before the sixteenth century or the carrot before the seven teenth century. Reforming1. "Your money or yonr life I" shouted the footpad. "I havo no money, " said the victim, "and my life will be of no use to yon." "Idou't know about that, " replied the fool pud. "I have been thinking for some timo of trying a new life. "Phil adelphia North Amerioan. A Spur to Pride. "It does a man good to be rejected by girl." "Why?" "It makes him pitch in and marry a more attruotivegirl. " ,Chicngo Record, i The omnibuses of one London com pany covered just about 80,000,000 miles in tne course of a year, the dis tance sufficient to take them nearly three times around the world every day. Analysis of a, Frenchman. A Frenchman sloops in italios, snores in small capitals, talks in thunder, ges ticulates iu oyclone and acts in tornado. He feela it all and means less thun one tenth of it Not that the nine-tenths are hypocrisy, but that they are dra matio froth, discounted in final solution at the bank of effervescence. Brooklyn Eagle, His Ferorlte Author. 1 Noozel Ab, you're a literary man, eh? Who's jour favorite author? Author WitohelL "Witohell? Witohell? Don't think I know him." "Apparently not My card, sir." Philadelphia Beoord. Oarllo Is Ancient, . Garlio oame from Asia and has been used ainoe the earliest times. It formed part of the diet of the Israelites in Egypt and was used by Greek and Bo man soldiers and African peasants. The Honeymoon's Origin. Tha modern honeymoon trip origi nated in the days of George II and speed' lly oaton into gvural use. ALI.KOTIKNY VALLEY KATLWAY COMPANY, in elTnct Hnnilny, December Hi, 1M7, Low Urndo Division. ha st w a tin. No.i.i.Nii.ft.iNoTih IIIU A. M lui P. M STATIONS. A. M. l. M 4 i' It'll llll Ilk New llelhlehem (ink Hldiri MiiVKvllle Miinimervlllo . .. Ilmnkvllle Hell Fuller Ifcyimlilxvllln . . PlIIICOMHt t''iillNCi-eck HhiimIp. Hll III) In III t.Tbllt II I'enllelll Tyler Menewlle Urn m UririwiKHl 10 M II Ml II l ii ;i7 II 44 VI 01 4 :ix ft n ft 91 A In ft 2i',l a i'i ft III 4.1 4ft III A ft! (III i 311 na 3ii 411 III 411 II 411 t II 4 is ;i 13 M 2! II 4i tl III I 311 I MO 1 4.1 I r.:i I .Ml 411 4 4 M 7 Ml T I" T 2 r m 7 mi 7 2.1 I in I 411 7 7 ;i 7 -a 7 r. 7 4! 7 ni T4li 9 Kill 2 IH 2 H7 S 211 s :m S I 4 2 n 4? H ir, P. M. s fts; s vV P. M A. H WFHTKAIIII Tno.2 Nii.ii Ko.fii iim tin A. M. A. M. P. M I'. H. P. M in ill A ;m ft ,v mi ;w 4ft r7 4ii in III 4H (I (17 II 2!l II 17 6 III S All 1 1 2ii 6 l:i 7 n:i II !I3 tl 4(1 7 14 II 42 fill 7 2H 13 M 7 12 7 4 ! 7 4(1 S 4n I 2" 7 tft 7 Ml 7 Ml S Ml 41 2ll 47 ill 47 Ml I m 7 4n n m I ftl 7B7 4H 22 42 :l 4S Oil 4B :i4 2ll n in s 41 3 27 n a-! n n7 t 47 ft S3 4 17 IU 9 Ml S 211 m 9 in 9 at S : 9 41 fW 9 ftii p. ni L a. m. p. M. p m. p. m. STATIONS, Drift wood Urimi Metieret le Tyler... I'eiillelii Wlnierlitirn .... Hithiila Iiiillnl KnlliK'reek I'lineniiHt Iteynolilsville.. Kiiller Hell IliiMikvitln Hiinmieivllle.... Muvsvlllo OiikUlibtp New llellilelieni l.nwsiiiihnm..,. Keel Hank Trains ilnllr except PiiihIuv. liAVIIi MiTAUild, Ori,i,.Hnr ,1AM. P. ANUK.HHtiN Ukn'i. I'ahh. Aot. PENNSYLVANIA ItAILUOAD. Philadelphia & Kt-io Ilnllrond Division. TIME TAIII.K IS KFKKCT. Trains leave Ilrlflwinid , EASTWARD :in n in-Trnln S, wcekiliivx. fur Cuntiury, Yllke1miTt lliiitleliin, I'm invllle. Seriinluii, IIiiitImIiih k mill I he llllei iTieillnle mil IIiiiim, urrlvlim ii. 'lilliiilelilihi (1:2:1 p.m., New Viirk, ll::li. In. I Hall liniile, 11:1m i. ln. VViiBhlnirliin, 7:1.1 p. in I'lilliiinii I'niliir ear f i im W lllliiniHpini lo I'lilliulelphlii nml pnw KenirerciiiielieM fciim Kline In riillmlelplila anil Wllllanispiirt to lliililnmru mill Wash liiKtini. 4:MI p. ni. Train H, weekday, for llnr rinlmri and Intermedliilu hIiiiIiiiid. nr rlvhiKnt I'lilliiilelpliiiUSIA. M. New mk, 7:; A. M. I'lilliiinii Sleeping ears finin lliirrlKliiii'K to I'liiliiilelplilM nml New York. I'hlliiilelphla piiHNeiiui.tii run remain In sleeper iniillstllilieU until 7.::) A. M. !l::m p. ni. Train 4. dully for Hiinliiirv. Ilnrrls liurir and Intermeillnle stailmiM, ii'ri lvlntf at I'hllmlelplilH, :.Vi A. M.j New Viirk, VM A. M.iin week (lays mid lll.:is A M. on Hun dnyi llitltlninrn, H:2Ua. M.t Waihliitftoii, 7:40 A.M. I'lillinan sleepers from Erie mid Wll llainHirl to I'lillailelpliluiitid WllllmiiHpnrt to Washlnitlnn. I'liHseiivers In sleeper fur lliiltinmra mid U'linliliitttnn will lie transferred Into WiiMlilnKtiin sleeper at. Wll llaiiiHixirt. I'lisseiiKer cnui'lies finin Erie to Philadelphia mid WllllmiiHpnrt to llalll moro. WE8TWAKD 4:41 n. tn. Train 9, weekdays, for Erie, Hldif wii), DiiHiiIh, Clermnnt and prlnelpnl Inler niedlalo HliitUiiiH. 9:4a a. tn. Train a, dally for Erie and Inter mediate points. 8:4ft p. tn.Trnln 1ft, weekdays for Kano and Intermediate stations. TllltOl'dH THAINH EOK DIUKTWOOU KKOM THE EAHT AND MOUTH. TKAIN 9 leaves New Vnrk:ftnn. m.,l'lilliidel plilaS:.KI p. m. Wii-liliitltnii 7:211 p. in., Ilnl tlninre H.4U p. ni., arrlvliiK at Drift wood 4:41 a. in., weekdays, with I'lillninn sleepers mid aHeimer enaelies friiin I'lilladelplila tn ;ile and Vanlihitloii and Uallliiiuru to Willi II IIISIMII't . TRAIN l leaves I'lilliidelnlda H:M A. m.l WiiHlilnvton, 7.NIA. M. Hiillimorn, HiMia. nt.) Wllkesliarra, in:lft a. m.; KeekdaVH, nrrlvlna nt Drlftwisxl nt ft:4ft P. M. with I'lillinan I'nrliir ear from IMillailelplila to WllllmnsiMirt mid paHHenicereoiu'ti tu Kane. THA IN 8 leaves New Ynrk nt 7:411 p. m.t Phila delphia, 11:20 p. in.) WiiHhliiKtuii, 111.40 p. m.t Ilaltimoru, II:. Ml p. m.t dally arriving at Driftwood lit U:4:i a. ni. Pullman Hleeplnii enrs from Phlla. to Wllllnmsii't, and thi-uune. tiasHOHKer ennehes fnini I'lilliidelphla lo Orle mid llaltliiiiiro to WllllaniNHirt. (In HiindayHoiily Pullman sleeper Philadelphia to Erie. JOHNSONBURG RAILROAD. (WEEKDAYS) TRAIN 19 leaves Kldicway at S:ftft a. m.: John mililiurn al 9:10 a. ni., arrlvliiK at C'lurmout at 10:00 a, m. TRAIN tO leaves Clermont at. 10:40 a. m. ar rlvliiK at JohnHonhurg at 11:110 a. ni. and KUIgway at II :M) p.m. RIDGWAY & CLEARFIELD R. R. AND CONNECTIONS. WEEKDAYS. OTJTIIWAnn. NORTHWARD. A M A.M. STATIONS. KM. I' M. SftO 400 9 4.1 4 41 10 20 S 10 1102 Aftj Hennvo Ilrlftwood EmMrliim June. ft. Marys A 00 11120 4o:i n;m 8 2ft 9 CO 2 40 SID 11 1ft 11 an 11 49 Kane 12 1ft 11 ftl 11 Ml 90ft H42 B27 8 00 7 S3 747 7:iH 7 SI 7 JO '7 2(1 7 17 7 12 704 7 00 8 40 Wllenx Jolinsonburg 12 10 620 Rldirwav HS0 12 17 12 22 12 III 12 M ViM ii'ii 12 ftl 12.17 107 1 1ft 1 40 8 27 o;c 8 41 4ft 8 4S 6 VI 6 A8 702 7 ml 714 7 20 Tan Island Run Carman Tranhfer Croyland Hhiirts Mills lllue Ruck Vineyard Run Carrier Hroekwiiy vllle Lanes Mills llarveys Run Falls ('reek DullnlH 8 4:i : H2II M2II H22 S 111 H 17 M OH H02 7ft4 7ft0 740 1 20 72ft FiiTlK Creek 7 00 BM lHft 740 Reynnldsvlllo A4ft 840 2 11 Hill HriMikvllIu IIOII mil Sift 9 10 New Kethlohem 8 20 ft 10 8 AO 9 Aft Red Hank 4 2ft 8 30 12 40 i'liulllli u 1 40 p. ni. p. m. a. m. p. ni. TRAlNrt LEAVE RHHJWA Y KASTWAHII. WKKTWAHD. Trains. 7:17 am Train 9, 8:10am " 8, 2:20 pm " a, 11:20 a in " 4, 8:00 ptn " 1ft, H:10pm J. H.IU1TCII1NiON, Oen. MauiiKur. J. R. WOOD, Uen, Pass. Ag't. B UFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTS- UURGil RAILWAY. The short line between DuRols, Hidijway, Bradford, Hulanianea, Uuffalo. liocliester. NiitKitra Falls and points In the upper oil region. On and after Fob. 20th, ISO, passen ger trains will arrive and depart front Falls Creek station, dally, except Uunday, aa fol lows: 7.2ft a m and 1.40 p m for Curwensvllle and Clearfield. 9.48 a m Rochester mall For Brock way vllle, RidKway, Johnson burg, Mt. Jewelt, Bradford, Halamanca, and Ronhestor; connecting at Johusonburg with P. & E. train 8, tor Wilcox, Kane, Warren, Corry and Erie. 10.27 a m Accommodation For Sykes, Big Run and Punxsutawney. 10.28 a m For Reyiioldsviliu. 1.1ft p ni Buffalo Express For Beech tree, Brockwayvllle, Ellniont, Car mou, Rldgway. Johiisotiburg, Mt.Jewutt Bradford, ami Butfaio. iJS p. ni. Accnnimodallon for Punxsu tawney and Big Run. 4.10 u. tn Mall For DuBols, Dykes, Big Hun Punxsutawney and ( leiirneld. 7.40 u m Accommodation for Big Run and Punxsutawney. Passnnsers are requested to purchase tick eta before eiiterlux the cars. An excess charge of Teu Cents will lie collected by con ductors when fares are paid 011 tru Ins, from all stations where a ticket ofHce is maintained. Thousand nillu tickets at two cents per utile, good forpassago between all millions. J. II. MoIntyhu, Agent, Falls Creek, Pa. JC. O, Lavsy, Geo. Pas. Agont, ... Rochester N. Y. Farms for Sale. A OREAT CHANCK FOR SOME MAN PULL OK DAYS' WORK9 Ono tin nil red and thirty iici-ch cleim fai'in land with Ihoimtindn of tons of Unto stonn ciKitirrli tn pay for tho farm two or threo times over Hnd coal land, harn, fiiiir-ronm house, tfnoil spi lnp; of wntnr, 1 1 (hIht for fotmn posts, In Mi 111 roe Tivp., (,'liii-lon Co., v I Hi lit six inili a of County Heat, (ionil eiiunt.i'y mill (fend (loimnitnlty. Cuinii tili-k . Can In linnirhl for two lliiiumml tliillars. Another fanu with two htfo IntrtiM uud Ikiiisch: limn Htmiti and until; Ihi-eo to f'lurlhoiiNiind ilnllai'H worth of (.'nod oak tlinls'i-: (riHul nli r: land in (rooil cultivation: entitiiiiiltur nh-iut iien-: pt'lco twi'lvn thoiisiiiiil iliilliirs. Another with nearly two hundred itcri'M, tthoiit fill (di iiri d: iriHid water uud mill: nlmut threo Ihiiusiitid ilollui's worth tif 4iak tlmhnr; within thron mllos of Summervlllo, A. V. R'y. P1I00 oljfht thousand dollars. Another of nnn hundred Heres, liuyo Imrn nnd K'"1 wator, alx-room houst;, with nlHiiit two tliousiind dollars worth of link timber, i'rloo four thousand ilollnrs, M. C. COLEMHN, Reynoldfivlllr, Pa. Executor. liliecrllrtiiroue. NEFF. J UHTICE OF I'll E 1 'EACH And Real EMiite Agent. Itcyiiildvlllu, I'a. c, MITCHELL. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. (line,, on Went Main street, iipimslte the C'onitnerelal llolel, lleyniildsvllle, I'a. q T(.roiri)oN. " ATTOKN E Y-AT-LA VV, HriHikvllln, Jefferson t.'o. Pa. Oftlce In room formerly (sTiipled by (iordnn & Corbult West Main Mi eel. q m. Mcdonald, attorn ey-at-law, Notnry Public, real etnte attent, Patents secured, rollectlnntt made pnnnptly. Olllce Iu Nolan block, Revnoldsvlllu, Pa. JUIANC13J. WEAKLEY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Oftlees In Mnhnney building, Main Btreet, Reynoldsvllle, Pa, gMITH M. McCREIGHT, ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W , Notary Public and Real F.statn Aeent. Col lect Inns will receive prumiit attenlliin. Otllco In l-'riM lill. li ti Henry blis.'k, near postoltice, Reyiioldsviliu, Pa. yH. STAMEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (llllee at Hotel McCminell, lleynnldsvllle, Pa. JJR. B. E. HOOVER, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. ResldentdentUt. In the Prnchlleh A' Hen ry hliK-k, near iln) iiiMinlllee, Main street. Ucntleness In oprratlns. D R. R. DeVERE KING, DENTIST, Olllce over RevnoliNvllle llardwiiro Co. store, Main street, ReynoldHVllle, Pa. Hotel. II OTEL McCONNELL, REYNOLDSVILLE. PA. FIIANK J. J1LACK, l'mprklor. The leading hotel of the town. Headquar ters for commercial men. Htemn heat, free bus, halli risiins and cloM'ta on every flisir, sample rooms, billiard room, telephone con nections &c. JJOTEL BELNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. . C. VILLMAN, Proprietor. First class In evory part icular. Located In the very centre of tlie busluesspart of t4iwn. Free 'bus to and from trains andcommodlous sample rooms for commercial travelers. Uatlrat Clnti Cabls. gElic1aCREllA?LROA New York Central ti Hudion River R. R. Co., Loiuo CONDENSED TIME TABLE. RKAD IIP Exp Mall No 117 No XI nKAD IM1WN Kxp Mall NoltO NoiUI May Ift, IHlis, p m p m a tn p m 10 25 1 4ftArr....PATTON....Lve 4.100 fiou 10 04 1 24 Westover ft 22 4 21 9 40 1 00 MAII AI'l'EY ft 4ft IMS 12;ri Lve.... KermiMir .... Arr 8 10 440 ft Oft 9 Oft 1223 (iA..AM 020 ft ift SftS 12 Ift Arr....KeriniHir Lvu 827 S22 Hftll 12 11 New MlliHirt 11:11 ft 211 M47 I201 olania II :I7 ft:t2 N40 II. Ml Mil. hells Ilia ft as T in I " 05 MO 11110 CLEARFIELD. 7 ftl 1112 WiHidland 7 211 8 47 74 liai lllKler 7:m 0M 7IW KlftS Wallaeeton 7 43 tlftll 72S IliftO .. Morrlsdalo Minus.... 7ft2 707 73(1 10 4oLv Minimal Arr SOU 7 Ift 8 .V, 740 10 IS 11 (JO '"Ipiiir.'PHicn ! 'SWOiLve 7 40 Sftft n rr i 7 IS 111 ; Arr Mnnsoii Lve sic! 717 7 13 lli.il Wliilinrne K(I7 723 6 ill 101(1 l'EALE 7ti & M nilllntown N41 8 01 Dill IIM HNOWKIIOK H!7 80S ills HM ....HEKCII CKK.EK 9.1s 8A7 SUA 841 Mill Hull W4S 0 10 Out h;u L(H'K HAVEN VI 0 17 4S0 S Yoilnmliili' 10 Oil 27 4J7 8 Kl JEHHF.Y HIIOUE JI'NO. 1010 9 40 4:C. 80S ....JEKSEY HliDKE.... 10 IS 9 4.1 um t" as Lve WILLI AMUl' T Arr 10.10 10 30 p m Ii m am p m mam Putt. A. & Headino H. H. a m n HO 7 17 Arr WILLI AMSP'T Lve Hi M !! 30 t8 HB I2 01 Lve I'lllLA Arr 8 39 7011 Lv N.Y.vlaTamiuiua Ar 9 40 t4D0 9 00Lv..N.Y. vlal'lillu.. Arbl0 40 J9 30 am p m p m a nt Dally i Week-days I too p m Hundayi 10 M a in Sunday "b" Thniuirh piissi'iiniini truvellnff via Phil adelphia on 13.43 p ni train from Williams- IMirt, will change earn at Huntingdon et 'htludelpliia. fONNKCriONH. At Willlumsport with Phlltidulphia&Keiulinglt.K. AtJurM-y Shore with Kail llrisik Hallway. At Mill Hall with Central Knllrond of PennHvlvania. At lMitllpHnurg with I'eiiiiMylvunla ltailroiid uud AltiMinii U PhllliinliinK t'oniiH'tlng lt.lt. At DleurlteUl with lluiralu, Kis'htMter & PIUsbui'Kh Hallway. At Miilmll'cy mil) Piittou with t'anilirla ft Cleartlnlii IMvlnlou of PeuiiKylvnnla Kallroud. AtMiihaffey with I'eiinnylvuiila i North-Western liullmaU. A. U. l'AI.HUH, E. E. IlKlllllHAN, HupeiliiUiuUeiit. Ueu'l Pus. Aiit. I'hlladollira. Pa. Handy Tools Great Reduction in Dry Goods and Clothing. Fine Dress Goods, 15c. for 10 18b. 10 " 85. " 25 40c. " 25 " " " 05c. " 50 ' 75c. " 55 This is in Fine Henrietta and Novelty Goods. Percale, worth 10c. for Hi " 12jc. Shirting Print, HI lie " Red and Mack Print, 4-4 Good Muslin, 4-4 Bleached Muslin, 4-4 " " 4.4 4-4 Hill 10 04 44 4J 3i 4i h o4 6 J I N. DOWITS' ELI3IIR Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Consumption and all Lung Diseases. People stand by Downi' Elixir because it cure and has cured for sixty-five yean. This is the 1 strongest possible endorsement of i its merits. Price 25c. 60o. and , 1.00 per bottle. At Druggist. Htnry, Johnton L lord, Propj., Burllngto, Vt For sulu by II. A, Sloko. First National Bank OF JiEYXOLDS VILLE. Capital, Surplus, 850,000. $5,500. C. iVlltchell, Preeldentl Nroll Itlef'lellaiid, Vice Pres.! John II. Kaiirher, 4'asliler. Director: C. Mlti'livll, Scott McClelland. J.C.King, John II. r'orlH-tt, O. E. Brown, U. W. r'ullur, J. II. Kuuclier. Docs a ircnernlbiinklnirbuslncssand solicits thu accounts of liicrclinnts, prufcshionul men. fitrniers, niecliinilcs, oilners, liimliermen and otlicrs, proinlsiiiff tlie rnis,t careful attention to the business of all persons, Hlifu Deposit Iloxes for rout. First National Buttle bulkllntf, Nolan block Fire Proof Vault. L. M. SNYDER, Practical Horse-stioer nnd General Blacksmith. ' : i i'.i- Horse-shoeing done In the neatest manner and by the latest Improved methods. Ke piilrlng of all kinds carefully and promptly dune. Satisfaction Uuauamtbku. HORSE CLIPPING Have just received a complete set nt ma chine horse rllpM'rs of latest style '98 pattern and am prepared to do cllppiug in the beat pusallilo uiuuuur at reasoiiaolo rates. Jackson iear Fifth, hoynoldavllle, Pa. nre more than convenient; they're necepwiry. You want tooln, and you want good onep, too. In our ptook of hardwnre we carry the beat tools made in this or any other country. It's a maxim in hardware that the be.tter. the article tlie better it pays to buy it. There'B value In finch goods and you want value for your money. To insure that we confine our ntock to top grade. Don't go elsewhere for something that's too poor even for a gift. Reunoidsville Hardware Co. Tlie same great reduction in Clothing. Working Coat, $1.00 for 85 44 Pants, 65 75 Child's Suit, 75 44 44 2 00 1 25 44 2 50 1 35 44 44 2 75 1 50 44 3 5 0 2 00 44 Reefer 4 00 2 50 Knee Pants, 20 Never was goods sold as low as at present. Come and see for yourself. HANAU. CENTRAL State - Normal SCHOOL, Lock Haven, Clinton Countu, Pa. Expenses low. The net cost per week to those who receive State aid is only 3.75. This pays. for light, heat, washing, furnished room, board and tuition. Extra State aid to gradu ates who agree to teach two years. Accommodations first-class. Electric light in every room. Fan . system m steam heat. Abundance of pure mountain water. Hot and cold water on every floor. Gymnasium. Athletic grounds. .Pleasant location, easy of access. Pro gressive city of 8,000 inhabi tants. Strong faculty. Su perior instruction. Graduates secure good positions. Over 700 students present last year. Graduating class num bered .122. Students may enter at any time. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Becure room for next term. JAMES ELD0N, A. M., Ph. D., Principal, Central State Normal School, . Lock Haven, Pa.