The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 25, 1898, Image 3

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    Hip Disease
Terrible Results of a ratl-How
Health W Restored.
"I was Injured by fnll and begao to
hara pains In my knee, and ono of my
'Imbs crumped nnd pained mo tororoly.
rhyelelsnt decldnd thntl had aaernra case
of Upulsrae. I was taken to a hospftnl
nd underwent an operation but a ours wns
not effected. I had aeren running aorea on
on limb. At last I begun taking Hood a
Baraaparllln nnd Improved from tha first
bottle, tlood'a Bnrsnparllla litis entirely
cured me and t am to-day In perf-iot benltb."
Jon 0. Boris, 41 Water Btroot, Ware,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In Amcrloa'e Orealoet Mctljclna. Sold hr all
anumlate. lj all fur fri. Uot only llood'o.
HnnfJ' Plll5 a tin, "it Pill to tulta
Number of Trnmpe.
' The estlttinle of tho number of trnmps
In the United States varies between
0,000 and C0.OO0.
tlilurnte Vnnr Itnwtta With Caecntvte.
Onnily Cnthnrtlr. runcnnt.lpntlnn forcvor.
I0 SV. If C. V. I', full, il ruKKif la rotund money.
A man" resembles a bntl of twlno
When lie Is wrapped tip In himself.
We will Rive ftltM rcwtml for nnr rn-t of ri
tnrrh that rannnt iw riireit witli Hull' Ca
tarrh t 'lire. Tnki-n Int-rnnllv.
F. J. l'tti:Ni:r A- Co, I'mit., Toledo, O.
Fits rmrmnnenttyrurrd. N'o fitinr nprmiie.
tiem Biter Hmtilny' e nf Hr. K II ne'e
Nwid Itotturrr. 3 trial Imttle nnrt trontloe
free Dr.K.II.Kl.iSK LUI..KI1 An-hHt.Plilla.,F.
Mrs. WlnMnw'a HiMitliinirRyriip forchlldren
trrthlnir. pnften tho piling, veilueititi In
flammation, uliays pain, cures wind uulle. -ic.
a bottle.
ST.VITirs' DANf'E. SPASM.-' and nil nrrr.
me illnMse permanently enrrd liy the ur of
I)r. Kline's t4rent Nerve Hentorer. Henil for
KltKK SI.UO trial linule and treatise to Ir.
K. II. Kline, Ltd., Ml Arch Ktreet, I'Ulla, l'a.
In the Inland of llnrtmtloos lrrpo
quantities of a mineral hnvo licet)
found which the unlives rail "utnnjnk."
It Is of a bi'ltflit blnek rolur nnd occurs
nt a very sllKht depth, sonietimes on
tho surface, iu beds one to two feet
thick. It KP'iernlly nppenrs under nn
ntiRle of about 40 degrees, nnd In the
immediate vicinity of rock. It Is pre
sumed to he eol Milled petroleum, which
Is often seen there exuding from tho
earth or floating on the water. In Its
composition this mineral Is similar to
the pitch of Trlnldfld, to the Gllsonlte
of Utah and the Canadian Alhertlte,
but it Is of a much better quality. Tha
best varieties of "manjuk" contained
2 per cent, of wafer, 70.65 por.oon. of
Tolatllo organic substances, 30.97 pet
cent, of ditto solid -ones and .13 pet
cent, of mineral parts. Trlnldnd pitch
contains from 21 to 30 per cent, of wa
ter, and about 38 per cent, of ashes,
llence the mnnjak mineral Is much
richer In natural bitumen. It Is uned,
among other purposes, for tho Insula
tion of electrical conduits, for varnish,
bltumlnons concrete and for fuel, mix
ed with peat, etc. It may to somo ex
tent supplant Riittn pcrcha as an in
sulating medium. Savannah Now.
The majority of love's bonds aro
formed from a chain of clrcuniHtauces.
And How Mrs. Flnkham Helps
Overcome Thorn.
Mrs. Maey Tlot.i.txoKR, 1101 Marlanna
St., Chicago, 111., to Mrs. l'lnkhnm:
" I have been troubled for t,ho past
two years with falling of the womb,
leueorrlxca, pains over my body, sick
headaches, backache, nervousness and
weakness. I tried doctors and various
remedies without relief. After taking
two bottles of your Vegetable Com-
poumt, mo renci I ontainca was truly
wonderful. I have now thken several
more bottles of your famous medicine,
and can say that I am entirely cured."
Mrs. Henbv Dorr, No. SOOTindleySt,
Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mrs. Plnkham :
"For a long time I suffered with
chronic inflammation of the womb,
pain in abdomen and bearing-down
feeling. Was very nervous at times, and
so weak 1 waa hardly ablo to do any
thing. Was subject to headaches, also
troubled with Icucorrhces. After doc
toring for many montDs with different
physicians, and getting no relief, I had
given up 'all hope of being well
again when 1 read of the great good
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
, pound vaa doing. I decided immedi
ately to give it a trial. The result was
simply past belief. After taking four
bottles of Vegetable Compound and
using three packages of Sanative Woh
I can say I feel like a new woman, I
deem it my duty to announce the f Let
to my fellow sufferers that Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegctablo remedies have
. entirely cured me of all my pains and
suffering'. I have her alone to thank
for my recovery; for which I am grate
fuL May heaven bless her for tha
good work she is doing for our sox."
wBtetta my wir and myuir have bea
aalna CASCARETS and the are the best
medioina we have ever bad In the kouae. LhI
my wife was Iraatlo with headache for
two days, aha tried aomaof yourCASCAHETS,
and May relieved tha pale fa bar head almoat
UDSaaaiataly. WsbothreeamaienaOaacaraiev''
Caia. STsnsroKD.
PUUburf Sals a Pspoalt Co., Piuaburg, Pa
PleaMBt. Ptatabla. PowoL
Thw Good. Sa
0aad, Jiarar siuaaa, Waakaa. or 0
f a gold ta mwiiiHi kf all t
y7jY canov
VWAbi Maaa aaaiaTsaaoy
the Aged Premier, inrrounded By tha Mem
ber! of Bit Family Quietly Fanet Away
Will be Buried at Hawardan.
Ttt. Hon. Wlt!lnm Rwnrt nimlstone,
four times prime mliilater of lOiiKliincl,
'lied at & a. tn. Thursday, at Huwarden,
Mr. Olndatnne hnd been unennsrlntts
t rnetli nlly nil dny, thouuh nt times he
ft pined to recoirnlse for n moment some
of the watchers about him. Certainly
bo did reeoRnlne his wife, who was be
side him nil clay, except when the phy
sician prevailed upon her to reet. Klie
tenderly clapped her huelinnd's hand an
nhe watched him. Apparently he alept
n good deal: oecnnloniilly he uttered a
few words In nn Incoherent, dreamy
way, words which thoae who were
wntelilnir were unnble to rnteh. Their
enly consolation was that he was not
siifferlnir puln. No nnfcotlcs were B"l
inlnlKtered. ThoiiRh a tintlonnl funeral will proh
nldy be nreepted by the family, there Is
little doubt that the remain of Mr.
ttladRtotie will be laid to rest In the
peaceful Kraveyard nt Hnwarden. nd
jolnlmr the church were he was mar
ried more than half a century hro.
Utirltiff the crlpl Mr. tllndstom's
brcnthliKf wns 3d to the minute and tho
Membern of his fnmlly were summoned,
ltev. Ste)ben (llndstone rend iirayers
and hymns, Inc hullnfr Mr. Olndntone's
fnvorlro, "Itnck of Anea." When this
was concluded Mr. tllndstone wus
heard to murmur "Our Fnthr."
It Is now virtually decided that Mr.
Ohvlxtone's remains shall be Interred
In Westminster Abbey. It Is learned
thnt the family do not oppose the
nation's desire, and that the only di
rection left was thnt lie Phould be
burled nt Ilnwnrden, unless there
should be an unmistakable national
vlsh for nn Interment nt the abbey.
The late ltlrrht Hon. William Kwnrt
Olndstone. M. 1, 1. t, was the fourth
fon of the inta Plr John (Sladstone,
Hart., of Fasqiie. t'ounty Kincardine,
N. H., a well-known merchant of Liv
erpool, nnd wus born there December
rn. is mi.
lMirlmr his stay nt lllarrltz. In Feb
ruary, 1MH, a London Journal announc
ed Mr. (Iludstonn's retirement, but the
report wns contradicted In very irunrd
rd terms. After his return to England
the rumor was renewed, nnd In the
midst of the uncertainty Mr. Gladstone
delivered bis Inst speech ns prime
minister In the house of commons, on
the fli'Ft of March the occasion beliiK
the lords' amendments to the vnxlsh
councils bill.
The next dny his reslsnntlon wan
mode public, nnd the discovery thnt
the premier wns stiff .rliiir from cotnr
net In both eyes wns given as the chief
cause for such a decisive step. On
March 3 Air. Gladstone, In nn audience
with the ciueen, gave up the seals of
Hlnce thnt period Mr. Oladstone rare
ly took any part In public, nfi'alrs, but
nin le somo exi eptouiu. when bo Inter
ested himself In favor of the Armen
ians. While at Cannes, In March, ISH7,
lie wrote and published a le'tir to the
duke of Westminster pleading the
cause of Crete nnd Oroeee as npalnst
Turkey. A stolned-glnss window was
unveiled 111 Hnwnrden church In rec
ognition of Mr. Gladstone's efforts In
behalf of the oppressed Armenlnns and
Mrs. Gladstone was presented with a
portrait of his holiness Mlchrldlth I,
supreme patriarch of the Armenians.
Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone left London
for Cannes on November 25. 1S97, and
arrived at the latter place three d lys
later. They remained there for nearly
eleven weeks nnd the homeward ttlp
was beRiin on the lfith of last February
nnd they reached London on the l'J. Ho
has since been slowly dylnir.
An Elevator Drona 0ns Hundred Foot With
Awful Beaulti.
Klfrht men In the employ of the Col
umbian Klreproollnn Company at Hos
ton, Tuesday fell a distance of more
than W0 feet with nn elevator In the
buildlmr now under construction for
the Hoston Wharf Company on A
street. One mnn was Instantly killed,
flvo others have Blnce died of their In
juries, and there is very little hope for
recovery of the other two. Tho dead
are: O. 8. Urown, foreman for tho
llreprooflng; company, twenty-five
years old, a resident of Pittsburg. Pa.;
Michael Grlflln of Fltchbunr, Mass.;
William Duncan. 30 years old; Hruno
Pnmarco, Larborde Caramene, Henry
Harvey. The injured: Daniel Uoyle,
assistant foreman, both legs crushed;
Pletro Pane. Doth the Injured are
fearfully crushed, and It Is thought
they cannot llvej
Bratil'a Mlriliter Loaves For tilbon.
Benor Salvador de Mondonca, who
has represented Itrasll In Washington
In the capacity of minister since 1891,
Wednesday presented his letter of re
call, preparatory to being transferred
to Lisbon, Portugal. The ceremony,
which Is In many cases Utile more than
nn Idle form, was In this case remark
able from the magnificent tribute paid
to our great republic by Senor Mondon
ca, who, having occupied the post of
consul general of Rrazil at New York
for ninny years preceding his promo
tion to the legation, has hnd more ab
undant opportunity for Just criticism
than falls to the lot of most diplomatic
$36,000 has been appropriated by tho
legislature of Jamaica for defence of
the Island.
Eleven people are reported dead In
the vicinity of Ruckford, 111., as a re
sult of the storm last week.
Miss Aura Alger, daughter of the
secretary of war, was married at noon
Wednesday to Mr. Charles Pike.
August Hanke, his wife and four
children perished at Wausau, Wis.,
several days ago during a storm.
At Sklllman Valley, III., Michael Nel
son, his wife and two children were
killed during; a storm a few days ago.
Envelope makers have combined.
They will control DO per cent, of the
product and have a capital of 1700,000.
Joshua Slocum, lone occupant of a
boat sailing around the world and hail
ing from Hoston has arrived at Ht. He
lena, St. Johna, Newfoundland, will be
fortified In consequence of the
relations between Great Britain and
Six men lost their Uvea by the cap
slilng of a row boat on the Allegheny
river at Logan's Ferry, near Pittsburg,
last week.
A tornado caused great disaster at
Albion, Neb,, last Wednesday, An ex
press train ran thirty miles btffore the
wind without steam.
While trying to arrest a party of
counterfeiters, Deputy Sheriff William
flaulsten, of Chattanooga, Tenn., waa
murdered by Charles Russell a Jtew
days ago.
Caainal Prosperity In the Weit-Greatett
Ontpnt it Iron aver Knows.
It. O. Dun A Co.'s review of trade re
ports as follows for lnst week:
Growing accustomed to wnr possi
bilities, which are mostly far from
probabilities of evil, nnd rinding the
nation moving along stendily In Its In
dustries, people lire grasping the Idea
thnt It Is throwing nwny some months
of active nnd profitable life to wait
until wnr clouds !m nusi-ed. Western
prosperity has so greatly overbalanced
timidity of eastern cupl'.nl that ac tual
business done Increases: rnllrond
earnings promise better for May than
a month ngo for April, and puyments
through clearing houses for the week
In Muy show a gain of 3D per cent over
last year and tier cent over 1S!2,
while a month ngo the Increase over
last year was 3:l.H, and compared -with
1M2 there was a decrease of 7.2 per
cent. Several large contracts, kept
back for some weeks because of hos
tilities, have now been placed, and In
stead of works closing or reducing
force, returns show the starling of
some works Ioiir Idle, nnd Increase of
torce or of hours at others. Govern
ment works occupied many establish
ments, but It counts for little compared
with other demands.
The key of the situation Is the pros
perity of the West, which altogether
unprecedented marketing of bread
stuffs has caused, with the prospect
of good crops to come. There pros
pects, and actual receipts of wheat
amounting to 7(1.7 IB bushels for the
week, ngalnst i!.4M.H:il last year, with
advances also In other grnln and cat
tle, have produced n demand for rails,
cars, car materials, fcuclnir. agricul
tural Implements, boots nnd shoes, nnd
all textile goods, which was not antici
pated from eastern lndli atloiis. Kx
ports of wheat do not diminish, but in
three weeks from Atlantic ports, Hour
Included, hnve been i.lisri.rtl bushels,
rr.aliift 4,778,742 last year, and from
Pacific ports 1.73s, 123 bushels, apnlnst
610.637 bushels Inst year. The price of
May w heat fell 4'i.e on Saturday, rose
7: on Tuesday and closed uVisc higher
for the week.
In Iron, notwithstanding the greatest
output ever known, the ilemund has
caused somo ndvnnce In bessemer pig,
with only u slight declin- In the price
of grny forge ut Pittsburg, but full
quotations nre obtained ut Chicago
anil Phllcdclphlu. In bars nnd sheets
the markets are dull, but at the West
are strongly sustained by demands for
cur building, tin pit to manufacture,
ami other uses. In plates nnd struc
tural forma all tho works ore fully em
ployed, nnd rtenerally crowded for
months ahead. Hie contract for fi.utM
tons of urmor plate for Great li-ltnln
has been taken by works far Inland,
with another of smaller amuitlty,
showing that the export demand, In
spite of higher ocean freights. Is not
yet arrested. Tin Is sustained at 11.5
cents by large consumption, ami Inke
copper at 12 cents. In spite of American
production amounting to 22,Wfi tons for
tho month. 111 per cent larger than last
year, with n slight decrease In the pro
duction of foreign mines.
The textile works nre doing rather
better, even the cotton mills, In spite
of their over-production, for some of
large Importance have recently started
again, ami print cloths are a sixteenth
higher. Numerous woolen mills have
been pushed to new activity by gov
ernment orders and prices for a few
grades of goods nre better, with a
stronger tone In the market generally,
although some mills of Importance.
have stopped us their orders for the
season have run out. While sales of
wool are small, (l,.l:;s,P0 pounds for tho
three weeks pnst, against 27.!i(i3.7lH)
pounds last year, the manufacturers
have ample stocks, although some nre
obliged by government orders to seek
In the market grades of wool which
they had not expected to require.
Failures for the week have been 2W
In the I'nlted Stutes ngaltiHt 24H last
year, and 21) In Canada, against 37 last
Tho president lust week approved
the Alaskun homestead and right of
way bill.
drain, it'tuur uJ Jt'e,
WUEAT No. Irud 1 219 1 2
No 3 red 1 18 1 20
COllS Nu. ilymiow, ear 40 47
No. 2 yellow, eballed 42 4it
Mixed ear 41 42
OA 18 No. 2 wullu 80 8
No. 8 white U U7
KVli No. 1 64 Ci
tLOL'lt u later pulmita 0 VO 7 20
1 uuey atrulgkt winter 6 73 U W
11) o flour 4 60 4 00
IlAi No. 1 tluiothy 10 7.") 11 OJ
Clover, No. 1 7 00 7 60
Hay, frotn wngoue 1100 1160
FfcEU No. 1 Wuito Md., ton.. 18 U0 18 60
Urowa middlings IS 80 10 OJ
lirun, bulk IS 00 10 00
STHAW Wheat 6 0J 6 60
Oat 6 60 0 00
BEKDtS Cover, J lb a tjOCgl S 76
lUQuthy, prluia 1 aS 1 6i
Dairy Froduota.
BCTTEIt Elglu Uieuaiery..,.t 17 14
Otilo ereauiury. 13 10
iuuvy uouutry rub 12 13
CULtbE OUlo, new 8 U
New Vurk, new 8 V
Frulta and Vegetable N
LEANS tlreeu, V Uu. 100 l'J
PO'l'A'l'OKS White, pt-r UU.. K0 8.)
LAbUAlili Per eruto 1 23 1 60
O.MUNb Oruea dug, lluueh... 10 12
Poultry, Bta
CHICKENS, V pair nuiuii S 60(g) 63
XUllhhl'S. t" lb 13 10
EUU6 fa.aud Ohio, Iroau.... 10 11
FLOUR S 80 5 00
WHEAT No. li red 1 26 1 80
It YE No. 2 til
COHN Mixed 87 88
OA IU 82
tuns v
11UTXKU OUlo oreainery 17 10
FLOTJH 85 S 12
WHKAT No. Sired 1 8i 1 SO
(JOHN No. 2 mixed 4 J 41
OA'IS No. WUlte bS 87
liUITEH Creamery, extra 10
LUCia Pa. Bnita. a
FLOUR PateuU 7 00 7 60
WHEAT No. 2 red .. 164
OATS Wbile Western I !'. 87
UUTTEU Creamery 14 is
EOUtt Slate of Pauu. 10 11
Prima, 1,800 to 1,400 the S 6 00 S 10
Good, 1,200 to 1,800 Iba 4 00 6 00
Tidy, 1,000 to 1,160 the 4 78 86
Fair light iteern, MX) to 1000 lbs. 4 26 4 70
Common, 700 to 800 lbs., ...... 8 w 4 m
Medium 4to 440
Heatv...... 4 8J 4 S6
Houghs and ataga a 00 8 86
Prime, S to 105 Iba, wethers. . .t 4 10 A 4 JO
Quod. 86 te 80 toe....... 4 13 4 24
Its DliaAvantage Stieniied by Pre;Mn
Iagalli of tha llg Fear.
The Injustice and disadvantages of
the present Inter-State commerce laws
both to the railroads and to the people
were ably set forth In n recent address
by Mr. M. B. Ingalls, President of the
Hlg Four nnd Chesapeake A Ohio rail
roads. The orcnslon was the tenth nn
nunl convention of Itallrond Commis
sioners held In Washington, May 10.
Mr. Ingalls sold that the railroads
hnd reached a crisis, where something
must be done to avoid disaster not
only to the railroads but also to the
innterlal Interests of the country.
Since the enactment of the Inter
state commerce law In 1887, some pro
vision of thnt Inw has been constantly
under consideration either by congress
or tho courts. Now It Is admitted that
state legislatures have control over the
railroads with regard to locnl business
end congress has power as regards Inter-state
In reference to the control of States
the Supreme court has Just decided
thnt stnte control must be rennnnnble,
nnd that rates cannot be reduced below
a point where railroads can earn their
expenses and a fair profit.
In 1SH7 It was decided by the Supreme
court that the Shermnn anti-trust law
applied to the railroads contrary to tho
assertions of railroad men. Under the
rulings of this law It was practically
Imjxtsslble to make any arrangements
for the maintenance of tariffs. Tho
tariffs are now but little respected by
the rallronds. Prlvnto nrrnngements
with lnrge shippers will sooner or Inter
utterly ruin the smnller traders.
Many railroad managers are carrying
freight far below cost.
A Ay must be found by which rail
road tariffs can be maintained and the
practice of secret rates ami contracts
discontinued. Tho settlement of this
question not only concerns the rail
roads but also one-fifth of the people
of the country, who are directly inter
ested In rnllronds.
The chief dllllculty with the Inter
state commerce law Is that the pun
ishments are entirely out of proportion
with the offences. The Imprisonment
clause has not public sentiment In Its
favor, and It also prevents one railroad
from prosecuting another.
The public, does not believe In the
law nnd what Is the result? Honest
railroads see their business going to
opposing lines: honest merchunts nre
undersold by others who have no scru
ples In making private contracts with
railroads. Honest railroads and mer
chants nre thus compelled of necessity
to break the law themselves or face
certain ruin.
Two changes should lie made In the
present laws to better the condition of
First, the Imprisonment clnuse
should bo stricken out and a fine of
$5,000 Imposed Instead. The shipper
should not be punished at all In bis ef
forts to secure low rntes. Should ynt
punish him you would not be able to
secure his testimony.
Second, rullroads should be permit
ted to contract with each other for the
maintenance of rates and the division
of business. These would legnllze con
tracts between rnllrond corporation.
To-day such a contract would bo con
spiracy. There should be no friction between
the Interstate commerce laws and the
rnllronds, but the commission should
become the aid of the railroads.
Unless some change Is mnde ns has
been Indicated the small shippers will
be extinguished, and a few men of
large capital will control the entire
merchandise business.
A resolution of thanks was voted
Mr. Ingalls for his nddross, and his
tuiggostluns were referred to a special
A School nirl's Tlnttla.
From Tilt Mail, Milford, Int.
Miss Emma Ilybolt, a prepossessing eehoo
girl of Mllford, lad., Is ot more tliau usual
Intelligence, aud ut ambitious to rise lu the
literary world.
"Ia the fall of 1890," stld Mrs. Ilybolt,
"Emma was taken ill. She was a close
student nod her work began to tell on her.
She grew weak, pale and nervous, and aom
plaluod ot pains In her back, chest and
limbs. A few weeks passed and sjio grow
worse. ' The doctor suld she was a vlotlin of
nervous prostration, and should have been
token from school weeks earlier. Shegradu
ally grew worse, her nervea were so tense
thnt the least noise Irritated her and she
had a fover and a continual twltohlng ia
her muscles. Tho symptoms were much
Uko St. Vitus' dauoe.
A y e a 1
paused, and,
under a
0 h a n go ol
p hyaiuinns,
m m a be
came some
what better
but sooo was
as bad as
ever. One
day I read of
a oaseslmlbw
to here Whbfb
waa cured by
ITir Italllt. Dr. Wllllama'
rink Tills for Pale People and I decided to
try them,
'Emma bad no faith In proprietary modi
elnei but tried tbe pilla, and after taking a
dozea doaea, she began to improve. It was
about tb first of April when she began and
by the middle ot May, alter taking about
eight boxes, she was entirely oared.
"While 111, she lost twenty-eight ponnds,
hat now wolghs more tbaa ever before.
Her nervea are etrong and ebe is In perfect
health. Wo are all oontldent that Dr. Will
iams' Pink Pills for Pale People cared
her, and I cheerfully reoommead them la
all similar coses. Mas. E. A. Htbolt."
Subearlbed and sworn to before me, this
third day of September, 1897.
Caleb lUxns, Notary Publle.
Dr. Williams' Plak Pills tor Pale People
will care all dlseasea arlalng from a poor
and watery condition ot the blood,- will
build up a run down system and are a spe
eillo for paralysis, iooomotor ataxia and
otliac dbwssei loos regarded as lacaiabran
For over 100 years a weekly distribu
tion of bread has taken place at St.
John's chapel, one of the Trinity par
ish churches. New York city.
Beauty la Bitted Deep,
Clean blood meant a clean akin. No beauty
without it Caaoareta, Candy Cathartlo clean
your blood and keep it oleao, by atirring op
tho lasy liver and driving all Impurities
from tbe body. Bella to day to banteb
plutulem bulla, blotches, blackheads, and that
lekly bilious complexion by taking Caa
oareta, beauty fur 10 cert. All druinrteta,
atiafactioa guaranteed, lfo, SOu, 260, 60u.
Among the Turks bath-money forms
an item In every marriage contract,
the husband engaging to allow his wife
a certain sum for bathing- purposes. If
it be withheld, she has only to go be
fore the Cadi and turn her slipper up
side down. If the complaint be not
then redressed. It Is a sufficient ground
for divorce.
Mo-To-Bm for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobaooo habit cure, makes weak
man streng, bhxid pure, 60a, AUdrangl.t
In all the capitals of Europe except
London some theaters are kept up by
the. Government, suppsrt.
Of the Wild Variety, They Respond
Meadlly to Man's Coll,
The most Interesting thing at Tort
Tampa Is the duck, l'ort Tampa Is
collection of piers, but there la a hotel
built on piles that are dressed In sewer
pipe trousers to keep the teredo awny.
No shooting; is allowed around the
grounds or the piers, and, of course,
not a IMtlo stuff Is thrown from the
hotel thnt Is good food for ducks, peli
cans and gtills. Accordingly these
birds come about the hotel In flocks,
nnd not only are they without fear of
the people there, but they have learned
to come for food when any one whistles
for them its If for a dog.
"At first It seems as If the birds come
as readily to the call of one person as
of another, but the fact Is thnt two or
three people about the hotel are on
speaking terms with them. The birds
know their voices, and ore plnlnly very
friendly with them. At an old boat
landing stage the pelicans gather a doz
en at a time, and, sitting there In the
sun, preen tlielr feathers and scrnti.'li
their ribs with their long, ungainly
looking bills. The foot thnt a lot of
people are standing six feet away Is In
so way disturbing to them unless some
tinniHiinorly fellow pokes them with A
cane. In that event the bird gives the
Intruder a white-eyed' look of astonish
ment and titters a protest tn a voice
that Is so getttle and delicate as to
make one wonder where In the world
such an ungainly bird got It. ' Then It
flops Its way to safety beyond tho piers.
If undisturbed tho pelicans often pil
low their heads on their bucks ad take
a nap, but In thnt position they nre
quickly observed by the tourist who
thinks It Is fun to make trouble fot
quiet folks, and they are quickly snnred
by a cane-crook and sent flapping to
the water.
"Only the smaller ducks come about
the hotel, but they are escedlngly lienti
tlful nnd graceful In their movements,
while the gulls In their dancing flight
nre of endless Interest. No one has txled
to teach tho birds to come to hnnd fot
fond, It Is said, but It Is plain thnt any
one with knowledgo nnd tact and love
might establish nn acquaintance there
that would enable him to write a most
Interesting story about our feathered
brothers afloat."
Ministers Will no Scarce,
During the academic year 18DtV97
tbe twenty-one tionnnn universities
granted 2,371 doctors' degree, 1,187 of
them In medicine, 820 In philosophy,
B35 lu law and 20 In theology. Erlnngen
seems to be the favorite pluce for tbe
flnnl examinations, &S2 degrees having
been taken there.
An Antl-SJnbatltiitlon Victory.
Allen S. Olmsted, of Lo Itoy, N. Y., whose
phrase, "A sample sent free on applica
tion," Is so ubiuultous In tho newspapers,
won a signal victory when Justice Lnugh
II11, In Supreme Court, DufTulo, Issued a
permanent Injunction on the ground thnt
Ike Foot Powder In quostlon wns nn in
fringement on 'oof Kate, the original one,
for slinking Into shoes, ote. Suits will be
brought fignlnst nil others who Imitate, his
trail" tunrk, powder or sutnpla packages,
which packages are sent free, A postal
cnril addressed Allen S. Olmsted, Le ltoy,
N. X., gives yoar feet relief.
A Persian carpet has been In use for
200 years In the main hall of the Shah's
palace In Teheran.
Don't TobBCoo Spit and Smoke Yonr Life Away.
To quit, tolmcco easily and forever, lie nine
netlo. full f life, nerve nnd vigor, tike Nn-To.
lirto, the wonder-worker, that umkc weak
men strnnx. All driiKXIsts. .Mki or gl. t'uru
tfimrnnteel. Ifook let and sample free. AdrlrcM-,
Sterling Kenicdy Co., Chlcutto or New York.
The elephant does not smeH with his
trunk. His olfactory nerves are con
tained In a single nostril, which Is in
the roof of the mouth, near Vie front.
To Cars s Cold In One Dny.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All
DruL-giita refund monejr if it falls tocure. Stic,
The postal department has ruled thnt
employes called to service In the mili
tary will be granted leave of absence
without pay, their positions to be re
tained for them on returning.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Casearets Candy Cathartic. Wo or 9V;.
If C. CO. fall tocure, uniKKlhU refund monuy.
The barking of a dog on the earth
can be heard by a balloonist at an ele
vation of four miles.
I cannot speak too highly of Plso'a Care for
Consumption. Mus. I-hank Mo 11 us, MS W.
Sid St., New York. Oct. -U 1SU4.
mnt free, Klondike Map
From Gold Commission's official survey. Ad
dress Gardner & Co Colorado Spring. Cole,
Worth Double the
fry ? 4fU6&
Maksss Hill Climbing Kaay.
Thit Is tho verdict of those who hsvo ridden them. Csll on stmost
sny Columblc desler snd try ons. It won't cost you anything.
We continue to make the best chain wheels in the world.
We use the same material and the same care in building Col
umbia Chain Wheels that we do with the Chainless.
Clbla) Ckals) Wheals, . a a . i
Hartfart) Mefelae a a e
VaaJstU Weyelaa, . . . . . e e
Machine tad Prion Oumnateod.
POPE r.lFG. CO.,
Wbsa Es-lst Ezclsbsdi "Ay, Tksrs't (ha Hub I"
The customs authorities hare day
elded thnt the Chinese tom-tom n,m
musical instrument. , . .?
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
Bud refreshing to the taflto, and actf
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver nnd Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches end fevers and enres habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tha
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac
ceptable to tbe stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in it
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and hnvo rhado it the most
popular remedy known. '
Byrup of Figs is for sale in 69
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it- on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try ft. Do not accept any
bum mttoisco, on.
toumiiu. nr. lie M rornr, 'l-
"A Perfect Type of tho Highest Order ot
Excellence In Manufacture. "
Absolutely Pure,,
..Costs less Than CHE CEHTaCnp..
fie sure that you net the Genuine Article,
nude at DORCHESTER, MASS. by
J F.STA11LI1H1D 1780.
earrtea ovnr from 1M7 tn tut
oe tterw w, Haw
ntH vrj, ail ttyiei.
ijajn viiuipwani,
nut, -."'..'r ii.uiLuurru in
10 to SO 17. No uav till
rnreil. Ir..I. InNtephcine.
Dept. A. UbuttD, Ohio.
P N U 21 '!
mlMM HINT?." ""rafl etnetfalMoarau
Inu. M p;e. Kew BrlRht I.ltereinre.Hpe-l
Wuinan Department. Greet clnbbiue: Offer. 1 al
treerly. Multiple ropr ami nr-mluee llei, 6e-
liB?rilTAnMI - rousts, rtnt
"'VX.VX i Thompson', Eyi water
lenti Witnt.l Free otitflt. PcvnrnJ enrrn
A K weekly. Hratttce, 43 I'oail, New York
Price of the Best
Chain Bicycle.
Wff h WlkJ" JC&aW'at a will payment. Writ
VfUyi:TCy,'iui ifrsrain list nd mrt rftfalofn ft
WBSmvf w7Tn nvstcla. liU Vt'I K I HFrV
wuon tocWrtiffl thtm. bend tor on. Jftdcp
nutid. Learn bow to arn Bleeleand raak aiontyl
K If. tHEAD CVCXt CO..ii'A. hicasJ
Mm. ...
j Beit CohbyrupTTaiate Good! Cm I
In tlmw. Sold by dnufglBta. f
, Chainlets Bicycles
; $7.
$40, M.
Hartford, Conn.