The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 18, 1898, Image 4

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Tftc Star.
SubKcriptitnt tt.fiO per year, or $1.00 if
. paid nhiclUi in adrunct.
V. A. HTKPIIKNWO. Kdltor nnd I'nb.
Anlndeprmloht local pnper. published every
Wednesday it Kevnoldsvllle, .IptTerson Co.
Pa., devoted to the Interest of Itcynoldsvlllo
and JelToriwineouiity. Non-pollllriil. will treat
all with fairness, nml will he especially frlcnd
Ijr towards the Inborlng class.
Subscription price 1 .00 per yenr.ln sdvnnoe.
Communications Intended for publication
must he accompanied by the writer's name,
not for publication, lint as a guarantee of
good faith. Interesting newsllcmssollclted.
Advertising rales mndn known on applica
tion at the office In I'roehlleh-llcnr.v Mock.
Lenghty communication nnd change of
advertisement should reach thin office by
Mondny noon.
Address all communications toO. A.Hteph
nson, Keynnldsvlllo, Pa.
Entered nt thn poslofflee it KoynoldsvlUe,
Pa., a second class mall matter.
, or Hid Urn Hoimt'iiii,
fublppt loiiPllon of I bp Hcpiilillonnsof Jeffer
son I'o. nt t In prlinnry clcdioti Jump In, 'l.
A law lius boon passed In IMltsbiirfr
forbtddlntr boy under t'ljhtonn ypars
of ge from playing vmioI In that city,
or to even frequent pool rooms.
It Is a pot theory of various foreign
journal that tlio war for Cuban free
dom is a war of pelf and conquest on the
part of this country; yet tho fact Is that
the rccrultlnn of troops at $13 a month
has practically killed tho rush of young
men to the Klondike, where they could
earn $13 a day and run no yellow fever
chances. There's no pold for tho sol
diers In this enmpuljrn, but it Is brimful
of glory. -Philadelphia Wrnrd.
Much bus been said about waiting till
the inspiration comes before doing any
thing. This is a dangerous notion.
Possibly some genius has produced a
great poem or story or painting under
tho influence of a strange spell. Hut
thousands who have waited for the
spell arc waiting still, or have died
waiting, never having accomplished
anything. It is a spell of laziness that
troubles them. There is no short cut
to great achievements. It Is work,
hard work, steady work, that conquers.
The man who refuses to allow disincli
nation to stop him will finish his courso
with joy.
Tho biggest guns In the United States
navy are 411 feet long, big enough for
a man to crawl Into; four feet in diam
eter at their largest part, and weigh
135,500 pounds, or thereabouts. The
powder used Is brown. A charge for
the biggest guns weighs 500 pounds,
and is hoisted to the breech by a du
rick, the powder being sewed up in
burlap bags. It costs $500 every time
one of the big guns on board a ship is
Bred. A big battle ship has on board
an electric plant capable of lighting a
town of 5,000 inhabitants. The boiler
of tho Iowa havo a heating surfaco of
eight acres, and hold 30 tons of water,
The Indiana could lie outsido Sandy
Hook and throw 1,200-pound shots into
New York at the rate of four a minute.
There was quite a large crowd on our
streets last Saturday and Sunday.
Chopping dono to order at Ludwlck's
saw mill.
When we go to Cuba we will show
the Dons where they are "at," won't
Deacon George Myors was seen on our
streets last Sunday.
Pei-sons riding through our town on
bicycles should ring their bolls, for
children are sometimes playing on the
streets nnd might get run over if the
bulls don't ring.
A person in our town walked up to
scarecrow last Friday nnd said, "Hello!
John," but John didn't "hello," and the
gentleman walked up a little closer and
said, "Is this the road to Paradise?"
The scarecrow didn't answer tho Inter
Mward Hillis lias been on the sick
list the past few days.
John Lntt, and C. K. Keller mndo a
flying trip to Sykesvlllo Irst Monday.
P. 1. Koltor and CS. F. IV iUr havo
taken a bnrk job from the conl company
nt Kleanora. They have alxut 10,000
feet to cut and fourteen men nro em
ployed on tho job.
Seott Syphrit nnd A. L. Sheesly were
n Sykcs lust Sunday evening.
The Sunday Schnnl 2'imtn in an cdr
rial on "The Uplifting Power of e
kood Opinion" says: "It Is better to bo-
lieve that a man may be bettor than he
fseems, than to suspect mm oi Doing
worse than he is. What he really is
we can never fully know; what he
seemB to be is not, in this Ufa, what he
fully is. At best we do not see more
, than a fraction of any man. Bis ideals,
his best yearnings are In a large part
Invisible to the world; his resistance of
temptations is carried on in strict pri
vacy, and his noblest triumphs forever
hold their own secret. And yet we
play a large part In this submerged
. ' ootid not of our neighbor. His Godward
aspirations und resistance power against
evil are both strengthened by our be
lieving him to be bettor than we see
him; hU liability to fall Is Increased by
- our suspicion that ho Is weaker or
worse than he really Is. Suspecting a
man helps to muke him worthy of sun-
. "irtolon; trusting him begets in him
trustworthiness; rospectlng him raise
him toward truo respectability."
Men and women who nave never
known what it is to have an abundance
of the good things of this life, who
have always been engaged In a hand to
hand struggle with poverty, sometimes
dream waking dreams in which they
Imagine that success has come to thorn
at last. This always takes the form of
wealth an Inexhaustible bank account
and power to command all life's luxur
ies. But It is open to question whether
there Is any reul success in the accumu
lation of material things. In a recent
issue tUe New York Times reooiiuta the
fCitfstory ot a resident of that city who
accumulated several millions during his
lifetime, but who lived in squalor and
misery and died surrounded by quarrel
ing relatives who had not a particle of
affeotlon for him and who were anxious
that he might leave the world In order
that they might come into possession of
his millions. Such a live oould scarcely
be called a success. A man may not
have ary surplus oatib; he may . find it
dlfiioult to make both ends meet, but if
- he have a roof over his head, a true
wife and loving children of whom he
feels that he may be proud, and if his
conscience U void of offense toward God
or can, he it what we would call a sue
c - ul man.' A 1 toon Tribune.
It is just as important to look after
tho morals of a town as it 1b to look
after commercial Interests. Had Punx
sutawney no churches, no schools, no
society of any kind where the highest
standard of morality is taught, there
would be no demand for houses, tho
price of properties would depreciate and
business men would soon seek a town
where it would be safe for an invest
ment. Tho highest stnndard of moral
ity that a town can attain makes it that
much more a desirable place to live in
and do business in. Tho person who Is
ever on the sido of high morals, public
spirited, alwnys foHtnringand encourag
ing all measures and movoments looking
to tho advancement of his town and tho
state of his people, is a public benefactor
even if ho cannot build public libraries,
endow asylums and institut ions of learn
ing. PnnxBUtawney Xnr.
An Enterprising Druggist.
There are fow men more wide awake
and enterprising than 11. A. Stoko who
spares no pains to secure the best of
everything In his line for his many cus
tomers. They now hnvo the valuable
agency for Dr. King's Now Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs nnd Colds. This
is the wonderful remedy that is pro
ducing such a furor all over tho country
by its many startllngcures. It absolutely
cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness
and all affections of the Throat, Chest
and Lungs. Call at above drug store
and got a trial bottle free or a regular
size bottle for 50cents and $1.00. Guar
anteed to cure or price refunded.
Whenever you borrow a paper and
see an item that don't suit your fancy,
don't get mnd at tho editor and want to
lick him, but go to tho man you bor
rowed it from. It Is his property and
he needs a licking for being jay enough
to loan it to an ignoramus who won't
subscribe, vet wishes to dictate as to
how it shull be edited. Kxchange.
We aro tnking orders forspring deliv
ery on phosphate aim MctJormlcK
mowers nnd binders. We are selling
sleighs, hay, Bait, flour, feed, dry goods,
groceries and drugs. Come in and see
J. C. King & Co.
Men's shoes, very fine, made of Vlcl,
In black and tan $2.00 a pair at Robin
son s.
Over 100 pulr of shoes at J. E. Welsh
& Co.s' way down In price.
Try a pair of J. K. Welsh & Co. 'a
heavy bunk shoes for mining.
Two Women Swindlers.
Two women havo been doing an ex
tensivo swindling business among farm-
r's wives in surrounding counties.
I hey aro very plainly dressed, tell a
good tulo of poverty, nnd drive around
an old horso and wagon, in which they
carry silks and laces. They tell a
smooth talo of dealing with a largo
jobbing house, and generally manngo
to sell at a big reduction in ten yard
lots of silks which they say aro worth
four dollars a yard, for about $1.25 a
yard. The goods turns out to bo worth
about fifty cents a yard. They also sell
a very cheap lace at a big prico as hand
made lace. Lock Havon Jkmocrat.
How to Look Good,
Good looks are really uioro than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition ot all tho vital organs. If the
liver is Inactive, you havea bilious look;
if your stomach is disordered, you have
dyspeptic look: If your kidneys aro
affected, you havo a pinched look.
Secure good looks and you will surely
have good looks. "Electric Bitters"
is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts
directly on the stomach, liver and kid
neys, purifies the blood, cures pimples,
blotches and bolls, and gives a good
complexion. Every bottle guaranteed
Sold at H. A. Stoke'a Drug Store. 50
cents pur bottle.
From Manufacturers.
King - Guaranteed
Single Tube Tire,
Light and Fast, yet Strong
and durable.
Thk Kino Mfo. Co.,
has a complete lino of Spring
and Summer Goods, Ladles'
and Gen's' Furnishings of all
kinds at lowest prices.
Now is tho tiino for
and you will find everything
you need in the lino of Oil
Cloth, Window Shades, Laco
Curtains, Stair Oil Cloth,
Ac., at our store. It is Im
possible, to glvo a full list or
prices, but if you call you will
find our goods and prices
satisfactory. Everything is
guaranteed. It costs you
nothing to examine our stock.
We have conducted our busi
ness here for
Six Years
and have always used our
customers right. Our motto:
"Quick Sales and Small
People Who Pay the Printer.
The following persons have paid their
subscriptions or added' their names to
our list since last week:
J. M. Duemer, Panic, May 11, 'M.
A. V. King, Hopkins, Jun. 1, 'Ml.
H. B. Leach, Alton, Kansas, February 13, 'TO,
H. V. Ilorpol, Hoynnldsvlllo, Muy 11, '99.
F. K. Alexander, Itcynoldsvlllo, February
2 'W.
James Patrick, liatljniol. May 23, '90.
Jonotlian Whltmore, Roynoldavllle, Feb
ruary 80, H7.
0. 11. Hroadhcad, Itcynoldsvlllo, May 11, 'W.
I. M. Stauffor, West lteynoldsvllle. May
11, '00.
W. B. Hood, Hopkins, newl May 1, 'DO. "
Dr. J. II. Noale, Itcynoldsvlllo, May 11, 'OH.
Henry Bnyder, lteynoldsvllle, Mav II, '00.
Harry Hurton, Fallon, May 11, 'us.
Mrs. liuih Clark, KoynoldsvlUe, February
!, '119.
Joaliua Harris, CartrlKlit, June 11, '98.
James Catlicart, Keynoldnvlllo, May 11, '99.
W. A. Hrnltli, Went Ueynoldnvlllo, May 2, '99.
Bucklen'i Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo lu the world for cuta,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, totter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
oonta per box. For sale by H. Alex.
Do You Know ?
' Do you know that if you know of any
thing we dou't know, and which the
people ought to know if it is worth
knowing, that it la your duty to let us
know, so that people may also know
that which you know, but they don't
know because you know but won't let
us know?
Handsomo derbies and Alpines just
received at Milllrens.
For neat fitting suit go to Snyder &
Johns, fashionable tailors
Something rare, a stock of baU and
nookttee like that displayed at Mllllreu's.
Save Ten Per Cent.
I will be at the following plares at the
times staled below, to receive stale und
County taxes and all taxes HHACruteU by the
niorciLntiiH Ai,nniiMr. ror wiiirn laKt niimv i
taxon. union uald on or before I ho unit day of
July next., huh iiiuni iw uroiiKiii, uy uirecuon
or aci or ANHoinoiy.
June 1. Heaver towiiHbln. Obi. to 9 a. m.
junel, Heaver lowimlilp and Wortlivllle bor-
otnrh. wni'thvlllo hotel. 10 a. m. to 12 ni.
June 1, ltiiiKKold township, lilimKold, 1 to 3
n. m.
June 1, Porter towmtlilp, Elkln's store, 4 to 5
p. m.
June 2, Perry township, Ferrysvllle hotel, 7 to
lua. ni.
June 2, Perry township, Frost burg hotel, 11 a.
in. tn 2 n. In.
June 2, Clay vlllo horounh, Llndsey hotel, 2 to
it p. m.
June a, Punxxutawney borouKli, Hotel Pan-
lull, 7.00 a. in. to p. in.
June 4, VnuiiK and Hell township, Hotel Pan-
lull. 7 a. ni. to II t. in.
June II, Hell township, Henry Ill-own s, B to
9 a. ni.
June I), GasktU township, Qlhson'a store, 10 to
II u. in.
June (I, Hlt Kun borouKli, Hotel MuCIuro, 1 to
7 it. iii.
June 7, Henderson township, Isaac Plfer's, 8
tovu. in.
Juno 7, McCalmont township, Curt North's, 11
a. in. 1,1 I n. in.
Juno 7, Oliver township, OHveburK store, 3 to
. 4 p. ni.
June 7, Oliver township, Cool Spring, 6 to 8
a. m.
Junes, Knox township, Knoxdale postotnee,
N lo III a. ni.
June M, Plriocieok township, Emcrlrkvllle, 11
a. in. to 1 p. ni.
June H, Warsaw township, west, Ulchurds-
ville, 3 to 4 p. in.
June 17, Heyuoldsvllle borough and Wlnslow
ijiwnMtiln. 7 a. m. tod n. ni.
Tune is. West ltoyuoTdsvllle liorotigh und
wlnslow townslilu. 7 a. m. to fi n. ni.
June 20, Warsaw township, east, Fox's hotel,
s to u a. m.
June 20, Washington township, lower, Hook
dull, nostottlcu. 10 to 11 a. in.
June 21). Washington township, Falls Creek,
Hotel I.auiontau ue. 12 m. to 4 u. m.
June 20. Washington township, upper, Wash
ington hotel, 6 to 8 p. in.
June 21. Huyder township and Hrookway vllle
borough, Logan house, H a. ni. lo V p. ni.
June 22, Folk township, Webster's store, 8 to
V a. in.
June 22, Heath township, Win. Kelley'a, 11 a.
in. to 12 in.
June 22, Harnett township, Wallace's, I to 8
p. in.
June 22, F.ldred township, glgel hotol, I to (
p. Dl.
June 23, Corsica borough und IT n Ion township,
(JIm mi's. H Ik. ni. lo 12 in.
June 23, Huiuinervlile borough and Clover
township. Osbum's, 1 to U p. in.
June 23, Clover, township, iiaxter poatofflue,
ui o p. ni.
June 24, Urookvllle boro'h, Treasurer's office.
i utu HO, Hone township, Treasurer onto.
April M, lrtli. (Juuuly Treasurer.
10,000 Rolls
Is in no way displayed to
better advantage than it is on
the walls. We hang paintings
there to please the eye. Wall
Papers that are veritable pic
tures for beauty and attrac
tiveness are shown in our
special assortment of
in many different patterns.
The number of our designs,
great as it is, is far less notable
than their merit and novelty.
In quality, too, our papers run
along a high ' plane of value.
Only our prices strike a low
level. In the matter of
we are second to none. We
try to get the best the market
affords, and everything we
sell goes out on positive guar
antee, and "money back if you
want it."
We carry Berry Bros.' Hard
Oil and Elastic Finishes, Liquid
Granite for floors, Harrison
Bros.' Liquid Filler Varnishes,
Oil Colors, Oil Stains, and
Ready-Mixed Paints, Plastico,
&c; in fact, there is nothing
made in the paint line that we
cannot supply on short notice.
We now offer you a line of
Sherwin & Williams' Special
Interior Colors that insure a
harmony of color with your
, wall paper. No more need of
guessing at it.
Sole agent for
Adamant and Victor Wall Plasters
the only dependable wall plasters on the
market to-day. Many imitations,