The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 04, 1898, Image 3

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Hope Returned
Stomaoh and tlverTroub'es Cured
by Hood's Sarsoparllla.
"I aufforad from stomach- and llvar trou
bles ami wm conflnail to my bouse tor
long ttm.. I was ntlrelv daof In one ear.
I ondur.d Rrsat dtstrus In my stomaon
and could not est tanartj food. I had given
ap hop of ever being well, tteadl.ia of
tare by Hood's 8aranparlll t decided to
(trait atrial. Boon after I began taking
It I could se. It had a good etfeot. I eon.
tinned Its us nntil my deafness was cured
and my stomach and liver troubles rs
tl.vad." W. T. Nortoh, Canlstoo, N. Y.
sJ parilla
Is America's Or'atent Mwllelne. SI; six for $8.
Hood's Pills IZ'AA T
Japan Is almost as Inrire as Califor
nia, huvln 147.000 iimrt milts, while
the American .Htnto has ir.8,000.
Scant? la Blood Deep
Clean blood mentis a clean skin. No
tieanty without it. CascsreU, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the Inty liver and driving all im-
Iiuritie. from the body, lli-gin to-dny to
aniah pimples, boils, blotches, blankhends,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Csscarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gist, satisfaction guaranteed, 10fc,25c,50o.
Th avernpe hole-tit of the French
woman Is 6 feet 1 Inch. The American
women are nearly 2 Inches taller, and
the women of Great Britain 1-2 Inch
taller than their American sisters.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take tftxntlve RrnmoQiiinlneTnlileta. All
DruKKi'ts refund money if It falls to euro. Sic.
The Papuans of the Malay coast of
New Guinea are still In the moet pri
mitive state. They are wholly unac
quainted with metals, and make their
Weapons of stone, bones and wood.
To Car Constipation Forsvett
Take Cascarets dimly Cittrmrile, loo orBIa
It & O. ft fall to euro, dru.ioia refund money.
The Italian or Parmesan cheese must
be cut with a saw and Is used malnl
In cooking, being grated.
An Unique Game.'
Tor a simple aruusDruent try the tele
graph game. Provide ns many tele
graph blanks as there are guests. They
will give them for the asking at any
telegraph office. Select the Initial letter
of tea words; for Instance, T, II, 11, A,
E, E, I, W, 8, G. Hand eaeh guest a
telegraph blank, and hnve him or her
write .thereon a message to you, using
those "letters for the beginning of each
Of the ten words. Collect the telegrams
and read aloud. If letters not common
ly used In making words, like Z, X. Y,
etc., be selectedthe greater Ingenuity
Is required to write the telegram. For
Instance, using the letters above for an
Illustration, one could write:
Starting rolnt, March 1, 1808. 10 p. m
Mrs. J. U. Blank:
This has been an enjoyable evening.
Will say good-night.
Of course, each person has the same
letters, and the Idea Is to note the di
rerslty of the sentences. Woman's
Borne Companion.
A Comparison of Bea an1 Land.
I The triviality of the sea compared
With the land Is the theme of a recent
article by John Holt Schooling. A
bucket 743 miles deep and 743 miles
from sides to side would hold every
drop of the ocean. This bucket conld
rest quite firmly on the British Isles,
To Oil the bucket one would need to
work 10,000 steam pumps, each suck'
Ing np 1,000 tons of sea per second, for
22 years. So If any one wants to be
rid of the sco, the way Is plain. But to
get rid of the earth would be 4.655 timet
more difficult, requiring 2,000 great
guns, each firing 1.000 projectiles a sec
ond, each projectile consisting of 100,
000 tons of earth.. At the end of 1,000
years this mundane sphere would be all
shot away. '
Read Her Own Obituary.
Mine. Pnttl has had the uncanny
perlence of reading ber own obituary
notices, the Australian papers having
made the mistake of supposing that
she, and not her husband, died recently,
Suffered four years with female trou
bles, hhe now writes to Mrs. Finkham
of her complete recovery. Bead her
letter: -
DcAn Mas. Pikeham: I wish you to
publish what Lydia E. Pinkham's
Yegctablo Compound, Sanative Wash
and Liver Pills
have done for
I suffered
for four years
with womb
trouble. My
doctor said I
had falling of
the womb.
also suffered
with nervous
Yimstmt inn. futnt..
all-pona feelinpa. nnlnita.
tlon of the heart, hearing-down sensa
tion and painful menstruation. I could
not stand but a few minutes at a time,
When I commenced taking your med
icine I could not sit up half a day, but
before I had used half a bottle I waa
up and helped about my work.
I have taken three bottles of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
used one package of Sanative Wa&h,
and am ourcd of all my troubles. I feel
like a new woman. I can do all kinds
of housework and feel stronger than I
ever did in my life. I now weigh 131tf
- pounds. Before using your medicine I
weighed only 108 pounds. '
Surely it is the grandest medicine for
weak woman ihufc ever Mas, and my
advice to al who are suffering from
any female trouble Is to try it at once'
., and . be well. Your medicine has
proven a blcaslng to me, and I cannot
praise it enough. Mrs. LuciGoobwik,
x:y, W. vo.
mm state ns coim
Whole Community Shaken by the Settling of
a Kins men Kntomneo.
Durvcn. six miles from Pcranton, was
vlxltpil last neck bv one of the most
extensive and dntmiKlng mine settling
thnt hn ever occurred In this pan oi
the anthracite conl regions. The cave
In took place over the old worklmta In
the Hnllstend mine, owned by the Dela
ware, Laekawnnna and western com- ;
pany, and extends over a territory of
one-half to three-quarter or a mile
square In one of the most thickly popu
lated parts of the town, and ailucta.
mure or less, 100 stores and dwellings.
Two men, Thomns Williams and David
lOinanuel, were entombed In the mine.
All the houses In the Immediate vie nity
rocked as thouch shnken by an earth
quake, and through the wide openings
In the surface flowed streams of water,
et loose by the breaking of the water
mains. Chimneys were leveled to the
ground, and foundations, rocks and
furniture were tumbled In profusion
about the apartments.
The following pensions were granted
Inst week: Hubert Wilson. Thorn Hill,
Allegheny, $; Joseph W. Whiten, Bar
tholin, Washington, $: Samuel C.
Dewoody, Soldiers' home, Krle, 16; ,
Vachel Catlin, West Newton, West
moreland, 12; Jer. W. Collins, dead;
Monongnhela, $S to $12; Andrew J.
Davis, t'harlesvllle, Jledford, i to $10;
Joseph Fessenden, Millport, Potter, SIS
to S17; John A. J. William. Wagner,
Milliln. 16 to $; Dnnlel Eli, Hollenback,
Bradford, 18 to $10; Jaon T. Glebner,
Sharon, $10 to $15: Hannah Miller. New
Kranklln, Franklin, $8; Mary K. Beam.
Falrnort City. Clarion. $8; Mary A.
Stlmmers, Braddock, $8; Lovlna Col
lins. Monongahela, $8; Mary Martin,
mother, Dunnlngsvllle, Washington,
$12; Emily E. Merrick, Academy Cor
ners, Tioga, $12; Alice Harper, Mena-
vllle, $12. Absolom Cousin, oil City,
$12; Edgmonte V. Green, Erie, n;
Robert A. Henderson, McConnells
Mills, Washington, $8; Benjamin Crane,
Pltvla, Blair, $10; James M. Patterson,
New Kensington, $8; James tiny, Dun
bar, $B; Charles McMannu. Blnlrsvllle,
to $S; Erastus Hobb, Belief on te, $6 to
$12; James B. Hurst, Mt. Pleasant, $12
to $14; John Fenlcle, DunCnnnon, $fl to
JS; John W. Ayers, McAlvey's Fort,
Huntingdon. $14 to $17: William Eck-
unrd, llradenvllle, $0 to $10; Edward
Beckwlth, Hannah, Center. $6 to $12;
Wllllnm H. Barrett. Mnnorvllle, $;
Levi Bird DufT, Pittsburg, $15; Luclnda
Copelnnd, East Hickory, Forest, $S;
Elizabeth E. White, McKeesport, $8;
Roger Morgan, Altoona, $12; George
Fischer, Great Belt, Butler, $0; Philip
Gruver, Gomersol, Butler, $8; David
Swope, Bennett, $6 to $8; Patrick Han-
ley (dead), Pittsburg-, $12; John Gra
ham, New Castle, $8 to $12; James Mc-
Brlde, New Alexander, $12 to $17; James
S. Jones, Greensboro, $8 to $12; Moses
Yocum, Curwensvllle. $8 to $10; Lucy A.
Hoover, Garrett, Somerset, $8; minors
of Charles Marks, Lewlston, $12; minor
of Bobert Harper, Shade Gap, Hunt
ingdon, $12.
Fred Rockwell and Patrick Banya
were hanged In the Elk county Jail
Tuesday, being the first persons hanged
In the history of the county. Both men
died from strangulation. Both murder
ers confessed to their spiritual advis
ers. The crime for which Rockwell
was hanged was the murder, on
December 21, 18P6, of Lewis Halne,
whom he wanted to get rid of In order
that he might marry the widow. Banya
murdered a fellow-countryman named
Paretto Augusta at Dagus mines on
July 25, 1807.
Charles Woods, a young Iron worker
of New Castle, while on hi way home
the other night, was almost murdened
by highwaymen. Four men ran out
from the shadow of the EpWorth Meth
odist Eplscopel church and one de
manded his money. Two seized Mm
and threw him down, while a third hit
him on the head with a piece of Iron.
He lay unconscious for some tlma,
when he recovered and managed to
reach a doctor's office. He was relieved
of $15.
Joshua Caldwell, a farmer near
Clark Mills, wa found dead In his
home the other morning. Caldwell .was
old and eccentric. He and his son have
been living alone In their Isolated farm
house until a few day ago, when the
boy left to enlist. The father seemed
heart-broken, and when found, lay
with a recent photograph of the boy
pressed against his breast. He was
about 80 year old and a native of Shef
field, England.
Jonathan Arnold, aged 78, waa ahot
and Instantly killed at Lebanon the
other evening by Albeit Daub, his son-in-law,
aged 23. Daub also hot Mrs.
Arnold and hi wife, and It I feared
their injuries will result fatally. Daub
made hla escape. He had not been liv
ing with hla wife and the shooting was
the result.
Mrs. Beulah Eckley of Jeannette
committed suicide at Indiana, Pa., by
hanging. Her husband, J. C. Eckley,
waa killed by a railroad train, near
Blalrsville Saturday, and It 1 thought
that the shock deranged her mind. She
leaves three children.
Frank Jongras was hanged In the
yard of the county Jail at New Castle
Tuesday for the murder of his sweet
heart, Jessie Corrine. HI neck wa
broken by the drop, and death resulted
In eight minutes. He protested hi In
nocence to the end.
Postmaster J. B. Brown, of New
castle, has forwarded hia resignation to
the Postmaster General, In order that
he may enlist a a private for the war.
The Newcastle postmastership pay
about $2000 a year.
Mr. Eleanor Underholt, upward of
70 years of age and many years a
widow, living In Woodcock township,
hanged herself. It 1 supposed that she
waa temporarily Insane.
Two brother. John and James
Ttoddy, were hanged at Somerset Tues
day for the murder of Farmer David
Berkey. Both men protested their In
nocence on the scaffold.
The roller flour mill at Catasauqua,
operated by Mauser A Cressman, was
completely destroyed by fire last week
The loss will amount to nearly $100,000;
partially covered by Insurance.
Shooting at sparrow with a Flnbert
rifle, 16-year-old Irvln Kramer, of Ma
hanoy City, accidentally wounded John
Senosky In the head, and the latter'
condition Is precarious.
The 3-year-old daughter of George
Llmbert at Bheakleyvllle, was drowned
having fallen In a brook.
John Walte, a boy at Tyrone, loat
two finger while another boy was us
ing an ax to Imitate the movements of
a forge hammer.
The body of Charles Alexander, of
Dubois, who disappeared on April 10,
was found a few day ago partly sub
merged In a creek.
Several men were timbering In the
mine, which ha not been worked for
a month. Jt is not known that they
are alive.
By an explosion of powder John
Dempsey, of Shenandoah, kt hit tttiht
hand and Was badly burned about il
bead. .
v.' -
After the declnrailon or war had been
passed Monday consideration of the
naval appropriation bill was resumed
by the senate, the pending question be
ing upon the amendment offered by
Mr. Butler (N. C.) to regulate the price
of arinnr.
The amendment provides thnt, for
the armor for the three battleships now
In course of construction the govern
ment shall not pay to exceed $400 a ton.
Including the nickel: and thnt subse
quent contracts for armor shall not call
for a greater price than $300 per ton.
In case the price cannot tie obtained
the secretary of the navy la authorised
at once to purchase or establish a gov
ernment armor factory, for which $1,-
500.000 is appropriated and. in addition,
$1,000,000 Is annronrlated for the manu
facture of the armor. The amendment
was then tabled.
During the two-hours session of the
Senate Tuesday the conference report
on the army reorganisation bill wns
agreed to and the measure engrossed
and signed. Bills were passed to enable
the oftleers and marines of the tlnlted
States navy who may distinguish them
selves In action to receive medals of
honor, rosettes and ribbons, and to
place on the retired list of the army a
sergeants four survivor of the Frank
lin Arctic expedition.
The conferees of the two houses on
the army bill agreed to the Sennte
amendment requiring that the quota
of militia of the various State and
Territories shnll be In companies,
troop and batteries In order to be ac
cepted by the President, and also that
Senate amendment Increasing the sig
nal corps to the extent of 10 corporals
and 140 private. The conference re
fused to accept the amendment au
thorizing the active employment of re
tired army officers In time of war, and
It was eliminated.
The senate foreign relation commit
tee held it regular weekly meeting
Wednesday. Senator Morgan urged upon
the committee the Importance of again
taking up the question of annexing the
Hawaiian Islands. He said the Island
were essential to the I'nlted States In
view of the war with Spain and thnt
no time should be lost In perfecting the
treaty. Other members of the commit
tee expressed the opinion that It waa
Impracticable to proceed with the
question at present.
The senate committee on foreign rela
tlon held a meeting Thursday for fur-
ther consideration of the question of
the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands,
There Is a general desire on the part of
members of the committee to tnke up
the treaty and secure action upon It in
view of the emergency occasioned by
the Spanish war. but the opponents of
the treaty refuse to withdraw their op
position, alleging the Insufficiency of
the exigency. The committee hnd this
phase of the question under considera
tion, but adjourned without reaching
a definite conclusion as to the plan to
be pursued.
At Friday's session of the Senate, the
report of the conferees on the naval
appropriation bill wns presented and
agreed to. The measure, ns perfect d.
carries a little more than $u",0,)0.001. No
other business of general Importance
was transacted, and the Senate ad
journed till Monday.
In the House and Sennte Monday, a
message wa received from the Presi
dent recommending a declaration of
war against Hpatn. such a measure
was passed the same way and declared
that hostilities had begun on Anrll 21.
The House disagreed with the Sennte
on the army reorganization bill and
asked the Senate for a conference.
The war revenue bill, was reported to
the House Tuesday and by an arrange.
ment made the debate will begin and
continue at night sessions until Friday.
At 4 o'clock on thnt day the vote will
be taken. The Sennte amendments to
the naval appropriation bill were non-
concurred In end a conference request
ed. The speaker appointed Boutelle,
Hilborn, and Cummlnga conferees. The
contested ele-ctlon case of w lse vs,
Young from the second Virginia dis
trict was decided in favor of the con
testant. Dr. Wise, Republican, by a
party vote.
The opening of the three days' de
bate on the war revenue measure at
tracted crowds to the house galleries
Wednesday, and the attendance on the
floor was also large. Rev. Hes Swem,
who delivered the Invocation, asked
the divine aid and direction for our ar
my and navy.
The general debate In the house on
the war revenue bill closed Thursday
night after eight and a half hours of
speech-making. There wo little dis
cussion of the Internal revenue features
of the bill. The Democrats continued
their assaults on the bond feature and
their advocacy of the Income tax. The
latter was ridiculed a a substitute
proposition by the Republican. The
authority to borrow money wa defend.
ed by them as absolutely necessary,
Before the debate upon the war re
venue bill wa resumed In the house
an urgency war measure wa passed
by unanimous consent, to repeal the
limitations upon the purchase of quar
termasters' supplies during the exist
ing war with Spain.
The house Friday passed the war rev,
enue bill with only the amendments
tgreed upon by the Repub lean mem
berra of the ways and means committee
The motion to recommit was defeat
ed 134 to 173. The vote was then taken
on the final passage of the bill, and it
was passed 181 to 131.
Mr. Boutelle. Chairman of the Com
rolttee on Naval Affairs, presented the
conference report on the naval bill. Mr.
Cannon made the point of order that
the conferees had exceeded their Juris
diction In that they had added over anove the difference between
the two Houses, and had also, added
provisions which were not In confer
ence. With the point of order pending,
he moved an adjournment, which wa
The house committee on military af
fair agreed Friday to report favorab'y
an amendment to the volunteer bill
providing for an Increase of 13,000 men
with special qualification to the vol
unteer force Instead of the 8,000 pro
vided In the volunteer bill am
Thla change amends the last proviso
of section 6 of the bill, and authorize
the secretary of war to organize com
panies, troop, battalion or regiment
possessing special qualification from
nm nuiion i large, not exceeding 16.
000 under rule and regulation of thi
war department. The I
low 3.000 to be used for the cowboy or
ganization, and the remains. ..Ill
furnlh a chance to arm batttuinns of
engineer and enlistment of several
The test of a man's condition after
dinner at a certain college used to be to
make him a "Cimio Fiugerald" three
unit. Now however, It la to make-'nlra
wuiiuenirauo once.
A' Roumanian manufacturer ha
nounusd hi Intention of sending- to
ParlH Jxhlblllor, n 11UUI b kI. nr...
such exceptional aonorlty that It tones
will be heard at a distance of sis miles.
Braall has 3.200,000 square milt, or Is,
auuui in area OI me United Wales,
vauopung Aiasaa.
A Woman's Harden,
from th Kvrning Kewt. Detroit, Mieh,
The women of to-day are not a strong al
their grandmothers. They are bearing a
burden in silence max grows DrniTuriuij
by dim that Is sapping their vitality and
loaning ineir nupiuni.
Mm. AlnTiuider II. Clark, of 417 Mlchtgaa
avenne. Detroit, Is a typioal woman of to
day. A wile with suoh ambition a only a
loving who can with, uui iuijuj i im
life were marred by the existence of dis
ease. Buffering a thousands of hor sisters have
altered, she almost despaired of life aad
yet she wns enreo.
"For five year I
suffered with ovarian
rouble." is Mrs.
Clark's own version
of the story. VI waa
not free one single
day from headache
and intense twitcn
Ing pain In my nank
and shouldora. For
months al a time I
would be oonflned to
my bed. At times
blaok spots would
nnnMF HaIom mf
eyes and I would be- became lilin't
oome blind- My nerve werelnsnahastat
that a step on toe floor unsettled me.
"Eminent doctors, skillful nursns, the
best food and medicine all tailed. Then 1
oonsented to an operation. That, too,
failed. and they said another wa neoeasary.
After the second I was worse than ever and
the world waa darker than before.
It wa then I beard of Dr. William-
Pink Pills for Pale People. I beard that
they had oared eases like mine and I tried
They cured met They Drought sun
shine to m Ills and filled mveoD with hap-
fitness. The headache is gone; the twttah
ng I gone; the nervousness I gone; the
trembling ha eeaaed, and I have gained
twenty-six pounds. Bsakh and strength
is mine nnci l am manual io vr. mmmnie-
rink Pill tor Pale People for the blessing."
These plus are. a poen to womanaino.
Anting directly Wa the blood and nerves,
they restore the reqnlstte vitality to all
narts of the bodv: creating functional rega
lnritv and nerfeet hafmonv throughout
the nervous systom. The pallor of the
obseks U changed to tna aeuoue pinsn oi
health! the eves brlKhten: the muscles
grow elastic, ambition If eroatsu anu goou
ueaitn returns.
If a disinfectant smells good It Isn't
a good disinfectant.
Bdaeate Tonr Bowels Vftth Caaearets,
lOc.ttio. It 0.0.0. fall, druggist refund money.
T 1. n . n n I a, cwl thnt hint.
A I IIGB I, 17 1 1 1 , ' P -.
glass will make a more durable munu
ment than the hardest granite.
ST VITl'B' II A NTH. SI'ASVSnml nil nerv-
ous disease- periiiiini-ntly cured by the use of
!)r. Kline's llrest Nerve Restorer. 8und for
r It r. K SU.iu trial uotue and treatise to nr.
K. 11. Kllue, Ltd., Ull Arch Street, Phlla, Pa.
Modern needles are said to have come
Into use In IMS.
Se-Ta-Baa for Fifty Caata,
Guaranteed tobacco baMt eure. make
men auoog, blood pure. We, H. All drugglcta
There are 7.000 hawkers of news
papers In London,
To the Point.
A certain Eastern company that
some time ago was anxious to purchase
a silver-lead mine, found Itself In a
state of uncertainty. What seemed to
be a really attractive mine waa found
to be in the ruurkot, and negotiations
for Its purchase were entered uponj
The result of these negotiations Is re
ported by the Bpokaue Minor and Elec
As tha ore assayed well, and every
thing looked propitious, a mining ex
port was sent to examine the mine. Ills
report was favorable. In fact, it wag too
favorablo. He cortllled that the ore
waa thero In large quantities, and that
it was extremely valuable. Ills un
qualified praise aroused the suspicion
of the would-be purchasers. If the
mine was Indeed so valuable, why was
the price so low? The company debar-
mined to Investigate more closely.
At this point a well-known mining
man of Spokane recommended that a
certain rough-and-ready genius, a man
who bad graduated from no college.
should be sent to look at the mine.
"You can depend on bis Judgment,'
said the mlnlngman, "and he wiU tol)
you nothing but the truth. You had
better trust to hla report, which. In all
probability, will be abort and very
much to tha point,"
The advice waa followed, and tlie
event ihawnl ia wtarlnm nf the out.
vuter. As he bad predicted, tli report
was short and full of pith, . It read sub
stantially aa follows:
"Denr Sirs I have made an examina
tion ef the Cliff Dwellers' mine, and
port that the ore is there aa ripresinted,
that it assay high, that it is there in
plenty, but to get your supplies in and
your or out yoa will need a pack-tbraiu
of bald agles."
i The mine waa rejected on the ground
of inaccessibility.
Every sale made by the saloon-keeper
is a Bargain,
'My wire bad pimple on Iter face, but
sne una dwiq tunuis UAauAuiiis wiu uvy
have U disappeared. I had been troubled
with oonstlnatlon for some time, but after tak
ing the first Casoaret I have had no trouble
with mis ailment, we cannot ipeait too Bign
ly or i 'aseareu." ruui waktias,
670a Oerniiotowy Ave., Philadelphia. Pa
Plsaiant. Palatable, I'uMiit. Tails Good. Po
Good, ter Bicksn, weaken. or uri,. uu, jm.ow,
... vuna wvna) I ir-H i iwn. ...
Sttfllaf BMMr Caasuh Cklup, IWnl, In 1st, tit
MTfl Bit Sola and guaranteed br slldrui
I U'DAb uu to vVlIK Tobacco Until.
Tf 7 ttv"'tm.a "wrasse Vnstcsl Voatkly
at I MAln fur IIaiiiI anil IImu
fas. M pans. Msw Miulv. Urilit Lllsrstnre.Siw, Ul
Woinao'i banartliMBl. Oral Uluabln tlffar. 1
. ra aoi mask asaiaTimo
When one man proposes a good
thing, another man usually proposes
one so much better that nothing Jj
rhnke Into four ftnoc '
Allen's Foot-Eass,a powder for the foot. It
Wires painful, swollen, nervous.smnrtlng feet
anil Instantly takes the sting nut of corns
and bunions. It's the grestent comfort dis
covery of the ngn, Allen's Foot-Ease makes
tight or new shoes feel ensy. It is a certain
eure for sweating, callous and hot, tired,
aching feet. Try it to-dny. Sold by all drug
gists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial package
FllEE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le ftoy.NX
It has been found In Switzerland that
In building a railway laborers could
work only one-third ns long at a height
of 10,000 feet as a mile lower.
Poet Tsbare Spit as Bast Tosr Llfk Iwsy.
To oult tobaeeo easily and forever, be mag-
petto, (ull of lite, aerve and vigor, take No-T
Boo. the wooder-wurker, that makes weak men
strong. All drusiat,iOoorll. Car guaran
teed. Booklet and sample tree, auuress
Sterling Kemsdy Da, Chicago or New York.
Agitation Is active In the Transvaal
for the establishment of a department
of agriculture, with a minister at Its
Fits permanently cured. No 11 ts or nervnns.
ness after first day's line of Dr. Kline's (Irent
Nerve Restorer. $2 trlnl bottle and treatise
free.Dr.K.ll.KLiRZ Ltd.,811 Ann 8tPhilaPn.
Mrs. Wlnslow's FnothlnaFymnforrlillilren
teething, softens the gums, reducing In-
nammauon, anurs pain, cures winu coiio. zoo.
a bottle.
-, . yiM-M,-. oc v a win,", in,
Hslls's Catarrh Cure, offer I00 reward for
sny esse of CatArrh that cannot be cured hy
taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. rend for testi
V T r-i a. n rr..i r T -
monials, tree. Hold by druggists, 76a.
I believe Pino Cnre for Cnnsumntfnn
saved niy boy's life lant summer. M as.
ALMS ikiuolass, ieKuy, Alien, UCt. SU, 1WH
are the strongest,
best form of cycle construction. DON'T
LESS." There are many untried chain
less devices on the market
are Tlie Original, The Standard.
Their superiority over chain wheels has
been demonstrated on the road.
Coliimliix Olmin "Wheels, . $75
Ilfirtiord Bicycles, 50
Vedette Hicyelos, 40 and 35
POPE MFC. CO., Hartford. Conn.
Oatalaaa. free froaa aay CalaaMa aaaler. a ay aiall far aa. te.
Ivers & Pond Pianos.
Strictly First Class.
Require less tuning and prove more
durable than any other pianos manufac
tured, at 7 pu-hased by the New
England Conservatory of Music, the
largest College of Music in the world,
and over 500 Ivers & Pond Fianos used
in two hundred of the leading colleges
and institutions of learning in the United
States. Catalogue and valuable infor
mation mailed free. Old pianos taken
in exchange.
Ivers & Pond Piano Company.
IN Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.
grocer or paiut dealer and do your own kal- UALUtLlU aomiaisg.
This material is mads on.aeientiflo principle by machinery and milled
in twenty-four tints and is superior to ear oonoootioo of Ola and Whit
ing that can poasibly be made by hand. To as ktxsd with Cold Wats
pnrenase tms material xrom your locar oeaiors lea as know ana we will
pat yoa in the way of obtaining it. -
l.rnirBaUjr ourMl .7 UIL WHITEHALL'S HirallUiTIQ CUKE, Tbo.uio.C and tk. Nat aninDl" Hi
"Good Wives Crow Fair In the Light of Their
Works.'1 Especially if They Use
aW. 1.Uf ht to Co AD Mrlr trMod f-v
u-d tar.. Th. Mofblft HHi nf A
B I A ftl N 0, Mphyr rufi.
fllflf, rnt i"ii, sTtriMttir, twc
mUim. ttoiillnir, UP TO DAT8 '99
MOTOR, 8 FT. FOR 6 M fortU: is rt
for tt. Thar tun hi s bleif U, and tt mail hk
w tteh, try mnvH part on folWi, fHrnblp feared
mill power. The Aarmot'tr ran when all other nulla
stood itlll, and made the erinimlll emlne.
On receipt of amount, revised eiotor (hat not wheel
oc nne) win he sent to repiart id one then to
reiarnea. uner ut;e4t lo t aneallattr.n at an? time
If fear eld wheel It net an Aermotor, write for ,
term of ewsnnew for oldto c-o on old fewer. J
Totjeaa pot H on. iftwetof Co., Cntr
and Llffoor fftsbttenrM In
IO to SO davs. No pay till
en red. Ir.f. VWtphnii
Dept. A Lebtnon, Oh)
'Successfully Prosocutoa Claims.
Latof-rlnclpnl EAamlnrr U S. Prtialon Bureau.
Ijrnlu laat war, lauJuillcatluiliuiuA, atlj auwa,
It Pavs ti know before burin?.
Write fur Circular and l'riccn.
Make more nud hetter butter.
KKARNH. Manufacturer, MAITI.AND, PA.
ATEIMTS few"" I"?
m m I.ew and
MMior of P n tent 501 F Hi., Wantta
Ins to Br. D Ce OorrtiiKDdDo BoUcltod.
JnFACHEft WANTFO.-inrwnrflW now to
L contiftt't fornfit trnn. omr. fn lu fitted. I'mo
KAUlsaUfc' AUaaXUlW Of AalKBlOA, JfltUbUTK, laU
P H U 18 ',
- Gear
most improved and
I Best ikMish Srrnp. TutcaOiHxL Vstl I
1 Taw-'J,
Easy Payments.
If no dealer sells our pianos near yea
we supply them on time payments t
parties living in any city or village in tht
United States. A small cash payment
and monthly payments extending ovet
three years secure one of our pianos
We send pianos for trial in your home,
even though you live three thousand
miles away, and guarantee satisfaction
or piano is returned to us at our expense
for railway freights both ways. A per
sonal letter containing special prices and
full description of our easy payment
plans, free upon application.