mm MtOWNSON'S SMILE. A STORY OF THE COMMANDER THAT SAILORMEN LOVE TO TELL. ITnw tlm Prtrnlt llr.iki. Vp What th In anrtent Admiral Called "lllrwliaile." An Itieldrnt That 1'lraiirs Min Wh Have Keen Snilllns Mrn 1'lglil. It wns III .laiinnry, I HIM, that tlm civil war In win ihhiiIiik In n nil mux In thn Imrlmr tit Kin. Ailmlriil (lit (Innin if lliu liiBiirnc iiIb was in llm Imr lmr with several Khit nf-wnr. Tlm n. eriitnint lirld tin- I'llr. Imt wlillo llm III imrirciil niliulr:il lirlil llm water tin fill - jiliiK ennltl no up In III" front km Ioiim ns , ho mill It ciniMii't, ami l' saiil "( Ynrlnii itnvrriniH'nln with ntTd'tcil ly till i'iiilnrKi "liliH'kiiiln" tint ndmlral I fnllcil It. (Iri'iit llrllnlii was finiu'i'riii'd I'll itMr. Imt t do 1'nltiul Hliilm wim it pmiil sccotiil, with tleriiinny mul ntlmr nation ns wi-ll. Iliiriipn Innlicil tn America to iln inline tliinu In tlii' mutter mul wns inittirully (lilllilnit nlioiit IntirfiTliiK in family rnws mi thin kIiIii nf tlm water. At last Atltnlrnl iSi'iiliiini was sent down tn liiUti rlmrun nf tlin I nllcil Wales llii( in II lo ' Imrlmr. Tin' llnylilp wiim tlm Snn Kraii cIm'ii, mul mi r-umliiy, .Inn. 8N, Admiral lli'iilnini nilli'il mi hiH riiptiiiiiN tn cniiiii lilinnrtl. AniniiK llii'lH wan CiiininiiniliT ItrnwiiKiin nf tlm lli'tmit. It IhniiIiI Hint after tilt) cnnliTi'ijcu till lominiinilir riitmi luck l i I Ih ship HinilliiK. However , tluit limy Im. lin riTliitnly smiled licit 1 niurnitift. .liixt iiftrr On'rliH'k tlmt I'Vi'ii- j ill)! It wns Clt lilt 111 t'llllltl 1 10, llllllllFt tlm Yntilon in v i 1 hhipH with m i ll tu In' in n liuslln. Tlm ciiiivii nwniiiKH lw'iil . Hwtiy, mul In I ln iitfjlit ri'rlniii hhiiiiIh Avero l.i :iril iiImhiiiI tlii'in.nt wliirli vill i- 1 oil" listeners put llirir liniitls cup tdmpcd I brliiud tlicir tars In llMi n liurilcr. tin tlio iiinrnliiK nf thn "IMIi Hum win ii cliiiiiKti In tlm nppniriiiii'ii nf tlm Yiiiikio fleet. It iiiul tuki'ti nil' iln emit, wuiht cnnt ami shirt, mi tn n ink, mul wiih Jiict pyintt itiiolf when tiny tliiwiiril tn new tiuw paid itii truiniiiK Iiiul lii'cn. Tlic iiiKurucitt KlnpM Aiiiiil:ilnin mul ThiiiuiiiIiiii' with up the Imy above VI ana Island Willi tiii'ir cables short, rendy tn trip. Tlm Trnjiinn mul (Itiiina barti, nn well iin tlm fleet uf nrmcil tus, were crowded with nu n (mm tlm mr rixnns (if 1'nliritH mul V illi'KiUKuU. Tlm Lilirnluilo Hi w tlm lillln tiluu cniiiii, fur Adminil iln (liiimi wmi iihuiiril her, lyiiiM with tlm Triijaiin mul Uiiiiiiiilnirn inn lb (if Ktii'iiiulns InIiiikI, u few yards from tlm American liiirk Amy, nun of the ImntM kept nut by thu bluckiirlii. The 1'uruliybn wiih lyiiiK with its tenth, no to ppeuk, nt tlm tlirnnt nf tlm Vunkee biirliciitina (looil News. Ciiiiiimiuilcr Hrnwusnii cm thn Detroit got IiIh ship under wny, IniviiiK lioiHtuil anchor nt II o'clock, mul headed toward the city between Knulmdiis mul Colirus IhI iiimIh. Ilcr crew wan at l'ir gnus, and ns cii!i r n lot uf men n nuu could boo uuywhorn nt Hint tinin. 'l! n anchor' Rot louliil in tbn Dnti'uit'n Iiiiwhii hnlii, and thnt wnn tiiiiplu uxniixo for proceed ing hlowly, which wiin couvuiiiiiut, wliilo n cuupln i f iiiHtii'Kciit tiiKi uiiido a Hinder ut tlm northern littornl nf thu cily, iin tiny had le u doiiiu it long time. Alter a con pin f men bud been killed uboiird tlm tuH they drew hack, ami llm Detroit, with nverythiiiK clear, ruumled l.iirlmilod ii-lnud mid cmiio nlonit Htarbnnid ido tu utiirbnnrd uf tlm Truj.iuo. Thu meu looked tlirounh their rIkIhs liiei then up nt (Joininiiiiilnr IlrowuKiiu rn thu bridxu. Thu story of what tliey wnv in a tmditiou in tlio uovy now mid ulwnys will be no Iouk an mcu liku XjiownKun nrn in command. The commander wim cmiliuK. A muu on thu Trujuuo rained a mus ket and fired a bullet over the benilH of ailim pullliiK nwuy in a boat with a linn from tlm Amy to a ship at anchor that tho Amy wight bo warped to the forbidden docka. Two bouvy iunargnut tu(!8 enmo around with their rami pointed at the nide of tbe Detroit. . On the bun FrauciHco tbe red flan of battle bad been ruu up to tbe fore track in topi. A quartermaster itood with bii baud on tbo halyards -cagor to break it out, with bis eyes fixed ou the admiral, who wai lookiuR at the Detroit for tbe ligu which would came bini to Rive tbe quartermaster tbe order io ardoutly de aired. - Wbon the insurRent iliot wai fired, Commaudcr Urowusou torued to the gunner at a one pounder, and with a uuroely perceptible increase of tbe -imilo ordered the ninn to iboot iuto tbe Trujano ut the wutor Hue lis feet abaft tho stern. Tbe order wai misunder stood, and tbo shut weut across tbe In surgents' bow. Thereupon Captain Brownson bailed: "Trajuno, ahoy I" be shouted. "If - you fire again, 1 will rotorn the fire, aud if yon persist I will sink yon." Tbe Trnjauo'i crews were excited. If a nervous tiur had pulled a trigger, tho fight would have been on. Dnt4ba tbot did not sound. Tbe sail ors on the Amy's yawl waited to see what they were to do next. "You go abend, " Commander Brown- aon shouted, "and I'll protect you I" Tbe sailois weut. "Aim at tbe Gnanabaral" ordered Commander Brownson. And the greasy black muzzles of tbe Detroit'! broadside and the two pivot guns swung around, looking bigger and bigger every mo ment, till they stopped, leveled at the puiser. One particularly nervous gnn crew aboard the insurgent was conspiou Ions. Commander Brownson waved bii 'baud, witb a half smile, and this crew Veil back. ' Then tbe Yankee ships led the way - to the docks, with other ships crowding jln witb them, aud after awhile tbe re bellion collupsed. But the sailors who were on the Detroit at tbat time bave told tbe story of Commander Brown son's smile to other sailors, and these jto still others, till it bas rippled to ev ery water where tbe starry flag flies, 'and it is beard witb marked interest by Men on the ships of other natious men v who bave wen smiling men tight. New . York Son, . .' ' ntlTnl of an Anvlriil ilrsl. The ancient Jcxt rordlii tho ditto sign wns rerlv-tl In Cleveland tint lonij ago, mid it Inii4 litiln of lis spnrkle lie ciinm of lis nun. , Into thn (iftlcn nf n local lunniifnetiir lug enitciTti, wIhimi product In wire and wlrn liiirilwnrn specialties, nil elderly miKinmer from out uf town recently stalked. "This hern bill." ho remm.' i'd, "Is wrung. You've added wlirrnynu iliould hnvo Hiililmcteil. " "lluw's that?" Inquired thn fmok keeper. "Ynn'vo Rot tun churned with 2 when I don't own you Imt (It)," replied t tin Rtriitiger. "lint I don't son how you liinkn thnt lint." said the bookkeeper ns Iin rIiiiicimI nt tlm bill. "Hern's nun item nf fill mid mini her nf f l. Thnt certniiily iir gri giites JII. " "Well," said thn aged pnrty, "I'm perfectly willing tn stand by tlm bill. It's your own bill, you know, aud I'll pay von jiint what It calls fur. " "Well, It calls fnrf'JO." "Ye. it does, added, but lint sub tracted." "Whnt In thn world do ynn meant" "I mean this," snid tlm aged patron. And lie spread tlm bill flat nu th( coun ter. Tlm Imok keeper glanced at it ngaiii, Thesn am tlm Items Im rend: "Hul, I to Mr. riilm.nM T. Plunk: 4 li en w liiTllinrrowrt nt II til I uuiMlen iln nt H 4 i-ju "Kindly tell mo, " said tho bnnk keeper, "how ynM figiirn tluit total any Inwer." Thn nqed ruistniner's eyes flaxlicd tri umphantly. "Knsy, " Im cried. "Hero ynn'vo chanted mn with fnnr wheclhnrrnws, (HI. That's all right. And thou right liclmv you :.iy that one wouldn't dn, but initeml nf taking olT thn (I you ndd it nu. llern'H your (It)." Cleveliinil J 'In i n Dealer. A t'lirliiim IrnI lirrlHlon. Tlm following nncednln Is sent by n Kentucky cnrreHpiiudelit, whn snys it Is thn exact truth : "A ynuug mail whn bnd lint found it convenient tn pay a tailor's bill wns brought up on n creditor's bill by thu cruel tailor beforn a very kind benrtiid vlcn chunccllnr, whn liked tho youth. Iln was linnilsoniely drcHNcd and wore a eiiHtly diamond stud in his shirt linsnin, lint declared under ontll that bo had no property except his wearing apparel. Tlm tailor's lawyer claimed that a dia mond stud was tint nn article nf exempt apparel nud nuked for its surrender, but tlm judge rnled that thn diamond but ton held tho parts of tho shirt together mid itH removal wonld lead to imlecuiit exposure of the person. Then tho law yer urged thnt tho shirt wns of a new kind which buttoned in the buck, but tho juilgo met this by saying: 'Tho pro sumption of tbo law is that shirts but ton in front, and tho court dues not ju dicially know that shirts ever button iu tlm buck. Tho court will not reipiirn thu defendant to submit to nu examina tion tn rehut tho presumption. ' And so tho diamond remained in tho bosom which cherished it." Ktliiitto at Nlcw. Onnfcnturn of lifoon tlio Kivioru that particulnrly strikes tho sojourner from this side of tlm Atlantic Is tbo utter ab sence of thu piaza life that is such an institution ut American summer nud winter rosorts. A recent visitor ut Nice writes to tho Now York Times: "A mail muy show himself hero ou tho Promenade dos Anglais, either ou foot or iu conch, within certain well dellned hours and with well understood restric tions as to bis costume, but be mast under no circumstances be seon sitting iu front of bis own dwelling, be it villa or hotel. Tbe front of the premises must be clean and well kept, with as wnuy plants and flowers as you like, but there must be no array of comforta ble chairs aud little tables, as we have them, or any other outward sign, in fuct, that some oue livei within and some one who knows bow to take life comfortably. To sit in front of hotel bore after breakfast, smoking tbe oigar of contentment, would be brazen defl anoe of all social usages." Bow He Shot, A Texas military company waa out on tbe range practicing at rifle shoot ing. The lientenant in command sud denly became exasperated at the poor hooting, aud leizing a gun from one of tbe privates oried sharply : "I'll show yon fellows how to shoot." Takiug a long aim, and a strong aim, and an aim altogether, ' be fired and missed. Coolly turning to the private who owned the gun, be said: "That's the way yon shoot" Be again loaded the weapon and missed. Turning to the second man in tbe ranks, be remarked: "That's the way yon shoot" In tbiB way be missed about a dozen times, illustrating to eaoh soldier bis personal incapacity, and finally he acci dentally hit the target. "And that," be ejaculated, banding tbe gnn buck to the private, "is the way I shoot." Los Angeles Express. STOCKMEN AND FABMEB8 OHOULP I4MIK TuTHUr INTRSHTI ANII VU... DR. D. R. ROTHROCK S Vegetable Condition Polpf 4- rOS DOMESTIC AMIMAU AMD ruVLTRY... And have your stock look nice and glossy. Produces more and richer milk than any other powder made : a sure cure tor Hog and Chicken Cholera and aU disease of poultry soon as Diarrhoea. Roup, Gaps, Sore Throat, Canker, eta. The populu. remedy whloh we can confidently recommend for Coughs, Colds, Inflamed Lungs Distemper Kidney and .Bladder Trouble, Heaves, Thick and Broken Wind. HidV bound and worms. Give it a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. MATH RSYNOLD3VILLE, ALI.KOHKNY VAIjLKY UAIIAVAY COM I 'A NY, In elTeel Sunday, December ID, IHH7, Txiw (Irado Dlvlnloii. muTWtlin. Nn. l.jNit.n. No.r KH A. M 'P. M. A. M. A. M, III III Hi II im 4 Hi II im S in A II 117 IM (! 7 itti (i an tn in II IM I) 41. A M li ! A III A im 1 1 ! '.' m in n in I'! :w A A l; II 4l II l.i II n:i ill 4 (VI j jn 7 Im 7 no 7 sr. I ;m 7 I" 7i" 7 :" I 41 7 W 7 '.v. I f. i 7 M 7 a. I Ml 7 4 ! 7 41 3 ih 7 f.l 7 (ki 3 :i. A .11 t r i i 4 1 s :m h i: I N ft A iV., I'. M. V. M A, II. 1. M. WI.KTWAIIIl. No 'J Nn.ll No. in Hill A. M A. M. I'. M I'. M. in in A ;m A .vi tin ;w A W il in. III I" II 117 II -".i II 17 A :u n r.'ii II A 4a 7 mil It :i! II 411 7 I 1 1 4 ! H Mi 7 .11 12 M T I .' " 4 :; 7 411 I ill 7 3.'. 7 fin 7 ."in II an 7 in 7 Ml I :i 7 4ii 8 Hi I m 7 r.7 s 43 m in 11 ill! 3 11 s n; n 4i 3 :!7 ;i! s n;i 3 17 A f. .' 111 17 3 a'i li nn li l'i ;i n.1 ii in. li II :m n 41 1 ll nn li ivv l. in. a. in.! e. M. I' M STATII1HS. H. il llnnk i.nwmMiliiitn . . New Hnlhlchcm link lllilue.. .. MnyMvlllo.. . .. Hiiimnorvllln . HriHikvllln .... Hell Fuller itevmtiflHvllle i'liiicmi! I'n II I reek. .. lnllol "iilinlii WliiiiTtiiirn .. IVlillnlll Tyler Iloiinrettc (iriuil Iirifl wimil I :i I 411 STATIIINS. lirlftniHitl .... Ilrnnl Menerel In ... . Tyler. , I'enllelii WlnierlniiM .. Hlllllllll IlillloU KullNl'reok ... I'lineiiiml ItevtliilllHville tilller Hell limns vlllc . . . MtllllliH'l'Vllll'.. Mnvvllle iiiiLniii"... A 4l A m No jlellileliein l.tlivminliHin . . Koil llnnk TrnliiH ihilly eiooiil Hiimlny. I V 1 1 Ml'I'A III ill. Ill-tf'l.. Hl'IT. .1 AH. I'. AM'I.IIHuN UKN I, I'AKH. AlJT. I ION NS Y I jV A N I A 1 1 A 1 1 ,1 OA I ). I'lil, ndi Ipbia ft Ki lo Itailcnail IHvUinii. TIMK TAIII.K IN t;l'l''K(T. Train loin c Hrlfl winwl KAHTWAKI) i:n ii in Tinln s, woikilii.y4, fur Hinilmiy, IIUomIiiu'M'. 1 1 ii Iff on, I'm I kv llli-. Si'i'.'iiilnii. Ilin-iistiiii'i; iinil I In liilertni'illiili" Ml ii 1 lolm. in I Ivllnf ill I'lillliflollililn ll:'.'.l p. In., Now York. 1I:KI i. in I Hull Inioio. ll:im i. in. : lililn!tnli. 7:1.1 i. In I'nlliiiiiii Piirlnr ear ti'iiin ' III In Iti-IH l I hi I'lillmlelpMii iiihIiiis-Hrliliel- I'ttlii'hOM flolll Kline In fill I ml.-1 lh i It mul vYIIIIiiniHputl in Hull linnre mul WhsIi IlllXtllll. 4HI p. in.- Train ll. weekiliiyi. for lliir rKlnii unit Inlorineilliile nIiiiIiiiim, nr rlvlnunl l'hlliiilolihlii I Hi a. M.j New Viii k. 7Stl A. M. I'lllllnntl HleoplllK rniH fl-nln lliirrKhnt-tf In I'lilltiiloliililti mill New York. l'lillinlolililii iniHMCtncoi run roiiiiiln In nleoiHT 1 1 Ml in IhiI mil II 7::m A. M. '::tn p. in.-- Triiln 4, iltilly for Hiinliiii-y. Miii'I-Ih-Inn-ix mnl liileriiteillat'n nIiiIIoiih, nrrlvltitf lit. I'lillmli Ipliln, ll:.".'i a. m.j New York, li::i:i A. M.iiii Week lIllVH Hllll II.:H A M. on Hllll- iliiy; lliillliniiio. ii A. M.s VVnililiiidoti. 7: III A. hi. I'iiIIiiiiiii mIooiioi'h fi-nni l)t-le mill Wll lliiiniciil lii I 'Ii I III ill -1 I'll III ii i ol Villlmiiinii In ViiHhln.on. I'lissiniuei-H In Nleepor for Hiillliiiiii-e mnl Wnshliiirliiti will Ihi IrmiMfi'rreil Into Wiislilnuliin NlreiHT til V 1 1 -iliitiiMHM'1. I'lmii'iiKi-r roiioliei f inin Krlo In I'lilliiili'lphlii mnl WIIIIiiiiimihiiI In I In 1 1 1- llllll'O. WKHTWAItll 4:41 ii. m.-Train II, weekiliiyi, fur Krlo, lllilu wti. Iiiitlol-i, rleiiniint mnl prlnoiiml Inlor- IIIOlllllIU Hi III Iiiiih. 9:4:1 n. in. Triiln il, dally fur Krln nud Inter neilliile ihiIiiIh. A:4A p. in. Train 15, weekday tor Kline unit llllei-ineillale HlatlutiH. Tllltlll'llll Til A I NH Fdlt IHtll'TWdDll KUOMTIIK, KAHT ANIIHlllITII. TWAIN Olenvi'N New ViirkHiAlln. in..l'lillinlel plila S:fn p. in.) WiihIiIiikIoii 7:30 p. in., Unl Illliltl'O H.IO p. in., lirrlvlnu in lli-lfl wihiiI 4:41 ll. in., weekday. Willi I'iiIIiiiiiii mIci'Im.'-m mill pilHMnnuer eoiii-ltoi from I'lilliiilefplila In Im-Io mill WiihIiIiivIoii anil Hiihlinore lo YllllmiiHHii'l. TltAIN Pi Ion von I'lilliiilohilila H:M a. ni.I Wie.hlni'iiin, 7..rin A. m.j Hull iimire, s:."iii a. m. WllkOHliuri-e, 111:15 A. M.t VtookiliiVH, lirrlvlnu til. InlflwiMiil nl 5:15 e. SI. Willi I'iiIIiiiiiii I'arlor car from I'lilliitlelphlii lo WllllmiiHMirl anil itimseimor oiitieli in Imiiio. THAIN HlenvoN New York ut 7:411 p. tn.; I'lilla ilolililn. 1 1 : Jl I p. tu.; iYii-.iIui:Iiiii, III. HI p. in.; Hull llniilo, 11:511 p. in.) ilully hitIvIiik nl lirlflwontl ai 1t:4:i a. in. I'll M muu Hleoplnu clllH froin I'll I In. I o Wlllllllie-iri, mill Ihroilirli luiNHiinifer eouolioH from rliiluilelplila hi rli-ln anil Hall linnre In Wlllluinspoii. (in Hiinilayh only I'ulliiiaii sleeper l'iilliul(ilililu In Krln. JOHNSONnURO UAILHOAD. (WKKKUAY8) THAIN III leaves HIilKway nt M:.VS a. m.i .lolin imiiliiirtf nt V:IUu. in., urrlvlnu ut Uliiriimnt ut IO:im a, in. TKAIN 20 leave CliTmont nt 10:40 n. m. ar riving ut JnlinHnnliiirK utll::KJ tt. in. nud HldKwny at 11:50 p. in. KIDGWAY & CLEAUFIKLD It. II. AND CONNECTIONS. WKKKDAY8. HOUTIIWAHD. NOKTIIWAKII AM A M. HTATIONH. E5Tp AIM) 10 30 4 IKI V ) 8 3A 9 00 ii 40 A IU H AO 4 00 fl 411 4 41 1(1 30 5 10 II 113 A A3 ltnnuvo Driftwood GmiMirliim June. HI. Mary 11 15 ll mi 11 411 Klllio 12 15 0 U5 1151 S43 11 aa S37 "S 50 S 00 S 411 7 52 S itH 7 47 H3H 7HS S3D 71 S33 . 7 30 S Id .. .. S 17 7 311 SIM 7 17 H Iti 7 13 7 54 7 04 7 50 7 00 7 40 ' A 40 W I lens JohnoiihurK 13 10 1317 13 23 12 III I3: u:ni i34 12 M 12 A7 107 1 15 140 830 827 6.13 8 41 8 45 64S 6A0 6 511 703 7 011 714 7 20 735 KldKwny IhIhikI Hun Cnrnmn Trunfer Cniyland HIiurlH Mills llliiv HiK'k Vlnoyiird Hun Carrier Brockwayvllle 1, 11110 Mill lliirvuy Hun lull Creuk IIiiHoIh 131) 1:15 2 II Hill a 50 IKK) p. m. 725 740 8 111 II 10 9 55 12 40 p. m. Fall Creek Keynolilvtllu IlriHikvllIti New Heililolieni Hod Hunk I'illiiljiiiK 7 HO .55 8 45 8 411 mm 604 A 20 A 10 4 35 140 a. rn. p. TKA1NS LEAVE K1IHIWAY KAHTWAKII. WKSTWAIIII. Trains, 7:17 am Train V, milium " 6, 2:20 pm " :t, 11:30 am " 4, H:O0pni " 15, H:10pm J. H. HUTCHINSON, Gun. MunuKor. J. It. WOOIl, Oen. l'ui. AK't. lubaeribc for The -X Star, If you wnt the Nw. MOHNEY MM OtNtKAL AOtNT, vl.r PENN'A. c Farms for Sale.' A CHEAT C1IANCK KOH SOMIC MAN FULL Ol' DAYS' WORKS. Ono liutidreil and thirty acres clean farm lanil with IIkhiaiiiiiIh of tnus nt limn stniin i'imiii;h to pay fur tlm fiirm two or three t imes over unci ciml lanil, liHI'fl, fnui'-l'imiii Iioiibo, ooil spring nf wnti'i', llinhor fur fi'iicn piwli, In Minirivi Twp., Clnrlon 4'i., within six tulle nf ( 'nittily Seat, (iooil count ry anil n;nnil cotiiiniinllv. t'liitin (iilclf. Can tin ImiiikIiI fur two tliiiinninil (Inllai'H. Aiinllier fiirm with Iwn Inrun liariiH mnl Iioimoh: linn' Hti'iio mul coal; t in re tn four tlioniniil ilollar ivntlli nf kihiiI oiik I IiiiIh'o: Kimil wilier; lanil In ooil cull ivat Inn: i'iiiiUiiiiIiiu iiliniil. Him iieii ; prion twelve tliiiiiKiinil ilnllnrs. Atiolln'i' with te in ly two liiinilreil lien's, iilniiit fill rleurctl: (jimd wntor anil cnal: nlHiiit tliroo tlioiiminil dnllars worth nf i ink tliiilier; within thrcn miles nf Siimiiii rvillc, A. V. H'y. l'rieo nielli tllOllHllllll (lollllOH. Aiinllier nf nun lioinlii il iicrcs. liiin Iiiii ii anil (,'im il water, six-rnntii Iioiihi , with iilmiit two thniiHiinil dollar worth nf (ink tiinln'i'. I 'rice fniii' tlioiHiitnl ilollai. M. C. COLEMAN, Hy nolclvllli. I'a. IXxrculor. iiliacrllillU'KIl. E. NKKK- .ll!srj( i;()l''TIIK TKACK Anil Heiil Iriuil' Aiten. HoyniililMvllle, I'ti. 1 MITCIII'.I.I.. A TT 1 1 N K Y - A T-1 j A W . (itlli'e on W0..1 M n i n Hlroel, iiiitmlln Ilie 1 'iilntnelellll III ill' I. Koyiinlilivllln, I'll, 1 ,. (iOKlHiN, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW, HriHikvllle, Jelfernn I'll. I'u. OHIen In riHiin forinerlv iM'i'iiploil hy (Jonlon ft Corliotl. Hi'sl Miiln streel. f2 m. McDonald, ATTOUNKY-AT-LAVV, Notmy I'lilille, real e1nln niroiit, I'alent Hneiirnll, onlloot Ion imiiio ininil ly. Ollli'n In Noliin liliM'k, HoynnlilHi-llln, I'a. JfUANClSJ. WKAKLKY, ATTOUNKY-AT-LAVV, onioe lii Miilioiiey IhiIIiIIiik, Miiln Hlroel, Heyniililsyllle, I'n. gMITIt M. Md'UKKJHT, ATTOUN K Y-AT-LA W , Nnlnry I'nlillo mill Koiil Katiiln Atfent. Col- loellon will ri Ive protiiiit iiitonilon. (Mllon In !- if 'Ii I Ifli Si lloniy lliM:k, iionr iHiHlnlllon, HoynnlilHvllle, I'n. jyl. II. K. HOOVKIt, UKYNor.DSVILLIC, I'A. llolilont iloniNi. In Iho I riM hlloli Hon ry ItliN'k, near tlii HiHiotllee, Main Htrool. tieni leiii'H In iiiiri iilliii;. I) It. H. DkVKUK KIN'C, DKNTiST. OHloo over lloynoliNvlllo Htirilwaro Cn. lmo, Mala Kiroet, Heynolilsvllle, I'a. II OTKLMcCXJNNKLL. nKVNOLDSVIIXK. I'A. FUANKJ. BLACK, Vendor. Thn I null n it Imtrl of thu town. Ili'iifUjimr tTM for I'omnii'ri'lnl nnM. Hltr-tirn hfiil, fro him, htith nMntH unci iliKi!tH on vvvry floor, hhimiIm ro nuts, blllluid room, tu It; p Imiiio cori nectluiiH Sic. II OTEL BKLNAP, UEYNOLDSVILLK, PA. J. V. IU LLM AN, Proprietor. Klrnt eliiH In every part icular. Iocate(l In the very eniitrn nf tli tiUHliiHHHpart nf town. Kroe 'Im to and from trains anil commodious naiiinloriMimk toreoinmun lnl travelers. tlatlroab Brims tSablto. JJEECH CREEK RAILROAD. Nw York Central & Hudtos Rlv.r R. R. Co., Ltiie. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. KRAD DP F.xp Mull Nn ;i7 No ill NKAIJ IKIWN Kxn Mull NnllO No:l Nov. 14, 1K1I7. 'l'S Arr....I'ATTON....Lve I'M Wentover a ni p m IHHI 14 IO H il 4 !l I0 2S III 14 ll 10 l in v in ll :v I.vo 11 (Kl it 2.1 ..VlAHAIKKY 114.1 4 4(1 !WIA KeniKHir ....Art 7 10 fiA.ZAM.... 7 2fl li U KM l IA Air....Kernioor . ...Lvo HSI li II New Mllimrt S47 li 111 Olnnlii S4II II .V.I Mitchells 7 ST 32 7 :i S Iti T :i7 S : 7 4:1 ii M I Ik". HIO UM t'LKAKFlEI.II. . "1" U .n TiVI 1112 Vixlliind h:i(I K4T T4.1 IIIH Illulor UM IN I3H HISS....: .Wnlllioelon B4I B'lll 73H HI Ml .. MoiTl-ilale.MlnoH.... SI T7 7 2(1 10 41 I.vo Miin-on Arr U11O 7 IS 11 M 7 40 llliil ,,,. ) Air (I2S S4U 4(1 6M 1101 Arr ji-i'mi""'! i.vo 7 1H 712 6 411 tt 2A I) lit S IS SUA 4.1H 4.10 4 37 4 Iti 44 02 10 ;l Arr.. HI Iti 10 12 0 Ml ...MuilhOII.. ,.VnlniriiH. . Lv un2 HUH Uil 9 41 9 47 10114 10 4.1 111 .V) 10 .IH 11 10 7 17 7 22 7 42 H 01 SUN S.17 9 10 17 27 ...I'KALK .nilllniown UNOKKHIlE 4:i .. S4H .. ..BEECH CHEEK ... Mill Hull LOCK HAVEN . .. Younidiitn S2.1 .. H 1.1 . HIO JEHSEY KHOHE JUNC. ,40 9 4.1 7.M JhHSfcY ISIIUKb t7 2.1 Lve WlLLIAMSl' T Arr a m 11 1.1 11 SO 10 20 m am p m u m am I'hIi.a. It Hkadino U. K. tS;l UMArrWILMAMSi"! Lve u m am 1 A MfiP'T Lve tl2 M ! 1 U0 4s:iiu ; Lve IMIILA Arr S2H 7 10 14 30 Lv N.Y.vlaTiimaiiua Ar 9 2.1 (I00 Lv..N. Y. via I'hlla.. Arbl0 40 t30 am p m P m a tn Dally 4Veok-diiy B (ill p m Huniluy. U iKl U III dlllllUJ ' New York pascnuer travellntf via Plill adolphla on 10.20 a m train from Wlllliimn IMirl, will nhauKu cars at Columbia Ave., Philadelphia. ItlNNtCtTinM. At Wlllianisport with I'hlladelnhluHoadingU.H. AtJeraey Shore with Fall Hrnok Hallway. At Mill Hall Willi Central Kallmail of Pennsylvania. Al Philtnhliiirx' with Peunnylvaiila Hailroud and AUiKina & Phlllpsliurn Connuetlnit It. It. At Clniirlluld with Uutralo, Hochuiiter A Pltttihui'Kh Hallway. At. Mahaffoy and l'ntton wllh Cainliila . CleaiHohl Olvlnlon of Peniihylvanla Hnllronil. At Mnhaltuy wllb PcniiHylvanla & Nortli-Wvstern HalLioad. A. t. Pai.msii, F. K. Hkbiihian, Buuurliiteuileat. Ocn'l Piikw. Ast.n PtttltkduMiia, P. Handy Tools Grat Reduction in Dry Goods and Finn I li'i'HK (Joofln, 1 fie, IHc, " ' " :',' " " " )()(;, " " " O.'r., " " " 7r.c. TIiii4 in in Fine He for lo! " mi " 2.r)i " 2.1 j " rifi 1 nrietta find Novelty (Joodn. Tereale, worth Kle. Sliirting I'rint, Ullll) Red mid Bin, k Print, 4-4 (Jood MtiHlin, 4-4 Hlrarlmd Munlin, 4-4 4.4 4-4 Hill for Hi " 10 04 44 44 81 44 r4 4 N DOWNS' ELZSZH Cures Coughs. Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Consumption and all Lung Diseases. ' t.nnlA ilanil hv Tlown' T.llxlr 1 becaune it cures and hns cured lor nlvtv-flVA vonri ThtA Is thn I strongest nonslblo endorsenient of i Its merits. I'rico 2oc. 60o. aad I 91.00 per bottle. At DruggUta. Hwiry.Johmon 4 lord, Propi., Burlltigtos, Vf. For Halo by H. A. Stnkit. First National Bank OF REYNOLDS V1LLK. Capital, Surplus, S50,000. 85,500. V, irilli'lii'll, Prldenl Mroll .nciplnd, Vlre Prea.l John II. Kmirher, C ashier. Director: C. Mitchell. Wi'ott McClelland, J. C. Kins;, John 11. Cnrliett. (. E. Brown, U. W. I'nllnr. J. II. Kuui lier. DoeH n siinpralhankliijrbimlneniiand imllclu tlic ai'i'ounlK of mnrehanta, irofi',lonl mn, riirmwrH, mechanli'i, nilnern, iuniliermen and ollifrs, pronilhlnic tlm nuwt rarcful attuntlon to Die buklaeHS of all pontonx. Safe Ileposlt Boxes for rent. First National Bank biilUllnn. Nolan block Fire Proof Vsiult. L. M. SNYDER, Practical Horse-shoer And General Blacksmith. 1 HorHO-hoelnn done In the neatent manner and by the latent lniprovvd niethodn. Ki pairlnK of all klndt carefully aud promptly done. HATwrACTiuH Uuakantkku. HORSE CLIPPING Have Juit received a rmaplote set of ma chine buna elliiuent of laltwi iityle 'VH patteru aud am prepared to do rllpnlnK In the beat poNilble uiauuur at reiuuuiaulo rates. Jackson Bt. near Fifth, Knynoldsvlllo, Pa. nrn morn tlinn convenietitr tlioy'ro tHTt'HHiiry. You want inoU, iii'd 'you wnnt good oiH-n, loo. In our Ptock of liarflwnrn wn wirry tlio bent tooln Hindu In thin or any oIIkt country. It's a maxim in li;i rd wiiii Hint tli better tlm nrticln Iln- licltfr It pnyB to buy It. Th- ? value Iu micli goodrt 11 ml yon wnnt vnluo for your nioiK-y. To liiKiui! tluit wo confine our Htor.k to ii.ji tfituh: Don't go tflHewlicri' J'or rtometliing tlint'H loo jioor even for a gilt. Reiinoidsville Hardware Go. Clothing. Tile whims great reduction in Clothing. Working (Jofit, I? 1.00 for 8 " I'jintH, 11 11 Child'B Suit, (55 7r, 75 1 25 1 35 1 50' 2 00 2 50 20 " " 2 00 " 2 50 " 2 75 " 3 50 " Heofer4 00 Knee PnntH, Never waB goods wold a low ftH at preHent. Come mul nee for yourself. . HANAU. CKNTKAL State - Normal SCHOOL, Lock Haven, Clinton Countu, Pa, Expenses low. The net coHt per week to thoee who receive State aid ia only 75. This pays for light, heat, washing, furnished room, board and tuition. . Extra State aid to gradu ates who agree to teach two years. . Accommodations first-class.. Electric light in every room. Fan system steam heat. Abundance of pure mountain water. Hot and cold water on every floor. Gymnasium. Athletic grounds. Pleasant location, easy of access. Pro gressive city of 8,000 inhabi tants. Strong faculty. Su perior instruction. Graduates secure good positions. Over 700 students present last year. Graduating class num bered 122. Students may enter at any time. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and secure room for next terra. JAMES ELD0N, A. iU Ph. D., . Principal, Central State Normal School, . Lock Haven, Pa. -