The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 20, 1898, Image 4

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    gTfte Stan
Subxcriptinn $1.R0 per year, or $1.00 if
paid ttricthi in advance.
C. Ai RTKPIIKNftON, F.dllor and Pllb.
An Independent loent paper, published every
Wednesday at HeynoliNvllle, Jefferson Co.
Pa., devoted to I hp liitcrettsnf Heynolilsvlllo
and .Tcffcmoncolinty. Nnn-polttlcsl. will Iwitt
all wHh fairness, and will he especially friend
ly towards the laboring elass.
Subscript Ion price 1 .00 per year, In advance.
Communications Intended for publication
mint be n impnnlcd by the r(iiT' name,
not for publication, but as a guarantee of
good faltn. Interesting news Hems solicited.
Advertising rates mado known on applica
tion at the ofnee In Arnold"' Block.
Lenghtv communications and change if
advertlse'ments should roach Mils office by
Monday noon.
Address all communication! to C. A. Steph
enson, Knynoldsvllle. Ia.
Entered at the postofhVe at. Reynoldsville,
Pa., a second class mall matter.
Often by trylnpr to lighten other
pooplo'a burdens we lighten our own
and life is the swootor for It.
Truo friendship is lilto a. reputation, it
l-equires H long time to tfnln cither, but
each may lw lost In the twinkling of nn
Pensioner will shortly receive blanks
from the department at Washington
calling for Information regarding their
marriage relations. Tho data is to bo
filed at Washington and will bo used
when widow's and orphan's pension's
aro applied for after the soldier's death.
The system was originally inaugurated
several years ago, but complete returns
were either not received at the depart
ment or were not properly filed. Tho
object was simply to get tho soldier's
own statement regarding his social relations.
Tho religion that makes people tell the
truth: the religion that keeps people
from speaking 111 of tholr neighbors; the
religion that makes people pay their
debts; the religion that makes people
honest and upright; tho religion that
makes men manly and women womanly;
that makes no distinction between
wealth and poverty; tho religion that Is
part of people's overyday life, exempli
fied in deeds, loving acts and cheering
words, is tho religion that is most need
ed in the world to-day. There is entirely
too much profession and not enough of
the genuine ivllglon in the world.
Tho constables throughout tho state
are receiving a circular from the state
commissioners of forestry, calling their
attention to two acts passed by tho last
legislature, making constables ex-ofllco
firo wardons. They must report to
court the first week of quarter sessions
of any or no forest or timber land fires.
If thoy extinguish any Bros they will be
compensated at fifteen cents per hour,
and assistants will receive twelve cents
an hour. Any person who is called upon
to act as an assistant must either serve
or undergo a fine and imprisonment.
No county is to pay more than $500 in
ono year for such work. One-half of the
amount for such work is to bo paid by
the county and tho other half by the
A writer In the Review of Review sums
up the attributes of the weekly as fol
lows: Each copy is read not only by
the five people usually credited to the
ordinary paper, but by twice or thrice
that number in many instances, for
many subscribers pass tholr paper on
and on to the inmates of less fortunate
homes. These publications aro pre-eminently
the homo papers of newspaper
lom. Thoy aro not superficially scanned
while men travel to business and then
loft for brakomon to gather up. They
go directly into homes and the reading
of them is a duty as well as a pleasure
Hence their peculiar value to adver
tisers and tholr value as raolders of
public opinion."
Prohibition Convention.
The Prohibitionists of .loffurson coun
ty met In convention In Centennial hall,
Itcynoldsville, l'a.. April 14th, 18DH, at
2 o'clock P. M.
Called to order by tho County Chair
man, 8. Shaffer, who was elected presi
dent of tho convention, R. L. Miles,
secretary, and D. B. SehnlTner assistant
secretary. Committees were appointed
on county organization, nominations
and resolutions, and after a short inter
mission reported to tho convention
when the following business was transacted:
8. Shaffer was elected County Chair-
mam; Jerome C. Sprankle, assistant;
U. L. Miles, Secretary, and J. Van
Reed. Treasurer.
R. F. Millcn, of Falls Creok, was
chosen for Assembly.
Vino R. Pratt, of .Roymildsvlllu, for
County Surveyor.
,1. M. Starlzel!, of Kprankles Mills,
for Coroner.
Delegates and alternates to tho State
Convention were elected, as follows:
Congressional conferees. J. C. Sprank-
lo, Grange, Robei t L. Miles and Solomon
Shaffer, Reynoldsville: delegates to tho
State convention, John Moore, Cren
shaw, D. H. Sehaffner and R. F. Mlllon,
Falls Creek, A. D. Doemor, Brookvlllo,
John B. Hair, Punxsutawney, A. W.
Smith, Grove Summit, James Kearney
and C. E. Templo, Brockwayvillo, Jer
ome C. Spranklc, Grange, James Harl,
Cool Spring; alternates, 8. R. Wins-
low, Hazen, 8. G. Bussard, Aliens Mills,
Charles Irvln. Big Run, Joseph Steel,
Sugar Hill, J. W. Hunter, Grove Sum
mit, Conrad Winlnleh, Crenshaw,
Frank Snyder, Punxsutawney, D. S.
Gearhart, Brookvlllo, T. C. Osburn,
Kails Creek, W. W. Dougherty, Aliens
A. D. Doemer, of Brookville, was
elected a member of tho State Central
The committee on resolutions report
ed and tho following resolutions were
unanimously adopted:
Wo, the member of tho Prohibition
party of Jefferson county, assembled,
renewing our acknowledgement of
allegiance to Almighty God and His
Son. Jesus Christ, as tho rightful Ruler
of tho universe, and believing the Bible,
God's Word, to bo the supremo law of
lire, declare the following to bo our
political purpose:
1.,, tr .i.wi.... n....,...i 1..1.....
for entire destruction of tho liquor traf
fic as a legalized beverage, because It Is
an enemy to home, church and state.
nd. Wo commend t ho fearless and
manly course of Dr. Silas C. Swallow In
exposing tho villainous greed of somo
of our public officials.
drd. Wo do most cheerfully endorse
Dr. Silas C. Swallow as cundldalo for
governor of tho State, believing that
his election would tend to promote
honesty in tho administration of this
4th. We pledge ourselves to tho
maintenance of the Christian Sabbath
as a day of rest.
Dr. C. H. Mead, of Now York, talked
to tho members of tho convention In
the afternoon, and in the evening gavo
an elegant address to tho delegates and
citizens of the place.
A system for the finances of the com
ing campaign was provided for.
Tho W. C. T. U. took an earnest and
active part in entertaining the delegates
and doing good work.
R. L. Miles, Soc,
With what a heartache we sometimes
hear that a great grlof has overwhelmed
some dear friend, a wave of anguish
having swept from his or her side that
which on earth was most precious. We
go and tiit silently in the house of mourn'
Ing, our whole nuturo absolved id a
wordlese compassion, best expressed by
a handclusp, a glance, and the muteness
of pity; and when we turn away it is
with the fueling that the cloud which
has fallen there will never be withdrawn,
that henceforth our friend must walk
softly In loneliness of soul. A year
elapses, or two, or three. We meet
again, and we observe that the school
of sorrow has wrought its boneficlent
work. Our friend greets us oheerfully,
enters with zest into life's duties and
pleasures, and perhaps forms new as
sociations which apparently supplant
even the memory of the old. The form
or things have passed away, but not so
their effect. A beauty surpassing the
earner loveliness Das oome to tne iran
qull brow, the serene eyes, the tender
Hps. He or she who passed under the
rod of discipline has entered upon
phase of existence finer, purer, sweeter,
than anything before experienced, and
In self-poise, in care for others, in gen
' tlenoss of manner and swift responsive'
ness, and, the development of many
grace, the graduate from sorrow's
. school has gained inexpressibly. The
treasure laid up In heaven enriches the
soul that yet tarries on tho earth. The
' -gift of sympathy eudows the heart that
has known solicitude, grief, suspense
and the pain of hope 'deferred. Peaoe
lollowing strife as a blessed token from
the Lord Himself Is a seal of nobluty,
sign of aooeptanoe, Joy that belongs
People Who Pay the Printer.
The following persons have puld tholr sub
scriptions or added their names to our list
since hist week:
Mrs. Elluiheth Stone-Robinson, Heaver, Pa.,
March 24, '9B
O. V. Perhrlst, F.lennora, now! April 13, '99.
P. B. Khodes, Heynoldsvlllo, new April
14, '9.
Dr. B. K. Shires, Ruthmel, new.
Miss Myrtle Oolst, Itcynoldsville, April
B. H. Harding, Camp Run, July 1, '94.
A. W. Hmith, Grove Summit, new April,
15. '99.
Miss Emily Bennett, TIcondcroKU, N. Y
Jan. H, '99.
O. H. Vreseott, Cleveland, Ohio, BeptemlK-r
18, '99.
John II. Kaucher, Reynoldsville, Jan. 1, '99,
W. II. Ford, HeynoldKVllle, November It, '97,
Miss Edith Kuntx, Clarion, new July B, 'UN.
Iru L. Beobe, KeynoldHvllle, Inew April
lit, '99.
1). M. Straltwell, Camp Run, Jan. 11, '99
11. tl. Keller, New Bethlehem, October 1, '98.
Coorge Hughes, Reynoldsville, Jan. 17, '99.
J. L. loncs, Fulls Creek, new April IN, '9U.
Drawn for the May Term of Court Com
mencing Monday, May gth, I8g8,
nnAsn jtrnons, mat A, 1H!W.
McOrcgnr, Wm, farmer. Klncgold twp
ltntterlleld, than, farmer, Itimiett twp
Williams, Itenonlu. farmer, Young twn
ing, Miles, ciers, iicynoiusviiic
McCracken, I K laborer, Knox twp
t , farmer, Clover twp
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Miss Ada
E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken
with a bud cold which settled on my
lungs; cough set in and finally terminat
ed in Consumption. Four Doctors gave
mo up, saying I could live hut a short
time. I gave myself up to my Savior,
determined if I oould not stay with my
friends on earth, I would meet my ab
sent ones above. My husband was ad
vised to get Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
gave it a trlul, took In all eight bottles
It has cured me, and thank uod 1 am
now a well and healthy woman." Trial
bottles tree at'.H. A. Stoke's Drug
Store. - Regular size 50o. and $1.00,
Guaranteed or price refunded.
Snyder & Johns, fashionable tailors,
We are taking orders for spring dellv
ery on phosphate and MoCormiek
mowers and binders. We are selling
sleighs, hay, salt, flour, feed, dry goods.
groceries and drugs. Come In and t
3. C. Kino & Co,
When you are troubled with dlxxlnea., your
appetite U gone, and you feel bad generally,
take a few doses of Dr. Henry Baxter's Malt'
drake Bitter, and you will be surprised at
the Improvement la your feelings. Every
bottle warranted to five satisfaction, for
nrrler. I,
lliiiwn, Mi'Clelliind, laborer, Wlnslnw twp
nnnn, wininm, itinorcr, wttfoow twp
IIIimo, Wm T, pinning mill man, Hlg Run
Moore. Kilward I., consiable. WIiinIow twn
HholTner. Iliunetl, fm nlliireman, Wellington
iimphcH, , I, carnage maker, Oliver twp .
allioun. V A. laborer. Wimbinaton twn
Oiilnn, ,ohn. miner, Young twp
.folius, A C, farmer, Oliver twp
ork, Allen, photographer, riinxsutawney.
Slinw, John, inlsirer, v aldington twp
.ciTicr,, tine Kinvcr. runxsiitnwney
Kohlnion. Clark, clerk. I'unisutawney
iniioio, , ii:im. conniiic, retry Twp
luinllton. Frank, fanner, (inslilll twn
Zetlcr, Itert, laborer. Warsaw twp
nng, r v, rec u 1, ass n, riinxsutnwney
rsTir .irnons, mat 9, 1MW
Hteel. J P. farmer, 1'iilon twp
inicK. aivin, tanner, itcuvcr twp
DcnnUnn. Diivlil. farmer. Wablnirton twn
Zimmerman. lMin'1, farmer, McCalmout twp
ormn..innn, iatmer, i men iwp
MllldiH'k. U C. teacher, Oliver twp
to-own. v i, rev, coiicctoi, rntiXMinawney
Keys. Wn. timnei. Wahltigion twp
til-oven, .1 II. cnijMMiter. Ml-ockwny vlllo
Kiintzi'lmnti. F i.. farmer. Clover tw p
tclhlcr. Almm. farmer. Itlnugoltt twn
loldln. Tlinmni, molder, Clay vllle
VteiKon. Oliver, tiliotovranlier. K.ldred twn
HtchariU, T A.cai-(MMiier, Koe twp
Snxon, H ,T It. miner. Kcviioltlsvllle
Hnyder, John, farmer, Snyder twp
Sli'alVer, .lames, laborer. Knox twp
Stewart, John, farmer. Ringgold twp
Vinson, rMimnoi, rarmer. viaraw Twp
.ran, urn jiapei-1, anger, t niyviiie
iearlim-t. V. K. farmer. Ithiggold twn
Stahlman. S tl, farmer, WarMiiw twp
Klcktu-d. ii O. farmer, Warsaw twp
Smith. M M. fiiimer. Folk twp.
r loon, Michael, teamster, I'lay vlllo
KeNo. Jove ph, farmer, Clover twp
lllinkie. Martin, laliorer. Harnett twn
Sutter. Frank. clerk, lieynohUvllle
iittu, Mcivcitn. nun man, I'linxsiuawney
Hurr, W K. laborer, Brookville
Mchritiff. I'hlllln. men-hunt, clavvllle
Itowct-H, Jerry, iiuiMon, Warsaw twp
Jon,-H. J L. mailing mill man. Wa-wilngtnn
McCe vev. r It. hotel keener, runxmitawnev
p-niaii, i ii, rarmer, ivnox iwp
neoier, I larmer, lnllngmp
l'.lM-nhait, in. mcii'hant, Oliver Iwp
Lewi-, lliin-y. laborer, Kcynoulsvllle
Tl-trtmnn. KJ.cnh t. maker. I'liiix-tntawnev
WINoii. T II, printer, Hniokvllle
linver. oilier, uinoier. iieaveriwp
I itill. .In fitttm'i' PiM-i'V fn-n
Snyder, tinry, nicivhant, OunxHittiiwney
I'oVter. tt V', nieivliant, Cbiyvlllo
Tobln. John, farmer, Snyder twp
ralg. Sliinlev. lalioier. Itrookvllln
Itill-ket. osepli, fariiier. tHlver twp
iiowe. r.merv. Tiirmer. t tuon twu
Taylor, F. I., clerk, llrookvlllo
ChiiighbauKh, Thui, miner, lteynnldsvllle
ltnrge. Wm. merchant. Wet lleynoldvlllo
Delbler, Harvey, farmer, Ringgold twp
Shields. John v, cariM-nlrr. 'oung twp
Mi-Clure, Wm. farmer, Washington Iw p
duller, : II, iiierchaiil, HiiHikvllle
tiearbart, I.evl, lalioief, Worthvltle
FIlKslinmon-. T II. farmer, Clovertwp
Klrkwood, W II, machinist, 'onng twp
McKlnlcy. J A, laborer, Klilred twp
F-iIh, David, merchant, Wlnlow twp
Brooks. (1 M. farmer. liiiMklll twn
Cyphert, Kiiwani, aliier, Klilred twp
Spears, .toseph, Kione maton, Heynoldsvlllo
Shatt'er. J T. cainenter. I'linxsiitawncy
r-coii, nm . laiiorer, vt nhliigton twp
Larimer. R II. farmer. Kldii-d two
Shled-4,.1 I,, druggist, l-iinxsiiiawnev .
Chllcott, J C, lalHirer, MriM-kwayvilfe
liiiicliis, llen.l, fanner. Heaver Iwp
Bullers, A .1, fiirmer. Beaver twp
Klckerd. Iliin-y, laborer. INilk twp
White, 'riiomas, stone mason, Cbiyvlllo
Caldwell, . I tl, surveyor, llrookvlllo
Morrison, I N, farmer, W ashlnglon twp
McCracken. James, farmer. Perrv two
Sblrey, David, stone mason, Ringgold twp
llamm, l.yman, fainier, 'ollllg Iwp
Carrier, 1 A. coal operator, Siinimervllln
Met lei hum, loiin II, merchant, Washington
tinge, Clinton, farmer, Snvdertwp
Miller, .1 A, doctor, Perry twp
IMi'k lnli.V. rtiwilf. fncnw.r l!,il,i lun
(ielst, U D. mill man, Oliver twp
Clarke, Matt, Jobber, Oliver twp
Crawford, James, laborer, Brockwayvillo
Smith, A V, farmer, Washliigton twp
Yasblnder, Ed, farmer, Warsaw two
Anthony, Jonathan, farmer. Henderson twp
Tax Collectors' Bonds.
Judge Heed has fixed Monday, May
1S98, for the approval of tax collec
tors' bonds, and It is the duty of all tax
collectors to bo present at 10 o'clock, A.
M., of said day, that tholr bond may be
approved and the outh of office admin
istered. The law provides that the
bond must be signed by the principal
and two bondsmen, in the presonce of
two witnesses, and approved by the
Court. If tho Court be not satisfied
with the liability of the bondsmen,
they will bo required to make affidavit
as to the amount of property thoy own.
Bond must be In double tho probable
amount of taxes that will como into the
collector's hand. Brookville Republican.
Tho undersigned will pay twenty-five
dollars to any person furnishing evidence
for the arrest and conviction of the por
son or persons who have heretofore, or
or may hereafter, sot fire out on the lands
of the Reynoldsville Land and Improvo
mentCompany. S. B. ELLIOTT, Pres.
Fresh fish, shad, herring and cat-fish,
every Thursduy at Doverspiko's res
taurant, next door to postotllue.
Try a pair of J. E. Wolsh & Co.'s
heavy bunk shoes for mining.
All now 18! 18 patterns in shirts at
Rheumatism Is iiulckly cured by using
Arnica & Oil Liniment. For sale by 11. A.
Huld u noted man of 00 yuarss "My mother
gave me Downs' Elixir for coughs and colds
when I was a hoy." For sale by H. A. Stoke.
The short line bet ween Dullols. Rldgway,
Niagara Fails and points lu the upper oil
On and after Feb. 20th. 1HIIS. nassen
gor trains will arrive and depart from Falls
i;reeK aiauou, uauy, except eunuay, as iui
7.U6 a m and 1.40 p m for Gurwensvllle and
Q.4:i il m Rochester mall For Brock
wavvlllo. Klugwav. Jolinsonburg. Alt.
jewett, Bradford, Salamanca, and
Rochester; connecting at Johiisonburg
with 1'. & E. train 3, fur Wilcox, Kane,
Warren, Oorry and Erie,
10.27 a in Accommodation For Sykes, Big
uun ami runxsuiawney,
10. '.is a in For Reynoldsville.
1.15 p in Buiralo Express For Beech
true. Hrockwavvlllu. Ellmont. Oar
moil, Rldgway, Johuboiiburg, Mt. Jewett
Bradford, and Buffalo.
l.tfi p. nr. Accommodation for Punxsu
tawney and Big Run,
4.10 u. m.-Mall-For Dullols. Sykes, Big
Run Punxautawuey aud Clearfield.
T.40 u m Aiutoiuniodatlou tor Big liuu and
Passengers are reiueated to purchase tick
eta before enlerliig the oars. An excess
charge of Ten Cents will lie collected by con
ductors when fares are paid on trains, from
all stations where a ticket offlce Is malnlatuea,
Thousand mile tickets at two cenu per
mils, good for passage uetween ail stations,
4. II, SSUIMTTMP, Ageilfti K alia UnHi r.
I. O. LAsr, Geu. Pas. Agent, ...
Uix-bester N. Y.
10,000 Rolls
Is in no way displayed to
better advantage than it is on
the walls. We hang paintings
there to please the eye. Wall
Papers that are veritable pic
tures for beauty and attrac
tiveness are shown in our
special assortment of
in many different patterns.
The number of our designs,
great as it is, is far less notable
than their merit and novelty.
In quality, too, our papers run
along a high plane of value.
Only our prices strike a low
level. In the matter of
we are second to none. We
try to get the best the market
affords, and everything we
sell goes out on positive guar
antee, and "money back if you
want it."
We carry Berry Bros.' Hard
Oil and Elastic Finishes, Liquid
Granite for floors, Harrison
Bros.' Liquid Filler Varnishes,
Oil Colors, Oil Stains, and
Ready-Mixed Paints, Plastico,
&c; in fact, there is nothing
made in the paint line that we
cannot supply on short notice.
We now offer you a line of
Sherwin & Williams' Special
Interior Colors that, insure a
harmony of color with your
wall paper. No more need of
guessing at it.
Sole agent for
Adamant and Victor Wall Plastors
the only dependable wall plasters on the
market to-day. Many imitations,
to the secret of the Lord. Ex.
saloby U. A. Stoke.