The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 23, 1898, Image 7

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They Am Drawn tolhe Great Wheat Fields
of Hie San Joaquin Veil-- lret Sport
! for the flnntere Tha lllrrl Are Verw
' Wary anil Cannot Ue Fooled Mke Ducks
i A Io Angeles (Cnl.) oorrespon
dent of the I'Liilnclolpkia Times snvs
Hunting wiM geese on the plains nmt
' nloliir the Missouri and Mississippi
River yliottom lnnils is (Trent sport, but
there are soorosjuf hunters in Month
rn Culifornin, nmt especially in the
Hsn Jonqnin Valley, who any that no
where else in the Uniteil Stntes nra
there bptteropportnnilios tohunt rppso
and ducks than in this region. In tho
months of October and November there
nro scores of armies 'ot wild pecan,
nnmbnrirnr two thonsand and three
thousand each, that pass over this sen
Hon in their migration from llrilisli
America to tho Mexican and Ueiitrn
American lagoons. On somo ilnvs
ithere are to be seen in the little coves
and marshy bays that iudunt the count,
!of Honthern California thousands of
Iwild seese squawking, diving and
"honk-honkinn" ou the surface of the
iwater. They feed upon the whent and
Biarloy left on tho Rronud by tho care
ess thrashers iu the Croat grain Ileitis
tof this region. Hundreds of men and
jboys who can shoot turu out annually
at tins season to nave a day or two o
'port in shooting wild pceso. There
have been days when .i many as a
thousand wild geese have been
"tumbled over" in a single locality,
And it is estimated that thero have
teen many daya when nevoral thou
sands of the birds have been staiu by
Binnters here and tuero ,lu Hootbern
ICalifornia. Still there is no dirninn
tion in the number of geese. And each
jrear the flocks are just as frequent
and as large,
At about the middle of October each
rear the professional goose hunter of
ICalifornia fixes a station among the
il-ank grasses and tules about tbo'shores
of tho marshy bays, and especially the
muddy alkali lakes, in preparation for
jibe coming of the migrating birds from
ithe North. As surely as November
polls around the birds begin to come,
land the hunter begins his cam-
rpaign of shooting. Thero is no
game quite so wary as the
jPaaitio Coast geese, and it reqnires
irare natienoo. much exposure and unu-
laual knowledge of the habits of the
' birds to be ablo to got them in great
quantities to supply the markets.
When the hunter considers that bo is
much bigger thau the gooso, and that
the range of vision of this tireless navi
gator of the air is creatlv euhajced
from his exalted position among the
clouds, and that tho game he seeks is
always on tho alert for danger, be will
then appreciato the necessity of lying
very low when he seeks to get within
gunshot of wild geese. They cannot
be fooled like ducks. They are en
tirely devoid of curiosity, and take
many things for granted without stop
ping to investigate, especially if the
ithings look like men. Whou migra
ting the goose seldom alights iu the
water in the daytiino, although it keeps
nlnaa If mil fTAtiarallw fi.tlnnra a
wateroonrse during most of its flight.
fWben it sottlos for a night's rest it
generally seeks open water, but is np
at dawn and away. The best locality
in Southern California to bag seventy
five to a hundred wild geese a day by
a man who makes a business of hunt
ing is about the alkali lake and the
immense reservoirs of mud in Kern
' .Conntv. where over tenthonsand noma
-of wheat fields lie adjacent. When
ithe day ii misty awl the olouds oome
Sow down toward the earth is consid
ered by experienced hunters to be the
best time to get shots that tell, for the
igeese will'not attempt to make long
flights unless the lookout can see the
surroundings perfectly, and thus they
re compslled to fly low or stop until
the olouds rise or roll by. When fol
lowing the river iu stormy weather
they will often alight upon gravel and
sandbars, where no willows or vegeta
tion of any kind grow. Sometimes
they drop down in the oentre of a big
grain field and pat Jn their waiting
moments in filling upr - .
Substantial Justice.
A few lawyers were sitting in one of
the city restaurants few days ago
eating lanoh, and discussing different
inbjees, whei one of them told the
lauSwIng story
f This occurred lome'years ago in the
office of a former Justioe of the Peace.
An attorney, who has Binoe loft Sionx
City, had been engaged to defend a
man Jfor the crime of petty larceny.
Tha lawyer knew that the case against
his client was a pretty strong one, and
ha decided to beard the lion in his
'den. As he entered the room he told
'the Justice of the com, the name of
lis client, and added that he did' not
think there was any evidence to con
vict. At the same time he slipped a
$20 gold piece in the bond of the Jus
tice, and gave him a knowing wink.
The Court said nothing, but, pulling
open the cash drawer, slipped the
money in. The ease went to trial.and
after the evidence, had all been intro
Idaoed there appeared to be no que
Jtion of the guilt of the defendant. Bat
this counsel was confident, thinking
ithe gold piece had done the work. The
Court . then , summed np the case,
and, to the astonishment of the de
fendant's counsel, said: '
"Tho Courts finds the defendant
guilty as charged in the (information,
and fines him 8100, of which amount
(20 has been paid. The defendant
will bs committed to the qoanty jail
until the remainder is paid in to this
j Z-'othing more was said, and the
settled back in his chair, sat
1 that the laws of the State had
1 r:'c:i and A dishonest attorney
' i in tha lurch, Sioux
Woman's rata.
from fht J? word, Buihnttl, ItL
' Ho woman is better able to speak toother
regarding "woman's fate" than lira. Jaeob
Weaver, ot BushneU, III., wife of ei-City
Marsha) Weaver. She bad entirely re-'
covered from the Illness whloh kept her
bedfast much o( the time for Ave or sis
years past, and says her recover Is due
to that wall-known remedy, Dr. Williams'
l'lnk Pills.
Mrs. Weaver Is fifty-six years old, and
tins lived In Has Ii noil nearly thirty year.
Hlio Is ot unquestionable tnraclty nod un
Memlslied reputation. The story ot her re
covery In Interesting. Hhn siiys:
"I suffered for live or tUt years with tha
trouble, that comes to Women at this time
of my life, I wn muvh wmkened, was tin
sll" much, of the tlmn to do my own work,
and suffered beyond my power to describe,
1 wss downhearted nnd melancholy.
"I took mnny dfff-jreht ninilMnea, In fact,
I look medicine all the time, but nothing
Seemed to do me ooy giod.
"I read about Dr. Williams' l'lnk Pills
for Talo People, and some of mv friends
rocommeuded tliein highly. I mado lip my
mm i ii'" . mind to try them.
?r 5" A 4' bought the rut
erK,.' "r-"' ' In MaF..h 1SWJ
(&'jiL-i? Tjiind wns iienolltod
1 I Irom tlio start.
11 vu ,c. 'vrtcri 'J lialf oitrM maruini.
I .iSr- .'.y ' ft I 1 V"
jl r fwii ' . 1 1 aiFiiev. i nil
leen bothered with
my troubles since
II.. T I, ll . . . e o
juimt .m, it cuun 1)IIS.
"I have reoommondeil the pills to many
women who are suftorlnff ai I suffered.
They are the only thing that helped me In
the trial that oomes to so innny women at
my age." Mas. J. H. WsiTsa.
Mutworihnd and sworn to IWore me this
23d day of October, A. D. 1897.
O. O. Ilirss, nrtary Public.
'When womnn Is paMlng beyond the aga
ot motherhood, It is a crlls In her lite.
Then, If ever, proper attention to hygiene
should bs exercised. The attendant suffer
logs will disappear and buoyant health wilt
follow If Dr. Williams' l'lnk I'llls nre need.
These pills exert a powerful Influence la
restoring the system to Its proper condi
tion. They contain In a condensed form all
tbs elements necessary to give new Ufa and
rlobness to the blood.
400 for Kew Hsmes I
The, Raiser Seed Co. want suitable
names for their 17-Inch long corn and
Vi hlte Oat prodigy. You can win this
H00 easily. Catalogue tells all about
It. Peed potatoes only $1.60 a barrel.
SsmoTiiis h'oTK's ami in Cts. is Stamps
to John A. fairer Seed So., La
Croste, Win., and get their great
seed catalogue and It new farm seed
samples, Including above corn and
oata, positively worth $10.00, to get a
start Send to-day, to-day, alrl A C. 6.
A Bonth American Moake) Story.
There Is more tbaa arm way of flght
ing a anake. In Natal, South Africa,
,-wfcera lives the deadly mamba serpbnt,
m party of fifty or sixty Kaffirs were
building a road. In the course of their
ork they rame to a huge e to ire, nnoVr
which dwelt large black mambn,
woll-knowa to (he nvlghborlng Imlmbt
ianU as being very flerce and Venom,
vus. The superintendent Aatlrrpstfd
troublo with the rork and so br) offered
a roward to the Knfflr that would bring
ii I in the ansae's skin. For a time none
it them dared make tfhe ntlark, tint a
ullm youth finally Hflimlred forward,
ii nd amid the Jihts ami protestatlots of
iths rout tloclnred hlmaoif equal ro the
tusk. He took from his neck wind lock
ed like n bit of shriveled sllrk. rliowtst
lit, swallowed some of It, spat out the
rest on his hands, and proceeded to
rub his gllatnnlnir brown laxly nnd
llmhs all over. Then, taking up tils
atli'k, and chanting ang of ileflanro,
ho ndviiTicod wlrli great pouililiuce and
sa-ngcer to tho boulder. Thvre he
ronwvl up the mnmba, who In great
fury at Iwlng disturbed bit blin In tho
lip wtth great venom. Tb boy took no
notice of tho Wt, but broke the suake'a
lmck wlrh hla stick and bringing him
to his number askod for the reward,'
olntalnlng which, he -went back to his
work, nml th Nro of the reptile had
no fffoot an him whatever.
No tribe, not even that of a cow (hot
ter than any gold In the' eyes of a
Kaffir), would Induce this native to dis
ci owe the secret of his antidote, which,
be eskl, had been handed dwwa in bis
family for generations. The snake wns
very long one, and so old tliat it had
a mane. It Is a well-known fact tha
Certain of the Zulus have antidotes for
Hoe more dtndly snake poisons, which
Umy preaerve as a secret within their
own famlivw.
Col. Ilobert Ingersoll's old Sunday
school teacher, John t Robertson, ban
Just died at Ashtabula, O , aged 90. For
f.4 years he lived In the house occupied
by Ingersoll's father.
To Care A Cold la One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo QtilnlnaTablete. All
Druggists refund money if it fails to onra. S5o.
Harmsworth Brothers, proprietors of
the London imlly Mull, Kvenlng News
and other publications, gave an order
for white paper the other dny that
amounted In value to 13.750,000.
Gratify inn Letters to Mrs. Pink
ham From Happy Woman.
t Owe Ton My Life."
Mrs. E. Wooi.ntsrB,
. JIllls, Neb., writes:
"Ueab Mrs. I'inkham! I owo my
life to your Vcifetnblo Compound. Tho
doctors said 1 hud consumption and
nothlnjr could lie done for me. My
menstruation hnd stopped and they
sold my blood was turning to water. I
had several doctors. They nil nnld 1
could not live. licjrnn tho use of T.ydiu
K. rinklinm's Vc(fct:ible Compound,
and It helped me rlplit nivsyi menses
returned and I have Rained In wclfrhl.
I have better health tlmn 1 hnve hnd for
years. Ills wonderful what your Com
pound has duno for me."
"I Feel Mke New Tenon."
Mrs. f!r.o. I,f.a it,
109 Hello St., Alton, 111., writes:
" Keforo I bernn to take your Vego
table Coiiipound 1 was a great sufTercr
from womb t rouble Menkes would ap
pear two and three times in a igonth,
causing mo to tie so weak I could not
stand. I could neither sleep nor en t, and
looked so badly my friends hurdly
knew me.
" I took doctor's medicine but did not
derive much benefit from it. My drug
gist gavo mo ono of your little books,
and after reading it I decided to try
Lydis Ii IMnkhara's Vegetable Com
pound. I feci like n new person. I
would not give your Compound for all
tho doctors' medicine in tho world. I
ccn not praise H enough."
Pains a Aches
Every kuaaaa bedy ran be C'I'RKD af Ihem by naln
"One Year Borrows Another Year's Fools." You Didn't Use
Last Year. Perhaps You Will Not This Year.
Olager ner Tipple.
An unusual form of Inebriety was
preaentid for treatment at Dellevue re
cently. It wss that of a woman who
cored nothing for alcoholic beverages,
bus was afflicted with the Jamaica gin
trer babtt She says she has an uncon
trol'Jable desire for ginger, as It pro
dO'ies a stimulating effect, but does not
Intoxicate her, and she believes she
(wild live on IU Rhe ate little food
when she could obtain the drug, and
she cared for no other kind of drink.
Dr. Carotan placed tho woman among
the nlcholle patients. A curious fen
tureof tho rose Is that when n child she
was unusually fond of ginger snnis,
ami ute them in the way thnt many
Klrls eat candy. New York Commercial-
Ail vwtiser.
ngtitost niiustnnce.
Tho lightest substance known is said
to bo the pith of the suuflower, with
a spoclHc gravity of fi.OL'S while elder
pith hitherto recoifnl.iMl ns the lightest
aiibstonces has a Svlflc gravity o.j
0.011, reindeer's luilr 0.1 nnd cork 0.1M.
For savinit appliances at sen, cork wltl(
a buoyancy of 1 to f, and reindeer's
hair with ono to 1 to 10, hns been used,
while Hie pith of the sunflower has u
buoyancy of 1 to ft..
riow's Thl. t
WeofferOne Hundred Dolliri Ttownrd for
STiy en-e of 1'iittrrh that oeriuot bi oured by
lUII'l Catarrh Cure.
if. J. Oiisnrv Co., Piopj., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known t'ho.
ney lor the la-t 16 ynnr. end believe bun per.
fertly honoribie in nil business tran 'ectioni
and Aiinnrlall- nlile to carry out any obliga
tion m-'ria by their II rm.
WnsT & THuax,Wbolcale Drnggists, Toledo,
Oh o.
Wi,niso, Kissasj A Mabvik, Wholesale
IlniitKlsts, Toledo, Ohio.
Hnll's C'stnrrh :me is taken Internally, aet
Inadlri-rtly upon the Mood and imieisia enr.
fsees of the aystoi. Prln, Trie, per bottle, tiold
by all Druggiste. Testimonials free.
Usil'a family PilU are Uie betU.
La l
Wt with t fiifi ue.fwe
laj-isrt. ! hfocioi
1 Pkff. lBUar Hftditb,
'S'-R'.'iTJWa-S.' J!
Bli-nnr'-k Oiffninttcra laVi
M Utivaa Vtctoria LtUuee. Ho
KlonHk Mln. lie
N Jnaabo Olast Onion, fxs
Brilliant Viewer acla, Uo
Werttt for 14 f.
Ah1t f-kft. worth fiuo, wawlll
"Bitil yaa fr, tocatttar with oar
(r Plant ftan rl CatloQ
prtai rfetipi of thl notioa (and lie,
oatagt. W invita rrmr trada faad
now whan fnn nnni ir Halfor'a
aaavsovon wlirnofarirataianfaith'
BM.:atalof aloaatc. lfo.Ao
iou a. aiiaua itt ro.. la ntAMaV wit.
Nfif THE
Watson K.Colnmm, Att"rney-t-I,w sn( Rolirlter
of Fstsnts. twa F St.. N. v.. Waslitnaton. D. ).
i'il!i"S""'"B?it lu. jj.y. .l'"r,,. the canntry.
Tlte permanent"' eored. No Ate or nsTTons
nese after flrotoav's nee of fr. Kline'a Oraat
Nerve Keetorer. 03 trial bottle and treatise free
ba. B. U. Ki-rna. Ltd, ail Arab BU.FbUa..Pa.
Mrs. Wtnslnrw's Poothl ng arrnn foe ehfbtrea
ftee thing, oof tens the sumo, reducing InflaDnma
tion, allays pain, cores wind oolio. 26o buttf.
We hnve not been without I'iso's Cure for
f'otHuiiiit.lon fur 191 ynars.-Ijzir Fr.itaai
(.'am l Hi, llarrisliurg, !'., My 4, 'IH.
No. 083, llrsss Trimmed White Kn.
smeleil lii ilstesil, mnile lii M, 4H, 4J nnd
811 Inch wlilths-lenuth 75 Inches. It hns
one-Inch plilsrs, two Inch lunss vnsps
snd enps. This Iwd retain at from s to
Ilnr of the maker snd sire tti mld
dli inicra profits. Our ntiil' giies ere
mailed for trie iisking. omplete llnea
of Kiliiiltnre, l)rnierles, t'rorkerr.
Pictures, Mirrors, Ktnres, Kerruieril
tors, lluti.r nrrlsnes, l.initM, lirilillrr,
etc.. are c liriiloi ii In Ihe-e tiiMtks. tliir
l. tliouriiiiei Carpet Catsli cue show
ing ell v.hkIs In h iml -painted colors Is
slo free; If Vrpef nre wnnted
nmll us Si'. In suimirs. Iirop a pn"tm nt
onee t the iponey snvers nr l reinem.
Iht Ihnt we psr frelcht Oils
month on piirehnsrs of nrp (s,
!"' tnrulm, I'orllrra find
Miit- nmounilna; to (9 anil over.
1 ftnmM9nKmssw9sr
ata Friaclpal Ctantaar V. fl. an4.en Baraaa.
I f ra la, laat war- loattjudlaatttas elairaa, tttr, fiaaa.
BBaja ATCnITC t. llUMF Taf,
mf1' . ' w l l-"w ami Sh
H Heller af Patents, AOI V m., nh.
luatoa, l. C Curreap.nillica Bolli Ileil
and Usjnsr Rablt cured In
lo to So iIsti. No par till
en.jwl r. .f r. a. .
Wl Dept. A, (.ekaaon, Ohio.
PNC 12 'tS.
I. W. BIVANS, Solicitor of Pataaie, Willi., D.
UffIS wHfUf ill flit
Beat Cough gymp. Tastes
in lime. Hold b'
fob eecoHmTixs wall$ m geiliwbs jq-wSf;
frroeer or point deolsr and do your own kal- UMLulitlv somining.
This material is made on soiontibo principles bj machinery, and milled
in tsrenty-foar tints and is superior to any concoction of Olne and Whit
ing that can possibly bs ma'le by band. To bb ktzko with Cold Watbb.
rSF,!VI FOH HA-IPIJa COLOR CARDS and if yon cannot
purchase this material from yonr local dealers let -us know and wo will
pnt yoa in the way of obtaining it.- " f
In reply
private in
quiries from
ita tremen
dous clien
tage the
Review or
-the scien
tific publica
tion having
the largest
in the west
caused to
be made a
parison be
tween all
the better
class of cy
cles avail
able in open
'As a re
sult of the
expert and
the c ri t i-t
cal exami
nation of 37
makes, and
without any
this publica
tion unhesi
tatingly an
nounces in
favor of the
over all competitors..
liaUIMBL wiiJ ' A'liilW.J-BJ.lL IlltLl-. I U.J ) LB ajiaiiiiis ii ij .i . 1 1 m u 1 1 iiiia
i.iim a .wi.aaiaiasialaMar BMUInil it fcitfc i-", V
Wg.-H:-JIJ'-jaM U!!luJ1 ,. .Zml I
aanjfiiiani.iliqSfB.lBr i.aajau, jnBll uinniiiimmM .tBJUi , a1 '1 "-'-. llJi,,.;111-' lanaiai i miwi.imii.u.u,. niium ll I I)
Takes Precedence Over All Other Wheels.
n 1 "-.slUrVair. .aw
11 .rvaT f rt19;
aMay-V K Una ftrHvm SossTT
'War, -chioaie, 111. 5' ,..,. A
'r-'ifrDt ai, Your latter,er rebruar 1 received:1 la reply villi.
May ikAVV "nt x9 thank o4 far aoae and would also aay that thta ' ,
Lis the firat liM e ever knew of a paper of your olnaa havina that .
,'Worae to eone out and state a faot, and vant to soy
,riM Mrs that e don't thins yes have naddany aletase, for , i
j;tha goods all! baok yoa op In the atatsa-Ml. le are illln la .
a to a sur ouatnaea r sou tat Ion or over 67 lull that Uia La-all
Vlaaond Is he best bicjole built, aot enly in. thls.counlry bat
n any ovnar. nj- - ) t. a- r
r - - - - ww - ,uh fa... mi. wiwina piw.i. l" W
70U seat ua unaollelted and unknown to us, and in your letter
.were na enousn to aay that It would be printed and that you aaltq
no aa-ariiaeaant, firta or anything or the .kind, we abould be 1
pleased to have y6u send ua a fw copies by Bail.
SdaiB thanking you (or your kind letter and always wishing yesj i
jlthe very. beet of -auesess. w reaaiB Yours reapeotfully.
f. aSAOeoav. Tiaay,
a, ryors. sary.
hi! .
lnmn Cwtaanai m) saaaaaar
-all. Mil. Hwtt WeV
Ccti'hrfal 7ftpmrtmntm
Uym W a)va taaw
SnsWaaTsVS 1Mb) flf waaVf
"Bradbury Publishing Co.,
JohB. tlirSrCo
Bos tea, ifilS
Veur watewaad favo. sr thtTCl(ni7tCitttiUi
1wte4.Ve thank -oa f or year tied words af appToelafTfea. We . j
mean joat what aay, (hat for oareful dnd eoisntlfla ceestruo
(tion and real praotteat slu the loll Dloaond lg Badsubtadly '
the beat wheel aads,' ;n,.aur tnvestlgattea Be examined. r teSAlAe)
sikii, an! we wsre satisfied after Boat thorough tests that Be,
were Justified la giving the Fala to tha t'Dlaaond."
Considering we vera Be Influenced is any way by flnanolal eatve
slderations. not even if) the fora af advertising patronage, feuj
Isjay reet assured that the deoisioa was anprejudtaad.)
' fJhlo -5a suooeee Is tha aoaing (saaon, are
John P, Lovell Arms Co., M'f r's,
. 147 Washington street.
131 Broad Street.
121 Massachusetts Avenue.
Ascrits wanted la every
city and town.
If none In yours, write
to us today.
Unrroctoe Mace
Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, R. !.
Bangor, Me. Portland, Me.
ZJ Gst cj Cataleja " hm Dtatls cl tta World " cl our nearest agent or sent by us on application.
remarks tbs
w or Cok
merck" ssyg in
its issue of Feb.
25th, 1898:
"Our reprs
tentative, hare
therefore given
close and criti
cal attention to
the claims of
all the leading
makes of cy
cles as found
in their cata
logues, and as
presented by
agents and in
terested wheel
men. At a re
sult of thor
ough and prac
tical tests and
the unanimous
verdict of our
experts was
in favor of the
Lovill Dia
mond,' manu
factured by the
John P. Lov
11 Arms Co.,
Boston, Massa
chusetts, and
was based up
on general and
excellence in
every part of a
bicycle, cou
pled wiih cor
rect and scien
tific design."