mt X Star. Suhtcrlptitm tl.rn ;er '' tl-00 if pnfil utrirthi in. ml ninit. V, t. KiKPIIKiON, lid Ho r mill Pub. WEDNKHDA Y. FBBItUAUV 2:1. lim. Anlnilrpenilcni Im'iil paper, ptiliMsherievrrji Wednesday nt liiyimllvllli, Ji'tTi'Miin Co. Pa.. lflTil4rl Id tliw tnteri'Msnf KnynuliNvlllo nil .liitToMoiii'oiiiiiy. Nnn-polltlriu, will tniit all with fnlrnPM. nml will Imm"hw' hilly friend ly rowanm ini niiMinnv nun. Hutm-Mntion nrli'nfl.nOiHr venr.ln nclrnnrs. Omnmiiiilrntlnns IntnnilMl fir puhllciillon nilinV " ll'-I-IMIMIHMH-U 11 III" WIIH'l l,lll., not. for ptiliMrntlnn. tint, fin n Kinrnntin of Rood fultli. IntnreMtliiK news Items Nollt'ltml. AclvtirlWnir rut miidii knimn mi applli-n lion lit tht itlUno In Arnnldv HIiM'k. I4nahly rmiitmiiilcHtliins find rlinttiro of adrprtlsfl'nipnt hIkiiiIiI rtmch tills omVe by Momlny noon. Addnvwnlli'imimtinlrnttonR toC. A.flppli noon, Ucvnolilsvlllo. I'n. Entnif nt till- pontofllcp nt Kpynnldnvlllo, Pa., nsserond rims innll matter. must bo iifvompnnu'u ny tho writer n muni'. . Tho follow whit don't bclievo tho Ton Oommnntlnients apply t tho present generation needs to bo ciirt-fitlly watched. Quito a number of business places hung out tho stars anil lrlH yester day In honor of tho "Father of Our Country." Tho mini who says: "Why don't yon expose this, or that, or tho other,'' I the fellow who donon't want his niimo mentioned, and ho would swear ho nev er mentioned tho matter If tho printer ovor got In trouble about It. If peoplo would use tho name dili gence In spreading tin good things they hear and know about peoplo .that they do In heralding every hint or rumor of bad, tho world would ho bettor off and tattler and f.inltflndor would havo a surer chance for heaven. Tho child who forgets lillul obllgu- lion nml tvltll n ll.l.f1.tajM..i hni-n i.f ihn pit, deliberately turns against his aged parents Is preparing for himself a very Illliid of woes. For nothing Is truer than tho solemn declaration that "whatsoever u man soweth that also sb"ll ha reap." Hurrlshurg Omininn .. Jllh. A newspaper may publlHh column af ter column in laudation of a man or firm and they think It is only a duty you owo to the public to commend thorn; but print ono line that con bo construed as a rellectlon, and they aro up on their "high horso" in a minute, and all the gopd things you have said count for nought, and yet a majority of peoplo wlill claim that they like to see a paper v feArless, independent and outspoken. Our peoplo havo boon considerably exorcised the past week over the disas ter that befell the Maine and her crew in the harbor at Havana, full particu lars of which will bo found In this tsauo of The Star. Divers and Inquiry courts are making an investigation as to whether the Maine was blown up by accident or whothor It was tho work of tho Spaniards. It Is generally believed that It was tho work of tho enemy. The faots will bo known In a few days. The sheriff of Armstrong county pub lished the election proclamation In four newspapers last year, and tho county paid each tl75, or 9709 to tho four. Now they may squirm and wiggle away, among them, but tho county paid en tirely too much for that Bervlco. Pub lication In two or three papers would have been sufficient. Brookvlllo Dem ocrat. No doubt the Democrat thinks Bb LWtl 11HIHTM Wflllin rl Rllinn mnr. in H nniinrv. nivtvwinn tliium turn utamu Brookvuie papers. nere is no profession in ino universe uu in bu li i uiu ii i it ii i i iih mtrvnu mm becomes in time a serious strain upon the nerves of the constant worker, and irritability is us logical a sequence as mud after a rain. And to keep sweet amid the wrack and ruin of physical fibre requires a more thun ordinary strong will. But to smllo and Bmllo, though feollng a villain still, Is our saorod duty, if not to ourselves, at least to our neighbors. Tho Caxton Curtut. Likely enough your frlonds will often disappoint you. They will show count less faults and ecoontriolties of charac ter, and do many a thing which you In your wisdom would have left undone. But you should summon up a philosoph ical spirit, and put up with that. If you Ton It for a. nnrfnnfc frlnni) In thd mm.hU will probably die friendless, and it S be some consolation to think that jyourselves are likely pretty often fsappolnt your friends. The golden J should be the friend's directory, raud when at times it it lost sight of human natures being weak and tempers uncertain a little convenient blindness and deafness on both sides is not amiss. It is not an unusual thing now days to read of boys killing themselves by smoking cigarettes. A few weeks ago a young man nineteen years old died at McKeesporta victim of the cigarette habit. The habit so grew upon the ' young man that for the past six months be had smoked over 100 cigarettes a day. A week before be died be became so nervous that be was compelled to give up his position In the tube works offloel Doctors say bis death was due th poison that tba olirarettes onn. taloed. When cigarettes were refused V!J him bo raved like a manlao until death c'oimed him. Notwithstanding the r."ated warnings against this death-"'-J habit, boys, young men and old ' 'nits to smoke cigarettes. ' , . r . ' Rsthmel. Hmlth MuCt-elght, of Itoynoldsvillo, was In town on business last Monday. Messrs. William and David Elsmore, of Kleanora. visited In town Inst Wed nesday. It. L. Miles, of Itoynoldsvillo, was In town on business Inst Thursday. Iticbnrd Sliockey has left town for Avnnmor-!, where ho will be employed. .1. L. Marshall was In Brookvllle Inst week attending court as a juryman. . Rev. floorgu Hot-ley, a colored minis ter, lectured In the M. R. church on "Slavery" Friday and .Saturday even ings, and preached In the said church on Thursday and Sunday evenings. Mr. Busley Is an ex-slave. The niiHim'ngtim coal miners struck a few hours one day last week because of tho company falling to pay them at the proper tltno. Tho dilllculty was settled by Superintendent Dutismoro, who said bo would pay them this week, and they started to work again. Miss Kthel MeCn iglit has recovered from a severe al tack of quinsy and is touching again. (ieorgo Hughes, who was grunted wholesale lleonso at Ueynoldsvlllo, will move to ttovtmldsvllln soon. Mrs. August Shmlors, who was Ilfl years of age, died nt her homo in this plaeo last Tuesday afternoon and was burled In tho prospect cemetery on Fri day afternoon. Tho deceased was very well known and very popular hero. Shu leaves a husband and six small children. Tho Itiithinrl Bull Chili Is making preparations to have a dance. Oreat Presence of Mind. Uev. Father Wolnker, of Punxsutaw ney, displayed great nervo and oiml heailedness, and by so doing saved his life, lust Monday evening. lie had h.-en to this place that day and married a Slavish couple in the forenoon. Hav ing considerable time at his disposal, ho concluded to walk to Mexico's wbero liu could catch the 1'iinxsutuwncy train In tho evening. For his route ho choso tho Pittsburg tc F.astern tracks. When at thn middle of the high steel brldgo which crosses tho Susquehunnu at Weltzol's dead water, tho evening train on that road enmo suddenly through tho cut, and would havo no doubt hurled him In a crushed heap, seventy some foot below, had It not been for the man In peril coolly sticking both logs down between tho guard rails mid tho sldo of tho brldgo in such amnnnnr that ho could throw his body backwards in mld-alr, so as to allow tho train to pass without striking him. As soon as the train passed, the reverend gentleman managed to scramble out of his trying, as well as ombarusslng position, and preceded on his wuy rejoicing. Glen Ciimpbell Cumrl, About a quarter of a contury ago Father Wclnkor looked after tho spirit ual welfare of the Catholic congregation in Roynoldsvlllo and, hence, Is well known hero. Paradise. Ed. Syphrlt Is tuking muslo lessons from his cousin, Trossa 8yphrlt, of Munderf. Jim Cathers is engaged in helping to build the tipple at Ruthinol. Mrs. LIndamuth had a severe attack of neuralgia last week. Seventeen days more of school and Miss Orpha Boer will hove closed a very successful term. Rev. Mills, who Is holding a protract ed meeting In the M. E. church at this place, spent last Thursday with his family at Emerlckvlllo. A load of the good pooplo of Port Barnott, drove to this place last Friday evening and attended church. Soino of tho pooplo of this community attended tho entertainment at Sykes villo lust Saturday. At this writing the Motbodist revival is still In progress. Six have bowed at the altar for prayur, and wo hope there are many others who will follow their example. We are glad to hear that at this writ ing Mies Estolla Strouse Is getting bet tor. Rev. J. C. McEntiro, of Roynoldsvlllo, preuched fn the M. E. church on Satur day evening. Will Spencer will bo employed as set ter on Ludwlck's mill. Mr. Spencer had boon setter on a large mill noar Panlo for about two years and therefore he understands the business. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean ho can cure himself right away by taking Eleotrlo Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to tho Liver and Kidneys, Is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and Mel ancholy. It is purely vegetuble, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Eleotrlo Bit tors and be oonvinoed that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaran teed. Only 60o. a bottle at H. A. Stoko's Drug Store. The father who admits that he "can not do anything" with his ten-year old boy acknowledges that Providenoe never meant that he should be a tr- nt. No greater misfortune oan befall any lad than to be born of such oa rents. Hsrrlsburg Commonwealth. Our Educational Column. "DmU Wllllta," tnur. Addreuntlmmmiiiilontlmisrelntlrit to this deimrtnii'iil to Kdltor Edui'stlonnl Column, ciimef Tim Htam. ws I.RAnil st noiso. We lenrn by rtolnir. 1lttti folks, No mutter what, (lis wiirh may tie. JiiM try with nil your nilithl nml Hurt I In olio by one your limits lice. Don't say, "t rnit't," tit-fum you try, Hut try Slid we wlinl you enn do', For If you're helped by oilier, why 'I'ls others do the work, not you. Ore happy lilril III yonder tree, How aort nnd wnrni lie builds tils nest, lie nxks nu help from you nr me. Hut tries In do Ills very best. And If like hlrdle, little ones, Your very beat you try to do, You'll II ml how easy will hoi'nnin The tusks Mini seem so httrd to you. Allee l.iitherliiKtiin, In KltitU'iyHrtcn News. Boys and girls, lot your "undo" ask you a question: If sumo ono were to tell you that by going to a certain place nnd doing n certnln thing and that by so doing you would loso llfo or something of value, would you bo rash and fool hardy enough to do It? No. Again: If something were pointed out to you and yon had a plain view of it and wore told that to touch or tnoddlo with It meant a great loss to you, would you do It? No. Well, this Is just what you have boon doing all winter nnd de liberately, with your eyes wldo open. Yon hnve had tho rules and regulations, us well as tho final result of what dili gent application would bring you If you would attend to your duties and, on tho other hand, yon have boon repeatedly warned what to expect If certain re strictions worn not carried out; that tho result would bo loss of hope for success and certain death to your educational prospects for tho term und chances of promotion lost. Yet you deliberately and wilfully, after repeated warnings, utterly Ignoro all advleo, counsel and rebuke, and now you must suffer for It. shame upon yon, hoys nnd girls, to thus throw away your chances: and who can you h'nmo but yourselves? No ono. You aro yourown free moral agents, nnd if you fail you can only attribute it to your hocdlesHless and lack of Intorest. You In tho grammar schools especially, who Instead of being tho leaders In Idlo. ness and mischief should set tho pace for tho younger ones below you, will huvo something to bo sorry for as long as you llvo, nnd tlmo and again whon thrown -on tho cold and unfeeling world will you bitterly regrotyonr lost oppor tunltles during your schooldays, but thon It will bo too luto for regrets; the dlo will havo been cast, for good or 111, and you will bo tho loser. Your "tin clu" warned bis pupils Just what thoy could expect If certain restrictions wore not carried out, nnd you all wcro old enough to know right from wrong, yet you deliberately ignored the warning and when tho time of reckoning came you "hung your Up," to use a homoly expression, knowing all the tlmo that the result would be just what It turned out to bo. What In tho world do you expect, to get something for nothing, to "gather grapes of thorns, or tigs of thistles?" Do you want your toucher to murk you high, a deliberate llo, whon you know In your own soul that you have earnud nothing except tho lowest marks? Do you want to de ceive yourselves, your parents and your friends? Do not for one moment try to practice deception. Bo true, honest and upright, and first of all, be true to yourselves, and If you carry out this plun you will novor deceive or bo false to any one. You have but forty-two duys yot loft to complete tho course laid out. for you this torm, and how many of you can do It? Your "uncle" fears that there will be some sad hearts when the result of the final examination is an nouncod. Experience Is a costly teach' ur, novcrmoiosg, a goou one, arm a failure to reach tho goal may have the effect of divesting you of somo of your giddiness and awakening you up to a sense of your duty as tho yeurs creep on apace, and touch you to work while it is called duy, that your task may be completed when the evening of life comes. Ah! boys and girls, you haven't tho least idea of what you havo lost und what you aro losing. You seem to see through a glass durkly and have no Idoa of the dim vista of the future as it looms up far ahead of you, like the Niagara river. All looks placid and serene and no thought of danger ever crosses your mind; but beware! boys and girls, the rapids are below you, and when you reach them it means death and destruction. Then stop and think, and try and retrieve yourself before it is too lute. The time is short. Will you be ready for it. The Discovery of the Day. Aug. J. Bogel. the leadlnar druinrlst of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thine that cures my cough, and It is the best seller 1 nave." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. Kino's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fulls, and is a sure oure for consumption, ooughs and colds. I can not say enougn for Its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for consumntlnn. coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and to-day it stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottle at H. Alex. Stoke's drug store. For Sale Good farm, near SDraarue mine, with good house, water, orchard, etc. Everything convenient to work. inquire 01 jonn u well. ORDINANCE NO. 44. Granting the Summerville Telephone Co. The Right to Erect Telephone Poles and String Wires on the Same. Rktion 1. Bn it ordained and enacted by tho Burgess and Town Council assembled, and It is hnreby ordained and enacted by authority of tho same, that tho privilege bo nnd Is hereby granted tho Summervlllo Tel phono Co. to erect such telephone polos In and upon the several streets nnd alloys of tho borough of Roynoldsvillo as may bn necessary for the purpose of erecting nnd constructing linos of tele phone wires through the said borough, also to places of business, works, manu facturing establishments, offices and houses of subcrllH!rs within the borough limits for telephone purposes, subject to all tho provlslonsof ageiieral ordinance. No. 3!), relating to the entry upon and uso and oceupatlon of tho highways of tho borough of Itoynoldsvillo by corpo rations supplying electric railway, telegraph and telephone polos, and operating tho same, and providing reg ulations pertaining thereto, approved March 1st, A. I). 1N!7. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Council this seventh (lav of February, A. 1)., mm. W. H. STONK, Attest: Pres. of Council. L. .1. McEntirk, Clerk of Council. Appnved this Hth duy of February, A. D., IMS. II. A I. EX. KTOKK, Chief Burgess. Sound Familiar. Here are a few household words that aro familiar to many peoplo. Lommo bo. Did anybody see my hat? Say, John, ain't you boys up yet ? No. you can't havo any more cake. Oh, mamma, Willie's pinching mo. Oh, papa, mako Dick quit calling mo names. ' Como on to your dinner before every thing gets cold. Como, now, its tlmo you young ones wore in bod. Good gracious, how much money do you want, anyhow. Don't forget to order a lond of coal sent up right away. Ol'm sorry, mem, but I'll have to be after lavln' yez the day mom. No, I shunt hnve any young man com ing to see you till you aro out of school. 80 there! But, my denrsh, you sh' know I had an engagemnnt at the office till sho lato I couldn't poshibly come. The New Railrosd. It Is now regarded a settled fact that work on tho extension of the B., R. & P. railroad will begin next spring nnd that the work will bo pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. The plans not only contemplate a road from Punxsa tawney to Butler by way of Klttannlng, but also a connecting link from Butler to Newcastle. The now railroad to Pittsburg Is no longor a theory. It will be built and that without unnecessary delay. Punxsutawney Spirit. "The Klondike Kraie." Tho rush for Klondike has already begun and one authority estimates that 21)0,000 people will go to the gold fields this season. There Is now no doubt but that the fabulous wealth of tho country has not been underestimated and the wildest speculations as to its resources aro surpassed by the facts. The Buffa lo, Rochester & Pittsburg Railway has already ticketed one lurgo party and others are organizing nt various points on its line. Tho B., R. & P. R'y will furnish tickets via any of the loading routes at low rates, and will no doubt secure a large share of the business. For particulars call on nearest agontof the Company or address E. C. Lapoy, Gen'i Pass. Agt., Rochester, N. Y. How to Be Handsome. It is a mistake to suppose that the only way to be good looking is to be born so. Good health has more to do with good looks than anything olso. Such diseases as constipation, dyspepsiu. liver complaints, rheumatism, nervous disorders, &o., not only shorten llfo, but spoil tempers and "looks." Bacon's Celery King for the nerves cures these troubles. H. Alox. Stoke sells It and will give you a saraplo package free. Large size 25o. and 50c. It is estimated by a competent for eign authority that only 900 persons out 01 i.uw.ouo ue from old age, while 1,200 succumb to gout, 18,400 to measles, 2,- i00 to apoplexy, 7,000 to erysipolas, 7,500 to consumption, 48,000 to scarlet fever. 25,000 to whooping oougb. 30,000 to ty phoid and typhus and 7,000 to rheuma tism. 'I be averages vary according to locality, but these are considered ac curate as regards the population of the globe as a whole. Ex. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cute. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chllblalus, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to srlve perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by H. Alex. stone. It requires real oouraare to face the shot and shell of the enemy in battle, or to fight with wild beasts, or to stop a runaway, or to shoot a mad dog, or save a life from drowning, or to ask a mother-in-law to live with you, or to discharge the hired girl, but who can muster up courage to pi.'.!! off a porous plaster at a single jerk? Ex. Best shoes and lowest prions are found in J. E. Wolsh 4 Co.s' shoe store. In - and - Wo Have You TENDER FEET ? THEN BUy- For Sale by J. K. JOHNSTON, The Shoe Dealer. Ladies' coots We have a ana pen tnem at coPt. Bargains in Dress Goods Now is the me place to Ladies' Mackintoshes A. D. Deemer ARE OFFERING BIG IN BLANKETS AND TEN or while they last. Call and see what they have in this line. We also have a small lot of Furs in Child's Sets and Muffs, which we will sell at Reduced PriceB. Handkerchiefs and Mittens go at Remember we have Ladles' Jackets at Or.s-iUll Regular Price. 1 Ask the man in the moon, or hotter still, ask any man in Reynoldsvllle what store in town is head- quarters for pnlnts, oils and I varnlshos. We submit this question to tne jury of the peoplo with easy confidence. The ver dict Is easily ours on the quality and value of our goods, the com pleteness of our stock, and the moderateness of our prlces.Thore's a double reason for trading where you'd got hotter suited for less money than would be possible anywhere else. i Stoke's Pnarmacu. I and Gapes very good and nice line, a time to buy and thia is U get them. and Wrappers IA1 i are also reduced in prices, and we (I have a good apportment to select from, fcf v, BING 6c GO. I. & Go. 2 Bargains HAPS FOR THE NEXT DAYS Mufflers, Fur Top Kid Reduced Prices. 7