LINEN MAKERS. Irtnd and llnltnnil Ifnrat Mmt WrnnM KtiRHRi'il In Tli In Work. Though IrHimrl today holds the first plncp, so fur os Anirrk'ii In coiipprnrd, in remirrl to Hums, IIolliiuil nrrnplpd tunt position everywhere In thn past iiihI holds It tafiny In ninny nnrts nt Europe. Tho vpry word Holland In omp.'oypd to rii'sfpnuta a tine linen cloth or lim n oiiil cottou cloth mid him lippn UM'd for this purpose from timo Ilium mortal. It in hntll li)-i'd nnd 1iiiul;i7il nnd usrd for Wfnrtnpnud hiniM'hnld iliwriitiou Flux prow well In thnt purt of Europe, nnd the Ntiuliulii Ik said to be brighter mid to hnvp hhtp power in hlcnrhiiiu In the Low Countries rhnn pIcpwIiitp. Thp linen tmluHry is carried on in Holland more by women tlinn by men. In thp field then are almost as ninny futiulo n niuli- ml tii atom In thn bai vetting there In an txrTs of women. In thp ninny processes. Mich an liming, burklinu mid spiuuitiK, the women out nnmberrd tin- men three to one In thn mills tin; women are in thn majority The men preponderate when it conies to the making of damask and fancy do it un For at leant four centuries it ha been an honored custom in the Nether lauds tor young women to hen in making their marriage portion in linen when mere girls Home go so fur as to Mart wttb the sowing of the feed ; others be gin with the spinning, while those bet ter off buy the finished cloth. All do the cutting and sewing A wedding outfit consist of petticoats, nightgowns and ntLer underwear, several suits for sum mer wear, sheets, pillow cases, bolster crises, pillow shams, shirts for the hus band to lie and a number of rolls of the nmiit mnterlnl for future emergency or use fceurly every girl of nmrrivgc-. lie ftj-e bus u stock of these goods rung iug from a trunkful to three or four timet thai amouut Philadelphia Press. MATTER OF PRONUNCIATION A Father Wlin ! to Knllghtrn HI Son tin a Knill Point. There is a certain mau who by the sweat cf his brow in summer time earns his bread as a government nfliciul, with an oflice iu the big state, war and navy building He also earns bread for a wife and three likely children and a servant, who manages to carry a slice of pie aloug home with ber bread about three evenings in the week. But that is the rook's privilege al way. This official has a son aged 18, who is very Dearly as sharp a the father think himself to be. especially in those things that everybody ought to know and not one person in a dozen does know. About three times a week the father comes to tbe office loaded with somo new information which he seeks to im parl to his fellow clerks by the induct ive method that is. he iuduces them to show how little they know; then be springs it on them His strong poiut i words and then pronunciation, and ho thinks be is an authority The other evening while ila was en tertaining three or four of his office friends at a small supper the eldest boy spoke np from tho far end of tbe table. "Say, pop," be Inquired, "how do yon pronounce N-e-w-o-n-e?" spelling it out slowly "1 presume, " replied the father, with the courage of his convictions, "that it ts au ludiun name, and by tho rule I would pronounce, it Ne-wo-ny. " "but that isn't the way, " dissented tbe boy The father was never more surprised iu bis life. "1 don t quite see bow it would be euphonious any other way, "he said, with a mild air of ofleudod intelligence. "What's the matter with pronouncing it new ohe?" inquired tbe boy, with loud, irreverent ha ha. Aud the blow almost killed father. Washington Star. A Collector of Booh Plate. An interesting collection of book plate is owned by Mr. Howard Sill, head draftsman at the office of a Arm of architect in this city The collection consists of some a, 600 specimens American, English, French and Span ish, modem and antique belonging to tbe vurious periods known as Jacobean, Chippendale, Wreath and Ribbon, etc. Mr. bill has collected muuy examples of the work of Dorkius, Johusou, the Mav ericks, father uud son, funious coloniul book plate engravers; also some speci mens oi tbe rure aud valuable work of Nathaniel Hurd, a New Kuglaud en graver, born in 1720, a duplicate of one of whose book plate owned by Mr. Sill brought ti) iu New York a short time ago. Mr. Sill bus also one of the six book plates eugruved by Paul Revere, which is of great value and inter- .est. Among the coloniul plates are those of Willium Byrd of Westover, Bushrod Washington, Jobu Ruudolpb, William Smith, president of William aud Mary t collipe; Charles Carroll, Thomas Hey wunl uud Samuel Chaso, signers of the Declaration of Independence. There are also umny examples of modern book plate uiukiug, the work of French, Hop ion, b'peuceley aud other well known modern engravers. Baltimore Ameri can. . Thoughts. Thought ore curtaiuly able to spread themselves without the aid of looks or language, iu visible seed that floats from tbe parent plant can root itself wher ever it settle, and thoughts must -have some medium through which they sail till tbey reach minds that can take them iu, and there they strike root, aud whole crops of the same sort come np just as if tbey were indigenous and naturally beluugiug to their euturtuiuer. This is veu more tine iu great matter than in siuull.--.leuu lugelow. Bad Eve Way. "Thirteen U an nnlncky number in all cusus, " suid Jurley. "J don't know," suid Butler. VIM rather huve f 19 than f 18." "1 wouldn't, " suid Jurley. "If 1 had 9.8, I'd spend only f 12, but if I had 18 I'd spend !. " Harlem Ufa. 'I li Romano of a tmntrr. .'iit nt. Calvary I a monument maker ulin has grown wise, aud this is the way it bnppaned: Ho is an economical man aud attends to business. He used to receive all call ers and show them about the place. If two prospective patrons rame trn;pther, he paved time by showing them around together, pointing nut the sorrow en during qualities of certain stones, thn tear compelling possibilities of certain designs nnd the grief assuaging moils of fhe prirp. One dny n man mine nnd looked over the place for n monument sidllciciitly eloquent ai n marker for n w ife ileecasTd. Ho rnmo very near Inly ing ii beautiful shaft nu mi expensive base, with n world of chiseling about it. He said he would come out Uextday nnd decide. Next day ho cnnie; also enmn a wid ow who hud about given a definite or der for i towering monument for tin most mourned of busbnuds. The uion ntnent man saved tiiiui and eftducted the two aronnd together. Tlipy looked at the things already all but ordered. Then they waited uud desired to look farther. Then tbey dawdled aud talked n good deal to each other. Then they went away on the fame train. In a day or two they came back together, picked out one monument for the two deceased worthies a rather modest double head er, by the way and told tho stone man : y had concluded to get married mid . use tin) money they saved in furnish ing n flat Now the stono man has a helper, nnd bereaved men oro never allowed to in spect the place in company with bereav ed women. Chicago Post. Aluminium and Water, Tbe fact is demonstrated that alu minium is as excellent purifier of wa ter iih there is. The salts of this metal are insoluble in water, nnd consequently it is pluiu that when these salt are formed tbe water can be strained and the Impurities removed therefrom. Ppr bups the most practicablenictliodof puri fying water by this mentis is tbe trough method, as it is called, the trough be ing composed of platoe of aluminium aud xiuo or irnu, six or eight inches apart. Unu cud of the tank affords an eutrance for the volume of water which passe over the top of ono plate and thence under the plate uext to it, this being accomplished by tbe fact that thn elevation of tho several plates is differ ent. In connection with this tank or trough there is an electrical generator of moderate size, nnd, though alumini um will not form the negative pole of a current, thu other plate used will. Now, as it is always tbe case that wbeu an electric current come in coutuct with water in this manner it decom poses a certain portion of the fluid, na it were, tbo result of nich decomposi tion is that ozone' is formed aud oxygen freed tbo meaning of this being the ab solute extiuctiou of life iu any microbe or orgunic matter which tho water might, contain, leaving it after meeting the purification the salts of aluminium oc casion ns clear and healthful as thn water which (Iowa from the purest spring. New York Sun. Wolf Children. The adoption of human infants by wild and carnivorous quadrupeds ha obtained moro or less credence among the vulgur from (lie. earliest ages, and whilo such today oro for tbe most part poobpoohed idle tales the skeptic bave little idea of the evidence that has been offered in substantiation thereof. Half a century ago the iconoclast who would bave dared question that Romulus aud Remus owed their nurtur ing to she wolf would bave been laughed to scorn by most lover of tbe classics. Twenty-five year later tbe ani mal was substituted, ou the part of tu tors, by a woman named Lupa a most inglorious conclusion, derived solely from imagination. Today the tendency to ignore all seutimout causes such ideas to receive scaut courtesy, aud when sen timent i introduced as evidence ia met by the undeniable statement that tbe same miracle ia accredited with preserv ing tbe live of mauy gods aud heroes of antiquity. Consequently if a single case of a child being fostered und reared by animals can be substantiated beyond question tbo result will be to rehabili tate as history much literature thut sole ly on this account bas been relegated -to tho realm of fiction. Lippincott's. HI Grao. Little Milly i a good Sunday school scholar, uud on that uccouut was iuvit ed with two or three others to spend tbe day at the minister's residence by way of reward. When tbe diuner cumo on, the good man suid such a long gruco before meat that Milly yawned und looked hungrily at the covers. "Why are yon yawning, Milly?" ask ed tbe minister. 'Does not your father say grace?" "Oh, yes, " answered Milly prompt ly, "but it isn't so long as that " "And what does he say?" pursued tbe clergyman, hoping to obtain a text for a little homily. "He says different things, but last time when he sat down he took off the cover and said: 'Great snakes) Do yon coll this a dinner?' " The homily was postponed. Strand Magazine. Hollow Boelatj. "Oh, pa, " exclaimed the dear girl, ber sapphire eye brimming with un shed teurs, "how can yon suy that so ciety is hollow?" "Why shouldn't I?" retorted pa, with a ooarse laugh that betrayed the fact that he had paid more attention to making money than to acquiring polish. "Why shouldn't I, wheu I have to puy the .bills for feeding tbe gang thut you bave here at your blowouts:?" Indian polis Journal. Peuusylvauia produces hardware man ufactures to the vuluo of tUtjo, 000,000 yearly, which is equivalent to f 74 per inhabitant, the average in Great Britain, being fit) aud in Germany 10. WHAT 8HE MOST RESENTED. Sh Could neaail Forgive and Porte Mint Anything bat Thli. She swept Into the office of the nuiti (i;er with cyclonic perturbation. Any body could see from the haughty supe riority of ber manner that if she was not yet a star she (fully intended to be our. In her baud was n uewspaper, which she luid on the desk tho manager. "Now, really, Miss Fiostlcigh, " lm said somewhat impntipiitly, "I am not responsible for what appears in thn unwspHpcr ohont yon. I can't do any thing mora thmi sny 1 am sorry V"ti should buvo any troubles. That's nil anybody does for me when 1 get into debt." "Have yon read thnt cruet article about my husbaud applying for a di vorce?" " Yps thnt Is to say, I glanced over the headline " "You can nt least tell inn where I can find tho editor. " "Now, take my advice und keep away. It wou't do you the least bit of good. " "But don't you think I have a right to complain?" "Of course?. It was too bad. I have no doubt it was a base calumny to sny you cut his allowance down to f 12 it week." "I could have borne that," she mur mured. "Aud 1 can understand it was very annoy tuij to have it suid that you put him nut of n cab one night and made hini 'wiilk three miles to tho depot " "That, was not the crudest part ct it, though. " "And it was unturnlly embarrassing to have it asserted in cold type that iu a lit of jealous pique you knocked him down und then Jumped on him." ''Do you think the papers in nil of tbe cities printed thnt?" she inquired. "In all probability they did. I'm sor ry for the worry it must cansn you. " That wasn't all!" she exclaimed. "I know. What you refer to is the Insinuation that be is your seventh husband. " "That isn't the worst cither." she said, with a heartbreaking sob. "Tbey spelled my name wrongl" Detroit Free Press. WARTIME RECOLLECTIONS. Tho Old Boldler Toll of HI Going Away ad of HI Homo Coming. "My lost recollection of the camp in which we were mustered in," said the old soldier, "wa of my mother. We bad been iu camp for days, for weeks, in fact, filling up tbe regiment aud drilling and getting equipped, and get ting ready generally. Finally we were mustered iu, aud the uext day after that we started. "It was nightfall when we fell in for the last time in the oompany streets of our first enmp and mnrnhed out and formod ou the color line. There wus a great crowd there, relatives and friends and sightseers come to seu the regiment off. In fro'it of my own company 1 could see i, father and mother, como to see tbe lust of their boy before be went to war. I was tbo apple of my mother's ey I knew thut, aud I had expected to see her breuk down coin pletcly wheii tho regiment niarcheu nwuy, but she stood as firm a a rock, "Wheu tho regiment eamo home, w inarched up through thu same street that we bad marched down years before ui;:ht again, it was, too with a bund of music, with firework flying every where, aud with crowds on the side walk cheering, to the town hull, when there was a banquet, with a speech from tho mayor, nnd. so ou. When this wu neurly over, my futher and my brother, who had come to meet me, went home to tell my mother I wu coming. "Home was half a milo or more awny. A bunch of us, men of the regi ment, star: Irom the hall together. They fell one ofter another, until finally I w t on alone along the fa miliar st ret It was bright moonlight Fur ahead, nt thu corner of tho strec down which I must turn for home, I saw her. She wu waiting. "When I had come to her, she lifted up her bunds aud pronounced iny namo, that wa oil, and then ber arm were about my u. tk, aud my old blue over coat wa wot with her falling tear. Her son hud come home." New York; Suu. Tho Ilollilog a Good Dog, No member of tbe cnuino family ha been more persistently maligned thti" tho bulldog. Writers who havo no iu tiniatu knowledge of the dog and his at tribute havo described him as stupidly ferocious, and illustrators huve pioturH him as a sort of semiwild beast, till t i general publio has come to look upon him us dangerous. "Give a dog a bud name," ia an old saw, and perhaps a true one, but whec it is applied to tbo bulldog it is mani festly unjust. Writers, too, have fulle into grave error in claiming that the bulldog i deficient not only in affec tion, nut in intelligence, t Stouohenge, who is considered one of the greatest of canine scientists, claims thut the bulldog's brain is relatively larger than that of tho spaniel, which dog is generally considered to bo the most intelligent of the canine race, while the bulldog's affection is never to be doubted. Outing. Balatad Convict. Prison Mihsiouary What are you in for, friend? Convict (bitterly) Just for missing a truiu. "Nonsense. " "No nonsense, sir. I missed a traiu for Montreal. " Hurloni Life. Thu Court theater in Munich has a revolving stage. The part in view of thu ludieuce represents ono-qunrter of u circlu. A obuiiKS of scene can be elfuet eil iu 1 1 seconds by bringing to tho front the uext quarter of a circle. Fiuluud i. properly Feuluml, "tbe and of the marshes." How often we hear mlilille-sned people shjt leKiirdlng that reliable old rotigli remedy, N. II. Unwn's Ellslri "Why my mother wire It to me when I win a child, nnd I use It. In my family i II always cure." H I alwny ittnir nnteed loi'iueor money refandeil. Kor sale by II. A. fluke. Every null her should have Ariili-n tt OH l.liilineni always In the hoiiw In cine nt acci dent from hurrm, M'liliU ot hiiita'. Kiir sale hy II. A. fluke. 'iwtlvtic en ii he iicrmiinc ally cured by Hie iiMMif Miixter' .Mandrake HltteiK. Tor sale hy II. A. (Moke. ARE YOU NERVOUS Or "out of Ports" nnd ho -not in harmony witli your neigh bor? For n hendaclm or nervoumioHrt Maoic Headache Powders are invaluable. They have done wonders for thousands who have used them. Try them and do not allow an easily cured ailment to nteal away your brains. No one need do ho with Magic Head ache Powders for 10c. at all druggists. STOKE, the DruQQlst, Ueynoldsville, Pa. A iMirkfifc mail on rttrlpt ' tor. DM I N I STK ATfUX'9 NOTICK. WlierciiM. teller of Administration to the KMntc nt .IimciiIi H. Miirmw, tale of Kcynolds vtlle. I'll.. ihi-enMil, have ticca irritated to the mihw-illier, all iierwin Inileliieil to the xnld eatnie nre ic.iiciiimI hi mnke linmrdhite vniv liieni.Hiut iIhim! hiivliin claim or dcniHiiilo iiL-aiiHt the eninle of the mild decedent will make known Hie mime w MImi-.ii delay to IIaiihikt I.. Mom how. Administratrix. Notice or Application Tor Charter. VOTICE Is hereby irlven Unit an application 11 lll lie made In the tiiivei-noi' uf llieMfati of I'eiiiinylvnnla mi Hie Isth dav nt Felirimry, IKis. hy M. II. Elliott, II. Alex. Hi.ike, Holomiin HhalTer. t'harliw A. Hcincl, !. Mitchell, el al., under Hie Act of Aonemlilv of the Common wealth nt IVim-avlviiiila. entitled "An Art In provide fur the fiii-nrixiiHllon nnd Kciriihitl'iti of I'erintn CurixirHtiiiiiN," Hpproved Aiirtl 174, mid Hie Hiipplf inciitx thereto, for the Charter of mi Itiieniled Corporation, to lie called The Ke.vmildxvllle Land and Improve ment Company, Hie character and olilecl whereof In the piircliHxInir. hiililhnr, leanlntf, nelllim, diinntliiir nnd Improvlmr real entitle, mill for Hi'e luii im-eH to have, ihimuck und en.loy all Hie rh.-liiN, lienetlu and pi IvIIciicm of the nii Id Act of AwMCtnhlv and ItmtiiiplcmcntN. C. Mitciiki.i., Solicitor. DOWITS' ELIXIR Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Consumption and all Lung Diseases. People stand liy Downs' Elixir because It cures and has cured for slxtr-flv years. This is the 1 strongest possible endorsement of i its merits. I'rlce 2.ic. MM. ana i 9 1.00 per bottle. At Druggist. Henry, JohnM fcLord. fropi., Burllnrtos, Vt Foi-tnilt! by II. A. Stoko. llKY.OLiS VILLK. Capital. Surplus. 50,000. S5,500. '. "Ill, lu ll, I're.l.leni; n ( .tlcClelliind, Vice l're. Joint II. Kum-lier. futliler. Director: .Mitchell, tk-otl McClelland. .1. V. KUig, John II. (', illicit. u. K. Ilrowii, . ti. W. Fuller. J. II. Kuucher. Hoe a ircecral hnnkliiKhiiHlncHHiihd solicit Hie account of mvrchuniN, profeHMlotuil men, farniui, mechanic,!, mlneiv, liiniticriiicii una oilier. iH-iniiii.iiiK the most, careful allontiou III tllU lUillChll of all IHIIH.III. tiufe Deposit lloxu for rent. Klrsl Nallotuil Hank liiilltllnir, Nolun block Fire Proof Vault. L. M. SNYDER, Practical florse-slioer And General Blacksmith. 4tl tt llorsu kIkhjIiik done lii Hie iicaleHt manner and liy the laliwi improved uicIIihiIh. lie pairing of all klinlx carefully and pioiapily done. hATim'ACTioN Uuaiiantkku, HORSE CLIPPING ' lliivn.ltist received a complete hcl. of ma chine Uoi'Mii'llppei't of litleni hi. vie 'IIS put turn und am piepuieil to clu cllpplnu in thu henl poiitfllilu uuiiiiiiir al rtinhonuhlu rate, .lueksnii St. near Klflli, Hyuo)dville, I'll. Hrst National Bank STOCZMBlf AND FARMERS HOI'I.II InoS TOTHSli IMTISSSTS ! VKS... DR. D. R HOTMROCK f vitirciiTic Pojm ma hOMBTlC 1SISAI HB SIIWI.TST... ti?i El tV nic '.""?; 1 " more and richer milk than nTroYrl EITkSS Vlu "ii ""? 0ure,r Hi' ' thicken Cholera and all disease of po lr. such as DlarrhoMt. Roup, Gaps, Sore Throat, Canker, ete. The poptiln. R1 ,KlAnV.,iln.CV,,,fli?n,l re,0,,d forCouKhs, (Joltis, Inllantedn rlHfi -rTyl1udv.touyMr' Tht nd wind, mL bound and worms, (live II a trial. Satisfaction (niarantwi. MATH MOHNEY OtNtHAL AOtNT. ' REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A. JOB t -THK- Job Work Department OK The Star Oiiict? In replete with the Latent Stylen of Type. Jefferson Supply Go. STORE I Atm pit, it tut (JtirenH-tvitre. Is TrTeaclcjuarters for Dry Goods, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. IN" Clothing Department we have great bargain We invite you to come in and examine our line. It if no trouble to nhow goods. Our Furniture Gar pet Department is complete and prices that cannot be beat. Largest and Finest Selected Stock of Fresh Grocerien in town. Jefferson Supply Co., Pleasant Avenue, Heynoldsville, Penn'a., , A CHEST PROTECTOR, And a good one, but no possible protector can rival the merit of the hardware we supply in qualities worthy of the linest chests on earth. Our hardware line is a top one. There'H noth ing above it, and we wouldn't carry anything below it. OUR PRICES too, always have a size about them that's just right and make it an absolute waste of. money to . go elsewhere. STOVES! Our line of heating aud cooking stoves is the largest to be found in town, and our prices ave the lowest We can save you money. Reynoldsville Hardware Co. In making a selection of Goods for Fall and Winter Wear It is important that the choice should be made from a thor oughly up-to-date and well assorted stock. Then there is no possibility of getting goods of doubtful style. Our offerings of DRESS GOODS, LADIES' JACKETS AND CAPES Can be accepted as being absolutely correct, care having been taken to secure exclusive, but popular styles. In every department the articles presented will be found of a quality to command approval. Prices are wonderfully small for such value. Such ' goods as we have will serve better purpose else where than on our shelves, and we sacrifice profits to make quick sales. . e- WORK! Neat Work Done on Short. Notice! Complete Line of Cook llange if Heating Stove. OUR - r," ED? N. HMftU.