Star Hukaeriptinn tl.lio per intr, or $1.00 f paid ulrirlh in udrance. V. A. HTICI'IIIOon. Killtor and Plib. WEDNESDAY. KEHUUAttY in. IMS. An lnipMn(li'iit l.x-nl pnpor, putilMirri every UlnilHjr At ItcynnlfUvlllH. .letYormn t'o. I., llpvtilefl to the Interests nf ttpynolrisvllln iin(l JefTersotirutiiiiy. Noii-isilhlriil, will t rent nil with fiilitiiw. mill will hccipoi'liilljr frlctul ly townrilt the Inhtirlntf rhiss, Hiitini'rlptliin iirlrcf l.0i)M'r vcnr.ln ndvstirii. Uoifiniuiilriitltms IiiIoihIimI for nulillrittlon must lie wrnmiMinli'il liyllie writer's mime, iot ftir iullii'ilnn, lut nn n tnmriitiliMi nf gmit fnltlt. I uteres! luff news Itenissellrlteil. Aflvnrtislntf rules niuile known on applica tion nt the oflli' In ArnolflV KliN-k. Lfinirhty rnniinnnli'Mlon anil rtinntre of advertlspmpnts should roach this utllce tiy llomlny noon. A(lilrci all ciimmutili-ntloii to C. A. Steph enson, HnvnohlMvlllc. Pn. . Kntnmf at 4 In. postonVs nt Itvynolilnvlllo, Pa., a Mii'onil eliiss mull mutter. Thf Town sjerdrd Mompthlnii. Tho H'oil of our town aro rejoiced because .the ntlk mill In nn assured tiling, and they havo reason to rejoice, especially tin business men nnd proper ty owners. Business In Ueynoldsvlllo has been very "rocky" tho punt few years, nnd It litis bnon by bard strut; tfllnir that many of our business tnon stonrod clear of tht rocks of financial em barrassment, and tbo silk mill will bo tholr salvation. Onn tronblo with our town for a few yearn has been too many business places for tbo amount of busi ness to he done In tbo town. Tbo Hllk mill, wltb a J(H),(XHI annual pay roll, and if wo bad another plant with an I Hiiro annual pay roll, would put in cir culation about tbo proper amount of money to ;ivu a reasonably fair living to tho present population of Kcynolds villi!. Wo bnvo More of all kinds, ho tola, hnnkri, doctors, luwynra, carpenters, painters, laborers, Ac., &o., Hulllclmit to consumo WiN).(MH) more anuunlly with out giving any person more than a fair living. The silk mill boom has been sent broadcast over the country, and In all probability before tbo mill Is in op oration new business places will bo started in town and laboring men will flock in until the town will bo over-run again nnd those who remain hero will cko out an existence as many have been doing tho past few years. Wo aro anxious to see HoynoldsvlllolM-coino tho loading town between rittsburg and Wllliatnsport, and for that reason do not want to see It utunted now that it has prospects of growing by over crowding the town with business houses. We don't want to bo considered a iieshl- mlst, but we want to state facts as they exist, and we buliovo no ono will gain say what we have said. As tho popula tion of the town Increases, if It does, and there Is a demand for more business places, then it will bo tlmo to start now stores. Ilullrr Hartrrla. A clover microscopist has discovered that the dolicoiis tasto and odor of spring grass butter Is due to the )resenco of a peculiar species of microbe. Ho has succeeded In Isolating these micro scopic creatures, and has obtained cul tures which rapidly reproduco thorn' solves when placed In favorable sur foundings. This scientific experiment' er found that when a few of the butter bacteria woro placed In a tub of very ordinary or very poor butter, having perhupti a strong, unploasant odor and taste, they proceeded at once to multi ply, and that In a short time they caused an entire change to take place In the butter whereby the disagreeable qualities vanished while the delicious grass flavor and taste developed. Now wo learn that a company has purchased .the secret of the reproduction of the butter bacteria, and is Issuing circulars to dairymen all over the country offer ing butter flavor cultures for sale, put up In small phials. This remarkublo statement might well bo doubted; but we have ascertained that it Is an actual foot, and wo believe that purchasers have found that the claims are well founded. The buttor microbe belongs to the benoflolont class of small creatures whose province In Nature seems to bo to arrest decay and putrefaction. Its discovery is entirely novel, and Its practical application to tho Improve ment of butter Is a praiseworthy de velopment of science. Whether tho microbes will find a suitable habitat in oleomargarlno we do not know; It would seem not unlikely, however, that they would thrive In this artlflolal pro duct, and thus render it more difficult to detect the Imitations from real but ter. Philadelphia llecord. 'A Progressive Newspaper. The Time has a largor circulation by many thousands than any other dally newspaper published in Pittsburg. This is admitted even by its competitor. The reasons for It are not hard to find. The Times is a tireless news gatherer, Is edited with extreme oaro, spares no expense to entertain and in form its readers. It prints all tho news In compact shape, caring a) ways more for quality than quantity. It keeps Its columns clean, but at the same time, bright. Nothing that is of human In terest is overlooked by it. It aims to be reliable rather than sensational. It bolleves in the goeel of get there, but it gets there with due respect for the faoU. Test any department of it you choose political, religious, markets, sporting, editorial, society, near town news and you'll find the Times may be depended upon. 13 a year, fl cents a reck. i Rathmel. Mrs. Andrew Adams, of Iteynoldsvllle, visited friends In town last Tuesday. Misses Ida uhd Theodocla Miles, of Itcynoldsvilln, visited in town last Wednesday. Olof Nelson has returned to l'tinxsu tawney whore he Is employed as a blacksmith. Leonard Fassett, of Coal OJIon, visited Hubert Cameron In this place last Bun day. A new organ has been put In the Rathmel school. An entortalnraont will bo gotten up by tbo school to pay for it. MlssKthol McCrelght, teacher of Orado No. 2 of the Mathmel school, has been sick with quinsy the past two weeks. 8. Iloohcr, tho ex-sbei'IlT of Arm strong county, visited friends In town last Monday. Miss A I loo Harah spent Friday with friends In West Liberty. Homer lli'umbaiigb, toucher of tbo :ird grniln of tho nuthmcl schools, wilt attend court this week and therefore) will havo no school. Ho is a juryman. Clark Lcltch will soon have his now meat market erected nnd he will havo a grocery store and a meat market to gether and will havo a lodge room on the 2nd story. Work has begun at the now mlno on Hev. J. E. I Vim's farm, nnd tho survey ers are at work surveying tho track to be run to tbo mlno. Charles Cameron bad business In Ileynolilsvllle on Thursday. (. W. Woodford, of DuUoIs, hud business In town last Thursday. Hoy Johnson, of DuUoIs, is visiting friends In town this week. Paradise. Hev. Holler's of llrookvillo, preuched In the M. E. church lust Saturday even ing and Sublmth morning. Jacob llooth.of Iteynoldsvllle. visited friends in Paradise last week. James Gray, of Dig Hun, was In Para dise last woek. Brnden Spencer nnd Curt Wells finished their log job on tho Phlllippi farm last Thursday, Silas Brooke Is again cutting loirs and expects to start his mill about tho 1st or April. Tho spelling at tbo McCrelght school last Thursday evening was a success. Miss Bertha London, of Cramer, vis ited her cousin, Miss Tressa Syphrit, last Thursday. George Dopps'was a visitor at the homo of Webster Doemer and family last wouk. Mrs. Allen Cathurshas boon suffering with very sore eyes tho pust two weeks. Miss Ruth Gathers visited Miss Ella Syphrit ono day last week. Thoro wore services in tho Lutheran church at 10 A. M., and In tho M. E. church at 11 A. M., last Sunday. Something to Know. It may bo worth something to know that tho vory bust medicine for restor ing tho tired out nervous system to a hoalthy vigor is Eloctrlo Bitters. This medicine Is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to tho norve centers In the stomach, gontly stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids those organs in throwing off impurities In the blood. Eloctrlo Bitters improves tho appetite, aids digestion, aud is pronounced, by those who havo tried It as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try It. Sold for .r0o. or $1.00 per bottle at II. A. Stoke's Drugstore. "The Klondike Kraze." The rush for Klondiko has already begun and ono authority estimates that 200,000 people will go to the gold fields this season. There is now no doubt but that the fabulous wealth of tho country has not been underestimated and tho wildest speculations as to its resources aro surpassed by tho facts. The Buffa lo, Rochester & Pittsburg Railway has already ticketed ono lareo uartv and others are organizing at various uointa on Its line. The B., R. & P. R'y will rurnisii tickets via any of the leading routes at low rates, and will no doubt secure a largo share of tho business. tor particulars call on nearest agent of the Company or address E. C. Lanev. Gen'l Pass. Agt., Rochester, N. Y. Does It Pay to be Sick ? Besides tbe discomfort and sufforlnir. Illness of any sort is expensive. Hundreds of peonle consult the doetnra every day aboutcoughs andcolds. This Is better than to suffer the disease to run along, but those who use Otto's Curo for the throat and lungs do better still. It costs loss and tbe cure is certain. You can got a trial bottle free of our agent, H. Alox. Stoke. Laura size 25c. and 60o. We are taklnsr orders forsnrlnir Hollo. ery on phosphate and MoCorraiok mowers ana binders. We are selling sleighs, hay. salt, flour, feed, drv mvuta groceries and drugs. Come in and see J. c. Kino & Co. Best shoes for the least money at J. E. Welsh & Co.s'' Snyder & Johns, fashionable tailors. Over 100 Dalr of shoes at 3. V W..lh ft Co.s' way down in prloe, ' Our Educational Column. "Ditlt Wllll.a," Ulin. Aflilrrsssllcotnmuiili'ntliinsn-lRtlve to (Ills rti'imrtmi'iil to Killtor educational t'oliinin, ramof Tns Utah. Boys and girls, wo have become some what discouraged In giving you good advice from week to woek. It doesn't seem to have any effect iion you. You have, hy your actions, thus far shown that you "don't caro a fig" for opMirtnn Hies, advleo, or anything else that tends towards benefiting you education ally. One thing your "uncle" fools certain about and thnt Is this, that an excess of lectures, entertainments and parties during this term have seriously hampered and Interfered with success ful school work, and taken up vnluablo time that could havo boon employed to bettor ndvantago, but the dlo Is cast nnd tho result Is self evident, nnd noth ing more remains to be said. Wo give you this week somo cboico thoughts from tho pen of eminent men throughout our bind, hoping that you will read them carefully and profit by their example. (l(K)D AliVlCK. Rev. T. DcWitt Tnlmage, In com menting from tho pulpit on tho will of Mr. Pullman nnd his roferenco to his boys, said: "Self-rellanco makes mon. Kino clothes will not muko a man; advleo will not iiiuke a man; a big bank account will not mnko a man. Givo your boy tho same chance thnt you havo had. Throw him overboard. When a boy comes to 21 years of age ho ought to bo doing something elso besides taking milk out of a bottle. "It Is not what you surround your son with that foretells what ho will ho. No young man ever rodo to success In mi upholstered currlnge. Ho walks. It matters very little what Is outside of him, but what you put insldo of him. In nine eases out of ten when you glvo your buy nothing but money you only pay his way to destruction. Every young man has to start at tho foot and reach for tho first rung." Another good pieco of udvlco for young men is tho following: Stand up to tho rack, my boy, and you will find hay In It. Put on your working harness every morning and mako want a stranger. Don't wait for a job that suits your taste, but take tho llrstono you can strike. If you can't get $.' a month, take 2T, take $10, tako any amount till you can do better even If you only get your bonrd. These are hard times, but you can find smoothing to do enough to keep you out of mis chief. Remember that whilo tho devil tempts all men, a lazy man tempts tho devil. Live within your means, not by your meanness. Don't take up bad habits: they will pull you down. Don't try to get something for nothing; It tends to tho workhouse. There aro a lot of young follows like yourself In tho world; but a good job, a good living, a good homo, awaits every fellow who has grit enough to battle for it. DO EVERYTHING WELL. Every boy wants to exoell In some thing. But boys and mon alike do not alwayB romembor that no one thing must havo the hubtt of doing well. You cannot slight everything else and succeed In one chosen game, or one par ticular study. Aim ut perfection. ' Tho advice of tho teacher which is here given is worthy of careful attention. A young student whom wo know was very ambitious to gain a certain rank in his class which would entlllo him to a scholarship; If he gained the scholar ship he could go on with his course. A well known professor was Interested in the lad's success. Ho instructed him In a part of his studies and found him a vory bright student; so he thought It possible for him to gain his purpose, though it meant perfect marks for him, in everything, for a wholo year. "Nobody gets perfect marks Id every thing," tho boy objected. "That is nothing to tho point," said tho toucher. "You are perfect in my recitations; do as woll in tho others. But I notice that you write poorly. Now bogln there. Whenever you form a word, either with tongue or pon, do It so plainly that there will be no mistake. This will help you to think clearly and to speak accurately. Let your whole mind be given to tho least thing you do while you are about It. Form the habit of excellence." The student wont resolutely to work and before the year was far on its way, was the leader in his class; he gained his scholarship, and more than that, he acquired character that has since won him a shining success. Younu I'tople't Weekly. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S BOYHOOD. Benjamin Franklin worked while other boys spent tholr time la Idle sports. The money they spent In beer he spent in books. Ho pledged him self against strong drinks and lived frugally. While working at the press he found ample tlmo for severe atudv. The Spectator gave him style; FeFoe on "Projocts" made him an inventor; Mather on "Doing Good" made him a philanthropist; Locke and Zenophon maae mm a pnuosopner, and the Bible made him a Christian. For Sale Good farm, near Surairue mine, with good house, water, orchard, etc. Everything convenient to work. Inquire of John O'Netl. i Household Oods. The anctent Greeks believed that the Penates were tho gods who attended to tbe welfare and prosperity of t hefnmlly. They were worshipped as household gods In every homo. The household god of to-day Is Dr. King's Now Discov ery. For consumption, coughs, colds and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs It is Invaluable. It has been tried for a quarter of a oentury and Is guaranteed to cure, or money returned. No household should be without this good angel. It is pleasant to tako nd a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Free trial bottles at II. A. Btoko's Drug Store. Regular size 60c. and $1.0(1. Notice to Stockholders. Tho annual meeting of tbe stock holder of thn iteynoldsvllle Building and Loan Association will ho held on Monday, February 21st. ISIrt, at 7. 30 o'elook v. M., In P. O. S. of A, Hall, (formerly Flynn's hall.) for the purpose of electing four (4) directors and onn (1) auditor to serve for three (II) years. Tho following named persons have been nominated for directors: R. H. Wilson, C. J. Kerr, F. 8. Hoffman, L. J. McEntire and Nathan Hanau. For auditor C. C. Gibson. L. J. McEntikr, John M. Hays, Secretnry. President. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fover sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to glvo jierfect satis faction or money refunded. Pricn 2.1 cents per box. For sale by It. Alex. Stoko. FLORIDA. Personally-Conducted Tour yla Pennsyl vania Railroad. Ono must appreciate the advantages of modern railway travel when ho can leave tho land of bllz.unls ono day and find himself In tho land of flowers tho next. To do this tako tho Pennsylvania Hall road tour to Jacksonville, which will leave New York and Philadelphia by special train of Pullman Palace Cars Tuesday, February 22nd, nllowing two wooks In Florida. Excursion tickets, including railway transportation, Pull man aecominodntlons (one berth), and meals en route In both directions whilo traveling on the spcciul train, will bo sold at tho following rates: New York,' $.10.00; Philadelphia, $48.00; Canan daigua, $.-i2.ft-; Erie, fcVi.fO; Wilkes barro, $.ri0.3.i; Pittsburg, $.')3.00; and at proimrtlonato rates from other Kiints. For tickets, itineraries, and full in formation, apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agont, 1100 Broadway, Now York; or address Geo. W. Boyd, As sistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. ORDINANCE NO. 44. Granting the Summerville Telephone Co. The Right to Erect Telephone Poles and String Wires on the Same. SECTION 1. Bo It ordained and enacted by tho Burgess nnd Town Council assembled, and It Is heroby ordained and enacted by authority of the same, that the privilege be anil Is hereby granted tho Summerville Tel- fihono Co. to oreot such telephone poles n and upon the several streets and alleys of the borough of Roynoldsvlllo as may bo necessary for tho purpose of erecting nnd constructing lines of tele phono wires through tho said borough, also to places of business, works, manu facturing establishments, ntlices and houses of subscribers within the borough limits for telephone purposes, subject to all tho provisions of a general ordinance, No. 30, relating to the entry upon and uso and occupation of the highways of tbe borough of Iteynoldsvllle by corpo rations supplying olectric railway, telegraph and telephono poles, and operating the same, and providing reg ulations pertaining thereto, approved March 1st, A. D. 1!)7. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Council this seventh dav of February, A. D., 1808. W."8. Stonk, Attest: Pres. of Council. L. J. McEntirk, Clork of Council. Appoved this 8th day of February, A. D., 1808. H. Alex. Stoke, Chief Burgess. Notice of Application for In corporation In the Court of Common I'loa of Jefferson County. VOTK'K in hereby ulvon that an application will lie niado to the said Court nn I lie 21st day of March, A. I). Isus, at 8:00 o'clock, p. M.. under the Corporation Act of 1874 and the iipplrmpnls thereto, by Stephen Yonchnck, 1'e ter K lh , I'a u 1 M 1 1 ler, Joh n Horsed le a nil E m ery Emody, for the charter of un Intended In corporation to lie called the Klint Hick Benettt and Patriot le Brotherhood of Eleanora, Pa., the character and object of which Is for the purpose of maintaining a beneficial or pro tective society by paying benefits to and re lieving lta member from funds collected therein who, through sickness or disability arising from an Injury are unable to follow their usual business or occupation, or aome other business or occupation whereby such members may earn a livelihood and upon the death of a member, pay a stipulated sum to his legal representatives, and for the purpose of disseminating sentiments of loyalty and patriotism and feelings of devotion to the united States of Anierlcta unioug lta mem bers, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benenta and privi leges conferred by the said Act and Its sup plements. O. H. McDonald, Solicitor. In the Court of Common Pleas of Jefferson County NOTICE Is hereby given that an appllca wlll be made to the above Court nn the iin day of March, A. I). Isus, at 1.00 o'clock r. ., under tho "Corporation Act of one thousand, eight hundred and seventy-four" and lta auuulenieiita. bv KeviiolilsvliU rMu,hv,(in church, for the allowance and approval of certain amendments to tbe charier of the Beynoldsrllle Presbyterian church of Reyn oldsvllle, Pa asset forth taacsi-tlScaU Sle4 in sam vwuh. u. a. stcuoMALD, solicitor. Men - and - Women Have You TENDER FELT ? -THEN BUy- DrjReeds For Sale by J. K. JOHNSTON. The Shoe Dealer. Ladles' Goats Bargains in Dress Goods Now is the time to buy and this is the place to get them. Ladies' Mackintoshes and Wrappers are also reduced in prices, and we have a good assortment to select from. BING & GO. A. D. Deemer ARE OFFERING BIG IN BLANKETS AND TEN or while they last. Call and see what they have in this line. We also have a small lot of Furs in Child'B Sets and Muffs, which we will sell at Reduced Prices. ' Handkerchiefs and Mittens go at Remember we have Ladles' Jackts at Oss-fcU Regular Price. i z Ask the man S In tho moon, or better still, x ak any man In Roynoldsvlllo what store In town Is head- quarters for paints, oils and j varnishes. Wo submit this question to tho jury of tho peoplo with eusy confidence. The vor j diet Is easily ours on tho quality and value of our goods, the com- pleteness of our stock, and the S moderateness of ourprlees.Thero'a a double reason for trading where you'd get better suited for less money than would be ossible anywhere else. Stoke's Pharmacy. and Gapes We have a very good and nice line, and pell them at copt. & Go. Bargains HAPS FOR THE NEXT DAYS Mufflers, Fur Top Kid Beduced Prices.