The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 09, 1898, Image 8

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In friiM tha Klrmrnt of ftniiplrlon tTru
Retwthait tha Preternatural unA I So
New Thins How I Inftnanreil th. Ac
tion off Rntppprr.
At all the great crises of Fren.di life
the element i f )ireternatmal mif pii ioij
Iikh flayed an Important port. Like
some mischievous l'uck it hovers over
the land, whisperlinj tlonlits hero, mid
(,'ivinnH there, converting tho whole na
tion into iiinnchartlft, whoso btiMlneMi it
in to set a vv.irrh on their neighbor tiny
mill niht. We bnvo such a profound
admiration for many qualities of tlin
French people, snch a sincere belief in
t'jf; necessity of a powerful French fac
tor in the complex nich of modern
civilization, that wo ran afford to bring
this charKe of miduo suspicion aguitMt
France a a whole. No student of
French history can fail to nee thn con
fusion it has wrought. It in not the
growth of yesterday, bat it in almost as
evident in tho memoirs of the Franc
of the seventeenth century as on the
Paris boulevards at the present moment.
It pervaded the court and the official
elates in the time of Richelion, it win
constantly present in the mind of Muzu
riu when negotiating with Cromwell,
mu1 it in visible all through the panes
of the memoirs of De Heta. This spirit
of preternatural suspicion naturally at
tained its climax in the French revolu
tion, when, for the first time, tho mon
archy was involved iu ita infinite on
taui'lenient. From tho moment when tho national
assembly met nt Versailles to the day
when Napoleon was banished to Klba
universal suspicion filled the air and
dictated the cruel aspect of French pol
icy. Tho queen was, of course, inspect
ed, and justly, ia political matters, and
perhaps it was not ul together uniensou
ablo that tho suspicion in which she
was enveloped should have attached to
ber wenk but perfectly houost huslinud,
who wax assumed to be absolutely un
der her fatal influence.
Tho attack ou tho Bastille was ani
mated not merely by memories of the
past, not ia the least because of actual
cruelties at the time, for. there waa
none, but mainly becauso it was sus
pected that the Bastille was to be utilized
as an armed fortress to overawe Paris.
The day if the "black cockades" and
tho march of the Maenads (to use Car
lyle's graphic phraseology) were due to
excited auspielon. The assembly had
scarcely organized itself before tho
demon of suspicion spread its dusky
wings over that body, and Mirabeau and
Baruavo, at llrst popular idols, became
surpected of intrigue with the court
The vigorous personalities who came
to the frout all suseoted one another.
To then the famous warning which
Benjamia Franklin addressed to the
founders of the American republic
"Gentlemen, we must bang together or
we shall hang separately," would have
been useless. They could not bang to
gether, and they did hang, or were
guillotined, separately. It wasDuntou's
suspicion of an aristocrutio plot which
caused the September massacres. It waa
pnro suspicion that created the most re
volting and unjust of all tho revolu
tionary excesses, the tribunal of Fou-qnter-Tinvillo.
Danton in his tura was
suspected and full.
. We may, of course, justify the suspi
cion of Dnmourioz, but what possible
explanation cau be given of the suspi
cion of the barm less astronomer I'ailly,
with liis precisian virtues, who paid
with his head for the dangerous folly
of ineddUug with thiuga be did not un
derstand? It was obviously question
of war to the knife between Jucobiu and
Qirondin, for each took an absolutely
different view of both foreign and in
ternal politios; but why could not the
struggle have boen confined to party
wnrfare within the walls of the con
vention? Why was it necessary to deci
mute the Giroudin chiefs? The only
answer that can be made ia that suspi
cion bad grown to such pitch that the
very existence of Girondism was con
sidered incompatible with the seourit.
of tbo repu' 'io. Men bad become fren
zied, insane, through oonstant spying on
one another actions and perpetual at
tempts to fathom one another's inwa
thoughts, and the "law of suspect
was simply a formal expression of na
tional crtizinoss. That way madness lies.
In the persiu of Robespierre pretermit
ural suspic in attained ita most com
plete incarnation. His feline uuture wo
ever on the dart for ita prey. He ooul
not bear a good word said of any man
but be instantly began to revolve in bit
mind the question as to whether there
were not some concealed motive in the
praise. The shout of triumphant relief
which reverberated over France when
Robespierre's heud foil into the basket
marked the broak of the straining point
of that suspicion which had created an J
sustained the terror. Wbea we remem
ber that but for an aocident Carnt.t
would have fallen a victim to Robes
pierre's suspicious and that thia suspi
cions disposition had led a man of senti
mental virtuo to become a wholesale
. murderer, we can understand that feel
ing of relief. London Spectator.
' Kathhmf Work On.
"Fellows, I tried to get that bloom
ing mind readab, don't you know, to
com up to the club some evening and
give ns one of his deuced queeah enter
tainments. By Jove, he suid he couldn't
"Did ha give any reason, deab boy?"
"Why, be said be couldn't make
uocesa of his efforts wbero there wasn't
imy material to work on. "
"I wonder what the deuce he meant
ty that?" Clovolaud Plain Dealer.
Teaching the Teaobar.
Teacher How fur north does the
Xississippi river run, Touituie?
Touimie Don't ruu north at all. It
ros south. Bee? Chicago Journal.
When It Is Hearty, tha Batliifartlna Is In
"Rating It All Vonrwll."
.lames Prosser, a famous colored ca
terer of this city, dead long ago, fur
nished thn following formula for pre
paring and serving terrapin, which was
published in n gastrowmil Jounn-1 at the
time when ho was on earth:
"Yon enn't enjoy terrapin nniess tm
day Is nlppln. Temperature and terra
pin (to hand in hand. Now, es to your
terrapin. Lies you, there is all thn
iM (Terence in the world in them. Thn
Morn northerly is the terrapin found tho
aetter. You cut H Florida terrapin yon
needn't despise it, for terrapin is terra
pin everywhere but yon get a Chesa
peake nun or a Delaware buy one, or,
better still, a Long Island one, and
is Just the difference between $10. a
tioren and $:tl. Warm water kinder
washes tbo delicate flavor ont of them
Don't yon let Mr. ISergli know it, but
yonr terrapin must be boiled alive
Have a good big pot. with n hot Are un
der it, so that he shan't languish, mid
when it has got on a full head of steam
pop him in. What I am roIii to give i
a recipe for a single one. If you are aw
fully rich and go in for a gross of terra
pin, just use your multiplication table
just as soon as be caves in watch him
and try his flippers. When they part
when you pry there with yonr finger
nail, he is good. Open him nicely with
knife. Billn of him dislocates the
snuffbox There ain't overmuch of it,
more's the pity. The most is in the
jiuts of the legs and side lockers, but if
yon want to commit murder Just yon
smash bis gall, and then your terrapin
is gone forever. Watch closely for egg
ami handle them gingerly. Now, huv
in got biiu or ber all into shape, put
the meat aside. Take three fresh eggs
you must have them fresh. Uile 'em
hard and masl) 'em smooth. Add to
that a tnblespoonful of sifted flour.
three tnblespoonfuls of cream, salt and
pepper (red pepper to a terrapin is just
depravity) and two wineglasses of sher
ry wine. Wine as eosta 13.60 a bottle
ain't a bit too good. There never was a
gotega in ail Portugal that wouldn't
think itself honored to have itself mixed
ap with a ten-apiu. Now you want quite
a quarter of a pound of the very best
fresh butter and put that in a porcelain
covered pan und melt it first mustn't
be browned. When it's come to be oily,
put in your terrapin, yolks of egg, wine
and all. Let it simmer gently Bilin
up two or three times does the business
What you are after Is to make it blend.
There ain 't notbin that must be too point
ed iu terrapin stew. It wants to be a
quiet thing, a suave thing, just pervad
ed with a most beantiful and natural
terrapiu aroma. You must serve it to
the people that eats it un a hot plate,
but the real thing is to have it on
chufln dish, and though a inau ought
not to be selfish there is a kind of divine
satisfaction in eatin it all yourself. "
Philadelphia Times.
. a ill-
Postal aod Traveling Aoeommodatlona of
tho Old barman City.
The post relations of ancion t Stuttgart
were uu pretentious. The two maid
servants of the postmaster distributed
through the city the daily letters, which
they carried in the same basket with thn
family marketing. Letters wore carried
out of tho city by postilions. There was
a number of couriers, aud as a surety
against inistakos there hung iu the post
office, beside tho curious mail bags, u
hugo whip, with which, when the com
mission hud been given to the courier, a
powerful blow for the strengthening of
hi momory was dealt him.
Coaches aud post wagons were inno
cent of any suggestion of comfort a
high, clumsy wooden box waa secured
by thick leathern straps, and in the
cavernous bottom were confined together
packages aud passengers. Up and down
bill, over ruts and rocks, tho cumbrous
vehicle rattlod on ita way, the hapless
travelera being ever on the defousive
against the assaults of tumbling boxes
and bundles. And then the weary slow
ness of tlio .uyl Formerly the journey
from Stuttgart to Tubingen waa made
in 1 ii hours. The same journey ia now
made in four hours. The postilions
alighted tu take refreshments when it
pleased them, and one traveler has left
a dismal record of a journey that ho
ouce made, during which the driver
took tho horses from the carriage aud
attached them to a hay wagon that had
been left mired in the mud. The muu
drove the wagon into tho next village,
aud wbeu there he joiuod the grateful
uoighbors iu a carousal, while the tired
passengers languished on the dusty
country road. Elise J. Allen in Har
per's Magazine.
Tho Modara Acnoatle.
We look at our ohurchoa with their
congregations, growing in numbers and
dwindling in fuitb, nays H. U. Chap
man in The Atlantic, and we usk our
selves: In all these buildings, cheap or
costly, what real prayers rise, and of
those that rise do any got above tho
roof? What God bears tbem and has
there ever been an answered prayer? We
look at the face of the dead and repeat
a burial service. If after the manner of
men I jaave fought with beasta at Epbe
lug, what advoutagetn it me if the dead
rise not? And as we say the words we
ask ourselves, "Do the dead rise?" And
if any one is found who believes these
things he knows that there is another
at his elbow who believea them not a
wbit or an atom, and these two can hit
on uo universe that shall satisfy both,
nor can oue be poet to the other.
"Do you remember that girl who
ounie here aud said that wbut she most
desired wiis a good borne?" asked the
"What ii- " matter now?" respond
ed her hu: . . "Have you mUst d
something c. . .'"
"Yea. I j,-iuhs sbe has a good home
pretty nearly paid for by this time."
Washington Star.
Personally-Conducted Tour via Penn
sylvania Railroad,
The next Personally-Conducted Tour
to Cullfornla via the Pennsylvania
Kiilliimil will leave New York, Phila
delphia, and Pittsburg by the "Gulden
(late Siiechil'' on Wednesday, February
III, stopping at the Great. Mammoth
Cave and New Orleans during the Murdi
(!nis Carnival. Four weeks will ho
allowed on tlio 1'iielllo Coitt.. Upturn
ing, stops will be made at Halt Jjiko
City, Colorado Springs (Gulden of tho
Gods), Denver, ChlcHgo, Ac. Hound
trip rate, Including trim portal Ion,
meals, carrhigu drives, hotel accommo
dations, and Pullman accommodations
en route, and Pullman berth Los
Angeles to Sun Francisco, and ti-ansKir-tulion
in California, ;i.'ITi.lMI from all
stations east of Pittsburg; with hotel
accommodations, meals, transfers, and
carriage drives through California for
four weeks, JliVOO additional. An ex
perienced chaperon will accompany the
party for the benefit of the lady tourist.
For itineraries and full information,
apply to ticket agents: Tourist Agent,
11IM1 Uroadway, Now York: or address
Goo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Pas
senger Agent. Broad Street Station,
WolU In Sahara.
Artesian wills trunk in tho Sahara
tlrscrt ;.tur ti t'nd nn ubnndnnt sup
ply nt v.ttter without going very deep
f i r it, and tbi fact may in time put a
new f ii pen di sert conditions, Involving
imi'i i!ut.r pclititu), climatic and eco
nomical i on; i i,m m es. The English hnvn
Ix l.t.n linking them clone the Pcrbrr
Hi.nkiu road, finding water there a
el t iiwunt us it was iu tho n cinim near
the M!i when their first experimental
wilinwiro put down. Flowing under
the Hnliurun land there nny lie water
pijotU.h to fertilise oases all ovrr it
sterile expanse mid le.'euo it iu a meas
ure from its historic buruuncsa uud
desolation. Some years ago n French
cugim er propoFcd to cut a canal from
the Mediterranean to the lower desert
levels, thus creating n new inland sea,
or, rather, restoring nil old oue, but for
some reason tbn project waa abandoned.
J.oeal irrigation by means of artesian
boriugH ia a more judicious expedient,
and, tbo English having pointed tha
way in this direction, tbo French ure
quite likely to follow it. Only a narrow
desert belt scparutes their possessions in
north and middle Africa, reaching from
the Mediterranean to the Niger, and it
ia quite worth their while to fertilize it
uud plant it with palm groves and date
orchards if possible, ut tiny rate to pro
vide water enough to mpplv their pres
ent i-arnvaus mid prrluirs their future
locomotives. New York Tribune.
rrvut-h tecrrt Pollito Method.
I ouce spent nn iiftcrnoou iu a pleasunt
littlo villa on tho IiiiiUh if the river
Manic with tho former chief of polipo
iulhetiuioof Napoleon III up to the
prm-Iuuiutinu of tho rcpnblio. No oue
would buo thought, to look nt tho
tNfleeinl figure of tho proprietor, n littlo
inati in sabots, with gruy beard a la
Millet, absorbed in ct.ltivutii!g tho mag
niliicut hortent-ian that covered his ter
rnei h, reaching to tbo wuter'a edge, that
ilia bead had been u storehouse for nil
the U'ucluuati.ius aud turpitude:! of thai
period of ilecadeueu wliieh ended iu a
disastrous war and revolution. It was
on that niteruooti that I learned how
the fatal llivier ministry wu deoided
upon by M. TLiirs and his political
frituds line evening in the conservatory
of a beam if (.1 French woman living
uot far fri.r.i the opera. Two brothers,
well known in the bet-t Paris society,
meanwhile instructed tho attention of
the guests iu tho salon by sleight of
band tricks and gymimstio feutH on u
Persian rug, and wiieu I asked tho old
man how ho knew all this with such
precision, "From u fuuuueriecbambre,"
ho answered tranquilly. "All person
ngcsof importance at that time, ut their
own request, took their m rvauts only
from my limit!." Harper's Weekly.
Mora Thou Bo Could Btond.
"Hold up yer Lauds!"
. The citizen then addressed suddenly
shot out his right fist. It cuught the
murderous footpad squarely uu the noso
mid stretched him motionless on the
frozen ground.
"That was a nervy thing to do," said
the policeman who happened by some
uiystiriouB dispensation to be iu the
neighborhood and hud como running to
the scene.
"It wus u. pretty nervy thing for the
scoundrel to no," replied the oitizeu,
scowling at his damaged hand. "He
didn't know he was tackling a desperate
man. I had jest paid a gas bill." Chi
cugo Tribune.
Two country men weut into a hatter's
to buy a bat They were delighted with
the sample, inside the crown of which
was inserted a looking glass.
" What ia the glass for?" said one of
the men.
The other, impatient at such a dis
play of rural ignorauce, said: "What
for? Why, for the man who buys the
hut to see bow it fits." Pick Me Up.
How to Klip Cat t alia,
Cattails will keep for sevoral years if
tbey ore bung by the stems, head down,
until thoroughly dry. They may be dip
ped as soon as picked iu weuk solu
tion of carbolio aoid to prevent insects
from .destroying tbem. Ladies' Home
It Is ueoeasary to hope, though hope
should be always deluded) for hope it
self ia happiness, and iU frustrations,
however frequent, are yet less dreadful
than ita extinction. Dr. Johuson,
How often we lipnr tnliPlln-niti d pfiiple any
reKiirilliiR that t-ellalilc old pdiikIi remedy,
N. II. Down' Elixir: "Why my mother gave
It to me when I win a elillil, and I use It In my
family! It nlwiiyspui'p." It Is nlwiiys Hilar
nnleed to euro nr money refunded. For siile
by II. A. Hloku.
Kveiy mother should have Arnica & Oil
Liniment always In the hitie In paw of iieel
ilenl from tiuriis. scald oi limlm-. l-'or sale
by II. A. ttik.
('iwtlvenewpHii lie eriiiHtipiil!y eineil by
the line of ItiislPi's Miimliuku IIIiipin. Knr
ll!e by II. A.'HIoke.
Or "out of Horte" and ho not
in harmony with your neigh
bor? lor a headaclK! or
MdQlG Headache Powders
are invaluable. They have
done wonders for thousands
who have used them. Try
them and do not allow an
easily cured ailment to steal
away yonr brains. No one
need do so with Magic Head
ache Powders for 10c. at all
STOKE, the DriiQQlst,
Keynoldsville, Pa.
.1 tmvUtuw I'll malt on wehtt
of J Of.
Whereas, letters of AflinltiMriitlnii In the
KhIhip of .loeph h. Morrow, bile of Iteynnldt
Vtlle. I'll., pet-HHil, have Iippii irninlpil to iIip
siilm-rllier, all imm-hohh Indebted to the ald
pMtntp are reinieited lo make Immediate ih.v
ment.und tho havlint rlnliti or di-mnniN
HRiilnit Ibe einle of Ibe snlil deepdent will
niiikp known the Maine without delay to
IUriiikt I,. Moiinow, AdmliiMrittrlx.
Notice or Application for Charter.
NOTIf'K Is hereby given Hint nn Hppllpnllon
will le made lo ibe (lovernoi- of thp Hlale
of 1'eniiHylvntitfi nn Hie INtb day of l-'ebriiiii'V,
Ikiim. bv 14. II. Klllott, II. Alex. Htokn. Solomon
MbalTer. (.'hurled A. Ilerpel. ('. Mil. 'hell, et ill.,
under the Aet of AnHPinbly of the Cotnmmi
n I Hi of Pennsylvania. piiIIiIpiI -'An Act to
provide for Ibe lneot-ioiiillnit and Kpinihttlon
of pertain t'oi'iHiratloiiH," appioveil April 211,
IH74, nnd the HiippleniputH thereto, for the
I'btirtpr of nn Intended Corporation, to he
palled The IteynolihivUlH l.n ml and Improve
ment Company, the eliHrneter nnd nhleet
wberpof Is thu purebiiHlnir, holding, leasing,
spiling, donating and Impiovlng real clnp.
and for IbPHi io have, ihihphh ami
pn.loy till the rights, ImmipIIIm and prlvllegi-anf
the nn Id Act of AHMPtnhlv nnd ItHHUiipiPinentH,
C. MlTciiKI.I., Solicitor.
Cures Coughs,
Colds, Croup,
Consumption and
all Lung Diseases.
People atand by Downs' Elixir
because it cures and haa cured for
aiztv-flva vears. This la the
1 strongest possible endorsement of
us merits, frlco cuo. anu
, fjl.00 per bottle. At Druggieta.
Henry, Johnson i Lord. Prop., Burllngtes, Vt
For naln by H. A. Stoke.
First National Bank
or it k y.o l us ni. l ;,
'. Mlteii.-li, 1'realdPiill
Nroit HeClelhiiKl. Vlt-e Irv.
.lolin II, liuuplier. I'Hkliler.
C. Mill-hull. Sent I MeClullaml. .I.e. King,
uhli II. Corbet.
(i. K. Ilrown.
U. W. Fuller.
J. II. Kuucher.
Dopr, a general ImnkliighntdnftfHiiiid Hotlelta
I he ui-eoiiniHoi inuri'iiania, prnreHionui men.
farmer-H, niei-htinU-H, iiiIiipi-h. liimbenaeii and
other, )romilng thu mot earpful attention
to the btiHliieHHuf all poi-noiiH.
Safe llupoMt linxui lor rent.
KIi-mi National Hank building, Nolan block
Fire Proof Vault.
Practical florse-slioer
And General Blacksmith.
Ilorr-e hbiHilntt done In the npiitpl tnanner
und by the lalpi.1. Iiaprovi-il inutbodH. tp
pulrlnti of all kliuln eurefully and pi-oniplly
done. H ATiHrACi ion Ucaiiantkeu.
Have .luat ropelved a uompletu wet of imw
eldno home ellipn of latent tiylu 'IM pull i n
und am ii'iui uil lo do ellpplnu In I fin liet
IhiahIIiIp uiaiiiiei' al ruit.-ionuble ratua.
.lacknoii ft, ueur I'ICtli, liayiioltlavllle, I'll.
Hni'i.n unia To TH.i
iNTsawmi and e.
DM. D. M. noTHROSK'l'
ViGyABLi:ciDinor Poww
rtm nunrtlf animao
tan i'i.TT..
iv... Vv
At rT vtmr aKieb look nice and glomtv.
. tl ,M T r '!lrt ",re c,,re ,,,r
i yvttwrw bouii no I'inrrnie
remedy which we can ennfl
lHwfnpr Kidnev and Bladder '
bound and worms. Hive it a trial. Satisfaction guaranti-ed.
Jot) Work Department
rriie Sip v Oilico
I replete with the Latent.
Stylen of Type.
is Hoadcjnartei'pi tor
Dry Goods, Notions, Hats and
Caps, Boots and Shoes.
Clothing Department we have great bargain. W invite
you to coine in and examine our line. It it
. no trouble to show goodt.
Our Furniture Garpet
Department is complete and price that cannot
be beat.
Larget and Finent Selected Stock of Frenh Groceries
in town.
Jefferson Supply Co., ,
Pleawuit Avenue, Keynoldsville, Penn'a,
And a good one, but no
possible protector (;an
rival the merit of the
hardware we supply in
qualities .worthy of the
finest clients on earth.
Our hardware line is a
top one. There's noth
ing above , it, and we
wouldn't carry anything
below it.
too, alwayB have a size about them that's just
right and make it nn absolute waste of money to
go elsewhere.
Our line of heating and cooking stoves is the largest
to be found in town, and our prices are the lowest
We can save you money.
In making a selection
of Goods for
Fall and Winter Wear
It is important that the choice should be made from a thor
oughly up-to-date and well assorted stock. Then
there is no possibility of getting goods of
doubtful style. Our offerings of
Can be accepted as being absolutely correct, care
having been taken to secure exclusive, but popular
styles. In every department the articles presented
will be found of a quality to command approval.
Prices are wonderfully small for Buch value. Such
goods as we have will serve better purpose else
where than on our shelves, nnd we sacrifice
profits to make quick sales.
, .... ' .4 .1 i
frtHliicee more and richer milk thai
! a sure cure lor Hog and Chicken Cholera and all diaeasti
ao. Roup, Gaps, 8ore Throat, Canker, eta The populiu
infldently recommend for Cottolis, Odds, Inflamed Laing
Kladder Trouble, Heaves, Thick and Broken Wind. Hide-
'' Chicken Cholera and all disease
Neat Woik Done
on Short Notice!
Supply Go.
Line of
1 1 i -
4. i.v.
s$ Op
. v' i .V J
Reynoldsville Hardware Co.