The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 26, 1898, Image 8

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lie llrwvfl tod nnil rt OIT tit Prmls
nl llvmnio Itnlter In Chlnff Hlmiwlf.
.Tobn L. Hnllivnu Is b pray Rn-on pi
geon with a rrcerd iia n fighter. Before
he became a moisil.-rr of tbo Burrs
household, S20 Kli-venth street, fun
Francisco, nil sorts of trtips bud been
tried to rid tlm premises of mice. A
dog and a rut also hnd a bnnd at trying
to exterminate them, bnt with no suc
cess. Then smno one Rnve Mm. Hnyos n
squab, which koou showed a disposition
to be pugnacious. When he was three
ui out lis old, be asserted himself. First
ho drove the dog off the place. In a
abort time the cnt ran away. The pi
geon has a long, sharp bonk, and be pecks
with ferocity. Ho is very adroit at dart
ing and wni never worsted in bis en
counters with the cnt.
After tbo two domestic nutmuls left
Mvs. Hnyes became mystified over the
sndden disappearance of tho rats and
over tho number of dead mice she found
in vnrions pnrts of the borne Hut one
dny it was all mndo clear ru ber She
hm tily cutcred ouo of the room and
found the pigeon holding a tnouso in
his bonk. Sua wntched nnd niw the
bird shako the life out of the rodent.
Then he flew over to a tnble, perched
himself on tho edge and watched a
mcuo holo between the flbor and the
woodwork. After awhile another mouse
crept out. The bird mude a dart at it,
cangbt it on the back with bin beak,
and it fared tbe fate of its relative.
Tlit pigeon watched tbe rat holes in
tbe sanio way. He eoutented himself
with pecking them and then flying
away. Hut bis method was a success.
Rats as well as mice are no longer trou
blesome at the Huyos home. San Fran
cisco Examiner.
Not till Day For Bring Whipped.
Little Johnny wns 8 years old. There
fore be could look back to several
Christmas holidays with a lively re
mcinbmnoo of what they were like and
what bud taken place on those festal
One of Johnny's ideas (not original
with Johnny by any means, as mauy a
pure at tun testily) was that it is a boy'a
miH&iou to make as much noise as pos
sible. iu the world, and in spite of fre
quent admonishing and more or loss
frequent whippings he perseveriugly
carried out the idea on all occasions
except when he was asleep.
Johnny was iullilling bis mission
with uiuie vigor and enthusiasm than
usual on Christmas morning, but no
body puid any uuuutiou to him except
bis Auut June, who was visiting John
ny's parents during the holidays, and
sho llually grew tired of the noise and
"Johnny, it is very naughty to keep
dp snub a uiu and racket all tho time,
and if yoa dou't stop it I shall have to
speuk to your mother ubout it. "
"Huh I , Wot good'll that do?" scorn
fully demanded Johnny.
" Why, she will whip yoa if yon dont
top," threatened the young man's
"Guess not!" retorted Johnny with
an air of triumph. "Chris'mas ain't
my day fur gictin whipped. I allers git
whipped tho day before Chris'mas and
the day uftur, hut I never do on Chris'
mas." Hurper's Magazine.
Th lluyluM Town.
A crow old woman of lona ago
Dtsuiiirud thut shu bated now.
Tiiu luwn would bo uo pluaxuut, you know,
If only thure weru no boysl"
Bliu Moulded und fruttixl about it till
Hor oyea grew luiavy as liiud,
And then of a sudden the town grew still,
For all the boys bad fled.
And nil through the lon and dusty utreot
There wasn't a boy in vlow.
Tim buaubnll lot, where they usud to meet.
Was a eitht to make one blue.
The. gram woe growinii on every base
And the pathe that the runnora made,
for i here waen't a aoul in all the placa
Who knew how the game was played.
The churrlos rotted and went to waste
There was no ono to allmb the treue
And nobody had a single taite,
Have only the birds and bees.
There wann't a mawenger boy, not one.
To epeed as anon mewaengera can.
If people wanted theii errands done.
They sent for a meanenger man.
There was little, I ween, of frolic and aotaej
That waa leas of cheer and mirth.
The Hud old town alnee it leaked its boys
Was the dreariest place on earth.
The poor old woman began to weep,
Then woke with a audden tureuni.
"Dear ine," she urled, "I have been asleep,
And, oh, what a horrid dream I"
A Heuiarkable Cat.
Professor Hill of Princeton university
once owned a very reiuurkuble cat. it
had bnt two legs, having been born that
way, bnt in spite of this deformity it
was a most engaging pet and walked
glibly upon its two forefoot and frisked
bant as lively as eats blessed with four
lrs. When she died, her skeleton was
r",T'L' i and bow reposes iu a gluts cam
.' i C.6 tuiveraity museum.
0 Orlm hitinor.
A" Mr. Files was not q:t:!t clever
enough to attain the knowledge of In'
man natnre which assists so materially
In success, he made unremitting and
nniversul suspicion a substitute. Ho
bad nuiunged to accumulate a fair share
of property, but not enough to compen
sate for diMiking so many people and
being disliked by then. He had been
discussing somo matters of business
with a commercial acqniilntniiee mid
hnd need of certain documents. He rang
it boll, and n frightened looking office
boy apncaied.
"Tell hprlgg to como here," said
Mr. Files, and tho boy hurried lis if be
Iran d bis employer would clmngo his
mind unil cut off escape. Sir. Hpriggs
appealed, u young ninn with n vacant
eye ami a double chin. Ho gazed lit-Icpi-ly
at tho ceiling while Mr. Files in
structed him to get a key from one
man, a tin box from another and some
stationery from a third. Sprlggs bud
difllculty iu catching tho names of the
men. and at last had to have them writ
ten on a piece of paper. As tbo young
man departed Mr. Files made a gesture
in bis direction and said:
"There goes my most trusted em
ployee." "Has ho been with yon long?" in
quired tho visitor.
"No. He came dny before yesterday. "
"He hasn't learned much about tbe
business yet, has ho?"
"Not a thing. That's the reuscu he's
a trusted employee."
And Mr. Files laughed for tbe lirst
time in weeks. Detroit Free Press.
Different Reajinna.
In a little New Hampshire village
there lives an old lady who has such a
sweet spirit of kindliness toward all the
world that sho is unable to compreheud
tbe entire lack of that spirit iu some
other people.
Not long ago one of her granddaugh
ters, a gay young city girl, was paying
her it visit and one day told her of a
ragged and intoxicated man whom she
had seen on tho street just before leav
inu home.
" 1 can t hear to puss a man 1 ike that, "
she said vehemently at tbo end of her
"I know Just how 'tis, dear, " said
tho old lady, laying ono of ber soft,
wrinkled bauds on the girl's head. "It
does seem as if you'd got to stop and
speak with tbe poor creatures just a
minute, doesn't it? I never can bear to
puss 'em by without a word. It doesn't
seem human."
Tbo gay little granddaughter was
quite disturbed by this misinterpreta
tion of her words, bnt she did not un-
deceive her grandmother as to her mean
ing. For some reason she felt ashamed.
Youth's Companion.
Sweetest af the Rweet.
Framed and hung up iu tbe Agricul
tural hauk of Paris, Ky., is a check
which was made payable to "Sweetest
of the Sweet, " and so indorsed.
President McCluro of tbo bank tells
tbe story of tbe check na follows:
"One of our depositors gave his wife
a check for tit),' the chock being reg
ularly tilled out and duly signed, except
that it was made payable to. 'Sweetest
of the Sweet. ' Wheu the lady presented
the check for payment, I innocoutly in
quired :
"'Who is this "Sweetest of the
Sweet?" '
" 'Why, it's me, she replied.
"I told ber to indorse tbe check,
which she did and handed it back.
"'But, madam,' I said, 'you must
indorse it jnst as drawn, to the "Sweet
est of the Sweet." '
"She snatched up tbe pen nnd wrote
the words below the name, and I paid
the moucy. "Chicago Cbromole.
Moving the Lights.
Tbe great wipbtha torches, with their
flaring flame, seen iu the street where
nicu are at work atnigbt, always attract
attention. Tbey are most striking,
however, wheu seen moving. In laying
asphalt pavement, as load after load of
asphalt for the first layer is dumped to
be spread upon tbe roadway, the naph
tha torches are moved along to light
tho work. They are carried on wheel
barrows. It may be that a lighted torch
is brought up iji'tbis muuiicr from a
distance of half a block. It ic not tbo
greatest spectacle iu the world, but it
is certuinly a curious nnd interesting
sight to see a man wheeling one of these
torches along tho sidewalk, with anoth
er mun walking beside the burrow and
holding tho pipe to steady it, while all
the time the two foot flame is flaring
out at right angles with the pipe from
under its hood above. New York Snn.
The Prayer Fitted.
At a church in Lenox last Bummer
tbe pulpit was supplied by an assistant
olergymau. One Sunday in the course
of his sermon this minister told how a
man hud aniussod a lurge amount of
money simply by prayer, going on to
give the incidents of the case. A titter
ran through the congregation when tho
minister, after dwelling on the fuot that
prayer alone bad brought about this
man's fortnue, placed his hands togeth
er and, looking upward in a very prayer
ful attitude, said, "Lord, teach na how
to pray I" Troy Times.
An Expert Opinion.
Tomtom That was a funny experi
ence of Dr. Pillbox. When Jingo's safe
got out of order, he called the doctor in
to examine it
Buiisfura What did Pillbox say?
Tomtom Why, ba raid its system
was all rnn down aud that it needed
change. New York World.
One thing ought to be aimed at by
all men that tbe interest of each, in
dividually and collectively, should be
the same, for if each shonld grasp at
bis iudividuul iuterest all bumuu soci
ety would be dissolved. Cioero.
The fisheries of the United Kicgdoto
are worth $82,600,000; those of Fog
land bUvm, S 1, ISO, 000.
And a good one, but no
possible protector can
rival the merit of the
hardware we supply in
qualities worthy of the
fit tent chests on earth.
Our hardware line is a
top one. There's noth
ing above It, and we
wouldn't carry anything
below it.
too, always have a size about them that's just
right and make it an absolute waste of money to
go elsewhere.
Our line of heating and cooking stoves is the largest,
to bo found in town, and our prices are the lowest.
We can save you money.
Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
The New Store's
Grounded out of sight. Our entire Fall and Winter Stock, consisting of Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Ladies'
and Gents' Furnishings, driven under our Clearance Knives.
Cut and Slashed below half the manufacturer's cost. Never in the history of this vicinity known to you, was there ever
or will there ever be such a GRAND OPPORTUNITY to save your hard earned money
than attending this sale, which begins
turday, January
And will end FEBRUARY 15. We haven't left n stone unturned to make this sale a success and a
Of our surplus stock. When this sale ends it will carry off the last dollar'e worth of our Fall Stock. . Here are prices
that talk, that'B going to do the work for ua and the money saving for you, that will daze and bewilder
our competitors and gladden the buying public of Reynoldsville and vicinity:
Dry Goods
(tc. Unbleached Muslin, per yd., sale price (4
7c. " " " " 05
10c. " " " , " 07
7c. Bleached " " " 0T
8o. " " "
Lonsdale and Fruit of tho Loom, bi-Ht
Muslin, per yd.,
(to: Shaker Flannel, "
80. " " "
(lo. Cotton . " "
7o. " " "
10c. " "
10-4 Unbleached Shoetintr "
IM Bleached Sheeting, J(k). grade
45-ln. Pillow Case Muslin "
60. Lodl Shirtings "
Ho. Calico Prints "
A Clean Sweep in
Ladies,' Misses,' Childrens'
Our entire stock of Men's, Boys and Children's Suits, Overcoats are included in this CLEARANCE SALE. We
have still on hand hundreds of heavy weight suits and overcoats that are only salable during the cold weather. Our
time" to sell is almost up, and as we are In need of room and of the money invested, we would rather sell them now at
cost and a little below rather than carry any garments over. We mean what we say and all we ask of you is to come
and see what we offer.
1'onltlvely No
Vootln Vhanifetl
or Cliaruetl
Dui lim ill In
Vuh Alone
Capture then
. ItihOAlSH.
srY- (
7c. Gullcti Prints por yd., sale price 0f
7c. DivsGli?hiim " " 05
lOo. " " " " 07
Saxony, per skein 05
:i()c. Pure Table Linen " " 20
7e. Outlnjf Flannel ' " 04
lie. " . 07
Indigo Bluo Best Prints " 044
Clark's O. N. T. Thruud. He. ior spool. 2 for 05
too. Black SiiUmmi per yd., sulo price 07
rc. Best Rlderdown " 23
15c. Blue Denltnm " " 09
15o. Whim Ducklnif, " 09
10c. Shlrtlnsr, " " 07
75o. White Bud Spivad ' " 40
1.00 " 75
1.25 " 1 IK)
Camhrlc Lining " " 04
lOo. Silicla Waist Lining " 07
15o. Plaids and IlluiiiimiU'd Drewi (ioods ' 10
25o. Cashmere Dress Goods per yd., " 12
" OH
sale price 0(5
" 04
" o:
" 1)4
" u"
" Vlk
" IS
" (Ml
" :
. " 04
Bear in mind that the above prices are SALE PRICES and only good
during this Sale, which positively conuneuces Saturday, Jan. 22, and will end
February 15, 1898. We invite you to pay our store a visit during this money
saving sale. Our store room is packed with bargains for everybody.
StOke'8 Bldfj.. Main St Cor. FlttH. Reynoldsville, Pa.
In making a selection -of
Goods for
Fall and Winter Wear
It Is important that the choice should be made from a thor
oughly up-to-date and voll assorted stock. Then
there is no possibility of getting goods of
doubtful style. Our offerings of
Can be accepted as being absolutely correct, care
having been taken to secure exclusive, but popular
styles. In every department the articles presented
will be found of a quality to command approval.
Trices are wonderfully small for such value. Such
goods as we have will serve better purpose else
where than on our shelves, and we sacrifice
profits to make quick sales.
1st Semi
ETo Clear
Our Surplus
- Annual
And Get
the Ready
35c. Cashmere Dress Goods per yd., sale price 15
45o. All-wool Serge, " ' 22
75c. Silk and Wool Novelty " " 50
Men'B Gutn Boots of best quality,
sale price, $1.98. ,
Lumbermen's Rubbers, sale price
IK) cents.
Our Clearance Sale Knife has
visited our SHOE DEPARTMENT as
as well as every department in our
h OFF.
Men' Uood
Sunday Hat,
would be vheap
elnewhere at
7.1c, out price
Better one in
Cow IMn-inon.