The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 22, 1897, Image 6

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    coaxed Into bus i verdict
Bieitlag Scene la Court Boom at Chicago
Over aa Election Trill.
John J. Harrahan and Patrick Ferrla,
Judgea of election In the Seventeenth
ward at the laat municipal election
were the other day at Chicago convict
ed of falsfylng the election return, and
sentenced to the penitentiary. Albert
J. Purvis, an election clerk, who was
on trial with them, waa acquitted.
Both Hanrahnn and Ferris had many
friends In the court room, and when the
verdict waa announcel there waa al
most a riot. Mra. Hanrahan, wife of
the convicted man, became hysterical
and her female friend added their vo
cal power to her'a as she sent tip
shriek after shriek. Them Bale friends
of Hanrahan and Ferris cursed the
Jury vigorously, and mnde vicious
threats against Asslstnnt State's At
torney Harnes, who had prosecuted the
When the Jury was about to pnss
out of tho court room two men, friends
of the convicted former Judges of elec
tions, seized SII.-1 A. Hunt, one of the
Jurors, by tho coat collnr and demand
ed: "How did you come to convict these
men under the evidence?"
"I was coaxed Into It." replied Hunt.
With a Jerk that nearly took Hunt off
Ills feet tho two men pulled the Juror
up before JudKe Clietluln, who presided
at the trial.
"This man says he wns coerced Into
signing this verdict, your honor," cried
one of the men.
"Hut you signed It, did you not?"
queried the court.
"I did," responded Hunt.
"Then the court can do nothing,"
said Judge Chotlaln.
"They can bring this matter of alleg
ed coercion up when the motion for a
new trlnl Is argued." said Assistant
State's Attorney llnrnes. This remark
attracted attention to the assistant
Htate's attorney, nml the excited mob
addressed vile lnngunge to him until thg
court room was cleared. It was con
sidered necessary to send olllcers with
Mr. Harnes to his homo to protect him
from violence.
Increase in Beceipti end Member! Beported
at the American Labor Convention.
The chief features of the session of
the American Federation of Labor at
Nnshvllle, Tenn., a few days ago were
reports of the secretnry and treasurer.
The secretary's report showed an In
crease of receipts of $2,349 over lust
yenr; an Increase of membership of 34,
280. A comparing of the reports show that
276 strikes were oftlclatly noticed, In
volving M4,N72 workers, and of this
number ISO were won, 31. compromised
and 33 lost. The number of peisons
benefited wns 165,407, and Bin did not
Twelve substantial benetlt. Tho use of
the union label to assist In organizing
wage earners Is on tne increase. The
secretary rerommendud an Increase in
the per cnplta tax.
The treasurer reported on Income for
the year of $21,808.27, expenses 119,112.83,
and a total balnnce of $:1,I.44. Dele
gate Sullivan, of the Cleveland paint
ers, waa reinstated.
A charter was refused the Clevelnnd
special police, as It is not within the
province of trades unions to organize
The Federation protested agntnst tho
annexation of Hawaii, claiming that
the inhabitants' were In a state of slav
ery and that they would lower the
wages of American worklnginen.
Men Sid Rot Know That Their Car wai
Banning Away.
Sunday night at Castle a wreck oc
curred at a point two miles north of
Castle Rock on the Hio Orande road, In
which thirty-three men were Injured,
one or two fatally. The wreck was the
result of n collision between a, south
bound passenger train and a runaway
chair car, which started from Castle
Rock, having broken the connection
with the rest of the train. The car
was not a part of the passenger train,
but contained about fifty of the men
who had been emnloyed In this vicinity
lately, laying rails on the Rio Orande.
In its two mile dash it acquired great
headway, and when it collided with the
engine of the aouthbounl freight, the
engine forced Itself half way through
the car, smashing the frame of the car
and the seats. Only a few are serious
ly injured. Physicians are attending
the Injured men, who have been taken
to Sallda.
The fireman and engineer of the col
liding engine escaped injury by Jump
ing, Tho men on the runaway car did
not try to set the brakes because they
did not know It was running away.
They thought their train was being
drawn by their engine. Most of the
injuries are tlcsh wounds and bruises.
Many Besoned from Tire.
Fire broke out the other morning at
Nash Bros.' wholesale grocery store at
Grand Forks, N. D., and In a half
hour had .gone Into the Hotel Dakotah.
where about 130 guests were housed.
Tho "Lady In Black" company escaped.
as did the people In the hotel, by the
lire escape, a ladder one root wide,
v running from the sixth floor to the first.
The tiro department rescued a large
number, and half the people were al
most pulled out of bed.' Two people are
missing. The hotel, Nash Bros.' whole
sale grocery and the Grand Forks Mer
cantile wholesale grocery house were
burned. The loss will aggregate $450,
000 on stocks, furniture, etc., and $300,-
000 on buildings, totally destroyed,
while other losses will probably reach
$100,000 more.
A Doll Baby.
Qulhcy, III., boasts of having the
smallest baby. She la the daughter of
V Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Blusher and
weigh a trifle less than a pound, with
out her clothing. It waa found neces
sary to use the dresses of a doll for her.
Her face Is not much larger around
than a silver half dollar, the finger
are not thicker than a darning needle,
ber feet are one and one-quarter Inches
In length, and her legs are about as
large aa the ordinary little finger of
an adult. Her body could be placed In
a quart cup. She I i day old and ha
grown steadily since her birth, giving
evidence of becoming a healthy child.
The Greatest Match factory.
The largest match factory on Amer
ican aoll I to be located near Chicago.
Within six month Edwin Gould will
Issue the command and boiler will be
fixed In the old Hlverview factory of
the Kankakee Furniture company.
Gould bought the factory, because the
, Continental Match company had out
grown the plant at Pasaalo, N. J and
be felt that It waa time to Invade
western, fields, where hitherto the Dla-
' onond Hatch company has held undls
r -d wy. Gould la now la the city
1 it making private arrangement
22 degree below tero I reported from
Huron, 8. D.
47 emigrants were deported from
New York last Saturday.
Three seniors of Princeton College
have been suspended for hailng.
The American Federation of Labor
re-elected Samuel Gompers President.
Pittsburg I arranging to have the
greatest G. A. 11. convention ever held
In 1900.
Four persona were killed by a loco
motive explosion at Itepton, Ala., last
Five gaa companies have consolidated
In Pittsburg, representing a capital of
6.000 tons of Alabama pig Iron have
been shipped from Hlrmlngham to Yo
kohama, Japan,
The announcement come from
Home that Archbishop Corrlgan will
soon be made a cardinal.
Six Uvea were lost In the wreck of the
schooner Susan P. Thurlow, on Cuen
Ing iBland, Wednesday night.
Richard Arthur Prince stabbed and
killed William Terries, a well-known
1oiulon actor, a few days ago. t
Tho Pegamoid Paper Company was
Incorporated at Trenton, N. J the oth
er day with a capital of $5,000,000.
Former passenger agent A. J. Moore,
of the Chicago Ac Alton railroad, com
mitted BUlcliie at Chicago a few days
Patrick Leahy and his five children
perished in their home at Ottnmn, Out.,
v. hlch waa destroyed by lire a few days
Alfred Snnford who was once en
gaged to General Grant's widow. Is
now a charity patient in a St. Louis
Ex-Secretary of Hate Foster asserts
that Hawaii will turn to some other na
tion If the United States refuse an
nexation. Edward IJoone. Sr.," of Webster City.
Ia., left Lome the other day and taking
a piece of barbed wire hanged himself
to a fence.
La Mlncrve, the only French morning
newspaper In Montreal, hns suspended
publication, after an existence of near
ly fifty years.
General Lew Wallnco says that tho
mxt war will be with Japan, and that
the American will be the people to
thrash them.
The Portland, Ore., chamber of com
merce has tendered to the Government
100 tons of provisions for the relief of
the Yukon miners.
The manufacturers of window-glass
and their employees have adjusted
their diluculttea and 15,000 men will re
sume work In a few weeks.
Mrs. Margaret Spencer's pet dog up
set an oil stove at New Y'jrk and an
explosion followed. The woman was
so badly burned that she died.
A German driver at New York re
tired with a crop of brown hair and
awoke next morning to find it perfectly
white. Doctors are much puzzled.
The spcclnl train which conveyed
President McKlnley back to Washing
ton ran over and killed a laliorer name I
Louis Motnet at Alliance, O., laat Tues
day. General Dlnnco hns given all persons
who were obliged to cxllo themselves
from Cuba for polltlral reasons per
mission to return and guarantees them
The grinding of sugar cane hns been
resumed in Cuha. Agricultural Imple
ments have been restored to the far
mers, and dry goods and grocery stores
have been reopened.
William Priest Price, formerly a po
liceman at Youngstown, O., now of
Cleveland, has fallen heir to $2,000,000.
William Priest, hi godfather, left his
estate in England to Price.
A new wood-Working machinery
trust, known as the American Wood
working Machine Company, was form
ed In Jersey City with a capital of $4,
000.000. It ha foreign branches.
400,000 bushels of wheat were rushed
Into Chicago Monday to take advan
tage of the prevailing high prices and
to fill contracts. December wheat
opened at $1.05 and closed at 99 Vic.
W. C. McDonald, the millionaire to
bacco manufacturer of Montreal,
whose gifts to McGill university al
ready agregate nearly $3,000,000, hns
Just given $50,000' more to the Institu
tion. Adam Brednlch was instantly killed
by a fragment of a bursting wheel at
the Oliver Steel Company' mill, Pitts
burg, last Thursday morning. Frank
Haus received Injuries from which he
will die.
The central branch of the Atlantic &
Pacific railroad branch of the 'Frisco
wa sold to E. C. Henderson for $2,500,
000. It wa then transferred' to the
'Frisco company, which own the
Two negroes were lynched at St. Gab
riel, near Orleans, Tuesday morning.
They were hanged from the gallery of
the store In which they had killed Geo.
Balsln on the night of December 7. The
crime waa committed for robbery.
John Kelly, lately released from the
Logansport. Intl.. Insane asylum, com
mitted suicide last Wednesday. To
make success doubly sure, Kelly hang
ed himself from a rafter In the barn and
exploded a stick of dynamite by the
meana of a slow fuse. Hla arms and
leg were blown off.
A two-headed baby waa born at Leo,
Mass., last week to Mr. and Mrs. Jos
eph L. Dowd. The child died soon af
ter birth. It had two heads, two pair
of shoulders, two arm and a stub be
tween the neck, two backbone, term
inating at the base of the spine, one
pair of lung and weighed 14 pounds.
Frank Klrby, of Camden, N. J., a
Christian Scientist, who refused to call
on a physician when Id 2-year-old
daughter waa taken sick with diph
theria, a few day ago wa held by the
coroner In $500 ball for hla appearance
before the grand Jury. The coroner'
Jury fixed upon him the responsibility
for hi child' death.
Circumstances pointing to murder
of unusual horror were, recently
brought to the attention of officials at
New York. The alleged victim waa
Peter Doggett, SO year old, who If hi
relative are Justified In their stories,
waa thrown Into a dough-mixing vat
August 28 last and literally cut to
piece. Doggett' slater has received a
letter from her mojher In Ireland, In
which the writer says the only witness
of the crime Is now there.
William Carr was hanged at the Clay
county court house at Liberty, Mo., last
Friday morning. Carr sought to pleaae
hi second wife by drowning the lt-year-old
daughter of hi first wife. He
presented a pltlablo sight on the gal
low. After the drop 600 spectators, as
If moved by a single Impluse, rushed
forward, calling, crying, shrieking and
laughing a they surged under the ga'
low and packed close around the dang
ling corpse for a close view.
Seattle railway line, including the
street car ay item, are practically de
moralised aa a result of the heaviest
rainfall aver seen here. Large land
elldos have occurred, blocking tho
Great, Northern railroad.
McKlale y'e Meeesgo Cease Unfavorable Agi
tation. Bomb for tee.
Slowly through the Influence of the
press the Spaniards are being made to
understand the meaning and extent of
President McKlnley' recent message
In regard to Cuba. It has especially
aroused the Spanish sympathiser at
A small box, apparently made to con
tain sample of some description, was
found Wednesday morning at Cnsa Ne
uva, where the United States consulate
Is situated. An examination of the box
showed it to contain a tube flllled with
an explosive substance. Fortunutely
the cover waa not removed In the or
dinary way, but was splintered open.
Underneath the cover was a piece of
sand paper Intended to light a box of
matches and thua bring about an ex
pl elon.
Gen. Maretto, It Is announced from
the palace, has been engaged with an
Insurgent force at the farm of lustra.
Three Insurgents were killed. Later,
the ofllclnl announcement continues, the
genernl's forces surprised the camp oc
cupied by the insurgent lenders Cnl
Inxo and Acea, at the farm of Pn. The
It.Mirgents, according to the ofllclnl r
port, left 43 killed on the field, the
troops coptured i!4 firearms and somo
documents, and the column bad a cap
tain and one private killed.
Mall advices received from Madrid
(telegrams and telephone messages on
this subject being foi bidden), say the
Spanish military Journals, especially
the most Important, the Correepond
encla Mllltnire, declnre that 20 generals
hnve come to an agreement to engineer
a protest against President McKlnley's
message to congress, which Is consid
ered Insulting to the Spanish army. It
Is added a certain marshal was linked
to co-operate, but he merely replied ho
wculd consider the matter. Gen. Wey
ler answered a similar request saying
he desired In the first place to learn the
"pinion of certnln personages, the law
not allowing military men to send a col
lective petition to the minister for war.
Political circles are much excited at
rumors of a manifesto to the country
which Is said to be In course of prepar
iitlon. At Madrid an official note was Issued
rc-cently describing as "Inventions and
exaggerations Intended to mislead the
people," the sinister rumors as to the
relntlons between Spain and the United
States, the supposed effect of President
MuKlnley's message, the agitation in
the army, tho attack on the American
consulate In Havana ami the report
that filibusters had sunk the floating
dock there. It urges the people to dis
trust the foreign press and to rely on
"news directly emanating from Mad
rid and Havana."
The Steamer Cleveland Wrecked on the Coaet
of Vancoaver Island.
Tho merchants' exchange at Pan
Francisco has received a telegram
from Nannlmo In which Captain Hall,
of the missing stenmer Clevelnnd, suys
his vessel hns been wrecked on the
const of Vancouver island.
The panic-stricken crew rushed for
the bnuls. None of the boats as yet
hnve been heard from, and It Is feared
they nro lost, although It la possible
that they may have Innded on the coast
of Vancouver Island at somo remote
point. The captain, chief engineer,
purser, three sailors and one fireman,
who remained on board tho Cleveland
succeeded In reaching the shore
through the surf safely.
Tho Cleveland left for Seattle about
10 days ago, and It Is known that she
encountered fierce gales. She carried
a crew of 30 men and about 12 passen
gers. The Cleveland waa a Inrge Iron
steamer, and had a scries of misfor
The Exploiive Teare Up a Track and Wrecks
an Engine.
The Cuban Insurgents dynamited the
railroad between Canas and Dagnme,
province of Pinar del Rio, destroying
the track and wrecking the engine of a
freight train. A force of troops with a
repairing gang was sent to the scene of
the outrage, where tney round a dyna
mite bomb and arrested the men who
caused the explosion. The line wa re
paired. The Insurgents attacked the
landing place at Ulbara, provlnco of
Santiago de Cuba, butw ere repulsed
with loss, according to the official re
port. They are also said to have fired
upon the town of Cupeclllas, without
Oen. Pando Is still directing the oper
ation of the gunboat In the river Cau-
to, province of Santiago de Cuba, but
he has been unable to arrive at the
Cauto landing place, owing, it is of
ficially stated, to an obstacle in the
An Indian's Brntal Murder.
Indian Agent Short arrived at Win
nepeg from Berens river, reports that
an Indian woman suffering from ty
phoid fever and becoming insane, her
husband thought she had become a
"wendlgo," and to prevent her eating
other member of her band, killed her
by grabbing her around the body with
one arm, grasping her hair with the
other hand and twisting; her head until
her neck was broken. He was taken
into custody on a charge of murder.
Hydrophobia Prom a Kitten's Bite.
Prof. Dolph A. Robinson, of Oullford
college, Guilford, N. C, came to Balti
more last week to take the Pasteur
treatment for threatened hydrophobia.
He waa bitten by a kitten on November
0, and a boy who lived In Guilford waa
bitten by the same animal on the same
day. The boy died the day before yes
terday of hydrophobia, and Prof. Rob
inson is alarmed.
Hii Body lull of Sand.
Dr. Spurgeon of Rushvllle, Ind ha
gone to Indianapolis to consult other
physician about a remarkable case he
baa under treatment. HI patient, Dav.
McQueery, a farmer, near Kushvtlld,
noticed last summer that when he rub
bed hla flesh at any spot on his body he
brought forth a granulated substance
like Band. On one occasion he rubbed
a teaspoonful from the end of hi
Daaporata Oang Captured.
Wells-Fargo Express Company' spe
cial officer and deputy United State
marshals have captured In Eastern Ar
laona five of the train robber engaged
In the attempted robbery of the South
ern Pacific' "sunset flyer" at Steina
Pass last Thursday night. They will
be brought to New Mexico for trial, Tho
penalty for train robbery In New Mex
ico I death. The gang we surrounded
In a cabin In Cushey'a ranch, about 25
mllea this Bide of the Mexican line, for
which they war traveling. The rob
ber aere taken completely by surprise
and surrendered without a single ihot
being firedt
The Output of fig Iron for December the
Oreateet Ivor Known.
n. a. Dun St Co. 's Weekly Review of
Trade" report for laat week:
"Close to It annual holiday halt the
business of the year I surprisingly
Inrge. Payment through bank are
again 2.5 per cent, larger than In 1892,
heretofore the year of greatest prosper
ity: the production of Iron and woolens
and boots and hoe I larger than ever
brfore, exports eclipse all past records
and failures for the two weeks hnve
betn the smallest for the correspond
ing week In five years. Treasury re
ceipts show a steady Increase for the
first half of December over previous
months both In customs and Internal
revenue, and heavy payments to the
Government on Union Pacific account
caused but slight stringency In the
money markets with preparation for
large cancellation of bonds. The news
of the week I the rise of merchandise
exports in four month being $229,212,
401, while In half of December exnorts
ere nearly as large and Imports $2,500,
000 smaller than last year, when the
excess of export was $.",K,205,3BR. Prob
ably all records are 'surpassed by the
exports for this year, which have been
$!i74.O0,OOO for 11 months, and the ex
cess over Imports In five months has
probably exceeded $J89,000,000.
"The output of pig Iron December 1
was the greatest ever known, 2.'6.024
tons, against 21 3.1 ."A tons November 1
and 217,30(1 tons In November, 1SH5, the
highest pirlnt heretofore. Unsold stocks
nlso decreased In November 29.652 ton,
Indicating consumption of about 2;!O,003
tons weekly during the month. Hesse
mer declined In the face of such pro
ductlon 10c and gray forge 25c at Pitts
burg. "The demand was on the whole
greiiter, and unusual structural con
tracts were placed, with sales of 10.000
ton of steel rolls at New York, the
largest orders ever Iwikerl by the Illin
ois Steel Company. It Is said, and unex
pectedly heavy business In plates.
Much buying nlso resulted from ex
pectation of the wire consolidation. In
cluding 25,000 tens Bessemer and 50.000
tfns billets at Pittsburg. No reaction
ct mos In copper, nnd exports for the
month are estimated nt 10.000 tons, but
In plates slightly stronger. The coke
production wns 159.925 tons, with con
tacts mnklng for the coming yenrt nt
$1 50, and anthracite coal was weaker
at $'l 75 here.
"Whent Is Just now tio backbone of
fcrelgn relntlons. the Atlantic exports
In two weeks having been (flour In
cluded) 7.HS0.942 bushels, ngilnst 5,413.
077 bushels Inst yenr, while receipts
rose to 12,260,1:!! bushels, against 6,625,
3S2 bushels last year. The price gained
a fraction in spite of the speculative
dK llne in Chicago. Corn exports con
tinue to exceed Inst year's In two
weeks 6.2B2.X49 bushels, against 5,074.
:' bushels Inst yenr. which is a par
ticularly significant feature. The price
rose but a fraction, and receipts In the
two weeks were 8,023.001 bushels,
uprnlnst 5.449.181 bushels last year.
"Corn exports are over 1,000.000 bush
els larger thnn last week, aggregating
4.129.S78 bushels, against 2,814,150 bush
els In this week a year ago, 2.057.790
bushels In 1895, 658.000 bushels in 1891
and 559,000 bushels In 1833.
"Business failures show a rather
smaller than usual ante-holiday total,
ni'gregntlng 283, against 292 Inst week,
359 In the week a yenr ngo, 385 In 189.1,
309 In 1894 and 353 In 18)3. Canadian
fnllures this week number 43. agnlnst
23 lust week, 39 In the week a year ago
nnd 42 In the year 1895."
A Southern Home Becomes the Scene of a
Terrible Tragedy.
The citizens of JefTersonville, Oa.,
were startled Wednesday night by a
fusillade of pistol shots at the resi
dence of R. L. CallfT. where a house
party waa In progress. The screaming
of women aroused the town and It wns
discovered that threo men were lying
dead o,i the parlor floor nnd a woman
and a girl fatally shot. Tho parlor had
been a scene of gaiety, young folks
dancing and Kinging alternately, and
the amusement was at Its height when
Shaw Griffith, a young man under the
Influence of liquor, became offensive in
his manner toward the young women.
Mr. Califf remonstrated with him, and
advised him to go home. This enraged
Griffin, and he drew a pistol and began
to rave and make threats against his
host. This precipitated a fight. Seven
shots were exchanged. Both principals
dropped dead, and Clarence Jones, a
young man, waa also Instantly killed,
the three men falling within a radius
of a few feet. Cnllff fired three shots,
all three taking effect, one striking
Griffin in the right templo and two In
the breast. Grlllln fired four time
One shot entered Califf' breast, killing
him instantly; another struck Clarence
Jones in the head. Mrs. Califf was shot
In the abdomen, and her 7-year-old
daughter in tho neck.
(114,608.801 Worth of Merchandise Bent out
of the Country. '
The monthly statement of the Im
ports and exports of merchandise, gold
and silver. Issued by the bureau of sta
tistics, shows thnt the exports of do
in Stic merchandise during November
last, amounted to $114,608,301, a gain of
nearly $7,000,000, as compared with No
vember, 1896. The Imports of merchan
dise during November aggregated $52,
352,331, of which over 10 per cent, was
free of duty. The gain for the month In
the imports of dutiable merchandise
was over $5,300,000. For the laat nine
month the Increase in the exports of
merchandise waa $s5,t01,435. The entire
gain In the Impoorta of merchandise
waa $08,492,194.
The export of gold during November
aggregate $699,340 and the Imports $2,
605,308. For the nine month the im
port exceeded the export by about $7,
000,000. The exports of silver during
November amounted to $4,079,277, and
the Imports $1,544,303. For the nine
months the export of ilver amounted
to $52,651,963 and the Import $11,017,013.
Well Known Chicago Man Dead.
Washington Hesing, proprietor of
the Illinois Staat Zeltung, one of the
leading German paper of the North
west, and Postmaster of Chicago dur
ing the last term of President Cleve
land, died suddenly last Saturday of
heart disease at his home on Michigan
Both hotfse of Congress adjourned
out of sympathy for the president lust
Tuesday. '
President McKlnley returned to
Washington last Tuesday evening from
The agricultural department esti
mates tho wheat crop at 630,000,000
The secretary of state haa'declded to
omit the dlplomatlo breakfast usually
given to the dlplomatlo corps on New
Year's day on account of the death of
the President' mother.
The Campaign ia India May lad ia Marek
and Will Coat 110.000,000.
Great Britain Is making no progress
In India in subdueing the rebellious
natives. Again and again have troop
been sent to ciuell the Insurrection, yet
the natlvis have come out victorious.
The priests encouraged by former vic
tories Incite their followers on to great
er deeds and from report they have
thus far succeeded.
The reverse fculTered by General
Westmacott's brigade in the Bara val
ley Is In the nature of a disaster. When
the euphemisms are translated the
story appears to be thnt ,the moet
fiowerful force ever sent to the border
has been bundled out of Afrldl and neck
nnd crop. On top of this comes tho
news that It is the Intention of Sir Wil
liam Ijockhnrt, the British Command
er-n-chlef, to Invndn the country In
another direction. The reasons are ob
vious. The government feels that some
thing must be done forthwith to re
trieve British prestige, nnd the Khyber
Pass road, which the Afrldis closed
about six months nao, will probably be
c mpnratively enslly reopened.
In the meanwhile the worst Impres
sion hns been created in Great Britain
by the reiteration of the stntement that
the rank nnd file of at lenst four British
regiments showed decided lack of pluck
In the presence of nHtlve regiments. An
officer at the front writes: "The worst
Is that the native troops have seen the
cowardice of their white comrades, and
they state openly thnt If any Tommy
Atkins is rude to them hereafter they
will hammer him: and the awful thing
Is, they can do eo.y
It Is obvious thnt If the mnttves lose
their respect for British courage Grest
Britain's hold on India is most pre
cr.rlous. The whole fault seems to lie
In expecting boys to do men's work and
turning them adrift Just when they nre
becoming good soldiers. The campaign
ennnot end before March, and the cost,
fully $.10,000,000. will necessitate the In
tervention of the British Treasury In
order to avert the bankruptcy of India.
IZiitorio Building Burned.
The eastern portion of Dover esstlo
nt Dover. England, wns completely
gutted by fire last Tuesday, nnd only
with difficulty wns the western portion,
Including the powder mngaslne, saved.
The whole garrison fought the flames.
The historic relics were rescued with
difficulty. Dover castle Is an Immense
structure, whose walls Inclose 35 acres,
nnd Is one of the moet Importnnt his
torical structures In the world, being
the only fortress-church of Its kind In
existence. It Is situated on the eat
heights of the city of Dover, and Is said
to hnve been built by Julius Caesar
when he landed in Britain. In the
time of Edward the Confessor it was
considered to be tho key to the whol.i
Voltaire's Body Exhumed.
The bodies of Voltaire and Roussesn
were exhumed Saturday at Paris in
order to settle a long-standing contro
versy an to their authenticity. Tho re
mains of Voltaire were well preserved
and markedly res-mblo Houdon's sta
tue. Of the body of Rousseau only the
skeleton remained. Voltaire's skull
was found to bo clover. In two down the
Relpleie China.
The German fleet Is anchored at Kla
ochau Bay. the Russian fleet at Port
Arthur. Great Britain wants to anchor
her ship at Chuon. and American war
ships are on the way to look after Yan
kee Interests. Japan Is protesting and
China Is helpless.
The Ambitions Emperor.
Germany's emperor, not satisfied with
seizing Chinese territory on a weak
pretext, is now. It Is claimed, preparing
to slze Hawaii. He also wants to
block the Yukon route to Americans
and take possession of the gold fields
Haytl will borrow $4,000,000 at per
Germany prefers American to Rus
sian oil.
Emperor William Is said by English
papers to have gone stark mad.
Several million dollars have been In
vested by the Rothschilds In Mexican
copper mines.
It Is reported that all the Powers are
Interested In the dismemberment of
China. Tho United States has ?nt two
gunboats to China to protect her Inter
est there.
Kaiser Amuees Europe.
Before Prince Henry of Prussia left
for China last week to take possession
of the territory ceded to Germany by
the Chinese government, ome extrav
agant peeches were made by the
Prince. These speeches have made
Germans ashamed of thlr country and
made the Emperor the laughing stock
of Europe. It now uppears that the
speeches were written by Kaiser Wil
liam nnd committed and delivered by
hi brother. Prince Henry. ,
laughed When Sentenced to Die.
"I am well satisfied." laughingly said
Ar.dras Mullnak a few duys ugo when
Judge Depue sentenced him to be hang
ed on January 27, at Ne wark. N. J.
Mailnnk killed Mrs. Annie Kmetx on
July 23 while she was asleep at her
husband's side. Malinuk said he shot
Mrs. Kmetx, but could not tell exactly
why except that he had been drinking.
He added that he waa ready to be exe
cuted. Blanco' Agent Killed.
Colonel Rue, an agent of General
Blanco at Havana, endeavored to In
duce Arcangurey, the insurgent com
mander, to accept autonomy. The
proclamaton of Gomea, which order
the Inlllction of death upon all person
who attempt to induce chief of the re
bellion to surrender, waa carried out
and Rule waa executed with a mach
ete. Wage Cut
The dlrectora of tho Amoskeag Manu
facturing Company, of Manchester, N.
H., at a meeting held at the Boston of
fice of the company recently, voted to
reduce the wages of its employee
about 10 per cent, on January 1. The
Amoskeag plant la one of the largest
engaged in the manufacture of cotton
in the country, and employ between
8,000 and 8.000 people.
Ouarding the Consulate.
Owing to the dissatisfaction among
the uncompromising Spaniard at Ha
vana, four soldiers are now guarding
the American consulate at that place.
The newspaper claim that McKlnley's
message waa Insulting, and the popu
lace are becoming mora disturbed from
day to day.
Consul lee, I serene however, and
continue hi duties at though nothing
bad nanpn4.
Seliare of Chinee Territory Bet
to be Interfered with.
A number of civic, military and uni
versity deputation of Kiel watted up
on Prince Henry of Prussia on Satur
day to wish him bon voyage. The rec
tor of the university said: "In all Ger
man land the feeling prevail that wa
are reaching a decisive turning point
In the history of Germany. The Ger
man universities, which are the nurser
ies not only of science, but of patriot
Ism, atand beside tha fatherland, when
ever It honor and greatness ar at
Prince Henry replied: "I enthusias
tically undertake the voyage (to China)
at the personal Instance of the empe
tor, and with the consciousness of
thereby contributing to Oermany'a
might and greatness." The prince add
ed: "There are reason to hope for a
peaceful solution of the difficulty with
The Novostl of St. Petersburg says
that the absence of protests from the
other power of Germany' evident de
termination to remain at Klnochan bay
Indicates that the partition of China
has actually begun and will proceed
Another newspaper expresses the be
lief that the I'nlted States, among oth
er powers, may object to the perma
nent occupation of Kiaochau bay by
Russian official circles, however, ap
pear Indifferent to the step taken by
Starving Miner Putting gpae Between
Themeelvee and the Oold Fielde.
By steamer Topeka from Talya news
Is received that more than a thousand
Ill-provlsloned men stampeded from
Dawson during the latter part of Octo
ber and Impelled by the haunting fears
of famine are now madly forcing their
way over the mountains.
Ank, the Indian mall carrier, who
brings thl report, left the Yukon capi
tal fully ten day after the Dalton par
ty. He says the vanguard of the terror-stricken
army Is following less
than a week behind him. Ank declares
that fully 25 per cent, of the stamped
ing army will neve; live to recite ths
terrors of their flight north. The river
steamers Bella and Weare, it now ap
pears, did not land more than 100 tons 1
of provisions on their arrival In Daw
son In the early part of October, owing
to their being held up at Circle City.
Talya parties, headed by George F.
t'lmer, propose to go to the relief of the
hungry at Dawson. They will make
the I'nlted States government an offer
to deliver 60.000 pounds of provisions
within fifty days after the time of start
ing for Dawson for the sum of $75,000. ty
They already have 6,000 pounds of pro- '
visions packed at Lake Bennett which
they will take in over the Chllcoot pass
this winter, tllmer will go south by
the next steamer to lay hjs proposition
b fore the secretary of war by wire.
Tl Millionaire Eappene to be on the Wrong
Side of a Mining Deal.
John D. Rockefeller ia said to have
left $3,000,000 In the purchase and de
velopment of the Monte Crlsto gold
mines in Snohomish county. Wash.,
His managers admit that Rainey and
Monte Crlsto, two of the mines for
which he paid big prices, have proved
worthless. Pride of the Mountain pays
sa small a margin above operating ex
penses they say that It will not pay to
rebuild the Everett & Monte Crlsto
railroad, also owned by Mr. Rockefeller.
Thirty miles of this road between
Grantlne Falls and Monte Crlsto waa
recently washed out by floods. Mr.
Rockefeller also controls Everett town
sites, the value of which will decrease
with the shutting down of the mines.
Orain for Export.
Heavy grain exporta are being mada
from Boston and will probably exceed
2,000,000 bushels a month from now on.
Some big grain deals have been mads
lately, and steamers will have about all
they can handle, space naa Deen en
caged for forwarding to Liverpool,
000 bushels, of heavy grain and oat
during January and February via ths
Leyland line, and a prominent grain
broker ha been making overture to
steamship line for 1,000,000 bushels, but
he could not secure the desired terms.
It is learned that the tonnage from St.
John and Portland 1 booked far into
March of next year. j
Hungary Want Independence. I
Budapest, Dec. 13 Francis Konuth.
leader of tho party advocating the In
dependence of Hungary, haa declared.
In the course of an interview here, that
his party wlshe economic separation
from Austria, a a lever to obtain po
litical independence. "We want," he
said, "a separate army and separate
finance. The king of Hungary would
be emperor of Austria aa a sort of sup
plementary occupation. Vienna 1 al
ready a uburb of Budapett."
Justifiable Murder.
A Hugh McCullogh, a saloonkeeper,
wa on hla way home the other night at
Carmi, 111., Alf Roes, who had an as
Boclate with him, sprang from a dark
alley and assaulted McCullough with a
heavy club, the intention being rob
bery, McCullough drew hi revolves
and shot his assailant through the
heart. The official declined to arrest
McCullough when he offered to sur
render. Will Hot Wear Prison Clothe.
Orders were recently Issued that ths
entire national guard of New York
should be supplied with uniform mad
in the state prison. The member of
the Thirty-sixth leparate company at
Schenectady have announced that they
will never consent to wear prison-made
uniforms. They say they will disband
rather than wear prison-mad uni
form. War ia Inevitable.
According to a dispatch to ths New
York Herald from Uuenos Ayres this
country and Spain ar soon to go to
war. La National, published In tha .
Argentina capital, asserts that it has '
itarned from a trustworthy source that
war between the United States and
Spain Is Inevitable, and that both gov-,
ernments know It.
England Siexea Mexican Territory.
The report that Cllperton Island has
been Invaded and taken possession of
by the English la to ba investigated by
the Mexican government. The Mexican
gunboat Democrata and ths schooner
Don Teonlo Gamla have Juet sailed
from here for the Island on orders from
President Dlax.
Tlag gold at Auction.
A confederate battle-flag which Is
said to have been captured by Gen.
Butler's men in New Orleans, on May
1, 1162. whers it wm hung from a win- .
dow, waa sold at auction to other
morning at Boston tor $.W.