Murray School Essays. The eii.v In llil" oltinin wore wrlttmitiy (itiill of tlin Murray wlicxil. EDUCATION. I-Mucutlon Ik tin; drawing out mid the ilovitlnpiDi'nt of tho nicntHl, mnnil and pliyHltml fiuniltli'g of liiiui, ho Hint ho mny bo able to K'uk Intellectually, phynleally, morally uwl sptrlUinlly. An education cannot. Im purehaspd hut thoro is a royal road to loiirnlntf to all who are cli'tcniiitiitl to prneuro an education, and rich and poor alike may lit thumoelvpn for life, Tim children of poverty, by lmprovlntf thuopportunlticii of modern times may Hho from obscurity to All the hiKhent. poxltionH in our land. Ktliication In as necenxary to oni:' eleva tion in Ufo an character, and we II nd as much dllTurencu between education and learning as there Is between character and reputation. A person may have an excellent reputation and yet bo destitute of character, or wo may poises n great amount of learning and yet not bs able lo make any uso of It. Wo must not wrongly Imagine that education ends with our school days or that if wo huvu litiisht'd our collcgo nourse and graduated with honors, that we have finished our education, for education begins at birth and ends with death. Wu should devote our tlmo and our whole attention to our studies, so that when we quit the i-ehoot room, we may put our knowli'du" to practical uso and thus bcuclH uiii'miIvch and our fellow men, steiidlly acquiring mi education from day to day. "If nnvtliltiir nn Mirth run timUc A ln-l'.rlil mifl nlm-luii mil Inn; It In lo ultc thi' llltli- nni'H A llmriiiiKti rclm-iulim." An.vik Wii.ho.v. KlilKNIiSlill'. 'Pi fcndshlp is the tlo that hinds us." If wo want friends, wu must lie friend ly and speak In a polite and courteous manner to every one. Wu may oft times win an enemy for a f fie ml by shaking to him In a friendly manner. "A friend III nt'cil Is a friend IiiiUm-iI." and a true friend will, mostly, know when you are In trouble and will ac cordingly sympathize with you, thus showing his true friendship. There are a great many people In this world who profess friendship for certain other ones, they do not seem to reall.e that friendship Is a mutual attachment be tween persons whoso kind olllces and works aro reciprocated and they very often violate the confidence of a friend by telling to others that, which was told to them in secret, and in this way break the bond of friendship. Wo should have friendship enough for any of oursehool mates, to never mention any unpleasant occurrence,, which may happen at school and even if wo know anything concerning uny of our school mates detrimental to thoir success, let us resolve for the sako of true friend ship, which we would llko exorcised towards us, to novor speuk ill of anyone In this way, we shall gain friends and their friendship shall bo a lasting friendship. Kl.VA Dkkmkk. How to 13a Handsome. It is a mistake to suppose that tho only way to bo good looking is to bo born so. Good health has more to do with good looks than anything else. Sneh diseases u constipation, dyspepsia, liver complaints, rheumatism! nervous disorders, iVe., not only shorten life, hut spoil tempers and looks." lincon's Celery King for tho nerves cures these troubles. II. Alex. Ktoko sells it and will give you a sumplo package free. Largo size i"c. and 50c. Prof. Ilimvtt.of St. l.ttwri'iii-ocoiiiity, N. V speaking of pulmonary iIImmikoh, niiys: not ouo death occurs now where twenty died be fore Down's Elixir whs known. Over ttiy years of constant success- place. Down's Elixir ut tho head of the limit list of cough remedies. For salo hy II. A. Stoke. , ' The rcnon why Arnica & Oil Mnlnieut Is so popular with the ladles Is hecauno It not only U very healing uud mniIiIiik Inn Its odor Is not at all offensive. For sale hy II. A. Htoko. Don't sulfur wit h IndlKesi Ion, use Iluxtcr's Mundrske Hitters. For sale hy II. A. Kteke. OTICE Is herehy given that the partner H."!'.,p ''e,'""'" 1 jeeloy. W. H. Alexan der. Oeo. O. Hprague E. 11. Henley, and Thomas (. Mct.rebilit, was dlwiolvod on the ha day of S2A,,J1,l!,,I"0.,'.,r " whites to tliiomld Thomas 3. MeCrelxht, he having sold bis stock and Interest In the Hunk of Heeley. Al exander t o. to L. I. Heeley and W. II. Alex ander. All deliu due to the said partnership are to be paid, and those due from the same discharged, by the said L. H. Heeley uud W. H. Alexander, who will cent lime the business un der the arm nuineot Heeley, Alexander & Co. L. P. Beki.kv. W. B. Al.KXASIlKK. Oko. G. Hphauuk. ' E. I). Hkki.kv. Thou. H. McOHBJGHT. BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTS BURGH RAILWAY. The short line between Duliols, Rldgway, Bradford, Huluoianeu, HulTulo, Uoehuater, Niagara Falls and polnu lu the upper oil region. On and after Nov. 1.1th, 1MM, pussen for trains will arrive and depart from Fulls preek stutlout daily, except Sunday, as fol low! TJS m and 1.38 p m for Curwensvllle and Clearfield. M.00 a m Buffalo and Rochester mail For Brockway vllle, Kldgway,Johusouburg,Ht. Jewutt. Bradford, Hulamanca, Buffalo and Hocheators couiiectlug at Jolinsonburg with If. E. train 8, for Wilcox, Kane, Warren, Corry and Erie. WJ7 a m Accommodation For Bykcs, Ills Bun and Punxsutuwney. 10.28 a di For Keynoldavllle. Lit D m Bradford Accommodation For Beecbtree, Brockwo-yvllle, Ellmont, Cur mon, Uldgwuy, Johusouburg, lit. Jewutt i and Bradford. 1.15 p. m. Accommodtttlun for Punxsu tuwney and Big liun. 4.16 p. in. Mall For DuTlolu, dykes, Big Hun Puuxsutawuey and Wulstou. 7.40 jp m Acuoiniiioduiloa for Hlg Hun and Punxsutuwney. Passengers are requested to purchase tick ta bofore entering the curs. An excess cnargo of Tun Cents will be collected by cou 0jutors when fare are puld on trulua, frain ail stations where a tli-kulolUce Is muln tallied. 1 oousund mile tickets at two cenu per je, youd for passage between all stations. J. H. MclHwaa. Ageut. Fulls Creek, Pa. . C. Lavs-, (Ion. Pas. Agent, BwbMter N.Y. CALIFORNIA. Personally-Conducted Tour via Pennsyl vania Railroad. America is a grent country. In va riety and grandeur of natural scenery it Is unrivaled. Its wooded heights, its fertile valleys, its hoimdlc plains, its rugged and rooky mountains, Its great lakes, Its bulmly slopes aro the admira tion of all mankind. To traverso this great country, to behold lis diversities and Its wonders. Is a liberal education, u revelation to the Immured metropoli tan citizen. Tho l'ersonally-t'onducted Tour to California tinder the direction of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company whleh leaves New York on January 8, IWH, affords a most excellent otiportunl ty to view the vast variety and bound less beauty of thls marvelous land. Tho party will travel westward in Hs'clal Pullman ears in charge of a Tourist Agent and Chaperon, stopping r n rmitr at Omaha, Denver, Colorado Springs, Mnnltou, (iarden of the Gods, Olenwood Springs, and Salt I-ake City. In Cali fornia visits will be made to Monterey and the famous Hotel Del Monte, Santa Crux, San Joso, I Am Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, San Harnardino, Red lands, and Pasadena. The party will return on the "Golden Gate Special," the llncst train that crosses the Conti nent, leaving Los Angeles February 2, and stopping at Tuscan, Kl Paso, and St. Louis. Kighteen days will bo spent in California. Round-trip rate, inrlmlinij nil iiirniti il ish hki ihiriniii rntiiv trii. t.'li" from all points an the Pennsylvania Railroad system east of Pittsburg. For Itinerary and full information apply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W. Itoyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Urond Street Station. Philadelphia. BOOTHS' ELIXIR Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup. Whooping-cough, Consumption and all Lung Diseases. People stand by Downs' Elixir because It cures and has cured for sixty-five years. Tills ta tho strongest posslDio endorsement or i It merits. Price 2.1c. SOo. and , $1.00 per bottle. At Druggists. Henry, Johnson & Lord. Propi., Burlington, Vt. For salo by II. A. Stoke. The New Store.- Money is Monarch ! GREAT Holiday OF Ladies' Cloaks and Capes, Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing. to De sold at siauonterino Prices! Our entire stock of Cloaks and Clothing must be Closed Out before December 5, com mencing December 1.7. There are Money-Saving Bargains at this Bale which you (should not miss. 1 have not stoppd to consider cost, but have knifed prices right in half. It is a Great Opportunity to get a stylish cloak or cape, or men's suit at less than manufacturer's cost. Our Shoes, Dress Goods, Hate, Etc., are all new goods, of this fall's purchase. I have reduced the price pn these goods during this sale. A dollar saved is a dollar earned, and in no way can you make a dollar any quicker than attending our Special Holiday Sale. Remember that this sale commences Friday, Dec. 17th, and will positively end Jan, 2nd. Your dollar will buy two dollars worth of merchan dise if you don'jt forget the place. E. WEINSTEIN, , KKYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Stoke's Bldg., Cor. Main and 5th Sts. , A Common Danger. If you have ever had a cold which you permitted to "wear away" it may in terest you to know that It was a danger ous proceeding. Kvery cold and cough whleh is neglected paves the way for consumption, bronchitis, asthma or catarrh. Otto's Cure, tho famous German throat and lung remedy, will cure any cough or cold and suvo you from consumption. Call on II. Alex. Stoke and get a sample bottle free. Largo sl.o 2"e. and iiOc. Notice of Incorporation In the Court of Common Pirns for the County of Jefferson. NOI'll'K l hereby given Hint nn niilleiitlon will ls intiile to the snlil Court on Moii'lny, Dcccmlier 20ih, ls7. si i.m i. M,, under the 'Act for the liii'oi-Mii-atlon and regulation of rertnlll i-oriorntlon" iipproved April 2tl, IS74, and lis supplements, hy William Harelay, It. tilover, T. .1. Fennel, lieorge Holierls, J. F. Hlple and John l.vrlon for a charter of nn In tended corporal Ion to ! called 'TheHpriigue Minn Keller Assoclntlon," Hie ehnriieter nnd oli.leet of whleh Is ii mutual relief nssms'la tloii, paying lietiellls In ruse of slekuess and ileal h, and for these pursses to have, isissess nnd enjoy all the rights, iH-rilltsmid privileges conferred hy the said Act ami Its supple ment. Fiiancis J. Wkaki.kv, Holleiior. ALLWJHKNY VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY commencing Sunday, Mny 1(1, 18D7. Low Orndo Division. ASTWABIL No.LNo.A.i No. H.i iTai" STATIONS. It. il lln nk I.awsoiilinm New llethlehem link Itlilue Mnysville Hummc rvlllu ... HroiikvHIt Hell Fuller lii'Viiohlsvllle .. i'urit'imHt FiiIIh I 'ri'ek Illlllols Slililllll Wtuterhurn .... I'enlleld Tyler Ilriicctle Iliiml Driftwood P. M 4 H It in fi is 5 i' 5 SOl s a:i' A 4l il tit in tl Z! H (HI is ir l 37 4 ". m ki 7 nu 7 (is n 4ui -III 4S 7 mil 7 tuj 7 2il 7 :i 7 4-:! 7 01; S Ml s :fi I an I 4li 7 7 :n ; 41 7 .m; S 17 rs i; H K ts ;m S ftsi WKSTWAIIII. tiii.t I No.U iNo.IUI um in4 SI'ATIONS. r. m. p. M lirtftwiHid .... (illllll lleneette .... Tvler I'enllelil Wtuterhurn .. Slltilllll Dullol Fiillst-reek ... Piiueoiisl Ueyiiolilsvlllo Fuller Hell .' ItriHiUvllle.... Humniervlllo.. Miivsvlllo Iinklllihte ft liiii .i r.rl ti ;ul tl 4:11 It 4!l fi iVll til liij H M II 7 (ti! 7 I '. 7 in 7 43 7 .Ml 7 Ml S lk IS S3 rs :u S 41 S n7 iii 17: II 2 ti ;iv ii mi 7 I'JI 7 35 7 :n s 4ll S AH! II 40 ii no 7 4(1 7 (17 1. (rr IS S it! S K II IKI tl III New Bethlehem l.iiu'sonliam.... Ited Hank 9 41 II ,Vi A. m. Trains dally except Puniliiy. liAVIIt Mct'AHIIO, Okm'i.. Hijit. -I AM. I. AN'IHCHHON (Ikn'i. I'ass. Aot. Subscribe for The -X- Star, If you wont the New. Cash is -Kiiwr ! - Sale PENNSYLVANIA IXAILtlOAD. IN EPTECT NOVKMDUH 2, 1HD7. Philadelphia A Erie Itnllroad tllvlslon Time Tnhlo. Trains leave lirlftwcxxl. KASTWAKII 0:tn a m Trnln s, weekdays, for Huiihiiry, iiKesiuirre. inirieion, ronsviiie. srriinioti, HiirriMhorK nnd the Intermediate nta tiotis, mil v In at, IMiIIimIc Iphln 0:3:1 p.m., New York. ti::in p. in. I lliililniore.itMio p.m.! tViixhltiiMnn, Jtift p. m I'ullmnii 1'nrlor ear tiimi VllllnmsMirt to I'lillndelplilii mill pn siMiirereotielies from Kline lo I'lilliuli'lplila mill Wllllninsport lo llallimore and Wasli litirtou. 4:0.1 p. in. Train II. weekdays, for llnr rlhurit mid lulermeilliile ntatliius, ar rlvlnx lit I'lilllKli'lphlil 4::m A. M. New York. 7::CI A. M. I'ulliniiti Hleeplntf cum from lliirrlsliinv to I'lillndelplilii mid New York. 1'lilltidelilila piiMHenuers etin ruiniilu In sleeiH-r uudldt in lied until 7:iKI A. M. H:;m p. m. Trnln 4. dully for Hiinhury, tlnirls-tiui-ir mid Inlerntedlnie Htntlons. nrrlvinil nt, riilhiili'lphla, II A. M.t New York, H:;u A. M. on week dn vs mid I0.:w a m. on Him Hull Imore, h:2(i A. M.I Wnuliliuttoii, 7:40 A.M. I'll lllntl li nleeiieiM from Kile and Wll llnmHiiorl lo I'lilliulelphln and Wllllnni-Mirt, lo Wtivltlrimoii. l':meiitfirH In Hli-eiii'r for Miiltlmore mid Wti-hlnirtoii will Is transferred Into WiiMtiirurton Kleeper nl WII ltiimlHirl. I'liHHeniter eoiiehes from Krln to I'hlladelphla and Wllllumxport to llalll nmre. WF.HTWAKD 4:41 a. in. -Train II. weekdays, for Krle, Kldic- wii), DiiIIoIh. Clermont and pilni'lpul Inter nieilliite "iiitloim, :4:i:ni. Train , dally for Erie nnd Inter- medltite nolriti. 5:45 p. in.--Train 1.1, weekdays for Kane mul Intermediate mi iiilout. TniiDroM tkainh Kon imirrwooD I'KOM THE EAST AND HOtjTH. TRAIN leaves New YorkfcMp. ni..l'hllii(lel plila m:i p. m.t Wiixhtiiitton 7:'5i p. m., Mnl lluuire S.4U p. m.. nlTlvlnv nl tlrlflwissl 4:41 a. m.. weekdii.VH. wllh I'ullniau nlis.iiers and passenirer eoacheii from Philadelphia to r.rte and Hiiltlinore to Willliitusport. TKAIN 15 leave I'hlliuleliilila S:;l A. m.! Wiishlnirton, 7..MI A. M. lliiltlmore, S:.'i0a. M. WllkeHtmrre, IHM5 A. m.i weekdnvs, tirrlvliiK ut DrlftwiMid nt ft:4T p. M. with riillmun I'nrlor enr fiom I'lilludelphla to VlllintiNHirt mid piiNseinrer eoiu-h lo Kane. TKAIN II leu vex New York in 1:411 p. m.i Phila delphia, 11:20 p. in. WiiHhlnuloii. 10.40 p. ni. Mull Imorei 11: fM p. m.t dully nrrlvlnjr nt. lu-ifMvond nt a:4:i n. in. PuHniiin Mleepinir ems from I'll I l:i . to Willliimsiri, mnl throiuh p;isscit(f.- eoiH-hes from Philiiilelphla to Krle arid Itnltimnre lo Wlllliiiimpnt-i, tin HiiiiiIiivs only Pullman sleeper Philadelphia to F.i le. JOUNSONIJUno ItAILIiOAI). (I)llllv oxcolit Slllillnv.) TUAIN 111 leaves Hldjrwiiy at S:.w"n. m.i .lolm- Hoiihtuvat li:iin. Hi., turlvlm at Clermont nl 10:00 ii. in. TUAIN 211 leaves Clermont at 10:4(1 a. m. ar- rltlnu at .loliitsimliurjt at. 1I:!MI a. m. and Hid. -why at ll:."io p. m. KTDGWAY iV CLKAUKIKLD R. It. AND (t)NNK('TIONS. WKKK DAYS. SOt!TIIVAIft. NOItTIIWAItn, X. M a". M. J rATiTTNH. p. mTJ'. m! SMI 4 IKI lieliovo ,"00 10 m 1144 4 41 UriflwlMHl 4 (CI U M) Iteuovo llrlftwrsKl Eintiorliim June. St. Marys Kline Wilcox .Inhusouhurii itlih'wny Island Kim Mill lliiven Crnyhiitd Shorts Mills lllue Hock Vineyard Hun Currier llriM'kwny villi l.mies Mills llurveys Kim Falls Creek Duliols in :a IMri U l ,-i II M 11 4II n in la 17 Yii! 2 III IS : ls:m 12 41 l 4:1 12 .VI 12 57 107 1 15 1 4(1 5 111 5 52 Ii27 iu:i Z" II 2d 1127 Ii:i2 1141 1145 II 4S II 51 1 H.VI 7"2 7 'nl 714 7 2(1 7H5 ;i i- ti (il i 4(1 S III 12 15 WU.' 1151 S42 11 M S27 S5II Hill s l:i s:is sail S2H S22 s III 17 S(W sir 7 54 7:VI 7 40 " 7 li 11 45 ii (r; 5 211 i 7 47 7:is Tl 7 :w 7 211 7 17 7 12 7 04 7 00 JI40 :A 40 II (M 5 10 1 211 1.15 2 11 HI 15 :i mi a:m p. m. i 7l(i S 111 11 III 1155 12 40 p. in. Falls ('reck Heynolilsville Itrookvllle f New llelhlehem Ited Hunk Pltisliiu-K 4 25 1411 a. m. p. in. .1. II, IH'TCIIINSON, tien. Maniuer. .1. If. WOOD, tieti. Pass. Ar't. JJET5CH CREKK RAILROAD. New York Central & Hudson Htvor P. R. Co,, Lortrn conhknshd time tahlk. llKADlTP IIKAO DOWN Kxp Mull Nov. 14, IMH7. Exp Mull No No :tl No Hl Xoilii i in p m a in p in 10 25 I 55 Air.. .. PAT'I'ON... . I.vo iiiki t-irtl 10 (II l 114 Westover. Il2:i 4 21 1140" l"(f.....:MAllAr,EEY tl 4 ill 1512 ;a . heriiiii(ir....Arr 7 10 f, If. jltij J 2 25 "'. . . . TTj i A . . A" M .J 20 5 15 K.'iS r; .SA ii Kim ii-our ....I.vo V 27 522 S5:i 12 11 New Mllpolt 7110 R2i! K47 I2 0.5 Ohinlll 7:ti bid S 411 H W. .. .. ,jM Hi Iii'IIh 7 41 5 :is s 10 IIIKI ....CI,EAI!I'1EM) "hi m;!S! TSTll 12 ....W77ml!amlr77T; sTo (U" 7 45 II 05 Hldler SHU li :VI T:w 10 lis Wiiilucctoii s4i limi 7 2s III Ml .. Mori iMlale. Mines.... :i5l 7 07 7 20 Id II Miiiisoii A it IMKI J! 15 B55 III id 1 .,,.,.,.,,,' 1 A"rr 1125" 7"40 74() 1101 Arr( P"11' 1 sl1 0 I l.vo 840 1155 T"W Tli :M"A rr.T. .'. M ihimhi . ..7. i.vo 02 7 17 7 12 10:12 Wlnliurne IMKI 722 H 411 10 12 I'EAI.K 0 25 7 42 1125 11 fl(i r.illlntown 041 sol 11 1(1 H4:i SNOE HIKli: 1147 SOS A IS S4S ....IIKKCH CKF.KK HUM S 57 01)5 H:tl Mill Hull 1045 II 10 45S K25 LOCK HAVEN W50 HI" 4MI S 15 Yoiliiirilnle I05S 9 27 4:i7 SIKUEltSF.Y SIIOItK.ll'NC. II Hi 1)40 4: 7Vi ....JEHSKY HIIOHE.... 1115 45 402 -1725 Lvo WILLIAMS!1"!' Ait 1150 10 20 p m a m a m p ni pm a in Pull, A. & Hkaiiimi It. 1(. am p 111 t2 :l 5i"i A rr Wl 1.1,1 A MH1"T Lve tlS M 11 :l tH!fill :l Lvo ... .J' 1 1 1 LA Arr s 21) 710 UK) 'Lv'jrV.vlttTaniiiiiua Ar 1125 ttiOb I.V..N. Y. via I'lillu.. Arhl0 40 JIKKI am p m p m a in Daily 4 Week-days I tl 00 p rn f unduys t 10 55 a in Hiinihiy "li" New York passenners t ravellnir via Phil adelphia on 10.20 a in train from Wllllnms- IMirt. will chanue curs at Columbia Ave, 'hilndelphtu. rONNUCTIONS.- At WilllnniKpor. with Plilludelphlu<eudliiKH.K. AtJersey Bhoru with Kail Hrook Itullwuy. At. Mill Hall wllh Central Hallroud of Pennsylvania. At PlilllPHliuri! with Pennsylvania Itallrimd and AltiMina A: Phlllpstiuri; Coniiis'timt H. H. At Cleurtltld with llutfalo, Hts'hestur & I'll tnljui ili Hutlway. At Maliall'ey and Putton with Cnmhrlii & Clearfield Division of Pennsylvania Hullroiul. At Mithutfey with Pennsylvania North-Western Hallroad. A. CI. l'AI.MISK, I'. E. IlKIIHlMAN, Hiiperlnteudent. Uen'l 1'ush. Aat. Philaduidhra, Pa. L. M. SNYDER, . Practical florse-slioer and General Blacksmith. Ilorse-Bhoeliiu done in the neatest mummr and hy the latesL improved mulhiHhi. Over 11)0 dlrrorent kinds of sins. madu for correc tion of fuuliy action anil dlneused feet. Only the best, make of stioes and nails used. He palrliiK of all kinds carefully and promptly Uolie, HAxisrAerioN uiiabasthbu. Lumber tneii's supplies ou huud. , . Jueksou St. ueur Fifth, Ueynolujtvllle, HOLIDAY PRESENTS. mi... t. .1. 1:. 1.J10 n liters 1. imt; i)i x i"on Ivnivus, Skate.s, Guns, etc., in rjeyiiolclsvillo will 1x3 Ibrmd at Alex. Riston's. Cigars, 12 in a box, 25 in a box, nnd 50 in a box. Suitable Xmns prenents. Furniture. Our Stock is now Complete in anything, Buch as Sideboards, Hall Racks, Bed Room Suits, Parlor Tables, Extension Tables, Dining Room Chairs, We have the mont complete line in the town in llookere, Lounges and Couches. In fact we are prepared to give you the lowest possi ble prices on anything in the Furniture Line. We are now prepared to show the most com plete line of Carpets in the town. Thanking you for past favors, we solicit a continuance of same. Undertaking In all Its branches. A CHEST PROTECTOR, And a gootl one, but no possible protector (tan rival the merit of the hardware we supply in qualities worthy of the finest chests on earth. Our hardware line is a top one. There's noth ing above it, and we wouldn't carry anything below it. OUR PRICES too, always have a size about them that's just right and make it an absolute waste of money to go elsewhere. STOVES ! Our lino of heating and cooking stoves is the largest ' to be found in town, and our prices are the lowest. We can save you money. ' Reynoldsville Hardware Co. CHRISTMAS TIME Beautiful CHPESl and COHT8 for LADIES -RT MraiSiliCoi Store, Tleasaiil Avenue. We are now in the midst of Holiday trade and are pre pared to show you the finest etock of MERCHANDISE the market affords. Every article carefully selected to suit your especial taste. You can find just the Christmas pres ent you are looking for. We invite you "to call and ex amine. We guarantee to save you money, and give you perfect satisfaction. Our store is brim full of the new est ideas for the Holiday Trade, and we want to impress on your mind the advantages that we offer during Holiday Season. 1 JEFFERSON SUPPLY CO. Entire New Stock of Elegant Chrltmai UMP9. r -t-; . t - Furniture. Huaties & Dinaer. Flnett MENS' Youths' Boy' and THE- Children Clothing and Gentlemen Furnishing Good. i Useful IChrlstma GIFTS If or the Children.