V A tiubucription $1.60 per near, or $1.00 if pit id nlrictly in Off wince. i A. NTKPIIKNMttM. Kdllor nd Fnb. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18t". WATCHES! Ladlen' Solid Gold. Ladles' Gold Filled. Gents' Solid Gold. Gents' Gold Filled. Girls' Solid Silver Cliatelain. Girls' Gold Enamelled Cliat elain. Hoys' Silver. Hoys' Nickle. Large variety. Trices that defy competition at C. F. HOFFMAN'S The Jeweler. Your Figure In your peculiarity, urnl peeulinr ttics miiht ho recognized. Wo study tho figures of our customers and we lit thorn with absolute ex actness. Our figures also III our cnstomei1 pocket-books to a nicety. There In a etylo about our 'Suits and Overcoats that make them as fashion's own. What's more, tho latest BtyloB were never shown in better goods. These Suits and Overcoats go to show that wo aro the only clothiers In tho town, and wtiat Is more, our (foods are not mada in sweat shops, but are all hand made, but ton holes are hand made, and there is nothing tho matter with tho following: prices: Suits or Overcoats for 94.00, 5.0, fl.OO, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00 and up to 915.00. Hoys' Suits from 93.00. to 10.00. Child's Suits for $1.00 to 5.00. Mothers, soo the fine line of Reefers for your boys. BELL, the dottier. ft Little ol Everything, "A olilol'a smontf yo taking notes. And faith he'll print 'cm." "The Lost Mine." "East Lynn" Deo. 2.1th. I will meet you at Boll's. Baby pin sets at Hoffman's. One week from Saturday is Christmas. Snyder St Johns, fashionablo tailors. Just fifteen days yet to frame good resolutions. Milllrens store is overflowing with holiday goods. "The Lost MIno" at tho opera house next Tuesday evening. To save money and got tho latest in shoos buy at Johnston's. After to-day it will be unlawful to kill pheasants, rabbits or squirrels. "East Lynn" Christmas evening at the opera house by home talont. If you want to buy a substantial Christmas present, visit Milllren's. Think of it! Three tons of pure sweetness In candy at Robinson & Mun dorff's. Your children want to see the fun take them to the opera house Christmas afternoon. And they all with one accord said: Best place to buy candy Is at Robinson & Mundorfl's. What do you think of "Love, Court , ship and Marriage" after hearing Mil ler last night? The Ideal Society of rooms Nob. 11 and 12 held a soola) In the Nolan block Saturday evening. J. E. Welsh & Co. keep a fine line of ladles,' gentlemen's and children's shoes cons tan tly Id stock. We buy for cash and sell (or cash, can save you money on every pair of shoes at Robinson's. Two bouses for rent one on Hill street and one on Flftb street. Inquire of Miss Eleanor Reed. Don't forget Goodors' make a special ty of watch repairing and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Chain bracelets and hat pins, the most fashionable things In Jewelry, a nloe lot of them at Eoffman, the Jeweler's. Hp The Jefferson County Bur Association held their first banquet lust night In Brookville. Did It ever occur to you that the place to buy sterling silver novelties Is atC F. Hoffman's. Listen! You will hear them say to each other: Go to Iloblnson & Mun dor's for your candy. The J. S. Morrow dry goods and grocery store will be continued. Mrs. Morrow will manage the store. Cuff buttons, stick pins, lace pins Ac. Every thing now and tholatestln jowel- ery. No old goods. At Gooders'. About six thousand pounds of candy, bought til feet from factory for Christ mas trade at Iloblnson & Mundot'ff's. The Unique Nonpareil Soelnl Club will bold a select ball In their club room on Friday evening, December 4th. A good plaee to take your children on Christmas afternoon to enjoy n two hours laugh Is the Reynolds opera house. Tickets for "Tho Lost Mine." which will appear lit the opera house Tuesday evening, Dee. 21st, are onsaleatHtoko's drug store. Don't miss seeing Miss Klla Seeley's display of painted articles at Hamblet Sc Swurtz storo on Thtirsduy, Friday and Saturday. Don't forget that "KastLynno" Christ inas night and tho Comedy Cotnpuny Christmas ufternoon aro for tho benefit of the Wotuutns' Relief Corps. (ilrls If you do not know what to buy your Im'iiux for a Christmas present, go to Hoffman, the jeweler, and you will have no trouble to select something. Tho plasterers are now working on tho Froehlleh fc Henry Bros.' new brick building. Tho Fitzgerald Wall Plaster and the new process lime are being used. Tile special meetings which were In progress in tho Presbyterian church two weeks, closed Sunday evening. Seven or eight persons joined the church. Communion services will be held In the Presbyterian church next Sunday at tho morning service. Preparatory services will be held In tho church this evening, This week we issuo n supplement to The Star to aecotnnuxlato tho mer chants who want to advertise holiday goods. Wo will bo compelled to Issuo a supplement noxt week also. The pupils of the public schools of this borough will give an entertainment In Assembly hall next Friday evening at 8.00, consisting of songs, recitations, drills, etc. Admission 10 cents. It will boa good entertainment. The Allegheny Valley Railway will sell excursion tickets on December 24th, 25th and .'list. 18S7, and on Jan. 1st, 181)8, good for return trip until January 4th, 18118. Inclusive. These excursion tickets will not allow stop off "en route." It Is not necessary for you to run and got all out of breath to got them first as tho stock Is largo enough to lust, but whon you huppon to pass just step In and see the lurge assortment of ladlos' long guard chains, tho price will sur prise you, at Hoffman's. i The hymn books for the Schlverea meetings have arrived, and as Mr. Schl verea Is desirous of having the popplo well acquainted with them when ho ar rives, all who can assist In the chorus choir aro asked to meet Friday evening at 8.30 at the Baptist church. Miss Alraeda Johnston, teacher of the Dean primary school, died last Satur day and was buried Monday afternoon. As wo have not all tho fucts at hand that we desire, and have a rush of work this week, we will not publish an obltu ary for the deceased until next weok. Charles Moore, of Selgle, who was crushed to death by two logs rolling over him at Clark, Keisor & Ktpp's saw mill at Cortex, this county, the first of last week, was to have been married next Wednesday to Miss Letha McKee, of Carrier, Pa., niece of Mrs. Ed. Moore, of Rathmel. Charles Burge keeps a lot of plgoons in his father's barn In West Reynolds vllle and one evening last week some sneak thief entered the barn, carrying a lantern, and roado a raid on the pigeons. Neighbors saw the light in the barn, but thought some of the Burge family were in the barn. Dr. R. V. Spackman, of DuBols, who Is well known In Reynoldsvllle, having been a practicing physician and pro prietor of a drug store in this place some years ago, was married last Thursday morning to Mrs. Emma Boyd In DuBols. Tbey went to Philadelphia on the morn ing train on a wedding trip. The doc tor Is sixty years old. The engineer corps that Is surveying for the new railroad between Reynolds vllle and Punxsutawney, after a weeks' stay here, bare finished their work near town and have changed their boarding place from Hotel Imperial to a farm bouse a few miles out of town. When we ean Snd out something mora definite about the new road than what was pub lished la Tub Star last week, our read ers will get it. New Coal Mine. Thn Jefferson ft Clearfield Coal & Iron Co., that already have large works near Rnynoldsvlllo, are now opening a new mine at Khthmul. New Engine. The Reynoldsvllle & Falls Creek Rail way Is gottlng a now englno, No. 4, which will arrive here to-day direct from tho shops at Dunkirk, N. Y. License Issued. A marriage license has boon issued to Chas. Weir, the S. Brady street meat market man, and Miss Anna II. Mur ray, of Reynoldsvllle. DuBols Exprem. Citizens' Meeting. A meeting of tho citizens of Reynolds- vlllo will bo held in tho room over Milllrens' storo In the Reynolds block at eight o'clock thlsevcning. This will bo an Important meeting, ono which every live citizen should attend. Tho rosult of present actions will decide matters of vital importance as to the future of Reynoldsvllle. Can't Act as Agents. An Italian, who was agent over about Brockwnyvlllo for W. I. Hays' whole sale liquor house of DuHols, was tried before Judge Reed yesterday for selling without license and was convicted. The Judge Imposed a lino of 91,000 and sen tenced the Italian to three mouths In county Jnll. The Ike had tho necessary papers showing that ho wns Hays' au thorized agent, but tho Judgo ruled that it was not legal. There are other peoplo In the same business. Better be careful. It was a Good Lecture. Jehu DoWitt Miller, who was booked to lecture In Assembly hall last Friday ovcnlngi failed to materialize that night. Thursday night Mr. Miller lectured In Hellefontaine, Ohio, and his train was an hour late before ho got out of- the Buckeye State and ho missed connections, hence, failed to urrlve In Reynoldsvllle at the time advertised. Tho people were disappointed Friday, but they were not disappointed In the lecture last night, for it was highly en joyed, and Mr. Miller is all that is claimed for him as an orator, philoso pher, scholar and humorist. His sub ject was, "Lovo, Courtship and Mar- riage." His audience lustnightwus well placsed with tho lecture. It was a bad night to bo out, yet there was a largo audience present. New Telephone Subscribers. Tho Summerville Telephone Co. has already recolved orders for telephones for tho following pluces: Solomon Shutter, lumber office; Hotel MeConnell; Ab. Reynolds' and C. Mitchell's office; Frank's Tavern; Dr. J. II. Murray's olllco; Hughes St Dinger, furniture dealers; Hotel Imperial; Moore St Dickinson, grocers; Prlester Bros., furniture dealers; G. Macro, gro cor, F. S. Hoffman, butcher; W. T. Cox St Son, grocers; Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co.; M. M. Davis' law office; John M. Huys' Justlco of tho Peace, office; Hotel Belnap; Reynoldsvllle Woolen Co., Thos. Tapper, liveryman; Horpol Bros., machinists; C. M. Mc Donald's law office; J. J. Sutter's resi dence; J. V. Young's resldonco. X no urst 'phono put In by the now company wus put in Hotel MeConnell yosterduy morning. Death of William Doney. Willium Doney, a baeholor, aged 53 years and 11 months, died at tho homo of his sister, Mi's. Jerry Mowery, in Plnecrook township, at 5.00 P. M., lost Monday from heart trouble. Ho had been ailing for several weeks, but was confined, to his bed only a few days, The deceased hod lived in Jefferson county a half century. Ho was a quiet, unassuming gentleman. Ho was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gorson Doney, both of whom preceded him Into that "borne from whence no traveller o'er returns." Wllllnra Doney was a boneflolul member of the Dcemer's Cross Roads Jr. O. U A. M. Council. Funeral services will be hold In the M. E. church at Emurick vllleat 10.30 a.m., to-morrow, conducted by Rev. Mills, pastor of the church. The Jr. O. U. A. M., of which he was a member, will attend the funoral. The deceased had been a member of the Lutheran church for many years. Teachers' Institute. The forty-second annual session of the Jefferson County Teachers Institute will be held in the Court House lu Brookville December 28th to 31st. The instructors for this Institute are: Dr. Arnold Tompkins, of Chicago, principal of the Department of Pedagogy in the Illinois University; Dr. A. E. Wlnshlp, of Boston, editor of the "Journal of Education" and "The American Pri mary Teacher;" Dr. N. C. Schaeffer, of Harrlsburg, State Superintendent of Publlo Instruction; Dr. D. J. Waller, Jr., of Indiana, Pa., Ex-State Super intendent and principal Indiana State Normal School; Dr. A. J. Davis, of Clarion. orlnclDal of Clarion State Normal School; Prof. T. L. Gibson, of Ebensburg, Pa., muslo; Miss Jennie Jenks, of Brookville, pianist. Evening sessions: Dr. Arnold Tompkins, of Chloago( KunlU-Damlan Concert Com pany; John Temple Graves, of Georgia, John B. DeMotte. of Brvn Mawr, Pa. Prof. Teltrlolf has made speolal efforts to have this Institute be the most interesting and profitable one ever held in jeneraon county. "The Lost Mine." Tho management has secured, after a great deal of preliminary arrange ments, II. A. Templcton's company, presenting tho great comedy drama success, "The Lost Mino," which will be presented hero on the 21st In all Its plendnr, and the original cast and scenic equipments. The play Is well known from its great success of last season and Is to be presented hore in the same careful manner that has char acterized its Instantaneous success. The comedy in Itself Is ono that apK-als largely to lovers of wholesome amuse ment. Thn interest Is Intense, tho characters are so truthful and tho com edy so funny that each and every tear Is followed by asmllo. Fourtoen distinct and truthful types of America are Intro duced, together with pleasing SmcIuI- ties. Several well known players are onrollod in tho east, J. F. Wilson, C. K. Klrkman, II. A. Templelon, O. P. Rain- cy, H. A. Young, Chas. D. Boyd, MIhs ieorgla McC'aulley, Donna Stewart and Blanche Powell. A perfect performance Is assured nnd tho peoplo's Jierfect prices will avail. The salo of seats is now in progress at H. Alex Stoke's drug storo. Afternoon of Anguish. Wednesday of last week .1. A. Welsh, the shoo merchant, unintentionally caused his "better half" an afternoon of anguish. Mr. Welsh, who Is a lover of the chase, started out hunting alono Wednesday morning and told his wifo ho would not stay out longer than 11:00 A. M. Dinner time arrived and Mr. Welsh had not returned, and during all thnt long, long ufternoon Mrs. Welsh watched and waited for tho return of her husband, dreading every moment thut some one would come to tell her that something awful had befallen him. When tho black pall of night began to settle upon the earth and still ho camo not, sho could not stand tho terrible suspenso longer nnd men, with lan terns, wero sent out in different directions to look for, what his wifo had then concluded, his dead body. Near seven o'clock Mr. Welsh walked in homo with about a half dozen rab bits over his shoulders. He had gono out In tho morning for few hours hunt and had met Frank McGlnnls, tho In surance agent, In tho woods and they continued to hunt all day. Local Institute. A local Institute will bo held in the Preseottvlllo school house next Satur day, December 18th, of which tho fol lowing is a program: Morning session, 11.00. Devotional exercises; address of welcome, L. P. McClenry; response, Miss Mury Mulr; "How to Provont Tardiness," Miss NottloCoax; "Language," Miss Orpha Boer; "Physiology," J. II. Wagner. Afternoon session, 1.30. "How Shall We Secure the Co-ojierntlon of tho Parents?" Milton L. Dempsey; Bunny, Miss Edith Kuntz; address, Prof. G. W. Lenkord; "Bost Incentlvo to Study," Homer Brumbaugh; Discussion, "Teach lng Writing," Henry Foultz. Program will bo Interspersed with muslo. All teachers, directors and patrons, especially thoso of Winslow township, are cordially Invited to bo present and take part in tho discussions. Tho pro gram committee is J. C. Morris, W. J. Sncll and Miss Minnie Smoltzer. We Have a Few of Them. Boys, and girls, and young )eople genorally, and some who are oldor, ought to understand that It Is Ill-man nered, rudo, and entirely out of placo, to misbehave in any publlo meeting, No well-behaved person will do bo. Churches are built, furnished, and kept open for worship and instruction, and not for places of amusement. Persons who do not go to church to hear atten tivoly, and to be have decorously, bad bettor stay away. Brookvlllo Jeffermn- inn Democrat. We Indorse tho above. There are a fow uncourtoous people in Reynoldsvllle, and if they knew how disgusting such acts ure to sensible peo plo they would never act unbecoming In a religious meeting again. Dr. McCoy will be at Hotel McCon nell, Reynoldsvllle, Saturday afternoon, Ueo. lHtn. It will pay any lady to go out of her way to see the china in the windows at Hoffman, the jeweler s. We defy competition on 918.00 suits, Btrictly all-wool Hamblet & Swartz. Pretty slippers for gift-givers. Our stock la complete and prices to suit all at Robinson's. Mothers, see the fine line of reefers for your boys at Boll.s. If you want value for your money go to Johnston's for shoes. Arbuckle cotfoe lOo. at Robinson St Mundorff's. Clocks oheaper than ever at Gooder'a, the jewelor. We've got the largest stock of candy in the county and can give you speolal price. Robinson & Mundorfp. See Boll's flno all-wool suits for 93.00. Subscribe for Thk Stab and get all the local, county and general news. See tho fine assortment of watches at Gooders', the jeweler. Speolal prices on candy to Sunday schools and teachers at Robinson i Mundorff's. Robinson's 92.00 shoes for ladles have no equal. A new lot of them just re ceived. . Anti-Saloon League Meeting. A meeting was hold In thn Mothodlst episcopal church last Wednesday evon- ing in the interest of tho Pennsylvania Anil-Saloon IiCiigue. A largo congre gation attended. Rev. B.C. Dinwiddle, of Harrlsburg, State Superintendent of the Leaguo, and Rev. W. L. Klley, D.D., of Cuba, N. Y., Field Secretary, wero present. Rev. Howard II. Russell, LL. D., of Columbus, Ohio, National Superintendent of tho American Anti- Saloon lienguo, was advortlsed to be here to deliver an address, but ho fulled to get hero and Rev. Dinwiddle was tho speaker of tho evening. Rev. Riley, who was at ono time a Methodist preacher, a member of tho Erie Conforonoo, stood on tho foundation of the M. E. church in tills plaee and made an address on tho morning the corner stone was laid in 1870. Dr. Russell arrived in Reynoldsvllle Saturday evening. Ho spoke In tho Presbyterian church Sunday at 11.00 A. M., and In Centennial hall Sunday evening. Those who heard Dr. Russell say he Is an orator. An Anti-Saloon League will be organ ized in this placo. The league Is Inter denominational and timni-pttrtisan. An aim Is made to have an organization In every church, a municipal organization In every town, n county organization and state organization, all of which are uuxiliurles to thu American or National organization. Class Reunion. Last Saturday evening was tho occa sion of a merry gathering of C. B. Clark's classmates at his homo on Main street. Thn guests of tho evening were received by C. B. and Miss F.flle Clark. A pleasant lime was sient in revlowing tho cherished memories of bygone schooldays, Interspersed with games and muslo. A lap collation was served. With tho refreshments, were distribut ed souvenirs in tho shaiie of a tastefully arranged booklet containing u poem written for the occasion by the host, which wo publish below. All expressed themselves us having a very happy evening. While wulkimi Ihrauyh my mil ire town, A lter ileum of roaming, up awl down, I note with pain that all in rhanyrtl 1 hardly know the pluce tuj'rin. Hid I my all t I upoke too font. ()ne unit endurm Time' withering blunt. 1'he mhoollioune irherf my youth wan npenl, Ah! there I'll mtrtly Jlnd csmtent. The old playipimnil injusl the name. In fancy I'm a boy aijain. lint nilence reign; all gone are then Who, yearn aijo, came here to play. The well-worn ntipK, the broken pane. And oaken. floor villi many a Main, And my old denk liehind the door Uecalls briijht memorun of yore. The darkened jwmi and nilcnt luilln Too ttronghj to my mind recalln 'The fact that they who gathered here Are widely ncattered, far and near. Mood bye, old KcheKilhouse, faithful friend, You'll noon lie yone from the tight of men. Nobly you're Ht'otHl, through nun and squall, The Lat Mohican of them all. Public School Entertainment. Tho public schools will give their holiday entertainment on next Friday evening In Assembly ball, beginning at 8.00 o'clock. Admission 10 cents to all alike. Following is the program: FAHT I. Overture Orchestra Kuelliitlim Dollle Sutter V.W...1 n.,.. I Kittle Schuirrnw I Altheii Hutler llei'ltiitlun ChrUtlno Brown ii....t t F.lvle Cnlomnn t Krunklo Klnir Motion Sons- Seven Girls, KoomU Kccltut Ion Muud Mrl'horsnn FAHT II. Selection Onlnst ra Itecltutlon .Airnes Htone Motion Bong. ..fourteen Girls, liooms 7 unrt 8 Vociil Solo CJolcU King Marching Drill. Eighteen (ilrls, Rooms II and 12 Flux Drill... Twenty-four boys. Rooms 7 and S Indian Huntress Drill, Eighteen Girls, Room III Selection Orcliest m Speaking of Holiday Attractions, You will find the prottlcst and most complete assortment, consisting of plain and fancy toys, fruits and candles, at Bohren's old reliable bakery and con fectionery, arranged In a manner to pleaso the most fastidious, and at prices to suit everybody. Give us a call. Barbers Want a Half Holiday. We will keep our barbershops open until 12 o'clock Friday night before Christmas, and until noon Christmas day, but will not keep open Christmas afternoon or evening. Barbers op Reynoi.dsville, Gloss and Lenox soap, 8 cakes 25c., at ltobinson at Mundorn s. Your watoh repaired and guaranteed to give satisfaction at Uooders . For neat fitting suit go to Snyder St Johns, fashionable tailors Extra good 92.00 work shoes at J. E. Welsh st (Jo s. It Is well worth your attention to see Milllrens stock of holiday goods. Knives and forks at a special price at Honman, tne jeweler s. Fine shoes for ladles,' geut's, misses, and children at Johnston's Arbuckle's and Lion coffee only 10c at HoDinsoo Mundorn s. Bell is selling an all-wool blue or black Kersey overcoat lor ao.oo. Watch and clock repairing a specialty at uoouers' Baby shoes 20 to 35 cents per pair at j, weisn vo s. Call and see Bell's fine line of over coats. V PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Glimpses of the People who are Passing To and Fro. Mrs. J. H. Morrow was In BrookvMn Monday. Frank Campbell was In Johnsonburg last week. S. B. Rumsny and wife were In Pitts burg this week. Mrs. (ieorge Williams Is visiting In Emlenton this week. Clarence Henry was at Riohmond, Indiana Co., Pa., this week. Mrs. W. W. Barclay, of Big Run, vis ited In Reynoldsvlllo Saturday. Mrs. J. O. Miller, of DuBols, spont Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. K. Johns ton, In this place. County Commissioner W. C. Murray and wife, of Brookville, wore In Reyn oldsvlllo Saturday. , Andy Denny, of Driftwood, a passon- gor engineer on tho A. V. R'y, was In this place Monday. . Miss Mary Cooper gave a tea party to eighteen or twenty of her lady friorids Inst Wednesday evening. Miss Cora Milllron has been elected toucher of tho Deun school, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Miss Almeda Johnston. A. M. Applopatc, an englnoor on the' Reynoldsvlllo Falls Creek Railway, took engine No. 2 to the shops at Dun kirk, N. Y., last Saturday. Miss Edith Seehrlst will teach the Bollinger school for ono month, while Miss Iris Johnston is quarantined, and mny possibly finish the term. Miss Seehrlst takes charge of tho school next Monday. Joseph Pent, was called to Sandy township, Clearfield county, last week by the serious Illness of his father, An drew Pontz, who has almost reached the four score and ten mtlo post in life's journey. Duvid Bollinger was at Windber, tho new coal town near Johnstown, last week. Tho Berwind White Coal Co. are Interested and ns there are two or three towns culled Berwind, the "wind" is put before the "bcr" In naming this new town. Errold Sutter and J. D. Brown, who went to Washington state last month, struck jobs as soon as they arrived at Tacoma. Brown went to work on a saw mill at 93.20 per day, and Sutter went to work in a blacksmith shop Ironing sleds for tho Klondike. The man he is working for has a contract of muking 5,000 one ton sleds for the Klondike. Want Compensation. Tho DuBols Courier, of yesterday morning, Is authority for the statement that parties at Falls Creek, who lost their cows last summer from a disease claimed to have been contracted from drinking the water of the creok, hicb receives the refuse from the tannery, will ask the tan nery company to pay for the cows. There were twenty-nine cattle died at Falls Creek. The opinion seems to pre vail at Falls Creek that the animals died from anthrax, the germs having been brought from China In Imported hides, and in the process of tanning the germs escaped Into the stream, thereby communicated to animals. Pool Tables Knocked Out. When Court convened Monday after noon Judge Gordon notified all attor neys who handled liquor license appli cations that ho would consider good ground for refusal of license the fact that any hotel keeper run a pool or billiard table in his house or in close proximity thereto. He said there was no Act of Assembly touching on the question but he would assume the responsibility him self and all hotel keepers now running pool or billiard tables could govern themselves accordingly. Clearfield Re publican. Holiday Excursion Rates. Imbued with the spirit of the season and in recognition of the large passen ger business during tho Christmas holi days, In accordance with its customary liberality, the Buffalo, Rochester St Pittsburg Ry. will make a Christmas present to each of Its patrons purchas ing round trip tickets on dates named, of two thirds the one way fare, by mak ing the low rate of a fare and one third for the round trip between all stations on its line. Tickets to be sold, Dec. 24th, 2oth and 31st, 1807 and Jan. 1st, 1898, limited fer return passage to Jan. 3rd, 1898. All goods sold at Gooders' are en graved free of charge. Any style let ters you wish. Johnston carries the finest line of ladles shoes In town. Will be here this week, brlo-a-brac, at Hoffman's. First quality bams only lOo. per lb. at Robinson St Mundorff's. Bell ean show you the finest Una of 98, 99, and 910 suits In the county. No chestnuts. - Holiday goods are coming in now. Come and see them at Gooders', the jeweier. Evervbodv cnlnir to Rnhlnann Jk Mun. dorff's for candy. See Bell's 92.00 overcoats. 1 Fine comb honey 14c at Robinson & Mundorff's. V