The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 15, 1897, Image 4

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Subscription $l.BO jier year, or .00 1
fxn'il rtrivlhi in advance.
A. TK1MII:7 Editor nud Pnb.
A n Inrtepenrtent Inral nnprr, )iiI1IIiimI rvrry
Wednesday nt HcynnhlMVIIU'. JttTiroti Co.
Vn.j dpvotod 10 flip Intm-pstn of Ki'ViioldHVlllv
una Jnirumnnniiiinty. Non-xlltl-nl. will treat
all with falrm, unit will honnpvcluMjr friend
ly towards the hilMrtnif rdnn.
Siilni'i'lpiliin prli'cJl.iMiprryonr.ln ndvnnre.
Onmmunli'Htliiim Intondnn for nulilli-ntlon
must hp lu'i'oinpiinlrri hy Iho writer's nnmp,
not (or mihlli'iillon. hut n a guiiriuiti'O of
good f nit It IntfMtmtlnff nrws Horns sollrltpd.
Advertising rutn mttdn known on Hppllcu
tlon nt thi oflh-o In Arnold' Illwk.
Jnvhly rotninonliMitionK and rhtimra of
AdvortWi'monln should rcuch (his nftlre by
Monduy noon.
Addrt'sft nil I'otnmtinlrntlonfi toC. A. Ptrpli
nson, KrvnnMxvlll.
Entiri'd t tho inwlnftli-n nt Ri-ynolilxvlllo,
Pa.. as second rUinn noill matter.
It Is "dond easy'' to acquire a habit
lint It Is not so rasy to conquer It.
Tho ninn who wears religion an a
cloak will find there Is not much warmth
In it In this life, hut it will mnkc him
sweat In tho life to come.
Our merchants arc fixing their win
dows and stores up more attractive for
tho holidays this year thun thoy havo
for yours. Fino goods nro being dis
played. In tho bright lexicon of laziness which
fato reserves for a Weary Willie there
U no such word ox "Work!" Philadel
phia litrnrtl. There are men In Hoyn
oldsvlllo whoare too la?y to even become
"Weary Willies,'' who know no such
word an "Work." Their wives support
them hy taking In washing:.
The J.iulirn' Ilmue Journal 0110 of
the best monthly magazines published.
Tho subscription price Is a year.
Tho paper Is worth doublu that amount.
Its columns contain pnro lltoraturo,
the kind that should enter every
home. One great curse of tho present
generation Is the cheap, trashy reading
matter that, parents allow to enter tholr
homes for the boys, and girls to read.
Try The l.'uh'rx' Home Journal ono
year and you will not do without it.
Tho prospects of a new railroad and
silk mill for Keynoldsvtllo should be a
little encouragement for tho diseonso
lato Individuals of tho town. "What
is the use of repining, wherever thero
Is a will there Is a way," don't you know.
Thero is no reason why HeynoMsvlllo
should not lead all tho othor towns
within a radius of fifty miles. Wo have
tho advantages in every way concoivablo.
A little more bnckbono and a little less
fear of spending a few dollars, Is tho
reclpo for a substantial boom in Reyn
oldsvillo. Over in tho Clearflold county court
last week threo persons were sentenced
to pay a fine of $50.00 and undergo an
imprisonment of sixty days in the county
jail for furnishing liquor to minors and
tuen of intemperate habits. Such things
are done with impunity In Jefferson
county, yea right hero in Boynoldsvllle.
Wo understand that threo or four mi
nors of this place were intoxicated not
long sinco. Where did thoy got the in
toxicants, is the question? The chaps
who loaf around town and buy liquor for
boys or mon of intemperate habits for
the sake of a drink of llquor.had bettor
got tholr whisky some othor way if thoy
don't want to got into trouble, for thoy
run a risk every time they buy
liquor for such pooplo.
B. P. Howell, of the engineer corps
that is surveying for a new railroad
between Rcynoldsville and Punxsutaw
noy, Is of tho opinion that wo noed
good public roads as badly as wo need
new railroads. We don't believe any
person will disagree with the gentle
man on thut point, and especially when
tho roads are in tho present condition.
Mr. Howell has spent considerable time
in ono of tho southern states, not nearly
so wealthy as Pennsylvania, whero tho
roads are kept in good condition. It
costs a largo outlay of money at first,
until the roads are graded and made
substantial, but after that the expense
is not so greut. Mr. Howell is sur
prised that a state as wealthy as Penn
sylvania is would have such horrible
roads. The time will come when the
Keystone State 'will have good roads,
but It is a long ways off yet unless thero
Is somothlng more done than talk, as
has been the case in the past.
The Sunday Schools are making
arrangements for Christmas treats, and
in consequence number of boys, for
the first time this year, are faithful
attendants at Sunday schools. Just as
there are boys and girls who attend
Sunday school a few weeks before
Christmas, bo there are men and womon
who are sanctimonious 'and very much
interested in church work during
special meetings and the balance of the
year they are seldom found Inside a
church, and don't work the religion
they profess. The "Christmas-treat"
scholar is oordlally received and treated
kindly, but the teacher know tha(
such scholar cannot be depended upon.
So also Is it with the "special meeting"
christian. The preacher cannot tie bis
faltbtothem. Religion is something
that one cannot lay up a supply in two
weeks to last for one year. Like the
manna in the wilderness, it must be
gathered fresh every morning. It is
the inconsistent christian that retards
the on ooDilng of the millennial .
Hall of Century Council 789,
Royal Arcanum. f
Reynoi.dsvim.E, lec. i, 1W7.
Following resolutions were adopted
at tho regulur meeting of Century
Council 7HI, R. A.:
Whereas, Tim Supreme Ruler of
tho Universe, In His all-wise power, has
removed from our midst Brother Joseph
S. Morrow, therefore be It
Iieimlred, That while we bow In hum
ble submission to thn Divine will, wo
mourn with deep sorrow tho loss of our
brother In Virtue, Mercy and Charity,
and be It
llnmlretl. That In tho death of
Brother Morrow our Council is deprived
of a faithful follower of the principles
of the Royal Arcanum. And be it
Uemlred, That wo tender to the
members of tho bereaved fBmily our
sincere sympathy In their sad hour of
affliction. Btid commend them to that
Heavenly Father, whose Love, Mercy
and Charity surpasses all human under
standing: and bo it
Hemhnl, That our charter be draied
in mourning for thirty days and these
resolutions entered in records of our
Council and that copies be sent to tho
bereaved family. 1 Davis. 1
Sam'l Sutter, J-Com.
M. J. Fahrem., 1
Robbed the Orave.
A startling Incident of which Mr.
John Oliver, Philadelphia, was the
subject, is narrated hy him as follows:
"I was In a most dreadful condition.
My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no apetito gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Threo phy
sicians had given mo up. Fortunately,
a friend advised trying 'Klectrlc Bitters,'
and to my groat joy and surprise, tho
first bottle mtidondocldcd Improvement.
I continued their use for threo weeks,
and am now a well num. I know they
saved my life, anil robbed tho grave of
another victim." No ono should fall to
try them. Only 50 cents per bottlo at
H. A. Stoko's Drug Store.
Clerical Orders.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces that tho Issue of clerical
orders w ill be conttmud for 18!tS on tho
samo lines as in olToct at present.
Application blanks may bo obtained
of ticket agents and tho same should
reach General Olllco by December
20, so that orders may bo mailed Decem
ber 31 to clergymen entitled to receive
them. Orders will bo issued only ' on
Individual application of clergymen, to
be made on blanks furnished by tho
Company and certified to hy one of its
The Discovery of the Day.
Aug. J. Dogcl, tho leading druggist
of Shrovcport, La., says: "Dr. King's
New Discovery Is tho only thing that
cures my cough, and It is tho host seller
I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
Satlord. Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is all that is claimed for
it; It novor falls, and Is a sure cure for
consumption, coughs and colds. I can
not say enough for its merits." Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds is not an cxoriment.
It has been tried for a quarter of
a century, and to-day It stands at tho
head. It never disappoints. Free
trial bottlo at II. Alex. Stoke's drug
Mark Twain's New Story.
Mark Twain's now humorous story,
which ho Is now writing In Vienna, Is to
go to The Lmlirit' llmne Journal, which
magazine has also secured F. Murion
Crawford's now story which is a tale of
the unreal, with the strikingly uncanny
title of "Tho Dead Smilo."
Any porson wanting to subscribe for
The Ladies' Home Journal can leave
tholr name and $1.00 ut The Star office
and tho magazine will bo sent to thom
ono year.
Stockholders' Meeting.
The regular annual mcetiug of tho
stockholders or tho First National Bank
of Reynoldsvlllo, Pa., for tho election
of Directors for ensuing year, will be
hold in the Banking Room on Tuesday,
January 11th. 18IW, at 3.00 P. M.
John H. Kaucher, Cashier.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in the world for outs,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
soros, tottor, chapped hands, chilblains,
oorns and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures pllos, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cent por box. For sale by H. Alex.
Everything the very best In quality
and very lowest in price at Robinson &
Say, John, you will meet me at Boll's
buying one of their fine suits.
For fine foot wear at reasonable prices
go to J. K. Johnston's.
Jersey leggings for women and chil
dren at Robinson's.
We are taking orders for spring deliv
ery on phosphate and McCormlok
mowers and binders. We are selling
sleighs, hay, salt, flour, feed, dry goods,
groceries and drugs. Come in and see
J. C. Kino & Co.
If you want good shoes cheap go to J.
E. Welsh & Co.'s shoe store in the Wm.
Foster block. x
Watch chains for ladles and goats'.
The latest patterns and everything new.
No old goods at Gooders',
Beware of the merchant who misrep
resents qualities. Mlllirens don't.
For sale House and foup Iota, near
Fuller's watering-trough .Presoottvllle.
Will be sold at half value. Inquire of
M. M. Davis, Reynoldsvllle, or W, M.
Barclay, Rathmel. .
Candy, candy, wholesale1 and retail at
Robinson k MundorfT's.
Holiday Goods,
Something that will
friends and relatives
this store.
Fine Dress Goods,
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, Mackintochs,
Silk Mittens, Kid Gloves and
Also something new in
taken apart. (Jome and
Our Unrivaled Line of Men's, Boys' and Children's S
Overcoats, Pants, Shirts, Underwear, Gloves,
Neckwear, Hats and Caps.
Thiamine is the very finest
that you ever saw in your
life. We can sell you an
All-wool Clay Worsted for
$10.00, $12.00 and $15.00.
Call and see for yourself that
we are the only exclusive
clothing people in Reynolds
e study and try to lit our
customers. Our figures also
fit our customer's pocket
books. There Is a style
about our clothing that
draws attention and sells
them for us.
An all-wool Jersoy Shirt, laced or
button front, for 50c. Look at this
bargain and convince yourself thut we
can save you money. Mutch us if you can.
This full we have laid In the finest
and most complete line ever shown for
your children. A fine Iioofersuit, ages
3 to 8 years, tl.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00,
4.00 and &V00. Call and look for your
Did you ever see anything like our
line. It's the talk of all the people that
look this line over. They sell at our
store for 91.50 to W.OO.
Men's Underwear.
Gents' fleeoed-llned underwoar for
50o., 75o. and $1.00. They are boautlful.
We have over 20 colors In this flecoed
lined shirts and drawers for 50o., 75o.
and 91.00.
w- c fit 1
make useful presents for
you will find such goods In
Umbrellas. They van be
see them.
Men's Stylish Sack Suits
For the stout and slim men
we have the largest and fin
est line ever bought by us.
It will more than pay you to
call and look the line over.
No trouble to show goods and
the following prices sell
them: $3.50, 5.00, 6.00,
7.00, 8.00 and $10.00.
Rich Melton, Beavers, Covert cloth,
Korsoys, satin-lined, Italian-lined, to
match the goods, the finest that money
could buy, and we have them for $.1.00,
6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 8.50, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00,
13.00, up to $20.
Come and inspect this department.
Everything that Is made is shown in
our Boy's Overcoat department. A
boy's Overcoat as low as $3.00, 4.00, 5.00,
0.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00 and $10. Match us
If you can.
And therefore not damaged by rain.
Our fall hats, the very finest stiff hate,
or $1.00 to $3.00. Soft hate 50c to $3.00.
Here Is where we can save you money
and show you as fine and large a line of
Boys ulsters as you will find In the city.
An All-wool Ulster, ages from 14 to 19
years, for $4.00, 6.00, 6.00,7.00, 8.00 and
$10. Match ub If you can.
A good round top Trunk, Iron bottom
for $1.75. A good square top Trunk for
8tok' Advertising Space.
CtnlfO'C Magnificent .
OlUkiU U Assortment
are recommended by
Pretty Gifts, - Suitable Gifts,
Popular Gifts.
Tho best of everything for Christmas. A thoroughly first-class
stock, combining novelty, quality and oleganco, with strictly fair
prices. Prices within reach of all, and now Is the time to buy.
Beautiful presents that meet all demands and satisfy all wants.
Wo offer a great, variety of appropriate present for ladies, gentlemen
and children. We can supply an appropriate gift for old or young at
Whatever your want may bo wo
appropriate selections.
Certainly, because we can fit you and
show you the largost and best line of
clothing shown outside of the largo
cities. We soil you good clothing for
little money. Suits for $5.00, 6.00, 7.00
and $8.00.
Boys' Long Pants Suits
In this line we have ages
14 to 19 years, and it com
prises the very latest things
in suits. Can sell you a
strictly all-wool suit for your
boy for $3.50, 4.50, 5.00,
6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00 and
$10. Call and convince
yourself we are the people to
save you money.
Men's Prince Albert Suits.
Of Imported Clay, German Worsteds,
Unfinished Worsteds. This line com
prises tho best lino on the market and
you could not have tho same made to
order for loss than $30.00. Our prices
the following: $12.00, $1", 1(1.50 and
Is easily made from our solection of
shirts. It la wonderful what a fine line
of Shirts, In solid and soft bosom, with
detachable or attached collars aud cuffs,
for 50o., 75o. and $1.00.
Holiday Goods
can meet thom with beautiful and
the Druggist.
uits, ,
With or without storm
collars. Chinchillas, Beav
ers and all other kinds of
cloth. This is something
that you must have as they
are warm and take the place
of overcoats. Our reefers'
are as low as $1 . 50, 2. 00. 3. 00,
3.50, 4.50, 5.00 and $6.00.
Ages from 3 to 15 years.
We are the people that have the
largest assortment of Gloves. Just
think, a lined Glove for 25c. the pair,
and Dress Gloves all kinds. The very
latest is the silk lined Kid Glove; we
have them.
Men's and Boys' Pants.
This department is bang-up and over
flowing with fino rich patterns In all
the novelties of the season. A man's
pants for 50o. up to $5.00. Boy's long
pants for 50c. up to $3.00. Child's knee
pants for 25c., 50c., 75c. and $1.00.
Match us If you can.
Boys' Double Breasted Suits.
This line is comprised of all the very
latest things In Stuplo Worsteds and
Novelties of the season. A double
breasted suit, all-wool, for $2.00, 3.00,
4.00 and $5.00. Match us If you can.
Hera is where we can show the only
line of neckwear kept in the county.
Look at our window for this line.
Your choice for 25o. Others charge
you 50c. for not as nice a line.
Men's Underwer.
In a good, heavy, wool-faced goods, for
25o. a leg. We will put It up against
any other's $1.00 underwear. Come
and see It and convince yourself that we
have the goods and right prices.