J. D. Woodring & Son, tlK.W.KHS IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Tobaeeo and Cigars, Are currying a large slock of CANDIES for the Holidays. Call at their store in West Reynoldsville. Flour, Feed, Groceries and Christmas Candies will he found at MRS. W. SPRY'S Store on Main Street. Everything fresh and of good quality at low prices. If you want twice vs. dicks, GEESE or CH1CKEXS for Christmas Leave your order at Bussard's Meat Market, wain ST. Fresh Meats of all kinds al- ways on hand. - I Bon Ton Bakery. We have just received the finest assortment of CONFECTIONERY for the holidays that can be bought. Lowneu's Chocolates a a Specialty Prices away down. Call and see our goods before pur chasing elsewhere. You will save money. BON TON BAKERY, L. R. Huth, Prop. TOMMY ATKiNS' VANITY. Curia HI Manga Hurt facia HI hrat. Ho Thla Wtltrr Aim. "You'd hardly eicdit the vanity of aouie Holdiere, " until a irnciint major of the (iimnla. "That perfect curl which you ee on Tnmmy'a forehead In mere often tlimi lint tin; reault of an hour'i persuasion w ith Imir oil uml a pair of i iirlitiH toi'ii. Nearly all anldicra are ilunilii in tlii way. They uae expen sive hair oil anil pnwatlca very often 'curler, the aauie na those used by woim n. "Win ii they Imve oik'd and brushed mid biuidiid and oiled, the curling tongs int the fliuil 'shui' on. Any sol dier who Is a clever curl maker and who cnrcs to do socull earn a few shillings extra weekly hy putting 1) is act v let h ut the disposal of these fastid ious yriing men. "Tommy Ih not quite so pnrticulur over IiIh boots, lint very nearly so. The fastidious soldier doea not demur at la. (id. a pound for fresh In tier, nor an oc ciifimnil J) shilling" fur a ilnv'a bone, to 'tone ilcwn' the leather vith. "Miwt 'J'onniiieH wruthfully derlnre t hut client pudding is a fabrie'.ition, lint 1 can nsMivo you thut it ia ilone. Ciiv tilrymeu in many crmk rcgimcuta ure imieli move vniii thi.ii women. Their in nsl mi hi 8 me truiurd, muuy -of them uw fine low lit r, iintl fo perfect uud bciiuiiinl do their truiiMt fit tlntt they dare not -it down or bend the body wiihtnt ixtrime rnntiou. To add a chaim to their velk the steel rowels ure t liken i ut of ll ; ,v ppnrsand 'sawed' sixpciict iiiMitiil im-tuid, the result of which ia a liuly musical jingle." London Answers. hlinc on llralna. Tint following i xtmet in from Have lock Ellis' link, "Alan mid Wouiini:" "Aguiti, I I. til quite recent tin.ea it has over ami over ugiiiu been (iiiphut icitliy start d I y bruin uiiatomiKts thut the frouial region ia relatively larger in men, 'the puiictnl iu women. This cnucltiHiui ih now btj.ii.nng to bo re gitri.td us tho reverse of the truth, but we have to n ci gnize that it wuh in evitable. It was 111 inly believed thut the frontal ngii.u is the sent of all the highciil and iuont absrrait intellectual processes, nun if on exiiminiiiK u dozen or two bruins u'.i uuatomist found him self luinlcil iu the com lucion that the f lout nl region ia relatively larger in women, the probability in that he would teel that bo bud reached u con-' eln-icin that wuh ulwurd. It limy iu dun be said thut it isonlr since it baa become know n thut the friiiitul region of the bruin mot pi eater relative extent in the u o tin n it ia in iiiiiu and Iiiih no special cci.i.i ( tir.u w ith the higher in tellectual J n.i rcH that it hug tcioiue possible to r ii tiuitse the fact thut. thut region in n i.. lively more extensive iu rouien " Mrauamrfl "Mamma, didn't the conductor say Blue ialuud?" "Vck, dear." "Why, it uiu't blue at all." "No, dear. " "Mammal" "Well, dear?" "It ain't an inland either." "No, dear. " "Miimma, w hut made the conductor Kay Blue ihlaiid, wlien ' "Ilnsh. dear." "Mamma, if 1 wuh the railroad I'd bave conductnm thut knoweil" WhucU ! ChictiKo Trihuua Infcntile Way. Mr. Newpop iruy, doctor, I wish you would fix v.p HomethiiiK to make my wife Kleep uiKUtM. The baby baa juat U'KUii cutting it teeth, mid Doctor Oh, it'a the baby you waut tho opiate for, ia it? Mr. Nowpop No; for my wife. Yon see, every time the baby gprout another tooth ahe ia ao tickled thut alie keep me awake half the night talkiug about it. Brooklyn Ufa A Mao at the lluttom of It. If there were uo men iu the world, aucreta would be better kept. More thau half the time when, a woman betray aecret aorue mau ia to blame fur it. bomerville Journal If you are wanting FURNlTUe, Springs, JVIattresses or Bedding you will find that we have a large line to select from. Repairing and Picture Framing neatly done. Undertaking iu all its Branches. Hughes & Dinger. The ISe.st, Cheapest ana" Ea si est- liu n uiii ' Sewing - Machines are the k Wilson at G. J. CORWIN'S, a-he re Vict a res y- Frames are made to order. After Jan. ist Ynu will hill M. Gcl-sier & son in Deible Block With the largest stock of Im ported and Domestic Woolens iu Western Pennsylvania. ; SEE Moore & Dickinson's Xmas tree Ornaments, Candles, Candies, Nuts, Dates and Figs. Everything to have a success ful Christmas treat. Our line of Chinaware is also complete. Come in and See Us. Kurvi & e We Invito tho attention of everybody, teacher, eiipecliilly, to tho hundreds upon hiindreila of piuinda of XMAS CANDIKS jiiat received, which we can and will aoll lower than you can buy elHowhoro. We can bImo attpply Turkeys and Chickens for your Xmaa dinner. Our lino of jrrocerlea In complete. Haled Hay, Flour and Feed in abuml anco. Holiday Rooda at low-eat prices. Kum fe C. A. D. Deemer & Co. Note These Prices at the New i JJacket Store: Hoya' lined Kid kIovch 90.44 Mon'a lined fur-top Kid gloves ,.Vi Lunch boxea .1(1 "ill pleceii decorated U'a ant H.H'i Toilet acta, real oil colored decora tion M.25 Aftei'dintier cupa and aau- corn III, 12, l.'l, and .2." .'I tileeo chinadlnnoraotiH .'III and 1.HI Dinner buckcta ,2T 10 lUlll t Mlil .10 Wire broilura .04 I'atcnt covoii'd i-oawtora, with drip pan .57 Photograph albuina 40, "5. H", ifl.lKI and 2.:i."i lllklli No. 1 Lamp, completo .21 Hova' WlndHor capa .1.1 Holiday book 112, 0.'l. 0.'i, 10, I") and .110 Lard gamca 0.i, 10, I I, and .! 11. T. Stewart's Racket Store, Reynoldsville, Pa. Four doora Inflow 1'oHtOlllco. is - l'r Silk Mufilers and silk handkerchiefs for gentlemen, and handkerchiefs for ladies and children at low prices. Just the thing for Christmas presents, at Peoples Bargain Store. We also handle Clothing, Notions, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods, hats, caps, boots and Bhoes. fl. KflTZEN, Prop'r. wnoa mere I Horse Blankets, lap robes, whips, sleigh bells, tfec. at rock bottom prices at J. V. Myers' Harness Shop. Heavy harness, light har ness, nobby harness, in fact any kind of harness or anything you want in har ness line can be found at our. harness shop. ni i escnts l hi Villi KM III