I Subscription $1.60 per year, or $1.00 if paid utrictlti in mfvniirf. !. A. HTKPIIKN'ON, Kdllnr and Pnb. WEDNESDAY, DKCKMBKB 1. I8B7. An Inrtopondi'til lornl pnnrr. ptihlNhril errry Wedn!dy st Rejrnoldsvllle, Jefferson l'i. I., devoted to tlin Interest of Heynoldsvllln una Joffcrnonrminty. Non-polltlriil.wlll trrnt nil with fnlrnrw. nnd will be especially friend ly towards Hip Inlwrln elm. Rubfwrlpllon prlrefl.nflppryefir.ln ndvnnre. OommuiiliMitlun Intended fur piildlrntlon must be Rccompiinli'd liy tlii writer's nnmo, not for puhllrntlnn, but no n inifiriintee of noodfnlth. lntrrrttlnn news Items solli'lted. Advertising rules mnde known on applica tion fit tlio offlre In Arnolds' Block. Irfinithtv rommtinlrnllnns nnd elmnitc of advertisement should reach this olllce by Monday noon. Address nil eommiinloiitlons to C. A. Steph enson, Kcynoldsvlllo, Pa. Entered nt the nostonVe nt Reynoldsvlllo, I'd., (is second clans mull matter. Thomn G. Sampte, of Pittsburg. Vice Chancellor tif the K. of P., Ill his nrtdvciw In this place Inst Wctlne?tl:ty evening iil: "Tho man who li vis entirely for himself I tint most srlflhh man that lives, nnd ho hnd better cry for himself, for no one will cry for him when ho riles," Tho Punxmtawney Spirit says: "Tho fact that no rich gold mines have been discovered in Jefferson county within tho past year epenks volumes for tho voracity of Jefferson county editor.'' There Is not another county In Penn sylvania whoro tho editors nro k enre f til about sticking to tho truth of tho matter as they aro In Jefferson county, don't you know, I3ro. Smith. Thursday, December 2nd, hag been appointed hy County Superintendent Teitrlck as a day for parents and patrons to visit the m'IiooIh of Jefferson county, and as it is a new departure It Is to be hoped that a largo number of people In each district of the county will visit tho schools to-morrow. Parents should be interested enough In tho education of their children to visit the schools occasionally. Wo think that Prof. Teitrlck Is wise In Betting apart one day In tho year as parents' day. If you have never visited the school try to miike it convenient to make a visit to-morrow. Reynoldsvlllo has ono of the best schools ' In tho county nnd the only thing neces sary to convinco you of this fact Is for you to go and see. Tho County Commissioners havo not us yet made any arrangements for tak ing care of the prisoners in the lull during tho remodeling of the same, nut expect to find quarters for them either at Ridgway or Huntingdon. Brook vllle would bo tho most convenient on account of the close railroad connection but they havo no jail over there only an excuse for a jail. Clearlleld Republican. It either ono of tho editors of tho Republican should happen to got into tho county jail thoy would find it a pretty good "excuse." It Is Iilgh time, however, for Clearfield county to fix up the dilapidated old thing, called a jail, from which prison era can escape without even sawing off bars. And gay, Brethren, when you get tho old jail remodeled, get sonio live officers In your county who will catch gome of tho murdorors that do an occasional job over there. We aro Indebted to Governor Hast Sngs for copy of a pamphlet of over three hundred pageg, containing slxty two bills passed by the Legislature of 181)7 which the Governor carved up with his veto ax. Many of the bills were for the appropriation of the state's money for various purposes. Some of the bills vetoed, in our estimation, would have been all right to place on the statute books. Governor Hastings has been severely criticised by some of the Republican papers of the state. No loubt he needs a little of the criticism bestowed upon blm, but there is one thing sure, ho saved this Commonwealth thousands of dollars. No later than Wednesday of last week the Kane Republican, of whloh Col. Lucius Rogers Is editor, "ripjied tho Governor up the back" for his outrageous extravagance In fitting up the already palatial Execu tive Mansion at Harrisburg. The Republican says: "And this is not the only case of outrageous extravagance on the part of tho presont Executive of this state. Others will be noticed hero after." What's Rogers kicking about V Among the bills votoed we find an act "to provide for the ordinary expenses of the Executive, Judicial and Legis lative Departments of the Common wealth," &o., and In one paragrah of . that act we find this: "To tho Chief Clerk of the Senate for the payment of Lucius Rogers for services as clerk to the Senate appropriations Committee, during the session, of 1807, tho sum of 11,000." Because Roger's didn't get a slioe of the tax-payers' money, now he proposes to squeal on the Governor See V Some of the other newspapers that are howling may have been touch ed by the Governor's veto axe. Your watch repaired and guaranteed to give satisfaction at Goodors'. Arbuokle's and Lion coffee only 10c, at Robinson & Mundorff's. Flue shoes for ludles,' gent's, misses,' and children at Johnston's Silver back combs 50e, 75o, and $1.00 at Hoffman's. Baby shoes 20 to 115 cents per pair at J. E. Welsh & Co'a. Say, John, you will meet me at Bell's buying one of their fine suits. Arbuekle coffee 10c. at Robinson & Mundorff's. Foot Ball Qame. Thanksgiving afternoon the "Indians" of Punxsutawney were scalped by the "Pirates" of this place In a lively game of foot ball to the tune of 28 to 0. When tho two teams lined up, Punxs'y sent tne nan wen into the "t'lrates " terri tory and was caught by Honn, who made a good run before being downed. The ball was then given to McDonald around left end forrt yards. Gibson wao given the hall but was too slow and was downed. Ho was given tho ball nualn and unshed over the lino for a touchdown. Gibson kicked goal. Punxs'y again kicked off and the ball was caught by Poster, who made 10 yards. McDonald took the ball for a 20 yd. run around loftrnd. Tho ball was near the line and Gibson was pushed over for a touchdown and kicked goal. Punxsy kicked otr and tho bull was raught by Tloon, but downed without much gain. McDonald then made a short gain around left: Bohren around right lor I.) yards. .McDonald got around left ngnin for 10 yards and also through center for 5 yards. First half ended with bull on the 1'tinxy's 5 yard line. Score 12 to 0. On the second half TV-vnoldsville kicked olT nnd Knurr got the bull and mnde a short gum, Meknllip. Knnrr nnd McCartney, In succession, failed to gain and the ball wits given to Reynolds- vine on z.i yard line. .MeDitnald was giv en the bull and with poor Interference run .. yards for a touchdown. Gibson kicked onnl. Pnnvs'v Wicked off nrd the ball was caught by V'oley and downed, after going 15 yards, liohrcn around right for i yards, Giltson through center for 3 yards. Then Ilium, McDonald and liohrcn each made 3 yards. Gibson and Hohron each fulled to gain and the ball was given to McDonald who made a nice 10 yd. run for a touchdown. Gibson kicked goal. Punxs'y again kicked off and tho ball was caught by Hoon and downed on tho ,'U)yd. line. McDonald was given tho ball and made 7 yards: lioh rcn and Gibson each a yarns. McDonald again skipped around left end for 10 yards. Gibson was then given the ball ti nd pushed over tor a touchdown, out failed to kick goal. As time was up this ended the second half. Tho line up was; l'IRATKS 1MS1TIOM INDIANS Williams left end 11. Ford Foster left tackle Graff Ferris left guard Hrown Burns center Honey My res right guard spencer Foley right tackle McKallip Malloy right end F. Ford Hoon quarter L. Hastings Hohrcn left half Knnrr McDonald right half Campbell Gibson full back G. Hastings Score, Pirate 28, Indians!). Referee, Woodward. Umpire, Booth. Lines men, Young and Smith. Timer, Foley. Subs., McCartney for L. Hastings. Zoltlor for McKallip. Ti. Williams for Malloy. Time, 20and 25 minuto halves, Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get n free samplo box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective In the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to bo perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to bo purely vegetable. Thoy do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. por box. Sold by H. A. Stoke, Druggist. Largo line of sterling silver novelties for ladies and gents' at Hoffman's. If you want value for your money go to Johnston's for shoos. Mothers, seo tho lino lino of i-cofors for your boys at Bull.s. Host Patent Flour, In cloth sacks, only $1.40 at Robinson & Mundorff's. If you want good shoes cheap go to J. E. Welsh & Co.'s shoe store in the Wm. Foster block. Seo Mllllrons now linn of fall suits and overcoats, v Thanksgiving Day. Rkynoi.dsvh.t.k, Nov. 25, 181)7. Editor Star: This is the day sot apart by the president of tho United States to remember God for his merci ful providence, and to render Him thanks and praise and glory for tho fruits of the earth, and every good gift that comes down from above. It is known as Thanksgiving day, and it ought to be observed by all in tho mannor specified; but neither a game of football nor a pleasure excursion is such an observance I hope The Star will have the moral courage to say so, just as it said that Sunday excursions were not just the proper thing for this great land. I feel very thankful to God to-day that there Is at least one paper in tho country that is not mean enough to countenance Sabbath desecration. Con secrated to right, justice and truth, tho press is' a wonderful power for good, but it. too often, becomes tho devil's organ hy making gain its only aim. I.A.S. The Surprise of All. Mr. James Jonas, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter bis wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her ease grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for hor. It seemed to develops into hasty consumption. Having Dr. King's New Discovery In store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she began to get better from first dose, and half dozen bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is f uaranteed to do this good work. Try t. Free trial bottle at H. Alex. Stoke's drug store. Bucklen's Arnica Salve The best salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, uloers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by H. Alex. Stoke. Tbeswellest silver tea set ever shown in RoynoldsvHle, at C. F. Hoffman's. Sue the flno assortment of watches at CoodeiV, the jeweler. . Bing - WE HAVE SECURED THE EXCLU SIVE SALE FOR THIS SECTION OF THE FAMOUS "Gresco" corsets The 'r, i 'juorset that Mll'illl iSI VdllllUl Iff We also have a fine assortment of Ladies' and Misses' Jackets and Capes, and Dress Goods of all kinds. Bell Our Unrivaled Line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Shirts, Underwear, Gloves, Neckwear, Hats and Caps. MEN'S CUTAWAY SUITS. This line is the very finest that you ever saw in your life. .We can sell you an All-wool Clay Worsted for $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00. Call and see for yourself that we are the only exclusive clothing people in Reynolds ville. YOUR FIGURE We study and try to fit our customers. Our figures also fit our customer's pocket books. There is a style about our clothing that draws attention and sells them for us. MEN'S HEAVY SHIRTS. An all-wool Jersey Shirt, lacod or button front, for 50c. Look at this bargain and convince yourself that we can save you money. Match us if you can. MOTHERS, This fall we have laid In tho finest and most complete lino over shown for your children. A fine Reoforsult, ages 3 to 8 years, $1.2.'i, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00 and to.00. Call and look for your self. CHILDREN'S VESTEE SUITS. Did you ever see anything like our line. It's the talk of all the people that look this line over. They sell at our store for $1.50 to $4.00. Men's Underwear. Gents' fleeoed-lined underwear for 50o., 75o. and $1 .00. They are beautiful. We have over 20 colors In this fleeced lined shirts and drawers for 50c., 75o. and $1.00. ' & - Co, The "Cresco" combines all the good features of other good corsets, and has this distinct feature of its own, which corset makers have been vainly trying for years to embody: Hy a pmothly adjusted disconnection at the front waist line it cannot break. Not a woman in this com munity but will hail with delight a eorget from which this annoying ami expensive weakness has been removed. You are cord hilly invited to visit our store and examine the "Cresco" have its merits explained to you. BELL! Men's Stullsh Sack Suits For the stout and slim men we have the largest and fin est line ever bouglit by us. It will more than pay you to call and look the line over. No trouble to show goods and the following prices sell them: $3,50, 5.00, 0.00, 7.00, 8.00 and $10.00. MEN'S OVERCOATS. Rich Melton, Beavers, Covert cloth, Kerseys, satin-lined, Italian-lined, to match the goods, the finest that money could buy, and we have them for $5.00, 0.00, 7.00, 8.00, 8.50, 0.00, 10.00, 12.00, i:i.0O, up to $20. BOYS' OVERCOATS. Come and inspect this department. Everything that is made Is shown in our Boy's Overcoat department. A boy's Overcoat as low as $.'1.00, 4.00,5.00, 0.00, 7.00, 8.00, 0.00 and $10. Match us If you can. WATER-PROOF And therefore not damaged by rain. Our fall hats, the very finest stiff bate, for $1.00 to $5.00. Soft hate 50o to $3.00. BOYS' ULSTERS. Hera is where we can save you money and show you as fine and large a line of Boys ulsters as you will find In the oity. An All-wool Ulster, agos from 14 to 19 years, for $4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00 and $10. . Match us if you can. TRUNKS AND BAGS. A good round top Trunk, Iron bottom for $1.75. A good square top Trunk for $2.50. BELL, Stoke's Advertising Space. ANYTHING YOU WANT you can II nd ut our drug emporium. Our assort ment covers everthing and readies to tho utmost boundary of the trade at ull Mlnts. Ono might as well try to find a colder spot than tho north polo as look for something not included in our assortment of drugs, medicines, standard prep arations, perfumes, toilet witters, mineral waters, extracts, Havers, dyes, soaps, and toilet and manicure articles. Our choice goods are u guar antee of satisfaction and our reputation an assur ance of moderate prices. 4r SUITABLE. Certainly, becauso we can fit you and show you tho largest and best lino of clothing shown outside of the largo cities. We sell you good clothing for little money. Suits for $5.00, 0.00, 7.00 and $8.00. 6ous' Lono Pants Suits In this line we have ages 14 to 19 years, and it com prises the very latest things in suits. Can sell you a strictly all-wool suit for your boy for $3.50, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00 and $10. Call and convince yourself we are the people to save you money. Men's Prince Albert Suits. Of Imported Clay, German Worsteds, Unfinished Worsteds. This lino com prises the best lino on the market and you could not have the same made to order for loss than $110.00. Our prices the following: $12.00, $15, 1(1.50 and $18. YOUR CHOICE Is easily mado from our selection of shirts. It la wonderful what fine line of Shirts, in solid and soft bosom, with detachable or attached collars and cuffs, for 50o., 75o. and $1.00. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIER, HATTER AND FURNISHER, Stoke's Pharmacy. BOYS' REEFERS With or without storm collars. Chinchillas, Beav ers and all other kinds of cloth. This is something that you must have as they are warm and take the place of overcoats. Our reefers are as low as $1.50, 2.00. 3.00, 3.50, 4.50, 5.00 and $6.00. Ages from 8 to 15 years. We are the people that have the largest assortment of Gloves. Just think, a lined Glove for 25c. the pair, and Dress Gloves all kinds. The very latest Is tho silk lined Kid Glove; we have them. Men's and Boys' Pants. This department is bang-up and over flowing with line rich patterns in all the novelties of the season. A man's pants for 50c. up to $5.00. Boy's long pants for 50o. up to $3.00. Child's knee pants for 25c., 50c., 75c. and $1.00. Match us if you can. Boys' Double Breasted Suits. This Una Is comprised of all the very latest things in Staple Worsteds and Novelties of the season. A double breasted suit, all-wool, for $2.00, 3.00, 4.00 and $5.00. Match us if you can. NECKWEAR. Hera is where we can show the only line of neckwear kept in the county. Look at our window for this line. Your choice for 25c, Others charge you 50o. for not as nice line. Men's Underwer. In a good, heavy, wool-faced goods, for 25o. a leg. We will put it up against any other's $1.00 underwear. Come and see it and convince yourself that we have the goods and right prices. Bell