AnM-Ilhetimatfa Potatoes.- i Corpornl Tanner, of the Algiers pre etnot, sat out In front of the station the other night In his shirt sleeves nnd took In the glorious breeze thnt mine down Morgan street In nil Its glory. It has been a rnre occurrence to nee th Corporal In negligee nttlre. He hna been uffertng terribly from rheumatism, and throughout the summer hns worn his heavy woolen cont, even when th bttmldlty would woo It from him. When fate hnd him transferred to Algiers an Irish Indy living over there told hlra of the virtues of the potnto. Phe gave Lf.n two amnll "prnthles" to enrry In hit 1 trousers porkets. nnd ho swenrs thnt he at onee felt the rheiimntlsm sneak Ing from his bone. In a few nights It was nil gone. The potatoes linve begun to get as bard as n rock, and Corporal 'Bill" swears he will carry them through life. Chlengo News. ITS WORST FORM All Ajmritnrna or Catarrh tlavs Dlanp. pi'Krt .l Since Taking HoimI's. "My daughter has hint catarrh In Its worst form since she was four years old. Bhe obtained only temporary rellnf from medicines until sho began taking Hood's Barsaparllla. Blnce using this medicine the disagreeable symptoms of the disease have entirely disappeared." M. W. Bilsby, Hartlnnd, N. Y. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Isthrhfst InfacttheOneTrtis Mood Purifier. llflArl' Dillfl) assist rlire-tlon nnd rnre nUOa S r IMS Constipation. US cents. What Children Pear. President O. Stanley Unit of Clark Cnlverslty lins been collecting fncts concerning the fears of children. Th fears of children, he says, arc gener ally created by parents nnd servants. He found thnt 1,701 children had (I, 4)0 fears, the leading ones belug the fenr of lightning nnd thunder, reptiles, strangers, the dnrk, death, domestic animals, dlscnse, wild nnlmnls, water, ghosts, Insects, rnts and mice, robbers, high winds, etc. A few of these fears are rational. Is New Jersey no children were found to be afraid of high winds, but In the West that fenr uatvirally leads all oth era. At Trenton, however, slxty-twc children were found who dreaded the end of the world, a fear created entire ly by adult teaching. H1s tabulation shows what education con do In this respect. i No child wa found to be afraid ot the devil. Two hundred years ago and less thnt fear would have led all the rest. Few were found who were Afraid of ghosts, a fear that would bave stood high on the list not long ago. The fear of robbers nnd of wild anlmnls Is a survival, though robbers have not disappeared as completely at the wild anlmnls. Forty-six Now Jersey children wer afraid of being burned alive, a mon strous thing to Inculcate In the child mind Fear will always be one of th strongest Influences In human life, but lit least It Is possible by teaching what real danger consists of to eradlcatt groundless fen rs. Chlengo Tribune. Klondike Trademarks. The Klondike craze has had Its effect on the Patent Ofiice, as has been shown by the application for trademarks bearing the word. Two or three patents bave been applied for for objects wblcb might be better suited for the gold fields there than elsewhere, but the chief clerk refuses to tell of them. When a girl does not look with favor upon a young man's suit be should transfer bis patronage to another tailor. A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE. Heat, sense of tenderness and swelling of a pnr, re all indications that thore is need or instant repair the stitch in timo, Whore theso symptoms exist on the left or the right sido of the womb, dlscaso of the ovary is setting in, and soon there will be, if there la not already established, a. discharge, trilling- at first, but later copious and irritating;. Soon, also, there will be felt dull, dragging pains radiating from the ovary. - Do not, my sistor, let your malady go those of you who are already Buttering- in tnis way should begin at once a course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will restore the organs to their normal con dition. T .LI. .mMMfljin fna P. T. Mvrna Bke, Pa., says: "My ovaries were badly dls- eased, and for almost a year I suffered with so- . ere burning pains which were almost unendurable, and a dull, heavy pain Ii the lower portion of my bock. If standing I was most relieved with my foot resting on a stool or chair. The doctor told me I would have to take mv bed and keep quiet. I had not used half a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound before it worked wonders with mo, I now owe my health to the Compound. To those who are suffering from diseases peculiar to wo men, I would say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is just what they need." Mrs. Flnkham wishes to befriend you, and if yon will write her at Lynn, Vast., telling her just how you feel, she will give you the very best advice free of charge. Think what a privilege it is to be able to write to a woman wfcn Is learned In all these matters, and willing to advise you without charge. 'Iwi I -Man l-M l GET THE GENUNR ARTICLE! Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast COCOA Pure Delicious Nutritious. Costm Let than ONE CENT a cup. Its sure that tho package bears our Trade-Mark. Hi I Trida-ManT. Walter Baker & Co. Limited, e.tabii.k.d 1780.) Dorchester, Mass. "Fcrbii Fool a Thing Don't 8APOLI Ball's Vegetable Sicilian It is a renewer, because it makes new again. Old hair is made newt the gray changed to the color of youth. tint) rtrwaril.SIOO. The rcn-lcru nf this pntier will be plensrd to Ir-nrn thnt tili"rw is nt inist one ilrenrtiHl dls cne that wi-m-f ha bi'i-a able to cure In all IN tife. and that. I Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive euro nnw known to the nieilii-al fraternity. Catarrh helnic a con stitutional disease. reiiilrrs a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nslly, noting d-rectly upon tbe bloorl and mu cous' surtaces nf the system, thereby destroy Inn tlie ruuudntlon of the disease, and Hll the patient strength by biilMinv up the con stitution ami nsslstlnn nature in dulnc its work. The proprietors have so inm-h In Its curative powers that thev oiTer One Hun drrd Dollars for anr cae that It falls to cure. Si-uil for list of testimonials. Addrese f. .1. CnrNKY & Co., Toledo, O. fold br DniKirit-K Ton. Hull's Family Tills are the best. Ther Is a t'lui f Pannle Wboaroinlnred by the use of roffes. Rs. cently there has been plnced in all the grocery stores a new preparation onl led Uraln-D.mad of pure Ri-nlnn, that takos the place of coffee. The mnstitclii-ate stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it from ruffe. It does not cost over onc-quartor as much. Children may drink It with itreat benefit. It cts. sort SjvU. per packuue. Try 1U Ask fol Uraia-O. Fits permanently cured. Nofllsnrnerrnns. ness alter lirst day's use of Dr. Kline's Oreat Norve Hertnrer. $'i trial hottleanil treatise free, bit. H. II. Ki.inr. Ltd.. Kll An-b lSt.,l'lill..Iu. Mm. Window's Soothing Sfrnn for children allays pain, cures wind colic. 5c.a bottle. Origin of "niuo Iilood." The origin of tho term "blue blood" Is most suggestive. After the black Moors were driven out of Spain the aristocracy of Ppaln was held to con sist of those who traced their lineage back to tho time before the Moorish conquest. These people were whiter thnn those who had been mixed with Moorish blood. The veins upon their white hnnds were blue, while tho blood bf the masses, contaminated by tbo Moorish Infusion, showed black upon their hnnds and faces. So tho white Spaniards of the old race came to de claro that their blood was "blue," whllo that of the common people was black. The phrase passed to France, where It had no such slgnlllcanee, and wns, In fact, quite arbitrary, and thence It came to England and America. Caring for the Teeth. Do not eat, or do not feed your chil dren on, white bread, which Is deficient in. phosphates, and causes the teeth to crumble. A little hard food requiring thorough mastication should be taken at every meal. The teeth should be brushed both night and morning. Avoid sweets. Drink at least two quarts of water a day a glass tho first thing In the morning, another the last thing be fore going to bed, the remaining quan tity between meals. Consult a good dentist nbout every six months. La dles' Home Journal. Around the World on Wheel. Miss Annie Londonderry, tho Ameri can woman who has made a tour of the world on her bicycle, Is now writ ing an account of her experiences. She was unattended, and It required two years and two months for her to make the trip, It Is a rare man who commends; men like to tell bow It should have been done. so far, but fhinlr. end ihit ho will do." Uso KEYSTONE STATE NEWS CONDENSED INFECTED CATTLE. Stringent Measures Adopted to Keep Diseased Flesh Ont of the State. A meeting; of the live stock snnltnry board was held the mlifr dny nt liar Unburn, at which It wns derided to sta tion nt points throughout the stale In eiectors to see thnt no Infected cattle are admitted Into Pennsylvania. Ar rangement will be nmde with United Htntcs Inspectors at different points outside Pennsylvania wherchy they will Inspect cattle nbout to be shipped Into the stnte, nnd In case nf their be lli fr healthy will (rive a certlllcnte to that effect, which will carry the cattle past the stnte Inspectors. The board also decided to erect, at the veterlnnry department of the University of Penn sylvania, a building for experiments In the diseases of rattle. The following Pennsylvania pensions were Brniited durlnn- the past week: lamps J. F.rasler, Clarlrt-v, Hugo Miller, Mars; Hiram 8. Thompson, Hradford: Jchn H. Hrown, Johnstown; (leorge Moore. Pittsburg; John V. Itnssell. SrottJnle; William 8. Abraham, Homer rity; Robert llurk, Caledonia; Hugh MeKllllp. Illchardsvllle; James K. Wnrrl, California; James D. Allender, Wllllamsport; Carrie M. Thrush, Du tiursne; Mary A. Hrlggs. Freedom; Rllzahrth Wondi rs. Hellxvllle; Isaac L. Woomer, Uraysvllle; Charles Jllrk helmer. Roaring Hpitngs: Isalnh F. Pmeilley, Huntingdon; Levi A. Hults. West Newton; Luke l-onmls, Jr., Pitts burg; Daniel W. McConnell. New Cas tle; Henry C. Pchnefer, Erie; Joseph l. Ulbson. Mill Hun; Hiram Shorter, Freeport; ftenjamln E. Klblett; Harbor Creek; David It. Hougher, Tyronvllle; Julia MrClaln, Hraddock: Ann Itutnn, Washington: Marlon Wilson, Pltsburg; Daniel Smeltser, tlrnpevllle; Oeorg H. Hraham, Florence; Krastus H. Ames, Washington: (leorge B. Patterson. Al legheny; Itoss S. Halwley, Connellsvllle; Isnac Hush, deceased. Coal Center: Henry Davenport, deceased, Sayre: John Mayhue, Wattsbtirg; Mary J. Short, Indiana; Mary D. Kekles, Wam pum; Annie M. Hmlth. Altoona; Mar tin D. Oanoe, Altouna; Joseph McEI wre, Dayton; Albert It. Henry, Lajose; Ktigene Chase, Kldred; Hlrhard 11. Williams, (Ninneautvlllo; Levi I'rlre, Altoona; Job T. Plympton, Clearfield; Angellne Dawley. U-nesee; Pusan (i. Moody, Pittsburg; Hullo Lantz, Altoo na. . Bample Elchbuum, a veteran of the war, residing at New Castle, recently heard thot his old army surgeon was practicing In Cleveland. He went there for treatment, but the old surgeon had scarcely precrlhed for Elc hbaum when he fell dead. Elchbaum heard of an other surgeon who belonged to his re giment, also practicing In Clevelnnd. He went to him. and he also dropped dead within sixty hours of the lirst physician. Elchbaum then went to other Physicians, but they had heard the strange fate of the other two and cne of them told him thnt he would not take the case for $1,000. Elchbaum returned home very much disheartened. Ttobert Crocker, a farmer living near Bhnron, caught over 200 rats In his gralnry patent device. He put a rat terrier In to kill them, but the dog re fused to attack them. Crocker then went In with a club and closed the door. When he had killed about a doyen they turned on him, biting him on the legs and arms In over 100 places. He tried to escape, but the door had a spring lock and he was unable to gel out. When found some time later ha was unconscious, his face was nearly eaten away and his recovery Is doubt ful. A heavy train of Oliver cars, loaled with coke, got beyond control at Mount H radii nek the other eventng and doeh ed down the Fairmont branch of the TSaltlmore & Ohio at a terrlflo speed. A freight train near Fayette station, un der Conductor Yost, had a flagman back a mile, but his signal was of no avail and the runaway train dashed In to the caboose of the standing freight. Eighteen cars were demolished. En gineer Kiddy Mitchell Jumped and was severely Injured. Wholesale robberies of grain and pro duce have been perpetrated upon tho farmers of Greenville recently. The other night thieves entered the gran ary of J. W. Hill, living Jut east of the city, and carried away a wngonload of grain. The trail was taken up anu fol lowed to Amasa, three miles north. The granary of Henry Green was also loot ed. Farmers are up In arms and un ites the robbing stopped something se rious will be the result. Frank, tho son of Peter Sloppy, of Dubois, was accidentally shot while bunting the other morning. He was following George Houch through the woods. The latter was carrying his gun on his shoulder, when It was dis charged by a twig. The load entered floppy's right breast In the region of the heart. He was only two feet be hind his companion and died Instantly. A bull disputed right of way with the Meadvllle & I.inesvllle passenger train at Conneaut Lake the other night. He was seen too late and the whole train derailed, but no one hurt. Northbound extra No. B0 on the Bessemer broke In two last night on Frcdonla hill, then came together, wrecking fourteen cars. A 5-year-old son of Mrs. David Ptew ort, living went of Hharon, ate a piece of cheese the other day which was cov ered with parls green. Mrs. Stewart had thrown several pieces In the yard for rats. Young Htewart found one of them and devoured It. Ha may, not recover. Mrs. Mary Murphy, widow of Martin Murphy, of Gallltzln, has Instituted suit against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for $20,000 damages, for tho death of her husband. Mr. Murphy was billed at South Fork some months ago. William Zelgler was electrocuted while working on the line of the Han ever Telephone Company at York. The telephone wire accidentally crossed a trolley wire. Zelgler's death was In stantaneous. While rabbit hunting the other morn ing, George Straup accidentally shot and killed his cousin, Clayton Straup at Mauch Chunk. The boya reside at J.ehlgh Gap. They were aged 18 and 12 respectfully. Miss Mary Maizl, employed as a clerk at Jeannette, wes knocked down and robbed ot $14 by a masked highway, man at the west end of the brick yards a few days ago. The police have no clew. Charles Rusamyer was struck on the head at Rochester while unloading a boiler recently and wan so seriously In jured that he died. He leaves a wife and family. Mary Malsl, clerk In a Jeannette store, was knocked down by masked highwaymen and robbed of $14. Marshall Major, aged 19, son of John Major of Coke vl lie, was killed by a fall ot coal In a mine there, Mrs. James Brown, at DuBols, was struck by a train and uled of her in juries a tew days ago. In 11 marriages out ot every 100 one ei me parties nas Dean murriea oeiore II. II. BANCROFT'S Partial List of Ohio Farms FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Location of Ashtabula County. ASIITAIIfl.A COUNTY, In which moat of the tlnc-im thift lint are lerntfMt. In thn northern- ertii-nmer comity In Ohio. Our lnm!s nre all rolling, sraHly loiim noil- ltn i-lny siiIikoII. 1 hi-re nr lire rnllromla running throiiiili thn comity, twnrnat nntl west nnd thn-. north and soiith, rIvImk ennn nntl quick commiinteiiUon nml market to Ktirtnlii ami the ennt, nml to Clevelnnil nml Urn went, nml the north nml south romls iut ns In direct e imtntinlentlon wiiii i-ntnnurit nml IMIllty. Wehnrnnt Ann- tnbuln. thin futility, thn bent hnrhor betwenti Cievnliimi nnd HufTnloon Lnkn Krle, where Is hnnilled tho tnont conl and nr. nf nny port in thn world. Thin county for nsrl cultural proiluetn, ntntlntli-n .how wn aTerns. per m-rn with Ibo hunt 1 will be ilennd to fur nish nny Intortimtlnn thnt mnjr bn desired, sad woinu sourii i-orrenponuoiK-o. I nolo. No. 1- A lirnnilllrn fnrm of MM ii-pm. nnn mil. from .letTernon county sent, on thn most trnir elnii road In thn county; g good houne, S cood bnrun.nnn new Inst year, will hold 150 tonnnf Imr. the other 4r.Ji.Mj. 'I his tnrm la a benutjr. all uiiilitr hich stnte of rultlvatlnn. well fenced nil orer, well wntered with n,rlnns and er.ek. sdnpted tonll kliulnof uropn grown Indhlo, 6.1 seres of wheat on ttie ground, over IMJneronof Inendow thnt will proilui n MI tons ot hnjr. nnd nil can be put Into men. low If desired, nnd can work mnelilnery on every acre of II and will proiliii-e hny enough In Ihree y.nrs to pnyfor thn wliolefnrm nt Hie prieensked - Sniper ncre, tii.UDO down. The farm enn be dlTiiled with two sets of buildings for em-h fnrm. Will We time to suit the imrebasnr. The farm 1. actually worth $76 per aero. No. g A splendid fnrm of 100 sores loented on mnln rond rrout .letlerson to Aehtnhuln, ns nice situation ns there Is on tli. rnmlf lirst class Inml with two good houses, nil In good condition; one house with 10 rooms, the other 7 rooms; th. In ml lirst clnss nnd under high stnte of cultiva tion, well watered with sninll creek nnd iprlngs. A second growth nilgnr orchard of HilOtieesIn open field. A bnrn, new Inst yenr, 8uiT4, This fnrm enn bn dlrldcd If dosired. Will sell tbo whole fnrm for .". per aero, or will soli 80 tores off first It desired. No- S A fnrm of 110 nerenof (Inn Innd for .nr. denlng, being thn eelrngo of n mnrsh thnt Is well drained, rery rl"h, half suitable for gar dening; now ham .toxW; four miles from city Ashtnhula market town. Will sell the whoi. tract for tl.iKU, with n down payment of tl.ouo, Urn tuilnuceoli time to suit the piirctatiser. Buy It If you want a garden larm near mni ket. No. 4 A little 4U-ncrn .nrileit fnrm 4 miles from thn city of Ashtabula, where there I a good market for nil garden trm t; new house, if sto-les, good cellar, splendid good home, nil miller cultivation, nearly half black muck extending Into mnrsli that Is well drniu ed.good laud, or will rnlse anything. This farm can be bought for Sv'.inio, down pny meut 61,000, tbe balnuceou time to suit the pur-L-bascr. No. A farm of 77 acres lntnd within 40 roils ot the iui-orportttlon of city limn, of .leifersoii, In sight of the i-niirt liouso, good house, two story upright IHxs.1l, wing lxl!l, wood bouse and kitchen IHxi, one barn SOxW. horso bnru wixSO, sheep barn l.x tl. tho het kind of soli, fruited, sugnr orchard of vno trees, everything In good shnpn; will sell for 44.000, with n down payment of Sl,tVJ0, the balance will wnlt 15 years, with se curity on the farm, nt 6 per cut. No.O-A fnrm of 118 acres, three miles countv sent and In plnln sight, one mllo from Ausilu bilrgh, where there in a high grnde schncl, bind lirst bent In cultivation nml producing largely; gno.l house nnd barn .'iUxUI; plenty fruit of vari ous kiiiils, well watered; price S.V) per aero. Might exchange for good city property No. A very fine fnrm of 48 acres located H of a mile from the depot of the l.nke Shore rail road, 4 miles from ihn flue city of Ashtabula, and 4 tulles from .letrnrson, county sent of Anli tubula county, H mile from cliur.ii, store, P, o, 'I his fnrm Is In high state of cultivation nnd producing heavily. House has rooms beside pantry, clnllien presnen, etc.; bnru HOx'.lo with whig :ixi0, H stuiln for homes, 19 for entile, nil lu complete order; granery lllxU4,corii hour. lix. 4), good orchard of the best frull, apples, pearn, peaches, cherries nnd grnpes; ns large as thn bnrn Is It was tilled with bay and grain Ibis year. 1h farm will produce ns in mil ns iiu ordinary 100 acre farm. The Improvements in buildings cost not less thnn S.'.fiiO and the whole farm can be bought for l,itl, with a down payment SMoo, bnliinc. in ten eiiunl amount pay ments, wblcb can be made easily off thn farm. Splendid place to live, good society and very pleasant. No. ( -A farm of ISO acres of fin. level lnnd.cao work machinery on every acre of It, located within Sim rods ot the city of Jefferson, county seal of Ashtabula county, on the most traveled roads In the county, In plain sight of the pass ing trains of the Lake Shore railroad: tbe very i-ni iiiipruvciiieiiin in lue way of building, ot all kinds, someof which nr. entirely new, Inrg. commodious bouse with slate roof, plate glae, large verandas, atone walks, bouse heated wltb bit water throughout, bntb room. Anally, all tbe conveniences necessary to make home com fortable and convenient; barn 40x80, wltb wing IISxill, new horse baru 40x'hI, with several box stalls, large granary and com bouse, Ice bouse, all buildings lately u.luted nnd In perfect or der; plenty fruit and water. Is acres wheat on tb. ground; title perfect, not a dollar against It. i he owner will sell this farm fortiotuo. notorer two-thirds wbat it I. actnnlly worth and with tb. sale will go the plows, harrows! cultlvatora, mowing macbln., burs, forks etc Dne-tblid down, tbe balance In .g enuni an nual payments. Good rensuu for selling lit scud pbotogruph if desired. J'hot.i. If o. 10 A farm nf 80S acre! of chore, inna well adapted to any kind of crop, when put In cultu ral lun, located 7 miles from Jeftersoa. 4 miles from Dorset station on l.nke Shore railroad, where there Is a good market, one mil. from I'. U., thro, churches, tfO rods from school, g.4d society, at) room bouse mix 4(1 fust, bnrn, SO acres cleared, 140 acres lu a lopping pasture .sslly rleured, tbe balance In timber; enougb timbor on it to pay for tb. farm al tb. price asked S4,5CO. $1,000 down, lb. balaiico on time to suit purchaser; will accept $1,000 In lumber en wed to dimension. Buy It, you can soon make It worth Ml per acre: no better land by nature In the township and Is a groat bargain for any body who has got 1,000 In money and a team to mak. tb. lumber, with good market tor aU tb. lumber. No, 11 Fnrm of IftR acres located 84 miles from county seat, JetTorson, on a gins! road, old styled bouse, two barns, on. tttlxiiO, Ihn o'bnr Hi'.u, two orcbsris, on. lis trees, tb. best la town, wo acres lu tl jiber, tb. In cultlva- tiou. Tbe farm cau b. divided, making one farm 0 ai res and tbe olber 78, both be well watered, a part of It owned by a non-resldsut, Ibelr In teres s are connertrd, will sell very ebenp and on easy term. If you want a grod farm for less than It is worth, buy It; will take til per sore. No. IK-VI aer. farm well located, stf mile, from county seat, In a good neighborhood; good 6-story bouse, U0x40 barn, horse barn U4XH0, good orchard of apple and other Irulte. well watered wltb springs, well and cistern, all ale. I.vel rich land, will produce anything, owned by a aon resident aud can b. bought at a great hargtu-$:Oper acre, with a down of $1.0j0 tb. balance on time to suit tbe punbassr. Uuy It It you want a good (arm of that alia No 18-Farm of 110 acre, located at tb. beau tiful viUng. of Ausliuburgh, town of 1,000 In habitants, railroad and on. of tb. best institu tions of learning in tb. st.t., eudowed with a capital of $40,000. This farm Is under a blgh .tat. of cultivation aud I. situated as fln. as a farm can b., well watered wltb springs, well of oft water at th. bouse, bouse I. a good on. wltb 11 rooms, barn us by M, wltb 5 box stalls, granaries, any amount of stalls lor cattle, cheese acd butter factory la vlllaae; Ibis farm will stilt any one wauling to buy ulc. farm; any amouut ol fruit of all kinds; prlc. $M) per acre, $.',MJ0 down, tb. balance en tea year.1 tlma, or more time if No. 14-A fln.fnrin of 9$ acres land located It mile from railroad depot, 8 miles from tbe city of Ashtabula aud In plain sight of tbe lake baa the buest farm bouse of any In tb. county, large and commodious; It also bus a good ten ant house for workman, two good barns, one a bnk or basement,as nice maple grove of sev.rul hiiudn-d trees arouud the maiia.ou aaou.rer saw and a. pleasant a home a. th.r. fa In th. county, 40 minutes drive to Woodland Beach on tbe lake shore, wber. you can bav. a plcnlo very day lu tbe summer if you want It Will make Aue summer resort for city gentleman or a good home for any one. Will sell II tor less ithan the Improvements; might Ink. olty property towards II II II would suit. I'buto. No. la A number on. farm of 1411 acre lo cated wttulu U mils ot railroad station on lb. Lake Shore railroad, where there Is a small village, stores, P. O., schools, etu. Ulaereaiu cultivation, tba balance lu first rate timber with 700 sugar maple orchard, a giant 4 story house wltb 10 rooms, 6 closets, S pantries, barn 40xtid, wltb baseuieut under all for stabling, water brought Into each stall for waterlog slock In winter, with tuts furm goes a saw mill, ci der mill, Jell factory, teed mill, also sugar Ox lures tor 700 liec, 0.KI tla buckets, modern evaporator for making th. On est kind of map! syrus, aioraf. galb.rlng louka, .lu., 4 good ap ple orchards on thn farm, wind mill and tank, spring water In pasture, a oli o and pleasant location for a home. This whole outfit can h. hnd for SW.ono. There In a mortgnge nf $a,io on the farm that can run perpetually by th. Interest Is-lng kept pnld nt per cent, or enn imy It off nt nny time, which the purchaser will linve to assume or piv, then pay $1.0.0 ensh and for the btilnncn will take good city property lu some good town. Please keep this list ns It will not appear agnlu. Mend stninp for clreulnra For further particulars address, II. N. BANCROFT, Real Estate Agent, JefTorson, O. f sTInnd thin pnper to someone wanting to buy a farm, Head for photos NEWSY GLEANINGS. . A firm In Dnrlln has pstontod a vatnnbls Smoke eonsumnr. In Mexico Olty nop Leo advertises ao American restaurant. Quantities of apples ara belnff shipped from Topeka, Kan., for the British market. The number of sleeping, parlor and din. Int oars operated hy the Pullman Company Is 242S, ot which U63 are bullet and dining ears. An unusual perriuisltn nf rnffpleklnif fell to the lot of aLoutavllln womnn, who found a 920 gold piece In tho rag hasp ot a busi ness house, Sweet almonds and chestnuts have been rniseil with sueonns 111 parts ot Oregon, where It hnd been thought no palntuble nuts would grow. The Australian Rtntlstleal Roclnty esti mates that tho population of Australia, In eluding Tasmania and Now Zealand, was, last Juno, 4,302,750. During a tomperanee revival nt Cerlfit Itaplila, Iowa, a voting man who was con verted confessed that ha was guilty of a robbery for which another man has been Imprisoned since lust fall, lie was ar rested. The Oerman rontoffleo Is experimenting with nn electric typewriter appliance. At a cost ot $125, by making connection with a t"U-grapli wire, messages printed on the keyboard nt one end are reproduced at the other end. Beerctary of tho Nnvy Long has eon traeted lor 2000 steel armor-piercing pro joctllns, half a ton each in weight, for 13 Inch guns and 4000 or 6000 other projectiles for guns of smaller caliber total cost about $200,000, Tho oldest employn In the Tioston Post oflloe is Charles Ilrl'gham, who entered as a clerk sixty years ago. Ho Is now u sorter, and Is halo and hearty, performing his work every day as regularly us the young est man In the service. Tribes amounting to $15,000 and $ lfl.003 Mexican money have been offrod by tho Mexican Ministry of Education and Public Works for the best design for a eitpltol bull. ling. Thn building Is to coat 1,500, 000 and to bo 100 meters sipinro. Tim great revolving lens which was ex hibited at tho (iileag.i fair nnd B'torwnrd bought by the Government for 10.000, Is tube put on tho lighthouse nt llnrnegiit, N.J. It Is expected thnt this lens will S) Intensify the light as to make it visible a jil miles at sea, An Indiana professor who took out a H.501 Insurance policy in 1H50 received nn otter from tint compnny twenty years ago to cash tho policy fur 2noi) or pay htm nn annuity ot 4l0. Ho elected to tnkii the annuity, and now, at thn ago of ninety years, bits ilriwa Irom tho company tnoro tliau 4 SOW. Cycling Notes Zimmerman Intends to go to Tarls goon, where he will give exhibition rides. Almost every dny thore Is some announce ment In regard to the chulnless wheel. Walter Ranger has announced his inten tion of retiring permanently from tho cycle track. American manufacturers ara busy with gear cases whkih will meet all the objec tions referred to nntl possess all the virtues which tbe ordinary rider will require. Mexico Is aroused by thn probable Inva sion of the American riders this season. Cycling Interests are very much alive lu the republic right now, and now tracks aro being constructed. Bourlilon, thocolcbrated French sprinter, like most fast riders, does not believe In special dieting, and will not touch spirits in any form when training. After a hard race his favorite drink Is a good hot oup of black coffee without milk orsugar. A new Idea In road maps for cyders nnd drivers oonsists In printing the outline of a road on a long strip of paper, which Is wound on two drums In front of the rider and may be operated by a thumb wheel od one of the drums to show the route as the driver passes. At Chicago, A.J. Thibodeau broke all ama teur unpaeed blcyole track records from twenty to fifty miles. The half century figure wnsreiluoed by more than two minutes. The lirst twenty miles were ridden In fi2.07; the quarter century In 1.03.45, andthellfty miles In 2.14.05. A bicycle thief lias been sent to Jail for two years In Newark, in spite of a pliiusllilo story to the effect that ho thought that thn wheel belonged to a friend nnd only roilu away on It ns a Joke. What is claimed to he the highest geared machine In the world Is rldilcn by Harry Hollands, of Detroit, Mich. The conorinal wheel has an Immense front sprocket and thn gear registers ln7. There Is a German poodle In Berlin which has learned to rido a tricycle. F.very morning be takes a "breather," and al though he Is not a scorcher, be rldus with ensn and grace, nml enjoys it. Eddie llalil has failed to qualify but once and Cooper four times on the national cir cuit this year. Hcratcli races only aro counted hern, Klser has fulled to qualify but once, nnd has run third or better lu every raue lu wJilcu no nag auallileu. FABULOUS frlCHES FOUND." Kumar That a llrltlsh Warship Has Ills- covered 30,000,000. There Is great excitement at Victoria, British Columbia, over the rumor that the officers ot the British war.ihlp Imperlanse bave dlsoovorod the $30,000,000 treasurr aid to have been burled on Coous Island.' The ImporinusH reached Victoria from the island, where tha search had been made As an evidence thnt there la belief in th treasure story, It Is stated that a guard ol bluejackets whs left on the island, undei vommand ot a lieutenant. One story Is that the Imperieuse hai brought back $15,000,000 in gold and Jewels, aud that silver value. f at the same amount was left on thn Island. A small ship, tin lumor Bay, will be sent for the white tnetnl. Daring Burglary r a. uiaiuuuil Mer chant's Store, The salesrooms ot the Hmlths, diamond merchants, lu Picadllly, Loudou, England, were entered by burglars soma time be tween the hour of cloning Hiitiinlny even ing and the time ot opuuiug Monday morn ing and diamonds valued at upward of $50,000 weru stoleu, Tha entire walls, cell ing, shutters aud entrance guteof tbtrestub llshmcnt were sheathed with Irou aud the Ulterior was lighted throughout. In addition to theso precautions against burglars the gate was provided with peep boles through which the police could see every part of the interior from the street. The thieves entered the place by uleuuly euttlug the steel bolts which fast juud the gute aud prying the gate open. An odd sight In Mt. Vernon, ' Me., was to see the children attending school Or-tober 1? barefooted and barelegged. WMlea Ingrain Carpet, ase. 1 an ported Velvet Carpet, S9e. Otir sntlr rn- ia ...I.. jt m. m J.!'"-11"!.', orders. Ton, slso, can save BO to 00 per cent, on s rarpet tir writing for our new Colored C'srnet Catalogue which shows all grs da la lithographed eolnrs and wltb exact dis tinctness. Th. book costs you nothing, lry.u wish quality samples, send Sc. In stamp. Our new lis page general catalogue of Furniture, Draperies, Crookery, 8foves, etc. will h. ready after Nor. 1st. Writ, for It thrn, Julius :;ines a son BALTIMORE, ID. lease mention this paper. A novel proposition was made not long ngo to the Receivers of the Balti more and Ohio Knllmad. Tho B. t. has a branch running from what ht known as Alexandria Junction, near Washington, to Shepherd's on the Po toinne Iliver, where a car ferry Is oper nted In connection with the lines lend ing south from the Capitol. A professor of an eastern college desired to lease this short stretch of track for the pur pose of educating young men In prac tical railroad work. In his letter tit) explained thnt he thought there was a wide field for bright and energetic boys who could be thoroughly well grounded In the practical side of railroading pro vided they could be educated on a reg ular line of rond. He believed that br the employment of veteran railroad men as teachers that the boys could profitably spend 2 or 3 years working- , as trainmen, firemen, engineers, switchmen, station agents, and in other capacities required in the railroad Ser vice. As this branch of the B. ft O. la of considerable value the Receiver were compelled to decline the offer. How to Learn to Cook. Cooking is a fine art which must be learned by study. Oood booss on the subject are neuessnry. Among the best pew published is a little w rk contain ing four hundred recipes from the best authorities. It can be hnd free of cost by sending a stninp to tho Cleveland Baking Powder Co., New York. KI.IZA R. PA HKER. I am entirely cured of hemorrhage of lnmrs by Pl-o's Cure for t'oiuinptlon. l.oittsa. LlNUAMA.v, Ili thany, Mo., January 8, 101. If nffllcted with sore eves um f)r. fvancThomB sou's Kyu-wutcr. I iriiL-KlMtHM-ll at c.pur botUe. Odd Pretexts for Duels. It's easy to flud an excuse for a dud If one Is looking for trouble. One hun dred and twenty yenrs ago, says ar writer In the Pittsburg Plspatcb, two British officers serving In tbo army la America found cause for a fight In a discussion as to tbe projier method of eating corn. One contended tbat U should bo eaten from the cob; tbo oth er thnt It should be rut off onto th plate. One of tbe contestants lost big Tight arm as tbo result, and It Is prob able thnt tbe manner of eating corn did not concern hi in much thereafter. There have been many other duels, founded on equally foolish pretexts. One man lost his life lu a dinputo as to what was trumps In a card game; an other because he was refused admis sion to a club of pigeon shooters. Genet" al Barry was challenged because bs declined some wine on account of Ill ness, aud another British officer wag called out because be asked his op ponent to pass hi in a goblet at the din ing table. If some women wore to cast thelt bread upon the water It would bo pret ty severe on tbo fish that gobbled It up. Tho records show euros by the) uso of ST. JACOBS OIL OF OF CHRONIO CRIPPLES, AND OP I BEO-RIDOEN INFLAMMATORY CASES. THERE'S NO DENYINC, i IT CURES. J im mi i in ti Seaffla Klondike FREE INFORMATION (lK ATT Lit, WAH Cham uk n or Coumkici Db'ltKAU. Alaska HRATTI.K, Kl.OKTtTltff, AT. AMI A. WlnhlnjftOH Shits. Nrattle, MA.UUU pV"1(",15 ftl','. OtniimiTt'lii. Mtnuiw nil Acin-ul' nrl Outre; 111 Ouirtt .wmI l'ru ; Loinrii; Kiir.n.' .Lug Cuyj itut Homes; AilUres burMrj AUDI rin Us) NTtfl wftfc fim tbslr ituwIUit ar Antl-Jkg 1b marvshmst furs for tb drink tubtt, V'rtts Ksttov.. Oh icsl i liri.aufwsvv M V. fall iaXsrttatloa (in pUiu wmuvwrj lutuUA tsm- CHREVVD INVEHTORS!DTi: W l'tnt Au)irltt ttWsri isiiitf jinres, mmlalM, '") rifttsut no ?v " . Wfjilu s rKUlMr tttnt bus uttas, unt-. Ni rliHr ir ailvlff. Highest rrrjncM. Writ lis. WA'l'boN K, ClH.t.W ttuliuiiur of I'tisut. WUJ V. HU WubUitftbO, D.U. PATENT CLFSTEK SCAR PIV yg-l ift-avy uuiu I-1MU-. nuuy innira- burruiittUsit Iiy s Klau Ui-llliaiiu-Samphi 15c D. U. Watsin's A Co, CvrALOUBE Kasa. lraviasac. U. u CClin CTAUD K--t full deserlptloa and OtnU OlAnlr piliiu of all tho fiirma I bava for suit) in Ashtabula uniiiity. Ohio. U. M. BAMJUOH, Jsnrou,Ohlo. Lifts Eudowmeiit aud Toutlno INSURANCE POLICIES PL'RCHASEB. Richard Hurzfeld, 3i Nassau St, Kuw York. CHEW STAR TOBACCO -THE BEST. SMOKE SLEDGE CIGARETTES. . P N V 3 'HT. J BastSIb)1 HtKralUlii Pas j Irrunk Tsauis In tlma Siiiii br drutfttist, RHEUMATISM DRUNK