The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 13, 1897, Image 7

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Jaunty .Tnrkr-t for Minuet.
Tlii jaunty little top garment, says
May Man ton, Is rrinile of satin-fared
cloth in the deep simile of red known as
Boreaux, the decoration consistinfr of
black silk braid. The loose fronts
close at the neck only, liut the back
is made snug by means of a centre
seam, side-back and under-nrm gores.
The neck finishes with a close stand
ing collar. The back shows the regu
lation cont laps and plaits and in the
front useful pockets are inserted and
are covered with pocket laps. The
sleeves are two-seamed and follow the
arm closely above the elbow, standing
ont above in a puff of exceedingly
moderate dimensions after the fash
ion of the day.
TCTffiod a adapted to all manner
of light-weight oloakings in covert,
cheviot, serge, etc. While braid lj
the aooeptod trimming the garment
may be simply finished with machine
stitohing. When developed in mili
tary, hussar or postman's-blue the
effect is exceedingly good.
To make the jacket for a miss of
fourteen years will require one and
three-eighth yards of Hfty-four-inch
A Bolero Wnltt.
Silver-gray cashmere and almond
taffeta silk are the materials repre
sented in the stylish basque, depicted
in the large illustration and described
by May Manton. The loose portion
of the bodice made of the taffeta and
trimmed with lines of bebe rib
bon that hold to position the ruffles
of cream-white lace. The foundation
' consists of a glove-fitted body lining
that is adjusted by the usual number
of teams and double bust-darts, and
closes invisibly at the centre-front.
The full-fronts are gathered at the
neck and at the waist, and may close
invisibly at the centre front, as illus
trated, or on the left shoulder, arm's
eye and nnder-arm seam. A distinct
ive feature of this design is the dressy
little bolero whioh is included in the
shoulder and nnder-arm seams and
has the free edges decorated with rib
bon in two widths. Smooth nnder
arm gores separate the fronts from
the book, which shows two pleats on
each side of the centre-back, extend
ing from the shoulders to the waist,
where they are brought closely to
gether. The waist is encircled by wide
' blaok satin girdle that is deepest at
the centre-front, where three chio
bows form the finish. The collar con
sists of plain, close band, overlaid
. with stock of satin, surmounted by
a full rnohe of laoe. The mousquetaire
sleeves are mounted upon two-seamed
linings and are deoorated at the
wrists with deep frill of laoe and
bands of bebe ribbon. The mode can
be developed in all. seasonable fabrios,
and may be composed of two or even
three materials, as combinations are
the order of the day.
I Tit
To make this basque for a woman of
medium size will require three yards
of forty-fonr-lnch material, or twq
and one-half yards, with five-eighths
of a yard of contrasting material for
the full front.
Tim Npw llomluenr.
Much of the new elaborate headgear
is large in size, the hats tilted well to
one side over the ear, the other side
rolled high or arched in an upward di
rection. This model can be worn by
a young and beautiful girl with an
abundance of wavy hair, but there ara
others who have elected for the stylo,
and as one beholds the courageous
wearer one is moved to look the other
way. Above a solemu-visaged face,
w here time has left its sad, unmistaka
ble impress, a tip-tilted bat laden with
flowers, laces nud feathers is not at
tractive, and the wearer thereof fur
nishea only food for reflection to the
general observer,' and Inspiration and
delight for the artist of the funny
newspaper, seeking whom he may
Fashion In Fnra.
As to furs, sealskin, astrallim,
Arctic fox, Persian lamb, sable aud
ermino.aro shown by the big furriers.
Chinchilla is much more oostly thou it
has been for seventeen years, and
chinchilla of fine quality is very hard
to get. The Arctic fox in blue gray is
a novelty and very handsome.
Comfortable Dre.slna Sacque.
The practical garment here shown
suggests ease and comfort. As repre
sented, it is made of spotted dimity,
trimmed, with embroidered edging and
The adjustment is extremely simplo,
being accomplished by means of a centre-back
Sffttn, side and shoulder
seams, with an nuder-nrm dart that
renders the garnient close fitting at
the back, with rippling fulness below
the waist line. The fronts are loose
fitting, aud show gathers at each side
of the centre-front, where the closing
is effected with buttons and button
holes. The neck is completed by a
neat rolling collar. Tie strings of pale
blue taffuta ribbon are inserted in the
under-arra Beams aud ar.e carried for
ward to the centre of the waist, where
they are stylishly bowed, and serve to
ooufine the fulness at this poiut. The
sleeves are two-seamed and gathered
as the top, while the wrists are neatly
decorated with lace and insertion.
Cashmere, challies and all soft
woolen textures are appropriate for
makiug, as well as flannel, in either
outing or Frenoh styles. More elab
orate saoques can be made of surah,
India, China or foulard ailki.
To make this saoque for a woman of
medium size will require five and one'
fourth yards of 22-inoh material.
Things Worth learning.
Remember tlmt It Is a mark of good
breeding to tlinuk n person for a g,ti
the dny It arrives.
AckiiiiwIctlKe on Invitation for din
ner or luncheon the day It arrives.
Tlinuk your hostess for your visit the
dny you return home.
Either leave your enrd or write a
note to a friend ns soon ns you hear
that friend Is III.
Keep sulflcleiit paper nnd envelopes
on linnd, so your notes enn be written
nt once, and remember thnt a dainty
note Is the linll-iunrk of good breeding.
An Indian Actress.
An Indian girl Is plnylng Puck In
Maria Wulnwrlght's production of "A
Midsummer Night's lrenm." Her nams
Is Ullle IlPiith, and she was horn and
raised among the Cheroke trlho. Bits
tiei.tly she attended a seminary end
there gained her first knowledge of
stage art.
A l'lght liunch.
Ttcnnv Rloolniiiiner "Oh. nans, the
gont tins swallowed a Roman candle!"
Mr. Ulnolmmper " J lint s all light.
He merely wanted n light lunch."
HelplngTlrrvl Mother nnd (living Ftoay
Cheek to Children.
Thousnmls of tired, nervous, worried
women have found strength, health and
hnpplnoss in Hood's Hamnparllla, wbloh
purines their blood, strntiRthens their
nerves anil gives thntn good appetites.
Pnlo nnd puny children aro given rosy
chock and vigorous appetites by tho groat
blood oiiriehlng qualities of Hood's Rnr
snparllla. It Is Indeed the mothnr's friend
nnd It mny woll have a place In thousands
of families. lie sure to got Hood's.
llAMrf'ci Dill Bre the only pills to Uke
nODU S rlllS with Howl's Sarnaparllla.
Permanent Paste.
Conk an ounce of reHued gelatine In
cold wnter for nn hour, then drnln off
aud squeeze mit the wnter ns much ns
possible, l'ut the gelatine In a jelly
pot nnd plnce the pot In a pan of hot
water over the lire. When the gelatine
has melted stir In slowly two and one
half ounces of pure alcohol. Put In n
wide-mouthed liotlle nnd cork tightly.
This glue or paste will keep Indefinite
ly, nnd can he melted for use In a few
minutes by setting the bottle In a basin
of hot water. As It contains a very
siunll peroentiige of wnter, It affects
tho gloss of the prints but Utile and
dries nlinost Immediately. Harper's
Hound Table.
ToiirIi on the Doctor.
Doctor I'm surprised to see you otr
so soon.
Patient Yes; the dog upset tho meill
clue you left for me.
There mny be lots of nice men In tin
world, but the bill collectors don't nice'
Drives off old age,
restores lost color
to the hairt eives it
the richness and gloss of
youth prevents bald'
ness. No dandruff.
Walter Baker cSc Co.'s i
Breakfast COCOA f
Pure Delicious Nutritious.
Costs Z,ess than ONE CENT a cup.
' Be sure
(Established 1780.)
- Hat
A frtnnd of mlnn hnil th. mtnforhln. to r,M MT
nrnl (if liln l'i(nn .tid ntkra tun tn .ilverlln for
their rniurii. Km-h hlr1 hnil . nietnl tiauil on
IKS lllnrlllMl follow.: I.Mna. HI7, H8771, CI7U1,
CI76K, f ilm, CUM4 ('MHM. VMI, FII7H. FtlHt,
I'n'iM, F6m, tVUi, KWK. PtKron tnnrlrr.,
Itlmlly look throiiMh r"ur lofm for Uvn luriti 4
lllwrl rxward for i-nih hint rnturiiM. J.FItbl NU,
Ul Murlou Hirevl, New rk.
w i'atvnt AKiirlfii lUsrt.H.nK print-H.
inonry 011
illif IH'IIEOH. mtMUlH."NU
liiMi. Cou-fet. Nrhre lormlvlrt. I.iclit
rrfwru-M. Writ tn. WAThO-N K. CUl.K.VlAS.
bviidtur of rututi, vua v. bt
WswhUitftuu, It.Q.
A RUB mo b MTfjtl wlttV
out thtlr knowlmlf by
AntWftf mtVTotlotu
cur fur th drink bftblt.
wiilft Itvnovft OhMolcftl
flu.ttlraldWH. M V.
afuil iAfMioutloii (In pUla wrftppr nulftd tn
fiAi. 0R On mndr wrklns Tmr
l4l0oi09 ifariiM preferred wbo cftn (.!
BCam ttjrrtr tbtflr wUol.I.IU to tb bull..
rtfl HCC IV Hpr tiuurt, tliotifa iiitv tut )nf;
llftbly tiniloytl. (tuod oimiuukii fur fowu ftuit
rlty work woll country di-trlrtt.
J.E.OlirFOHD. U ud MimHirtwU, Ktrhtnond,
Yniinff I 9flidQ Own your own typewrltpr and
I UUIIg LflUlOv niftkeiiKHjoy doliiK .'le'ework.
Our uew 921 1 iyi)wrlir will do tlttt wuik of $iiu
nuu'lilue. Send fr circular. Akttmtn wftiitrd iu West
ern 1'. W. 11. Wutaon, 4ul fvuu Bldy, 1'ltUlwrg. I'll,
Rolled 1'Utoj Tuff I, i nk.
Mtiud II ct ut lu tttftiujift it
D. M.Watklna&Co.
I i Dett Cough
f In time
Dett Cuutfh Brrup, Ttuius QouS. Cm
in utue. ruiia ty aruKftvtt.
tXV il '7.
(I00.I fnffrsln rnrnot, Me. per ynM.
Heavy liriiPwIsCm i'oMHr. T yiuil.
For theanklnir, we mall you. freo t
all chnrxi'S, our now t.'uli'ieil t'arpot
t'ntnliisni", whlrh shows all awl In
lithograph colon. You can irmke your
selections as well If you wrreliere
at the mill, ami save from 60 to 03 per
cent, profit you aro pnylnir your local
dealer. If voti wLhqnalltyswnpleaof
curvet, send Sc. In stamps..
Julias Hlnes & Son,'
Please mention tins paper.
Rurietl with His Money on Him.
Not long ago n miserly person, who
Imd Ihmmi tensed almost to death by
his heirs, endeavored to chent them out
of his motley. Hcforo he dl(d he left
positive Instructions thnt he should b
burled In n ccrtnln suit of clothes. His
wish wns cnrrlod out, but after the
funornl his surviving relatives could
find no will q,nd no money. Finally
ono of them suspected thnt the old
mnn find served them a shabby trick,
nnd suggested that tho body be ex
humed nirtl the clothing examined,
This wns done, and the cjMit, waist
coat and trousers were found to lie
lined with Hank of England notes.
Chicago Record.
Courting after marriage' Applying
for a divorce.
How to Laundry Fancy I.lnen.
To embroidered linens so as not te
fade the color, fill a tub half full of warm
wnlnr, to which add a little. Ivory fionp.
Wash each piece through the suds earn
fully, rinse In blun water, to which a llttln
thin starch Is ndded. Hung In the shade
to dry. Iron on the wrong sldo, press
ing down heavily to bring out tho stitches,
thus restoring their original beauty.
Eliza It. rsnKitn.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local application, n. they cannot reach the
(H-eiiM-fl portion of the ear. There Is only ona
way to cure ili-nflies. and that I by constitu
tional rciiicrilc. JlfiifneM i eatlHi-il tiy an In
fliiuicil conilition of Ihe timi-oii. lining of the
Kutni.-lilnn Till. When this tulm tint, in
IIiiiiihI you hiivo a rumbling Bound or Imper
fect hearing, and when It is entirely cloted
iti-ufne U the result, nnd unlfn the fnflnin
triHtiou can be taken nut and thlntut restored
toils normal conilition. hearing will be de-Hti-oyed
for ever. Nine caicn out of ten are
eiiiiM'tl by cnlarrh. which Is nothing but an In
flamed conillttnn of the mm-oiis surface.
We will give One Hundred Dollar for any
cnHe of lienfne cHUed by cntarrh) that can
not Ihi r ii red by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
K. J. CnsNtr A Co., Toledo, O.
Fold by TlrugglKts, 76e.
Hall's Family fills are the best.
I n Dso's Cure for Consumption both In
my family and practice. Dr. (i. W. Patdcb
son, Inkster, Mich.. Nov. 5. 18M.
liV Kmry on should tmr thin twatitiful titrtiir,
In lMlflwrit color. KOl'K OF A..KM,at M)4I
Krh. lifHvrMl fr, hIxh tin'hwi, paintfil
ly html Ami mnitd from tli origins! tainting, vnl
lil.t tmMMFO. Every family ttlioiilt. hv on.
Iou't iiiiiwlt. M-nl iiion)- by mail, poftt(ftiiaoror,
or rbtv-k, t ur rtk. M"iiy rttiriiN If not Httn
fsu-tury. MANHATTAN (M ni,l-IIIM. ..
Ul Vrre Hi Vmr, W. llroaitway. N. V
Put why par It ilMn for tfock with oOiIb.Inii --ulk" In
Mck it, id Mil, troa homer 1 will Mil jrou dividend
paylne Colonds CnM Mine stock far i cmts k ofcnrr. in
certlficotro hoto too thutt up. Othtf ttorkj In nroMntna.
Ami, Broknr BBMT A. BLOCK. Donnr. Coin.
Moaibnt ntuOl BicUofO. SniU Jon-j nfnlK uU.lng.
that the package bears our Trade-Mark.
Baker & Co. Limited,
Dorchester, Mass.
Mr. OMMtomt hu comtrUxiltil mm Important mrlklm tor th mtxt
jumr't volumt of Th ComprMtoa, to b mublltbf
to th Nw Ym? Sumbmr.
In Twelve Colors
Preaervloa; His Roots.
A new wrinkle way be learned from
in English soldier who was noted for
keeping his boots In tetter condition
and making them last longer than any
of hi, brother otnrers. When asked
what he did to them to prevent the
leather from cracking and keeping It
loft nnd smooth bis reply was "Mut
ton bone." When an explanation wns
demnmlcd he snltl: "It Is nothing, I as
sure you. My man asks the cook for a
knuckle bone, which he clonus and then
bakes. After rubbing the lenthcr with
cream, he then frotcs them ns bard as
ho can with the bone. Usually my boots
last mo three years. New Orleans
Iiazy People.
The laziest people on earth live on th
Sandwich Islands. None of the natlrci
do any work to speak of. Nature give
them enough to cat without any con
sldernble labor, and they seem content
ed with what they thus recelre.
Fltsnermsnentlyenred. Nnfltsnrserrrms.
new after first day's ue of Dr. Kline's (Ireat
Nerve ltetorer. i trial bottle and trentlne free
Dn. R. II. Kt.tsa, Ltd.. Kil Arch ht.,lJhlla..Pa.
Mrs. Window's PoothlnsPymn forehlldren
teeth ins, soften the Bitmtd urine; I nil anima
tion, allay, pain, euros wlndcollo.&ic.a buttle.
If afflicted with sore eyes nneTr.faae Thomp
son'. Ere-watttr.brua-Kl.UMll at Jfc.per bottle.
Is a beautiful possession. If a woman
one, and If a slnglo pearl drops off tho
sho makes haste to lltid and restore it.
Good health Is a more valuable possession
than a necklace of the most bcnutiful pearls,
vet one by one the Jewels of lcalth alipoway,
and women seem indifferent until ms onuosi
too lnte, antl they cannot bo restored.
To die lieforo you are really old is to suffer
pre mntnrc death, and that Is a sin. It is a sin
because it Is the result of repeated violations
of nature's laws.
l'aln, lassitude anil weariness, inability to
sleep, dreadful dreams, starting; violently from
sleep, are all symptoms of nerve trouble.
You cannot have nerve trouble anil keep
your health. In ninety-nino cases out of a
hundred tho womb, tho ovories nnd the bladder
aro affected. They are not vital organs, hence
they (five out soonest.
Mrs. Lvdia K. Pink-ham's Vegetable Com
pound, by building; tip tlio nerves ana restoring; woman s
organism to Its natural state, relieves all these trouble
some uterino symptoms. In ennflrirmtion of this we, by
permission, refer to tho following women, all of
Keep in Good form
during the winter. Riding will d
it, and a Columbia bicycle will do it best
of ail. You can depend on a
to give you plenty of winter exercise and just as good service
as it will in summer..
means that Columbias are the patterns for all others.
$75 to all alike"
Hartford Bicycles, "&EJEZr" $50, $45, $40.
POPE MFQ. CO., Hartford Conn,
It Columbias are not properly represented in your vicinity, let us know.
It Was Before the Day of
They Used to Sir "Woman's Work is Mover Bono."
ron all
Right Hon. W. E.
Tho Duk of Argyll
Hob. Henry Cabot Lodge
Hoa. Justin McCarthy, M. P.
nwarraoimnanlinwUlntritaliiUB nnS
flrmnn.lii. will rnnnlvn ikn pnnnr rrMnvnrrwnnk from U. ti Mntnrtpttnn IgrMnlM. to JnnMTf 1, nil, nna n hul
fnn to Jnuair I. ISSt.
Tkkl ntnr tulnnm Ik. TSASTSOrmiS. enUTMAS nnn nt TXAB't DOITSU ITOISIIBS nnd
TBS COMPANION AST OSUSnaa tor lite-la twnln nlm. nnS imbBMir to nia. It win kn an4 a
mmtIm prMMttMi to nt nf Um fcanl .! nf Comnnaiom Hnt-wl tt HMtoa. rnnn. X to a, Manrk .
Mil mini tor tk hn Mrl MMlf glfl-frM to nw SntonHMrt. Ill
Uhutrlmi entftltu or Ms Volumt Jar W and Somplt Copm of th Paper tm.
01m anil John.
Jim and John were townsmen an J ehnms,
nnd went ont to see baseball. II w a red
hot afternoon, and the bleachers were like
frying pans at breakfast time. Jim had a
bald bead nnd John had a erlek In the
back. The ant for an underdone roast
nnd Intighed at everything. Jim's bald spot
was a shining mark, like a brass door-plntn,
A stray ball, fierce and sharp, from a alse
hat, atraek the snot nnd plnnghods furrow.
It dar.ed him.. Jim's eyes and fane looked
like a sick owl's, nnd John laughed. He
laughed an hour straight along. The game
ran lata Into twilight. Meanwhile John
bar! abed his eont. and a nool, rintnp draft
fot In Its work on his bank. The time came
o leave, but John couldn't. He couldn't
bend or get up. Lnmbago bad set In In Its
worst form, He laughs best who laughs
Inst, and Jim bsd revenge. Dut they got
down town to Jim's room, when he said,
"Here's something all those athletes u.
for hurts nnd aliments, and it's the best
known eurn for Inmebaok." He rubbed It
on John's bank and some on his ewn bead.
They were both feeling eared and com
fortable from the use ot Ht. Jtenhe Oil,
which Jim always kept In a handy plaoe.
Ho wns a sport himself and knew what wot
best. They went to bed. John laughed In '
bis sleep. Both rose In the morning fresh
as daisies; then Jim lauitked at John.
There Is a Class ef People
Who are Injured by the one of coffee. Re.
cently there nan been placed In all the grocery
store, a new prepare thin celled (Iraln-O.mada
of pure Brains, that take, tlte plane of coffee.
The moet delicate ntomach receives It without
dintrens, and but few can tell It from coffee.
It doe. not coet over one-quarter as much.
Children may drink It with great beneht IS
ct. and cte. per package. Try It, Ask for
-whom speuk from experience: Miss C'KI.I.V Va
IIohnj, l'.iyj Shtirswood St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss
(RACK t'oi.f.oitn, 1134 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati. (.;
Mns. Nkwki.t., 50 Ryerson St., Hrooklyn, N. Y.: Mils.
IhAIUX Oiikko, 220 Chestnut St., Wobnrn, Muss.,
Mns. A. II. Cof.K, New ISuelicIlu, N. Y., ana many
For special symptoms Mrs. Pinklinm has prepnred a
Rnnative Wash, which will cure local troubles, tiivo these
medicines atrial.
Write to Mrs. Pinkbam, Lynn, Mass., if you arc not quite
satisfied ; you can address private questions to a woman.
TO GIVE M0RB thta ii promised has ilwtys bees tho practice of
Tho Companion. Tho two hemispheres have bees searched tor
attractive nutter for the volume for 1898, and the eontrlbo.ors for the year
include sot only popular writers of Action, but some of tho most eminent '
Statesmen, Scientists, Educator., Explorers and Loaders of Industry.
Tht following partial list of contributors indicates tho strength and
attractiveness of nszt year's volume i
Distinguished Writers.
Hon. Thomas B. Reed
Hoa. Oeorge F. Hoar
Lillian Nordica
Prof. N. S. Saater
Story-Tel lers.
Rudysrd Klpllog W. D. Howelli
Octavo Thanct Frank R. Stocktoa
I. Zangwill Mrs. Burtoo Harrison
Mary E. Wllklns Haydca Carrulh
ad more than oat hundred others.
mmt N nt mm with .I T. fnr Mrt nmkMrt.ll. to Tbn
201 Columbus Ave., BOSTON, MASS..