rfrlEItt QUEER WAY. ACTORS AND SINGERS AND THEIR REMARKS ON THE CRITIC. Callous Inltl Arraaee or Itnoranee the Com roams ttofot of tho Artutla Nature. Srrrl Cmn CHea" bj tho Innooont Ro porter. "There nro ninny nimisiiiR tiling 'about tbe artistic; ipniTromrnt," laid the Innocent reporter, "but yoo hae hi know tbe disposition 111 order to toll how funny tbey really urn. You most know enough lint to believe thrtu al ways and thfln throngh all your luter roans with the professionals there will flow an accompaniment of pony humor that aire acquaintance with Ihrse per sous an aililed pleasure. One charming ' incident of thin rim always be found in , their tiewa of whiit the newspapers say nbont them. Mm. Jamea llrown Potter i ia the only woman I ever saw who talked frankly about that aubject " 'So long an they don't Ignore me, she said, 'I don't care whnt they write. Let them fay anything ao long aa tbey aay it, but it would be horrible M be left alone. ' , "That was very truthful atatement of her own oplniona and atmoat un paralleled In ita frankness. Everybody knows that Mra. Potter haa never bnd very much to tbank tbe newapapera for tbat waa really pleasant, but ahe hnd ' plenty to be grateful for aa long aa ahe waa willing they ahonld print anything if it kept her in the public eye. "Almost aa genuine waa a young Anierican ainprr who enme bark here after ahe had made debut and some little reputation in Europe. he waa a pretty woman mid ahe hud a good voire, but ahe waa unfortunate. Onue ahe had a aore throat and another time ahe waa out of condition for aome other reason. At all event ahe waa never in condi tion to do liernelf justice. 60 there wat nothing pleasant that, even with the kindest intent ion, the new pnpera could aay about tho young womuu. One night toward the cloae of the season ahe wat . in a grand tier boi at the opera bonne. During one of the entr'artea ahe wai walking about the foyer with a friend, and halted in front of the greenroom. 'Whnt ia that room?' ber friend asked. "Planting herself deliberately in front of tbe partly opened curtains, ahe aaid in a voice audible to every man in the room, 'Oh, tbat ia the place tbey go to write, in the most .disagreeable way they can, the moat disagreeable I thinga they can think of about yon.' Tbe younger singer waa unjust, but aba ' bad no false v unity. She waa willing to I have it known that ahe read wliut the j newapapera auid about ber. Her more 1 illuatrloua colleagues are not alwaya ac j willing to admit tbat. "1 have heard Mile. Calve protest that ahe never aaw any newspaper but . the Paris Figaro, and declare tiint aba ! really had not the slightest idea wbal J New York papera wrote about ber. eht ' aaid thia 0110 day while waiting outside of Maurice Grau'a office at tbe Metro politan, and then turning autldenly tc a reporter atauding near her asked if ht was the man that wrote abe had signed a contract to give aome concerta at (9,000 a night when abe waa really tc receive $2,100. The man did not un derstand French, ao Mile. Calve'a com panion translated the question iutc English. Tbe wuu replied thut he rep resented another uewspnper, and when abe turned thia into French for Mile. Calve abe meutioned tbe name of the newspaper from which she bad bad translated the dreadfully erroncoui paragraph which had led the publio tc believe tiint Mile. Calve had consented to tuke 9300 lesa than abe waa to get; "Mme. Euinea haa an indicated in difference for what the newapapera aay which ia aoinetiines a little bit difficult to reconcile with her intimate knowl edge of what they publish about ber. Mme. Melba ia also familiar witb them, and ahe ia a little lesa averse to having that fact known than Mma Eauies ia. It ia well known tbat Mme. Nordica tukea ber press olipplnga witb . ber coffee, and ahe niakea no bouea ol it Jeaa de Reacke ia a regular reader of what the newapapera have to aay about him, and, whatever be may think about it in reality, be never, but in ont inatance, took any notice of it Plancon enjoys reading the agreeable tbiugi tbat are written about him and doean't care who knowa it Only tbe women profeaa to be wholly ignorant of what tbe newapapera write. "With the actreasei the oaae ia very much the same. The celebrated foreign era, according to their own accounts, are quite unacquainted with anything tbat tbe American press may writs about them. Agnea Sorma aaid that ah did not intend to read any of tbe crit icisms of ber work until ahe atarted borne on tbe steamer. It didn't take conversation of more than three min utes to show that abe bad a fairly ac curate knowledge of everything that bad been printed about ber. It mual have been aome superior aort of clair voyance tbat ia possible only to tbe ar- . tiatio temperament, for hadn't she aaid that none of them would be read nntil the bad got on the steamer to go to Eu' rope? Sarah Bernhardt baa them all translated to ber and accompanies tbe performance with more or lesa emphatic refleotiona on the intelligence of tba writera who do not agree with ber own ideaa of what ahe doea. It ia aaid thai tbe atmosphere of tbe Hoffman Houat waa heavily charged with brimstone for several daya after Mme. Sarah bad the New York accounts of ber performance of 'Mugda' read aloud to her in Eng lish. When the American aotors read unfavorable accounts of themselves, they are always able to' tell haw tbey came to be written. There isVwnyi - aome specific cause for everything unfa vorable. Eitbur they snubbed the writer accidentally or auid something disagree able about him to one of bia frieuda. There ia never any explanation beyond their bold trutbf nines for the flattering notice that appear. New York Sun. A Good Story of Sherldaa. ' Sheridan once had occasion to call at a hoirdreaaer'a to order a wig. On be lug measure 1, the barber, who waa a liberal soul, Invited tba orator to take aome refreshment in an inner room. Here he regaled him with a bottle of port and allowed ao much hospitality that Sheridan's heart waa touched. When they roae from the table and were about separating, the latter, look ing thn burlier full iu the fare, said, "On reflecting, I don't intend that yon ahnll make my wig. " Astonished and with a blnnk visage the other erclaimed: "Good heavens, Mr. Sheridnul How can I have dis pleased youf" "Why, look you," aaid Sheridan, "yoo are an honest fellow, and, I re peat it, yon shan't niako my wig, for I never intended to pay for it I'll go to another lesa worthy sou of thn craft " Liverpool Mercury. How to Be Manila me. ' It lit a ltiilukn ! Kiipxi that tin inly way In lit" fil limkliiii In to lw b ini hi 1. C !i h 11I hi'iiltli baa tniiv to tin with ifimd liHks Hum itnytltlnif Hue. 8110I1 diwiHi'P n con-liMitlon. d'ilii, llvi-r eutiilnttit, I'lii iiniallHin. tioivims dlii(let. ,V'.. nul I'til.v '. ort'ti llf.i. but Bpoll tempi'i mid "imk" llncon'H Cchiry Kiuir Hi" li' vu cut'' Ihew trundle. H. Ali-x. Sic kn i l.s It and Will JflV-' J'nll II Xlllllll : I 'IM-Iciliril fl'll'. Liii'gu ni'i H.'hv mill ."iiie. He hNinry nf U.iwn' llllxlr I liletitti'iil Willi lliu Mutiny of New KiiiiliiHil fur I lit- hint tlfty .vein's. It cure ciiuirli and enld. I'or Mile liv II. A. Sioke. CihiIvciic Ih tlterilil-o nf the llitolel-uilt "I1111I Incath" of tuiiMllinli'. Ilr. Henry. Hax ler'n Mntrdiake llluerieuioc iliccauo iiimI prevent 1 he evil, mid ce' uiiiy W i'titi. Tor nii ! In II. A. Sllll.V. Ariili-a (Ml T.liiltni'ii! I Ih" liesl remedy ktiuwii fur sti'f Joint. I'm' vnle hy II. A. smke. DR. HENRY BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS, CURES CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS. A delightful tonio and lax ative. Can be taken by young 'and old. No dieting necessary. Eat anything yoo like and plenty of it. Builda tip "run down people making them well and vigorous. Try it. , At Draggia(a. Only B5 pr hoill. Htsry, lohsua 4 Urd, Propi, Burllngtsa, Vt For sale by II. A. SUiko. Thursday, 5 ' fl. D. DEEMER & GO., Cordially invite you to attend their First !Pall Opening, Season.'97, of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Ja'ckets and Cloaks. A Gentleman from the City Styles and Hundreds of Thursday, A Common Danger. If you have ever had a cold whleh you permitted to "wear away" It may In terest you to know that It was a danger 011s proceeding. Every cold and cough which la neglected paves tho way fur consumption, bronchitis, asthma or catarrh. Otlo'a ('lire, the famous German throat and lung remedy, will cure any cough or cold and save you from conmimpllon. Call on H. Alex. Stokn and get u twinplo bottlo freu. Larg ) bIzh 2-o. nnd fithj. VVANTF.H- r'A ITIII'I'l. MEN (Ml WdMKN In travel for re-Nii-llile i-HliililNheil lnnie In I'l'ini'.ylninlii. Hiiliuy s;.-i 11 ml ex lieliMi". INwltlull pertiiiinelit. ItefiMenrej rlni'liwe etf-iiihlre?eij HiiitniH-il eiivctnie. The .Nil I Inlinl, filar limiiriinre lllilv , Chlriiuu. OF UK I S OLDS VIIjLE. Capital. Surplus. 850,000. $5,000. '. silielirll. 1'roi.ldeiiM Xil( .1le( lelliiml, Vleo Pre.! .lohti II. Haiii'li.ri 4'nliler. Directors! I'. Mlti'lii'M, A-i.lt Mi'Clelluml, .t I . Kln, .liilni II. I'liitieit. II. F llniwli, 1.. W. Kuller. .1. II. Kniicher. liiM'i. 11 tfi'iieinl Ini nk tnir himlneHnaiirl hoIIi'Mi. Hie nci'oiiiilH nf ineri'hiinlN, profeMHiiitiiil men. farmer. mi'hiinlr, mliiet-, liimlH'rmeit nnfl other, itrumlMltiu (he miwl careful attention In t hu liiiMiiieHH of all iHinwimi. Hafe llepiMlt Huso for rent. Klrxt National Hank Imllillnx, NiiIhii hloek Fire Proof Vault. L. M. SNYDER, Practical ttorse-slioer and General Blacksmith. Hortttt-ntioeliiK iloiiv In thn intittit mnnnfr mid liy th( ltiiMt Improved ti i t ImmIh. Over IdOdllTi'ifnt kind) of kIhm'h niHdn for rntroo Mon of fHiilty taction Hnd dlHasi'd fetl. Only 1 litt lMnt ntttke of Mho mid iihIIm iihmI. !( puirhiic of nil kind rnrt'fi.ltv nnd promotl dtlllf. HATIKf AfTIOR UITAHANTRKII. LunWWr- monV nupplltmon liHnd. .1iu kon Ht. iWHT Fifth, lty.io.lvlllet I'u. 17ANTF.I FAITHFl'L MEN OH WOMKN In liHVcl for MMtoi!Mthl ttiihlished i hotiM lit IVmmylVHnlM. Hillary Tno nnd ex iHMtn. I'oMltlon pormiinenl. Kiftvrtnc. r.nrloHP wlf hddr'MHifl Mitmiiod inviloH. The NhiIoihiI, Httir liimirniH'fl Illdir., riilcHK", Oct. - 7th! will be here with Correct Garments to select from. Oct. 7th. ttrttlvaitb ffltn ffnbls. pKNNSYLVANIA HAILROAD. IN EFFECT AUtlUST 1, 1()7. I'hlhiilelphla A Fi le llnllroitri IMvlnlim Time Tnhlc. Train, loavp Drift winhI. KAMTWAKIi 9:111 a m Train S, neekilnyv, fur Hiliiliiny, Wllkejihurre, llnrletiiii, I'liimvllle.Hi'iatitiin, llarrlKlnira anil the Inlertneilltite nta tlim. arrlvlnii lit l'hlhiili'lihln 11:5-1 p. in., Npw Vnrk, 1::iO p. m. t llnlilmiire,n:Mi p.rn.i WanhliiKtiiii, 7:l p. 111 riillmnn I'aihir ear from VlllliitiiKHirl In I'hlhiilelphla 11 nil pu Hiliyri' ru:irlii' 1 1 mil Klini' lo riillliui'lilillt mill Vlllliinii.iiil to llalllinoie anil Wu-h Inirlnn. :il p. m.- Tialn t ureliiliij'", fur Iliir rlflnirii mill laterineillalu nt at Inn. 11 r- I ivlim at I'hlliulelphlli 4::m A. M l New Vni k, T.'Xt a. M. I'lilliniiii Hleeplmf earn fioia I I :i 11 l-lin 1 n lii riillaili'iplila anil New nrk. IMillmlelphlii piiciK'fiM emi retiialn III li'i'iivr iimiIIkIiuIii'iI until 7::m A. M. !l:if! p. 111. Train (. iliiilv fm Hiinhiiry. Marrln Imi if mill Inlci tin iliiilc Mfil lniii, niilvlnic in I'hllailelplila. n:.v a. M : New York, H::m a. m.iiii week lavM anil lit.:! A M. im H1111 ilay; Hull Innire, il:'.'u A. M.i Wahltitfliili, 7:411 A.M. I'lillinan li'epi't ftuni File anil Wll-lliiiti-pin t to I'lillaili'lplilii anil V IHtn m-Ki t to Viiihlnixllill. r:iseliirim III uleeper for Hull Inlin e mill Wnshltnlliin w ill lie Irniivfi.rriMl Inle Vahltiutiiti Nleeier tit Wll IliiniMtMirt. I'aneieer I'liiii'he. frnm Frle In I'hlhiilelphlii and VllllatiiHHirt to llalll tnure. UF.STVVAHI) 4:41 a. m.-Traln P. weekday, for Erie, llhhf wa. liiiltnN, Clertniiiit anil Mliii'lpiil Inter mediate MtntlntiM. il:4:ia. ni.Tinln H, dally fur Frle nml Inter mediate pnitilt. ,1:4.'i p. m.--Train i weekdayn for Kline and ItiterrnptliateitalhitiM, Tlllturoil TIIAI.Nri FOIt UltlFTWOOI) I lit i M TIIK FAST ANIISOUTII. Tit A I N M leavi' New York ft:.Vi p. ni .l'lilliiili'l ililnB:.Vl p. ni t Wii-liliiKtmi B:i", p. ni., ar rivlnir at OrlfiwoiMl 4:41 a. m., weekdnyM, with Pullman sleeperi and pie.'.einrer I'fHieheK from Philadelphia lu Frle and llal tllnnre tn WllllamMHirt. TltA IN IS leave I'lilladeliihla S::m a. m.I Wasliltiirtim, '..( A. m.i lliiltlniiire. H:Ht a. m.i Yllkeliurie. 10: 1 A. M.i weekday, nrrlvlnt- al. liriftwiMnl at A:4"i t. M. with Pullman Parlnr ear fnini Philadelphia t WllliiimsiHirt mid piiHii'mter eimeh lo Kane, TltA IN II leave New York al 7:.V. p. in.; I'lillu di'lphla. 11:20 p. m. I Washliiirtiin, la in p. m. llalllmnre, 1 1 p. m.I dully nrrlvlim at lirlftwiMHl at ti:4:t a. in. Pullman -deephiir mm from Phlla. to W'lllintnMrt, atid Ihrouu'll iniMetitrer eoai'he from Philailildiln lo le and llalllmnre to Wllllntiiipiiri. (in miiiiIii.vk only fit II run nlenper Phlliidelphlii to Fi le. JOHXSONBL'HO HAIUiOAD. (Dally exeept Sunilay.) TI! A IN Id leaven Klihtway in C: V a. m.i .Inhn Hiinliiirfr at Iomih it. in., arriving at I'lermnnt. at lii:V n, m. TltAIN 'id leaven I'lermnnt at 11:11" a. m. nr rl.lttir at .InlimMtnlitirir at ll:4.i n. ni. and Itldxway ni U:ii4 p. in. UIDOWAY & CLKAHl'IKU) It. II. A N I) ( ON N K( TIONS. WFKKIIAY8. !(FTIIWAI!ll. NOUTIIWAItll. . M A. M." HTATToNri. 4 IK! Kenovo 4 41 IlilflwiMid A 10 Fmporhim June. SI. Mar.VM Kane .tohiiNontatrif lililuwny Island Kun Mill Haven I'royland Sl.m ih t llli lllue ItiH'k Vineyard Itun Carrier llrockway villa I.Hiien MIIU Harvey Knit Fall t'reek in Hols T li Win ill. uen. siamiaer Gen. Pa. Aa't. 4 LMCOHKNY VALLEV UAtLWAY COMPANY communclnjr Sunduy, May Kl, ll)7, Iw Uriwlo Diviaion. A P.M. P.M. " ft on ""10 iii 4(KI : lilt! den ll :u a m "ia :tn wiS lHH 4! HMI i:i Hi ;rj II ll Af.a iTTfi (Tart II Ml fi4V II 44 7II IS IH 7 '.-O IJ 17 7 27 ti Vl 1i ill li l 7 41 U X 7 4 .1 13 : 7 4 11 II 7 M I'i 4.1 7 M l:!M aid 12 W a i7 I (17 H lit 1 I .'. H 3(1 10 im s .' H AU 7 M 4:i 7 4 4(1 7 4.1 TM Will Till (1 33 7 3 Id 7 3 P 17 724 km ; is 9 04 7 11 a vt 7 in s so 7 u) 40 4(1 I If. U 'HI K A T W A Tail. j"N o. jr N 1 1.5. N o. . III! HO " A. II. P. M. A. M. A. M. I'. M 10 Ml 4 I'i 11 Ul 4 H II HO tin 5 20 11 ;r, f. i . ;7 11 44 it i :. 13 m ft 4'i 6 w 12 211 01 11 i.i m 211 ni ia i.'i 12 :i 32 27 12 .Vi 6 411 I .'i tl Oil! ll 4S 1tJ M I 211I 7 no 7 im 10 V I HO 1 ;m; 7 10 7 11 10 Al 1 40 I 41; 7 :! 7 2-' I Mi 7 7 :r 1 MM 7 43 7 41 2 IK 7 Al 7 .Vi S ;i7 20 si; (2 4T 'a an ::; il I KM S Vi P. M. V. M A. M. A. M. I'. H STATIOlaS. I lied Dank i.awMonhatii New llnlhlelivm .ink lliilue Mayvlllo -luimiiervllla ... Iliiiokvlllu Hell Fuller IteynoldHVtlle.. Patii'oa! Fall Creek Iiullola Saliula Wlnterliurn .... Penllnld Tyler Ilenexello Orant IlllflWIKMl WKTWAHIi. Nu.2 No.ajNo.lol STATIONS. A. Ur. m. Driftwood Uriiiil , llene.ettu ..... Tyler Penlleld Wlnteruurii .. Hahiila Iiullola FallHUreek... Paneoa! Id ynolilHVlllo Kuller Hell HriMikvlllu.... Hiimmervllle.. Mayvllle OakKldire HI in ft :ni A AO 10 M tit K III llll 10 4" 11 ir 11 07 11 a 1 It 4U H All 7 will 7 IA, 7 2 7 42. 7 AO 7 Aft1 h ut; a 22 , ati S 41' 11 a; li 4 11 4 12 11 Mil 7 12 7 3A 7 ai 13 4AI 12 V.I 40 6 .V! I 20 l ?ll I a -. I ni 7 4ii 7 ft: 12 m ( Oil 2 11 2 27 a I'i a a o r 2 ;i A3' I) OH (I Id 4I1 9 Ml A. in. I 2 It. II li ft W! a 2i" a-'i New Hethlehum !.iiwonliain. Red Hunk.... II An I", m. Train dally except Siin.liiy. DA V I D MOOA ll(0. OkiTi,. Htier. J AK. P. ANDK118UN Uu'l, Pahd. Aot. B UKPALO. IIOCHF..STEU & PITTS- BUItGII KAILWAY, The Hhort line between lliiltol, Hldnway, Hi ul ford. Hnlaniam-M, HiilTalo, RoeheMter, Nlauara Fulls und itolnts in tho upper oil re if Ion. (In and after Nov. lAth. 18IK. nuiuien- iter train will arrive und depart from Falls ciceK Htaiton, auuy, except nuiiuuy, us nu lowa: 7.2A u in and l.itfi p ni fur Curwenavllle and Cleitrlield. 10.00 u m Hnffolo and Roeheter mall For Brock wo yvllle, idi!way(Joliiionliiini,Mt. . Jewell. llradford.Halainuticu. Hulfalo and llncheHtcri connecllnis at .loliiiMinitura' with P. & E. train a. fur Wilcox, Kane, Wurron.Corry and Erie. 10.37 H m AeeommiMlai Ion For Sykes, lllg Hun ana runxutnwnev. I0.3N a ni Fur Itevinildsvlilu. I.lft p m Bradfoi'd Accommodation For Beechtrce, HnK'kwayvllle. F.llmonl, l'nr mon, Hldway, JohusouburK, Mt. JewuU unu iiruurorn. 1.(5 p. m. AcrommculiHlon for Puiixhu tuwnev and 11! ir Hun. 4.2.1 p. m.-Matl-For DiiBoIh, Ryke. Ulf Htm Punxmitawney und Valton. 7.40 p m Accomniodatlon for Hit I.un and PunXHUtawney. PuHaenirera are reiiuoHted to ptirchae tick eta lafore enturln Hie cm-. An excesu charge of Ten Centa will be collected by con ductor when fiirea nro ntibl on trains, from all hi atlonwhnreu ticket ullli'e I maintained. ThoiiHund mile tlcketa al two cent ier mite, uimhi lor puaaaire out ween an aiationa. J. II. McIntyiik. Atrnnr. Full Creek, Pa. C. O. Lapev, Uen. Pu. A.-ent, UiK'hoMtep N. V. iininiiiiiimiMiMiMaouaniti.ia 5 i- r.T k 1 ltd An I EDUCATION fortuuu g' hitnd lu bltllll. lL-l 1111 M1U- .!,. l fill aTaa- irulHiuieiNoruinl 'llS : 11 uMuiiituuuiiiuutiu IIm L'IhI. WANTF.I FAlTliFrL MEN OU WOMEN " to liuvul fir rtwpti.-il)lii CHtuhlihUi'ti Iiouhu lu 1'uiuisivlvtiiilii. Huliiry mid ex- Tho lStulouul, 8iur liistuntuue Uldtf., Cblcutfo. In making a selection of Goods for FeS! and Winter Wear It is important that the choice oughly up-to-date and well assorted stock. Then there is no possibility of getting goods of doubtful style. Our offerings of DRESS GOODS, LADIES' Can be accepted as being absolutely correct, care having been taken to secure exclusive, but popular styles. In every department the articles presented will be found of a quality to command approval. Prices are wonderfully small for such value. Such goods as we have will serve better purpose else whero than on our shelves, and we sacrifice profits to make quick sales. JOB -THK- Jot) Work Department OK The Star Office Is replete with the Latest Styles of Types. Marvelous IN PRICES AT PR1BSTER BROS.' The immense stock must be reduced within 60 days. Furniture, Etc., sold for cash competition knocked on the WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANYONE. Just think! 2.50 Mattresses at $1.75. $3.00 Very Best - $5.00 Square Extension Tables 3.75. Everything else accordingly. should be made from a thor JACKETS AND CAPES N.flftNMJ. WORK! Neat Work Done on Short Notice! Reduction! at cost and below cost. All head, since we CAN AND Kitchen Chairs, six for $2.25.